Broadband Forum

TR-196 FAPService:1.1 Femto Access Point Service Data Model




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  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


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Any moral rights which are necessary to exercise under the above license grant are also deemed granted under this license.

Data Types

The Parameters defined in this specification make use of a limited subset of the default SOAP data types [SOAP1.1]. These data types and the named data types used by this specification are described below.

Note: A Parameter that is defined to be one of the named data types is reported as such at the beginning of the Parameter’s description via a reference back to the associated data type definition (e.g. [MACAddress]). However, such parameters still indicate their SOAP data types.

Data Type Base Type Description
boolean - Boolean, where the allowed values are 0 or 1 (or equivalently, true or false).
dateTime - The subset of the ISO 8601 date-time format defined by the SOAP dateTime type [SOAP1.1].
int -

Integer in the range -2147483648 to +2147483647, inclusive.

For some int types, a value range is given using the form int(Min:Max) or int(Min:Max step Step) where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

string - For strings, a minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form string(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum string length in characters. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in string(Max). Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the string length will be in one of the ranges.
unsignedInt -

Unsigned integer in the range 0 to 4294967295, inclusive.

For some unsignedInt types, a value range is given using the form unsignedInt(Min:Max) or unsigned(Min:Max step Step), where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

Alias string(:64)

A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
IPAddress string(:45)

IP address, i.e. IPv4 address (or IPv4 subnet mask) or IPv6 address.

All IPv4 addresses and subnet masks MUST be represented as strings in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation. Here are some examples of valid IPv4 address textual representations:


All IPv6 addresses MUST be represented using any of the 3 standard textual representations defined in [RFC4291] Sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. Both lower-case and upper-case letters can be used, but use of lower-case letters is RECOMMENDED. Here are some examples of valid IPv6 address textual representations:

  • 1080:0:0:800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd
  • 1080::800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd
  • 0:0:0:0:0:0:

IPv6 addresses MUST NOT include zone identifiers. Zone identifiers are discussed in [Section 6/RFC4007].

Unspecified or inapplicable addresses (or IPv4 subnet masks) MUST be represented as empty strings unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition.


[3GPP-TS.03.03] 3GPP TS 03.03, Numbering, Addressing and Identification, 3GPP CT WG4.
[3GPP-TS.05.05] 3GPP TS 05.05, Radio Transmission and Reception, 3GPP GERAN WG1.
[3GPP-TS.22.011] 3GPP TS 22.011, Service accessibility, 3GPP SA WG1.
[3GPP-TS.22.220] 3GPP TS 22.220, Service requirements for Home Node B (HNB) and Home eNode B (HeNB), 3GPP SA WG1.
[3GPP-TS.23.003] 3GPP TS 23.003, Numbering, addressing and identification, 3GPP CT WG4.
[3GPP-TS.23.032] 3GPP TS 23.032, Universal Geographical Area Description (GAD), 3GPP SA WG2.
[3GPP-TS.23.060] 3GPP TS 23.060, General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Service description; Stage 2, 3GPP SA WG2.
[3GPP-TS.23.107] 3GPP TS 23.107, Quality of Service (QoS) concept and architecture, 3GPP SA WG2.
[3GPP-TS.23.401] 3GPP TS 23.401, General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) enhancements for Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) access, 3GPP SA WG2.
[3GPP-TS.24.008] 3GPP TS 24.008, Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Core network protocols; Stage 3, 3GPP CT WG1.
[3GPP-TS.25.104] 3GPP TS 25.104, Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception (FDD), 3GPP RAN WG4.
[3GPP-TS.25.133] 3GPP TS 25.133, Requirements for support of radio resource management (FDD), 3GPP RAN WG4.
[3GPP-TS.25.214] 3GPP TS 25.214, Physical layer procedures (FDD), 3GPP RAN WG1.
[3GPP-TS.25.304] 3GPP TS 25.304, User Equipment (UE) procedures in idle mode and procedures for cell reselection in connected mode, 3GPP RAN WG2.
[3GPP-TS.25.331] 3GPP TS 25.331, Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification, 3GPP RAN WG2.
[3GPP-TS.25.401] 3GPP TS 25.401, UTRAN overall description, 3GPP RAN WG3.
[3GPP-TS.25.413] 3GPP TS 25.413, UTRAN Iu interface Radio Access Network Application Part (RANAP) signalling, 3GPP RAN WG3.
[3GPP-TS.25.433] 3GPP TS 25.433, UTRAN Iub interface Node B Application Part (NBAP) signalling, 3GPP RAN WG3.
[3GPP-TS.25.469] 3GPP TS 25.469, UTRAN Iuh interface Home Node B Application Part (HNBAP) signalling, 3GPP RAN WG3.
[3GPP-TS.25.967] 3GPP TS 25.967, FDD Home NodeB RF Requirements, 3GPP RAN WG4.
[3GPP-TS.32.111-5] 3GPP TS 32.111-5, Telecommunication management; Fault Management; Part 5: Alarm Integration Reference Point (IRP): eXtensible Markup Language (XML) definitions, 3GPP SA WG5.
[3GPP-TS.32.300] 3GPP TS 32.300, Telecommunication management; Configuration Management (CM); Name convention for Managed Objects, 3GPP SA WG5.
[3GPP-TS.32.405] 3GPP TS 32.405, Telecommunication management; Performance Management (PM); Performance measurements Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (UTRAN), 3GPP SA WG5.
[3GPP-TS.32.582] 3GPP TS 32.582, Telecommunications management; Home Node B (HNB) Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P); Information model for Type 1 interface HNB to HNB Management System (HMS), 3GPP SA WG5.
[3GPP-TS.32.642] 3GPP TS 32.642, Telecommunication management; Configuration Management (CM); UTRAN network resources Integration Reference Point (IRP); Network Resource Model (NRM), 3GPP SA WG5.
[3GPP-TS.45.005] 3GPP TS 45.005, Radio transmission and reception, 3GPP GERAN WG1.
[IANA-portnumbers] IANA Port Numbers, Port Numbers, IANA.
[IANA-uri-schemes] IANA Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes Registry, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes, IANA.
[IEEE_EUI64] Guidelines for 64-bit Global Identifier (EUI-64) Registration Authority, Guidelines for 64-bit Global Identifier (EUI-64) Registration Authority, IEEE, March 1997.
[ITU-E.118] ITU E.118, The international telecommunication charge card, International Telecommunication Union, May 2006.
[ITU-X.731] ITU X.731, Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: State Management Function, International Telecommunication Union, January 1992.
[ITU-X.733] ITU X.733, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: Alarm reporting function, International Telecommunication Union, February 1992.
[RFC3280] RFC 3280, Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile, IETF, April 2002.
[RFC3550] RFC 3550, RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications, IETF, July 2003.
[RFC3873] RFC 3873, Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Management Information Base (MIB), IETF, September 2004.
[RFC3986] RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax, IETF.
[RFC4007] RFC 4007, IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture, IETF.
[RFC4122] RFC 4122, A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace, IETF, 2005.
[RFC4291] RFC 4291, IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture, IETF, 2006.
[RFC4301] RFC 4301, Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol, IETF, December 2005.
[RFC4307] RFC 4307, Cryptographic Algorithms for Use in the Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2), IETF, December 2005.
[RFC4632] RFC 4632, Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR): The Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan, IETF, 2006.
[RFC4960] RFC 4960, Stream Control Transmission Protocol, IETF, September 2007.
[RFC7159] RFC7159, The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format, IETF, March 2014.
[RFC7230] RFC 7230, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing, IETF, June 2014.
[RFC7252] RFC 7252, The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), IETF, June 2014.
[RFC8141] RFC 8141, Uniform Resource Names (URNs), IETF, April 2017.
[SOAP1.1] Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1, W3C.
[TR-069] TR-069 Amendment 6, CPE WAN Management Protocol, Broadband Forum, April 2018.
[TR-069a2] TR-069 Amendment 2, CPE WAN Management Protocol, Broadband Forum, December 2007.
[TR-098] TR-098 Amendment 2 Corrigendum 1, Internet Gateway Device Data Model for TR-069, Broadband Forum, December 2014.
[TR-106a2] TR-106 Amendment 2, Data Model Template for TR-069-Enabled Devices, Broadband Forum, November 2008.
[TR-181i2] TR-181 Issue 2 Amendment 15, Device Data Model, Broadband Forum, January 2022.
[ZigBee2007] ZigBee 2007 Specification, ZigBee 2007 Specification, ZigBee Alliance, October 2007.


Object definition.
Parameter definition.

FAPService:1.1 Data Model

For a given implementation of this data model, the Agent MUST indicate support for the highest version number of any object or parameter that it supports. For example, even if the Agent supports only a single parameter that was introduced in version 1.4, then it will indicate support for version 1.4. The version number associated with each object and parameter is shown in the Version column.

Name Type Write Description Object Default Version
FAPServiceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the FAPService table. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}. object(0:) R

The Femto Access Point (FAP) Service Object.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
DeviceType string R

The type of FAP device.

Enumeration of:

  • Standalone
  • Integrated
- 1.0
DNPrefix string(:256) W Specifies the Distinguished Name (DN) Prefix to be used when constructing full DNs which uniquely identify a FAP object, e.g. FaultMgmt.CurrentAlarm.{i}.ManagedObjectInstance. Encodes the Managed Object Prefix representation in string format as defined in [3GPP-TS.32.300]. Examples: “,SubNetwork=1,IRPAgent=1” and “SubNetwork=1” - 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Capabilities. object R This object contains parameters relating to the hardware capabilities of the FAP device. - 1.0
GPSEquipped boolean R Indicates whether the FAP is equipped with a GPS receiver or not. - 1.0
MaxTxPower unsignedInt R Indicates the maximum possible transmit power in dBm that the FAP hardware can support. - 1.0
SupportedSystems string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each entry is a type of system that the FAP supports. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • UMTS Other values are “For Future Study” (FFS).
- 1.0
MaxChildSAPerIKE unsignedInt R Indicates the maximum number of child SAs per IKE session that the device is capable of supporting. - 1.0
MaxIKESessions unsignedInt R Indicates the maximum number of IKE sessions the device is capable of supporting at any given time. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Capabilities.UMTS. object R This object contains parameters relating to the system and RF aspect of the FAP device that supports the UMTS system (i.e. 3G HNB). - 1.0
DuplexMode string R

Indicates the mode supported by the FAP. Enumeration of:

  • FDDMode Other values are “For Future Study” (FFS).
- 1.0
GSMRxSupported boolean R Indicates whether the FAP hardware supports the receiving function of GSM or not. - 1.0
HSDPASupported boolean R Indicates whether the FAP hardware supports the HSDPA capability or not. - 1.0
MaxHSDPADataRateSupported unsignedInt R If the FAP hardware supports HSDPA (HSDPASupported is true), this parameter indicates the maximum HSDPA data rate in Kbps that the device supports. - 1.0
HSUPASupported boolean R Indicates whether the FAP hardware supports the HSUPA capability or not. - 1.0
MaxHSUPADataRateSupported unsignedInt R If the FAP hardware supports HSUPA (HSUPASupported is true), this parameter indicates the maximum HSUPA data rate in Kbps that the device supports. - 1.0
MaxHSPDSCHsSupported unsignedInt(:15) R If the FAP hardware supports HSPA family (either HSDPASupported is true or HSUPASupported is true), this parameter indicates the available number of codes at the defined spreading factor (SF=16), within the complete code tree. See [Section 6.3.9/3GPP-TS.32.642] for more details. - 1.0
MaxHSSCCHsSupported unsignedInt R If the FAP hardware supports HSPA family (either HSDPASupported is true or HSUPASupported is true), this parameter indicates the available number of HS-SCCHs for one cell. See [Section 6.3.9/3GPP-TS.32.642] for more details. - 1.0
FDDBandsSupported string[](:16) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 16) of strings. Indicates the UMTS bands that the FAP supports [3GPP-TS.25.104], Release 8. At least one band MUST be supported and multiple bands MAY be supported. [3GPP-TS.25.104] Version 8.3.0 defines 14 UMTS bands (I through XIV). Each individual band is identified by its upper case Roman numeral. The order of the band indicators in the string has no significance. In case a new band is defined in the 3GPP standard in a future release of [3GPP-TS.25.104], the corresponding new upper case Roman numeral will be included in the valid band indicators. The followings are examples of valid values:

“I” (specifies only band-I is supported)
“I,II,V” (specifies 3 bands are supported)
“II,VII,I” (specifies 3 bands are supported)
- 1.0
GSMRxBandsSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the GSM receive bands that the FAP supports [3GPP-TS.45.005]. At least one band MUST be supported and multiple bands MAY be supported. [3GPP-TS.45.005] defines 14 GSM bands.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • T-GSM380
  • T-GSM410
  • GSM450
  • GSM480
  • GSM710
  • GSM750
  • T-GSM810
  • GSM850
  • P-GSM900
  • E-GSM900
  • R-GSM900
  • T-GSM900
  • DCS1800
  • PCS1900 The order of the band indicators in the string has no significance. The following is an example of a valid value.
- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig. object R This object contains parameters relating to the self-configuration capabilities of the FAP. Self-configuration is enabled in FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig. - 1.0
UARFCNConfig boolean R Indicates whether the FAP supports the self-configuration capability to determine the UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (UARFCN). If true multiple values MAY be provided in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.UARFCNDL for the FAP to select from. If false only a single value SHOULD be provided in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.UARFCNDL. - 1.0
PrimaryScramblingCodeConfig boolean R Indicates whether the FAP supports the self-configuration capability to determine the Primary Scrambling Code (PSC). If true multiple values or a range of values MAY be provided in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.PrimaryScramblingCode for the FAP to select from. If false only a single value SHOULD be provided in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.PrimaryScramblingCode. - 1.0
MaxFAPTxPowerConfig boolean R This parameter is DEPRECATED and is replaced by MaxFAPTxPowerExpandedConfig in order to define the expanded value range. - 1.0
PCPICHPowerConfig boolean R Indicates whether the FAP supports the self-configuration capability to determine the P-CPICH power. If true a range of values MAY be provided in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.PCPICHPower for the FAP to select from. If false only a single value SHOULD be provided in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.PCPICHPower as an upper bound. - 1.0
MaxULTxPowerConfig boolean R Indicates whether the FAP supports the self-configuration capability to determine the Maximum UL Transmit Power. If true a range of values MAY be provided in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.MaxULTxPower for the FAP to select from. If false only a single value SHOULD be provided in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.MaxULTxPower. - 1.0
LACRACURAConfig boolean R Indicates whether the FAP supports the self-configuration capability to determine the LAC, RAC, and URA. If true multiple values MAY be provided in CellConfig.UMTS.CN.LACRAC and CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.URAList for the FAP to select from. If false only a single value SHOULD be provided in CellConfig.UMTS.CN.LACRAC and CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.URAList. - 1.0
NeighborListConfig boolean R Indicates whether the FAP supports the self-configuration capability to determine the neighbor list. If true the ACS uses the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.IntraFreqCell.{i}., CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterFreqCell.{i}., CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterRATCell. tables to explicitly include or exclude entries and the FAP uses that information to determine the final configuration found in the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborListInUse.IntraFreqCell.{i}., CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborListInUse.InterFreqCell.{i}., CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborListInUse.InterRATCell. tables. If false the ACS uses the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.IntraFreqCell.{i}., CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterFreqCell.{i}., CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterRATCell. tables to only specify the included entries and the FAP uses that list. - 1.0
CellReSelectionConfig boolean R Indicates whether the FAP supports the self-configuration capability to determine cell-reselection values. If true CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.CellSelection. can be self-configured. If false CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.CellSelection. is provided by the ACS. - 1.0
IntraFreqMeasConfig boolean R Indicates whether the FAP supports the self-configuration capability to determine intra-frequency measurement values. If true CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.IntraFreqMeas. can be self-configured. If false CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.IntraFreqMeas. is provided by the ACS. - 1.0
InterFreqMeasConfig boolean R Indicates whether the FAP supports the self-configuration capability to determine inter-frequency measurement values. If true CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.InterFreqMeas. can be self-configured. If false CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.InterFreqMeas. is provided by the ACS. - 1.0
InterRATMeasConfig boolean R Indicates whether the FAP supports the self-configuration capability to determine inter-RAT measurement values. If true CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.InterRATMeas. can be self-configured. If false CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.InterRATMeas. is provided by the ACS. - 1.0
UEInternalMeasConfig boolean R Indicates whether the FAP supports the self-configuration capability to determine UE internal measurement values. If true CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.UEInternalMeas. can be self-configured. If false CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.UEInternalMeas. is provided by the ACS. - 1.0
MaxFAPTxPowerExpandedConfig boolean R This parameter replaces {{param: reference to deprecated parameter FAPService.{i}.Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig.MaxFAPTxPowerConfig}} which is DEPRECATED in order to define the expanded value range. Indicates whether the FAP supports the self-configuration capability to determine the Maximum FAP Transmit Power. If true a range of values MAY be provided in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.MaxFAPTxPowerExpanded for the FAP to select from. If false only a single value SHOULD be provided in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.MaxFAPTxPowerExpanded. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.FAPControl. object R This object contains parameters relating to state management and provisioning aspects of the FAP. - 1.0
OpState boolean R

Current operational state of the FAP as defined in [ITU-X.731]. If true the FAP is currently enabled. If false the FAP is currently disabled.

This parameter MUST always be included in Inform messages.

Active Notification MUST by default be enabled for this parameter.

- 1.0
AdminState boolean W Lock or unlock the FAP. This controls the administrative state of the FAP as defined in [ITU-X.731]. If true Unlocked with permission to serve traffic (and enable RF transmitter(s)). If false Locked. Transition FAP to state where it is NOT permitted to serve traffic. RF transmitter is disabled. Given that this command controls the FAP’s RF transmitter, the underlying expectation is that the unlock is done when all necessary conditions are met to allow the transmitter to key on and provide service, including aspects such as:
  1. location verification (including meeting the governing regulatory requirements)
  2. verifying the FAP configuration
  3. if physical tampering is supported and no physical tampering is detected. The default value after power-on is false.
- 1.0
RFTxStatus boolean R

Current status of this RF transmitter. true indicates that the 3G Tx transmitter is on. false indicates that the 3G Tx transmitter is off. This state is tied to the Administrative state which is controlled by the ACS.

When the ACS sets AdminState to true, then the FAP has permission to turn on the RF transmitter.
When the ACS sets AdminState to false, then the FAP is not allowed to provide service and MUST turn off the RF transmitter.

This parameter MUST always be included in Inform messages.

Active Notification MUST by default be enabled for this parameter.

- 1.0
SelfConfigEvents string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each item is an event that causes the FAP to perform self configuration as defined by FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig. Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor-specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section3.3/TR-106a2] MUST be adhered to.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • InitialREM (Self-configuration is initiated upon completion of Radio Environment Measurement (REM) that occurs after sending a BOOTSTRAP)
- 1.0
EnclosureTamperingDetected boolean W This parameter indicates whether or not physical tampering of the device enclosure occurred, such as illegal opening of the box. If true device tampering is detected. If false no sign of device tampering is detected. Tampering state must be persisted across reboots and the device MUST never reset it back from true to false even after a factory reset. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.FAPControl.UMTS. object R This object contains parameters relating to the UMTS system specific information. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig. object R This object contains parameters relating to the controlling of self-configuration capabilities in the FAP. - 1.0
UARFCNSelfConfigEnable boolean W Indicates whether the self-configuration capability in the FAP is used or not to determine the values of CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.CSG.UARFCNDLList. If true The FAP self-configures the value. If false The ACS must provide the specific value to be used. - 1.0
PrimaryScramblingCodeSelfConfigEnable boolean W Indicates whether the self-configuration capability in the FAP is used or not to determine the value of CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.PrimaryScramblingCode. If true the FAP self-configures the value. If false the ACS must provide the specific value to be used. - 1.0
MaxFAPTxPowerSelfConfigEnable boolean W This parameter is DEPRECATED and is replaced by MaxFAPTxPowerExpandedSelfConfigEnable in order to define the expanded value range. - 1.0
PCPICHPowerSelfConfigEnable boolean W Indicates whether the self-configuration capability in the FAP is used or not to determine the value of CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.PCPICHPower. If true The FAP self-configures the value. If false The ACS must provide the specific value to be used. - 1.0
MaxULTxPowerSelfConfigEnable boolean W Indicates whether the self-configuration capability in the FAP is used or not to determine the value of CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.MaxULTxPower. If true The FAP self-configures the value. If false The ACS must provide the specific value to be used. - 1.0
LACRACURASelfConfigEnable boolean W Indicates whether the self-configuration capability in the FAP is used or not to determine the values of CellConfig.UMTS.CN.LACRAC and CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.URAList. If true The FAP self-configures the value. If false The ACS MUST provide the specific value to be used. - 1.0
NeighborListSelfConfigEnable boolean W Indicates whether the self-configuration capability in the FAP is used or not to determine the values in the object CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList. If true The FAP self-configures the value. If false The ACS must provide the specific value to be used. - 1.0
CellReSelectionSelfConfigEnable boolean W Indicates whether the self-configuration capability in the FAP is used or not to determine Cell Selection/Reselection-related parameters in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.CellSelection. If true The FAP self-configures the value. If false The ACS must provide the specific value to be used. - 1.0
IntraFreqMeasSelfConfigEnable boolean W Indicates whether the self-configuration capability in the FAP is used or not to determine intra-frequency measurement -related parameters in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.IntraFreqMeas. If true The FAP self-configures the value. If false The ACS must provide the specific value to be used. - 1.0
InterFreqMeasSelfConfigEnable boolean W Indicates whether the self-configuration capability in the FAP is used or not to determine inter-frequency measurement -related parameters in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.InterFreqMeas. If true The FAP self-configures the value. If false The ACS must provide the specific value to be used. - 1.0
InterRATMeasSelfConfigEnable boolean W Indicates whether the self-configuration capability in the FAP is used or not to determine inter-RAT measurement -related parameters in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.InterRATMeas. If true The FAP self-configures the value. If false The ACS must provide the specific value to be used. - 1.0
UEInternalMeasConfigEnable boolean W Indicates whether the self-configuration capability in the FAP is used or not to determine UE internal measurement-related parameters in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.UEInternalMeas. If true The FAP self-configures the value. If false The ACS must provide the specific value to be used. - 1.0
MaxFAPTxPowerExpandedSelfConfigEnable boolean W This parameter replaces {{param: reference to deprecated parameter FAPService.{i}.FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig.MaxFAPTxPowerSelfConfigEnable}} which is DEPRECATED in order to define the expanded value range. Indicates whether the self-configuration capability in the FAP is used or not to determine the value of CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.MaxFAPTxPowerExpanded. If true The FAP self-configures the value. If false The ACS MUST provide the specific value to be used. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.FAPControl.UMTS.Gateway. object R This object contains parameters relating to the Gateways that FAP is connected to. - 1.0
SecGWServer1 string(:64) W First SecGW the FAP attempts to establish connection with. Either hostname or IPaddress. - 1.0
SecGWServer2 string(:64) W Second SecGW the FAP attempts to establish connection with. Either hostname or IPaddress. - 1.0
SecGWServer3 string(:64) W Third SecGW the FAP attempts to establish connection with. Either hostname or IPaddress. - 1.0
FAPGWServer1 string(:64) W First FAP-GW the FAP attempts to establish connection with. Either hostname or IPaddress. - 1.0
FAPGWServer2 string(:64) W Second FAP-GW the FAP attempts to establish connection with. Either hostname or IPaddress. - 1.0
FAPGWServer3 string(:64) W Third FAP-GW the FAP attempts to establish connection with. Either hostname or IPaddress. - 1.0
FAPGWPort unsignedInt(:65535) W Port number of FAP-GW used for initial Iuh SCTP contact. This value is specified as 29169 according to IANA definition per [IANA-portnumbers], registered on 2009-09-08. Use of IANA-defined value is recommended. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.AccessMgmt. object R This object contains parameters relating to Access Management (ACL, CSG, LIPA). Closed Subscriber Group (CSG) service behavior is specified in [3GPP-TS.22.011]. Note: Cell barring and 3GPP access class parameters are contained in CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.CellRestriction. (UMTS FAP). - 1.0
AccessMode string W

Indicates the type of access mode the FAP operates in. Enumeration of:

  • Open Access (FAP does not enforce access control. CSG Identity is not broadcast)
  • Closed Access (FAP operates as a CSG cell)
  • Hybrid Access (FAP operates as a CSG cell where at the same time, non-CSG members (incl pre-Rel8 UE) are allowed access) When the value is not Open Access non-CSG-capable UE are handled according to NonCSGUEAccessDecision. Note: This parameter controls the setting of the CSGindicator bit, specified in MIB in [3GPP-TS.25.331] (for UMTS FAP).

The factory default value MUST be Open Access.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
NonCSGUEAccessDecision string W

Indicates how the access decision is made for non-CSG-capable UE. Parameter is ignored when AccessMode is Open Access.

Enumeration of:

  • Local (FAP restricts access to members of ACL)
  • Query FAP-GW (FAP queries FGW and acts accordingly)
  • By Core (FAP allows access. Other entity in core MAY impose restrictions)

The factory default value MUST be Local.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
CSGMembershipDeterminedLocally boolean W

Indicates how the access decision is made for CSG-capable UE. Parameter is ignored when AccessMode is Open Access. If true access decision is determined the same way as for NonCSGUEAccessDecision. (E.g. if core network doesn’t (yet) support full CSG functionality.) If false FAP always allows access for CSG-capable UE. CSG enforcement is performed by MSC/SGSN (with support from HSS), or by FGW. [3GPP-TS.22.011]

The factory default value MUST be false.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
HNBIdentifier string(:48) W This parameter is DEPRECATED and is being replaced by HNBName. - 1.0
HomeZoneName string(:48) W This parameter is DEPRECATED and is being replaced by HNBName. - 1.0
MaxConcurrentCSGUsers int(-1:) W

This parameter is DEPRECATED and being replaced with MaxCSGMembers.

The factory default value MUST be -1.

- 1.0
CSGID unsignedInt(:134217727) W Defines the Closed Subscriber Group of the Access Control List. An UMTS FAP broadcasts this CSG ID in SIB3 depending on the AccessMode. - 1.0
AccessControlList string(:15)[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 15). Each entry is an IMSI. - 1.0
MaxMemberDetailEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries available in the AccessMgmt.MemberDetail.{i}. table. - 1.0
MemberDetailNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AccessMgmt.MemberDetail.{i}. table. - 1.0
MaxUEsServed int(-1:) W

Maximum number of concurrent UEs allowed at a cell. Valid for any AccessMode. A value of -1 allows an unlimited number of concurrent UEs up to the limit of FAP capacity. The setting does not affect emergency calls.

The factory default value MUST be -1.

- 1.0
HNBName string(:48) W This parameter replaces {{param: reference to deprecated parameter FAPService.{i}.AccessMgmt.HNBIdentifier}} and {{param: reference to deprecated parameter FAPService.{i}.AccessMgmt.HomeZoneName}} which are DEPRECATED. Home NodeB name. An operator-defined string that is broadcast by a CSG cell or a hybrid cell and displayed on the UE for the purpose of manual cell selection or indication that the UE is camped on the cell as specified in [Section 5.4.2/3GPP-TS.22.220]. Corresponds to parameter ‘hnb-Name’ specified in SIB20 in [Section] for an UMTS FAP. - 1.0
MaxCSGMembers int(-1:) W

Maximum number of concurrent CSG member UEs allowed at a hybrid or closed cell. A value of -1 allows an unlimited number of CSG members up to the limit of FAP capacity. The setting cannot be larger than the value of MaxUEsServed. The setting does not affect emergency calls. [3GPP-TS.22.011], [3GPP-TS.22.220].

The factory default value MUST be -1.

- 1.0
MaxNonCSGMembers int(-1:) W

Maximum number of concurerent non-CSG member UEs allowed at a hybrid cell. Valid only if AccessMode is Hybrid Access. The setting cannot be larger than the value of MaxUEsServed. The setting does not affect emergency calls.

The factory default value MUST be -1.

- 1.0
MaxResourceNonCSGMembers unsignedInt(0:100) W Maximum percentage of physical resource that can be assigned to non-CSG members aggregately at one time. In an UMTS FAP, this applies to RB resource. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.AccessMgmt.MemberDetail.{i}. object(0:) W

Details for CSG and Non-CSG members.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for IMSI.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the MemberDetail entry. false 1.0
IMSI string(:15) W International Mobile Subscriber Identity of the UE. <Empty> 1.0
MSISDN string(:15) W Mobile Station International Subscriber Identity Number. Set to an empty string if unknown. <Empty> 1.0
MembershipExpires dateTime W Time when the ACL membership expires. An Unknown Time value, as defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106a2], indicates that the membership doesn’t expire. Upon expiry the FAP MUST remove the IMSI from the AccessMgmt.AccessControlList, but the entry in AccessMgmt.MemberDetail.{i}. remains. [3GPP-TS.22.011] 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.AccessMgmt.LocalIPAccess. object R Local IP access. - 1.0
Enable boolean W

Enables/disables the Local IP Access (LIA) functionality.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 1.0
MaxRulesEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries available in the AccessMgmt.LocalIPAccess.Rules.{i}. table. - 1.0
RulesNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of enteries in AccessMgmt.LocalIPAccess.Rules.{i}. table. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.AccessMgmt.LocalIPAccess.Rules.{i}. object(0:) W

Policy for selecting traffic for local IP access. Originated traffic will be NAT’ed. The rule is bi-directional, i.e. return traffic is allowed. Rules do NOT affect traffic to/from the FAP itself (such as TR-069 or control). The rules are applied to the mobile station data traffic (PS-domain) via deep packet inspection or similar method.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of DestIPAddress, DestSubnetMask and Protocol.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the forwarding entry. false 1.0
DestIPAddress string(:45) W [IPAddress] Destination IP Address. An empty string indicates no destination address is specified. An entry for which DestIPAddress and DestSubnetMask are both an empty string is a default route. <Empty> 1.0
DestSubnetMask string(:45) W [IPAddress] Destination subnet mask (IPv4) or prefix (IPv6). An empty string indicates no destination subnet mask or prefix is specified. If a destination subnet mask or prefix is specified, DestSubnetMask is ANDed with the destination address before comparing with DestIPAddress. Otherwise, the full destination address is used as-is. An entry for which DestIPAddress and DestSubnetMask are both an empty string is a default route. <Empty> 1.0
Protocol int(-1:) W IP Protocol Identifier. -1 matches any protocol. -1 1.0
Action string W

Action to be taken for traffic matching this rule.

Enumeration of:

  • Tunnel (Traffic is tunneled to FGW)
  • NAPT (Traffic is NAPT to local interface)
Tunnel 1.0
Interface string(:256) W Specifies the egress interface when Action is set to NAPT. The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. layer-3 connection object. Example: InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.{i}.LANEthernetInterfaceConfig.{i}. - 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig. object R This object contains parameters relating to configuring the FAP. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS. object R This object contains parameters relating to configuring UMTS system specific information. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.CN. object R This object contains parameters relating to configuring UMTS CN. - 1.0
PLMNType string W

Type of Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN).

Enumeration of:

  • ANSI-41
- 1.0
PLMNID string(:6) W PLMN ID consists of Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) [3GPP-TS.23.003], [3GPP-TS.24.008]. Mobile Country Code consists of three digits and uniquely identifies the country of domicile of the subscriber. Mobile Network Code consists of two or three digits and identifies the Home PLMN within a country. For a 2-digit MNC the total string length of PLMNID is 5. - 1.0
EquivPLMNID string(:6)[](:64) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 64) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 6). Each item is a PLMNID. PLMN ID consists of Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) [3GPP-TS.23.003], [3GPP-TS.24.008]. Mobile Country Code consists of three digits and uniquely identifies the country of domicile of the subscriber. Mobile Network Code consists of two or three digits and identifies the Home PLMN within a country. For a 2-digit MNC the total string length of the PLMNID is 5. - 1.0
SAC unsignedInt(0:65535) W Service Area Code (SAC) [3GPP-TS.23.003]. The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC), LAC, and SAC uniquely identifies the Service Area ID (SAI). - 1.0
LACRAC string[](:256) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a LAC/RAC combination expressed in the following format:

‘:’ Where LAC and RAC are single values, while LACrange and RACrange are inclusive and can be expressed in the following format:
“..” Location Area Code (LAC) consists of up to 5 numerical characters. The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC) and LAC uniquely identifies the Location Area ID (LAI). [Section 4.1/3GPP-TS.23.003] [Section]. Routing Area Code (RAC) consists of up to 3 numerical characters. The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC), LAC, and RAC uniquely identifies the Routing Area ID (RAI). [Section 4.2/3GPP-TS.23.003] [Section]. The FAP is to select one LAC and RAC from the combination(s) expressed in this parameter for use in LACInUse and RACInUse respectively. If a LAC occurs more than once in the list, this shall not increase the chance that it is selected over other LAC values in the list. The following are examples of the valid LACRAC combination formats:
(one list item with single value for LAC and RAC)
“64000..64100:210, 64101:211”
(two list items, first item has a LAC range)
“64000:210..214, 64001:215..219”
(two list items, both items have a RAC range for a specific LAC value)
(one list item both have a LAC range and a RAC range)
- 1.0
LACInUse unsignedInt(:65535) R The LAC being used by the FAP. Self-configuration for LAC is controlled by Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig.LACRACURAConfig from an availability perspective and FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig.LACRACURASelfConfigEnable from an enabled perspective. If the self-configuration capability is available and enabled, this parameter indicates the value selected by the FAP among the choices provided in LACRAC. If the self-configuration capability is not available or not enabled, then this parameter contains the first LAC value in LACRAC. - 1.0
RACInUse unsignedInt(:255) R The RAC being used by the FAP. Self-configuration for RAC is controlled by Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig.LACRACURAConfig from an availability perspective and FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig.LACRACURASelfConfigEnable from an enabled perspective. If the self-configuration capability is available and enabled, this parameter indicates the value selected by the FAP among the choices provided in LACRAC. If the self-configuration capability is not available or not enabled, then this parameter contains the first RAC value in LACRAC. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.CN.CSDomain. object R This object contains parameters relating to configuring the CS domain of the UMTS CN. - 1.0
T3212 unsignedInt W T3212 timeout value specified in seconds. [3GPP-TS.24.008] - 1.0
IMSIAttachDetachEnable boolean W Indicates the UE behavior regarding IMSI attach/detach procedure to the CN. [3GPP-TS.24.008] If true UE SHALL apply IMSI attach and detach procedure If false UE SHALL NOT apply IMSI attach and detach procedure - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.CN.PSDomain. object R This object contains parameters relating to configuring the PS domain of the UMTS CN. - 1.0
NetworkModeOperationCombined boolean W Network Mode of Operation of the CN. [3GPP-TS.23.060] [3GPP-TS.24.008] If true (Network Mode of Operation II) Combined procedures between CS and PS domain are not supported (i.e. Gs interface is not present). If false (Network Mode of Operation I) Combined procedures between CS and PS domain are supported (i.e. Gs interface is present). - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN. object R This object contains parameters relating to the RAN-level configuration. - 1.0
URAList unsignedInt(:65535)[1:8](:50) W Comma-separated list (1 to 8 items) (maximum number of characters 50) of unsigned integers (up to 65535). Each item is a URA (UTRAN Registration Area) to which the FAP belongs. The order of the URA values has no significance. [Section] - 1.0
URAInUse unsignedInt(:65535) R The URA being used by the FAP. Self-configuration for URA is controlled by Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig.LACRACURAConfig from an availability perspective and FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig.LACRACURASelfConfigEnable from an enabled perspective. If the FAP’s self-configuration capability for URA is available and enabled, this parameter indicates the value selected by the FAP among the choices provided in URAList. If the self-configuration capability is not available or not enabled, then this parameter contains the first URA value in URAList. - 1.0
RNCID unsignedInt(0:65535) W RNC-ID allocated to the FAP. It uniquely identifies an RNC within a PLMN. Normally, RNC-ID consists of 12 bits (i.e. a range of [0:4095]). However, if the value is larger than 4095, then Extended RNC-ID (range of [4096:65535]) is used in RANAP. The RNC-ID and Extended RNC-ID are combined into a single parameter here as there is no explicit need to have them separated. [Section] - 1.0
CellID unsignedInt(:268435455) W Cell Identity. [Section] - 1.0
TRatC unsignedInt W Guard period in seconds before sending a “RANAP:RESET ACKNOWLEDGE” message towards the Femto GW. [Section 9.5/3GPP-TS.25.413] - 1.0
TRafC unsignedInt W Maximum amount of time in seconds that the FAP SHOULD wait for receiving a “RANAP:RESET ACKNOWLEDGE” message from the Femto GW after sending a Reset to the Femto GW. [Section 9.5/3GPP-TS.25.413] - 1.0
NRafC unsignedInt(0:10) W Maximum number for RESET procedure that can be repeated in FAP. [Section] - 1.0
TigOR unsignedInt W Amount of time in seconds used to determine when the additional level of traffic reduction in CN overload should take place. While this timer is running all OVERLOAD messages or signalling pointing to congested information received by the FAP are ignored. [Section 9.5/3GPP-TS.25.413] - 1.0
TinTR unsignedInt W Amount of time in seconds used to determine when the CN overload can be considered cleared. While this timer is running, the FAP is not allowed to increase traffic. [Section 9.5/3GPP-TS.25.413] - 1.0
TDataFwd unsignedInt W Maximum amount of time in seconds for Data Forwarding at FAP. Timer is started when a “RANAP:SRNS Data Forward Command” message (or a “RANAP:Relocation Command” message) is received. At timer expiry the “SRNS Data Forwarding” procedure is completed. [Section 9.5/3GPP-TS.25.413] - 1.0
TRelocPrep unsignedInt W Maximum amount of time in seconds for the Relocation Preparation procedure. Timer is started when a “RANAP:Relocation Required” message is sent. Timer is stopped when a “RANAP:Relocation Command” or a “RANAP:Relocation Preparation Failure” message is received. [Section 9.5/3GPP-TS.25.413] - 1.0
TRelocOverall unsignedInt W Maximum amount of time in seconds for protection of the overall Relocation procedure. Timer is started when a “RANAP:Relocation Command” message is received. Timer is stopped when a “RANAP:Iu Release Command” is received or the relocation procedure is cancelled. [Section 9.5/3GPP-TS.25.413] - 1.0
HNBIDRealm string(:182) W

The “realm” portion of the HNB-ID where HNB-ID is defined in [3GPP-TS.25.469] v8.2.0 and is shown as follows:

0@ Or 1-@

The other identifiers before “@” are device dependent values. Both and are defined in [Table 36/TR-069a2]. is obtained from the USIM if it is equipped in the FAP.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.CSG. object R This object contains parameters relating to the Closed Subscriber Group (CSG). - 1.0
CSGIndicator boolean R The CSG-indicator Information Element (IE) in the Master Information Block reflects the access mode of the CSG cell. It is hence dependent on the value of AccessMgmt.AccessMode. If true the CSG-indicator IE is present, reflecting access to the CSG cell is closed. If false the CSG-indicator IE is absent, reflecting access to the CSG cell is not closed. [Section] - 1.0
UARFCNDLList unsignedInt(:16383)[](:128) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 128) of unsigned integers (up to 16383). Each item is a UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (UARFCN) in the DL direction dedicated to the CSG cells. UARFCNDLList is broadcast in SIB 11bis [Section]. The corresponding UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (UARFCN) in the UL direction is derived based on the fixed offset applicable for the frequency band. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.CSG.CSGPSCSplitInfo. object R This object contains parameters relating to the Primary Scrambling Code (PSC) split information for the CSG. Defined in SIB3/11bis [Section and]. - 1.0
StartPSCRange1Coefficient unsignedInt(0:63) W The value of this Information Element (IE) multiplied by 8 specifies the start PSC value of the first PSC range as specified in [Section]. - 1.0
NumberOfPSCs string W

This Information Element (IE) specifies the number of PSCs reserved for CSG cells in each PSC range.

Enumeration of:

  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40
  • 50
  • 64
  • 80
  • 120
  • 160
  • 256
  • alltherest
  • spare3
  • spare2
  • spare1
- 1.0
PSCRange2Offset unsignedInt(0:63) W If this Information Element (IE) is included, the UE shall calculate the second PSC range as specified in [Section]. If this Information Element (IE) is not included, the UE shall consider the second PSC range to be not present. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP. object R This object contains parameters relating to the cell-level configuration for FDD mode FAP. - 1.0
HSFlag boolean W Enables/disables the HSDPA function in the FAP. If true HSDPA is enabled (this is equivalent to a “1” in [Section 6.3.9/3GPP-TS.32.642]) If false HSDPA is disabled (this is equivalent to a “0” in [Section 6.3.9/3GPP-TS.32.642]) - 1.0
HSEnable boolean W Enables or disables HSDPA in the cell. If true HSDPA is enabled (this is equivalent to a “1” in [Section 6.3.9/3GPP-TS.32.642]) If false HSDPA is not enabled (this is equivalent to a “0” in [Section 6.3.9/3GPP-TS.32.642]) If HSFlag is false then this value MUST be false. - 1.0
NumOfHSPDSCHs unsignedInt(0:15) W The number of codes at the defined spreading factor (SF=16), within the complete code tree. [Section 6.3.9/3GPP-TS.32.642] - 1.0
NumOfHSSCCHs unsignedInt W The number of HS-SCCHs for one cell. [Section 6.3.9/3GPP-TS.32.642] - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.CellSelection. object R This object contains parameters related to cell selection and reselection. - 1.0
QualityMeasureCPICH string W

Which mechanism to use when doing CPICH quality measurements. [Section]

Enumeration of:

  • Ec/No
  • RSCP
- 1.0
QqualMin int(-24:0) W Minimum required quality measure, specified in dB. [Section and Section] This value is only meaningful if QualityMeasureCPICH has the value Ec/No and it MUST otherwise be ignored. - 1.0
QqualMinOffset unsignedInt(1:16) W

Offset for QqualMin specified in dB. [Section] This value is only meaningful if QualityMeasureCPICH has the value Ec/No and it MUST otherwise be ignored.

The factory default value MUST be 1.

- 1.0
QRxLevMin int(-115:-25) W Minimum required RX level in the cell, specified in dBm. [Section] Only odd values are valid, use of an even value MUST be rejected by the CPE. This value is only meaningful if QualityMeasureCPICH has the value RSCP and it MUST otherwise be ignored. - 1.0
DeltaQRxLevMin int(-4,-2) W Delta for the minimum required RX level in the cell, specified in dB. [Section and Section] The actual value of QRxLevMin = QRxLevMin + DeltaQRxLevMin This value is only meaningful if QualityMeasureCPICH has the value RSCP and it MUST otherwise be ignored. - 1.0
QRxLevMinOffset unsignedInt(2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16) W

Offset for QRxLevMin, specified in dB. [Section] This value is only meaningful if QualityMeasureCPICH has the value RSCP and it MUST otherwise be ignored.

The factory default value MUST be 2.

- 1.0
QHyst1s unsignedInt(0:40) W GSM and FDD Cell reselection hysteresis 1. [Section] Only even values are valid, use of an odd value MUST be rejected by the CPE. This value is only meaningful if QualityMeasureCPICH has the value RSCP and it MUST otherwise be ignored. - 1.0
QHyst2s unsignedInt(0:40) W FDD Cell reselection hysteresis 2. [Section] Only even values are valid, use of an odd value MUST be rejected by the CPE. This value is only meaningful if QualityMeasureCPICH has the value RSCP and it MUST otherwise be ignored. By default when QHyst1s is set and QHyst2s is not, then the value for QHyst2s should match the value of QHyst1s. - 1.0
TReselections unsignedInt(0:31) W A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. A UE triggers the reselection of a new cell if the cell reselection criteria are fulfilled during the time interval in seconds. Parameter defined in SIB3 [Section]. - 1.0
SIntrasearch int(-32:20) W A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the threshold for intra-frequency measurements, and for the HCS measurement rules. Only even values are valid, use of an odd value MUST be rejected by the CPE. Parameter defined in SIB3 [Section]. - 1.0
SIntersearch int(-32:20) W A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the threshold for inter-frequency measurements, and for the HCS measurement rules. Only even values are valid, use of an odd value MUST be rejected by the CPE. Parameter defined in SIB3 [Section]. - 1.0
SSearchHCS int(-105:91) W A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the threshold for intrafrequency and interfrequency measurement rules in HCS. Below this limit in the serving cell, the UE initiates measurements of all intrafrequency and interfrequency neighbouring cells of the serving cell. Only odd values are valid, use of an even value MUST be rejected by the CPE. Parameter defined in SIB3 [Section]. - 1.0
SSearchRAT int(-32:20) W A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the RAT (GSM) specific threshold for inter-RAT measurement rules. Only even values are valid, use of an odd value MUST be rejected by the CPE. Parameter defined in SIB3 [Section]. - 1.0
SHCSRAT int(-105:91) W A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the RAT (GSM) specific threshold for inter-RAT measurement rules in HCS. Only odd values are valid, use of an even value MUST be rejected by the CPE. Parameter defined in SIB3 [Section]. - 1.0
SLimitSearchRAT int(-32:20) W A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the threshold for skipping inter-RAT measurement rules in HCS. Above this RAT (GSM) specific threshold in the serving UTRA cell, the UE does not need to perform any inter-RAT measurements. Only even values are valid, use of an odd value MUST be rejected by the CPE. Parameter defined in SIB3 [Section]. - 1.0
NonHCSTCRMax string W

A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the duration in seconds for evaluating the allowed amount of cell reselections. If the number of cell reselections during the time period defined by NonHCSTCRMax exceeds NonHCSNCR, high mobility has been detected. Parameter defined in SIB3 [Section].

Enumeration of:

  • not used
  • 30
  • 60
  • 120
  • 180
  • 240
- 1.0
NonHCSNCR unsignedInt(1:16) W A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the maximum number of cell reselections. If the number of cell reselections during the NonHCSTCRMax time period exceeds the value of NonHCSNCR, high mobility has been detected. Parameter defined in SIB3 [Section]. - 1.0
NonHCSTCRMaxHyst string W

A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the cell reselection hysteresis for reverting from UE high-mobility measurements. The additional time period in seconds before UE reverts to low-mobility measurements. When the number of cell reselections during the time period defined by TCRMax no longer exceeds NCR, UE continues measurements during the time period defined by TCRMaxHyst. Parameter defined in SIB3 [Section].

Enumeration of:

  • not used
  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40
  • 50
  • 60
  • 70
- 1.0
QHCS unsignedInt(0:99) W

A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the quality threshold levels for applying prioritised hierarchical cell reselection. [Section and Section]

The factory default value MUST be 0.

- 1.0
UseOfHCS boolean W A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Indicate whether HCS is used in this cell or not. [Section] - 1.0
HCSPrio unsignedInt(0:7) W

A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the HCS priority of this cell. [Section]

The factory default value MUST be 0.

- 1.0
TCRMax string W

A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the duration in seconds for evaluating the allowed amount of cell reselections. If the number of cell reselections during the time period defined by TCRMax exceeds NCR, high mobility has been detected. Parameter defined in SIB3 [Section].

Enumeration of:

  • not used
  • 30
  • 60
  • 120
  • 180
  • 240
- 1.0
NCR unsignedInt(1:16) W A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the maximum number of cell reselections. If the number of cell reselections during the TCRMax time period exceeds the value of NCR, high mobility has been detected. Parameter defined in SIB3 [Section]. - 1.0
TCRMaxHyst string W

A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the cell reselection hysteresis for reverting from UE high-mobility measurements. The additional time period in seconds before UE reverts to low-mobility measurements. When the number of cell reselections during the time period defined by TCRMax no longer exceeds NCR, UE continues measurements during the time period defined by TCRMaxHyst. Parameter defined in SIB3 [Section].

Enumeration of:

  • not used
  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40
  • 50
  • 60
  • 70
- 1.0
UETxPwrMaxRACH int(-50:33) W A member of the set of parameters used for cell reselection functionality. Defines the maximum transmit power level, specified in dBm, that an UE may use when accessing the cell on RACH. Used to calculate Pcompensation, which is: max(UE_TXPWR_MAX_RACH – P_MAX, 0), where UE_TXPWR_MAX_RACH is UETxPwrMaxRACH and P_MAX is the max transmit power for a UE. [Section] [Section 5.2.3/3GPP-TS.25.304] - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RRCTimers. object R This object contains parameters related to miscellaneous RRC timers and constants. - 1.0
T300 unsignedInt(100:8000) W

Timer measured in milliseconds. Only the following values are considered valid:

100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 1000.

- 1.0
T301 unsignedInt(100:8000) W

Timer measured in milliseconds. Only the following values are considered valid:

100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 2000.

- 1.0
T302 unsignedInt(100:8000) W

Timer measured in milliseconds. Only the following values are considered valid:

100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 4000.

- 1.0
T304 unsignedInt(100,200,400,1000,2000) W

Timer measured in milliseconds. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 2000.

- 1.0
T305 int(-1,5,10,30,60,120,360,720) W

Timer measured in minutes. -1 indicates an unbounded timer in which there is no update. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 30.

- 1.0
T307 unsignedInt(5,10,15,20,30,40,50) W

Timer measured in seconds. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 30.

- 1.0
T308 unsignedInt(40,80,160,320) W

Timer measured in milliseconds. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 160.

- 1.0
T309 unsignedInt(1:8) W

Timer measured in seconds. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 5.

- 1.0
T310 unsignedInt(40,80,120,160,200,240,280,320) W

Timer measured in milliseconds. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 160.

- 1.0
T311 unsignedInt(250,500,750,1000,1250,1500,1750,2000) W

Timer measured in milliseconds. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 2000.

- 1.0
T312 unsignedInt(0:15) W

Timer measured in seconds. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 1.

- 1.0
T313 unsignedInt(0:15) W

Timer measured in seconds. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 3.

- 1.0
T314 unsignedInt(0,2,4,6,8,12,16,20) W

Timer measured in seconds. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 12.

- 1.0
T315 unsignedInt(0,10,30,60,180,600,1200,1800) W

Timer measured in seconds. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 180.

- 1.0
T316 int(-1,0,10,20,30,40,50) W

Timer measured in seconds. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section]. -1 indicates an unbounded timer in which there is no update.

The factory default value MUST be 30.

- 1.0
T317 unsignedInt(0,10,30,60,180,600,1200,1800) W Timer measured in seconds. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section]. - 1.0
N300 unsignedInt(0:7) W

Counter. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 3.

- 1.0
N301 unsignedInt(0:7) W

Counter. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 2.

- 1.0
N302 unsignedInt(0:7) W

Counter. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 3.

- 1.0
N304 unsignedInt(0:7) W

Counter. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 2.

- 1.0
N310 unsignedInt(0:7) W

Counter. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 4.

- 1.0
N312 unsignedInt(1:1000) W

Counter. Only the following values are considered valid:

1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000. Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 1.

- 1.0
N313 unsignedInt(1,2,4,10,20,50,100,200) W

Counter. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 20.

- 1.0
N315 unsignedInt(1:1000) W

Counter. Only the following values are considered valid:

1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000. Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. Defined in SIB1 [Section 13.1 and Section].

The factory default value MUST be 1.

- 1.0
WaitTime unsignedInt(0:15) W Time period the UE has to wait before repeating the rejected procedure. This is an IE used when sending RRC connection reject, redirecting the requesting UE to another frequency. 0 indicates that repetition is not allowed. [Section]. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.DRX. object R This object contains parameters related to DRX parameters. - 1.0
DRXCycleLengthCoefficientCS unsignedInt(6:9) W Defines the DRX cycle length coefficient for CS domain to optimize paging in idle mode. Defined in SIB1 [Section]. DRXCycleLengthCoefficientCS refers to ‘k’ in the formula as specified in [3GPP-TS.25.304], Discontinuous reception. Used by the CN CS domain to count paging occasions for discontinuous reception in Idle Mode. The duration of the DRX cycle is 2 k frames, where ‘k’ is the used DRX cycle length coefficient for CN. - 1.0
DRXCycleLengthCoefficientPS unsignedInt(6:9) W Defines the DRX cycle length coefficient for PS domain to optimize paging in idle mode. Defined in SIB1 [Section]. DRXCycleLengthCoefficientPS refers to ‘k’ in the formula as specified in [3GPP-TS.25.304], Discontinuous reception. Used by the CN PS domain to count paging occasions for discontinuous reception in Idle Mode. The duration of the DRX cycle is 2 k frames, where ‘k’ is the used DRX cycle length coefficient for CN. - 1.0
UTRANDRXCycleLengthCoefficient unsignedInt(3:9) W Defines the DRX cycle length used by UTRAN to count paging occasions for discontinuous reception in Connected Mode. The duration of the DRX cycle is 2 k frames, where ‘k’ is the used DRX cycle length coefficient for UTRAN. UTRANDRXCycleLengthCoefficient SHOULD be used by the UTRAN/FAP for UEs in Cell_PCH/Cell_FACH state. [Section] - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.PowerControl. object R This object contains parameters related to power control and RACH. - 1.0
ConstantValue int(-35:-10) W Used by the UE to calculate the initial output power, specified in dB, on PRACH according to the open loop power control procedure. Parameter in SIB5. [Section] - 1.0
PowerRampSetup unsignedInt(1:8) W This parameter is DEPRECATED and replaced by PowerRampStepUp in order to correct and align the parameter name to the intended purpose. - 1.0
PreambleRetransMax unsignedInt(1:64) W Used for the Uplink Common Channel. Defines the maximum number of preambles allowed in one preamble ramping cycle. PRACH Preamble Retrans Max is part of “PRACH power offset” which is part of “PRACH system information list”. Parameter in SIB5. [Section] - 1.0
PersistenceScaleFactor unsignedInt(2:9) W Persistence Scaling Factor for overload control. Parameter in SIB5. The value is the scaling factor multiplied by 10, e.g. 2 is a scaling factor of 0.2 - 1.0
MMax unsignedInt(1:32) W Maximum number of RACH preamble cycles. Defines how many times the PRACH preamble ramping procedure can be repeated before UE MAC reports a failure on RACH transmission to higher layers. Maximum number of RACH preamble cycles is part of “RACH transmission parameters” which is part of “PRACH system information list” which is part of SIB5. [Section] - 1.0
NB01Min unsignedInt(0:50) W RACH random back-off lower bound. NB01Min is the lower bound of the waiting time in 10 millisecond increments (i.e. 1 corresponds to 10 ms and 50 corresponds to 500 ms). NB01Min is part of “RACH transmission parameters” which is part of “PRACH system information list” which is part of SIB5. [Section] - 1.0
NB01Max unsignedInt(0:50) W RACH random back-off upper bound. NB01Max is the Upper bound of the waiting time in 10 millisecond increments (i.e. 1 corresponds to 10 ms and 50 corresponds to 500 ms). NB01Max is part of “RACH transmission parameters” which is part of “PRACH system information list” which is part of SIB5. [Section] - 1.0
PowerRampStepUp unsignedInt(1:8) W This parameter replaces {{param: reference to deprecated parameter FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.PowerControl.PowerRampSetup}} which is DEPRECATED in order to correct and align the parameter name to the intended purpose. Used for the Uplink Common Channel. Defines the Power ramp setup, specified in dB, on PRACH preamble when no acquisition indicator (AI) is detected by the UE. Parameter in SIB5. [Section] - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.CellRestriction. object R This object contains parameters related to cell access restriction. - 1.0
CellBarred boolean W Indicates whether the FAP is barred from service or not. [Section 10.3.2/3GPP-TS.25.331] - 1.0
IntraFreqCellReselectionIndicator boolean W When CellBarred is true, this indicates whether the intra-frequency cell re-selection is allowed or not. IntraFreqCellReselectionIndicator has no meaning if CellBarred is false and MUST be ignored in such cases. true means that intra-frequency cell re-selection is allowed. false means that intra-frequency cell re-selection is not allowed. [Section 10.3.2/3GPP-TS.25.331] - 1.0
TBarred unsignedInt(10,20,40,80,160,320,640,1280) W The time period in seconds during which the UE is barred from accessing the FAP. [Section 10.3.2/3GPP-TS.25.331] - 1.0
AccessClassBarredListCS unsignedInt(0:15)[] W Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (0 to 15). Each entry is an Access Class that is barred from CS service. The order of the list has no significance. [Section 10.3.2/3GPP-TS.25.331] - 1.0
AccessClassBarredListPS unsignedInt(0:15)[] W Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (0 to 15). Each entry is an Access Class that is barred from PS service. The order of the list has no significance. [Section 10.3.2/3GPP-TS.25.331] - 1.0
CellReservedForOperatorUse boolean W Indicates whether the FAP is reserved for operator use or not. [Section 10.3.2/3GPP-TS.25.331] - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.IntraFreqMeas. object R This object contains parameters relating to the intra-freq HO control parameters. - 1.0
MeasurementQuantity string W

Defines the measurement quantity for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Enumeration of: Enumeration of:

- 1.0
FilterCoefficient unsignedInt(0:9,11,13,15,17,19) W Defines the equivalent time constant of the low pass filter applied to the CPICH quality measurements, or CPICH Ec/No. [Section and Section] - 1.0
IntraFrequencyEventIdentity string[](:32) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 32) of strings. Each entry is an Event ID from the list of: 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1g, 1h, 1i Defines the identity of the event used to trigger UE reporting (in case of event-triggered reporting). [Section] Since the FAP can determine this on its own, it might not be necessary to configure it. - 1.0
TriggeringCondition2Event1a string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates which cells can trigger Event 1a. Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 1.0
TriggeringCondition1Event1b string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates which cells can trigger Event 1b. Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 1.0
TriggeringCondition2Event1e string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates which cells can trigger Event 1e. Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 1.0
TriggeringCondition1Event1f string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates which cells can trigger Event 1f. Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 1.0
ReportingRangeEvent1a unsignedInt(0:29) W Defines a constant in the inequality criterion that needs to be satisfied for an Event 1a to occur. Actual values of the range are 0.0 to 14.5 dB in steps of 0.5 dB. The value of ReportingRangeEvent1a divided by 2 yields the actual value of the range. [Section 14.1.2 and Section] - 1.0
ReportingRangeEvent1b unsignedInt(0:29) W Defines a constant in the inequality criterion that needs to be satisfied for an Event 1b to occur. Actual values of the range are 0.0 to 14.5 dB in steps of 0.5 dB. The value of ReportingRangeEvent1b divided by 2 yields the actual value of the range. [Section 14.1.2 and Section] - 1.0
WeightingFactorEvent1a unsignedInt(0:20) W Defines the weighting factor for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the weighting factor are 0.0 to 2.0 in steps of 0.1. The value of WeightingFactorEvent1a divided by 10 yields the actual value of the weighting factor. [Section] - 1.0
WeightingFactorEvent1b unsignedInt(0:20) W Defines the weighting factor for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the weighting factor are 0.0 to 2.0 in steps of 0.1. The value of WeightingFactorEvent1b divided by 10 yields the actual value of the weighting factor. [Section] - 1.0
ReportDeactivationThresholdEvent1a unsignedInt(0:7) W Defines the maximum number of cells allowed in the “active cell set” for Event 1a to occur. [Section 14.1.2 and Section] - 1.0
ReportingAmountEvent1a int(-1,1:2,4,8,16,32,64) W Defines the maximum number of MEASUREMENT REPORT messages sent by the UE in case of periodic reporting triggered by an Event 1a The value -1 is used to represent an unbounded maximum. [Section 14.1.2 and Section] - 1.0
ReportingAmountEvent1c int(-1,1:2,4,8,16,32,64) W Defines the maximum number of MEASUREMENT REPORT messages sent by the UE in case of periodic reporting triggered by an Event 1c The value -1 is used to represent an unbounded maximum. [Section 14.1.2 and Section] - 1.0
ReportingIntervalEvent1a unsignedInt(0,250,500,1000,2000,4000,8000,16000) W Defines the transmission period in milliseconds of MEASUREMENT REPORT messages sent by the UE in case of periodic reporting triggered by an Event 1a. [Section 14.1.2 and Section] - 1.0
ReportingIntervalEvent1c unsignedInt(0,250,500,1000,2000,4000,8000,16000) W Defines the transmission period in milliseconds of MEASUREMENT REPORT messages sent by the UE in case of periodic reporting triggered by an Event 1c. [Section 14.1.2 and Section] - 1.0
HysteresisEvent1a unsignedInt(0:15) W Defines the hysteresis for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the range are 0.0 to 7.5 in steps of 0.5. The value of HysteresisEvent1a divided by 2 yields the actual value of the hysteresis. [Section and Section 14.1.2/3GPP-TS.25.331] - 1.0
HysteresisEvent1b unsignedInt(0:15) W Defines the hysteresis for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the range are 0.0 to 7.5 in steps of 0.5. The value of HysteresisEvent1b divided by 2 yields the actual value of the hysteresis. [Section and Section 14.1.2/3GPP-TS.25.331] - 1.0
HysteresisEvent1c unsignedInt(0:15) W Defines the hysteresis for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the range are 0.0 to 7.5 in steps of 0.5. The value of HysteresisEvent1c divided by 2 yields the actual value of the hysteresis. [Section and Section 14.1.2/3GPP-TS.25.331] - 1.0
HysteresisEvent1e unsignedInt(0:15) W Defines the hysteresis for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the range are 0.0 to 7.5 in steps of 0.5. The value of HysteresisEvent1e divided by 2 yields the actual value of the hysteresis. [Section and Section 14.1.2/3GPP-TS.25.331] - 1.0
HysteresisEvent1f unsignedInt(0:15) W Defines the hysteresis for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the range are 0.0 to 7.5 in steps of 0.5. The value of HysteresisEvent1f divided by 2 yields the actual value of the hysteresis. [Section and Section 14.1.2/3GPP-TS.25.331] - 1.0
TimeToTriggerEvent1a unsignedInt(0:5000) W

Defines the time-to-trigger in milliseconds for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Only the following values are considered valid:

0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. [Section and Section]
- 1.0
TimeToTriggerEvent1b unsignedInt(0:5000) W

Defines the time-to-trigger in milliseconds for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Only the following values are considered valid:

0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. [Section and Section]
- 1.0
TimeToTriggerEvent1c unsignedInt(0:5000) W

Defines the time-to-trigger in milliseconds for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Only the following values are considered valid:

0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. [Section and Section]
- 1.0
TimeToTriggerEvent1e unsignedInt(0:5000) W

Defines the time-to-trigger in milliseconds for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Only the following values are considered valid:

0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. [Section and Section]
- 1.0
TimeToTriggerEvent1f unsignedInt(0:5000) W

Defines the time-to-trigger in milliseconds for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Only the following values are considered valid:

0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. [Section and Section]
- 1.0
ThresholdUsedFrequencyEvent1e int(-120:165) W Defines the reporting threshold for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. This is the “Threshold used frequency” as defined in [Section]. Each valid value of MeasurementQuantity has a different valid range. CPICH RSCP has a range of -120 dBm to -25 dBm CPICH Ec/No has a range of -24 dB to 0 dB Pathloss has a range of 30 dB to 165 dB - 1.0
ThresholdUsedFrequencyEvent1f int(-120:165) W Defines the reporting threshold for intra-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. This is the “Threshold used frequency” as defined in [Section]. Each valid value of MeasurementQuantity has a different valid range. CPICH RSCP has a range of -120 dBm to -25 dBm CPICH Ec/No has a range of -24 dB to 0 dB Pathloss has a range of 30 dB to 165 dB - 1.0
ReplacementActivationThresholdEvent1c unsignedInt(0:7) W Defines the minimum number of cells allowed in the “active cell set” for Event 1c to occur. [Section 14.1.2 and Section] - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.InterFreqMeas. object R This object contains parameters relating to the inter-freq HO related control parameters. - 1.0
MeasurementQuantity string W

Defines the measurement quantity for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Enumeration of: Enumeration of:

- 1.0
FilterCoefficient unsignedInt(0:9,11,13,15,17,19) W Defines the filter coefficient for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. [Section and Section] - 1.0
InterFrequencyEventIdentity string[](:32) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 32) of strings. Each entry is an Event ID from the list of: 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e,2f Defines the identity of the event used to trigger inter-frequency UE reporting (in case of event-triggered reporting). [Section] - 1.0
WeightingFactorEvent2a unsignedInt(0:20) W Defines the weighting factor for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the weighting factor are 0.0 to 2.0 in steps of 0.1. The value of WeightingFactorEvent2a divided by 10 yields the actual value of the weighting factor. [Section] - 1.0
WeightingFactorEvent2b unsignedInt(0:20) W Defines the weighting factor for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the weighting factor are 0.0 to 2.0 in steps of 0.1. The value of WeightingFactorEvent2b divided by 10 yields the actual value of the weighting factor. [Section] - 1.0
WeightingFactorEvent2d unsignedInt(0:20) W Defines the weighting factor for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the weighting factor are 0.0 to 2.0 in steps of 0.1. The value of WeightingFactorEvent2d divided by 10 yields the actual value of the weighting factor. [Section] - 1.0
WeightingFactorEvent2f unsignedInt(0:20) W Defines the weighting factor for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the weighting factor are 0.0 to 2.0 in steps of 0.1. The value of WeightingFactorEvent2f divided by 10 yields the actual value of the weighting factor. [Section] - 1.0
HysteresisEvent2a unsignedInt(0:29) W Defines the hysteresis for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the range are 0.0 to 14.5 in steps of 0.5. The value of HysteresisEvent2a divided by 2 yields the actual value of the hysteresis. [Section] - 1.0
HysteresisEvent2b unsignedInt(0:29) W Defines the hysteresis for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the range are 0.0 to 14.5 in steps of 0.5. The value of HysteresisEvent2b divided by 2 yields the actual value of the hysteresis. [Section] - 1.0
HysteresisEvent2d unsignedInt(0:29) W Defines the hysteresis for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the range are 0.0 to 14.5 in steps of 0.5. The value of HysteresisEvent2d divided by 2 yields the actual value of the hysteresis. [Section] - 1.0
HysteresisEvent2f unsignedInt(0:29) W Defines the hysteresis for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the range are 0.0 to 14.5 in steps of 0.5. The value of HysteresisEvent2f divided by 2 yields the actual value of the hysteresis. [Section] - 1.0
TimeToTriggerEvent2a unsignedInt(0:5000) W

Defines the time-to-trigger in milliseconds for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Only the following values are considered valid:

0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. [Section and Section]
- 1.0
TimeToTriggerEvent2b unsignedInt(0:5000) W

Defines the time-to-trigger in milliseconds for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Only the following values are considered valid:

0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. [Section and Section]
- 1.0
TimeToTriggerEvent2d unsignedInt(0:5000) W

Defines the time-to-trigger in milliseconds for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Only the following values are considered valid:

0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. [Section and Section]
- 1.0
TimeToTriggerEvent2f unsignedInt(0:5000) W

Defines the time-to-trigger in milliseconds for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Only the following values are considered valid:

0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. [Section and Section]
- 1.0
ThresholdUsedFrequencyEvent2b int(-120:0) W Defines the reporting threshold for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. This is the “Threshold used frequency” as defined in [Section]. Each valid value of MeasurementQuantity has a different valid range. CPICH RSCP has a range of -120 dBm to -25 dBm CPICH Ec/No has a range of -24 dB to 0 dB - 1.0
ThresholdUsedFrequencyEvent2d int(-120:0) W Defines the reporting threshold for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. This is the “Threshold used frequency” as defined in [Section]. Each valid value of MeasurementQuantity has a different valid range. CPICH RSCP has a range of -120 dBm to -25 dBm CPICH Ec/No has a range of -24 dB to 0 dB - 1.0
ThresholdUsedFrequencyEvent2f int(-120:0) W Defines the reporting threshold for inter-freq HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. This is the “Threshold used frequency” as defined in [Section]. Each valid value of MeasurementQuantity has a different valid range. CPICH RSCP has a range of -120 dBm to -25 dBm CPICH Ec/No has a range of -24 dB to 0 dB - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.InterRATMeas. object R This object contains parameters relating to the inter-RAT HO related control parameters. This is specifically for GERAN system. - 1.0
GSMFilterCoefficient unsignedInt(0:9,11,13,15,17,19) W Defines the filter coefficient for inter-RAT HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. [Section and Section] - 1.0
BSICVerificationRequired boolean W Indicates whether the BSIC verification is required or not for inter-RAT HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. [Section] - 1.0
WeightingFactor unsignedInt(0:20) W Defines the weighting factor for inter-RAT HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the weighting factor are 0.0 to 2.0 in steps of 0.1. The value of WeightingFactor divided by 10 yields the actual value of the weighting factor. [Section] - 1.0
Hysteresis unsignedInt(0:15) W Defines the hysteresis for inter-RAT HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Actual values of the range are 0.0 to 7.5 in steps of 0.5. The value of Hysteresis divided by 2 yields the actual value of the hysteresis. [Section] - 1.0
TimeToTrigger unsignedInt(0:5000) W

Defines the time-to-trigger in milliseconds for inter-RAT HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. Only the following values are considered valid:

0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. [Section and Section]
- 1.0
ThresholdOwnSystem int(-115:0) W Defines the reporting threshold for inter-RAT HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. This is the “Threshold own system” as defined in [Section]. - 1.0
ThresholdOtherSystem int(-115:0) W Defines the reporting threshold for inter-RAT HO measurement when the UE is in Cell-DCH state. This is the “Threshold other system” as defined in [Section]. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.UEInternalMeas. object R This object contains parameters relating to the UE internal measurement control parameters. - 1.0
FilterCoefficient unsignedInt(0:9,11,13,15,17,19) W Defines the filter coefficient for UE internal measurement. [Section and Section] - 1.0
UETxPwrThresholdEvent6a int(-50:33) W Defines the threshold for UE transmit power above which Event 6a is reported. [Section] - 1.0
TimeToTriggerEvent6a unsignedInt(0:5000) W

Defines the period in milliseconds between detection of Event 6a and sending of Measurement Report. Only the following values are considered valid:

0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. [Section]
- 1.0
UETxPwrThresholdEvent6b int(-50:33) W Defines the threshold for UE transmit power above which Event 6b is reported. [Section] - 1.0
TimeToTriggerEvent6b unsignedInt(0:5000) W

Defines the period in milliseconds between detection of Event 6b and sending of Measurement Report. Only the following values are considered valid:

0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Any value other than those and the CPE MUST reject the request. [Section]
- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF. object R This object contains parameters relating to the RF configuration. - 1.0
UARFCNDL string[1:](:64) W Comma-separated list (at least 1 item) (maximum number of characters 64) of strings. Each item is a DL UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (UARFCN) in an FDD mode cell. [Section] Self-configuration for UARFCN is controlled by Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig.UARFCNConfig from an availability perspective and FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig.UARFCNSelfConfigEnable from an enabled perspective. If the FAP’s self-configuration capability for UARFCN is available and enabled, this parameter MAY contain more than one item and the FAP is expected to select one from the list for UARFCNDLInUse. If the self-configuration capability is not available or not enabled, then this parameter SHOULD contain only a single item. The UARFCN values supplied to the list are derived based on the formula defined in [Section 5.4.3/3GPP-TS.25.104] The order of the UARFCN entries has no significance. The carrier spacing in FDD mode is fixed as defined in [3GPP-TS.25.104]. Therefore, the FAP can unambiguously derive the UL UARFCN value based on the selected DL UARFCN. - 1.0
UARFCNDLInUse unsignedInt R The DL UARFCN being used by the FAP. Self-configuration for UARFCN is controlled by Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig.UARFCNConfig from an availability perspective and FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig.UARFCNSelfConfigEnable from an enabled perspective. If the self-configuration capability is available and enabled, this parameter indicates the value selected by the FAP among the choices provided in UARFCNDL. If the self-configuration capability is not available or not enabled, then this parameter contains the first value in UARFCNDL. - 1.0
UARFCNULInUse unsignedInt R The UL UARFCN being used by the FAP. The UL UARFCN that corresponds to UARFCNDLInUse. - 1.0
UARFCNDLToProtect string[](:64) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 64) of strings. Each item is a DL UARFCNs to be protected from adjacent channel interference. “Adjacent channel” in this context means offset from the FAP’s UARFCN by 5MHz. [Section 6.4.6/3GPP-TS.25.104] If any of the items in the list are adjacent to the FAP’s own DL channel, the FAP MUST take the Primary CPICH code power measured on these channels into account as part of its maximum transmit power self-configuration. The UARFCNs in the list can belong to any operator, allowing for protection of the FAP operator’s own macro layer as well as that of other operators (only the latter is mandated by the [3GPP-TS.25.104] requirements). The list should take into account the ability of the FAP to self-configure its own DL UARFCN and so SHOULD include any channels (requiring protection) which can potentially be adjacent to the UARFCN selected by the FAP. For example, if only adjacent operator protection is required and the FAP has the ability to self-configure to any channel owned by its operator, this list would be populated with the UARFCNs immediately above and below the range of channels owned by the FAP operator. Adjacent channel protection can cause the FAP transmit power to be reduced down to as low as 8dBm. If an empty string then it indicates that there are no channels adjacent to the FAP that require protection, or that self-configuration of the FAP transmit power is not enabled. - 1.0
PrimaryScramblingCode string[1:](:32) W

Comma-separated list (at least 1 item) (maximum number of characters 32) of strings. Each item is a Primary DL Scrambling Code used by the FDD mode cell with a numeric range between 0 and 511 inclusive. [Section] Self-configuration for PSC is controlled by Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig.PrimaryScramblingCodeConfig from an availability perspective and FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig.PrimaryScramblingCodeSelfConfigEnable from an enabled perspective. If the FAP’s self-configuration capability for PrimaryScramblingCode is available and enabled, this parameter MAY contain more than one item and the FAP is expected to select one from the list for PrimaryScramblingCodeInUse. If the self-configuration capability is not available or not enabled, then this parameter SHOULD contain only a single item. The multiplicity of the PSC values can also be expressed by defining a range using “..“ (two periods) between two values. In this case, the combination of two values defines the lower-bound and upper-bound of the range inclusive. The following are examples of valid PSC string:

(explicitly specifies a single PSC value)
(specifies 3 possible PSC values to select from) “20..40”
(specifies 21 possible values between 20 and 40, inclusive) “20..40,50”
(specifies 22 possible values between 20 and 40 inclusive and a single value 50) The order of the items has no significance.
- 1.0
PrimaryScramblingCodeInUse unsignedInt R The PSC being used by the FAP. Self-configuration for PSC is controlled by Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig.PrimaryScramblingCodeConfig from an availability perspective and FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig.PrimaryScramblingCodeSelfConfigEnable from an enabled perspective. If the self-configuration capability is available and enabled, this parameter indicates the value selected by the FAP among the choices provided in PrimaryScramblingCode. If the self-configuration capability is not available or not enabled, then this parameter contains the first value in PrimaryScramblingCode. - 1.0
MaxFAPTxPower string(:64) W This parameter is DEPRECATED and is replaced by MaxFAPTxPowerExpanded in order to expand the value range. - 1.0
MaxFAPTxPowerInUse unsignedInt(0:200) R This parameter is DEPRECATED and is replaced by MaxFAPTxPowerInUseExpanded in order to expand the value range. - 1.0
MaxULTxPower string(:64) W Defines the maximum transmission power level a UE can use on PRACH. MaxULTxPower is expressed as a range of allowed maximum power levels with “..” (two periods) between the upper and lower values, i.e. “<Pmax_low>..<Pmax_high>”. MaxULTxPower identifies the limits between which the FAP can self-configure its maximum transmit power. Self-configuration for maximum transmission power is controlled by Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig.MaxULTxPowerConfig from an availability perspective and FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig.MaxULTxPowerSelfConfigEnable from an enabled perspective. <Pmax_low> and <Pmax_high> are measured in dBm and have a range of -50 to 33 incremented by 1. [Section] - 1.0
MaxULTxPowerInUse int(-50:33) R The maximum transmission power level a UE can use on PRACH. Self-configuration for maximum transmission power is controlled by Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig.MaxULTxPowerConfig from an availability perspective and FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig.MaxULTxPowerSelfConfigEnable from an enabled perspective. If the self-configuration capability is available and enabled, this parameter indicates the value selected by the FAP among the range provided in MaxULTxPower. If the self-configuration capability is not available or not enabled, then this parameter contains a value selected by the ACS. - 1.0
PCPICHPower string(:64) W The value of the transmission power of the Primary Common PIlot CHannel (P-CPICH). The P-CPICH physical channel carries the common pilots of the cell. Parameter in SIB5. PCPICHPower is expressed as a range of allowed transmission power levels with “..” (two periods) between the upper and lower values, i.e. “<Pmax_low>..<Pmax_high>”. PCPICHPower identifies the limits between which the FAP can self-configure its transmission power. Self-configuration for transmission power is controlled by Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig.PCPICHPowerConfig from an availability perspective and FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig.PCPICHPowerSelfConfigEnable from an enabled perspective. <Pmax_low> and <Pmax_high> are measured in dBm and have a range of -10.0 to 20.0 incremented by 0.1 dB. [Section 6.3.11/3GPP-TS.32.642] [Section 6.2.1/3GPP-TS.25.104] - 1.0
PCPICHPowerInUse int(-100:200) R The P-CPICH power measured in dBm currently used by the FAP. Actual values of the maximum transmission power are -10.0 dBm to 20.0 dBm in steps of 0.1 dB. The value of PCPICHPowerInUse divided by 10 yields the actual value of the maximum transmission power. Self-configuration for transmission power is controlled by Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig.PCPICHPowerConfig from an availability perspective and FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig.PCPICHPowerSelfConfigEnable from an enabled perspective. If the self-configuration capability is available and enabled, this parameter indicates the value selected by the FAP among the range provided in PCPICHPower. If the self-configuration capability is not available or not enabled, then this parameter contains a value selected by the ACS. - 1.0
PowerOffsetPilotDPDCH unsignedInt(0:24) W Defines the power offset between pilot channel and DPDCH. Actual values of the offset are 0.0 dB to 6.0 dB in steps of 0.25 dB. The value of PowerOffsetPilotDPDCH divided by 4 yields the actual value of the offset. [Section] [Section 5.2.1/3GPP-TS.25.214] - 1.0
FAPCoverageTarget unsignedInt(50:150) W Defines the target value measured in dB for the range of the FAP’s DL coverage, in terms of RF propagation loss. This value can be used by the FAP’s self-configuration algorithms to help derive transmit power levels in the presence of co-channel and adjacent channel interference. [Section 7.2.1/3GPP-TS.25.967] - 1.0
PSCHPower int(-350:150) W Defines the transmission power offset measured in dB of the Primary SCH relative to the Primary CPICH power. Actual values of the transmission power offset are -35.0 dB to 15.0 dB in steps of 0.1 dB. The value of PSCHPower divided by 10 yields the actual value of the transmission power offset. [Section 6.3.11/3GPP-TS.32.642] [Section 9.1.24 and Section] - 1.0
SSCHPower int(-350:150) W Defines the transmission power offset measured in dB of the Secondary SCH relative to the Primary CPICH power. Actual values of the transmission power offset are -35.0 dB to 15.0 dB in steps of 0.1 dB. The value of SSCHPower divided by 10 yields the actual value of the transmission power offset. [Section 6.3.11/3GPP-TS.32.642] [Section 9.1.24 and Section] - 1.0
PICHPower int(-10:5) W Defines the maximum transmission power offset measured in dB of the PICH channel relative to the Primary CPICH transmission power. [Section 6.3.9/3GPP-TS.32.642] [Section] [Section] - 1.0
PCHPower int(-350:150) W Defines the transmission power offset measured in dB of the PCH relative to the Primary CPICH power. Actual values of the transmission power offset are -35.0 dB to 15.0 dB in steps of 0.1 dB. The value of PCHPower divided by 10 yields the actual value of the transmission power offset. [Section 6.3.9/3GPP-TS.32.642] [Section and Section] - 1.0
FACHPower int(-350:150) W Defines the transmission power offset measured in dB of the FACH relative to the Primary CPICH power. Actual values of the transmission power offset are -35.0 dB to 15.0 dB in steps of 0.1 dB. The value of FACHPower divided by 10 yields the actual value of the transmission power offset. [Section 6.3.9/3GPP-TS.32.642] [Section and Section] - 1.0
BCHPower int(-350:150) W Defines the transmission power offset measured in dB of the BCH relative to the Primary CPICH power. Actual values of the transmission power offset are -35.0 dB to 15.0 dB in steps of 0.1 dB. The value of BCHPower divided by 10 yields the actual value of the transmission power offset. [Section 9.3.11/3GPP-TS.32.642] [Section 9.1.24 and Section] - 1.0
AICHPower int(-22:5) W Defines the transmission power offset measured in dB of one AICH relative to the Primary CPICH power. Parameter defined in SIB5 [Section]. Transmission power level of AICH, AP-AICH and CD/CA-ICH channels compared to CPICH. [Section 6.3.11/3GPP-TS.32.642] [Section 9.2.2.D/3GPP-TS.25.433] - 1.0
CTCHAllocationPeriod unsignedInt(1:255) W The value defines ‘N’ multiples of M(TTI) for CBS DRX calculations at the UE side. - 1.0
CBSFrameOffset unsignedInt(0:255) W Value of CBS frame offset (CTCH) on DL FACH. Parameter in SIB5 - 1.0
MaxTTI unsignedInt(1:255) W Defines the number of radio frames in the TTI of the FACH used for CTCH (MTTI). - 1.0
MaxFAPTxPowerExpanded string(:64) W This parameter replaces {{param: reference to deprecated parameter FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.MaxFAPTxPower}} which is DEPRECATED in order to expand the value range. Defines the maximum transmission power allowed on the FAP, maximum value for the linear sum of the power of all downlink physical channels, that is allowed to be used in a cell. MaxFAPTxPowerExpanded is expressed as a range of allowed maximum power levels with “..” (two periods) between the upper and lower values, i.e. “<Pmax_low>..<Pmax_high>”. MaxFAPTxPowerExpanded identifies the limits between which the FAP can self-configure its maximum transmit power. Self-configuration for maximum transmission power is controlled by Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig.MaxFAPTxPowerExpandedConfig from an availability perspective and FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig.MaxFAPTxPowerExpandedSelfConfigEnable from an enabled perspective. <Pmax_low> and <Pmax_high> are measured in dBm and have a range of -30.0 to 20.0 incremented by 0.1 dB. [Section 6.3.9/3GPP-TS.32.642] [Section 6.2.1/3GPP-TS.25.104] - 1.0
MaxFAPTxPowerInUseExpanded int(-300:200) R This parameter replaces {{param: reference to deprecated parameter FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.MaxFAPTxPowerInUse}} which is DEPRECATED in order to expand the value range. The maximum transmission power measured in dBm currently used by the FAP. Actual values of the maximum transmission power are -30.0 dBm to 20.0 dBm in steps of 0.1 dB. The value of MaxFAPTxPowerInUseExpanded divided by 10 yields the actual value of the maximum transmission power. Self-configuration for maximum transmission power is controlled by Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig.MaxFAPTxPowerExpandedConfig from an availability perspective and FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig.MaxFAPTxPowerExpandedSelfConfigEnable from an enabled perspective. If the self-configuration capability is available and enabled, this parameter indicates the value selected by the FAP among the range provided in {{param: reference to deprecated parameter FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF.MaxFAPTxPower}}. If the self-configuration capability is not available or not enabled, then this parameter contains a value selected by the ACS. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList. object R This object contains parameters relating to the neighbor list. - 1.0
MaxIntraFreqCellEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries in the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.IntraFreqCell.{i}. table. - 1.0
MaxInterFreqCellEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries in the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterFreqCell.{i}. table. - 1.0
IntraFreqCellNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.IntraFreqCell.{i}. table. - 1.0
InterFreqCellNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterFreqCell.{i}. table. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.IntraFreqCell.{i}. object(0:) W

Table containing the intra-frequency cell list provided by the ACS. The table contents may be added/deleted/modified during operation, in which case these changes shall be reflected in the broadcast information as soon as possible.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for PCPICHScramblingCode.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this entry. false 1.0
MustInclude boolean W Indicates whether this instance of the neighbor shall be included or excluded in the FAP’s NL configuration. false 1.0
PLMNID string(:6) W PLMN ID consists of Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) [3GPP-TS.23.003], [3GPP-TS.24.008]. Mobile Country Code consists of three digits and uniquely identifies the country of domicile of the subscriber. Mobile Network Code consists of two or three digits and identifies the Home PLMN within a country. For a 2-digit MNC the total string length of PLMNID is 5. <Empty> 1.0
RNCID unsignedInt(0:65535) W RNC-ID of an intra-freq neighbor cell. It uniquely identifies an RNC within a PLMN. Normally, RNC-ID consists of 12 bits (i.e. a range of [0:4095]). However, if the value is larger than 4095, then Extended RNC-ID (range of [4096:65535]) is used in RANAP. The RNC-ID and Extended RNC-ID are combined into a single parameter here as there is no explicit need to have them separated. [Section] 0 1.0
CID unsignedInt(1:65535) W Cell Identifier (C-id) that identifies a cell within an RNS. This Cell Identifier together with the controlling RNC (RNC-ID) constitutes the UTRAN Cell ID (UC-ID) and is used to identify a cell uniquely within UTRAN. C-ID is either 12-bit or 16-bit value. [Section 6.1.5/3GPP-TS.25.401]. - 1.0
LAC unsignedInt(0:65535) W Location Area Code (LAC). The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC) and LAC uniquely identifies the Location Area ID (LAI). [Section 4.1/3GPP-TS.23.003] [Section] 0 1.0
RAC unsignedInt(0:255) W Routing Area Code (RAC). The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC), LAC, and RAC uniquely identifies the Routing Area ID (RAI). [Section 4.2/3GPP-TS.23.003] [Section] 0 1.0
URA unsignedInt(0:65535) W UTRAN Registration Area (URA) [3GPP-TS.23.401]. Indicates to the UE which URA it shall use in case of overlapping URAs. [Section] 0 1.0
PCPICHScramblingCode unsignedInt(0:511) W Primary CPICH scrambling code. 0 1.0
PCPICHTxPower int(-100:500) W Primary CPICH Tx power in dBm. Actual values of the power are -10.0 dBm to 50.0 dBm in steps of 0.1 dB. The value of PCPICHTxPower divided by 10 yields the actual value of the power. [Section 6.3.11/3GPP-TS.32.642] [Section 2.2.33/3GPP-TS.25.433] 0 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterFreqCell.{i}. object(0:) W

Table containing the inter-frequency cell list provided by the ACS. The table contents may be added/deleted/modified during operation, in which case these changes shall be reflected in the broadcast information as soon as possible.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with the same values for both PCPICHScramblingCode and UARFCNDL.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this entry. false 1.0
MustInclude boolean W Indicates whether this instance of the neighbor shall be included or excluded in the FAP’s NL configuration. false 1.0
PLMNID string(:6) W PLMN ID consists of Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) [3GPP-TS.23.003], [3GPP-TS.24.008]. Mobile Country Code consists of three digits and uniquely identifies the country of domicile of the subscriber. Mobile Network Code consists of two or three digits and identifies the Home PLMN within a country. For a 2-digit MNC the total string length of PLMNID is 5. <Empty> 1.0
RNCID unsignedInt(0:65535) W RNC-ID of an intra-freq neighbor cell. It uniquely identifies an RNC within a PLMN. Normally, RNC-ID consists of 12 bits (i.e. a range of [0:4095]). However, if the value is larger than 4095, then Extended RNC-ID (range of [4096:65535]) is used in RANAP. The RNC-ID and Extended RNC-ID are combined into a single parameter here as there is no explicit need to have them separated. [Section] 0 1.0
CID unsignedInt(1:65535) W Cell Identifier (C-id) that identifies a cell within an RNS. This Cell Identifier together with the controlling RNC (RNC-ID) constitutes the UTRAN Cell ID (UC-ID) and is used to identify a cell uniquely within UTRAN. C-ID is either 12-bit or 16-bit value. [Section 6.1.5/3GPP-TS.25.401]. - 1.0
LAC unsignedInt(0:65535) W Location Area Code (LAC). The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC) and LAC uniquely identifies the Location Area ID (LAI). [Section 4.1/3GPP-TS.23.003] [Section] 0 1.0
RAC unsignedInt(0:255) W Routing Area Code (RAC). The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC), LAC, and RAC uniquely identifies the Routing Area ID (RAI). [Section 4.2/3GPP-TS.23.003] [Section] 0 1.0
URA unsignedInt(0:65535) W UTRAN Registration Area (URA) [3GPP-TS.23.401]. Indicates to the UE which URA it shall use in case of overlapping URAs. [Section] 0 1.0
UARFCNUL unsignedInt(0:16383) W The UL UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (UARFCN) in an FDD mode cell. [3GPP-TS.25.433] - 1.0
UARFCNDL unsignedInt(0:16383) W The DL UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (UARFCN) in an FDD mode cell. [3GPP-TS.25.433] - 1.0
PCPICHScramblingCode unsignedInt(0:511) W Primary CPICH scrambling code. 0 1.0
PCPICHTxPower int(-100:500) W Primary CPICH Tx power in dBm. Actual values of the power are -10.0 dBm to 50.0 dBm in steps of 0.1 dB. The value of PCPICHTxPower divided by 10 yields the actual value of the power. [Section 6.3.11/3GPP-TS.32.642] [Section 2.2.33/3GPP-TS.25.433] 0 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterRATCell. object R The inter-RAT cell lists separated by technology. [Section] - 1.0
MaxGSMEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries in the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterRATCell.GSM.{i}. table. - 1.0
GSMNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of entries in the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterRATCell.GSM.{i}. table. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterRATCell.GSM.{i}. object(0:) W

Table containing the inter-RAT cell list for GSM provided by the ACS. The table contents may be added/deleted/modified during operation, in which case these changes shall be reflected in the broadcast information as soon as possible.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for BCCHARFCN.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this entry. false 1.0
MustInclude boolean W Indicates whether this instance of the neighbor shall be included or excluded in the FAP’s NL configuration. false 1.0
PLMNID string(:6) W PLMN ID consists of Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) [3GPP-TS.23.003], [3GPP-TS.24.008]. Mobile Country Code consists of three digits and uniquely identifies the country of domicile of the subscriber. Mobile Network Code consists of two or three digits and identifies the Home PLMN within a country. For a 2-digit MNC the total string length of PLMNID is 5. <Empty> 1.0
LAC unsignedInt(0:65535) W Location Area Code (LAC). The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC) and LAC uniquely identifies the Location Area ID (LAI). [Section 4.1/3GPP-TS.23.003] [Section] 0 1.0
BSIC unsignedInt(0:255) W

BSIC of the cell per [3GPP-TS.23.003], consisting of:

Bit 7:6 – not used (“00”)
Bit 5:3 – NCC (PLMN Color Code)
Bit 2:0 – BCC (BS color code) For example, if NCC is 7 and BCC is 2 you would have 00111010 (binary) or 0x3A (hex), and the value of this parameter would be 58.
- 1.0
CI unsignedInt(0:65535) W Cell ID of the cell per [Section 4.3.1/3GPP-TS.23.003]. - 1.0
BandIndicator string W

Indicates how to interpret the BCCH ARFCN. Enumeration of:

  • GSM 850
  • GSM 900
  • DCS 1800
  • PCS 1900
- 1.0
BCCHARFCN unsignedInt(0:1023) W ARFCN of this cell. - 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborListInUse. object R This object contains parameters relating to the neighbor list used by the FAP based on its self-configuration capability and CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList. configuration of adding and excluding cells. - 1.0
MaxIntraFreqCellEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries in the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.IntraFreqCell.{i}. table. - 1.0
MaxInterFreqCellEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries in the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterFreqCell.{i}. table. - 1.0
IntraFreqCellNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.IntraFreqCell.{i}. table. - 1.0
InterFreqCellNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterFreqCell.{i}. table. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborListInUse.IntraFreqCell.{i}. object(0:) R

Table containing the intra-frequency cell list.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for PCPICHScramblingCode, or with a given value for PCPICHScramblingCode.

- 1.0
PLMNID string(:6) R PLMN ID consists of Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) [3GPP-TS.23.003], [3GPP-TS.24.008]. Mobile Country Code consists of three digits and uniquely identifies the country of domicile of the subscriber. Mobile Network Code consists of two or three digits and identifies the Home PLMN within a country. For a 2-digit MNC the total string length of PLMNID is 5. <Empty> 1.0
RNCID unsignedInt(0:65535) R RNC-ID of an intra-freq neighbor cell. It uniquely identifies an RNC within a PLMN. Normally, RNC-ID consists of 12 bits (i.e. a range of [0:4095]). However, if the value is larger than 4095, then Extended RNC-ID (range of [4096:65535]) is used in RANAP. The RNC-ID and Extended RNC-ID are combined into a single parameter here as there is no explicit need to have them separated. [Section] 0 1.0
CID unsignedInt(0:65535) R C-ID of the intra-freq neighbour cell [Section 6.1.5/3GPP-TS.25.401]. If RNCID is larger than 4095, then CID will be 12 bits (i.e. a range of [0:4095]), else CID is 16 bits long (i.e. range of [4096:65535]). This is needed to facilitate Femto to Macro handover. Used in [Section] as part of Target Cell ID. - 1.0
LAC unsignedInt(0:65535) R Location Area Code (LAC). The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC) and LAC uniquely identifies the Location Area ID (LAI). [Section 4.1/3GPP-TS.23.003] [Section] 0 1.0
RAC unsignedInt(0:255) R Routing Area Code (RAC). The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC), LAC, and RAC uniquely identifies the Routing Area ID (RAI). [Section 4.2/3GPP-TS.23.003] [Section] 0 1.0
URA unsignedInt(0:65535) R UTRAN Registration Area (URA) [3GPP-TS.23.401]. Indicates to the UE which URA it shall use in case of overlapping URAs. [Section] 0 1.0
PCPICHScramblingCode unsignedInt(0:511) R Primary CPICH scrambling code. 0 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborListInUse.InterFreqCell.{i}. object(0:) R

Table containing the inter-frequency cell list.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both PCPICHScramblingCode and UARFCNDL, or with the same values for both PCPICHScramblingCode and UARFCNDL.

- 1.0
PLMNID string(:6) R PLMN ID consists of Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) [3GPP-TS.23.003], [3GPP-TS.24.008]. Mobile Country Code consists of three digits and uniquely identifies the country of domicile of the subscriber. Mobile Network Code consists of two or three digits and identifies the Home PLMN within a country. For a 2-digit MNC the total string length of PLMNID is 5. <Empty> 1.0
RNCID unsignedInt(0:65535) R RNC-ID of an intra-freq neighbor cell. It uniquely identifies an RNC within a PLMN. Normally, RNC-ID consists of 12 bits (i.e. a range of [0:4095]). However, if the value is larger than 4095, then Extended RNC-ID (range of [4096:65535]) is used in RANAP. The RNC-ID and Extended RNC-ID are combined into a single parameter here as there is no explicit need to have them separated. [Section] 0 1.0
CID unsignedInt(0:65535) R C-ID of the intra-freq neighbour cell [Section 6.1.5/3GPP-TS.25.401]. If RNCID is larger than 4095, then CID will be 12 bits (i.e. a range of [0:4095]), else CID is 16 bits long (i.e. range of [4096:65535]). This is needed to facilitate Femto to Macro handover. Used in [Section] as part of Target Cell ID. - 1.0
LAC unsignedInt(0:65535) R Location Area Code (LAC). The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC) and LAC uniquely identifies the Location Area ID (LAI). [Section 4.1/3GPP-TS.23.003] [Section] 0 1.0
RAC unsignedInt(0:255) R Routing Area Code (RAC). The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC), LAC, and RAC uniquely identifies the Routing Area ID (RAI). [Section 4.2/3GPP-TS.23.003] [Section] 0 1.0
URA unsignedInt(0:65535) R UTRAN Registration Area (URA) [3GPP-TS.23.401]. Indicates to the UE which URA it shall use in case of overlapping URAs. [Section] 0 1.0
UARFCNUL unsignedInt(0:16383) R The UL UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (UARFCN) in an FDD mode cell. [3GPP-TS.25.433] - 1.0
UARFCNDL unsignedInt(0:16383) R The DL UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (UARFCN) in an FDD mode cell. [3GPP-TS.25.433] - 1.0
PCPICHScramblingCode unsignedInt(0:511) R Primary CPICH scrambling code. 0 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborListInUse.InterRATCell. object R The inter-RAT cell lists separated by technology. [Section] - 1.0
MaxGSMEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries in the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterRATCell.GSM.{i}. table. - 1.0
GSMNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of entries in the CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterRATCell.GSM.{i}. table. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborListInUse.InterRATCell.GSM.{i}. object(0:) R

Table containing the inter-RAT cell list for GSM.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BCCHARFCN, or with a given value for BCCHARFCN.

- 1.0
PLMNID string(:6) R PLMN ID consists of Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) [3GPP-TS.23.003], [3GPP-TS.24.008]. Mobile Country Code consists of three digits and uniquely identifies the country of domicile of the subscriber. Mobile Network Code consists of two or three digits and identifies the Home PLMN within a country. For a 2-digit MNC the total string length of PLMNID is 5. <Empty> 1.0
LAC unsignedInt(0:65535) R Location Area Code (LAC). The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC) and LAC uniquely identifies the Location Area ID (LAI). [Section 4.1/3GPP-TS.23.003] [Section] 0 1.0
BSIC unsignedInt(0:255) R

BSIC of the cell per [3GPP-TS.23.003], consisting of:

Bit 7:6 – not used (“00”)
Bit 5:3 – NCC (PLMN Color Code)
Bit 2:0 – BCC (BS color code) For example, if NCC is 7 and BCC is 2 you would have 00111010 (binary) or 0x3A (hex), and the value of this parameter would be 58.
- 1.0
CI unsignedInt(0:65535) R Cell ID of the cell per [Section 4.3.1/3GPP-TS.23.003]. - 1.0
BandIndicator string R

Indicates how to interpret the BCCH ARFCN. Enumeration of:

  • GSM 850
  • GSM 900
  • DCS 1800
  • PCS 1900
- 1.0
BCCHARFCN unsignedInt(0:1023) R ARFCN of this cell. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAB. object R This object contains parameters relating to Radio Access layers [3GPP-TS.32.405] - 1.0
RABSuccEstabCS unsignedInt R

The number of successfully established RABs (with or without queueing) for CS domain.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABFailEstabCS unsignedInt R

The number of RAB establishment failures for CS domain.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABSuccEstabPS unsignedInt R

The number of successfully established RABs for PS domain.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABFailEstabPS unsignedInt R

The number of RABs failed to establish for PS domain.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABSuccModCS unsignedInt R

The number of successfully modified RABs for CS domain.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABFailModCS unsignedInt R

The number of RABs failed to modify for CS domain.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABSuccModPS unsignedInt R

The number of successfully modified RABs for PS domain.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABFailModPS unsignedInt R

The number of RABs failed to modify for PS domain.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABSuccRelCS unsignedInt R

The number of successfully released RABs for CS domain.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABFailRelCS unsignedInt R

The number of RABs failed to release for CS domain.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABSuccRelPS unsignedInt R

The number of successfully released RABs for PS domain.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABFailRelPS unsignedInt R

The number of RABs failed to release for PS domain.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABCSSetupTimeMean unsignedInt R

The mean time in milliseconds for a FAP to establish a RAB CS connection. This measurement is obtained by accumulating the time intervals for each successful RAB establishment between the receipt by the FAP of a RANAP “RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST” message to establish a RAB for CS domain, and the first corresponding (based on RAB ID) transmission by the FAP of a RANAP “RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE” message for successfully established RABs over a granularity period (Sample Interval [Section 6.3.2/3GPP-TS.32.582]). This end value of the time will then be divided by the number of successfully established RABs observed in the granularity period to give the arithmetic mean. The accumulator SHALL be reinitialized at the beginning of each granularity period.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABCSSetupTimeMax unsignedInt R

The maximum time in milliseconds for a FAP to establish a RAB CS connection. This measurement is obtained by monitoring the time intervals for each successful RAB establishment between the receipt by the FAP of a RANAP “RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST” message to establish a RAB for CS domain, and the first corresponding (based on RAB ID) transmission by the FAP of a RANAP “RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE” message for successfully established RABs. The high tide mark of this time will be stored in a gauge; the gauge SHALL be reinitialized at the beginning of each granularity period (Sample Interval [Section 6.3.2/3GPP-TS.32.582]).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABPSSetupTimeMean unsignedInt R

The mean time in milliseconds for a FAP to establish a RAB PS connection. This measurement is obtained by accumulating the time intervals for each successful RAB establishment between the receipt by the FAP of a RANAP “RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST” message to establish a RAB for PS domain, and the first corresponding (based on RAB ID) transmission by the FAP of a RANAP “RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE” message for successfully established RABs over a granularity period (Sample Interval [Section 6.3.2/3GPP-TS.32.582]). This end value of the time will then be divided by the number of successfully established RABs observed in the granularity period to give the arithmetic mean. The accumulator SHALL be reinitialized at the beginning of each granularity period.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RABPSSetupTimeMax unsignedInt R

The maximum time in milliseconds for a FAP to establish a RAB PS connection. This measurement is obtained by monitoring the time intervals for each successful RAB establishment between the receipt by the FAP of a RANAP “RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST” message to establish a RAB for PS domain, and the first corresponding (based on RAB ID) transmission by the FAP of a RANAP “RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE” message for successfully established RABs. The high tide mark of this time will be stored in a gauge; the gauge SHALL be reinitialized at the beginning of each granularity period (Sample Interval [Section 6.3.2/3GPP-TS.32.582]).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FailHO unsignedInt R

The number of failed Handovers.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
SuccHO unsignedInt R

The number of successful Handovers.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Transport. object R This object contains parameters relating to the transport - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Transport.SCTP. object R This object contains parameters relating to SCTP as defined in [RFC4960] and [RFC3873]. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the whole SCTP object and allows the setup or release of SCTP associations and their related streams. - 1.0
HBInterval unsignedInt(1:) W

Heartbeat interval in seconds.

The factory default value MUST be 30.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MaxAssociationRetransmits unsignedInt W

Maximum number of consecutive retransmissions to a peer before an endpoint considers that the peer is unreachable and closes the association.

The factory default value MUST be 10.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MaxInitRetransmits unsignedInt W

Number of retransmission per connection-attempt.

The factory default value MUST be 8.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MaxPathRetransmits unsignedInt W

Maximum retransmission per destination address.

The factory default value MUST be 5.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RTOInitial unsignedInt W

Initial value for Retransmit timeout in milliseconds. A retransmission time value of zero means immediate retransmission.

The factory default value MUST be 3000.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RTOMax unsignedInt W

Maximum value for Retransmit timeout in milliseconds. A retransmission time value of zero means immediate retransmission.

The factory default value MUST be 6000.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RTOMin unsignedInt W

Minimum value for Retransmit timeout in milliseconds. A retransmission time value of zero means immediate retransmission. The value of this parameter MUST be lower than or equal to RTOMax.

The factory default value MUST be 1000.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ValCookieLife unsignedInt W

Valid cookie life in the 4-way start-up handshake procedure in milliseconds.

The factory default value MUST be 60000.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
OutOfBlues unsignedInt R

The number of correctly formed SCTP packets, including the proper checksum, but for which the receiver was unable to identify an appropriate association.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ChecksumErrors unsignedInt R

The number of SCTP packets received with an invalid checksum.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
OutCtrlChunks unsignedInt R

The number of SCTP control chunks sent (retransmissions are not included).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
OutOrderChunks unsignedInt R

The number of SCTP ordered data chunks sent (retransmissions are not included).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
OutUnorderChunks unsignedInt R

The number of SCTP unordered chunks (data chunks in which the U bit is set to 1) sent (retransmissions are not included).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
InCtrlChunks unsignedInt R

The number of SCTP control chunks received (no duplicate chunks included).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
InOrderChunks unsignedInt R

The number of SCTP ordered data chunks received (no duplicate chunks included).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
InUnorderChunks unsignedInt R

The number of SCTP unordered chunks (data chunks in which the U bit is set to 1) received (no duplicate chunks included).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FragUsrMsgs unsignedInt R

The number of user messages that have been sent fragmented.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ReasmUsrMsgs unsignedInt R

The number of user messages that have been received fragmented and submitted to the reassembly process.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
OutSCTPPacks unsignedInt R

The number of SCTP packets sent. Retransmitted DATA chunks are included.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
InSCTPPacks unsignedInt R

The number of SCTP packets received. Duplicates are included.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Discontinuity dateTime R The time of the last discontinuity. - 1.0
AssocNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Transport.SCTP.Assoc.{i}. Table - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Transport.SCTP.Assoc.{i}. object(0:) R

SCTP Association Table

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both PrimaryPeerAddress and LocalPort.

- 1.0
Status string R

The status of this SCTP association entry.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Active (The Association is active)
  • Progressing (The Association establishment is in progress)
  • ShuttingDown (The Association graceful shutdown is in progress)
  • Error (Indicates a locally defined error condition, OPTIONAL)
- 1.0
PrimaryPeerAddress string(:45) R

[IPAddress] The primary IP address of the peer SCTP association entity.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
LocalPort unsignedInt(0:63999) R

The local SCTP port number used for this SCTP association.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
InStreams unsignedInt R

The number of Inbound Streams according to the negotiation at association start-up.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
OutStreams unsignedInt R

The number of Outbound Streams according to the negotiation at association start-up.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
StartTime dateTime R

The start Time for the present SCTP association.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Discontinuity dateTime R

The time of the last discontinuity.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Transport.RealTime. object R This object contains parameters relating to Real Time Transport using RTP. - 1.0
RTCPEnable boolean W Enable or disable RTCP. - 1.0
SentPackets unsignedInt R

The number of sent RTP packets.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RcvPackets unsignedInt R

The number of received RTP packets.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
BytesSent unsignedInt R

Total number of RTP payload bytes sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
BytesReceived unsignedInt R

Total number of RTP payload bytes received.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Transport.RealTime.Perf. object R This object contains performances relating to Real Time Transport using RTP. - 1.0
LostRcvPackets unsignedInt R

The number of Lost RTP packets in reception.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
LostFarEndPackets unsignedInt R

The number of Far End Lost RTP packets.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Overruns unsignedInt R

Total number of times the receive jitter buffer has overrun.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Underruns unsignedInt R

Total number of times the receive jitter buffer has underrun for a CS-domain RAB.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MeanRTT unsignedInt R

The mean Round Trip Time in microseconds as computed by the source. [RFC3550]

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MaxRTT unsignedInt R

The maximum Round Trip Time in microseconds as computed by the source. [RFC3550]

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MeanReceiveJitter unsignedInt R

The mean receive jitter in microseconds as computed by the source. [RFC3550]

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MaxReceiveJitter unsignedInt R

The maximum receive jitter in microseconds as computed by the source. [RFC3550]

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MeanFarEndJitter unsignedInt R

The mean far end jitter in microseconds as computed by the source. [RFC3550]

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MaxFarEndJitter unsignedInt R

The maximum far end jitter in microseconds as computed by the source. [RFC3550]

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Packet. object R This object contains parameters relating to Packet Transport using GTP-U. - 1.0
EchoInterval unsignedInt W

Echo interval in seconds. An Echo interval value of zero means echo is disabled.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
SentPackets unsignedInt R

The number of sent GTP-U packets.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RcvPackets unsignedInt R

The number of received GTP-U packets.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Tunnel. object R This object contains parameters relating to Tunneling. - 1.0
IKESANumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Transport.Tunnel.IKESA.{i}. table. - 1.0
ChildSANumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Transport.Tunnel.ChildSA.{i}. table. - 1.0
MaxVirtualInterfaces unsignedInt R The maximum number of virtual interfaces. - 1.0
VirtualInterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Transport.Tunnel.VirtualInterface.{i}. table. - 1.0
UseForCWMP boolean W If the SecGW parameters are configured then this parameter determines whether the CWMP traffic will be sent across the IPsec tunnel or outside of the IPsec tunnel. If false then the CWMP traffic will be sent outside of the IPsec tunnel. If true then the CWMP traffic will be sent across the IPsec tunnel. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Tunnel.IKESA.{i}. object(0:) R

IKE IPsec Security Association Table. This Table is a member of the IPsec Security Association Database (SAD). [RFC4301].

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both IPAddress and SubnetMask.

- 1.0
Status string R

The status of this IKE SA entry.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Active
  • Completed
  • Progressing
  • Error (This value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition, OPTIONAL)
- 1.0
PeerAddress string(:45) R [IPAddress] The IP address of the peer SecGW. - 1.0
CreationTime dateTime R The time that the current IKE SA was set up. - 1.0
IPAddress string(:45) R

[IPAddress] The current IP address assigned to this interface by IKEv2.

Active Notification MUST by default be enabled for this parameter.

- 1.0
SubnetMask string R The current subnet mask assigned to this interface by IKEv2. - 1.0
DNSServers string(:45)[](:256) R [IPAddress] Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of IP Addresses. Each item is an IP Address of a DNS server for this interface assigned to this interface by IKEv2. - 1.0
DHCPServers string(:45)[](:256) R [IPAddress] Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of IP Addresses. Each item is an IP address of a DHCP server for this interface. A non empty list instructs the CPE to send any internal DHCP request to the address contained within this parameter. - 1.0
IntegrityErrors unsignedInt R

The number of inbound packets discarded by the IKE SA due to Integrity checking errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
OtherErrors unsignedInt R

The number of inbound packets discarded by the IKE SA due to other errors, such as anti-replay errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
AuthErrors unsignedInt R

The number of inbound packets discarded by the IKE SA due to authentication errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Tunnel.ChildSA.{i}. object(0:) R

Child IPsec Security Association Table. This Table is a member of the IPsec Security Association Database (SAD). [RFC4301].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for SPI.

- 1.0
ParentID unsignedInt R The value MUST be the instance number of a row in the Transport.Tunnel.IKESA. table, or else be 0 if no row is currently referenced. If the referenced row is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to 0. - 1.0
SPI unsignedInt R SPI value of the Child SA. - 1.0
DirectionOutbound boolean R Traffic Direction. If true this Child SA refers to outbound traffic. If false this Child SA refers to inbound traffic. - 1.0
CreationTime dateTime R The time that the current Child SA was set up. - 1.0
Traffic unsignedInt R The measured traffic in bytes transferred by the Child SA. - 1.0
IntegrityErrors unsignedInt R

The number of inbound packets discarded by the Child SA due to integrity checking errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ReplayErrors unsignedInt R

The number of inbound packets discarded by the Child SA due to anti-replay errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Tunnel.VirtualInterface.{i}. object(0:) W

Virtual Interfaces used for associating the tunnel (ephemeral) childSA pairs with the QueueManagement framework defined in the used root data model:

  • For the Device:2 root model specified in [TR-181i2] the Device.QoS.Classification.{i}. and Device.QoS.Queue.{i}. objects can be associated with these interfaces.
  • For InternetGatewayDevice root model specified in [TR-098] the InternetGatewayDevice.QueueManagement.Classification.{i}. and InternetGatewayDevice.QueueManagement.Queue.{i}. objects can be associated with these interfaces.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with the same values for both CryptoProfile and DSCPMarkPolicy.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables and disables this entry. false 1.0
CryptoProfile string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Transport.Security.CryptoProfile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. If multiple instances of VirtualInterface point to the same CryptoProfile instance, the associated Transport.Security.CryptoProfile.{i}.MaxChildSA determines whether a new IKE session will be created (dynamically) to negotiate the child SA(s) for each of the virtual interfaces; otherwise, they are negotiated through the same IKE session. <Empty> 1.0
DSCPMarkPolicy int(-2:) W DSCP to mark the outer IP header for traffic that is associated with this virtual interface. A value of -1 indicates copy from the incoming packet. A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of DSCP as defined for the UMTS QoS class [3GPP-TS.23.107]. De-tunneled packets are never re-marked. -1 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Security. object R This object contains parameters relating to Security. - 1.0
SecretNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Transport.Security.Secret.{i}. table. - 1.0
PkeyNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Transport.Security.Pkey.{i}. table. - 1.0
CryptoProfileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Transport.Security.CryptoProfile.{i}. table. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Security.Secret.{i}. object(0:) R

Shared Secret Table. This table gathers information about all types of shared secret-based credentials (UICC).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for UICCCardID, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enable or disable this Shared Secret entry - 1.0
Type string R

The type of this Shared Secret entry.

Enumeration of:

  • SIM
  • USIM
- 1.0
Status string R

The status of this Shared Secret entry.

Enumeration of:

  • Present
  • Not_present
  • Error (This value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition)
- 1.0
UICCCardID string(:19) R The UICC Card Identifier (UICCID), only numeric values are allowed. [ITU-E.118] - 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Security.Pkey.{i}. object(0:) R

Public Key Table. This table gathers information about all types of public key-based credentials, such as X.509 certificates. [RFC3280].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for SerialNumber, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Public Key entry. - 1.0
LastModif dateTime R The last modification time of this Public Key entry. - 1.0
SerialNumber string(:64) R The Serial Number field in an X.509 certificate - 1.0
Issuer string(:256) R The Issuer field in an X.509 certificate; i.e. the Distinguished Name (DN) of the entity who has signed the certificate. - 1.0
NotBefore dateTime R The beginning of the certificate validity period; i.e. the Not Before field in an X.509 certificate. - 1.0
NotAfter dateTime R The end of the certificate validity period; i.e., the Not After field in an X.509 certificate. - 1.0
Subject string(:256) R The X.501 Distinguished Name (DN) of the entity associated with the Public Key; i.e., the Subject field in an X.509 certificate. - 1.0
SubjectAlt string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a DNS Name. The Subject Alternative Names extension field in an X.509 certificate. - 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Security.CryptoProfile.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to IKEv2 and IPsec crypto profiles, which are essentially a subset of the typical IPsec SPD. [RFC4301].

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of AuthMethod, IKEEncrypt, IKEPRF, IKEIntegrity, IKEDH, ESPEncrypt and ESPIntegrity.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables and disables this entry. false 1.0
AuthMethod string W Specifies the Security mechanism and set of credentials used by the FAP to authenticate itself. The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Transport.Security.Pkey. or Transport.Security.Secret. tables. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. If an empty string, the FAP chooses the authentication method based on local policy. In order to configure the FAP for both FAP and hosting-party authentication, the object is populated with an enabled instance of the Pkey object. <Empty> 1.0
MaxChildSA unsignedInt(2,4,6,8,10) W Controls the maximum number of child SAs that can be negotiated by a single IKE session. 2 1.0
IKEEncrypt string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. IKEv2 encryption algorithm. [RFC4307]

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 3DES-CBC
IKEPRF string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. IKEv2 pseudo-random function. [RFC4307].

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • AES-XCBC-PRF-128
IKEIntegrity string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. IKEv2 integrity function. [RFC4307]

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • HMAC-SHA1-96
HMAC-SHA1-96 1.0
IKEDH string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. IKEv2 pseudo-random function. [RFC4307]

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 1024
  • 2048
2048 1.0
ESPEncrypt string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. IPsec encryption algorithm. [RFC4307]

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 3DES-CBC
  • Null
ESPIntegrity string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. IPsec integrity function. [RFC4307]

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • HMAC-SHA1-96
HMAC-SHA1-96 1.0
IPsecWindowSize unsignedInt W The size of the Anti-Replay Window. If 0 Sequence Number Verification is disabled. 0 1.0
IKERekeyLifetime unsignedInt W IKEv2 SA rekey timeout in seconds. - 1.0
IPsecRekeyLifetimeByte unsignedInt W IPsec SA rekey timeout in Kilobytes. - 1.0
IPsecRekeyLifetimeTime unsignedInt W IPsec SA rekey timeout in seconds. - 1.0
DPDTimer unsignedInt W DPD timeout in seconds. 300 1.0
NATTKeepaliveTimer unsignedInt W NAT-T keepalive timeout in seconds. 180 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.REM. object R This object contains parameters relating to REM (Radio Environment Measurement). - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.REM.WCDMAFDD. object R This object contains parameters relating to radio environment measurement capabilities for the UMTS system. - 1.0
InServiceHandling string W

FAP REM behavior with respect to ongoing active connections.

Enumeration of:

  • Immediate (Immediately perform REM, even if have active connections or idle camping UE that may be disrupted)
  • Delayed (Wait to initiate REM until no CS bearers or PS bearers of streaming or higher QoS class are assigned)

The factory default value MUST be Immediate.

- 1.0
ScanOnBoot boolean W

Enables or disables Radio Environment Measurement during the FAP start up.

The factory default value MUST be true.

- 1.0
ScanPeriodically boolean W

Enable Periodic Radio Environment Measurement on all enabled RAT.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 1.0
PeriodicInterval unsignedInt W When ScanPeriodically is true, this value indicates the interval in seconds which REM is performed while the FAP service is enabled. - 1.0
PeriodicTime dateTime W An absolute time reference in UTC to determine when the CPE will initiate the periodic REM. Each REM MUST occur at (or as soon as possible after) this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of the PeriodicInterval. PeriodicTime is used only to set the “phase” of the REM. The actual value of PeriodicTime can be arbitrarily far into the past or future. For example, if PeriodicInterval is 86400 (a day) and if PeriodicTime is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then periodic REMs will occur every day at UTC midnight. These MUST begin on the very next midnight, even if PeriodicTime refers to a day in the future. The Unknown Time value defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106a2] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. That is, the CPE MAY locally choose the time reference, and needs only to adhere to the specified PeriodicInformInterval. If absolute time is not available to the CPE, its periodic REM behavior MUST be the same as if PeriodicTime parameter was set to the Unknown Time value. - 1.0
REMPLMNList string[](:32) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 32) of strings. Each item is a PLMN ID to measure. PLMN ID consists of Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) [3GPP-TS.23.003], [3GPP-TS.24.008]. If an empty string, then no specific PLMN ID is provided, meaning that the FAP is required to scan all available PLMN IDs. - 1.0
REMBandList string(:64)[] W Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 64). Each item is a UMTS Band to measure. Each band is identified in by a roman numeral [3GPP-TS.25.104]. If an empty string then no specific UMTS band is provided, meaning that the FAP is required to scan all available bands. The order of the band indicator has no significance. - 1.0
UARFCNDLList string[](:64) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 64) of strings. Each entry is a UARFCN in the DL direction to measure. If an empty string, then no specific UARFCN is provided, meaning that the FAP is required to scan all UARFCNs that it is aware of. - 1.0
ScanTimeout unsignedInt W Specifies the time-out value in seconds, measured from the start of the REM scan, before the REM scan will time out. - 1.0
ScanStatus string R

Indicates the current status of this scan.

Enumeration of:

  • Indeterminate (The scan has not been executed and there are no valid scan results available)
  • InProgress
  • Success
  • Error
  • Error_TIMEOUT
- 1.0
ErrorDetails string(:256) R Provides more detail when the ScanStatus is either Error or Error_TIMEOUT. - 1.0
LastScanTime dateTime R

The time of the last UMTS system radio environment measurement.

Active Notification MUST by default be enabled for this parameter.

- 1.0
MaxCellEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries available in the REM.WCDMAFDD.Cell.{i}. table. - 1.0
CellNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number entries in the REM.WCDMAFDD.Cell.{i}. table.. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.REM.WCDMAFDD.Cell.{i}. object(0:) R Table indicating the components of the discovered cells. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.REM.WCDMAFDD.Cell.{i}.RF. object R Table indicating the RF aspect of the discovered cells. - 1.0
UARFCNDL unsignedInt(0:16383) R The UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (UARFCN) in the DL direction of an FDD mode cell. [3GPP-TS.25.433] - 1.0
CPICHRSCP int(-120:-25) R Received signal level in dBm of the CPICH channel. (Ref. 3GPP TS 25.133) - 1.0
CPICHEcNo int(-48:0) R Measured EcNo. (energy per chip to interference power density) in dB received in the downlink pilot channel. Actual values of the range are -24.0 dB to 0.0 dB in steps of 0.5 dB. The value of CPICHEcNo divided by 2 yields the actual value of the range. [Section] - 1.0
RSSI int(-100:-25) R This measurement is for Inter-frequency handover evaluation, measured in total dBm in the band. [Section9.1.3/3GPP-TS.25.133] - 1.0
PrimaryScramblingCode unsignedInt(0:511) R Primary scrambling code. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.REM.WCDMAFDD.Cell.{i}.BCCH. object R Table containing the system information broadcast in the BCCH logical channel. - 1.0
PLMNType string R

Type of Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN).

Enumeration of:

  • ANSI-41
- 1.0
PLMNID string(:6) R PLMN ID consists of Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) [3GPP-TS.23.003], [3GPP-TS.24.008]. Mobile Country Code consists of three digits and uniquely identifies the country of domicile of the subscriber. Mobile Network Code consists of two or three digits and identifies the Home PLMN within a country. For a 2-digit MNC the total string length of PLMNID is 5. - 1.0
LAC unsignedInt(0:65535) R Location Area Code (LAC) as defined in SIB 1 [3GPP-TS.25.331]. The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC) and LAC uniquely identifies the LAI (Location Area ID) [3GPP-TS.23.003]. - 1.0
RAC unsignedInt(0:255) R Routing Area Code (RAC) as defined in SIB 1 [3GPP-TS.25.331]. The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC), LAC, and RAC uniquely identifies the RAI (Routing Area ID) [3GPP-TS.23.003]. - 1.0
CellID unsignedInt(:268435455) R Cell Identity as defined in SIB3 [Section10.3.2.2/3GPP-TS.25.331]. [3GPP-TS.24.008] - 1.0
PCPICHTxPower int(-10:50) R Primary Common Pilot Channel (CPICH) power level on SIB 5/6 [Section10.3.6.55/3GPP-TS.25.331]. - 1.0
CSGIndicator boolean R The CSG-indicator Information Element (IE) in the Master Information Block reflects the access mode of the CSG cell. It is hence dependent on the value of AccessMgmt.AccessMode. If true the CSG-indicator IE is present, reflecting closed access to the CSG cell. If false the CSG-indicator IE is absent, reflecting the access mode as “not a closed-access”. [Section] - 1.0
CSGID unsignedInt(:134217727) R Defines the Closed Subscriber Group of the Access Control List. FAP broadcasts this CSG ID in SIB3 [Section10.3.2.8/3GPP-TS.25.331] depending on the AccessMode. - 1.0
UARFCNDLList unsignedInt(:16383)[](:128) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 128) of unsigned integers (up to 16383). Each item is a UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (UARFCN} in the DL direction dedicated to the CSG cells. UARFCNDLList is broadcast in SIB 11bis [Section]. The corresponding UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (UARFCN} in the UL direction is derived based on the fixed offset applicable for the frequency band. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.REM.WCDMAFDD.Cell.{i}.BCCH.CSGPSCSplitInfo. object R This object contains parameters relating to the Primary Scambling Code (PSC) split information for the CSG. Defined in SIB3/11bis [Section and]. - 1.0
StartPSCRange1Coefficient unsignedInt(0:63) R The value of this Information Element (IE) multiplied by 8 specifies the start PSC value of the first PSC range as specified in [Section]. - 1.0
NumberOfPSCs string R

This Information Element (IE) specifies the number of PSCs reserved for CSG cells in each PSC range.

Enumeration of:

  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40
  • 50
  • 64
  • 80
  • 120
  • 160
  • 256
  • alltherest
  • spare3
  • spare2
  • spare1
- 1.0
PSCRange2Offset unsignedInt(0:63) R If this Information Element (IE) is included, the UE shall calculate the second PSC range as specified in [Section]. If this Information Element (IE) is not included, the UE shall consider the second PSC range to be not present. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.REM.WCDMAFDD.Cell.{i}.BCCH.ReferencePosition. object R This object defines parameters related to the surface point of the ellipsoid. [Section 5/3GPP-TS.23.032] It is characterized by the co-ordinates of an ellipsoid point with altitude, distances, and an angle of orientation. This information is used to refer to a point on the Earth’s surface, or close to the Earth’s surface, with the same longitude and latitude. - 1.0
Latitude int(-90000000:90000000) R

This parameter specifies the latitude of the device’s position in degrees, multiplied by 1 million. The positive value signifies the direction, north of the equator. The negative value signifies the direction, south of the equator. Range is from: 90°00.00’ South (-90,000,000) to 90°00.00’ North (90,000,000). Example: A latitude of 13°19.43’ N would be represented as 13,323,833, derived as (131,000,000)+((19.431,000,000)/60). Latitude of 50°0.00’ S would be represented as value -50,000,000. If 0 then SIB15 is not detected in the specific cell.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Longitude int(-180000000:180000000) R

This parameter specifies the longitude of the device’s position in degrees, multiplied by 1 million. The positive value signifies the direction, east of the prime meridian. The negative value signifies the direction, west of the prime meridian. Range is from: 180°00.00’ West (-180,000,000) to 180°00.00’ East (180,000,000). Example: A longitude of 13°19.43’ E would be represented as 13,323,833, derived as (131,000,000)+((19.431,000,000)/60). A longitude of 50°0’0’’ W would be represented as value -50,000,000. If 0 then SIB15 is not detected in the specific cell.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
UncertaintySemiMajor unsignedInt(0:127) R The uncertainty r is derived from the “uncertainty code” k by r = 10 x ( 1.1 (k-1) ) [Section6.2/3GPP-TS.23.032] - 1.0
UncertaintySemiMinor unsignedInt(0:127) R The uncertainty r is derived from the “uncertainty code” k by r = 10 x ( 1.1 (k-1) ) [Section6.2/3GPP-TS.23.032] - 1.0
OrientationOfMajorAxis unsignedInt(0:89) R The Information Element (IE) value ‘N’ is derived by this formula: 2N <= a < 2(N+1) Where ‘a’ is the orientation in degrees (0..179). - 1.0
Confidence unsignedInt(0:100) R The degree of confidence in the ellipsoid’s points expressed in percent. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.REM.GSM. object R This object contains parameters relating to GSM REM capabilities. - 1.0
InServiceHandling string W

FAP REM behavior with respect to ongoing active connections.

Enumeration of:

  • Immediate (Immediately perform REM, even if have active connections or idle camping UE that may be disrupted)
  • Delayed (Wait to initiate REM until no CS bearers or PS bearers of streaming or higher QoS class are assigned)

The factory default value MUST be Immediate.

- 1.0
ScanOnBoot boolean W

Enables or disables Radio Environment Measurement during the FAP start up.

The factory default value MUST be true.

- 1.0
ScanPeriodically boolean W

Enable Periodic Radio Environment Measurement on all enabled RAT.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 1.0
PeriodicInterval unsignedInt W When ScanPeriodically is true, this value indicates the interval in seconds which REM is performed while the FAP service is enabled. - 1.0
PeriodicTime dateTime W An absolute time reference in UTC to determine when the CPE will initiate the periodic REM. Each REM MUST occur at (or as soon as possible after) this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of the PeriodicInterval. PeriodicTime is used only to set the “phase” of the REM. The actual value of PeriodicTime can be arbitrarily far into the past or future. For example, if PeriodicInterval is 86400 (a day) and if PeriodicTime is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then periodic REMs will occur every day at UTC midnight. These MUST begin on the very next midnight, even if PeriodicTime refers to a day in the future. The Unknown Time value defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106a2] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. That is, the CPE MAY locally choose the time reference, and needs only to adhere to the specified PeriodicInformInterval. If absolute time is not available to the CPE, its periodic REM behavior MUST be the same as if PeriodicTime parameter was set to the Unknown Time value. - 1.0
REMPLMNList string(:6)[] W Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 6). Each item is a PLMNID. PLMN ID consists of Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) [3GPP-TS.23.003], [3GPP-TS.24.008]. Mobile Country Code consists of three digits and uniquely identifies the country of domicile of the subscriber. Mobile Network Code consists of two or three digits and identifies the Home PLMN within a country. For a 2-digit MNC the total string length of the PLMNID is 5. If an empty string no specific PLMN ID is provided, meaning that the FAP is required to report all available PLMN IDs. If a list is provided, the FAP is expected to limit the REM measurement to the PLMN(s) specified in this list only and ignore others even if they are detected. - 1.0
REMBandList string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each item is a GSM Band to measure. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • T-GSM380
  • T-GSM410
  • GSM450
  • GSM480
  • GSM710
  • GSM750
  • T-GSM810
  • GSM850
  • P-GSM900
  • E-GSM900
  • R-GSM900
  • T-GSM900
  • DCS1800
  • PCS1900 If an empty string then no specific GSM band is provided, meaning that the FAP MUST scan all bands. If a list is provided, the FAP is expected to limit the REM measurement to the band(s) specified in this list only and ignore others even if they are detected.
- 1.0
ARFCNList string[](:64) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 64) of strings. Each item is a GSM ARFCN to measure. If an empty string then no specific ARFCN is provided, meaning that the FAP is required to scan all ARFCNs. If a list is provided, the FAP is expected to limit the REM measurement to the ARFCN(s) specified in this list only and ignore others even if they are detected. - 1.0
ScanTimeout unsignedInt W Specifies the time-out value in seconds, measured from the start of the REM scan, before the REM scan will time out. - 1.0
ScanStatus string R

Indicates the current status of this scan.

Enumeration of:

  • Indeterminate (The scan has not been executed and there are no valid scan results available)
  • InProgress
  • Success
  • Error
  • Error_TIMEOUT
- 1.0
ErrorDetails string(:256) R Provides more detail when the ScanStatus is either Error or Error_TIMEOUT. - 1.0
LastScanTime dateTime R

The time of the last GSM radio environment measurement.

Active Notification MUST by default be enabled for this parameter.

- 1.0
MaxCellEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries allowed in the REM.GSM.Cell.{i}. table. - 1.0
CellNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the REM.GSM.Cell.{i}. table. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.REM.GSM.Cell.{i}. object(0:) R

Table indicating the components of the discovered cells.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both ARFCN and BSIC.

- 1.0
BandIndicator string R

Indicates how to interpret the BCCH ARFCN.

Enumeration of:

  • GSM 850
  • GSM 900
  • DCS 1800
  • PCS 1900
- 1.0
ARFCN unsignedInt(0:1023) R Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (ARFCN) [3GPP-TS.05.05]. - 1.0
BSIC unsignedInt(0:63) R Base Station Identity Code [3GPP-TS.03.03]. - 1.0
PLMNID string(:6) R PLMN ID consists of Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) [3GPP-TS.23.003], [3GPP-TS.24.008]. Mobile Country Code consists of three digits and uniquely identifies the country of domicile of the subscriber. Mobile Network Code consists of two or three digits and identifies the Home PLMN within a country. For a 2-digit MNC the total string length of the PLMNID is 5. - 1.0
LAC unsignedInt(1:65535) R Location Area Code (LAC) as defined in SIB1 [3GPP-TS.25.331]. The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC) and LAC uniquely identifies the LAI (Location Area ID) [3GPP-TS.23.003]. - 1.0
RAC unsignedInt(:255) R Routing Area Code (RAC) consists of up to 3 numerical characters. The concatenation of PLMN ID (MCC+MNC), LAC, and RAC uniquely identifies the Routing Area ID (RAI). [Section 4.2/3GPP-TS.23.003] [Section] - 1.0
CI unsignedInt(:63999) R Cell Identity. [Section] - 1.0
RSSI int(-110:48) R Received signal level in dBm of the BCCH carrier. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.GPS. object R This object contains the parameters relating to the GPS scan. - 1.0
ScanOnBoot boolean W

Enables or disables GPS scans during the FAP start up.

The factory default value MUST be true.

- 1.0
ScanPeriodically boolean W

Enables or disables periodic GPS scans.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 1.0
PeriodicInterval unsignedInt W When ScanPeriodically is true, this value indicates the interval in seconds which GPS scan is performed while the FAP service is enabled. - 1.0
PeriodicTime dateTime W An absolute time reference in UTC to determine when the CPE will initiate the periodic GPS scan. Each GPS scan MUST occur at (or as soon as possible after) this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of the PeriodicInterval. PeriodicTime is used only to set the “phase” of the GPS scan. The actual value of PeriodicTime can be arbitrarily far into the past or future. For example, if PeriodicInterval is 86400 (a day) and if PeriodicTime is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then periodic GPS scans will occur every day at UTC midnight. These MUST begin on the very next midnight, even if PeriodicTime refers to a day in the future. The Unknown Time value defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106a2] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. That is, the CPE MAY locally choose the time reference, and needs only to adhere to the specified PeriodicInformInterval. If absolute time is not available to the CPE, its periodic GPS scan behavior MUST be the same as if PeriodicTime parameter was set to the Unknown Time value. - 1.0
ContinuousGPS boolean W Whether or not the FAP SHOULD maintain a continuous GPS lock (e.g. as a frequency stability source). - 1.0
ScanTimeout unsignedInt W Specifies the time-out value in seconds since the test started after which the test will time out. A timed out test is to be reported as Error_TIMEOUT with ErrorDetails indicating “Timed out”. - 1.0
ScanStatus string R

Indicates the current status of this scan.

Enumeration of:

  • Indeterminate (The scan has not been executed and there are no valid scan results available)
  • InProgress
  • Success
  • Error
  • Error_TIMEOUT
- 1.0
ErrorDetails string(:256) R Provides more detail when the ScanStatus is either Error or Error_TIMEOUT. - 1.0
LastScanTime dateTime R

The time of the last GPS scan.

Active Notification MUST by default be enabled for this parameter.

- 1.0
LastSuccessfulScanTime dateTime R

Specifies the date and time, when the GPS scan last completed successfully. This value is retained across reboot. The values for LockedLatitude, LockedLongitute and NumberOfSattelites correspond to this time. If a scan has never succeeded before, the value will be the Unknown Time value, as defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106a2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
LockedLatitude int(-90000000:90000000) R

This parameter specifies the actual location of the FAP, returned by the GPS Diagnostics Test. This parameter specifies the latitude of the device’s position in degrees, multiplied by 1 million. The positive value signifies the direction, north of the equator. The negative value signifies the direction, south of the equator. Range is from: 90°00.00’ South (-90,000,000) to 90°00.00’ North (90,000,000). Example: A latitude of 13°19.43’ N would be represented as 13,323,833, derived as (131,000,000)+((19.431,000,000)/60). Latitude of 50°0.00’ S would be represented as value -50,000,000. This value is retained across reboots and is only reset after another scan completes successfully. If a scan has never succeeded before, the value 0 is reported.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
LockedLongitude int(-180000000:180000000) R

This parameter specifies the actual location of the FAP, returned by the GPS Diagnostics Test. This parameter specifies the longitude of the device’s position in degrees, multiplied by 1 million. The positive value signifies the direction, east of the prime meridian. The negative value signifies the direction, west of the prime meridian. Range is from: 180°00.00’ West (-180,000,000) to 180°00.00’ East (180,000,000). Example: A longitude of 13°19.43’ E would be represented as 13,323,833, derived as (131,000,000)+((19.431,000,000)/60). A longitude of 50°0’0’’ W would be represented as value -50,000,000. This value is retained across reboots and is only reset after another scan completes successfully. If a scan has never succeeded before, the value 0 is reported.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
NumberOfSatellites unsignedInt R

The number of satellites that were locked during the test execution. The greater the number of satellites the better the precision of the results. This value is retained across reboots and is only reset after another scan completes successfully. If a scan has never succeeded before, the value 0 is reported.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt. object R This object contains parameters relating to Fault/Alarm Management. - 1.0
SupportedAlarmNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the FaultMgmt.SupportedAlarm.{i}. table. - 1.0
MaxCurrentAlarmEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries allowed in the FaultMgmt.CurrentAlarm.{i}. table. - 1.0
CurrentAlarmNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the FaultMgmt.CurrentAlarm.{i}. table. - 1.0
HistoryEventNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the FaultMgmt.HistoryEvent.{i}. table. - 1.0
ExpeditedEventNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the FaultMgmt.ExpeditedEvent.{i}. table. - 1.0
QueuedEventNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the FaultMgmt.QueuedEvent.{i}. table. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt.SupportedAlarm.{i}. object(0:) R

Supported Alarm Entries which can be raised by the FAP. The instance numbers for this table SHOULD be maintained across firmware upgrades of the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of EventType, ProbableCause, SpecificProblem and PerceivedSeverity, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
EventType string(:64) R Indicates the type of FAP event. See [3GPP-TS.32.111-5] for information on pre-defined alarm types. - 1.0
ProbableCause string(:64) R Qualifies the alarm and provides further information than EventType. See [3GPP-TS.32.111-5] for information on pre-defined probable causes. - 1.0
SpecificProblem string(:128) R Provides further qualification on the alarm beyond EventType and ProbableCause. This is not 3GPP standards based and is vendor defined. This will be an empty string if the FAP doesn’t support unique indexing of the table using SpecificProblem. The string can be set to “*” to indicate the default case if only a subset of SpecificProblem are to be contained within the table. - 1.0
PerceivedSeverity string R

Indicates the relative level of urgency for operator attention, see [ITU-X.733]. Enumeration of:

  • <Empty> (An empty string)
  • ***
  • Cleared
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Warning
  • Indeterminate (OPTIONAL) Although Indeterminate is defined in [ITU-X.733] it SHOULD NOT be used by the FAP as a PerceivedSeverity. This will be an empty string if the FAP doesn’t support unique indexing of the table using PerceivedSeverity. The string can be set to “*” to indicate the default case if only a subset of PerceivedSeverity are to be contained within the table.
- 1.0
ReportingMechanism string W

Indicates the reporting mechanism setting of the alarm. Enumeration of:

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 1.0
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt.CurrentAlarm.{i}. object(0:) R

Contains all currently active alarms (whose FaultMgmt.SupportedAlarm.{i}.PerceivedSeverity is not Cleared). New raised alarms result in a new entry in this table being added, any changes to the alarm as a result of an update event are updated in the existing table entry, and a clear event raised against an alarm results in the alarm being removed from this table. Active alarms at the time of a power failure or reboot are removed from this table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for AlarmIdentifier, or with the same values for all of EventType, ProbableCause and SpecificProblem.

- 1.0
AlarmIdentifier string(:64) R Identifies one Alarm Entry in the Alarm List. This value MUST be uniquely allocated by the FAP to the alarm instance during the lifetime of the individual alarm. - 1.0
AlarmRaisedTime dateTime R Indicates the date and time when the alarm was first raised by the FAP. - 1.0
AlarmChangedTime dateTime R Indicates the date and time when the alarm was last changed by the FAP. - 1.0
ManagedObjectInstance string(:512) R Specifies the instance of the Informational Object Class in which the FAP alarm occurred by carrying the Distinguished Name (DN) of this object instance. This object may or may not be identical to the object instance actually emitting the notification to the ACS. The DNPrefix should be pre-pended to the local DN to create the ManagedObjectInstance. Encode the Managed Objects representation in string format as defined in [3GPP-TS.32.300]. - 1.0
EventType string(:64) R Indicates the type of FAP event. See [3GPP-TS.32.111-5] for information on pre-defined alarm types. - 1.0
ProbableCause string(:64) R Qualifies the alarm and provides further information than EventType. See [3GPP-TS.32.111-5] for information on pre-defined probable causes. - 1.0
SpecificProblem string(:128) R Provides further qualification on the alarm beyond EventType and ProbableCause. This is not 3GPP standards based and is vendor defined. This will be an empty string if the FAP doesn’t support inclusion of this information. - 1.0
PerceivedSeverity string R

Indicates the relative level of urgency for operator attention, see [ITU-X.733]. Enumeration of:

  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Warning
  • Indeterminate (OPTIONAL) Although Indeterminate is defined in [ITU-X.733] it SHOULD NOT be used by the FAP as a PerceivedSeverity.
- 1.0
AdditionalText string(:256) R This provides a textual string which is vendor defined. This will be an empty string if the FAP doesn’t support inclusion of this information. - 1.0
AdditionalInformation string(:256) R This contains additional information about the alarm and is vendor defined. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt.HistoryEvent.{i}. object(0:) R

Alarm events added or updated in FaultMgmt.CurrentAlarm.{i}. are simultaneously entered into the this table. This table also contains alarm clearing events. Active alarms at the time of a power failure or reboot may not get an alarm clearing event. If maximum instance number FaultMgmt.HistoryEventNumberOfEntries is reached, the next event overrides the object with instance number 1. Subsequent entries override objects at sequentially increasing instance numbers. This logic provides for automatic “rolling” of records. The data in this table is maintained across reboots.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both EventTime and AlarmIdentifier.

- 1.0
EventTime dateTime R Indicates the date and time when the alarm event occurs. - 1.0
AlarmIdentifier string(:64) R Identifies one Alarm Entry in the Alarm List. This value MUST be uniquely allocated by the FAP to the alarm instance during the lifetime of the individual alarm. - 1.0
NotificationType string R

Indicates the reason for the specific alarm notification event. Enumeration of:

  • NewAlarm
  • ChangedAlarm
  • ClearedAlarm
- 1.0
ManagedObjectInstance string(:512) R Specifies the instance of the Informational Object Class in which the FAP alarm occurred by carrying the Distinguished Name (DN) of this object instance. This object may or may not be identical to the object instance actually emitting the notification to the ACS. The DNPrefix should be pre-pended to the local DN to create the ManagedObjectInstance. Encode the Managed Objects representation in string format as defined in [3GPP-TS.32.300]. - 1.0
EventType string(:64) R Indicates the type of FAP event. See [3GPP-TS.32.111-5] for information on pre-defined alarm types. - 1.0
ProbableCause string(:64) R Qualifies the alarm and provides further information than EventType. See [3GPP-TS.32.111-5] for information on pre-defined probable causes. - 1.0
SpecificProblem string(:128) R Provides further qualification on the alarm beyond EventType and ProbableCause. This is not 3GPP standards based and is vendor defined. This will be an empty string if the FAP doesn’t support inclusion of this information. - 1.0
PerceivedSeverity string R

Indicates the relative level of urgency for operator attention, see [ITU-X.733]. Enumeration of:

  • Cleared
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Warning
  • Indeterminate (OPTIONAL) Although Indeterminate is defined in [ITU-X.733] it SHOULD NOT be used by the FAP as a PerceivedSeverity.
- 1.0
AdditionalText string(:256) R This provides a textual string which is vendor defined. This will be an empty string if the FAP doesn’t support inclusion of this information. - 1.0
AdditionalInformation string(:256) R This contains additional information about the alarm and is vendor defined. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt.ExpeditedEvent.{i}. object(0:) R

Alarm events added or updated in FaultMgmt.CurrentAlarm.{i}. are simultaneously entered into the this table if their corresponding entry in FaultMgmt.SupportedAlarm.{i}. has FaultMgmt.SupportedAlarm.{i}.ReportingMechanism set to 0 Expedited. This table also contains alarm clearing events. This object has a fixed number of entries with instance numbers from 1 to FaultMgmt.HistoryEventNumberOfEntries. Initially the table starts with all instances having EventTime set to the Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106a2]. If maximum instance number FaultMgmt.ExpeditedEventNumberOfEntries is reached, the next event overrides the object with instance number 1. Subsequent entries override objects at sequentially increasing instance numbers. This logic provides for automatic “rolling” of records. When a new alarm replaces an existing alarm, then all parameter values for that instance are considered as changed for the purposes of value change notifications to the ACS (even if their new values are identical to those of the prior alarm).

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both EventTime and AlarmIdentifier.

- 1.0
EventTime dateTime R Indicates the date and time when the alarm event occurs. For an unpopulated entry, the value is the Unknown Time as defined in [TR-106a2]. - 1.0
AlarmIdentifier string(:64) R Identifies one Alarm Entry in the Alarm List. This value MUST be uniquely allocated by the FAP to the alarm instance during the lifetime of the individual alarm. For an unpopulated entry, the value is an empty string. - 1.0
NotificationType string R

Indicates the reason for the specific alarm notification event. Enumeration of:

  • NewAlarm
  • ChangedAlarm
  • ClearedAlarm
- 1.0
ManagedObjectInstance string(:512) R Specifies the instance of the Informational Object Class in which the FAP alarm occurred by carrying the Distinguished Name (DN) of this object instance. This object may or may not be identical to the object instance actually emitting the notification to the ACS. The DNPrefix should be pre-pended to the local DN to create the ManagedObjectInstance. Encode the Managed Objects representation in string format as defined in [3GPP-TS.32.300]. - 1.0
EventType string(:64) R Indicates the type of FAP event. See [3GPP-TS.32.111-5] for information on pre-defined alarm types. - 1.0
ProbableCause string(:64) R Qualifies the alarm and provides further information than EventType. See [3GPP-TS.32.111-5] for information on pre-defined probable causes. - 1.0
SpecificProblem string(:128) R Provides further qualification on the alarm beyond EventType and ProbableCause. This is not 3GPP standards based and is vendor defined. This will be an empty string if the FAP doesn’t support inclusion of this information. - 1.0
PerceivedSeverity string R

Indicates the relative level of urgency for operator attention, see [ITU-X.733]. Enumeration of:

  • Cleared
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Warning
  • Indeterminate (OPTIONAL) Although Indeterminate is defined in [ITU-X.733] it SHOULD NOT be used by the FAP as a PerceivedSeverity.
- 1.0
AdditionalText string(:256) R This provides a textual string which is vendor defined. This will be an empty string if the FAP doesn’t support inclusion of this information. - 1.0
AdditionalInformation string(:256) R This contains additional information about the alarm and is vendor defined. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt.QueuedEvent.{i}. object(0:) R

Alarm events added or updated in FaultMgmt.CurrentAlarm.{i}. are simultaneously entered into the this table if their corresponding entry in FaultMgmt.SupportedAlarm.{i}. has FaultMgmt.SupportedAlarm.{i}.ReportingMechanism set to 1 Queued. This table also contains alarm clearing events. This object has a fixed number of entries with instance numbers from 1 to FaultMgmt.HistoryEventNumberOfEntries. Initially the table starts with all instances having EventTime set to the Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106a2]. If maximum instance number FaultMgmt.QueuedEventNumberOfEntries is reached, the next event overrides the object with instance number 1. Subsequent entries override objects at sequentially increasing instance numbers. This logic provides for automatic “rolling” of records. When a new alarm replaces an existing alarm, then all parameter values for that instance are considered as changed for the purposes of value change notifications to the ACS (even if their new values are identical to those of the prior alarm).

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both EventTime and AlarmIdentifier.

- 1.0
EventTime dateTime R Indicates the date and time when the alarm event occurs. For an unpopulated entry, the value is the Unknown Time as defined in [TR-106a2]. - 1.0
AlarmIdentifier string(:64) R Identifies one Alarm Entry in the Alarm List. This value MUST be uniquely allocated by the FAP to the alarm instance during the lifetime of the individual alarm. For an unpopulated entry, the value is an empty string. - 1.0
NotificationType string R

Indicates the reason for the specific alarm notification event. Enumeration of:

  • NewAlarm
  • ChangedAlarm
  • ClearedAlarm
- 1.0
ManagedObjectInstance string(:512) R Specifies the instance of the Informational Object Class in which the FAP alarm occurred by carrying the Distinguished Name (DN) of this object instance. This object may or may not be identical to the object instance actually emitting the notification to the ACS. The DNPrefix should be pre-pended to the local DN to create the ManagedObjectInstance. Encode the Managed Objects representation in string format as defined in [3GPP-TS.32.300]. - 1.0
EventType string(:64) R Indicates the type of FAP event. See [3GPP-TS.32.111-5] for information on pre-defined alarm types. - 1.0
ProbableCause string(:64) R Qualifies the alarm and provides further information than EventType. See [3GPP-TS.32.111-5] for information on pre-defined probable causes. - 1.0
SpecificProblem string(:128) R Provides further qualification on the alarm beyond EventType and ProbableCause. This is not 3GPP standards based and is vendor defined. This will be an empty string if the FAP doesn’t support inclusion of this information. - 1.0
PerceivedSeverity string R

Indicates the relative level of urgency for operator attention, see [ITU-X.733]. Enumeration of:

  • Cleared
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Warning
  • Indeterminate (OPTIONAL) Although Indeterminate is defined in [ITU-X.733] it SHOULD NOT be used by the FAP as a PerceivedSeverity.
- 1.0
AdditionalText string(:256) R This provides a textual string which is vendor defined. This will be an empty string if the FAP doesn’t support inclusion of this information. - 1.0
AdditionalInformation string(:256) R This contains additional information about the alarm and is vendor defined. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.PerfMgmt. object R This object contains parameters relating to Performance Management. - 1.0
FAPService.{i}.PerfMgmt.FileMgmt. object R This object contains parameters relating to File Management for uploading of Performance Files to a designated File Server. - 1.0
PeriodicUploadEnable boolean W Enables or disables the ability to send FAP information periodically to a designated File Server. - 1.0
URL string(:256) W URL specifying the destination file location. HTTP and HTTPS transports MUST be supported. Other optional transports MAY be supported. This argument specifies only the destination file location, and does not indicate in any way the name or location of the local file to be uploaded. - 1.0
Username string(:256) W Username to be used by the FAP to authenticate with the file server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required. - 1.0
Password string(:256) W

Password to be used by the FAP to authenticate with the file server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 1.0
PeriodicUploadInterval unsignedInt(1:) W The duration in seconds of the interval for which the FAP MUST create an Performance File and attempt to upload the file to URL if PeriodicUploadEnable is true. - 1.0
PeriodicUploadTime dateTime W An absolute time reference in UTC to determine when the FAP will initiate the periodic file upload. Each file upload MUST occur at this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of the PeriodicUploadInterval. PeriodicUploadTime is used only to set the “phase” of the periodic uploads. The actual value of PeriodicUploadTime can be arbitrarily far into the past or future. For example, if PeriodicUploadInterval is 86400 (a day) and if PeriodicUploadTime is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then periodic file uploads will occur every day at UTC midnight. These MUST begin on the very next midnight, even if PeriodicUploadTime refers to a day in the future. The Unknown Time value as defined in [TR-106a2] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. That is, the FAP MAY locally choose the time reference, and is required only to adhere to the specified PeriodicUploadInterval. If absolute time is not available to the FAP, its periodic file upload behavior MUST be the same as if the PeriodicUploadTime parameter was set to the Unknown Time value. - 1.0

Inform and Notification Requirements

Forced Inform Parameters


Default Active Notification Parameters


Parameters for which Active Notification MAY be Denied


Profile Definitions


The following abbreviations are used to specify profile requirements:

Abbreviation Description
R Read support is REQUIRED.
W Both Read and Write support is REQUIRED. This MUST NOT be specified for a parameter that is defined as read-only.
P The object is REQUIRED to be present.
C Creation and deletion of instances of the object is REQUIRED.
A Creation of instances of the object is REQUIRED, but deletion is not REQUIRED.
D Deletion of instances of the object is REQUIRED, but creation is not REQUIRED.

Baseline:1 Profile

This table defines the Baseline:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPServiceNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}. P
DeviceType R
DNPrefix W
FAPService.{i}.Capabilities. P
GPSEquipped R
MaxTxPower R
SupportedSystems R
MaxChildSAPerIKE R
MaxIKESessions R
FAPService.{i}.FAPControl. P
OpState R
AdminState W
RFTxStatus R

ACL:1 Profile

This table defines the ACL:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.AccessMgmt. P
AccessMode W
NonCSGUEAccessDecision W
CSGMembershipDeterminedLocally W
HNBIdentifier W
HomeZoneName W
MaxConcurrentCSGUsers W
AccessControlList W
MaxMemberDetailEntries R
MemberDetailNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.AccessMgmt.MemberDetail.{i}. C
Enable W
MembershipExpires W

LocalIPAccess:1 Profile

This table defines the LocalIPAccess:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.AccessMgmt.LocalIPAccess. P
Enable W
MaxRulesEntries R
RulesNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.AccessMgmt.LocalIPAccess.Rules.{i}. C
Enable W
DestIPAddress W
DestSubnetMask W
Protocol W
Action W
Interface W


This table defines the REMWCDMAFDD:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.REM. P
InServiceHandling R
ScanPeriodically W
PeriodicInterval W
PeriodicTime W
REMBandList W
ScanTimeout W
ScanStatus R
ErrorDetails R
LastScanTime R
MaxCellEntries R
CellNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.REM.WCDMAFDD.Cell.{i}. P
FAPService.{i}.REM.WCDMAFDD.Cell.{i}.RF. P
PrimaryScramblingCode R
FAPService.{i}.REM.WCDMAFDD.Cell.{i}.BCCH. P
CellID R
CSGIndicator R
FAPService.{i}.REM.WCDMAFDD.Cell.{i}.BCCH.CSGPSCSplitInfo. P
StartPSCRange1Coefficient R
NumberOfPSCs R
PSCRange2Offset R
FAPService.{i}.REM.WCDMAFDD.Cell.{i}.BCCH.ReferencePosition. P
Latitude R
Longitude R
Confidence R

REMGSM:1 Profile

This table defines the REMGSM:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.REM. P
FAPService.{i}.REM.GSM. P
InServiceHandling R
ScanPeriodically W
PeriodicInterval W
PeriodicTime W
REMBandList W
ScanTimeout W
ScanStatus R
ErrorDetails R
LastScanTime R
MaxCellEntries R
CellNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.REM.GSM.Cell.{i}. P
BandIndicator R

GPS:1 Profile

This table defines the GPS:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.GPS. P
ScanOnBoot W
ScanPeriodically W
PeriodicInterval W
PeriodicTime W
ContinuousGPS W
ScanTimeout W
ScanStatus R
ErrorDetails R
LastScanTime R
LastSuccessfulScanTime R
LockedLatitude R
LockedLongitude R
NumberOfSatellites R

TransportSCTP:1 Profile

This table defines the TransportSCTP:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.Transport.SCTP. P
Enable W
HBInterval W
MaxAssociationRetransmits W
MaxInitRetransmits W
MaxPathRetransmits W
RTOInitial W
ValCookieLife W
OutOfBlues R
ChecksumErrors R
OutCtrlChunks R
OutOrderChunks R
OutUnorderChunks R
InCtrlChunks R
InOrderChunks R
InUnorderChunks R
FragUsrMsgs R
ReasmUsrMsgs R
OutSCTPPacks R
Discontinuity R
AssocNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.Transport.SCTP.Assoc.{i}. P
Status R
PrimaryPeerAddress R
LocalPort R
InStreams R
OutStreams R
StartTime R
Discontinuity R

TransportRealTime:1 Profile

This table defines the TransportRealTime:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.Transport.RealTime. P
RTCPEnable W
SentPackets R
RcvPackets R
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
FAPService.{i}.Transport.RealTime.Perf. P
LostRcvPackets R
LostFarEndPackets R
Overruns R
Underruns R
MeanReceiveJitter R
MaxReceiveJitter R
MeanFarEndJitter R
MaxFarEndJitter R
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Packet. P
EchoInterval W
SentPackets R
RcvPackets R

IPsecTunnel:1 Profile

This table defines the IPsecTunnel:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Tunnel. P
IKESANumberOfEntries R
ChildSANumberOfEntries R
VirtualInterfaceNumberOfEntries R
MaxVirtualInterfaces R
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Tunnel.IKESA.{i}. P
Status R
PeerAddress R
CreationTime R
IPAddress R
SubnetMask R
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Tunnel.ChildSA.{i}. P
ParentID R
DirectionOutbound R
CreationTime R
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Tunnel.VirtualInterface.{i}. P
Enable W
CryptoProfile W
DSCPMarkPolicy W
FAPService.{i}.Transport.Security.CryptoProfile.{i}. C
Enable W
AuthMethod W
MaxChildSA W
IKEEncrypt W
IKEIntegrity W
ESPEncrypt W
ESPIntegrity W

UMTSBaseline:1 Profile

This table defines the UMTSBaseline:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.Capabilities.UMTS. P
DuplexMode R
GSMRxSupported R
HSDPASupported R
MaxHSDPADataRateSupported R
HSUPASupported R
MaxHSUPADataRateSupported R
MaxHSPDSCHsSupported R
MaxHSSCCHsSupported R
FDDBandsSupported R
GSMRxBandsSupported R
FAPService.{i}.Capabilities.UMTS.SelfConfig. P
PrimaryScramblingCodeConfig R
MaxFAPTxPowerConfig R1
PCPICHPowerConfig R
MaxULTxPowerConfig R
NeighborListConfig R
CellReSelectionConfig R
IntraFreqMeasConfig R
InterFreqMeasConfig R
InterRATMeasConfig R
UEInternalMeasConfig R
MaxFAPTxPowerExpandedConfig R
FAPService.{i}.FAPControl.UMTS.Gateway. P
SecGWServer1 W
SecGWServer2 W
SecGWServer3 W
FAPGWServer1 W
FAPGWServer2 W
FAPGWServer3 W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAB. P
RABSuccEstabCS R
RABFailEstabCS R
RABSuccEstabPS R
RABFailEstabPS R
RABCSSetupTimeMean R
RABCSSetupTimeMax R
RABPSSetupTimeMean R
RABPSSetupTimeMax R
FailHO R
SuccHO R

1 This parameter is DEPRECATED.

UMTSSelfConfig:1 Profile

This table defines the UMTSSelfConfig:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.FAPControl. P
SelfConfigEvents W
FAPService.{i}.FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig. P
UARFCNSelfConfigEnable W
PrimaryScramblingCodeSelfConfigEnable W
MaxFAPTxPowerSelfConfigEnable W1
PCPICHPowerSelfConfigEnable W
MaxULTxPowerSelfConfigEnable W
LACRACURASelfConfigEnable W
NeighborListSelfConfigEnable W
CellReSelectionSelfConfigEnable W
UEInternalMeasConfigEnable W
MaxFAPTxPowerExpandedSelfConfigEnable W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.CN. P
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN. P
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF. P
PrimaryScramblingCodeInUse R
MaxFAPTxPowerInUse R2
MaxULTxPowerInUse R
MaxFAPTxPowerInUseExpanded R

1 This parameter is DEPRECATED.
2 This parameter is DEPRECATED.

UMTSSelfConfigNLInUseIntraFreqCell:1 Profile

This table defines the UMTSSelfConfigNLInUseIntraFreqCell:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig. P
IntraFreqMeasSelfConfigEnable W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborListInUse. P
MaxIntraFreqCellEntries R
IntraFreqCellNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborListInUse.IntraFreqCell.{i}. P
PCPICHScramblingCode R

UMTSSelfConfigNLInUseInterFreqCell:1 Profile

This table defines the UMTSSelfConfigNLInUseInterFreqCell:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig. P
InterFreqMeasSelfConfigEnable W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborListInUse. P
MaxInterFreqCellEntries R
InterFreqCellNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborListInUse.InterFreqCell.{i}. P
PCPICHScramblingCode R

UMTSSelfConfigNLInUseInterRATCell:1 Profile

This table defines the UMTSSelfConfigNLInUseInterRATCell:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.FAPControl.UMTS.SelfConfig. P
InterRATMeasSelfConfigEnable W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborListInUse.InterRATCell. P
MaxGSMEntries R
GSMNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborListInUse.InterRATCell.GSM.{i}. P
BandIndicator R

UMTSCellConfigBaseline:1 Profile

This table defines the UMTSCellConfigBaseline:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig. P
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS. P
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.CN. P
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.CN.CSDomain. P
T3212 W
IMSIAttachDetachEnable W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.CN.PSDomain. P
NetworkModeOperationCombined W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN. P
CellID W
TDataFwd W
TRelocPrep W
TRelocOverall W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.CSG. P
CSGIndicator R
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.CSG.CSGPSCSplitInfo. P
StartPSCRange1Coefficient W
NumberOfPSCs W
PSCRange2Offset W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP. P
HSFlag W
HSEnable W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RF. P
PrimaryScramblingCode W
MaxFAPTxPower W1
MaxULTxPower W
PowerOffsetPilotDPDCH W
FAPCoverageTarget W
PCHPower W
BCHPower W
CTCHAllocationPeriod W
CBSFrameOffset W
MaxFAPTxPowerExpanded W

1 This parameter is DEPRECATED.

UMTSCellConfigAdvanced:1 Profile

This table defines the UMTSCellConfigAdvanced:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.CellSelection. P
QualityMeasureCPICH W
QqualMin W
QqualMinOffset W
QRxLevMin W
DeltaQRxLevMin W
QRxLevMinOffset W
QHyst1s W
QHyst2s W
TReselections W
SIntrasearch W
SIntersearch W
SSearchHCS W
SSearchRAT W
SLimitSearchRAT W
TCRMaxHyst W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.RRCTimers. P
T300 W
T301 W
T302 W
T304 W
T305 W
T307 W
T308 W
T309 W
T310 W
T311 W
T312 W
T313 W
T314 W
T315 W
T316 W
N300 W
N301 W
N302 W
N304 W
N310 W
N312 W
N313 W
N315 W
WaitTime W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.DRX. P
DRXCycleLengthCoefficientCS W
DRXCycleLengthCoefficientPS W
UTRANDRXCycleLengthCoefficient W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.PowerControl. P
ConstantValue W
PowerRampSetup W1
PreambleRetransMax W
PersistenceScaleFactor W
MMax W
NB01Min W
NB01Max W
PowerRampStepUp W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.CellRestriction. P
CellBarred W
IntraFreqCellReselectionIndicator W
TBarred W
AccessClassBarredListCS W
AccessClassBarredListPS W
CellReservedForOperatorUse W

1 This parameter is DEPRECATED.

UMTSCellConfigFreqMeasurement:1 Profile

This table defines the UMTSCellConfigFreqMeasurement:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.IntraFreqMeas. P
MeasurementQuantity W
FilterCoefficient W
IntraFrequencyEventIdentity W
TriggeringCondition2Event1a W
TriggeringCondition1Event1b W
TriggeringCondition2Event1e W
TriggeringCondition1Event1f W
ReportingRangeEvent1a W
ReportingRangeEvent1b W
WeightingFactorEvent1a W
WeightingFactorEvent1b W
ReportDeactivationThresholdEvent1a W
ReportingAmountEvent1a W
ReportingAmountEvent1c W
ReportingIntervalEvent1a W
ReportingIntervalEvent1c W
HysteresisEvent1a W
HysteresisEvent1b W
HysteresisEvent1c W
HysteresisEvent1e W
HysteresisEvent1f W
TimeToTriggerEvent1a W
TimeToTriggerEvent1b W
TimeToTriggerEvent1c W
TimeToTriggerEvent1e W
TimeToTriggerEvent1f W
ThresholdUsedFrequencyEvent1e W
ThresholdUsedFrequencyEvent1f W
ReplacementActivationThresholdEvent1c W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.InterFreqMeas. P
FilterCoefficient W
MeasurementQuantity W
WeightingFactorEvent2a W
WeightingFactorEvent2b W
WeightingFactorEvent2d W
WeightingFactorEvent2f W
HysteresisEvent2a W
HysteresisEvent2b W
HysteresisEvent2d W
HysteresisEvent2f W
TimeToTriggerEvent2a W
TimeToTriggerEvent2b W
TimeToTriggerEvent2d W
TimeToTriggerEvent2f W
ThresholdUsedFrequencyEvent2b W
ThresholdUsedFrequencyEvent2d W
ThresholdUsedFrequencyEvent2f W
InterFrequencyEventIdentity W
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.InterRATMeas. P
GSMFilterCoefficient W
BSICVerificationRequired W
WeightingFactor W
Hysteresis W
TimeToTrigger W
ThresholdOwnSystem W
ThresholdOtherSystem W

UMTSCellConfigUEInternalMeasurement:1 Profile

This table defines the UMTSCellConfigUEInternalMeasurement:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.UEInternalMeas. P
FilterCoefficient W
UETxPwrThresholdEvent6a W
TimeToTriggerEvent6a W
UETxPwrThresholdEvent6b W
TimeToTriggerEvent6b W

UMTSCellConfigNLIntraFreqCell:1 Profile

This table defines the UMTSCellConfigNLIntraFreqCell:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList. P
MaxIntraFreqCellEntries R
IntraFreqCellNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.IntraFreqCell.{i}. C
MustInclude W
PCPICHScramblingCode W

UMTSCellConfigNLInterFreqCell:1 Profile

This table defines the UMTSCellConfigNLInterFreqCell:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList. P
MaxInterFreqCellEntries R
InterFreqCellNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterFreqCell.{i}. C
MustInclude W
PCPICHScramblingCode W

UMTSCellConfigNLInterRATCell:1 Profile

This table defines the UMTSCellConfigNLInterRATCell:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList. P
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterRATCell. P
MaxGSMEntries R
GSMNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.CellConfig.UMTS.RAN.FDDFAP.NeighborList.InterRATCell.GSM.{i}. C
MustInclude W
BandIndicator W

FaultMgmtSupportedAlarms:1 Profile

This table defines the FaultMgmtSupportedAlarms:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt. P
SupportedAlarmNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt.SupportedAlarm.{i}. P
EventType R
ProbableCause R
SpecificProblem R
PerceivedSeverity R
ReportingMechanism W

FaultMgmtActive:1 Profile

This table defines the *FaultMgmtActive:1 * profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt. P
CurrentAlarmNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt.CurrentAlarm.{i}. P
AlarmIdentifier R
AlarmRaisedTime R
AlarmChangedTime R
EventType R
ProbableCause R
PerceivedSeverity R

FaultMgmtHistory:1 Profile

This table defines the FaultMgmtHistory:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt. P
HistoryEventNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt.HistoryEvent.{i}. P
EventTime R
AlarmIdentifier R
NotificationType R
EventType R
ProbableCause R
PerceivedSeverity R

FaultMgmtExpedited:1 Profile

This table defines the FaultMgmtExpedited:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt. P
ExpeditedEventNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt.ExpeditedEvent.{i}. P
EventTime R
AlarmIdentifier R
NotificationType R
EventType R
ProbableCause R
PerceivedSeverity R

FaultMgmtQueued:1 Profile

This table defines the FaultMgmtQueued:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt. P
QueuedEventNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.FaultMgmt.QueuedEvent.{i}. P
EventTime R
AlarmIdentifier R
NotificationType R
EventType R
ProbableCause R
PerceivedSeverity R

PerfMgmt:1 Profile

This table defines the PerfMgmt:1 profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.PerfMgmt. P
FAPService.{i}.PerfMgmt.FileMgmt. P
PeriodicUploadEnable W
Username W
Password W
PeriodicUploadInterval W
PeriodicUploadTime W

ACL:2 Profile

This table defines the * ACL:2* profile for the FAPService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.AccessMgmt. P
AccessMode W
NonCSGUEAccessDecision W
CSGMembershipDeterminedLocally W
MaxUEsServed W
MaxCSGMembers W
MaxNonCSGMembers W
MaxResourceNonCSGMembers W
AccessControlList W
MaxMemberDetailEntries R
MemberDetailNumberOfEntries R
FAPService.{i}.AccessMgmt.MemberDetail.{i}. C
Enable W
MembershipExpires W


The REMWCDMAFDD:2 profile for the FAPService:1 data model is defined as the union of the REMWCDMAFDD:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
InServiceHandling W

REMGSM:2 Profile

The REMGSM:2 profile for the FAPService:1 data model is defined as the union of the REMGSM:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is FAPService:1.0.

Name Requirement
FAPService.{i}.REM.GSM. P
InServiceHandling W

Generated by Broadband Forum bbfreport v2.2.0 (2024-07-23 version) on 2024-07-23 at 11:05:13 UTC. –output –format markdown tr-196-1-1-0.xml

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