Broadband Forum

Device:2 Root Data Model definition [CWMP]




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Data Types

The Parameters defined in this specification make use of a limited subset of the default SOAP data types [SOAP1.1]. These data types and the named data types used by this specification are described below.

Note: A Parameter that is defined to be one of the named data types is reported as such at the beginning of the Parameter’s description via a reference back to the associated data type definition (e.g. [MACAddress]). However, such parameters still indicate their SOAP data types.

Data Type Base Type Description
base64 -

Base64 encoded binary (no line-length limitation).

A minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form base64(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum length in characters before Base64 encoding. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in base64(Max). Multiple comma-separate ranges can be specified, in which case the length MUST be in one of the ranges.

boolean - Boolean, where the allowed values are 0 or 1 (or equivalently, true or false).
dateTime - The subset of the ISO 8601 date-time format defined by the SOAP dateTime type [SOAP1.1].
decimal -

Decimal number, with optional sign and optional fractional part.

For some decimal types, a value range is given using the form decimal(Min:Max) or decimal(Min:Max step Step) where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1.0. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

hexBinary -

Hex encoded binary.

A minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form hexBinary(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum length in characters before Hex Binary encoding. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in hexBinary(Max). Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the length MUST be in one of the ranges.

int -

Integer in the range -2147483648 to +2147483647, inclusive.

For some int types, a value range is given using the form int(Min:Max) or int(Min:Max step Step) where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

long -

Long integer in the range -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807, inclusive.

For some long types, a value range is given using the form long(Min:Max) or long(Min:Max step Step), where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

string - For strings, a minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form string(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum string length in characters. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in string(Max). Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the string length will be in one of the ranges.
unsignedInt -

Unsigned integer in the range 0 to 4294967295, inclusive.

For some unsignedInt types, a value range is given using the form unsignedInt(Min:Max) or unsigned(Min:Max step Step), where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

unsignedLong -

Unsigned long integer in the range 0 to 18446744073709551615, inclusive.

For some unsignedLong types, a value range is given using the form unsignedLong(Min:Max) or unsignedLong(Min:Max step Step), where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

Alias string(:64)

A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
AmplitudeData hexBinary(0,2:4116)

This data type represents a sequence of spectral amplitudes. Each spectral amplitude value corresponds to a bin. The format of the bin measurement is as follows.

Sequence of:

4 bytes: ChCenterFreq
The center frequency of the upstream channel.
4 bytes: FreqSpan
The width in Hz of the band across which the spectral amplitudes characterizing the channel are measured.
4 bytes: NumberOfBins
The number of data points or bins that compose the spectral data. The leftmost bin corresponds to the lower band edge, the rightmost bin corresponds to the upper band edge, and the middle bin center is aligned with the center frequency of the analysis span.
4 bytes:
BinSpacing The frequency separation between adjacent bin centers. It is derived from the frequency span and the number of bins or data points. The bin spacing is computed as:
BinSpacing = FrequencySpan/(NumberOfBins -1)
The larger the number of bins the finer the resolution.
4 bytes: ResolutionBW
The resolution bandwidth or equivalent noise bandwidth of each bin. If spectral windowing is used (based on vendor implementation), the bin spacing and resolution bandwidth would not generally be the same.
n bytes: Amplitude (2 bytes * NumberOfBins)
A sequence of two byte elements. Each element represents the spectral amplitudes in relation to the expected received signal power of a bin, in units of 0.01dB. That is, a test CMTS input signal with square-root raised-cosine spectrum, bandwidth equal to the expected received signal bandwidth, and power equal to the expected received signal power, which is present for the entire spectrum sampling period, will exhibit a spectrum measurement of 0 dB average power in each bin of the signal passband. Each bin element amplitude value format is 2’s complement which provides a range of -327.68 dB to 327.67 dB amplitude value for the bin measurement.
CmRegState string

This data type defines the CM connectivity state as reported by the CM.

Enumeration of:

  • Other (indicates any state not described below)
  • NotReady (indicates that the CM has not started the registration process yet)
  • NotSynchronized (indicates that the CM has not initiated or completed the synchronization of the downstream physical layer)
  • PhySynchronized (indicates that the CM has completed the synchronization of the downstream physical layer)
  • UsParametersAcquired (indicates that the CM has completed the upstream parameters acquisition or have completed the downstream and upstream service groups resolution, whether the CM is registering in a pre-3.0 or a 3.0 CMTS)
  • RangingComplete (indicates that the CM has completed initial ranging and received a Ranging Status of success from the CMTS in the RNG-RSP message)
  • DHCPv4Complete (indicates that the CM has received a DHCPv4 ACK message from the CMTS)
  • ToDEstablished (indicates that the CM has successfully acquired time of day. If the ToD is acquired after the CM is operational, this value should not be reported)
  • SecurityEstablished (indicates that the CM has successfully completed the BPI initialization process)
  • ConfigFileDownloadComplete (indicates that the CM has completed the config file download process)
  • RegistrationComplete (indicates that the CM has successfully completed the Registration process with the CMTS)
  • Operational (indicates that the CM has completed all necessary initialization steps and is operational)
  • AccessDenied (indicates that the CM has received a registration aborted notification from the CMTS)
  • EAEInProgress (indicates that the CM has sent an Auth Info message for EAE)
  • DHCPv4InProgress (indicates that the CM has sent a DHCPv4 DISCOVER to gain IP connectivity)
  • DHCPv6InProgress (indicates that the CM has sent an DHCPv6 Solicit message)
  • DHCPv6Complete (indicates that the CM has received a DHCPv6 Reply message from the CMTS)
  • RegistrationInProgress (indicates that the CM has sent a Registration Request (REG-REQ or REG-REQ-MP))
  • BPIInit (indicates that the CM has started the BPI initialization process as indicated in the CM config file. If the CM already performed EAE, this state is skipped by the CM)
  • ForwardingDisabled (indicates that the registration process was completed, but the network access option in the received configuration file prohibits forwarding)
  • DsTopologyResolutionInProgress (indicates that the CM is attempting to determine its MD-DS-SG)
  • RangingInProgress (indicates that the CM has initiated the ranging process)
  • RFMuteAll (indicates that the CM is instructed to mute all channels in the CM-CTRL-REQ message from CMTS)

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Cable Modem - CMTS Interaction.

Dbm1000 int The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.
DiagnosticsState string

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead.

DocsEqualizerData hexBinary(0,36:260)

This data type represents the equalizer data as measured at the receiver interface. The format of the equalizer follows the structure of the Transmit Equalization Adjust RNG-RSP TLV of DOCSIS RFI v2.0.

The equalizer coefficients are considered signed 16-bit integers in the range from -32768 (0x8000) to 32767 (0x7FFF).

DOCSIS specifications require up to a maximum of 64 equalizer taps (n + m); therefore, this object size can be up to 260 bytes (4 + 4x64). The minimum object size (other than zero) for a t-spaced tap with a minimum of 8 symbols will be 36 (4 + 4x8).

See [Figure 8-23/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

DocsisUpstreamType string

Indicates the DOCSIS Upstream Channel Type.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown (Information not available)
  • TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)
  • ATDMA (Advanced Time Division Multiple Access)
  • SCDMA (Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access)
  • TDMAAndATDMA (Simultaneous support of TDMA and A-TDMA modes)
IEEE_EUI64 string(:23)

The IEEE EUI 64-bit identifier as defined in [IEEE_EUI64]. The IEEE defined 64-bit extended unique identifier (EUI-64) is a concatenation of:

  • The 24-bit (OUI-24) or 36-bit (OUI-36) company_id value assigned by the IEEE Registration Authority (IEEE-RA), and
  • The extension identifier (40 bits for OUI-24 or 28 bits for OUI-36) assigned by the organization with that company_id assignment.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • ([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:){7}([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])
IPAddress string(:45)

IP address, i.e. IPv4 address (or IPv4 subnet mask) or IPv6 address.

All IPv4 addresses and subnet masks MUST be represented as strings in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation. Here are some examples of valid IPv4 address textual representations:


All IPv6 addresses MUST be represented using any of the 3 standard textual representations defined in [RFC4291] Sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. Both lower-case and upper-case letters can be used, but use of lower-case letters is RECOMMENDED. Here are some examples of valid IPv6 address textual representations:

  • 1080:0:0:800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd
  • 1080::800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd
  • 0:0:0:0:0:0:

IPv6 addresses MUST NOT include zone identifiers. Zone identifiers are discussed in [Section 6/RFC4007].

Unspecified or inapplicable addresses (or IPv4 subnet masks) MUST be represented as empty strings unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition.

IPPrefix string(:49)

IPv4 or IPv6 routing prefix in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation [RFC4632]. This is specified as an IP address followed by an appended “/n” suffix, where n (the prefix size) is an integer in the range 0-32 (for IPv4) or 0-128 (for IPv6) that indicates the number of (leftmost) ‘1’ bits of the routing prefix.

  • IPv4 example:
  • IPv6 example: 2001:edff:fe6a:f76::/64

This notation can also represent individual addresses by specifying all bits.

  • IPv4 example:
  • IPv6 example: 2001:edff:fe6a:f76::1/128

If the IP address part is unspecified or inapplicable, it MUST be an empty string unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition. In this case the IP prefix will be of the form “/n”.

If the entire IP prefix is unspecified or inapplicable, it MUST be an empty string unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition.

IPv4Address IPAddress(:45)

IPv4 address (or subnet mask).

Can be any IPv4 address that is permitted by the IPAddress data type.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • ((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])
IPv4Prefix IPPrefix(:49)

IPv4 address prefix.

Can be any IPv4 prefix that is permitted by the IPPrefix data type.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • /(3[0-2]|[012]?[0-9])
  • ((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])/(3[0-2]|[012]?[0-9])
IPv6Address IPAddress(:45)

IPv6 address.

Can be any IPv6 address that is permitted by the IPAddress data type.

IPv6Prefix IPPrefix(:49)

IPv6 address prefix.

Can be any IPv6 prefix that is permitted by the IPPrefix data type.

MACAddress string(:17)

All MAC addresses are represented as strings of 12 hexadecimal digits (digits 0-9, letters A-F or a-f) displayed as six pairs of digits separated by colons. Unspecified or inapplicable MAC addresses MUST be represented as empty strings unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • ([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:){5}([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])
MocaBand string[]

Represents the MoCA Bands and sub-bands the device is configured to operate in or that the device supports. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • reserved (READONLY)
  • bandFCBL
  • bandFSAT
  • bandE
  • bandExD
  • bandDH
  • bandDL
  • noBand

See [Section 15/MoCAv2.0].

MocaChannelIndex string

Represents the MoCA 2.0 primary or secondary channel, or MoCA 2.5 first, second, third, fourth, or fifth channel.

Enumeration of:

  • primary
  • secondary
  • m25first
  • m25second
  • m25third
  • m25fourth
  • m25fifth
MocaChannelMask hexBinary(8)

Represents one or more MoCA channel RF center frequencies using a hexadecimal encoded 64-bit mask.

Bit 63 (the leftmost bit of the leftmost character) is the most significant bit (highest frequency), and bit 0 (the rightmost bit of the rightmost character) is the least significant bit (lowest frequency). Not all bits are valid MoCA channels.

Each bit represents 25 MHz of spectrum, but the mapping from bits to frequencies varies with the MoCA version:

  • MoCA 1.0 and MoCA 1.1: bits 63 through 32 are not used, bit 31 represents 1575 MHz and bit 0 represents 800 MHz
  • MoCA 2.0 and MoCA 2.5: bit 63 represents 1975 MHz and bit 0 represents 400 MHz

For example, a MoCA 1.0 or MoCA 1.1 interface would use 0x000000001FFFC000 to represent 1150 MHz through 1500 MHz.

Note that the MoCA version is indicated by the HighestVersion parameter.

MocaDB unsignedInt Represents one decibel or 1 dB.
MocaDBm int

Represents a measure of power in mW expressed in decibels, and calculated as follows:

power = 10*log10( Vrms^2 / R * 1000 )

where Vrms is the root-mean-square Voltage of the received waveform and R is 75 ohms.

MocaFlowIngrClassRule string

Represents the MoCA 2.0 PQOS Ingress Classification Rule.

Enumeration of:

  • ruleDAVLANtag4or5
  • ruleDAonly
  • ruleDAandDSCPnoVLAN
  • ruleDAandVLANignoreDSCP
  • ruleDAandVLANorDSCP
MocaMacRate unsignedInt Represents the MAC throughput in Kbps.
MocaNodeID unsignedInt(0:15)

Represents a MoCA Node ID.

  • MoCA 1.0 network can have a maximum of 8 MoCA Nodes, so Node ID is 0 to 7.
  • MoCA 1.1, MoCA 2.0, or MoCA 2.5 network can have a maximum of 16 MoCA Nodes, so Node ID is 0 to 15.
MocaPhyRate unsignedInt(0:2048) Represents the transmit PHY rate in Mbps.
MocaPowerState string

Represents the Power State defined by the MoCA2.0 specification.

Enumeration of:

  • m0Active (Power State M0: Active)
  • m1LowPowerIdle (Power State M1: Low Power Idle)
  • m2Standby (Power State M2: Standby)
  • m3Sleep (Power State M3: Sleep)

See [Section 12/MoCAv2.0].

MocaPrivacy string

Represents a type of MoCA Privacy.

Enumeration of:

  • mocaReserved5
  • mocaReserved4
  • mocaReserved3
  • mocaReserved2
  • mocaReserved1
  • moca2EnhancedPrivacy
  • moca20Privacy
  • moca1Privacy
MocaScMod hexBinary

Represents the subcarrier modulation.

Binary string array (array of two hexadecimal characters) with 1 byte for each subcarrier. The value of each byte represents the subcarrier modulation for the corresponding subcarrier.

See [Section] and [Appendix A/MOCA20-MIB] for the encoding of this parameter.

Order unsignedInt(1:)

Position of the object entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a object instance is created, or when an existing parameter value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the parameter values for the existing entry and all lower parameter entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes parameter values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no parameter value is supplied on creation of a object instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

PSDBreakPointIndexAndLevel unsignedInt[2:2]
  1. the Power Spectral Density (PSD) breakpoint sub-carrier index in the range [0:49152] with Df = 4.3125 kHz frequency spacing, and
  2. the value of the level of the PSD at this sub-carrier expressed in 0.1 dBm/Hz with an offset of -200 dBm/Hz. The range of valid values for PSD is -30 to -200 dBm/Hz.

Both values are represented as unsignedInt.

PSMBreakPointIndexAndLevel unsignedInt[2:2]
  1. The PSM breakpoint sub-carrier index in the range [0:4095], and
  2. the value of the level of the PSM at this sub-carrier expressed in 0.1 dBm/Hz with an offset of -140 dBm/Hz.

Both values are represented as unsignedInt.

[Clause 5.2/G.9964] defines limits on PSM breakpoint levels.

RangingState string

This data type defines the CM ranging state as reported by the CMTS. The enumerated values associated with the RangingState are:

Enumeration of:

  • Other (indicates any state not described below)
  • Aborted (indicates that the CMTS has sent a ranging abort)
  • RetriesExceeded (indicates that the CM ranging retry limit has exceeded)
  • Success (indicates that the CMTS has sent a ranging success in the ranging response)
  • Continue (indicates that the CMTS has sent a ranging continue in the ranging response)
  • TimeoutT4 (indicates that the T4 timer expired on the CM)

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Cable Modem - CMTS Interaction.

RowStatus string

Cut-down version of SNMP RowStatus that supports only its “status” values, not its “control” values.

Enumeration of:

  • active (The row is available for use by the managed device)
  • notInService (The row exists in the Agent, but is unavailable for use by the managed device (see NOTE below); “notInService” has no implication regarding the internal consistency of the row, availability of resources, or consistency with the current state of the managed device)
  • notReady (The row exists in the Agent, but is missing information necessary in order to be available for use by the managed device, i.e., one or more required parameter in the row have not been populated)
  • createAndGo (Not used)
  • createAndWait (Not used)
  • destroy (Not used)
SELTPAttenuationCharacteristicsIndexAndTFlog unsignedInt[2:2]
  1. The paired frequency spacing index in the range [0:8191], and
  2. The transfer function log value, i.e. [i, TFlog(i * TFlogGroupSize * Df)], where the reference frequency spacing Df = 4.3125 kHz, the index i valid range is 0 to 8191, and TFlog(i * TFlogGroupSize * Df) spans a range from +6.0 dB down to -96.2 dB with units of 0.1 dB.

Both values are represented as unsignedInt.

SST string

Service Slice Type (SST). Enumeration of:

  • eMBB (5G Enhanced Mobile Broadband)
  • URLLC (Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications)
  • MIoT (Massive IoT)
  • V2X (Vehicle to Everything)

See [Clause].

SpectrumAnalysisWindowFunction string

This object controls the windowing function which will be used when performing the discrete Fourier transform for the analysis. Note that all window functions may not be supported by all devices. If an attempt is made to set the object to an unsupported window function, an error of inconsistentValue will be returned.

Enumeration of:

  • Other
  • Hann
  • BlackmanHarris
  • Rectangular
  • Hamming
  • FlatTop
  • Gaussian
  • Chebyshev
StatsCounter32 unsignedInt

A 32-bit statistics parameter, e.g. a byte counter.

This data type SHOULD NOT be used for statistics parameters whose values might become greater than the maximum value that can be represented as an unsignedInt (i.e. 0xffffffff, referred to below as maxval). StatsCounter64 SHOULD be used for such parameters.

The value maxval indicates that no data is available for this parameter. In the unlikely event that the actual value of the statistic is maxval, the CPE SHOULD return maxval - 1.

The actual value of the statistic might be greater than maxval. Such values SHOULD wrap around through zero.

The term packet is to be interpreted as the transmission unit appropriate to the protocol layer in question, e.g. an IP packet or an Ethernet frame.

StatsCounter64 unsignedLong

A 64-bit statistics parameter, e.g. a byte counter.

This data type SHOULD be used for all statistics parameters whose values might become greater than the maximum value that can be represented as an unsignedInt.

The maximum value that can be represented as an unsignedLong (i.e. 0xffffffffffffffff) indicates that no data is available for this parameter.

The term packet is to be interpreted as the transmission unit appropriate to the protocol layer in question, e.g. an IP packet or an Ethernet frame.

TLV8 hexBinary(0,2:255)

This data type represents a single TLV encoding. This first octet represents the Type of the TLV. The second octet represents an unsigned 8-bit Length of the subsequent Value part of the TLV. The remaining octets represent the value. The Value could be an atomic value or a sequence of one or more sub-TLVs.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Common Radio Frequency Interface Encodings Annex.

TenthdB int This data type represents power levels that are normally expressed in dB. Units are in tenths of a dB; for example, 5.1 dB will be represented as 51.
TenthdBmV int This data type represents power levels that are normally expressed in dBmV. Units are in tenths of a dBmV; for example, 5.1 dBmV will be represented as 51.
UERComplex int[2:2]

Pair of 32-bit signed integers a(i),b(i) with each pair representing a complex component of the uncalibrated echo response (UER);

  1. Real UER component, a(i)
  2. Imaginary UER component, b(i)

for values of i starting at i=0. Both values are represented as signed integers.

The interpretation of the UER value is as defined in [Clause A.2.2.1/G.996.2].

URI string(:2048) Uniform Resource Identifier. See [RFC3986].
URL URI(:2048) Uniform Resource Locator. See [RFC3986] (URI), [IANA-uri-schemes], and individual URI scheme RFCs such as [RFC7252] (coap, coaps) and [RFC7230] (http, https).
UUID string(36)

Universally Unique Identifier. See [RFC4122].

Possible patterns:

  • [A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}
ZigBeeNetworkAddress string(:4)

The ZigBee 16-bit network address (NWK) as defined in [ZigBee2007]. The address is assigned to a device by the network layer and used by the network layer for routing messages between devices.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • ([0-9A-Fa-f]){4}


[3GPP-HSPA] High Speed Packet data Access (HSPA), 3GPP.
[3GPP-TS.23.003] 3GPP TS 23.003, Numbering, addressing and identification, 3GPP CT WG4.
[3GPP-TS.23.501] 3GPP TS 23.501, System architecture for the 5G System (5GS); Stage 2, 3GPP SA WG2.
[3GPP-TS.24.008] 3GPP TS 24.008, Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Core network protocols; Stage 3, 3GPP CT WG1.
[3GPP-TS.24.301] 3GPP TS 24.301, Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for Evolved Packet System (EPS); Stage 3, 3GPP CT WG1.
[3GPP-TS.24.501] 3GPP TS 24.501, Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for 5G System (5GS); Stage 3, 3GPP CT WG1.
[3GPP-TS.24.526] 3GPP TS 24.526, User Equipment (UE) policies for 5G System (5GS); Stage 3, 3GPP CT WG1.
[3GPP-TS.25.171] 3GPP TS 25.171, Requirements for support of Assisted Global Positioning System (A-GPS), 3GPP RAN WG4.
[3GPP-TS.27.007] 3GPP TS 24.007, AT command set for User Equipment (UE), 3GPP CT WG1.
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[RFC3339] RFC 3339, Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps, IETF, July, 2002.
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[RFC3646] RFC 3646, DNS Configuration options for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6), IETF, 2003.
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[RFC3927] RFC 3927, Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses, IETF, 2005.
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[RFC3948] RFC 3948, UDP Encapsulation of IPsec ESP Packets, IETF, January 2005.
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[RFC4242] RFC 4242, Information Refresh Time Option for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6), IETF, 2005.
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[RFC4292] RFC 4292, IP Forwarding Table MIB, IETF, 2006.
[RFC4293] RFC 4293, Management Information Base for the Internet Protocol (IP), IETF, 2006.
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[RFC4862] RFC 4862, IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration, IETF, 2007.
[RFC4868] RFC 4868, Using HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, and HMAC-SHA-512 with IPsec, IETF, 2007.
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[RFC5280] RFC 5280, Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile, IETF, May 2008.
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[RFC5425] RFC 5425, Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Mapping for Syslog, IETF, May 2009.
[RFC5426] RFC 5426, Transmission of Syslog Messages over UDP, IETF, May 2009.
[RFC5491] RFC 5491, GEOPRIV Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) Usage Clarification, Considerations, and Recommendations, IETF, March 2009.
[RFC5625] RFC 5625, DNS Proxy Implementation Guidelines, IETF, 2009.
[RFC5905] RFC 5905, Network Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms Specification, IETF, 2010.
[RFC5969] RFC 5969, IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd) - Protocol Specification, IETF, 2010.
[RFC5996] RFC 5996, Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2), IETF, September 2010.
[RFC6106] RFC 6106, IPv6 Router Advertisement Option for DNS Configuration, IETF, 2010.
[RFC6120] RFC 6120, Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) : Core, IETF, 2011.
[RFC6234] RFC 6234, US Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA and SHA-based HMAC and HKDF), IETF, May, 2011.
[RFC6455] RFC 6455, The WebSocket Protocol, IETF, December 2011.
[RFC6587] RFC 6587, Transmission of Syslog Messages over TCP, IETF, April 2012.
[RFC6762] RFC 6762, Multicast DNS, IETF, February 2013.
[RFC6838] RFC 6838, Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures, IETF, January 2013.
[RFC6887] RFC 6887, Port Control Protocol (PCP), IETF, 2013.
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[RFC7252] RFC 7252, The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), IETF, June 2014.
[RFC7291] RFC 7291, DHCP Options for the Port Control Protocol (PCP), IETF, 2014.
[RFC7348] RFC 7348, Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN), IETF, August 2014.
[RFC7395] RFC 7395, An Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) Subprotocol for WebSocket, IETF, October 2014.
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[RFC7594] RFC 7594, A Framework for Large-Scale Measurement of Broadband Performance (LMAP), IETF, September 2015.
[RFC7597] RFC 7597, Mapping of Address and Port with Encapsulation (MAP), IETF, July 2015.
[RFC7598] RFC 7598, DHCPv6 Options for configuration of Softwire Address and Port Mapped Clients, IETF, July 2015.
[RFC7599] RFC 7599, Mapping of Address and Port using Translation (MAP-T), IETF, July 2015.
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[RFC8349] RFC 8349, A YANG Data Model for Routing Management (NMDA Version), IETF, March 2018.
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[RFC8968] RFC 8968, Babel Routing Protocol over Datagram Transport Layer Security, IETF, January 2021.
[RFC9046] RFC 9046, Babel Information Model, IETF, June 2021.
[RFC9110] RFC 9110, HTTP Semantics, IETF, June 2022.
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[UPnP-DM:1] UPnP Device Management:1, UPnP Device Management v1.
[UPnP-IGD:1] UPnP InternetGatewayDevice:1, InternetGatewayDevice:1 Device Template Version 1.01, UPnP, 2001.
[UPnP-IGD:2] UPnP InternetGatewayDevice:2, InternetGatewayDevice:2 Device Template Version 1.01, UPnP, 2010.
[USB1.0] USB 1.0, USB 1.0 Specification, USB-IF, January 1996.
[USB2.0] USB 2.0, USB 2.0 Specification, USB-IF, April 2000.
[USB3.0] USB 3.0, USB 3.0 Specification, USB-IF, November 2008.
[WMM] Wi-Fi Multimedia Technical Specification, Wi-Fi Multimedia Technical Specification, Wi-Fi Alliance, May 2012.
[WPA3v3.0] WPA3v3.0, Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 Specification Version 3.0.x, Wi-Fi Alliance.
[WPS 2.0] WSC 2.0, Wi-Fi Simple Configuration Technical Specification Version 2.0.x, Wi-Fi Alliance.
[WPSv1.0] Wi-Fi Protected Setup Specification Version 1.0h, Wi-Fi Alliance, 2006.
[YANGSYSLOG] draft-ietf-netmod-syslog-model, A YANG Data Model for Syslog Configuration, IETF, April 2023.
[Z-Wave] Z-Wave, Z-Wave website.
[ZigBee] ZigBee, ZigBee Alliance website.
[ZigBee2007] ZigBee 2007 Specification, ZigBee 2007 Specification, ZigBee Alliance, October 2007.


Object definition.
Parameter definition.

Device:2.18 Data Model

For a given implementation of this data model, the Agent MUST indicate support for the highest version number of any object or parameter that it supports. For example, even if the Agent supports only a single parameter that was introduced in version 1.4, then it will indicate support for version 1.4. The version number associated with each object and parameter is shown in the Version column.

Name Type Write Description Object Default Version
Device. object R The top-level object for a Device. - 2.0
RootDataModelVersion string(:32) R

Root data model version, e.g. 2.4. For a vendor-defined root data model, this is the standard Broadband Forum model on which the vendor-defined model is based.

Possible patterns:

  • 2\.\d+

This parameter MUST always be included in Inform messages.

- 2.4
InterfaceStackNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the InterfaceStack table. - 2.0
Device.Services. object R This object contains general services information. - 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo. object R This object contains general device information. - 2.0
DeviceCategory string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item is a device category (e.g. “AV_TV” and “AV_Recorder”), or the value is an empty string if no such element is provided by the device.

Note: It is assumed that this list might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973]. Standard HTIP device categories are defined in [JJ-300.01]. In this case, the maximum length of the list is 127 and of each item is 31, and any non-HTIP device categories SHOULD NOT conflict with standard HTIP device categories.

- 2.8
Manufacturer string(:64) R The manufacturer of the CPE (human readable string). - 2.0
ManufacturerOUI string(6) R

Organizationally unique identifier of the device manufacturer. Represented as a six hexadecimal-digit value using all upper-case letters and including any leading zeros. Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}

The value MUST be a valid OUI as defined in [OUI].

This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

Any change would indicate that it’s a new device and would therefore require a BOOTSTRAP Inform.

- 2.0
ModelName string(:64) R Model name of the CPE (human readable string). - 2.0
ModelNumber string(:64) R

The model number of the device (human readable string), or an empty string if no model number is provided by the device.

Note: It is assumed that this string might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973]. In this case, the maximum length of the string is 31.

- 2.8
Description string(:256) R A full description of the CPE device (human readable string). - 2.0
ProductClass string(:64) R

Identifier of the class of product for which the serial number applies. That is, for a given manufacturer, this parameter is used to identify the product or class of product over which the SerialNumber parameter is unique.

This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

- 2.0
SerialNumber string(:64) R

Identifier of the particular device that is unique for the indicated class of product and manufacturer.

This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

- 2.0
HardwareVersion string(:64) R

A string identifying the particular CPE model and version.

This parameter MUST always be included in Inform messages.

- 2.0
SoftwareVersion string(:64) R

A string identifying the software version currently installed in the CPE (i.e. version of the overall CPE firmware).

To allow version comparisons, this element SHOULD be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 3.0.21 where the components mean: Major.Minor.Build.

This parameter MUST always be included in Inform messages.

Active Notification MUST always be enabled for this parameter.

- 2.0
ActiveFirmwareImage string R A full path reference to the row in the FirmwareImage table representing the currently running firmware image. - 2.12
BootFirmwareImage string W

A full path reference to the row in the FirmwareImage table of the firmware image that is to be loaded the next time the device boots.

This parameter value cannot be empty and must point to a valid and enabled FirmwareImage object where the (FirmwareImage.{i}.Available parameter is set to ‘true’). Out of the factory, this parameter should be set to point to the firmware image the CPE will attempt to boot when first powered on.

The firmware image instance referenced by this parameter must also have an Available parameter value of ‘true’. Attempting to set this parameter to point to a non-enabled firmware image MUST result in the CPE responding with a CWMP fault (9007).

In situations where the CPE cannot boot the firmware image specified by this parameter and manages to boot a different firmware image, the CPE MUST NOT modify this value to point to the alternate firmware image that is currently active.

- 2.12
AdditionalHardwareVersion string[](:64) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 64) of strings. Each entry is an additional version. Represents any additional hardware version information the vendor might wish to supply. - 2.0
AdditionalSoftwareVersion string[](:64) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 64) of strings. Each entry is an additional version. Represents any additional software version information the vendor might wish to supply. - 2.0
ProvisioningCode string(:64) W

Identifier of the primary service provider and other provisioning information, which MAY be used by the ACS to determine service provider-specific customization and provisioning parameters.

This parameter MUST always be included in Inform messages.

Active Notification MUST always be enabled for this parameter.

- 2.0
UpTime unsignedInt R

Time in seconds since the CPE was last restarted.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
FirstUseDate dateTime R

Date and time in UTC that the CPE first both successfully established an IP-layer network connection and acquired an absolute time reference using NTP or equivalent over that network connection. The CPE MAY reset this date after a factory reset.

If NTP or equivalent is not available, this parameter, if present, SHOULD be set to the Unknown Time value.

- 2.0
HostName string(:255) W The hostname of the device [Section 2 General issues/RFC1123]. This can be either a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or just the first component of an FQDN. For example, myhgw, myhgw.home,, - 2.16
FirmwareImageNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the FirmwareImage table. - 2.12
VendorConfigFileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the VendorConfigFile table. - 2.0
ProcessorNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the Processor table.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because the only contained parameter, Processor.{i}.Architecture, is no longer relevant for modern devices.
- 2.1
LogRotateNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the LogRotate table. - 2.17
VendorLogFileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the VendorLogFile table. - 2.1
LocationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Location table. - 2.4
DeviceImageNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DeviceImageFile table. - 2.11
SupportedDataModelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SupportedDataModel table. - 2.0
Device.ManagementServer. object R This object contains parameters relating to the CPE’s association with an ACS. - 2.0
EnableCWMP boolean W

Enables and disables the CPE’s support for CWMP.

false means that CWMP support in the CPE is disabled, in which case the device MUST NOT send any Inform messages to the ACS or accept any Connection Request notifications from the ACS.

true means that CWMP support on the CPE is enabled.

The subscriber can re-enable the CPE’s CWMP support either by performing a factory reset or by using a LAN-side protocol to change the value of this parameter back to true.

The factory default value MUST be true.

- 2.0
URL string(:2048) W

The [URL] for the CPE to connect to the ACS using the CPE WAN Management Protocol.

This parameter MUST be in the form of a valid HTTP or HTTPS URL.

The host portion of this URL is used by the CPE for validating the ACS certificate when using SSL or TLS.

Note that on a factory reset of the CPE, the value of this parameter might be reset to its factory value. If an ACS modifies the value of this parameter, it SHOULD be prepared to accommodate the situation that the original value is restored as the result of a factory reset.

- 2.0
Username string(:256) W

Username used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the ACS using the CPE WAN Management Protocol.

This username is used only for HTTP-based authentication of the CPE.

Note that on a factory reset of the CPE, the value of this parameter might be reset to its factory value. If an ACS modifies the value of this parameter, it SHOULD be prepared to accommodate the situation that the original value is restored as the result of a factory reset.

- 2.0
Password string(:256) W

Password used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the ACS using the CPE WAN Management Protocol.

This password is used only for HTTP-based authentication of the CPE.

Note that on a factory reset of the CPE, the value of this parameter might be reset to its factory value. If an ACS modifies the value of this parameter, it SHOULD be prepared to accommodate the situation that the original value is restored as the result of a factory reset.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
ScheduleReboot dateTime W

An absolute date and time in UTC at which time the CPE will perform a reboot.

If a CWMP session is in progress at the specified time, the CPE MUST wait until the session has ended before performing the reboot.

If the value specifies a date and time that has already passed (i.e., a past date and time), no reboot will be performed.

- 2.10
DelayReboot int(-1:) W

The number of seconds from the time the CWMP session in which this parameter value is set is ended until the CPE performs a reboot.

Whenever the CPE reboots, this value MUST be reset by the CPE to -1.

- 2.10
PeriodicInformEnable boolean W Whether or not the CPE MUST periodically send CPE information to the ACS using the Inform method call. - 2.0
PeriodicInformInterval unsignedInt(1:) W The duration in seconds of the interval for which the CPE MUST attempt to connect with the ACS and call the Inform method if PeriodicInformEnable is true. - 2.0
PeriodicInformTime dateTime W

An absolute time reference in UTC to determine when the CPE will initiate the periodic Inform method calls. Each Inform call MUST occur at this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of the PeriodicInformInterval.

PeriodicInformTime is used only to set the phase of the periodic Informs. The actual value of PeriodicInformTime can be arbitrarily far into the past or future.

For example, if PeriodicInformInterval is 86400 (a day) and if PeriodicInformTime is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then periodic Informs will occur every day at UTC midnight. These MUST begin on the very next midnight, even if PeriodicInformTime refers to a day in the future.

The Unknown Time value defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. That is, the CPE MAY locally choose the time reference, and needs only to adhere to the specified PeriodicInformInterval.

If absolute time is not available to the CPE, its periodic Inform behavior MUST be the same as if the PeriodicInformTime parameter was set to the Unknown Time value.

- 2.0
ParameterKey string(:32) R

ParameterKey provides the ACS a reliable and extensible means to track changes made by the ACS. The value of ParameterKey MUST be equal to the value of the ParameterKey argument from the most recent successful SetParameterValues, AddObject, or DeleteObject method call from the ACS.

The CPE MUST set ParameterKey to the value specified in the corresponding method arguments if and only if the method completes successfully and no fault response is generated. If a method call does not complete successfully (implying that the changes requested in the method did not take effect), the value of ParameterKey MUST NOT be modified.

The CPE MUST only modify the value of ParameterKey as a result of SetParameterValues, AddObject, DeleteObject, or due to a factory reset. On factory reset, the value of ParameterKey MUST be set to an empty string.

This parameter MUST always be included in Inform messages.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ConnectionRequestURL string(:2048) R

The HTTP [URL] for an ACS to make a Connection Request notification to the CPE.

In the form:


The host portion of the URL MAY be the IP address for the management interface of the CPE in lieu of a host name.

Note: If the host portion of the URL is a literal IPv6 address then it MUST be enclosed in square brackets (see [Section 3.2.2/RFC3986]).

This parameter MUST always be included in Inform messages.

Active Notification MUST by default be enabled for this parameter.

- 2.0
ConnectionRequestUsername string(:256) W Username used to authenticate an ACS making a Connection Request to the CPE. - 2.0
ConnectionRequestPassword string(:256) W

Password used to authenticate an ACS making a Connection Request to the CPE.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
UpgradesManaged boolean W

Indicates whether or not the ACS will manage upgrades for the CPE. If true, the CPE SHOULD NOT use other means other than the ACS to seek out available upgrades. If false, the CPE MAY use other means for this purpose.

Note that an autonomous upgrade (reported via an “10 AUTONOMOUS TRANSFER COMPLETE” Inform Event code) SHOULD be regarded as a managed upgrade if it is performed according to ACS-specified policy.

- 2.0
KickURL string(:2048) R

Present only for a CPE that supports the Kicked RPC method.

LAN-accessible [URL] from which the CPE can be kicked to initiate the Kicked RPC method call. MUST be an absolute URL including a host name or IP address as would be used on the LAN side of the CPE.

- 2.0
DownloadProgressURL string(:2048) R

Present only for a CPE that provides a LAN-side web page to show progress during a file download.

LAN-accessible [URL] to which a web-server associated with the ACS MAY redirect a user’s browser on initiation of a file download to observer the status of the download.

- 2.0
DefaultActiveNotificationThrottle unsignedInt W

This parameter is used to control throttling of active notifications sent by the CPE to the ACS. It defines the minimum number of seconds that the CPE MUST wait since the end of the last session with the ACS before establishing a new session for the purpose of delivering an active notification.

In other words, if CPE needs to establish a new session with the ACS for the sole purpose of delivering an active notification, it MUST delay establishing such a session as needed to ensure that the minimum time since the last session completion has been met.

The time is counted since the last successfully completed session, regardless of whether or not it was used for active notifications or other purposes. However, if connection to the ACS is established for purposes other than just delivering active notifications, including for the purpose of retrying a failed session, such connection MUST NOT be delayed based on this parameter value, and the pending active notifications MUST be communicated during that connection.

The time of the last session completion does not need to be tracked across reboots.

- 2.0
CWMPRetryMinimumWaitInterval unsignedInt(1:65535) W

Configures the first session retry wait interval, in seconds, as specified in [Section].

A value of 5 corresponds to the default behavior that is described in [TR-069].

The device MUST use a random value between CWMPRetryMinimumWaitInterval and (CWMPRetryMinimumWaitInterval * CWMPRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) as the first retry wait interval. Other values in the retry pattern MUST be calculated using this value as a starting point.

- 2.0
CWMPRetryIntervalMultiplier unsignedInt(1000:65535) W

Configures the retry interval multiplier as specified in [Section].

This value is expressed in units of 0.001. Hence the values of the multiplier range between 1.000 and 65.535.

A value of 2000 corresponds to the default behavior that is described in [TR-069].

The device MUST use a random value between CWMPRetryMinimumWaitInterval and (CWMPRetryMinimumWaitInterval * CWMPRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) as the first retry wait interval. Other values in the retry pattern MUST be calculated using this value as a starting point.

- 2.0
HTTPConnectionRequestEnable boolean W

Enables or disables HTTP connection request handling on the CPE.

If HTTP connection request handling is disabled (HTTPConnectionRequestEnable is set to false), ConnectionRequestURL MUST be set to an empty string and the CPE MUST close the port used by the HTTP connection request server.

The factory default value MUST be true.

- 2.11
UDPConnectionRequestAddress string(:256) R

Address and port to which an ACS MAY send a UDP Connection Request to the CPE (see [Annex G/TR-069]).

This parameter is represented in the form of an Authority element as defined in [RFC3986]. The value MUST be in one of the following two forms:

  • When STUNEnable is true, the host and port portions of this parameter MUST represent the public address and port corresponding to the NAT binding through which the ACS can send UDP Connection Request messages (once this information is learned by the CPE through the use of STUN).
  • When STUNEnable is false, the host and port portions of the URL MUST represent the local IP address and port on which the CPE is listening for UDP Connection Request messages.

The second form of this parameter MAY be used only if the port value is equal to 80.

Note: If the host portion of the URL is a literal IPv6 address then it MUST be enclosed in square brackets (see [Section 3.2.2/RFC3986]).

- 2.0
STUNEnable boolean W Enables or disables the use of STUN by the CPE. This applies only to the use of STUN in association with the ACS to allow UDP Connection Requests. - 2.0
STUNServerAddress string(:256) W

Host name or IP address of the STUN server for the CPE to send Binding Requests if STUN is enabled via STUNEnable.

If is an empty string and STUNEnable is true, the CPE MUST use the address of the ACS extracted from the host portion of the ACS URL.

- 2.0
STUNServerPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W

Port number of the STUN server for the CPE to send Binding Requests if STUN is enabled via STUNEnable.

By default, this SHOULD be the equal to the default STUN port, 3478.

- 2.0
STUNUsername string(:256) W

If is not an empty string, the value of the STUN USERNAME attribute to be used in Binding Requests (only if message integrity has been requested by the STUN server).

If is an empty string, the CPE MUST NOT send STUN Binding Requests with message integrity.

- 2.0
STUNPassword string(:256) W

The value of the STUN Password to be used in computing the MESSAGE-INTEGRITY attribute to be used in Binding Requests (only if message integrity has been requested by the STUN server).

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
STUNMaximumKeepAlivePeriod int(-1:) W

If STUN Is enabled, the maximum period, in seconds, that STUN Binding Requests MUST be sent by the CPE for the purpose of maintaining the binding in the Gateway. This applies specifically to Binding Requests sent from the UDP Connection Request address and port.

A value of -1 indicates that no maximum period is specified.

- 2.0
STUNMinimumKeepAlivePeriod unsignedInt W If STUN Is enabled, the minimum period, in seconds, that STUN Binding Requests can be sent by the CPE for the purpose of maintaining the binding in the Gateway. This limit applies only to Binding Requests sent from the UDP Connection Request address and port, and only those that do not contain the BINDING-CHANGE attribute. This limit does not apply to retransmissions following the procedures defined in [RFC3489]. - 2.0
NATDetected boolean R

When STUN is enabled, this parameter indicates whether or not the CPE has detected address and/or port mapping in use.

A true value indicates that the received MAPPED-ADDRESS in the most recent Binding Response differs from the CPE’s source address and port.

When STUNEnable is false, this value MUST be false.

- 2.0
AliasBasedAddressing boolean R

Indicates whether or not the Alias-Based Addressing Mechanism is supported.

A true value indicates that the CPE supports the Alias-Based Addressing Mechanism, as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069].

This parameter MUST always be included in Inform messages.

- 2.3
InstanceMode string W

Instance identification mode as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069]. When AliasBasedAddressing is true, InstanceMode is used by the ACS to control whether the CPE will use Instance Numbers or Instance Aliases in returned Path Names. Enumeration of:

  • InstanceNumber
  • InstanceAlias

This parameter is REQUIRED for any CPE supporting Alias-Based Addressing.

The factory default value MUST be InstanceNumber.

- 2.3
AutoCreateInstances boolean W

Enable or disable the Auto-Create Instance Mechanism. When AliasBasedAddressing is true, AutoCreateInstances indicates whether or not the CPE will automatically create instances while processing a SetParameterValues RPC (as defined in [A.3.2.1/TR-069]).

*A true value indicates that the CPE will perform auto-creation of instances when the Alias-Based Addressing Mechanism is used in SetParameterValues RPC.

*A false value indicates that the CPE will not create new object instances. Instead, it will reject the setting of parameters in unrecognized instances and respond with a fault code.

This parameter is REQUIRED for any CPE supporting Alias-Based Addressing.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.3
ManageableDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ManageableDevice table. - 2.0
ManageableDeviceNotificationLimit unsignedInt W The minimum time, in seconds, between Active Notifications resulting from changes to the ManageableDeviceNumberOfEntries (if Active Notification is enabled). - 2.7
EmbeddedDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the EmbeddedDevice table. - 2.3
VirtualDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the VirtualDevice table. - 2.3
SupportedConnReqMethods string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. The connection request methods supported by this ManagementServer. Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.7
ConnReqXMPPConnection string W The value MUST be the Path Name of the XMPP.Connection instance that is used for connection requests to this ManagementServer. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.7
ConnReqAllowedJabberIDs string(:256)[:32]() W

When an XMPP Connection Request is sent to a CPE the XMPP IQ Stanza will contain a “from” address that contains the Jabber ID of the initiating entity.

This parameter is a Comma-separated list (up to 32 items) (length ) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each entry represents a Jabber ID, or address, that is allowed to initiate an XMPP Connection Request.

Each Jabber ID is allowed to be either a “Full JID” (containing a local-part, domain-part, and resource-part in the following format: “local-part@domain-part/resource-part”) or a “Bare JID” (containing a local-part and a domain-part in the following format: “local-part@domain-part”). “Full JID” entries require an exact match whereas “Bare JID” entries are a wildcard match and will match any Jabber ID with the same local-part and domain-part independent of the resource-part.

For example, if ConnReqAllowedJabberIDs contained “,” then the following incoming “from” addresses would be allowed:

  • “”
  • “”
  • “”

And the following incoming “from” addresses would not be allowed:

  • “”
  • “”

If this Parameter is an empty string then all Jabber IDs are allowed and an XMPP Connection Request can not be deemed invalid due to the “from” address.

- 2.7
ConnReqJabberID string R

The value MUST be the value of the XMPP.Connection.{i}.JabberID contained in the XMPP.Connection instance referenced by the ConnReqXMPPConnection parameter.

If the ConnReqXMPPConnection parameter is empty or the XMPP.Connection instance being reference is disabled, then this value will be empty.

If the XMPP.Connection instance being referenced by the ConnReqXMPPConnection parameter is lost (XMPP.Connection.{i}.Status parameter changes from Enabled to some other value), then the value of this parameter MUST remain unchanged until the connection can be reestablished and a new XMPP.Connection.{i}.JabberID can be established. If the new XMPP.Connection.{i}.JabberID is identical to the existing value, then the value of this parameter MUST NOT be altered and a VALUE CHANGE event MUST NOT be generated.

Active Notification MUST by default be enabled for this parameter.

- 2.7
HTTPCompressionSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the HTTP Compression mechanism(s) supported by this CPE. Requirements for the use of HTTP Compression for CWMP can be found in [Section 3.4.7/TR-069]. Each list item is an enumeration of:

Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106] MUST be adhered to.

- 2.7
HTTPCompression string W

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the HTTPCompressionSupported parameter, or else be Disabled. The value of this parameter represents the HTTP Compression mechanism to be used by the CPE when communicating with the ACS.

The factory default value MUST be Disabled.

- 2.7
LightweightNotificationProtocolsSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the Lightweight Notification Protocol(s) supported by this CPE. Each list item is an enumeration of:

Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106] MUST be adhered to.

- 2.7
LightweightNotificationProtocolsUsed string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the LightweightNotificationProtocolsSupported parameter, or else be an empty string. The value of this parameter represents the protocol(s) that will be used by the CPE when sending Lightweight Notifications.

An empty string means that Lightweight Notifications are disabled, despite any SetParameterAttributes that have been configured on various parameters.

- 2.7
LightweightNotificationTriggerInterval unsignedInt(0:) W

The duration in seconds of the interval for which the CPE MUST attempt to deliver any pending Passive Lightweight Notifications.

A value of 0 means that the trigger interval is effectively disabled. In this case pending Passive Lightweight Notifications are only sent when triggered by an Active Lightweight Notification.

- 2.12
LightweightNotificationTriggerTime dateTime W

An absolute time reference in UTC to determine when the CPE will initiate the Lightweight Notification (in the case that there are pending Passive Lightweight Notifications that need to be delivered). Each Passive Lightweight Notification (that is waiting for the Lightweight Notification Trigger mechanism for delivery) MUST occur at this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of the LightweightNotificationTriggerInterval. LightweightNotificationTriggerTime is used only to set the phase of the Passive Lightweight Notification. The actual value of LightweightNotificationTriggerTime can be arbitrarily far into the past or future.

For example, if LightweightNotificationTriggerInterval is 86400 (a day) and if LightweightNotificationTriggerTime is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then Lightweight Notifications for pending Passive Lightweight Notifications will occur every day at UTC midnight. These MUST begin on the very next midnight, even if LightweightNotificationTriggerTime refers to a day in the future. The Unknown Time value defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. That is, the CPE MAY locally choose the time reference, and needs only to adhere to the specified LightweightNotificationTriggerInterval. If absolute time is not available to the CPE, its Lightweight Notifications behavior MUST be the same as if the LightweightNotificationTriggerTime parameter was set to the Unknown Time value.

- 2.12
UDPLightweightNotificationHost string(:256) W

Host name or address to be used when sending the UDP Lightweight Notifications.

UDPLightweightNotificationHost is only applicable when LightweightNotificationProtocolsUsed contains the UDP enumeration.

If UDPLightweightNotificationHost is not implemented or is an empty string, and UDP Lightweight Notifications are supported, the destination host MUST be the same as the ACS (as contained in the host portion of the URL).

- 2.7
UDPLightweightNotificationPort unsignedInt W

The port number to be used when sending UDP Lightweight Notifications.

UDPLightweightNotificationPort is only applicable when LightweightNotificationProtocolsUsed contains the UDP enumeration.

If UDPLightweightNotificationPort is not implemented and UDP Lightweight Notifications are supported, the destination port MUST be 7547.

- 2.7
InstanceWildcardsSupported boolean R

Indicates whether or not instance wildcards are supported.

A true value indicates that the CPE supports instance wildcards for GPV, GPN and GPA RPC calls, as defined in [TR-069].

- 2.12
InformParameterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the InformParameter table. - 2.8
Device.ManagementServer.ManageableDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

Each entry in this table corresponds to a distinct LAN Device that supports Device-Gateway Association according to [Annex F/TR-069] as indicated by the presence of the DHCP option specified in that Annex.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of ManufacturerOUI, SerialNumber and ProductClass.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W
A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference. An initial unique value MUST be assigned when the CPE creates an instance of this object.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11 because ManageableDevice is a transient object.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.
- 2.0
ManufacturerOUI string(6) R

Organizationally unique identifier of the Device manufacturer as provided to the Gateway by the Device. Represented as a six hexadecimal-digit value using all upper-case letters and including any leading zeros. Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}

The value MUST be a valid OUI as defined in [OUI].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SerialNumber string(:64) R

Serial number of the Device as provided to the Gateway by the Device.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ProductClass string(:64) R

Identifier of the class of product for which the Device’s serial number applies as provided to the Gateway by the Device.

If the Device does not provide a Product Class, then this parameter MUST be an empty string.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Host string[](:1024) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Hosts.Host. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. References all the Hosts.Host table entries, whether active or inactive, that correspond to this physical LAN device. There can be multiple such entries if the device has more than one network interface.

For example: Device.Hosts.Host.1,Device.Hosts.Host.5

- 2.0
Device.ManagementServer.AutonomousTransferCompletePolicy. object R

This object allows configuration of CPE policy for notification of AUTONOMOUS TRANSFER COMPLETE events, defined in [TR-069].

The CPE policy determines the conditions under which the CPE notifies the ACS of the completion of file transfers that were not specifically requested by the ACS.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enable/disable CPE notification of AUTONOMOUS TRANSFER COMPLETE events to the ACS. - 2.0
TransferTypeFilter string W

Indicates the transfer types that MUST be included when the CPE notifies the ACS of AUTONOMOUS TRANSFER COMPLETE events. Transfer types not indicated by this filter MUST NOT be included when the CPE notifies the ACS. Enumeration of:

  • Upload
  • Download
  • Both (Upload and Download)

Note that this includes any backup or restore operations that were not specifically requested by the ACS. A backup is regarded as an Upload and a restore is regarded as a Download.

- 2.0
ResultTypeFilter string W

Indicates the transfer results that MUST be included when the CPE notifies the ACS of AUTONOMOUS TRANSFER COMPLETE events. Transfer results omitted from this list MUST NOT be included when the CPE notifies the ACS.

Note that this includes any backup or restore operations that were not specifically requested by the ACS. A backup is regarded as an Upload and a restore is regarded as a Download.

Enumeration of:

  • Success (The autonomous file transfer completed successfully; i.e., the FaultCode was zero)
  • Failure (The autonomous file transfer did not complete successfully; i.e., the FaultCode was non-zero)
  • Both (Success and Failure)
- 2.0
FileTypeFilter string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Indicates the file types that MUST be included when the CPE notifies the ACS of AUTONOMOUS TRANSFER COMPLETE events. File types omitted from this list MUST NOT be included when the CPE notifies the ACS.

Each list item matches one of:

  • 1 Firmware Upgrade Image (Download Only)
  • 2 Web Content (Download Only)
  • 3 Vendor Configuration File (Download or Upload)
  • 4 Vendor Log File (Upload Only)
  • X [0-9A-F]{6} .* (For Vendor-Specific File Types, could be for either Download or Upload)

Additionally, the following format is defined to allow the unique definition of vendor-specific file types:

  • “X

is replaced by a 6 hexadecimal-digit OUI (organizationally unique identifier) as defined in [OUI], with all upper-case letters and any leading zeros included. The OUI used for a given vendor-specific file type MUST be one that is assigned to the organization that defined this file type (which is not necessarily the same as the vendor of the CPE or ACS).

Note that an empty string indicates that all file types are excluded from this filter, effectively disabling CPE notification of AUTONOMOUS TRANSFER COMPLETE events to the ACS.

- 2.0
Device.ManagementServer.DownloadAvailability. object R This object contains multicast announcement and query parameters used for the purpose of downloading files. - 2.0
Device.ManagementServer.DownloadAvailability.Announcement. object R This object contains multicast announcement parameters used to download files. - 2.0
Enable boolean W Enable/disable CPE ability to receive and use multicast announcements from a server for the purpose of downloading files. - 2.0
Status string R

The status of the announcement service.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition, OPTIONAL)
- 2.0
GroupNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Group table. - 2.0
Device.ManagementServer.DownloadAvailability.Announcement.Group.{i}. object(0:) W

Multicast groups to which the CPE SHOULD listen for announcements.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for URL.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.3
Enable boolean W Enable/disable listening to this multicast group. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this group table entry.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition, e.g. unable to parse received announcements, OPTIONAL)
Disabled 2.0
URL string(:2048) W

The [URL] encoding the group address, source and port on which to listen, and other protocol information, e.g. expected announcement format.

Depending on the application, the messages identified by this URL MAY directly contain the data to be downloaded, or alternatively MAY contain information informing the CPE how to obtain the data to be downloaded via a separate mechanism, which itself could involve a unicast or a multicast download protocol.

Refer to [DVB-TS.102.824] for an example of a URL format that identifies a SAP [RFC2974] stream that indicates how to use either FLUTE [RFC3926] or DSM-CC [ISO-13818-6:1998] to perform the download.

- 2.0
Device.ManagementServer.DownloadAvailability.Query. object R This object contains multicast query parameters used to download files. - 2.0
Enable boolean W Enable/disable CPE ability to autonomously query a server for the purpose of downloading files. - 2.0
Status string R

The status of the query service.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition, e.g. unable to contact query response server, OPTIONAL)
- 2.0
URL string(:2048) W

The [URL] of the query response server.

Depending on the application, the protocol described by this URL MAY be a SOAP interface, or MAY be any other RPC mechanism.

Refer to [DVB-TS.102.824] for an example of a URL format that identifies a SOAP interface running over HTTP or HTTPS.

- 2.0
Device.ManagementServer.DUStateChangeComplPolicy. object R

This object allows configuration of CPE policy for notification of “12 AUTONOMOUS DU STATE CHANGE COMPLETE” events defined in [TR-069].

The CPE policy determines the conditions under which the CPE notifies the ACS of the completion of Deployment Unit state changes that were not specifically requested via CWMP.

- 2.1
Enable boolean W Enables/Disables CPE notification of “12 AUTONOMOUS DU STATE CHANGE COMPLETE” events to the ACS. - 2.1
OperationTypeFilter string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the Deployment Unit operations that MUST be included when the CPE notifies the ACS of “12 AUTONOMOUS DU STATE CHANGE COMPLETE” events.

Operation types not indicated by this list MUST NOT be included when the CPE notifies the ACS. An empty string is essentially the same as setting Enable to false.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Install
  • Update
  • Uninstall
- 2.1
ResultTypeFilter string W

Indicates the Deployment Unit state change results that MUST be included when the CPE notifies the ACS of “12 AUTONOMOUS DU STATE CHANGE COMPLETE” events. State change results omitted from this filter MUST NOT be included when the CPE notifies the ACS.

Enumeration of:

  • Success (The autonomous state change completed successfully; i.e., the FaultCode was zero)
  • Failure (The autonomous state change did not complete successfully; i.e., the FaultCode was non-zero)
  • Both (All result types independent of Success or Failure)
- 2.1
FaultCodeFilter string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the Deployment Unit state change fault codes that MUST be included when the CPE notifies the ACS of “12 AUTONOMOUS DU STATE CHANGE COMPLETE” events. State change fault codes omitted from this filter MUST NOT be included when the CPE notifies the ACS.

This filter has no effect on the notification of a successful autonomous state change. This filter only applies when ResultTypeFilter is set to either Failure or Both. An empty string means that failed autonomous state changes will not be sent to the ACS.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 9001
  • 9003
  • 9012
  • 9013
  • 9015
  • 9016
  • 9017
  • 9018
  • 9022
  • 9023
  • 9024
  • 9025
  • 9026
  • 9027
  • 9028
  • 9029
  • 9030
  • 9031
  • 9032
- 2.1
Device.ManagementServer.EmbeddedDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

Each entry in this table represents a distinct Proxied Device that utilizes the Embedded Object Mechanism [Annex J.3/TR-069] for proxying devices.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both ControllerID and ProxiedDeviceID.

- 2.3
ControllerID string(:256) R

Identifier of the controller that is responsible for a sub-network of Proxied Devices within the LAN.

An empty string indicates that this Proxied Device either:

  • Isn’t part of a sub-network, within the LAN, with a controller entity.
  • Doesn’t need a ControllerID to ensure its ProxiedDeviceID is unique throughout the LAN.
- 2.3
ProxiedDeviceID string(:256) R

Idenitfier of the Proxied Device.

This is an opaque string that is unique to the Proxied Device within a specific sub-network within the LAN (identified by the ControllerID). If the ControllerID is an empty string this ProxiedDeviceID is unique across the LAN.

- 2.3
Reference string R The value MUST be the path name of a table row. If the referenced object is deleted, this EmbeddedDevice instance MUST also be removed. Represents the instance of a multi-instanced object that is directly controlled by, and has come into existence because of, this Proxied Device that utilizes the Embedded Object Mechanism [Annex J.3/TR-069]. - 2.3
SupportedDataModel string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.SupportedDataModel. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Represents the CWMP-DT schema instance(s) that this Proxied Device is utilizing. The CWMP-DT schema instance is also the one being utilized by the object referenced within Reference. - 2.3
Host string[:32]() R Comma-separated list (up to 32 items) (length ) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Hosts.Host. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. References the Hosts.Host table entry(s), whether active or inactive, that corresponds to this proxied LAN device. - 2.3
ProxyProtocol string R

The protocol being used to communicate between the CPE Proxier and this Proxied Device. Enumeration of:

Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106] MUST be adhered to.

- 2.3
ProxyProtocolReference string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a protocol object that uses the ProxyProtocol. - 2.6
DiscoveryProtocol string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings, that represents the discovery protocol(s) for this proxied device.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106] MUST be adhered to.

- 2.6
DiscoveryProtocolReference string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an object discovered using one or more protocols listed in DiscoveryProtocol, or an empty string.

For objects discovered by the UPnP discovery protocol, the DiscoveryProtocolReference would contain items that are references to instances of the following:

For objects discovered by the ETSI-M2M discovery protocol, the DiscoveryProtocolReference would contain items that are references to instances of ETSIM2M.SCL.{i}.AreaNwkDeviceInfoInstance.

- 2.6
CommandProcessed string R

Whether or not the CPE Proxier has successfully communicated all pending configuration commands down to the Proxied Device.

Enumeration of:

  • Pending
  • Retrying
  • Success
  • Error
- 2.3
CommandProcessingErrMsg string(:1024) R Detailed CommandProcessed error description (vendor specific). - 2.3
LastSyncTime dateTime R

The last time that the CPE Proxier synchronized the state of the Proxied Device. This parameter MUST be updated when a proxy command is executed successfully on the Proxied Device.

The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106], indicates that the Proxied Device’s state has not been synchronized since the CPE Proxier was last rebooted.

- 2.3
Device.ManagementServer.VirtualDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

Each entry in this table represents a distinct Proxied Device that utilizes the Virtual CWMP Device Mechanism [Annex J.2/TR-069] for proxying devices.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of ManufacturerOUI, ProductClass and SerialNumber.

- 2.3
ManufacturerOUI string(6) R

Organizationally unique identifier of the associated Proxied Device. Represented as a six hexadecimal-digit value using all upper-case letters and including any leading zeros. Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}

The value MUST be a valid OUI as defined in [OUI].

- 2.3
ProductClass string(:64) R Identifier of the class of product of the associated Proxied Device for which the serial number applies. - 2.3
SerialNumber string(:64) R Serial number of the associated Proxied Device. - 2.3
Host string[:32]() R Comma-separated list (up to 32 items) (length ) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Hosts.Host. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. References all the Hosts.Host table entries, whether active or inactive, that correspond to this proxied LAN device. There can be multiple such entries if the Proxied Device has more than one network interface. - 2.3
ProxyProtocol string R

The protocol being used to communicate between the CPE Proxier and this Proxied Device. Enumeration of:

Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106] MUST be adhered to.

- 2.3
ProxyProtocolReference string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a protocol object that uses the ProxyProtocol. - 2.6
DiscoveryProtocol string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings, that represents the discovery protocol(s) for this proxied device.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106] MUST be adhered to.

- 2.6
DiscoveryProtocolReference string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an object discovered using one or more protocols listed in DiscoveryProtocol, or an empty string.

For objects discovered by the UPnP discovery protocol, the DiscoveryProtocolReference would contain items that are references to instances of the following:

For objects discovered by the ETSI-M2M discovery protocol, the DiscoveryProtocolReference would contain items that are references to instances of ETSIM2M.SCL.{i}.AreaNwkDeviceInfoInstance.

- 2.6
Device.ManagementServer.StandbyPolicy. object R

Parameters related to CPE behavior when waking up from standby. If this object is supported then the CPE MUST support the requirements of [Annex L/TR-069].

NOTE: “CR”, as used in the names and descriptions of the parameters defined in this object, refers to the Connection Request concept defined in TR-069.

- 2.7
CRUnawarenessMaxDuration int(-1:) W

When waking up from a non CR-Aware Standby that lasted more than this parameter’s value (in seconds), the CPE MUST issue a WAKEUP Event.

If the value is -1, the CPE MUST NOT ever issue WAKEUP Events for having been non CR-aware.

The factory default value MUST be -1.

- 2.7
MaxMissedPeriodic int(-1:) W

When waking up from a non fully Timer-Aware Standby that made it miss more than this parameter’s value Periodic Contacts, the CPE MUST issue a WAKEUP Event.

If the value is -1, the CPE MUST NOT ever issue WAKEUP Events for exceeding that limit.

The factory default value MUST be -1.

- 2.7
NotifyMissedScheduled boolean W

When waking up from a non fully Timer-Aware Standby that made it miss at least one Scheduled Contact, the CPE MUST issue a WAKEUP Event if this parameter is true.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.7
NetworkAwarenessCapable boolean R Indicates that the CPE is capable of CR-Aware Standby. - 2.7
SelfTimerCapable boolean R Indicates that the CPE is capable of Timer-Aware Standby. - 2.7
CRAwarenessRequested boolean W

If NetworkAwarenessCapable and this parameter are both true, the CPE MUST NOT go into a non CR-Aware Standby state.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.7
PeriodicAwarenessRequested boolean W

If SelfTimerCapable and this parameter are both true, the CPE MUST NOT go into a standby state that prevents it from honoring Periodic Contacts.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.7
ScheduledAwarenessRequested boolean W

If this parameter is true, the CPE MUST NOT go into a standby state that prevents it from honoring Scheduled Contacts. This means that, whenever the ACS has requested a Scheduled Contact:

*if SelfTimerCapable is true and the CPE chooses to go into Standby before the Scheduled Contact has been honored, it MUST use a Timer-Aware Standby;

*if SelfTimerCapable is false, the CPE MUST NOT go into Standby before the Scheduled Contact has been honored.

- 2.7
Device.ManagementServer.InformParameter.{i}. object(0:) W

This table provides the ACS with the ability to control the Parameters that are delivered by the Inform RPC.

Any Parameter (identified by ParameterName) contained in this table MUST be included within the ParameterList argument of the Inform RPC whenever any Event within the EventList is being delivered.

This table does not include Forced Inform Parameters, and Forced Inform Parameters are not allowed to be inserted into this table. Any attempt by an ACS to configure this table to contain a Forced Inform Parameter MUST result in the failure of the SetParameterValues RPC with error code 9007.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for ParameterName.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this InformParameter. false 2.8
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
ParameterName string(:256) W

A pattern that describes the Parameter(s) to be included in the Inform’s ParameterList argument. Specifically, patterns with wildcards (an “*” character) in place of Instance Identifiers are allowed; any attempt to set the value otherwise MUST be rejected by the CPE.

If the pattern does not match any existing Parameters at the time that the CPE is creating the Inform RPC, then this InformParameter instance is not included in the Inform’s ParameterList argument.

<Empty> 2.8
EventList string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each entry in this list represents an Event for which this Parameter MUST be included within the ParameterList argument of the Inform RPC.

All Inform Events (see [Section]), except for “4 VALUE CHANGE”, are allowed as entries in this list. “4 VALUE CHANGE” is not allowed as that would violate requirements contained in [Section A.3.3.1/TR-069].

An empty string means all events except “4 VALUE CHANGE”.

<Empty> 2.8
Device.ManagementServer.HeartbeatPolicy. object R

Parameters related to CPE behavior in order to issue a Heartbeat event to the ACS using the Inform method call.

If this object is supported then the CPE MUST support the requirements of [Annex O/TR-069].

- 2.12
Enable boolean W When true, Heartbeat events are enabled to be sent to the ACS based on the values of the ReportingInterval and InitiationTime parameters. - 2.12
ReportingInterval unsignedInt(30:) W The duration in seconds of the interval for which the CPE MUST attempt to connect with the ACS and call the Inform method if Enable is true. - 2.12
InitiationTime dateTime W

An absolute time reference in UTC to determine when the CPE will initiate the Heartbeat event Inform method calls. Each Inform call MUST occur at this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of the ReportingInterval.

InitiationTime is used only to set the phase of the Heartbeat event Informs. The actual value of InitiationTime can be arbitrarily far into the past or future.

For example, if ReportingInterval is 60 (one minute) and if InitiationTime is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then Heartbeat Informs will occur every minute at the next UTC midnight. These MUST begin on the very next midnight, even if InitiationTime refers to a day in the future.

The Unknown Time value defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. The CPE MUST locally choose a random time reference.

If absolute time is not available to the CPE, its Heartbeat Inform behavior MUST be the same as if the InitiationTime parameter was set to the Unknown Time value.

- 2.12
Device.DeviceInfo.VendorConfigFile.{i}. object(0:) R

Every instance of this object is a Vendor Configuration File, and contains parameters associated with the Vendor Configuration File.

This table of Vendor Configuration Files is for information only and does not allow the Controller to operate on these files in any way.

Whenever the CPE successfully downloads a configuration file as a result of the Download RPC with the FileType argument of ‘‘3 Vendor Configuration File’’, the CPE MUST update this table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

Name of the vendor configuration file.

If the CPE is able to obtain the name of the configuration file from the file itself, then the value of this parameter MUST be set to that name.

Otherwise, if the CPE can extract the file name from the URL used to download the configuration file, then the value of this parameter MUST be set to that name.

Otherwise, the value of this parameter MUST be set to the value of the TargetFileName argument of the Download RPC used to download this configuration file.

- 2.0
Version string(:16) R

A string identifying the configuration file version currently used in the CPE.

If the CPE is able to obtain the version of the configuration file from the file itself, then the value of this parameter MUST be set to the obtained value.

Otherwise, the value of this parameter MUST be an empty string.

- 2.0
Date dateTime R Date and time when the content of the current version of this vendor configuration file was first applied by the CPE. - 2.0
Description string(:256) R A description of the vendor configuration file (human-readable string). - 2.0
UseForBackupRestore boolean R

When true, this parameter indicates that this VendorConfigFile instance is to be used for backup and restoration purposes.

Note: The backup and restore operations may require the use of multiple VendorConfigFile instances. In this scenario the mechanism for determining the order and combination of VendorConfigFile instances used for backup and restoration purposes is implementation specific.

- 2.7
Device.DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus. object R Status of the device’s physical memory. - 2.0
Total unsignedInt R The total physical volatile RAM, in KiB, installed on the device. - 2.0
Free unsignedInt R

The free physical volatile RAM, in KiB, currently available on the device.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TotalPersistent unsignedInt R The sum total physical Non-Volatile Memory (NVM), in KiB, installed on the device. This memory persists across reboots and can be used by the system, applications, or users. - 2.15
FreePersistent unsignedInt R

The sum total free physical Non-Volatile Memory (NVM), in KiB, currently available on the device. This memory persists across reboots and is available for use by the system, applications, or users.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
Device.DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus.MemoryMonitor. object R This object specifies information that the device has obtained via sampling the memory utilization (RAM) on the device. - 2.18
Enable boolean W

Indicates whether or not memory monitoring is enabled.

The default value SHOULD be false.

- 2.18
MemUtilization unsignedInt(:100) R Memory utilization, in percent, rounded to the nearest whole percent, is the percentage of memory used by the system which cannot be spontaneously reclaimed or repurposed by the system in case it is required. This metric is collected at the PollingInterval. This value is used to determine if a critical condition is reached i.e., the memory utilization exceeds CriticalRiseThreshold. - 2.18
PollingInterval unsignedInt W

The interval, measured in seconds, in which the device polls the memory utilization.

If the value is 0 then the device selects its own polling interval.

If the value is greater than 0 then the device MUST use this value as the polling interval.

- 2.18
CriticalRiseThreshold unsignedInt(:100) W

Memory utilization rise threshold percent value. If the MemUtilization exceeds the rise threshold value, and the CriticalFallTimeStamp is greater than CriticalRiseTimeStamp (indicating that critical condition is reached), the following takes place:

The default value SHOULD be 80.

- 2.18
CriticalFallThreshold unsignedInt(:100) W

Memory utilization fall threshold percent value. If the MemUtilization falls below the fall threshold value and CriticalRiseTimeStamp is greater than CriticalFallTimeStamp (indicating that the critical condition is no longer present), the following takes place:

The default value SHOULD be 60.

- 2.18
CriticalRiseTimeStamp dateTime R Last date and time when the critical condition was reached. See CriticalRiseThreshold description for more details. - 2.18
CriticalFallTimeStamp dateTime R Last date and time when the critical condition was no longer present. See CriticalFallThreshold description for more details. - 2.18
EnableCriticalLog boolean W

This parameter indicates whether a critical log needs to be generated in the vendor log file.

  • If the value of EnableCriticalLog is true, then a critical log is generated in the vendor log file.
  • If the value of EnableCriticalLog is false, then no critical log is generated in the vendor log file.

The default value SHOULD be false.

- 2.18
VendorLogFileRef string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The reference to DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile is automatically constructed and the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile is populated with the information based on FilePath.

E.g. When FilePath = file:///var/log/messages. The following entry is automatically added to DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile: file:///var/log/messages.

- 2.18
FilePath string W Destination path and filename of where to create and keep the log files which MUST use the file URI scheme [The file URI Scheme/RFC8089]. This file is related to EnableCriticalLog. - 2.18
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus. object R Status of the processes on the device. - 2.0
CPUUsage unsignedInt(:100) R

The total amount of the CPU, in percent, rounded to the nearest whole percent. In the case that multiple CPU are present, this value represents the average of all CPU.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ProcessNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R

The number of entries in the Process table.

Since a Process can come and go very quickly, the CPE SHOULD place a locally specified limit on the frequency at which it will notify the ACS of value changes, as described in [Section 3.2.1/TR-069].

- 2.0
CPUNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CPU table. - 2.18
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus.CPU.{i}. object(0:) R

Each instance in the table represents a CPU on this device. Here CPU can imply main CPU (where system software is executed) or hardware/network acceleration CPU (responsible for data plane traffic).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.18
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.18
Name string(:256) R Name of this CPU. This text MUST be sufficient to distinguish this CPU from other CPUs. - 2.18
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the CPU utilization monitoring.

The default value SHOULD be false.

- 2.18
UpTime unsignedInt R Time in seconds since the CPU was last restarted. - 2.18
UserModeUtilization unsignedInt(:100) R

CPU utilization, in percent, rounded to the nearest whole percent, while executing at the user level. This includes utilization across all cores.

This value is calculated the same way as CPUUtilization. See CPUUtilization description for more details.

- 2.18
SystemModeUtilization unsignedInt(:100) R

CPU utilization, in percent, rounded to the nearest whole percent, while executing at the system/kernel level. Note that this includes the time spent servicing interrupts as well. This includes utilization across all cores.

This value is calculated the same way as CPUUtilization. See CPUUtilization description for more details.

- 2.18
IdleModeUtilization unsignedInt(:100) R

CPU utilization, in percent, rounded to the nearest whole percent, while the CPU was idle.

This value is calculated the same way as CPUUtilization. See CPUUtilization description for more details.

- 2.18
CPUUtilization unsignedInt(:100) R

CPU utilization, in percent, rounded to the nearest whole percent. The CPU Utilization is calculated as a moving window average of NumSamples CPU utilization samples collected at the PollInterval.

For example, the CPU utilization is calculated as follows: CPU Utilization = (sample1 + sample2 + … + sampleN)/N where N is the number of CPU usage samples as represented by NumSamples and sample1, sample2, …, sampleN are CPU usage samples collected at every PollInterval seconds.

This parameter, which reflects system and user mode CPU utilization, is used to determine if the CPU is in critical condition. This value includes system mode and user mode utilization i.e., everything except idle mode utilization.

- 2.18
PollInterval unsignedInt W

The interval, measured in seconds, over which the CPU usage is polled.

If the value is 0 then the device selects its own polling interval.

If the value is greater than 0 then the device MUST use this value as the poll interval.

The default value SHOULD be 5.

- 2.18
NumSamples unsignedInt(1:300) W

This parameter indicates the number of CPU usage samples that is needed to calculate the average CPU utilization and populate the CPUUtilization

The default value SHOULD be 30.

- 2.18
CriticalRiseThreshold unsignedInt(:100) W

CPU utilization rise threshold percent value. If the CPUUtilization exceeds the rise threshold value and the CriticalFallTimeStamp is greater than CriticalRiseTimeStamp (indicating that critical condition is reached), the following takes place:

The default value SHOULD be 80.

- 2.18
CriticalFallThreshold unsignedInt(:100) W

CPU utilization fall threshold percent value. If the CPUUtilization falls below fall threshold value and CriticalRiseTimeStamp is greater than CriticalFallTimeStamp (indicating that critical condition is no longer present), the following takes place:

The default value SHOULD be 60.

- 2.18
CriticalRiseTimeStamp dateTime R Last date and time when the critical condition was reached. See CriticalRiseThreshold description for more details. - 2.18
CriticalFallTimeStamp dateTime R Last date and time when the critical condition is no longer present. See CriticalFallThreshold description for more details. - 2.18
EnableCriticalLog boolean W

This parameter indicates whether a critical log needs to be generated in the vendor log file.

  • If the value of EnableCriticalLog is true, then a critical log is generated in the vendor log file.
  • If the value of EnableCriticalLog is false, then no critical log is generated in the vendor log file.

The default value SHOULD be false.

- 2.18
VendorLogFileRef string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The reference to DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile is automatically constructed and the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile is populated with the information based on FilePath.

E.g. When FilePath = file:///var/log/messages. The following entry is automatically added to DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile: file:///var/log/messages.

- 2.18
FilePath string W Destination path and filename of where to create and keep the log files which MUST use the uri scheme file [The file URI Scheme/RFC8089]. This file is related to EnableCriticalLog. - 2.18
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus.Process.{i}. object(0:) R

List of all processes running on the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for PID.

- 2.0
PID unsignedInt R The Process Identifier. - 2.0
Command string(:256) R The name of the command that has caused the process to exist. - 2.0
Size unsignedInt R

The size in KiB of the memory occupied by the process.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Priority unsignedInt(:99) R The priority of the process where 0 is highest. - 2.0
CPUTime unsignedInt R

The amount of time in milliseconds that the process has spent taking up CPU time since the process was started.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
State string R

The current state that the process is in.

Enumeration of:

  • Running
  • Sleeping
  • Stopped
  • Idle (OPTIONAL)
  • Uninterruptible (OPTIONAL)
  • Zombie (OPTIONAL)

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus. object R Status of the temperature of the device. - 2.0
TemperatureSensorNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the TemperatureSensor table. - 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus.TemperatureSensor.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents information that the device has obtained via sampling an internal temperature sensor.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.3
Enable boolean W Indicates whether or not the temperature sensor is enabled. - 2.0
Status string R

The status of this temperature sensor.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (The sensor is not currently sampling the temperature)
  • Enabled (The sensor is currently sampling the temperature)
  • Error (The sensor error currently prevents sampling the temperature)
- 2.0
Reset boolean W When set to true, resets the temperature sensor. - 2.0
ResetTime dateTime R

The time at which this temperature sensor was reset.

Reset can be caused by:

  • Status transition from Disabled to Enabled
  • Reset parameter is set to true.
  • An internal reset of the temperature sensor (including a reboot of the device).

The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106], indicates that this temperature sensor has never been reset, which can only happen if it has never been enabled.

- 2.0
Name string(:256) R Name of this temperature sensor. This text MUST be sufficient to distinguish this temperature sensor from other temperature sensors. - 2.0
Value int(-274:) R

This temperature sensor’s last good reading in degrees celsius.

A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LastUpdate dateTime R

The time at which this temperature sensor’s last good reading was obtained.

The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106], indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MinValue int(-274:) R

This temperature sensor’s lowest value reading in degrees celsius since last reset.

A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset.

- 2.0
MinTime dateTime R

The time at which this temperature sensor’s lowest value was read.

The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106], indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset.

- 2.0
MaxValue int(-274:) R

This temperature sensor’s highest value reading in degrees celsius since last reset.

A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset.

- 2.0
MaxTime dateTime R

The time at which this temperature sensor’s highest value was read.

The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106], indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset.

- 2.0
LowAlarmValue int(-274:) W

This temperature sensor’s low alarm value in degrees celsius.

A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a non configured value.

A change to this value will cause LowAlarmTime to be reset.

- 2.0
LowAlarmTime dateTime R

Initial time at which this temperature sensor’s LowAlarmValue was encountered.

This value is only set the first time the alarm is seen and not changed until the next reset.

The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106], indicates that an alarm has not been encountered since the last reset.

- 2.0
HighAlarmValue int(-274:) W

This temperature sensor’s high alarm value in degrees celsius.

A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a non configured value.

A change to this value will cause HighAlarmTime to be reset.

- 2.0
PollingInterval unsignedInt W

The interval, measured in seconds, in which the device polls this TemperatureSensor.

If the value is 0 then the device selects its own polling interval.

If the value is greater than 0 then the device MUST use this value as the polling interval.

- 2.1
HighAlarmTime dateTime R

Initial time at which this temperature sensor’s HighAlarmValue was encountered.

This value is only set the first time the alarm is seen and not changed until the next reset.

The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106], indicates that an alarm has not been encountered since the last reset.

- 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo.NetworkProperties. object R This object defines the parameters that describe how the device handles network traffic. - 2.0
MaxTCPWindowSize unsignedInt R The maximum number of bytes of outstanding data a sender can send on a particular connection prior to an acknowledgment [RFC793]. Any scaling factor SHOULD be included in this parameter [RFC1323]. - 2.0
TCPImplementation string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the TCP congestion control mechanism(s) implemented. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Tahoe (Represents the base TCP implementation in [RFC793] and elements of [RFC2582])
  • Reno (Represents the base TCP implementation in [RFC793] with the additional algorithms defined in [RFC2581])
  • New Reno (Described as a modification to the Reno algorithms in [RFC2582])
  • Vegas (An emerging TCP congestion control mechanism)

Tahoe, Reno, and New Reno are defined in [RFC2582]

- 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo.Processor.{i}. object(0:) R
Each table entry represents a hardware or virtual processor that resides on this device.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because the only contained parameter, Architecture, is no longer relevant for modern devices.
At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.
- 2.1
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.3
Architecture string R

The architecture of the processor on the underlying hardware. Enumeration of:

  • arm
  • i386
  • m68010
  • m68k
  • mipseb (big-endian)
  • mipsel (little-endian)
  • powerpc
  • sh3eb (big-endian)
  • sh3el (little-endian)
  • x86_64

For processor architectures not included in this list, the vendor MAY include vendor-specific values, which MUST use the format defined in [Section 3.3/TR-106].

- 2.1
Device.DeviceInfo.LogRotate.{i}. object(0:) W

This Object details the available rotation settings for vendor log file rotation.

Based on [A YANG Data Model for Syslog Configuration/YANGSYSLOG].

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the log rotation functionality for this item. - 2.17
Name string W Specifies the full path and filename of the log file that must be rotated. Which MUST use the uri scheme file [The file URI Scheme/RFC8089]. - 2.17
NumberOfFiles unsignedInt(1:) W

Specifies the maximum number of log files retained. When during log rotation the maximum number of log files is reached, the oldest log file will be deleted.

Specify 1 for implementations that only support one log file.

- 2.17
MaxFileSize unsignedInt W Specifies the maximum log file size in KiB. Log events that arrive after the maximum file size is reached will cause the current log file to be closed and a new log file to be opened. - 2.17
RollOver unsignedInt W Specifies the length of time, in minutes, that log events should be written to a specific log file. Log events that arrive after the rollover period cause the current log file to be closed and a new log file to be opened. - 2.17
Retention unsignedInt W Specifies the length of time, in minutes, that completed/closed log event files should be stored in the file system before they are removed. - 2.17
Compression string W

Specifies the post-rotation compression method that must be applied exclusively on the initial log file in a rotation sequence.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • GZIP
  • BZIP2
  • LZO
  • XZ
  • ZSTD
None 2.17
LogFileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the LogFile table. - 2.17
Device.DeviceInfo.LogRotate.{i}.LogFile.{i}. object(0:) R

Each table entry represents a Log File.

This table of log files is informational only and does not allow the Controller to operate on these files in any way.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.17
Name string(:64) R Name of the rotated log file stored within the same directory that Name is specified. Which MUST use the uri scheme file [The file URI Scheme/RFC8089]. - 2.17
Size unsignedInt R The size of the log file in bytes. If the device doesn’t know the file size then Size will be 0. - 2.17
LastChange dateTime R

Last modification date of the file specified by Name.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.17
Device.DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile.{i}. object(0:) R

Each table entry represents a Vendor Log File.

This table of log files is informational only and does not allow the Controller to operate on these files in any way.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.1
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.1
Name string(:64) R

Name of the log file.

Typically this will be the full file system path, but provided that it is guaranteed to be unique across current and future log files, it MAY be a shorter name derived from the file system path, or be derived via another mechanism.

- 2.1
MaximumSize unsignedInt R The maximum size of the log file in bytes. If the device doesn’t know the maximum file size then MaximumSize will be 0. - 2.1
Persistent boolean R

When true, the log file contents are preserved across a device reboot.

When false, the log file contents will be purged when the device is rebooted.

- 2.1
Device.DeviceInfo.Location.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains Location information.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both Source and ExternalSource. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for ExternalSource such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.4
Source string R

Identifies the source of the location data.

Enumeration of:

  • GPS
  • AGPS
  • Manual
  • External
External 2.4
AcquiredTime dateTime R The time when the location was acquired. - 2.4
ExternalSource string R

URL, MAC address, or other identifier that identifies an “External” source of this location.

Meaningful only if Source has a value of External, otherwise it MUST be an empty string.

If ExternalProtocol has a value of CWMP, this is the URL or IP address of the Controller.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.4
ExternalProtocol string R

Protocol used to acquire a location from an “External” source. Enumeration of:

  • <Empty> (An empty string)
  • CWMP
  • USP (Added in 2.13)
  • OMA-DM
  • SNMP
  • UPnP
  • HELD
  • DHCPv4
  • DHCPv6
  • MLP
  • Other

Meaningful only if Source has a value of External, otherwise it MUST be an empty string.

CWMP 2.4
DataObject string(:1200) W

The currently valid location information.

Writable only when ExternalProtocol has a value of CWMP or USP.

If obtained through the local GPS/AGPS then the location information is formatted according to [RFC5491].

If manually configured then location information will be XML-formatted according to [RFC5491] (geographical information) and [RFC5139] (civic addresses).

If obtained by an external source this is the location information as received.

If it’s an XML document (e.g. CWMP, OMA-DM, UPnP, HELD, MLP) the location information will be represented as-is, otherwise it will be converted to base64.

CWMP or USP configured location information will be XML-formatted according to [RFC5491] (geographical information) and [RFC5139] (civic addresses).

Only zero or one Location object instance with value CWMP or USP MUST exist at any given time.

- 2.4
Device.DeviceInfo.DeviceImageFile.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes an image of the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Location, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.11
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.11
Location string R

The location of the device that represents the image as the user looks at the front of the device in its typical orientation (e.g., on-end, flat).

Enumeration of:

  • Front
  • Back
  • Left
  • Right
  • Top
  • Bottom
- 2.11
Image base64 R The device image in PNG, JPEG or GIF format. - 2.11
Device.DeviceInfo.FirmwareImage.{i}. object(0:) R

Top-level object for mapping firmware images.

This is a static table – the number of object instances in this table is defined by the firmware that is currently running.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.12
Name string(:64) R

Firmware/software image name. Descriptive text of the image or filename.

The value of Name is an empty string if Status is anything other than Active, Available, InstallationFailed, or ActivationFailed.

- 2.12
Version string(:64) R

A string identifying the version of the firmware image represented by this FirmwareImage. Whenever this firmware image is active (ie, the device has booted this firmware image), the value of the SoftwareVersion parameter MUST be the same as the value contained in this parameter.

To allow version comparisons, this element SHOULD be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 3.0.21 where the components mean: Major.Minor.Build.

The value of Version is an empty string if Status is anything other than Available, InstallationFailed, or ActivationFailed.

- 2.12
Available boolean W

Specifies whether or not this particular firmware image can be used by the Agent. An Agent will only attempt to boot this particular firmware image if this parameter value is set to true.

This value MUST be set to true by the device whenever a new firmware image is installed.

This value cannot be set to false if the firmware image is active or is referenced by the BootFirmwareImage parameter.

Firmware image instances cannot be deleted, so a Controller MAY use this parameter to subsequently mark a particular firmware as being invalid, which will prevent the Agent from attempting to boot it.

- 2.12
Status string R

Status of the firmware image, as determined by the Agent. Enumeration of:

  • NoImage (This Firmware Image instance is empty. This value could happen on an Agent that supports multiple firmware images, but only has a single image installed)
  • Active (This Firmware Image instance is the currently active image, added in 2.14)
  • Downloading (This Firmware Image instance is being downloaded)
  • Validating (This Firmware Image instance has been downloaded, and is in the process of being validated)
  • Available (This Firmware Image instance has been downloaded, validated, and installed, and is ready to be activated)
  • DownloadFailed (The Agent has attempted to download this Firmware Image instance, but ultimately failed while retrieving it from the source URL)
  • ValidationFailed (The Agent has attempted to validate a Firmware Image downloaded to this instance, but ultimately failed while validating it)
  • InstallationFailed (The Agent has attempted to install a Firmware Image downloaded and validated to this instance, but ultimately failed while installing it)
  • ActivationFailed (The Agent has attempted to activate this Firmware Image instance, but ultimately the activation failed)
- 2.12
BootFailureLog string R

If the Agent is unable to boot into this firmware image, when specified, the Agent can use this parameter to record some information as to why the boot failed.

If the Agent successfully boots into this firmware, the value of this parameter SHOULD be an empty string. When a new firmware image is installed into this object instance, this parameter MUST be cleared.

The length of this string is defined as implementation-specific by the Agent.

- 2.12
Device.DeviceInfo.KernelFaults. object R A fault in the context of the Kernel refers to a situation where the kernel encounters a critical error or a bug that it cannot recover from. When this happens, the kernel generates a “fault message” or “kernel panic”, which provides information about the error, the state of the system at the time of the error, and a stack trace of function calls leading up to the error. - 2.17
StoragePath string R Path where the Kernel faults logs must be stored. - 2.17
LastUpgradeCount unsignedInt R Total number of Kernel faults which occurred since last firmware upgrade. - 2.17
PreviousBootCount unsignedInt R The number of Kernel faults which occurred during the previous boot cycle. - 2.17
MinFreeSpace unsignedInt W Minimum free space in KiB on the device that must be free before attempting to create a KernelFault instance. This setting does not affect the counting of Kernel faults. - 2.17
MaxKernelFaultEntries unsignedInt W

The maximum number of entries available in the KernelFault table. Defines the maximum number of KernelFault instances that can be stored on the device.

If this limit is hit, No new KernelFault instances will be created until sufficient Kernel fault instances are removed. Set this parameter to 0 to completely disable the creation of KernelFault instances.

Reducing the MaxKernelFaultEntries will cause for the implementation to delete the oldest KernelFault instances.

This setting does not affect the counting of Kernel faults.

- 2.17
KernelFaultNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the KernelFault table. - 2.17
Device.DeviceInfo.KernelFaults.KernelFault.{i}. object(0:) R

Each table entry represents a Kernel fault that is stored on the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.17
FaultLocation string R Specifies the location of where to create and keep the logs. Can either be a relative path or file within the StoragePath location. - 2.17
LastInstruction string R The last instruction executed when the Kernel fault was triggered. - 2.17
TimeStamp dateTime R The time when the Kernel fault was registered. - 2.17
FirmwareVersion string R The firmware version that triggered the Kernel fault. - 2.17
ProcessName string R The name of the process that was active while the kernel fault occurred. - 2.17
Reason string R The reason why the kernel fault occurred. - 2.17
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessFaults. object R Monitoring process faults and configuring the operating system to generate crash dumps and core files is essential for diagnosing and troubleshooting issues with applications and processes. - 2.17
StoragePath string R Path where the process fault logs must be stored. - 2.17
LastUpgradeCount unsignedInt R Total number of process faults which occurred since last firmware upgrade. - 2.17
PreviousBootCount unsignedInt R The number of process faults which occurred during the previous boot cycle. - 2.17
MinFreeSpace unsignedInt W Minimum free space in KiB on the device that must be free before attempting to create a ProcessFault instance. This setting does not affect the counting of process faults. - 2.17
MaxProcessFaultEntries unsignedInt W

The maximum number of entries available in the ProcessFault table. Defines the maximum number of ProcessFault instances that can be stored on the device.

If this limit is hit, No new ProcessFault instances will be created until sufficient process fault instances are removed. Set this parameter to 0 to completely disable the creation of ProcessFault instances.

Reducing the MaxProcessFaultEntries will cause for the implementation to delete the oldest ProcessFault instances.

This setting does not affect the counting of process faults.

- 2.17
ProcessFaultNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ProcessFault table. - 2.17
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessFaults.ProcessFault.{i}. object(0:) R

Each table entry represents a process fault that is stored on the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.17
ProcessID string R Process ID of the process that crashed. - 2.17
ProcessName string R Process Name of the process that crashed. - 2.17
FaultLocation string R Specifies the location of where to create and keep the process fault logs. Can either be a relative path or file within the StoragePath location. - 2.17
TimeStamp dateTime R The time when the process fault occurred. - 2.17
FirmwareVersion string R The firmware version that triggered the process fault. - 2.17
Arguments string R The command arguments that were used to start to the process. - 2.17
Reason string R The reason why the process fault occurred. - 2.17
Device.DeviceInfo.SupportedDataModel.{i}. object(0:) R

This table contains details of the device’s Current Supported Data Model.

The table MUST describe the device’s entire Supported Data Model. Therefore, if a device’s Supported Data Model changes at run-time, entries will need to be added or removed as appropriate.

Each table entry MUST refer to only a single Root Object or Service Object. The device MAY choose to use more than one table entry for a given Root Object or Service Object.

Considering that every device has some form of a data model, this table MUST NOT be empty.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for URL, or with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for UUID.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.3
URL string(:2048) R

The [URL] that describes some or all of the device’s currently Supported Data Model.

The URL MUST reference an XML file which describes the appropriate part of the Supported Data Model.

The referenced XML file MUST be compliant with the DT (Device Type) Schema that is described in [Annex B/TR-106], including any additional normative requirements referenced within the Schema.

The XML file referenced by this URL MUST NOT change while the CPE is running, and SHOULD NOT change across a CPE reboot. Note that UUID is a unique key, so the XML file referenced by this URL will never change.

The XML file MAY be located within the CPE. In this scenario the CPE MAY use the value of “localhost” as URL host portion, When the “localhost” value is used, the ACS has the responsibility to substitute the “localhost” value with the host portion of the connection request URL.

Behavior in the event of an invalid URL, failure to access the referenced XML file, or an invalid XML file, is implementation-dependent.

- 2.0
UUID string(36) R [UUID] UUID ([RFC4122]) that is the value of the uuid attribute in the DT Instance referenced by URL. - 2.6
URN string(:256) R

URN ([RFC3986]) that is the value of the spec attribute in the DM (data model) Instance that defines the Root Object or Service Object referenced by this table entry.

For example, if this table entry references a DT Instance that refers to the Device:2.13 Root Object, the value of this parameter would be urn:broadband-forum-org:tr-181-2-13-0. If the DT Instance instead referred to a vendor-specific Root Object, e.g. X_EXAMPLE_Device:1.0 (derived from Device:1.3), the value of this parameter would be something like urn:example-com:device-1-0-0.

- 2.0
Features string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. This parameter MUST list exactly the features that are defined using the top-level feature element in the DT Instance referenced by URL.

For example, if the DT instance specified the following:

then the value of this parameter might be DNSServer,Router,X_MyDeviceFeature. The order in which the features are listed is not significant.

- 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo.ProxierInfo. object R Represents the associated CPE Proxier for a Proxied Device that utilizes the Virtual CWMP Device Mechanism [Annex J.2/TR-069]. - 2.3
ManufacturerOUI string(6) R

Organizationally unique identifier of the associated CPE Proxier. Represented as a six hexadecimal-digit value using all upper-case letters and including any leading zeros. Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}

The value MUST be a valid OUI as defined in [OUI].

- 2.3
ProductClass string(:64) R

Identifier of the class of product of the associated CPE Proxier for which the serial number applies.

An empty string indicates either that the CPE Proxier does not use a product class to differentiate its serial number.

- 2.3
SerialNumber string(:64) R Serial number of the associated CPE Proxier. - 2.3
ProxyProtocol string R

The protocol being used to communicate between the CPE Proxier and this Proxied Device. Enumeration of:

Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106] MUST be adhered to.

- 2.3
Device.Time. object R

This object contains global parameters relating to the NTP time clients and or servers that are active in the device. This object can be used to model SNTP and NTP clients and servers.

Both NTP and SNTP have identical packet formats and use the same mathematical operations to calculate client time, clock offset, and roundtrip delay. From the perspective of an NTP or SNTP server, there is no difference between NTP and SNTP clients, and from the perspective of an NTP or SNTP client, there is no difference between NTP and SNTP servers. SNTP servers are stateless like NTP servers in non-symmetric modes and can handle numerous clients, but SNTP clients usually operate with only one server at a time, unlike most NTP clients.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables all the time clients and servers. - 2.0
Status string R

Reflects the global time synchronisation status of the CPE. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Indicates that the CPE’s time client services are disabled)
  • Unsynchronized (Indicates that the CPE’s absolute time has not yet been set by any of the configured time clients)
  • Synchronized (Indicates that the CPE has acquired accurate absolute time; its current time is accurate. One or more time client was able to configure the time of the CPE)
  • Error_FailedToSynchronize (This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of Client. This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.18)
  • Error (MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition. None of the configured Time clients were able to synchronize the time, OPTIONAL)
- 2.0
NTPServer1 string(:64) W
First NTP timeserver. Either a host name or IP address.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of Client.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.0
NTPServer2 string(:64) W
Second NTP timeserver. Either a host name or IP address.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of Client.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.0
NTPServer3 string(:64) W
Third NTP timeserver. Either a host name or IP address.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of Client.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.0
NTPServer4 string(:64) W
Fourth NTP timeserver. Either a host name or IP address.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of Client.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.0
NTPServer5 string(:64) W
Fifth NTP timeserver. Either a host name or IP address.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of Client.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.0
CurrentLocalTime dateTime R

The current date and time in the CPE’s local time zone.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LocalTimeZone string(:256) W

The local time zone definition, encoded according to IEEE 1003.1 (POSIX). The following is an example value:

EST+5 EDT,M4.1.0/2,M10.5.0/2
- 2.0
ClientNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Client table. - 2.16
ServerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Server table. - 2.16
Device.Time.Client.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to an time client instance.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the time client. - 2.16
Status string R

Status of Time support for this client. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Indicates that the time client service is being disabled)
  • Unsynchronized (Indicates that the time client absolute time has not yet been set)
  • Synchronized (Indicates that the time client has acquired accurate absolute time; its current time is accurate)
  • Error (MAY be used by the time client to indicate a locally defined error condition, OPTIONAL)
- 2.16
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Mode string W

Specifies in which mode the NTP client must be run. Enumeration of:

  • Unicast (Support for the NTP client in unicast mode)
  • Broadcast (Support for the NTP client in broadcast mode)
  • Multicast (Support for the NTP client in multicast mode)
  • Manycast (Support for the NTP client in manycast mode)
- 2.16
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W Specify the port used to send NTP packets. [Section 7.2/RFC5905] 123 2.16
Version unsignedInt(1:4) W Specifies the supported NTP version. Possible versions are 1-4. 4 2.16
Servers string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Points to a CSV list of NTP servers or pools. A NTP server can either be specified as an IP address or a host name. It is expected that the NTP client resolves multiple addresses which can change over time when ResolveAddresses is enabled. <Empty> 2.16
ResolveAddresses boolean W When this option is enabled the NTP client must resolve the multiple addresses associated with the host name(s) that are specified in the Servers field. false 2.16
ResolveMaxAddresses unsignedInt W When ResolveAddresses is enabled, This parameter specifies the maximum number of IP addresses that the NTP client can resolve. 0 means that all addresses must be resolved. 6 2.16
Peer boolean W Use symmetric active association mode. This device may provide synchronization to the configured NTP server. - 2.16
MinPoll unsignedInt W This is the minimum polling interval, in seconds to the power of two, allowed by any peer of the Internet system, currently set to 6 (64 seconds). [Section 7.2/RFC5905] 6 2.16
MaxPoll unsignedInt W This is the maximum polling interval, in seconds to the power of two, allowed by any peer of the Internet system, currently set to 10 (1024 seconds) [Section 7.2/RFC5905] 10 2.16
IBurst boolean W If the IBurst parameter is enabled, and this is the first packet sent when the server has been unreachable, the client sends a burst. This is useful to quickly reduce the synchronization distance below the distance threshold and synchronize the clock. [RFC5905]. - 2.16
Burst unsignedInt W If the Burst parameter is enabled and the server is reachable and a valid source of synchronization is available, the client sends a burst of BCOUNT (8) packets at each poll interval. The interval between packets in the burst is two seconds. This is useful to accurately measure jitter with long poll intervals. [RFC5905]. 8 2.16
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The IP Interface associated with the Client entry. <Empty> 2.16
BindType string W

Specifies how the client sockets are bound. Enumeration of:

  • Address (The client sockets are bound to a local IP address)
  • Device (The client sockets are bound to a network device. This can be useful when the local address is dynamic)
- 2.16
Device.Time.Client.{i}.Authentication. object R This object contains parameters relating to enabling security for the time client. - 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables authentication of the time client. false 2.16
Certificate string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Security.Certificate. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Points to the certificate that must be used by the NTS-KE client. <Empty> 2.16
NTSPort unsignedInt(1:65535) W On this port the NTS Key Establishment protocol is being provided. 4460 2.16
Device.Time.Client.{i}.Stats. object R This object specifies the statistic parameters for the time client. [Chapter 8 NTP Yang Module/RFC9249] - 2.16
PacketsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that have been successfully sent from the NTP client to the NTP server. - 2.16
PacketsSentFailed unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that were not successfully sent to the NTP server. - 2.16
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that have been successfully received by the NTP client from the NTP server. - 2.16
PacketsDropped unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that were received by the NTP client but were not successfully processed or handled due to errors or other issues. - 2.16
Device.Time.Server.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to an time server instance.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the time server. - 2.16
Status string R

Status of Time server instance. Enumeration of:

  • Up (Indicates that the NTP server instance is enabled and working)
  • Down (Indicates that the NTP server instance is disabled and thus not working)
  • Error (MAY be used by the NTP server instance to indicate a locally defined error condition, OPTIONAL)
- 2.16
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Mode string W

Specifies in which mode the NTP server must be ran. Enumeration of:

  • Unicast (Support for the NTP server in unicast mode)
  • Broadcast (Support for the NTP server in broadcast mode)
  • Multicast (Support for the NTP server in multicast mode)
  • Manycast (Support for the NTP server in manycast mode)
- 2.16
Version unsignedInt(1:4) W Specifies the supported NTP version. Possible versions are 1-4. 4 2.16
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W Specify the port used to receive NTP packets. [Section 7.2/RFC5905] 123 2.16
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The IP Interface associated with the Server entry. <Empty> 2.16
BindType string W

Specifies how the client sockets must be bounded. Enumeration of:

  • Address (The server sockets are bound to a local IP address)
  • Device (The server sockets are bound to a network device. This can be useful when the local address is dynamic)
- 2.16
MinPoll unsignedInt W This is the minimum polling interval, in seconds to the power of two, allowed by any peer of the Internet system, currently set to 6 (64 seconds). [Section 7.2/RFC5905] 6 2.16
MaxPoll unsignedInt W This is the maximum polling interval, in seconds to the power of two, allowed by any peer of the Internet system, currently set to 10 (1024 seconds) [Section 7.2/RFC5905] 10 2.16
TTL unsignedInt(1:255) W Specifies the time to live (TTL) for a broadcast/multicast packet. [Section 3.1/RFC5905] 255 2.16
Device.Time.Server.{i}.Authentication. object R This object contains parameters relating to enabling security for the NTP Server. - 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables authentication of the NTP server. false 2.16
Certificate string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Security.Certificate. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Points to the certificate that must be used by the NTS-KE client. <Empty> 2.16
NTSNTPServer string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Points to a CSV list of NTP servers. A NTP server can either be specified as an IP address or a host name. When used the NTS-KE server will tell the remote NTS-KE client the NTP hostname or address of the NTP server(s) that should be used. This allows to separate the NTP server and NTS-KE server implementation. <Empty> 2.16
Device.Time.Server.{i}.Stats. object R This object specifies the statistic parameters for the NTP server. [Chapter 8 NTP Yang Module/RFC9249] - 2.16
PacketsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that have been successfully sent from the NTP server to the NTP client. - 2.16
PacketsSentFailed unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that were not successfully sent to the NTP client. - 2.16
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that have been successfully received by the NTP server from a NTP client. - 2.16
PacketsDropped unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that were received by the NTP server but were not successfully processed or handled due to errors or other issues. - 2.16
Device.UserInterface. object R This object contains parameters relating to the user interface of the CPE. - 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables and disables the CPE’s user interface.

The factory default value MUST be true.

- 2.11
PasswordRequired boolean W

Present only if the CPE provides a password-protected LAN-side user interface.

Indicates whether or not the local user interface MUST require a password to be chosen by the user. If false, the choice of whether or not a password is used is left to the user.

- 2.0
PasswordUserSelectable boolean W

Present only if the CPE provides a password-protected LAN-side user interface and supports LAN-side Auto-Configuration.

Indicates whether or not a password to protect the local user interface of the CPE MAY be selected by the user directly (i.e. Users.User.{i}.Password), or MUST be equal to the password used by the LAN-side Auto-Configuration protocol (i.e. LANConfigSecurity.ConfigPassword).

- 2.0
PasswordReset boolean W

Present only if the CPE provides a password-protected LAN-side user interface and supports LAN-side Auto-Configuration.

When set to true, resets LANConfigSecurity.ConfigPassword to its factory value.

- 2.0
UpgradeAvailable boolean W Indicates that a CPE upgrade is available, allowing the CPE to display this information to the user. - 2.0
WarrantyDate dateTime W Indicates the date and time in UTC that the warranty associated with the CPE is to expire. - 2.0
ISPName string(:64) W The name of the customer’s ISP. - 2.0
ISPHelpDesk string(:32) W The help desk phone number of the ISP. - 2.0
ISPHomePage string(:2048) W The [URL] of the ISP’s home page. - 2.0
ISPHelpPage string(:2048) W The [URL] of the ISP’s on-line support page. - 2.0
base64(0:4095) W Base64 encoded GIF or JPEG image. The binary image is constrained to 4095 bytes or less. - 2.0
ISPLogoSize unsignedInt(0:4095) W

Un-encoded binary image size in bytes.

If ISPLogoSize input value is 0 then the ISPLogo is cleared.

ISPLogoSize can also be used as a check to verify correct transfer and conversion of Base64 string to image size.

- 2.0
ISPMailServer string(:2048) W The [URL] of the ISP’s mail server. - 2.0
ISPNewsServer string(:2048) W The [URL] of the ISP’s news server. - 2.0
TextColor hexBinary(3) W The color of text on the GUI screens in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.0
BackgroundColor hexBinary(3) W The color of the GUI screen backgrounds in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.0
ButtonColor hexBinary(3) W The color of buttons on the GUI screens in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.0
ButtonTextColor hexBinary(3) W The color of text on buttons on the GUI screens in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.0
AutoUpdateServer string(:256) W

The server the CPE can check to see if an update is available for direct download to it.

This MUST NOT be used by the CPE if the ManagementServer.UpgradesManaged parameter is true.

- 2.0
UserUpdateServer string(:256) W

The server where a user can check via a web browser if an update is available for download to a PC.

This MUST NOT be used by the CPE if the ManagementServer.UpgradesManaged parameter is true.

- 2.0
AvailableLanguages string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. List items represent user-interface languages that are available, where each language is specified according to [RFC3066]. - 2.0
CurrentLanguage string(:16) W Current user-interface language, specified according to [RFC3066]. The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the AvailableLanguages parameter. - 2.0
HTTPAccessSupportedProtocols string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the protocols that are supported by the CPE for the purpose of remotely accessing the user interface.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.16
HTTPAccessNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the HTTPAccess table. - 2.16
Device.UserInterface.HTTPAccess.{i}. object(0:) W

HTTPAccess is used for modeling the different web interfaces that may be either locally or remotely available in the device. For example with Software Modules it is possible to install multiple services that embed a web interface like a Video service or Photo service.

An instance of the HTTPAccess can model a web interface that is embedded in the device firmware or installed through a Software Modules management system.

Access to the web interface MAY require user authentication. To have access authentication the device MUST support a Users.User. object with at least one instance and an assigned relevant role in Users.User.{i}.RoleParticipation.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables/disables web interface. - 2.16
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

[Order] Position of the HTTPAccess entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a HTTPAccess instance is created, or when an existing Order value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order values for the existing entry and all lower Order entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no Order value is supplied on creation of a HTTPAccess instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

For each incoming connection, the highest ordered entry that matches the Host: HTTP header and path prefix is applied. All lower Order entries are ignored.

- 2.16
Status string R

Status of web interface.

Enumeration of:

  • Up (Indicates that the web interface is enabled and working)
  • Down (Indicates that the web interface is disabled and thus not working)
  • Error (MAY be used by the web interface to indicate a locally defined error condition, OPTIONAL)
- 2.16
AccessType string W

This parameter describes the possible access types.

Enumeration of:

  • RemoteAccess (Indicates that the web interface should be used for remote access. Remote access is defined as any entity not on a local subnet attempting to connect to the device)
  • LocalAccess (Indicates that the web interface should be used for local access)
LocalAccess 2.16
AllowedRoles string(:256)[] W Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Users.Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Only allow users, defined in Users.User., to access the web instance represented by this HTTPAccess instance that have the following roles assigned that are defined in Users.Role.. <Empty> 2.16
Certificate string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Security.Certificate. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Points to the server certificate to be presented by the web interface. Only required when Protocol is set to HTTPS. <Empty> 2.16
CACertificate string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Security.Certificate. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Points to the CA certificate that must be used by the web interface. The CACertificate is used to validate the web client certificate. Protocol MUST be set to HTTPS. <Empty> 2.16
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. The IP or Logical Interface associated with the HTTPAccess entry. Example:

  • Device.IP.Interface.1
  • Device.Logical.Interface.1

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

<Empty> 2.16
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W Listen port number. 443 2.16
Protocol string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the HTTPAccessSupportedProtocols parameter. Protocol being used. - 2.16
AllowedHosts string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Specifies which hostnames are permitted to be served by the web interface.

This could be done by comparing the Host: HTTP header in an incoming request which will result in the request being routed to this instance, in the case that the device supports Virtual Hosting.

If this string is empty then this instance acts as a “default” host, i.e. it will handle requests for which the Host header does not match any other instance.

- 2.16
AllowedPathPrefixes string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each string must be a partial path which will result in an incoming request being routed to this instance. / 2.16
AllowAllIPv4 boolean W Allow access from any IPv4 address. The source prefixes defined in IPv4AllowedSourcePrefix will be ignored. false 2.18
IPv4AllowedSourcePrefix string[]() W

Comma-separated list (length ) of strings. Allow only access from the provided list of IPv4 prefixes.

When IPv4AllowedSourcePrefix is set to an empty string and AllowAllIPv4 is set to false, no incoming connections are allowed. When AllowAllIPv4 is set true, IPv4AllowedSourcePrefix is ignored.

- 2.18
AllowAllIPv6 boolean W Allow access from any IPv6 address. The source prefixes defined in IPv6AllowedSourcePrefix will be ignored. false 2.18
IPv6AllowedSourcePrefix string[]() W

Comma-separated list (length ) of strings. Allow only access from the provided list of IPv6 prefixes.

When IPv6AllowedSourcePrefix is set to an empty string and AllowAllIPv6 is set to false, no incoming connections are allowed. When AllowAllIPv6 is set true, IPv6AllowedSourcePrefix is ignored.

- 2.18
AutoDisableDuration unsignedInt W

Indicates in seconds when the web interface will be automatically disabled. When 0 is specified, the web interface will not be automatically disabled.

For example if the web interface is to be active for only 30 minutes, then this parameter would be set to 1800 seconds.

0 2.16
TimeLeft unsignedInt R

The number of seconds remaining before the web interface will be disabled. 0 means that the web interface is disabled or no AutoDisableDuration was specified.

Example: The AutoDisableDuration parameter has been set to 1800 seconds and the web interface was enabled 600 seconds ago. This means that the TimeLeft will return 1200 seconds, which is the remaining time before the web interface will be disabled.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
ActivationDate dateTime R Indicates when the web interface was enabled. - 2.16
SessionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Session table. - 2.16
Device.UserInterface.HTTPAccess.{i}.Session.{i}. object(0:) R

Web server session list.

Note: This parameter was demoted to readOnly in the Device:2.17 version.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for SessionID.

- 2.16
SessionID string(:4096) R Session identifier. - 2.16
User string(:256) R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Users.User. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The user to whom the session belongs. When the user is unknown an empty string string SHOULD be used.

Note: This parameter was demoted to readOnly in the Device:2.17 version.

- 2.16
IPAddress string(:45) R [IPAddress] The IP address of the remote web client, connected to the web interface. - 2.16
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) R Port number of the remote web client, connected to the web interface. - 2.16
Protocol string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the HTTPAccessSupportedProtocols parameter. Protocol being used. - 2.16
StartDate dateTime R Indicates when the session was created. - 2.16
Device.UserInterface.RemoteAccess. object R
This object contains parameters relating to remotely accessing the CPE’s user interface.
Remote access is defined as any entity not of a local subnet attempting to connect to the CPE.
Remote access requires user authentication. To provide remote access authentication the CPE MUST support a “User” table with at least one instance that has “RemoteAccessCapable” set to true.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of HTTPAccess.
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables/Disables remotely accessing the CPE’s user interface. - 2.0
Port unsignedInt(:65535) W Destination TCP port required for remote access connection. - 2.0
SupportedProtocols string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the protocols that are supported by the CPE for the purpose of remotely accessing the user interface.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.0
Protocol string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedProtocols parameter. This is the protocol currently being used for remote access. - 2.0
Device.UserInterface.LocalDisplay. object R This object describes how to remotely manage the initial positioning of a user interface on a device’s local display. - 2.0
Movable boolean W Controls whether the user is allowed to change the GUI window position on the local CPE’s display. - 2.0
Resizable boolean W Controls whether the user is allowed to resize the GUI window on the local CPE’s display. - 2.0
PosX int W The horizontal position of the User Interface’s top left corner within the local CPE’s display measured from the top left corner, expressed in pixels. - 2.0
PosY int W The vertical position of the User Interface’s top left corner within the local CPE’s display measured from the top left corner, expressed in pixels. - 2.0
Width unsignedInt W The width of the user interface within the local CPE’s display, expressed in pixels. - 2.0
Height unsignedInt W The height of the user interface within the local CPE’s display, expressed in pixels. - 2.0
DisplayWidth unsignedInt R The width of the local CPE’s display, expressed in pixels. - 2.0
DisplayHeight unsignedInt R The height of the local CPE’s display, expressed in pixels. - 2.0
Device.UserInterface.Messages. object R Definition of user information message displays. - 2.11
Enable boolean W

Enables and displays the user information message.

The factory default value MUST be true.

- 2.11
Title string(:128) W Message title to be displayed. - 2.11
SubTitle string(:128) W Message sub title to be displayed. - 2.11
Text string W Message text. - 2.11
IconType string W

Icon to be displayed.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Greeting
  • Information
  • Warning
  • Important
  • Urgent
  • Advertisement
- 2.11
MessageColor hexBinary(3) W The color of message text in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.11
BackgroundColor hexBinary(3) W The color of the message screen background in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.11
TitleColor hexBinary(3) W The color of the message title in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.11
SubTitleColor hexBinary(3) W The color of the sub title in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.11
RequestedNumberOfRepetitions unsignedInt W The number of times the device SHOULD repeat the message. - 2.11
ExecutedNumberOfRepetitions unsignedInt R The number of times the device repeated the message. - 2.11
Device.InterfaceStack.{i}. object(0:) R

This table contains information about the relationships between the multiple layers of interface objects ([Section 4.3/TR-181i2]). In particular, it contains information on which interfaces run on top of which other interfaces.

This table is auto-generated by the CPE based on the LowerLayers parameters on individual interface objects.

Each table row represents a “link” between two interface objects, a higher-layer interface object (referenced by HigherLayer) and a lower-layer interface object (referenced by LowerLayer). Consequently, if a referenced interface object is deleted, the CPE MUST delete the corresponding InterfaceStack row(s) that had referenced it.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both HigherLayer and LowerLayer, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.3
HigherLayer string(:256) R

A reference to the interface object corresponding to the higher layer of the relationship, i.e. the interface which runs on top of the interface identified by the corresponding instance of LowerLayer.

When the referenced higher layer interface is deleted, the CPE MUST delete the table row.

- 2.0
LowerLayer string(:256) R

A reference to the interface object corresponding to the lower layer of the relationship, i.e. the interface which runs below the interface identified by the corresponding instance of HigherLayer.

When the referenced lower layer interface is deleted, the CPE MUST delete the table row.

- 2.0
HigherAlias string(:64) R The value of the Alias parameter for the interface object referenced by HigherLayer. - 2.0
LowerAlias string(:64) R The value of the Alias parameter for the interface object referenced by LowerLayer. - 2.0
Device.DSL. object R This object models DSL lines, DSL channels, DSL bonding, and DSL diagnostics. The specific interface objects defined here are Line, Channel, and BondingGroup. Each Line models a layer 1 DSL Line interface, and each Channel models a layer 1 DSL Channel interface where multiple channels can run over a DSL line. In the case where bonding is configured, it is expected that BondingGroup is stacked above the Channel instances within its group. - 2.0
LineNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Line table. - 2.0
ChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Channel table. - 2.0
BondingGroupNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the BondingGroup table. - 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}. object(0:) R

DSL Line table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).

This table models physical DSL lines.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the DSL line.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
EnableDataGathering boolean W Enables or disables data gathering on the DSL line. - 2.8
Status string R

The current operational state of the DSL line (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.0
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the DSL line as assigned by the CPE. - 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the DSL line entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Line is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.0
FirmwareVersion string(:64) R A string identifying the version of the modem firmware currently installed for this interface. This is applicable only when the modem firmware is separable from the overall CPE software. - 2.0
LinkStatus string R

Status of the DSL physical link. Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Initializing
  • EstablishingLink
  • NoSignal
  • Disabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When LinkStatus is Up, Status is expected to be Up. When LinkStatus is Initializing or EstablishingLink or NoSignal or Disabled, Status is expected to be Down.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.0
StandardsSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which DSL standards and recommendations are supported by the Line instance. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • G.992.1_Annex_A
  • G.992.1_Annex_B
  • G.992.1_Annex_C
  • T1.413
  • T1.413i2
  • ETSI_101_388
  • G.992.2
  • G.992.3_Annex_A
  • G.992.3_Annex_B
  • G.992.3_Annex_C
  • G.992.3_Annex_I
  • G.992.3_Annex_J
  • G.992.3_Annex_L
  • G.992.3_Annex_M
  • G.992.4
  • G.992.5_Annex_A
  • G.992.5_Annex_B
  • G.992.5_Annex_C
  • G.992.5_Annex_I
  • G.992.5_Annex_J
  • G.992.5_Annex_M
  • G.993.1
  • G.993.1_Annex_A
  • G.993.2_Annex_A
  • G.993.2_Annex_B
  • G.993.2_Annex_C
Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called “xDSL Transmission system capabilities”. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.8 because its entries are out-of-date; XTSE points to a current list. Therefore its value MAY be an empty string if (and only if) XTSE is supported.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.
- 2.0
XTSE hexBinary(8) R

This configuration parameter defines the transmission system types to be allowed by the xTU on this Line instance. Each bit is 0 if not allowed or 1 if allowed, as defined for the xTU transmission system enabling (XTSE) in ITU-T G.997.1.

Note: This parameter is defined as xDSL Transmission system enabling (XTSE) in ITU-T G.997.1. For a full definition, see Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
StandardUsed string R
The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the StandardsSupported parameter. Indicates the standard that the Line instance is using for the connection.
Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called “xDSL Transmission system”. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.8 because its entries are out-of-date; XTSE points to a current list. Therefore its value MAY be an empty string if (and only if) XTSUsed is supported.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.
- 2.0
XTSUsed hexBinary(8) R This parameter indicates which DSL standard and recommendation are currently in use by the Line instance. Only one bit is set, as defined for the xTU transmission system enabling (XTSE) in ITU-T G.997.1. - 2.8
LineEncoding string R

The line encoding method used in establishing the Layer 1 DSL connection between the CPE and the DSLAM. Enumeration of:

  • DMT
  • CAP
  • 2B1Q
  • 43BT
  • PAM
  • QAM

Note: Generally speaking, this variable does not change after provisioning.

- 2.0
AllowedProfiles string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which VDSL2 profiles are allowed on the line. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 8a
  • 8b
  • 8c
  • 8d
  • 12a
  • 12b
  • 17a
  • 17b (This enumeration was DELETED in 2.12 because the value is not defined in G997.1)
  • 30a
  • 35b

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called PROFILES. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.0
CurrentProfile string R

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the AllowedProfiles parameter, or else be an empty string. Indicates which VDSL2 profile is currently in use on the line.

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.0
PowerManagementState string R

The power management state of the line. Enumeration of:

  • L0
  • L1
  • L2
  • L3
  • L4

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
SuccessFailureCause unsignedInt(0:6) R

The success failure cause of the initialization. An enumeration of the following integer values:

  • 0: Successful
  • 1: Configuration error. This error occurs with inconsistencies in configuration parameters, e.g. when the line is initialized in an xDSL Transmission system where an xTU does not support the configured Maximum Delay or the configured Minimum or Maximum Data Rate for one or more bearer channels.
  • 2: Configuration not feasible on the line. This error occurs if the Minimum Data Rate cannot be reached on the line with the Minimum Noise Margin, Maximum PSD level, Maximum Delay and Maximum Bit Error Ratio for one or more bearer channels.
  • 3: Communication problem. This error occurs, for example, due to corrupted messages or bad syntax messages or if no common mode can be selected in the G.994.1 handshaking procedure or due to a timeout.
  • 4: No peer xTU detected. This error occurs if the peer xTU is not powered or not connected or if the line is too long to allow detection of a peer xTU.
  • 5: Any other or unknown Initialization Failure cause.
  • 6: ITU T G.998.4 retransmission mode was not selected while RTX_MODE = FORCED or with RTX_MODE = RTX_TESTMODE.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called “Initialization success/failure cause”. See Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
UPBOKLER unsignedInt(0:1280) R

This parameter contains the estimated electrical loop length estimated by the VTU-R expressed in 0.1 dB at 1MHz (see O-UPDATE in section The value is coded as an unsignedInt in the range 0 (coded as 0) to 128 dB (coded as 1280) in steps of 0.1 dB.

Note: This parameter is defined as UPBOKLE-R in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
UPBOKLEPb unsignedInt(0:1280,2047)[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (0 to 1280, or 2047). VTU-O estimated upstream power back-off electrical length per band.

This parameter is a vector of UPBO electrical length per-band estimates for each supported downstream band, expressed in 0.1 dB at 1 MHz (kl0) calculated by the VTU-R, based on separate measurements in the supported upstream bands. The value of each list element ranges from 0 to 128 dB in steps of 0.1 dB, with special value 204.7 which indicates that the estimate is greater than 128 dB. This parameter is required for the alternative electrical length estimation method (ELE-M1).

Note: This parameter is defined as UPBOKLE-pb in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
UPBOKLERPb unsignedInt(0:1280,2047)[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (0 to 1280, or 2047). VTU-R estimated upstream power back-off electrical length per band.

This parameter is a vector of UPBO electrical length per-band estimates for each supported downstream band, expressed in 0.1 dB at 1 MHz (kl0) calculated by the VTU-R, based on separate measurements in the supported downstream bands. The value of each list element ranges from 0 to 128 dB in steps of 0.1 dB, with special value 204.7 which indicates that the estimate is greater than 128 dB. This parameter is required for the alternative electrical length estimation method (ELE-M1).

The value of each list element is coded as an unsigned 16 bit number in the range 0 (coded as 0) to 128 dB (coded as 1280) in steps of 0.1 dB.

Note: This parameter is defined as UPBOKLE-R-pb in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
RXTHRSHds int(-640:0) R

UPBO downstream receiver signal level threshold.

This parameter reports the downstream received signal level threshold value used in the alternative electrical length estimation method (ELE-M1). This parameter represents an offset from -100 dBm/Hz, and ranges from -64 dB to 0 dB in steps of 0.1 dB.

The value is coded as a 16 bit number in the range -64 (coded as -640) to 0 dB (coded as 0) in steps of 0.1 dB.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
ACTRAMODEds unsignedInt(1:4) R

This parameter indicates the actual active rate adaptation mode in the downstream direction.

  • If ACTRAMODEds equals 1, the link is operating in RA-MODE 1 (MANUAL).
  • If ACTRAMODEds equals 2, the link is operating in RA-MODE 2 (AT_INIT).
  • If ACTRAMODEds equals 3, the link is operating in RA-MODE 3 (DYNAMIC).
  • If ACTRAMODEds equals 4, the link is operating in RA-MODE 4 (DYNAMIC with SOS).

Note: This parameter is defined as ACT-RA-MODEds in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
ACTRAMODEus unsignedInt(1:4) R

This parameter indicates the actual active rate adaptation mode in the upstream direction.

  • If ACTRAMODEus equals 1, the link is operating in RA-MODE 1 (MANUAL).
  • If ACTRAMODEus equals 2, the link is operating in RA-MODE 2 (AT_INIT).
  • If ACTRAMODEus equals 3, the link is operating in RA-MODE 3 (DYNAMIC).
  • If ACTRAMODEus equals 4, the link is operating in RA-MODE 4 (DYNAMIC with SOS).

Note: This parameter is defined as ACT-RA-MODEus in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
ACTINPROCds unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the actual impulse noise protection (INP) of the robust overhead channel (ROC) in the downstream direction. The format and usage is identical to the channel status parameter Channel.{i}.ACTINP.

Note: This parameter is defined as ACTINP-ROC-ds in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
ACTINPROCus unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the actual impulse noise protection (INP) of the robust overhead channel (ROC) in the upstream direction. The format and usage is identical to the channel status parameter Channel.{i}.ACTINP.

Note: This parameter is defined as ACTINP-ROC-us in Clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
SNRMROCds unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the actual signal-to-noise margin of the robust overhead channel (ROC) in the downstream direction (expressed in 0.1 dB). The format is identical to the format of the line status parameter SNRM margin DownstreamNoiseMargin.

Note: This parameter is defined as SNRM-ROC-ds in Clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
SNRMROCus unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the actual signal-to-noise margin of the robust overhead channel (ROC) in the upstream direction (expressed in 0.1 dB). The format is identical to the format of the line status parameter SNRM margin (UpstreamNoiseMargin).

Note: This parameter is defined as SNRM-ROC-us in Clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
LastStateTransmittedDownstream unsignedInt R

This parameter represents the last successful transmitted initialization state in the downstream direction in the last full initialization performed on the line. Initialization states are defined in the individual xDSL Recommendations and are counted from 0 (if G.994.1 is used) or 1 (if G.994.1 is not used) up to Showtime. This parameter needs to be interpreted along with the xDSL Transmission System.

This parameter is available only when, after a failed full initialization, the line diagnostics procedures are activated on the line.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
LastStateTransmittedUpstream unsignedInt R

This parameter represents the last successful transmitted initialization state in the upstream direction in the last full initialization performed on the line. Initialization states are defined in the individual xDSL Recommendations and are counted from 0 (if G.994.1 is used) or 1 (if G.994.1 is not used) up to Showtime. This parameter needs to be interpreted along with the xDSL Transmission System.

This parameter is available only when, after a failed full initialization, the line diagnostics procedures are activated on the line.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
UPBOKLE unsignedInt(0:1280) R

This parameter contains the estimated electrical loop length expressed in 0.1dB at 1MHz (see O-UPDATE in section The value SHALL be coded as an unsigned 16 bit number in the range 0 (coded as 0) to 128 dB (coded as 1280) in steps of 0.1 dB.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
MREFPSDds base64(0:145) R

This parameter SHALL contain the set of breakpoints exchanged in the MREFPSDds fields of the O-PRM message of G.993.2. Base64 encoded of the binary representation defined in Table 12-19/G.993.2 (maximum length is 145 octets, which requires 196 bytes for Base64 encoding).

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
MREFPSDus base64(0:145) R

This parameter SHALL contain the set of breakpoints exchanged in the MREFPSDus fields of the R-PRM message of G.993.2. Base64 encoded of the binary representation defined in Table 12-19/G.993.2 (maximum length is 145 octets, which requires 196 bytes for Base64 encoding).

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
LIMITMASK unsignedInt R

Indicates the enabled VDSL2 Limit PSD mask of the selected PSD mask class. Bit mask as specified in ITU-T Recommendation G.997.1.

Note: For a VDSL2-capable multimode device operating in a mode other than VDSL2, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
US0MASK unsignedInt R

Indicates the allowed VDSL2 US0 PSD masks for Annex A operation. Bit mask as specified in see ITU-T Recommendation G.997.1.

Note: For a VDSL2-capable multimode device operating in a mode other than VDSL2, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0

Reports whether trellis coding is enabled in the downstream direction. A value of 1 indicates that trellis coding is in use, and a value of 0 indicates that the trellis is disabled.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to -1.

- 2.0

Reports whether trellis coding is enabled in the upstream direction. A value of 1 indicates that trellis coding is in use, and a value of 0 indicates that the trellis is disabled.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to -1.

- 2.0
ACTSNRMODEds unsignedInt R

Reports whether the OPTIONAL virtual noise mechanism is in use in the downstream direction. A value of 1 indicates the virtual noise mechanism is not in use, and a value of 2 indicates the virtual noise mechanism is in use.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

- 2.0
ACTSNRMODEus unsignedInt R

Reports whether the OPTIONAL virtual noise mechanism is in use in the upstream direction. A value of 1 indicates the virtual noise mechanism is not in use, and a value of 2 indicates the virtual noise mechanism is in use.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

- 2.0
VirtualNoisePSDds base64(0:97) R

Reports the virtual noise PSD for the downstream direction. Base64 encoded of the binary representation defined in G.997.1 by the parameter called TXREFVNds (maximum length is 97 octets, which requires 132 bytes for Base64 encoding).

See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to an empty string.

- 2.0
VirtualNoisePSDus base64(0:49) R

Reports the virtual noise PSD for the upstream direction. Base64 encoded of the binary representation defined in G.997.1by the parameter called TXREFVNus (maximum length is 49 octets, which requires 68 bytes for Base64 encoding).

See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to an empty string.

- 2.0
ACTUALCE unsignedInt R

Reports the actual cyclic extension, as the value of m, in use for the connection.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 99.

- 2.0
LineNumber int(1:) R Signifies the line pair that the modem is using to connection. LineNumber = 1 is the innermost pair. - 2.0
UpstreamMaxBitRate unsignedInt R

The current maximum attainable data rate upstream (expressed in Kbps).

Note: This parameter is related to the G.997.1 parameter ATTNDRus, which is measured in bits/s. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
DownstreamMaxBitRate unsignedInt R

The current maximum attainable data rate downstream (expressed in Kbps).

Note: This parameter is related to the G.997.1 parameter ATTNDRds, which is measured in bits/s. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
UpstreamNoiseMargin int R

The current signal-to-noise ratio margin (expressed in 0.1dB) in the upstream direction.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called SNRMus. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DownstreamNoiseMargin int R

The current signal-to-noise ratio margin (expressed in 0.1dB) in the downstream direction.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called SNRMds. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRMpbus string[](:24) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 24) of strings. Indicates the current signal-to-noise ratio margin of each upstream band. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
SNRMpbds string[](:24) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 24) of strings. Indicates the current signal-to-noise ratio margin of each band. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
INMIATOds unsignedInt(3:511) R

The Impulse Noise Monitoring (INM) Inter Arrival Time (IAT) Offset, measured in DMT symbols, that the xTU receiver uses to determine in which bin of the IAT histogram the IAT is reported.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called INMIATO. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
INMIATSds unsignedInt(0:7) R

The Impulse Noise Monitoring (INM) Inter Arrival Time (IAT) Step that the xTU receiver uses to determine in which bin of the IAT histogram the IAT is reported.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called INMIATS. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
INMCCds unsignedInt(0:64) R

The Impulse Noise Monitoring (INM) Cluster Continuation value, measured in DMT symbols, that the xTU receiver uses in the cluster indication process.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called INMCC. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
INMINPEQMODEds unsignedInt(0:3) R

The Impulse Noise Monitoring (INM) Equivalent Impulse Noise Protection (INP) Mode that the xTU receiver uses in the computation of the Equivalent INP.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called INM_INPEQ_MODE. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
UpstreamAttenuation int R

The current upstream signal loss (expressed in 0.1dB).

Doesn’t apply to VDSL2 [G.993.2]. Otherwise has the same value as the single element of TestParams.SATNus.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DownstreamAttenuation int R

The current downstream signal loss (expressed in 0.1dB).

Doesn’t apply to VDSL2 [G.993.2]. Otherwise has the same value as the single element of TestParams.SATNds.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UpstreamPower int R

The current output power at the CPE’s DSL line (expressed in 0.1dBmV).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DownstreamPower int R

The current received power at the CPE’s DSL line (expressed in 0.1dBmV).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURVersion string(:16) R xTU-R version field as defined in [Section 7.4.6/G.997.1]. It shall contain the xTU-R firmware version and the xTU-R model, encoded in this order and separated by a space character, i.e., ‘(xTU-R firmware version) (xTU-R model)’. - 2.17
XTURSerial string(:32) R xTU-R serial number as defined in [Section 7.4.8/G.997.1]. It shall contain the equipment serial number, the equipment model and the equipment firmware version. All shall be encoded in this order and separated by space characters, i.e., ‘(equipment serial number) (equipment model) (equipment firmware version)’. - 2.17
XTURVendor hexBinary(4) R

xTU-R vendor identifier as defined in G.994.1 and T1.413. In the case of G.994.1 this corresponds to the four-octet provider code, which MUST be represented as eight hexadecimal digits.

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value “00000000”.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called “xTU-R G.994.1 Vendor ID”. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
XTURVendorSpecific hexBinary(2) R

xTU-R vendor-specific information as defined in [G.994.1]. This corresponds to the two-octet vendor-specific information, which MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits.

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value “0000”.

Note: In [G.997.1], this parameter is called “xTU-R G.994.1 Vendor ID”. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.17
XTURCountry hexBinary(2) R

T.35 country code of the xTU-R vendor as defined in G.994.1, where the two-octet value defined in G.994.1 MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits.

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value “0000”.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called “xTU-R G.994.1 Vendor ID”. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
XTURSystemVendor hexBinary(4) R xTU-R system vendor identifier as defined in [Section 7.4.4/G.997.1]. This corresponds to the four-octet provider code, which MUST be represented as eight hexadecimal digits as defined in [G.994.1] as Vendor ID. - 2.17
XTURSystemVendorSpecific hexBinary(2) R

xTU-R system vendor-specific information as defined in [Section 7.4.4/G.997.1]. This corresponds to the two-octet vendor-specific information, which MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits as defined in [G.994.1] as Vendor ID.

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value “0000”.

- 2.17
XTURSystemCountry hexBinary(2) R T.35 country code of the xTU-R system vendor as defined in [Section 7.4.4/G.997.1], where the two-octet value defined in [G.997.1] MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits. - 2.17
XTURANSIStd unsignedInt R

xTU-R T1.413 Revision Number as defined in T1.413 Issue 2.

When T1.413 modulation is not in use, the parameter value SHOULD be 0.

- 2.0
XTURANSIRev unsignedInt R

xTU-R Vendor Revision Number as defined in T1.413 Issue 2.

When T1.413 modulation is not in use, the parameter value SHOULD be 0.

- 2.0
XTUCVersion hexBinary(16) R The xTU-C version number is the version number as inserted by the xTU-C in the overhead messages ([G.992.3], [G.992.4], [G.992.5] and [G.993.2]). It is for version control and is vendor specific information. It consists of up to 16 binary octets. - 2.17
XTUCSerial string(:32) R xTU-C serial number as defined in [Section 7.4.7/G.997.1]. This corresponds to the equipment serial number. - 2.17
XTUCVendor hexBinary(4) R

xTU-C vendor identifier as defined in G.994.1 and T1.413. In the case of G.994.1 this corresponds to the four-octet provider code, which MUST be represented as eight hexadecimal digits.

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value “00000000”.

- 2.0
XTUCVendorSpecific hexBinary(2) R xTU-C vendor-specific information as defined in [Section 7.4.3/G.997.1]. This corresponds to the two-octet vendor-specific information, which MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits as defined in G.994.1 as Vendor ID. - 2.17
XTUCCountry hexBinary(2) R

T.35 country code of the xTU-C vendor as defined in G.994.1, where the two-octet value defined in G.994.1 MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits.

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value “0000”.

- 2.0
XTUCSystemVendor hexBinary(4) R xTU-C system vendor identifier as defined in [Section 7.4.3/G.997.1]. This corresponds to the four-octet provider code, which MUST be represented as eight hexadecimal digits as defined in [G.994.1] as Vendor ID.. - 2.17
XTUCSystemVendorSpecific hexBinary(2) R

xTU-C system vendor-specific information as defined in [Section 7.4.4/G.997.1]. This corresponds to the two-octet vendor-specific information, which MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits as defined in [G.994.1] as Vendor ID..

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value “0000”.

- 2.17
XTUCSystemCountry hexBinary(2) R T.35 country code of the xTU-C system vendor as defined in [Section 7.4.4/G.997.1], where the two-octet value defined in G.997.1 MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits. - 2.17
XTUCANSIStd unsignedInt R

xTU-C T1.413 Revision Number as defined in T1.413 Issue 2.

When T1.413 modulation is not in use, the parameter value SHOULD be 0.

- 2.0
XTUCANSIRev unsignedInt R

xTU-C Vendor Revision Number as defined in T1.413 Issue 2.

When T1.413 modulation is not in use, the parameter value SHOULD be 0.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TotalStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of Total statistics.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: TotalStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ShowtimeStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the most recent DSL Showtime - the beginning of the period used for collection of Showtime statistics.

Showtime is defined as successful completion of the DSL link establishment process. The Showtime statistics are those collected since the most recent establishment of the DSL link.

Note: ShowtimeStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LastShowtimeStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime-the beginning of the period used for collection of LastShowtime statistics.

If the CPE has not retained information about the second most recent Showtime (e.g., on reboot), the start of LastShowtime statistics MAY temporarily coincide with the start of Showtime statistics.

Note: LastShowtimeStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
CurrentDayStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of CurrentDay statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each CurrentDay interval with days in the UTC time zone, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: CurrentDayStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QuarterHourStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of QuarterHour statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each QuarterHour interval with real-time quarter-hour intervals, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: QuarterHourStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats.Total. object R

This object contains DSL line total statistics. See [Chapter 7.2.6/G.997.1].

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of errored seconds (ES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of severely errored seconds (SES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats.Showtime. object R

This object contains DSL line statistics accumulated since the most recent DSL Showtime. See [Chapter 7.2.6/G.997.1].

Note: The Showtime parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of errored seconds since the most recent DSL Showtime (ES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of severely errored seconds since the most recent DSL Showtime (SES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats.LastShowtime. object R

This object contains DSL line statistics accumulated since the second most recent DSL Showtime. See [Chapter 7.2.6/G.997.1].

Note: The LastShowtime parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of errored seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime (ES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of severely errored seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime (SES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats.CurrentDay. object R

This object contains DSL line statistics accumulated during the current day. See [Chapter 7.2.6/G.997.1].

Note: The CurrentDay parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of errored seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime (ES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of severely errored seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime (SES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats.QuarterHour. object R

This object contains DSL line statistics accumulated during the current quarter hour. See [Chapter 7.2.6/G.997.1].

Note: The QuarterHour parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of errored seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime (ES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of severely errored seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime (SES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.TestParams. object R This object contains the DSL line test parameters that are available during the L0 (i.e., Showtime) state. - 2.0
HLOGGds unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for HLOGpsds. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGGus unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the upstream direction for HLOGpsus. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGpsds string[](:2559) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2559) of strings. Indicates the downstream logarithmic line characteristics per sub-carrier group. The maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3, and 512 for G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of HLOGGds but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: HLOGpsds is measured during initialization and is not updated during Showtime.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGpsus string[](:2559) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2559) of strings. Indicates the upstream logarithmic line characteristics per sub-carrier group. The maximum number of elements is 64 for G.992.3 and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of HLOGGus but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: HLOGpsus is measured during initialization and is not updated during Showtime.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGMTds unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which HLOGpsds was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGMTus unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which HLOGpsus was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNGds unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for QLNpsds. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNGus unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the upstream direction for QLNpsus. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNpsds int[](:2047) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2047) of integers. Indicates the downstream quiet line noise per subcarrier group. The maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3 and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of QLNGds but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: QLNpsds is measured during initialization and is not updated during Showtime.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNpsus string[](:2047) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2047) of strings. Indicates the upstream quiet line noise per subcarrier group. The maximum number of elements is 64 for G.992.3 and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of QLNGus but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: QLNpsus is measured during initialization and is not updated during Showtime.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNMTds unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which QLNpsds was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNMTus unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which QLNpsus was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRGds unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for SNRpsds. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRGus unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the upstream direction for SNRpsus. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRpsds int[](:2047) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2047) of integers. Indicates the downstream SNR per subcarrier group. The maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3, and 512 for G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of SNRGds but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: SNRpsds is first measured during initialization and is updated during Showtime.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRpsus string[](:2047) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2047) of strings. Indicates the upstream SNR per subcarrier group. The maximum number of elements is 64 for G.992.3 and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of SNRGus but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: SNRpsus is first measured during initialization and is updated during Showtime.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRMTds unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which SNRpsds was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRMTus unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which SNRpsus was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LATNds string[](:35) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 35) of strings. Indicates the downstream line attenuation averaged across all sub-carriers in the frequency band, as computed during initialization. Number of elements is dependent on the number of downstream bands but will exceed one only for ITU-T G.993.2. Interpretation of LATNds is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LATNus string[](:35) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 35) of strings. Indicates the upstream line attenuation averaged across all sub-carriers in the frequency band, as computed during initialization. Number of elements is dependent on the number of upstream bands but will exceed one only for ITU-T G.993.2. Interpretation of LATNus is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SATNds string[](:35) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 35) of strings. Indicates the downstream signal attenuation averaged across all active sub-carriers in the frequency band, as computed during the L0 (i.e., Showtime) state. Number of elements is dependent on the number of downstream bands but will exceed one only for ITU-T G.993.2. Interpretation of SATNds is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SATNus string[](:35) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 35) of strings. Indicates the upstream signal attenuation averaged across all active sub-carriers in the frequency band, as computed during the L0 (i.e., Showtime) state. Number of elements is dependent on the number of downstream bands but will exceed one only for ITU-T G.993.2. Interpretation of SATNus is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.DataGathering. object R

This object models the DSL data gathering function at the VTU-R. This only applies to VDSL2.

Note: see ITU-T Recommendation [G.993.2].

- 2.8
LoggingDepthR unsignedInt R

This parameter is the maximum depth of the entire data gathering event buffer at the VTU-R, in number of records, where each of the records consists of 6 bytes indicating a data gathering event as defined in [G.993.2].

Note: This parameter is defined as LOGGING_DEPTH_R in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
ActLoggingDepthReportingR unsignedInt R

This parameter is actual logging depth that is used for reporting the VTU-R event trace buffer over the eoc channel, in number of records, where each of the records consists of 6 bytes indicating a data gathering event as defined in [G.993.2].

Note: This parameter is defined as ACT_LOGGING_DEPTH_REPORTING_R in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
EventTraceBufferR string(:256) R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This parameter identifies the log file of the the data gathering event trace buffer containing the event records that originated at the VTU-R.

This indicates the table entry that represents a Vendor Log File that contains the data gathering buffer at the VTU-R in the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile table.

This data gathering buffer MAY be retrieved wia an upload RPC of the identified Vendor Log File.

Note: This parameter is defined as EVENT_TRACE_BUFFER_R in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1] and Clause 11.5 of ITU-T Recommendation [G.993.2].

- 2.8
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}. object(0:) R

DSL Channel table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).

This table models DSL channel(s) on top of physical DSL lines.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the channel.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the channel (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.0
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the channel as assigned by the CPE. - 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the channel entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. - 2.0
LinkEncapsulationSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which link encapsulation standards and recommendations are supported by the Channel instance.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • G.992.3_Annex_K_ATM
  • G.992.3_Annex_K_PTM
  • G.993.2_Annex_K_ATM
  • G.993.2_Annex_K_PTM
  • G.994.1 (Auto)
- 2.0
LinkEncapsulationUsed string R

Indicates the link encapsulation standard that the Channel instance is using for the connection. Enumeration of:

  • G.992.3_Annex_K_ATM
  • G.992.3_Annex_K_PTM
  • G.993.2_Annex_K_ATM
  • G.993.2_Annex_K_PTM

When ATM encapsulation is identified then an upper-layer ATM.Link interface MUST be used.

When PTM encapsulation is identified then an upper-layer PTM.Link interface MUST be used.

- 2.0
LPATH unsignedInt(:3) R

Reports the index of the latency path supporting the bearer channel.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [Section].

- 2.0
INTLVDEPTH unsignedInt R

Reports the interleaver depth D for the latency path indicated in LPATH.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

- 2.0

Reports the interleaver block length in use on the latency path indicated in LPATH.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to -1.

- 2.0
ActualInterleavingDelay unsignedInt R

Reports the actual delay, in milliseconds, of the latency path due to interleaving.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called “Actual Interleaving Delay.” See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0

Reports the actual impulse noise protection (INP) provided by the latency path indicated in LPATH. The value is the actual INP in the L0 (i.e., Showtime) state.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to -1.

- 2.0

Reports whether the value reported in ACTINP was computed assuming the receiver does not use erasure decoding. Valid values are 0 (computed per the formula assuming no erasure decoding) and 1 (computed by taking into account erasure decoding capabilities of receiver).

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to false.

- 2.0
NFEC int R

Reports the size, in octets, of the Reed-Solomon codeword in use on the latency path indicated in LPATH.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to -1.

- 2.0
RFEC int R

Reports the number of redundancy bytes per Reed-Solomon codeword on the latency path indicated in LPATH.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to -1.

- 2.0

Reports the number of bits per symbol assigned to the latency path indicated in LPATH. This value does not include overhead due to trellis coding.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to -1.

- 2.0
UpstreamCurrRate unsignedInt R

The current physical layer aggregate data rate (expressed in Kbps) of the upstream DSL connection.

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DownstreamCurrRate unsignedInt R

The current physical layer aggregate data rate (expressed in Kbps) of the downstream DSL connection.

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ACTNDR unsignedInt R

Actual net data rate expressed in Kbps. Independent whether retransmission is used or not in a given transmit direction:

  • In L0 state, this parameter reports the net data rate (as specified in [ITU T G.992.3], [ITU T G.992.5] or [ITU T G.993.2]) at which the bearer channel is operating.
  • In L2 state, the parameter contains the net data rate (as specified in [ITU T G.992.3], [ITU T G.992.5] or [ITU T G.993.2]) in the previous L0 state.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
ACTINPREIN unsignedInt(0:255) R

Actual impulse noise protection against REIN, expressed in 0.1 DMT symbols.

If retransmission is used in a given transmit direction, this parameter reports the actual impulse noise protection (INP) against REIN (under specific conditions detailed in [ITU T G.998.4]) on the bearer channel in the L0 state. In the L2 state, the parameter contains the INP in the previous L0 state.

The value is coded in fractions of DMT symbols with a granularity of 0.1 symbols.

The range is from 0 to 25.4. A special value of 25.5 indicates an ACTINP_REIN of 25.5 or higher.

Note: This parameter is defined as ACTINP_REIN in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TotalStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of Total statistics.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: TotalStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ShowtimeStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the most recent DSL Showtime - the beginning of the period used for collection of Showtime statistics.

Showtime is defined as successful completion of the DSL link establishment process. The Showtime statistics are those collected since the most recent establishment of the DSL link.

Note: ShowtimeStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LastShowtimeStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime-the beginning of the period used for collection of LastShowtime statistics.

If the CPE has not retained information about the second most recent Showtime (e.g., on reboot), the start of LastShowtime statistics MAY temporarily coincide with the start of Showtime statistics.

Note: LastShowtimeStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
CurrentDayStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of CurrentDay statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each CurrentDay interval with days in the UTC time zone, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: CurrentDayStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QuarterHourStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of QuarterHour statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each QuarterHour interval with real-time quarter-hour intervals, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: QuarterHourStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats.Total. object R

This object contains DSL channel total statistics [G.997.1].

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
XTURFECErrors unsignedInt R

Total number of FEC errors detected (FEC-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCFECErrors unsignedInt R

Total number of FEC errors detected by the ATU-C (FEC-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURHECErrors unsignedInt R

Total number of HEC errors detected (HEC-P as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCHECErrors unsignedInt R

Total number of HEC errors detected by the ATU-C (HEC-PFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Total number of CRC errors detected (CV-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Total number of CRC errors detected by the ATU-C (CV-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats.Showtime. object R

This object contains DSL channel statistics accumulated since the most recent DSL Showtime [G.997.1].

Note: The Showtime parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
XTURFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected since the most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected since the most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-P as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-PFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected since the most recent DSL Showtime (CV-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected by the ATU-C since the most recent DSL Showtime (CV-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats.LastShowtime. object R

This object contains DSL channel statistics accumulated since the second most recent DSL Showtime [G.997.1].

Note: The LastShowtime parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
XTURFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-P as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-PFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (CV-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (CV-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats.CurrentDay. object R

This object contains DSL channel statistics accumulated during the current day [G.997.1].

Note: The CurrentDay parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
XTURFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-P as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-PFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (CV-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (CV-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats.QuarterHour. object R

This object contains DSL channel statistics accumulated during the current quarter hour [G.997.1].

Note: The QuarterHour parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
XTURFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-P as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-PFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (CV-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (CV-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}. object(0:) R

DSL bonding group table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Each instance is a bonding group, and is expected to be stacked above a Channel instance or a FAST.Line instance for each bonded channel in the group.

Many of the parameters within this object, including LowerLayers, are read-only because bonding is not expected to be configured by a Controller.

The DSL bonding data model is closely aligned with [TR-159]. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name, or with a given value for GroupID.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the bonding group.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the bonding group (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.0
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the bonding group as assigned by the CPE. - 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the bonding group entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

LowerLayers is read-only for this object because bonding is expected to be configured by the CPE, not by the Controller.

- 2.0
GroupStatus string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the current fault status of the DSL bonding group. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • NoPeer (Peer physical layer is unreachable)
  • PeerPowerLoss (Local device received a “dying gasp” message (preceding a loss-of-power) from the peer device)
  • PeerBondSchemeMismatch (Operating bonding scheme of the peer port is different from the local one)
  • LowRate (Upstream or downstream data rate is at or below threshold)

Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupStatus.

- 2.0
GroupID unsignedInt R DSL bonding group ID. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupID. - 2.0
BondSchemesSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported DSL bonding schemes. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • ATM ([G.998.1] ATM-based bonding)
  • Ethernet ([G.998.2] Ethernet-based bonding)
  • TDIM ([G.998.3] TDIM-based bonding)

Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupBondSchemesSupported.

- 2.0
BondScheme string R

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the BondSchemesSupported parameter. Currently operating bonding scheme. Corresponds to [TR-159] aGroupOperBondScheme.

This parameter discriminates between the Ethernet union objects.

- 2.0
GroupCapacity unsignedInt(1:32) R DSL bonding group capacity, i.e. the maximum number of channels that can be bonded in this group. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupCapacity. - 2.0
RunningTime unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds for which this bonding group has been operationally up. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Group Running Time.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TargetUpRate unsignedInt R Desired upstream data rate in bits per second for this DSL bonding group (zero indicates best effort). Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupTargetUpRate. - 2.0
TargetDownRate unsignedInt R Desired downstream data rate in bits per second for DSL bonding group (zero indicates best effort). Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupTargetDownRate. - 2.0
ThreshLowUpRate unsignedInt R Threshold upstream data rate in bits per second for this DSL bonding group. GroupStatus will include LowRate whenever the upstream rate is less than this threshold. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupThreshLowUpRate. - 2.0
ThreshLowDownRate unsignedInt R Threshold downstream data rate in bits per second for this DSL bonding group. GroupStatus will include LowRate whenever the downstream rate is less than this threshold. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupThreshLowDownRate. - 2.0
UpstreamDifferentialDelayTolerance unsignedInt R The maximum upstream differential delay in milliseconds among member links in a bonding group. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.1/G.998.1] Differential Delay Tolerance. - 2.0
DownstreamDifferentialDelayTolerance unsignedInt R The maximum downstream differential delay in milliseconds among member links in a bonding group. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.1/G.998.1] Differential Delay Tolerance. - 2.0
BondedChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt(1:32) R The number of entries in the BondedChannel table. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupNumChannels. - 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.BondedChannel.{i}. object(0:) R

DSL bonded channel table. Each table entry represents a bonded channel within the bonding group, and is associated with exactly one Channel instance or one FAST.Line instance. There MUST be an instance of BondedChannel for each DSL channel or FAST line that is bonded.

When a Channel or FAST.Line is no longer bonded, then the CPE MUST delete the corresponding BondedChannel instance. However, when a bonded Channel or FAST.Line becomes disabled, the channel remains bonded and so the corresponding BondedChannel instance MUST NOT be deleted.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Channel.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.0
Channel string(:256) R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Channel. or FAST.Line. tables. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.This is the channel that is being bonded.

This is read-only because bonding is expected to be configured by the CPE, not by the Controller.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.BondedChannel.{i}.Ethernet. object R Per-channel [G.998.2] Ethernet-based bonding parameters. - 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.BondedChannel.{i}.Ethernet.Stats. object R

Per-channel [G.998.2] Ethernet-based bonding statistics.

These relate to the [G.998.2] PME (Physical Medium Entity) Aggregation Function (PAF) lower layer (per-channel) interfaces.

The CPE MUST reset the Stats parameters either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
UnderflowErrorsSent unsignedInt R Number of underflow errors sent, i.e. on the transmit side of the interface. - 2.0
CRCErrorsReceived unsignedInt R Number of CRC errors received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
AlignmentErrorsReceived unsignedInt R Number of alignment errors received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
ShortPacketsReceived unsignedInt R Number of short packets received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
LongPacketsReceived unsignedInt R Number of long packets received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
OverflowErrorsReceived unsignedInt R Number of overflow errors received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
PauseFramesReceived unsignedInt R Number of pause frames received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
FramesDropped unsignedInt R Number of frames dropped, e.g. because the receive queue is full. - 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TotalStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of Total statistics.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: TotalStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
CurrentDayStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of CurrentDay statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each CurrentDay interval with days in the UTC time zone, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: CurrentDayStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QuarterHourStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of QuarterHour statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each QuarterHour interval with real-time quarter-hour intervals, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: QuarterHourStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Stats.Total. object R

Total statistics for this bonding group.

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
FailureReasons string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the failure conditions that have occurred during the accumulation period. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • LowRate (Minimum data rate not met)
  • ExcessiveDelay (Differential delay tolerance exceeded)
  • InsufficientBuffers (Insufficient buffers on receiver)
  • Other (Other failure occurred)

Corresponds to [Section 11.4.3/G.998.1] Current Group Failure Reason.

- 2.0
UpstreamRate unsignedInt R The achieved upstream data rate in bits per second (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Achieved Aggregate Data Rate. - 2.0
DownstreamRate unsignedInt R The achieved downstream data rate in bits per second (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Achieved Aggregate Data Rate. - 2.0
UpstreamPacketLoss unsignedInt R The total number of upstream packets that were lost at aggregation output from a bonding group during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Group Rx Cell Loss Count. - 2.0
DownstreamPacketLoss unsignedInt R The total number of downstream packets that were lost at aggregation output from a bonding group during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Group Rx Cell Loss Count. - 2.0
UpstreamDifferentialDelay unsignedInt R The achieved upstream differential delay in milliseconds (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). - 2.0
DownstreamDifferentialDelay unsignedInt R The achieved downstream differential delay in milliseconds (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). - 2.0
FailureCount unsignedInt R The number of times that the group was declared Unavailable during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.3/G.998.1] Group Failure Count. - 2.0
ErroredSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared Errored during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**ES. - 2.0
SeverelyErroredSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared SeverelyErrored during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**SES. - 2.0
UnavailableSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared Unavailable during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**UAS. - 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Stats.CurrentDay. object R

Current day statistics for this bonding group.

Note: The CurrentDay parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
FailureReasons string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the failure conditions that have occurred during the accumulation period. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • LowRate (Minimum data rate not met)
  • ExcessiveDelay (Differential delay tolerance exceeded)
  • InsufficientBuffers (Insufficient buffers on receiver)
  • Other (Other failure occurred)

Corresponds to [Section 11.4.3/G.998.1] Current Group Failure Reason.

- 2.0
UpstreamRate unsignedInt R The achieved upstream data rate in bits per second (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Achieved Aggregate Data Rate. - 2.0
DownstreamRate unsignedInt R The achieved downstream data rate in bits per second (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Achieved Aggregate Data Rate. - 2.0
UpstreamPacketLoss unsignedInt R The total number of upstream packets that were lost at aggregation output from a bonding group during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Group Rx Cell Loss Count. - 2.0
DownstreamPacketLoss unsignedInt R The total number of downstream packets that were lost at aggregation output from a bonding group during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Group Rx Cell Loss Count. - 2.0
UpstreamDifferentialDelay unsignedInt R The achieved upstream differential delay in milliseconds (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). - 2.0
DownstreamDifferentialDelay unsignedInt R The achieved downstream differential delay in milliseconds (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). - 2.0
FailureCount unsignedInt R The number of times that the group was declared Unavailable during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.3/G.998.1] Group Failure Count. - 2.0
ErroredSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared Errored during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**ES. - 2.0
SeverelyErroredSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared SeverelyErrored during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**SES. - 2.0
UnavailableSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared Unavailable during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**UAS. - 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Stats.QuarterHour. object R

Current quarter hour statistics for this bonding group.

Note: The QuarterHour parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
FailureReasons string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the failure conditions that have occurred during the accumulation period. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • LowRate (Minimum data rate not met)
  • ExcessiveDelay (Differential delay tolerance exceeded)
  • InsufficientBuffers (Insufficient buffers on receiver)
  • Other (Other failure occurred)

Corresponds to [Section 11.4.3/G.998.1] Current Group Failure Reason.

- 2.0
UpstreamRate unsignedInt R The achieved upstream data rate in bits per second (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Achieved Aggregate Data Rate. - 2.0
DownstreamRate unsignedInt R The achieved downstream data rate in bits per second (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Achieved Aggregate Data Rate. - 2.0
UpstreamPacketLoss unsignedInt R The total number of upstream packets that were lost at aggregation output from a bonding group during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Group Rx Cell Loss Count. - 2.0
DownstreamPacketLoss unsignedInt R The total number of downstream packets that were lost at aggregation output from a bonding group during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Group Rx Cell Loss Count. - 2.0
UpstreamDifferentialDelay unsignedInt R The achieved upstream differential delay in milliseconds (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). - 2.0
DownstreamDifferentialDelay unsignedInt R The achieved downstream differential delay in milliseconds (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). - 2.0
FailureCount unsignedInt R The number of times that the group was declared Unavailable during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.3/G.998.1] Group Failure Count. - 2.0
ErroredSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared Errored during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**ES. - 2.0
SeverelyErroredSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared SeverelyErrored during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**SES. - 2.0
UnavailableSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared Unavailable during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**UAS. - 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Ethernet. object(0:1) R

Ethernet-based bonding parameters [G.998.2].

This object MUST be present if, and only if, BondScheme is Ethernet.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Ethernet.Stats. object R

[G.998.2] Ethernet-based bonding statistics.

These relate to the [G.998.2] PME (Physical Medium Entity) Aggregation Function (PAF) and to its upper layer interface. PAF lower layer interface statistics are in the BondedChannel.{i}.Ethernet.Stats objects.

The CPE MUST reset the Stats parameters either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
PAFErrors unsignedInt R Number of PAF errors. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxErrors. - 2.0
PAFSmallFragments unsignedInt R Number of PAF Small Fragment events. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxSmallFragments. - 2.0
PAFLargeFragments unsignedInt R Number of PAF Large Fragment events. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxLargeFragments. - 2.0
PAFBadFragments unsignedInt R Number of PAF Bad Fragment events. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxBadFragments. - 2.0
PAFLostFragments unsignedInt R Number of PAF Lost Fragment events. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxLostFragments. - 2.0
PAFLateFragments unsignedInt R Number of PAF Late Fragment events. - 2.0
PAFLostStarts unsignedInt R Number of PAF Lost Start events. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxLostStarts. - 2.0
PAFLostEnds unsignedInt R Number of PAF Lost End events. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxLostEnds. - 2.0
PAFOverflows unsignedInt R Number of PAF Overflow events. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxOverflows. - 2.0
PauseFramesSent unsignedInt R Number of pause frames sent, i.e. on the transmit side of the interface. - 2.0
CRCErrorsReceived unsignedInt R Number of CRC errors received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
AlignmentErrorsReceived unsignedInt R Number of alignment errors received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
ShortPacketsReceived unsignedInt R Number of short packets received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
LongPacketsReceived unsignedInt R Number of long packets received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
OverflowErrorsReceived unsignedInt R Number of overflow errors received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
FramesDropped unsignedInt R Number of frames dropped, e.g. because the receive queue is full. - 2.0
Device.DSL.Diagnostics. object R The DSL Diagnostics object. - 2.0
Device.DSL.Diagnostics.ADSLLineTest. object R This object is to provide diagnostic information for a CPE with an ADSL2 or ADSL2+ modem WAN interface, but MAY also be used for ADSL. - 2.0
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead.

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)
- 2.0
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DSL.Channel. table. This is the interface over which the test is to be performed. - 2.0
ACTPSDds int R

Downstream actual power spectral density. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ACTPSDus int R

Upstream actual power spectral density. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ACTATPds int R

Downstream actual aggregate transmitter power. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ACTATPus int R

Upstream actual aggregate transmitter power. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLINSCds int R

Downstream linear representation scale. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLINSCus int R

Scaling used to represent the upstream linear channel characteristics. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLINGds unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for HLINpsds. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLINGus unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for HLINpsus. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGGds unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for HLOGpsds. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGGus unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the upstream direction for HLOGpsus. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGpsds string[](:2559) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2559) of strings. List items represent downstream logarithmic channel characteristics per sub-carrier group. The maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3, and 512 for G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of HLOGGds but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: HLOGpsds is measured during initialization and is not updated during Showtime.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGpsus string[](:2559) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2559) of strings. List items represent upstream logarithmic channel characteristics per sub-carrier group. The maximum number of elements is 64 for G.992.3 and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of HLOGGus but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: HLOGpsus is measured during initialization and is not updated during Showtime.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGMTds unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which HLOGpsds was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGMTus unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which HLOGpsus was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LATNpbds string[](:24) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 24) of strings. List items represent downstream line attenuation per usable band, as computed during initialization. Number of elements is dependent on the number of downstream bands but will exceed one only for G.993.2. Interpretation of LATNpbds is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LATNpbus string[](:24) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 24) of strings. List items represent upstream line attenuation per usable band, as computed during initialization. Number of elements is dependent on the number of upstream bands but will exceed one only for G.993.2. Interpretation of LATNpbus is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SATNds string[](:24) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 24) of strings. List items represent downstream signal attenuation per usable band, as computed during the L0 (i.e., Showtime) state. Number of elements is dependent on the number of downstream bands but will exceed one only for G.993.2. Interpretation of SATNds is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SATNus string[](:24) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 24) of strings. List items represent upstream signal attenuation per usable band, as computed during the L0 (i.e., Showtime) state. Number of elements is dependent on the number of downstream bands but will exceed one only for G.993.2. Interpretation of SATNus is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLINpsds int[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of integers. List items represent downstream linear channel characteristics per subcarrier group. Maximum number of complex pairs is 256 for G.992.3, and 512 for G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of pairs will depend on the value of HLINGds but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: HLIN is not applicable in PLOAM for G.992.1 or G.992.2.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLINpsus string[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of strings. List items represent upstream linear channel characteristics per sub-carrier group. Maximum number of complex pairs is 64 for G.992.3, and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of pairs will depend on the value of HLINGus but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: HLIN is not applicable in PLOAM for G.992.1 or G.992.2.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNGds unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for QLNpsds. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNGus unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the upstream direction for QLNpsus. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNpsds int[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of integers. List items represent downstream quiet line noise per subcarrier group. Maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3, 512 for G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of QLNGds but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: QLN is not applicable in PLOAM for G.992.1 or G.992.2.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNpsus string[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of strings. List items represent upstream quiet line noise per subcarrier group. The maximum number of elements is 64 for G.992.3, and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of QLNGus but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: QLN is not applicable in PLOAM for G.992.1 or G.992.2.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNMTds unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which QLNpsds was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNMTus unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which QLNpsus was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRGds unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for SNRpsds. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRGus unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the upstream direction for SNRpsus. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRpsds int[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of integers. List items represent downstream SNR per subcarrier group. Maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3, 512 for G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of SNRGds but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: SNRps is not applicable in PLOAM for G.992.1 or G.992.2.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRpsus string[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of strings. List items represent upstream SNR per subcarrier group. The maximum number of elements is 64 for G.992.3, and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of SNRGus but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: SNRps is not applicable in PLOAM for G.992.1 or G.992.2.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRMTds unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which SNRpsds was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRMTus unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which SNRpsus was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BITSpsds int[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of integers. List items represent downstream bit allocation per subcarrier group. Maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3, 512 for G.992.5. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BITSpsus string[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of strings. List items represent upstream bit allocation per subcarrier group. Maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3, 512 for G.992.5. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Diagnostics.SELTUER. object R

This object contains DSL Single Ended Line Test - Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) diagnostics parameters.

This object is for the CPE, aka the Transmission Unit - Remote end (TU-R).

Reference: ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2, SELT-PMD management entity/G.996.2].

- 2.13
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
- 2.13
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DSL.Line. table. This is the interface over which the test is to be performed. - 2.13
UERMaxMeasurementDuration unsignedInt(5:240) W

This parameter is the SELT UER maximum measurement duration (MMD) measured in seconds.

This parameter is defined as SELT_UER_MMD_R in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2.1.1/G.996.2].

- 2.13
ExtendedBandwidthOperation boolean R

This parameter indicates if the option for extended bandwidth SELT is applied (true) or not applied (false).

If the option for extended bandwidth SELT is applied to UER, then UERGroupSize has three valid values: 1, 2 and 12.

If the option for extended bandwidth SELT is not applied to UER, then UERGroupSize has two valid values: 1 and 2.

UERGroupSize is reported if the option for extended bandwidth UER SELT is supported; otherwise, reporting of the group size is optional.

- 2.13
UER int[2:2][1:4096] R

The Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) [a(0),b(0)], [a(1),b(1)], …

Comma-separated list (1 to 4096 items) of UERComplexs, with each list item consisting of the following.

[UERComplex] Pair of 32-bit signed integers a(i),b(i) with each pair representing a complex component of the uncalibrated echo response (UER);

  1. Real UER component, a(i)
  2. Imaginary UER component, b(i)

for values of i starting at i=0. Both values are represented as signed integers.

The interpretation of the UER value is as defined in [Clause A.2.2.1/G.996.2].

The value of UER at frequency i*UERGroupSizeDf = (UERScaleFactor/(231))(a(i)+j*b(i))/(231) where Df = 4.3125 kHz.

This parameter is defined as CPE SELT uncalibrated echo response (SELT-UER-R) in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2.2.1/G.996.2].

- 2.13
UERScaleFactor unsignedInt R

The Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) scale factor.

This parameter is defined as part of the CPE SELT uncalibrated echo response (SELT-UER-R) in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2.2.1/G.996.2].

Note that the scale factor is chosen such that max(abs(a(i)), abs(b(i))) over all i is equal to 231 - 1, which doesn’t allow UERScaleFactor to be zero.

- 2.13
UERGroupSize unsignedInt(1:2,12) R

The Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) group size, UER_G. In units of subcarriers.

This parameter is defined as part of the CPE SELT uncalibrated echo response (SELT-UER-R) in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2.2.2/G.996.2].

- 2.13
UERVar int[0:4096] R

Comma-separated list (0 to 4096 items) of integers. This parameter represents the variance of the UER. List items represent v(i), for values of i starting at i=0. The variance of the uncalibrated echo response for frequency i*UERGroupSizeDf is VAR(iUERGroupSize*Df) = 3 - v(i)/2 dB where Df = 4.3125 kHz.

This parameter is defined as SELT variance of uncalibrated echo response R (SELT UER-VAR-R) in [Clause A.2.2.2/G.996.2].

- 2.13
Device.DSL.Diagnostics.SELTQLN. object R

This object contains DSL Single Ended Line Test - Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) Quiet Line Noise (QLN) diagnostics parameters.

This object is for the CPE, aka the Transmission Unit - Remote end (TU-R).

Reference: ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2, SELT-PMD management entity/G.996.2].

- 2.13
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
- 2.13
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DSL.Line. table. This is the interface over which the test is to be performed. - 2.13
QLNMaxMeasurementDuration unsignedInt(1:240) W

This parameter is the SELT QLN maximum measurement duration (MMD) measured in seconds.

This parameter is defined as SELT_QLN_MMD_R in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2.1.2/G.996.2].

- 2.13
ExtendedBandwidthOperation boolean R

This parameter indicates if the option for extended bandwidth SELT is applied (true) or not applied (false).

If the option for extended bandwidth SELT is applied to QLN, then QLNGroupSize has three valid values: 1, 2 and 12.

If the option for extended bandwidth SELT is not applied to QLN, then QLNGroupSize has two valid values: 1 and 2.

QLNGroupSize is reported if the option for extended bandwidth QLN SELT is supported; otherwise, reporting of the group size is optional.

- 2.13
QLN int[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of integers. List items represent SELT quiet line noise (QLN) per subcarrier group.

Each list element is n(i), with i starting at 0. The value of QLN at frequency i*QLNGroupSizeDf with Df=4.3125 kHz is defined as QLN(iQLNGroupSize*Df) = -23 - (n(i)/2) dBm/Hz. This data format supports a QLN granularity of 0.5 dB and an dynamic range of -150 to -23 dBm/Hz.

Interpretation of the SELT_QLN_R value is defined in [Clause A.2.2.3/G.996.2].

- 2.13
QLNGroupSize unsignedInt(1:2,12) R

This parameter represents the Quiet Line Noise (QLN) group size. In units of subcarriers.

This parameter is defined as part of the SELT_QLN_R in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2.2.4/G.996.2].

- 2.13
Device.DSL.Diagnostics.SELTP. object R

This object contains DSL Single-Ended Line Test - Processed (SELT-P) diagnostics parameters.

This object is for the CPE, aka the Transmission Unit - Remote end (TU-R).

Reference: ITU-T Recommendation [G.996.2].

- 2.13
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
- 2.13
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DSL.Line. table. This is the interface over which the test is to be performed. - 2.13
CapacityEstimateEnabling boolean W

Capacity estimate calculation enabling: This parameter is expressed as a boolean and takes the value false if xDSL performance estimation is not required, true otherwise.

The capacity estimate calculation enabling parameter is defined in [Clause B.2.1.1/G.996.2].

- 2.13
CapacitySignalPSD unsignedInt[2:2][1:48] W

The capacity estimate signal Power Spectral Density (PSD):

Comma-separated list (1 to 48 items) of PSDBreak Point Index And Levels, with each list item consisting of the following.

[PSDBreakPointIndexAndLevel] 1. the Power Spectral Density (PSD) breakpoint sub-carrier index in the range [0:49152] with Df = 4.3125 kHz frequency spacing, and

  1. the value of the level of the PSD at this sub-carrier expressed in 0.1 dBm/Hz with an offset of -200 dBm/Hz. The range of valid values for PSD is -30 to -200 dBm/Hz.

Both values are represented as unsignedInt.

This capacity estimate signal PSD parameter is defined in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.2.1.2/G.996.2].

- 2.13
CapacityNoisePSD unsignedInt[2:2][1:48] W

The capacity estimate noise Power Spectral Density (PSD):

Comma-separated list (1 to 48 items) of PSDBreak Point Index And Levels, with each list item consisting of the following.

[PSDBreakPointIndexAndLevel] 1. the Power Spectral Density (PSD) breakpoint sub-carrier index in the range [0:49152] with Df = 4.3125 kHz frequency spacing, and

  1. the value of the level of the PSD at this sub-carrier expressed in 0.1 dBm/Hz with an offset of -200 dBm/Hz. The range of valid values for PSD is -30 to -200 dBm/Hz.

Both values are represented as unsignedInt.

This capacity estimate noise PSD parameter is defined in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.2.1.3/G.996.2].

- 2.13
CapacityTargetMargin unsignedInt(0:310) W

The capacity estimate target noise margin. The range of valid values is 0 to 31 dB, in steps of 0.1 dB.

This capacity estimate target noise margin parameter is defined in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.2.1.4/G.996.2].

- 2.13
LoopTermination string R

Loop termination indicator. Enumeration of:

  • Open
  • Short
  • Powered on DSLAM/DPU (This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.14 because it’s been removed from the ITU-T Recommendation. This enumeration was DELETED in 2.16)
  • Powered on CPE
  • Unknown

This parameter is defined as LOOP-TERM in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.1.1.1/G.996.2].

- 2.13
LoopLength unsignedInt(0:16383) R

This parameter is the loop length with units of meters.

This parameter is defined as the loop length parameter LOOP_LEN in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.1.1.2/G.996.2].

- 2.13
LoopTopology string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. List items represent paired parameters [LOOP_SEG_LEN, LOOP_SEG_BTAP] representing a concatenation of loop segment types, where LOOP_SEG_LEN represents the length of the segment in meters; and LOOP_SEG_BTAP is a string that identifies the segment type as either “in series” or “bridged tap”.

The first loop segment in the list shall be the segment connected to the SELT-PMD block, subsequent loop segments in the list shall describe the loop in the direction toward the far-end loop termination.

This Loop Topology parameter is defined in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.1.1.3/G.996.2].

- 2.13
AttenuationCharacteristics unsignedInt[2:2][0:8191] R

Specifies the list of attenuation characteristics.

Comma-separated list (0 to 8191 items) of SELTPAttenuation Characteristics Index And TFlogs, with each list item consisting of the following.

[SELTPAttenuationCharacteristicsIndexAndTFlog] 1. The paired frequency spacing index in the range [0:8191], and

  1. The transfer function log value, i.e. [i, TFlog(i * TFlogGroupSize * Df)], where the reference frequency spacing Df = 4.3125 kHz, the index i valid range is 0 to 8191, and TFlog(i * TFlogGroupSize * Df) spans a range from +6.0 dB down to -96.2 dB with units of 0.1 dB.

Both values are represented as unsignedInt.

TFlog(i * TFlogGroupSize * Df) is represented by an integer k, 0 <= k <= 1022, where TFlog(i * TFlogGroupSize * Df) = 6.0 - k * 0.1. The special value of k of 1023 is used to indicate that no measurement could be done for this subcarrier because the attenuation is out of the range that can be represented.

The attenuation characteristics TFlog(f) parameter is defined in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.1.1.6/G.996.2].

- 2.13
TFlogGroupSize unsignedInt(1:2,12) R

This parameter represents the Transfer Function Log (TFlog) group size. In units of subcarriers.

This parameter is defined as part of the SELT attenuation characteristics, AttenuationCharacteristics, defined in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.1.1.6/G.996.2].

- 2.14
MissingFilter boolean R

Missing micro-filter or splitter: This parameter is a binary indication of a missing or incorrectly installed splitter or micro-filter at the U-R reference point. A value of true represents a missing splitter.

The missing micro-filter or splitter parameter is defined in [Clause B.1.1.4/G.996.2].

- 2.13
CapacityEstimate unsignedInt[1:2] R

Capacity Estimate: Comma-separated list (1 to 2 items) of unsigned integers. This parameter represents the downstream and/or upstream capacity estimates in kbit/s.

If only one value is supplied, then it’s not specified whether it’s the downstream value, the upstream value or some combination of the two. If two values are supplied, then the first is the downstream value and the second is the upstream value.

The capacity estimate parameters are defined in [Clause B.1.1.7/G.996.2].

- 2.13
Device.FAST. object R This object models FAST (defined in ITU Recommendation [G.9701]) lines. Each Line models a layer 1 FAST Line interface. - 2.11
LineNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Line table. - 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}. object(0:) R

FAST Line table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).

This table models physical FAST lines.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.11
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the FAST line. This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863]. - 2.11
Status string R

The current operational state of the FAST line (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.11
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.11
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the FAST line as assigned by the CPE. - 2.11
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the FAST line entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Line is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.11
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.11
FirmwareVersion string(:64) R A string identifying the version of the modem firmware currently installed for this interface. This is applicable only when the modem firmware is separable from the overall CPE software. - 2.11
LinkStatus string R

Status of the FAST physical link. Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Initializing
  • EstablishingLink
  • NoSignal
  • Disabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When LinkStatus is Up, Status is expected to be Up. When LinkStatus is Initializing or EstablishingLink or NoSignal or Disabled, Status is expected to be Down.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.11
AllowedProfiles string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which FAST profiles are allowed on the line. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 106a
  • 212a

Note: In G.997.2, this parameter is called PROFILES. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
CurrentProfile string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the AllowedProfiles parameter, or else be an empty string. Indicates which FAST profile is currently in use on the line. - 2.11
PowerManagementState string R

The power management state of the line. Enumeration of:

  • L0
  • L2.1
  • L2.2
  • L3

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.9701].

- 2.11
SuccessFailureCause unsignedInt(0:5) R

The success failure cause of the initialization. An enumeration of the following integer values:

  • 0: Successful
  • 1: Configuration error. Configuration error. This error occurs if the line cannot reach L0 state due to a mismatch of configuration and FTU capabilities.
  • 2: Configuration not feasible on the line. This error occurs if the line cannot reach the L0 state due to a mismatch of configuration of line and noise characteristics.
  • 3: Communication problem. This error occurs, for example, due to corrupted messages or bad syntax messages or if no common mode can be selected in the G.994.1 handshaking procedure or due to a timeout.
  • 4: No far-end FTU detected. This error occurs if the far-end FTU is not powered or not connected or if the line is too long to allow detection of a far-end FTU.
  • 5: Any other or unknown initialization failure cause.

Note: In G.997.2, this parameter is called “Initialization success/failure cause”. See Clause of ITU-T

Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
UPBOKLER unsignedInt(0:1280) R

This parameter reports the estimate of the electrical length expressed in 0.1 dB, as determined by the FTU-R (see clause[G.9701]) and conveyed in the R-MSG1 initialization message (see clause[G.9701]). The value is coded as an unsignedInt in the range 0 (coded as 0) to 128 dB (coded as 1280) in steps of 0.1 dB.

Note: This parameter is defined as UPBOKLE-R in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
LastTransmittedDownstreamSignal unsignedInt(0:21) R

This parameter reports the downstream signal count of the last transmitted initialization signal in the last full or short initialization performed on the line. The valid values are 0..21. The downstream signal count is defined in clause 12.3.1/[G.9701].

Note: See clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
LastTransmittedUpstreamSignal unsignedInt(0:21) R

This parameter reports the upstream signal count of the last transmitted initialization signal in the last full or short initialization performed on the line. The valid values are 0..21. The upstream signal count is defined in clause 12.3.1/[G.9701].

Note: See clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
UPBOKLE unsignedInt(0:1280) R

This parameter reports the electrical length expressed in 0.1dB, that would have been sent from the FTU-O to the FTU-R if the electrical length was not forced by the DPU-MIB. If the electrical length is not forced by the DPU-MIB, then this object reports the final electrical length, as determined by the FTU-O (see clause[G.9701]) and conveyed in the O-UPDATE initialization message (see clause[G.9701]).

Note: See clause in ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
LineNumber int(1:) R Signifies the line pair that the modem is using to connection. LineNumber = 1 is the innermost pair. - 2.11
UpstreamMaxBitRate unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the attainable net data rate expressed in Kbps as defined in clause[G.9701].

Note: This parameter is related to the G.997.2 parameter ATTNDRus. See clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
DownstreamMaxBitRate unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the attainable net data rate expressed in Kbps as defined in clause[G.9701].

Note: This parameter is related to the G.997.2 parameter ATTNDRds. See clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
UpstreamNoiseMargin int R

This parameter reports the signal-to-noise ratio margin (as defined in clause[G.9701] and[G.9701]) in the upstream direction. A special value indicates that the signal-to-noise ratio margin is out of the range to be represented. The parameter is expressed in 0.1dB.

Note: In G.997.2, this parameter is called SNRMus. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
DownstreamNoiseMargin int R

This parameter reports the signal-to-noise ratio margin (as defined in clause[G.9701] and[G.9701]) in the upstream direction. A special value indicates that the signal-to-noise ratio margin is out of the range to be represented. The parameter is expressed in 0.1dB.

Note: In G.997.2, this parameter is called SNRMds. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UpstreamAttenuation int R

The current upstream signal loss (expressed in 0.1dB).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
DownstreamAttenuation int R

The current downstream signal loss (expressed in 0.1dB).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UpstreamPower int R

The current output power at the CPE’s FAST line (expressed in 0.1dBmV).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
DownstreamPower int R

The current received power at the CPE’s FAST line (expressed in 0.1dBmV).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11

This parameter reports the signal-to-noise margin for the robust management channel (RMC) in the downstream direction (express in 0.1dB). A special value (-512) indicates that the signal-to-noise ratio margin for the RMC is out of the range to be represented. This parameter is defined in clauses of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11

This parameter reports the signal-to-noise margin for the robust management channel (RMC) in the upstream direction (express in 0.1dB). A special value (-512) indicates that the signal-to-noise ratio margin for the RMC is out of the range to be represented. This parameter is defined in clauses of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
BITSRMCpsds int[](:4610) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 4610) of integers. List items report the bit allocation values on RMC sub-carriers in RMC symbols in the downstream direction. Each pair composes of a sub-carrier index from 0..4095 and an 8 bit allocation value. There are maximum 512 pairs. This parameter is defined in clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
BITSRMCpsus int[](:4610) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 4610) of integers. List items report the bit allocation values on RMC sub-carriers in RMC symbols in the upstream direction. Each pair composes of a sub-carrier index from 0..4095 and an 8 bit allocation value. There are maximum 512 pairs. This parameter is defined in clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
FEXTCANCELds boolean R This indicates whether FEXT cancellation in the downstream direction from all the other vectored lines into the line in the vectored group is enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE). This parameter is defined as FEXT_TO_CANCEL_ENABLEds in clause of ITU Recommendation [G.997.2]. - 2.11
FEXTCANCELus boolean R This indicates whether FEXT cancellation in the upstream direction from all the other vectored lines into the line in the vectored group is enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE). This parameter is defined as FEXT_TO_CANCEL_ENABLEds in clause of ITU Recommendation [G.997.2]. - 2.11
ETRds unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the expected throughput rate expressed in Kbps as defined in clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2]

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ETRus unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the expected throughput rate expressed in Kbps as defined in clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2]

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ATTETRds unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the attainable expected throughput expressed in Kbps as defined in clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2]

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ATTETRus unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the attainable expected throughput expressed in Kbps as defined in clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2]

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
MINEFTR unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the minimum error free throughput value expressed in Kbps computed from power up as defined in clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.9701]

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.11
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
TotalStart unsignedInt R

FAST-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of Total statistics.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: TotalStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ShowtimeStart unsignedInt R

FAST-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the most recent DSL Showtime - the beginning of the period used for collection of Showtime statistics.

Showtime is defined as successful completion of the DSL link establishment process. The Showtime statistics are those collected since the most recent establishment of the DSL link.

Note: ShowtimeStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LastShowtimeStart unsignedInt R

FAST-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime-the beginning of the period used for collection of LastShowtime statistics.

If the CPE has not retained information about the second most recent Showtime (e.g., on reboot), the start of LastShowtime statistics MAY temporarily coincide with the start of Showtime statistics.

Note: LastShowtimeStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
CurrentDayStart unsignedInt R

FAST-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of CurrentDay statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each CurrentDay interval with days in the UTC time zone, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: CurrentDayStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
QuarterHourStart unsignedInt R

FAST-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of QuarterHour statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each QuarterHour interval with real-time quarter-hour intervals, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: QuarterHourStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.Stats.Total. object R

This object contains DSL line total statistics.

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.11
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. An errored second (ES) is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more crc anomalies, or one or more los defects, or one or more lor defects, or one or more lpr primitives.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of severely errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LOSS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of signal seconds (LOSS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LOSS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more los defects.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LORS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of RMC seconds (LORS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LORS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more lor defects.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UAS unsignedInt R

Total number of unavailable seconds (UAS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXUC unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of uncorrected DTU anomalies (rtx_uc). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.5 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXTX unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of retransmitted DTU anomalies (rtx_tx). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.6 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessBSW unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful bit swap (BSW) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_BSW in clause 7.7.20 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessSRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful autonomous SRA (seamless rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_SRA in clause 7.7.21 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessFRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful FRA (fast rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_FRA in clause 7.7.22 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessRPA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful RPA (RMC parameter adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_RPA in clause 7.7.23 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessTIGA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful TIGA (transmitter initiated gain adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_TIGA in clause 7.7.24 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.Stats.Showtime. object R

This object contains FAST line statistics since the most recent showtime.

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.11
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. An errored second (ES) is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more crc anomalies, or one or more los defects, or one or more lor defects, or one or more lpr primitives.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of severely errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LOSS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of signal seconds (LOSS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LOSS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more los defects.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LORS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of RMC seconds (LORS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LORS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more lor defects.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UAS unsignedInt R

Total number of unavailable seconds (UAS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXUC unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of uncorrected DTU anomalies (rtx_uc). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.5 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXTX unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of retransmitted DTU anomalies (rtx_tx). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.6 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessBSW unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful bit swap (BSW) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_BSW in clause 7.7.20 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessSRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful autonomous SRA (seamless rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_SRA in clause 7.7.21 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessFRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful FRA (fast rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_FRA in clause 7.7.22 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessRPA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful RPA (RMC parameter adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_RPA in clause 7.7.23 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessTIGA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful TIGA (transmitter initiated gain adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_TIGA in clause 7.7.24 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.Stats.LastShowtime. object R

This object contains FAST line statistics since the second most recent showtime.

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.11
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. An errored second (ES) is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more crc anomalies, or one or more los defects, or one or more lor defects, or one or more lpr primitives.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of severely errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LOSS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of signal seconds (LOSS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LOSS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more los defects.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LORS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of RMC seconds (LORS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LORS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more lor defects.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UAS unsignedInt R

Total number of unavailable seconds (UAS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXUC unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of uncorrected DTU anomalies (rtx_uc). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.5 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXTX unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of retransmitted DTU anomalies (rtx_tx). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.6 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessBSW unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful bit swap (BSW) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_BSW in clause 7.7.20 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessSRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful autonomous SRA (seamless rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_SRA in clause 7.7.21 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessFRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful FRA (fast rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_FRA in clause 7.7.22 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessRPA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful RPA (RMC parameter adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_RPA in clause 7.7.23 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessTIGA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful TIGA (transmitter initiated gain adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_TIGA in clause 7.7.24 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.Stats.CurrentDay. object R

This object contains FAST line statistics accumulated during the current day.

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.11
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. An errored second (ES) is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more crc anomalies, or one or more los defects, or one or more lor defects, or one or more lpr primitives.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of severely errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LOSS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of signal seconds (LOSS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LOSS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more los defects.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LORS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of RMC seconds (LORS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LORS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more lor defects.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UAS unsignedInt R

Total number of unavailable seconds (UAS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXUC unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of uncorrected DTU anomalies (rtx_uc). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.5 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXTX unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of retransmitted DTU anomalies (rtx_tx). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.6 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessBSW unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful bit swap (BSW) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_BSW in clause 7.7.20 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessSRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful autonomous SRA (seamless rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_SRA in clause 7.7.21 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessFRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful FRA (fast rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_FRA in clause 7.7.22 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessRPA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful RPA (RMC parameter adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_RPA in clause 7.7.23 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessTIGA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful TIGA (transmitter initiated gain adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_TIGA in clause 7.7.24 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.Stats.QuarterHour. object R

This object contains FAST line statistics accumulated during the current quarter hour.

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.11
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. An errored second (ES) is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more crc anomalies, or one or more los defects, or one or more lor defects, or one or more lpr primitives.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of severely errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LOSS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of signal seconds (LOSS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LOSS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more los defects.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LORS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of RMC seconds (LORS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LORS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more lor defects.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UAS unsignedInt R

Total number of unavailable seconds (UAS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXUC unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of uncorrected DTU anomalies (rtx_uc). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.5 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXTX unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of retransmitted DTU anomalies (rtx_tx). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.6 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessBSW unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful bit swap (BSW) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_BSW in clause 7.7.20 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessSRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful autonomous SRA (seamless rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_SRA in clause 7.7.21 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessFRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful FRA (fast rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_FRA in clause 7.7.22 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessRPA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful RPA (RMC parameter adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_RPA in clause 7.7.23 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessTIGA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful TIGA (transmitter initiated gain adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_TIGA in clause 7.7.24 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.TestParams. object R This object contains the FAST line test parameters that are available during the L0 (i.e., Showtime) state. - 2.11
SNRGds unsignedInt R

Reports the number of sub-carriers in any one sub-carrier group used to represent the downstream SNR(f) values. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: In ITU-T G.9701-2014, the only valid value is G = 1. See clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SNRGus unsignedInt R

Reports the number of sub-carriers in any one sub-carrier group used to represent the upstream SNR(f) values. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: In ITU-T G.9701-2014, the only valid value is G = 1. See clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SNRpsds int[](:2047) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2047) of integers. Reports the downstream SNR(f) values. A special value indicates that no measurement could be done for this sub-carrier group because it is out of the downstream MEDLEY set or its transmit power is zero. The number of elements will depend on the value of SNRGds. Interpretation of the values is as defined in clause ITU-T Rec. [G.9701].

Note: See clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SNRpsus string[](:2047) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2047) of strings. Reports the upstream SNR(f) values. A special value indicates that no measurement could be done for this sub-carrier group because it is out of the downstream MEDLEY set or its transmit power is zero. The number of elements will depend on the value of SNRGds. Interpretation of the values is as defined in clause ITU-T Rec. [G.9701].

Note: See clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SNRMTds unsignedInt R

Reports the number of symbols used to measure the downstream SNR(f) values. The valid values 0..65535.

Note: See clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SNRMTus unsignedInt R

Reports the number of symbols used to measure the upstream SNR(f) values. The valid values 0..65535.

Note: See clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ACTINP unsignedInt R

Reports the actual INP against SHINE as defined in clause[G.9701]. A special value indicates an actual INP against SHINE of 2047 symbols or higher. The valid values are 0..2046 and 2047 is the special value.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
NFEC unsignedInt R

Reports the DTU FEC codeword length (expressed in 1 byte unit) as defined in clause 9.3/[G.9701]. The valid range is 32..255.

Note: See clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RFEC int R

Reports the DTU FEC codeword redundancy as defined in clause 9.3/[G.9701].

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UpstreamCurrRate unsignedInt R

Reports the current physical layer aggregate data rate (expressed in Kbps) of the upstream FAST as defined in clause[G.9701].

The current physical layer aggregate data rate (expressed in Kbps) of the upstream FAST connection. The valid values are 0..4294967295(0 to 232-1 kbit/s).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
DownstreamCurrRate unsignedInt R

Reports the current physical layer aggregate data rate (expressed in Kbps) of the upstream FAST as defined in clause[G.9701].

The current physical layer aggregate data rate (expressed in Kbps) of the downstream FAST connection. The valid values are 0..4294967295(0 to 232-1 kbit/s).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ACTINPREIN unsignedInt R

Reports the actual INP against REIN as defined in clause[G.9701]. A special value indicates an actual INP against REIN of 63 symbols or higher. The valid range is 0..62 symbols, and 63 is the special value.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.Optical. object R

This object models a generic optical interface. It defines an Interface object that models a layer 1 optical interface that is capable of transporting Ethernet packets. For historical reasons, the data model definition is based on parts of [G.988]. However, it is not intended to model anything specific to IEEE PON or ITU-T PON technologies.

Note that this object is not intended to model the optical transceiver either.

- 2.4
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.4
Device.Optical.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

Optical interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models physical optical interfaces.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.4
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the optical interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.4
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.4
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.4
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE. - 2.4
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Interface is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.4
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.4
MaxBitRate int(-1:) W

The maximum upstream and downstream PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of -1 indicates automatic selection of the maximum bit rate.

- 2.18
OpticalSignalLevel int R

Current measurement of total downstream optical signal level.

[Dbm1000] The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.

Valid values are -65.536 dBm (coded as -65536), to 65.534 dBm (coded as 65534) in 0.002 dB increments.

This parameter is based on Optical signal level from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].

- 2.4
LowerOpticalThreshold int R
Optical level that is used to declare the downstream low received optical power alarm.
[Dbm1000] ::: hide The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.


Valid values are -127.5 dBm (coded as -127500) to 0 dBm (coded as 0) in 0.5 dB increments. The value -127500 indicates the device’s internal policy.
This parameter is based on Lower optical threshold from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not intended for the device to raise an optical power alarm.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.4
UpperOpticalThreshold int R
Optical level that is used to declare the downstream high received optical power alarm.
[Dbm1000] ::: hide The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.


Valid values are -127.5 dBm (coded as -127500) to 0 dBm (coded as 0) in 0.5 dB increments. The value -127500 indicates the device’s internal policy.
This parameter is based on Upper optical threshold from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not intended for the device to raise an optical power alarm.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.4
TransmitOpticalLevel int R

Current measurement of mean optical launch power.

[Dbm1000] The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.

Valid values are -65.536 dBm (coded as -65536), to 65.534 dBm (coded as 65534) in 0.002 dB increments.

This parameter is based on Transmit optical level from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].

- 2.4
LowerTransmitPowerThreshold int R
Minimum mean optical launch power that is used to declare the low transmit optical power alarm.
[Dbm1000] ::: hide The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.


Valid values are -63.5 dBm (coded as -63500) to +63.5 dBm (coded as 63500) in 0.5 dB increments. The value -63500 indicates the device’s internal policy.
This parameter is based on Lower transmit power threshold from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not intended for the device to raise an optical power alarm.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.4
UpperTransmitPowerThreshold int R
Maximum mean optical launch power that is used to declare the high transmit optical power alarm.
[Dbm1000] ::: hide The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.


Valid values are -63.5 dBm (coded as -63500) to +63.5 dBm (coded as 63500) in 0.5 dB increments. The value -63500 indicates the device’s internal policy.
This parameter is based on Upper transmit power threshold from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not intended for the device to raise an optical power alarm.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.4
Device.Optical.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.4
Reset boolean W Set this to true to reset all this object’s statistics counters to zero. - 2.18
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
Device.Cellular. object R This object models cellular interfaces and access points. - 2.8
RoamingEnabled boolean W Enables or disables roaming. - 2.8
RoamingStatus string R

Current roaming status.

Enumeration of:

  • Home
  • Roaming
- 2.8
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.8
AccessPointNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AccessPoint table. - 2.8
Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

Cellular interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Each instance of this object models a cellular modem with a single radio and a single USIM.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.8
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up (Corresponds to GPRS, UMTS, LTE etc ATTACHED status)
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent (Corresponds to GPRS, UMTS, LTE etc DETACHED status)
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status

  • SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic.
  • SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed)
  • SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface
  • SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

Because the interface includes layer 1 the LowerLayerDown value SHOULD never be used.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.8
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.8
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE. - 2.8
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Interface is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.8
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.8
IMEI string(15) R

International Mobile Station Equipment Identity number, represented as a 15 digit string (digits 0-9).

Possible patterns:

  • [0-9]{15,15}
- 2.8
SupportedAccessTechnologies string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Access technologies supported by the interface.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • GPRS (GSM with GPRS)
  • EDGE (GSM with EDGE)
  • UMTS
  • UMTSHSPA (UMTS with High Speed Packet Access (HSPA [3GPP-HSPA]))
  • CDMA2000OneX
  • CDMA2000HRPD
  • LTE
  • NR (5G New Radio, added in 2.14)
- 2.8
PreferredAccessTechnology string W

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedAccessTechnologies parameter, or else be Auto. Preferred access technology.

The factory default value MUST be Auto.

- 2.8
CurrentAccessTechnology string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedAccessTechnologies parameter. Access technology that is currently in use. - 2.8
AvailableNetworks string(:64)[] R

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 64). List of available networks.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
NetworkRequested string(:64) W

Name of the network which will be used, or an empty string if the network is selected automatically.

The factory default value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.8
NetworkInUse string(:64) R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the AvailableNetworks parameter, or else be an empty string. The value is an empty string if no network is found, or if the network specified in NetworkRequested is not found. - 2.8
RSSI int R

The received signal strength in dBm. The allowed values depend on CurrentAccessTechnology:

  • For GPRS, EDGE the range is -111 dBm to -49 dBm
  • For UMTS, UMTSHSPA the range is -117 dBm to -54 dBm
  • For LTE, NR the range is -117 dBm to -25 dBm

Note: An undetectable signal is indicated by the appropriate lower limit, e.g. -117 dBm for LTE.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
RSRP int R

The Reference Signal Received Power in dBm for LTE, NR values of CurrentAccessTechnology:

  • The valid range of RSRP values from worst to best is -140 dBm to -44 dBm

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
RSRQ int R

The Reference Signal Received Quality in dBm for LTE, NR values of CurrentAccessTechnology:

  • RSRQ is calculated using RSSI and RSRP values using RSRQ = (N*RSRP)/RSSI where N is the number of resource blocks (bandwidth).
  • The valid range of RSRP values from worst to best is -20 dBm to -3 dBm

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
UpstreamMaxBitRate unsignedInt R The current maximum attainable data rate upstream (expressed in Kbps). - 2.8
DownstreamMaxBitRate unsignedInt R The current maximum attainable data rate downstream (expressed in Kbps). - 2.8
Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}.USIM. object R USIM (Universal Subscriber Identity Module or SIM card) parameters for the interface. - 2.8
Status string R

The current status of the USIM card.

Enumeration of:

  • None (No card available)
  • Available (Card is available but not verified)
  • Valid (Card can be used; either valid PIN was entered, or PIN check is deactivated)
  • Blocked (USIM is blocked because the maximum number of invalid PIN entries was exceeded)
  • Error (An error was detected with the card, OPTIONAL)
- 2.8
IMSI string(14:15) R

International Mobile Subscriber Identity represented as a string with either 14 or 15 digits (digits 0-9). The first 3 digits are the mobile country code (MCC), which are followed by the mobile network code (MNC), either 2 digits (European standard) or 3 digits (North American standard), followed by the mobile subscription identification number (MSIN).

Possible patterns:

  • [0-9]{14,15}
- 2.8
ICCID string(6:20) R

Integrated Circuit Card Identifier represented as a string of up to 20 digits (digits 0-9). The number is composed of the following parts:

  • Major industry identifier (MII), 2 fixed digits, 89 for telecommunication purposes.
  • Country code, 1–3 digits, as defined by ITU-T recommendation [ITU-E.164].
  • identifier, 1–4 digits.
  • Individual account identification number. Its length is variable, but every number under one IIN will have the same length.
  • Single check digit calculated from the other digits using the Luhn algorithm.

For cards using an ICCID according to [ITU-E.118] the maximum length is 19 Digits, for GSM cards 20 digits.

Possible patterns:

  • [0-9]{6,20}
- 2.8
MSISDN string(14:15) R

Mobile Subscriber Integrated Service Digital Network Number, a number uniquely identifying a subscription in a GSM, UMTS, or LTE mobile network. [ITU-E.164]

Possible patterns:

  • [0-9]{14,15}
- 2.8
PINCheck string W

Controls the PIN verification of the USIM card.

Enumeration of:

  • OnNetworkAccess (Check the PIN with each access to a new network)
  • Reboot (Check the PIN with first access after (re)boot)
  • Off (Disable the PIN check)
- 2.8
PIN string(:4) W

Allows the Controller to change the USIM PIN used for SIM card activation.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.8
Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.8
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
ErrorsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
ErrorsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
Device.Cellular.AccessPoint.{i}. object(0:) W

Cellular Access Point table. Each entry is identified by an APN (Access Point Name) that identifies a gateway between the mobile network and another computer network.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for APN, or with a given value for Interface.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the Access Point. - 2.8
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
APN string(:64) W Access Point Name. - 2.8
Username string(:256) W Username used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the Access Point. - 2.8
Password string(:256) W

Password used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the Access Point.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.8
Proxy string(:45) W [IPAddress] Proxy server IP address. - 2.8
ProxyPort unsignedInt(1:65535) W Proxy server port. - 2.8
Interface string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Interface. table. Reference to the interface with which the access point is associated. - 2.8
Device.ATM. object R Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) object that contains the Link interface and Diagnostics.F5Loopback diagnostics. - 2.0
LinkNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Link table. - 2.0
Device.ATM.Link.{i}. object(0:) W

ATM link-layer table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Models an ATM PVC virtual circuit and the ATM Adaption Layer (AAL). An ATM Link entry is typically stacked on top of either a DSL.Channel or a DSL.BondingGroup object.

When an ATM Link interface is used, a lower-layer DSL.Channel interface MUST be configured with ATM encapsulation (see DSL.Channel.{i}.LinkEncapsulationUsed).

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

Down 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. <Empty> 2.0
LinkType string W

Indicates the type of connection and refers to the complete stack of protocol used for this connection.

Enumeration of:

  • EoA ([RFC2684] bridged Ethernet over ATM)
  • IPoA ([RFC2684] routed IP over ATM)
  • PPPoA ([RFC2364] PPP over ATM)
  • CIP ([RFC2225] Classical IP over ATM)
  • Unconfigured
- 2.0
AutoConfig boolean R Indicates if the CPE is currently using some auto configuration mechanisms for this connection. If this variable is true, all writable variables in this connection instance become read-only. Any attempt to change one of these variables SHOULD fail and an error SHOULD be returned. - 2.0
DestinationAddress string(:256) W

Destination address of this link, in the form “VPI/VCI” (e.g. “8/23” or “0/35”).

Possible patterns:

  • \d+/\d+
- 2.0
Encapsulation string W

Identifies the connection encapsulation that will be used.

Enumeration of:

  • LLC
- 2.0
FCSPreserved boolean W This flag tells if a checksum SHOULD be added in the ATM payload. It does not refer to the checksum of one of the ATM cells or AALX packets. In case of LLC or VCMUX encapsulation, this ATM checksum is the FCS field described in [RFC2684]. It is only applicable in the upstream direction. - 2.0
VCSearchList string[](:256) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Ordered list of VPI/VCI pairs to search if a link using the DestinationAddress cannot be established. In the form “VPI1/VCI1, VPI2/VCI2, …”. Each list item matches one of:

  • \d+/\d+


0/35, 8/35, 1/35
- 2.0
AAL string R

Describes the ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) currently in use on the PVC.

Enumeration of:

  • AAL1
  • AAL2
  • AAL3
  • AAL4
  • AAL5
- 2.0
Device.ATM.Link.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
Reset boolean W Set this to true to reset all this object’s statistics counters to zero. - 2.18
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TransmittedBlocks unsignedInt R

The current count of successfully transmitted cells.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ReceivedBlocks unsignedInt R

The current count of successfully received cells.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
CRCErrors unsignedInt R

Count of the ATM layer cyclic redundancy check (CRC) errors.

This refers to CRC errors at the ATM adaptation layer (AAL). The AAL in use is indicated by the AAL parameter. The value of the CRCErrors parameter MUST be 0 for AAL types that have no CRCs.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HECErrors unsignedInt R

Count of the number of Header Error Check related errors at the ATM layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.ATM.Link.{i}.QoS. object R The ATM Link QoS object. - 2.0
QoSClass string W

Describes the ATM Quality Of Service (QoS) being used on the VC.

Enumeration of:

  • UBR
  • CBR
  • GFR
  • VBR-nrt
  • VBR-rt
  • UBR+
  • ABR
- 2.0
PeakCellRate unsignedInt W Specifies the upstream peak cell rate in cells per second. - 2.0
MaximumBurstSize unsignedInt W Specifies the upstream maximum burst size in cells. - 2.0
SustainableCellRate unsignedInt W Specifies the upstream sustainable cell rate, in cells per second. - 2.0
Device.ATM.Diagnostics. object R The ATM Diagnostics object. - 2.0
Device.ATM.Diagnostics.F5Loopback. object R This object provides access to an ATM-layer F5 OAM loopback test. - 2.0
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead.

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)
- 2.0
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ATM.Link. table. This is the interface over which the test is to be performed. - 2.0
NumberOfRepetitions unsignedInt(1:) W Number of repetitions of the ping test to perform before reporting the results. - 2.0
Timeout unsignedInt(1:) W Timeout in milliseconds for the ping test. - 2.0
SuccessCount unsignedInt R

Result parameter indicating the number of successful pings (those in which a successful response was received prior to the timeout) in the most recent ping test.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
FailureCount unsignedInt R

Result parameter indicating the number of failed pings in the most recent ping test.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
AverageResponseTime unsignedInt R

Result parameter indicating the average response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MinimumResponseTime unsignedInt R

Result parameter indicating the minimum response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MaximumResponseTime unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the maximum response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. - 2.0
Device.DOCSIS. object R DOCSIS object. This object models the DOCSIS 3.x cable interface objects. - 2.15
CapabilitiesReq hexBinary(0,2:255) R

[docsIf3CmCapabilitiesReq/] [TLV8] This attribute contains the TLV encoding for TLV-5 sent in a REG-REQ. The first byte of this encoding is expected to be 0x05.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Modem Capabilities Encoding in the Common Radio Frequency Interface Encodings Annex.

- 2.15
CapabilitiesRsp hexBinary(0,2:255) R

[docsIf3CmCapabilitiesRsp/] [TLV8] This attribute contains the TLV encoding for TLV-5 received in a REG-RSP. The first byte of this encoding is expected to be 0x05.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Modem Capabilities Encoding in the Common Radio Frequency Interface Encodings Annex.

- 2.15
DownstreamNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Downstream table. - 2.15
UpstreamNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Upstream table. - 2.15
DownstreamChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DownstreamChannel table. - 2.15
UpstreamChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the UpstreamChannel table. - 2.15
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Downstream.{i}. object(0:) R

DOCSIS Downstream interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models the PHY DOCSIS Downstream interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.15
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.15
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE. - 2.15
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Downstream is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.15
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.15
MaxBitRate int(-1:) W

The maximum upstream and downstream PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of -1 indicates automatic selection of the maximum bit rate.

- 2.15
CurrentBitRate unsignedInt R

The current upstream and downstream PHY bit rate on this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of 0 indicates that the current bit rate is unknown.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
DownstreamChannelList string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DownstreamChannel. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Downstream Channels associated with this Downstream interface. - 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Downstream.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.15
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Upstream.{i}. object(0:) R

DOCSIS Upstream interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models the PHY DOCSIS Upstream interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.15
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.15
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE. - 2.15
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Upstream is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.15
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.15
MaxBitRate int(-1:) W

The maximum upstream and downstream PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of -1 indicates automatic selection of the maximum bit rate.

- 2.15
CurrentBitRate unsignedInt R

The current upstream and downstream PHY bit rate on this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of 0 indicates that the current bit rate is unknown.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UpstreamChannelList string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the UpstreamChannel. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Upstream Channels associated with this Upstream interface. - 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Upstream.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.15
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.DownstreamChannel.{i}. object(0:) R

[docsIfDownstreamChannelTable/] This table describes the attributes of downstream channels (frequency bands).

See [Tables 6-16, and 6-17/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.15
ID unsignedInt(0:255) R [docsIfDownChannelId/] The Cable Modem Termination System identification of the downstream channel within this particular MAC interface. if the interface is down, the object returns the most current value. If the downstream channel ID is unknown, this object returns a value of 0. - 2.15
Frequency int(0:1000000000) R

[docsIfDownChannelFrequency/] The center of the downstream frequency associated with this channel. This object will return the current tuner frequency, measured in Hz.

See [Section 6.3.3/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Width int(0:16000000) R

[docsIfDownChannelWidth/] The bandwidth in Hz of this downstream channel. Most implementations are expected to support a channel width of 6 MHz (North America) and/or 8 MHz (Europe).

See [Table 6-17/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Modulation string R

[docsIfDownChannelModulation/] The modulation type associated with this downstream channel. If the interface is down, this object either returns the configured value (from the CMTS), the most current value (from the CM), or the value of Unknown. See the reference for specifics on the modulation profiles implied by QAM64 and QAM256.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • Other
  • QAM64
  • QAM256

See [Table 6-17./CM-SP-RFIv2.0]

- 2.15
Interleave string R

[docsIfDownChannelInterleave/] The Forward Error Correction (FEC) interleaving used for this downstream channel.

The value Taps12increment17 is supported by EuroDOCSIS cable systems only, and the others by DOCSIS cable systems.

If the interface is down, this object either returns the configured value (from the CMTS), the most current value (from the CM), or the value of Unknown. The value of Other is returned if the interleave is known but not defined in the above list. See the reference for the FEC configuration described by the setting of this object.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • Other
  • Taps8Increment16 (Protection 5.9/4.1 usec, latency .22/.15 msec)
  • Taps16Increment8 (Protection 12/8.2 usec, latency .48/.33 msec)
  • Taps32Increment4 (Protection 24/16 usec, latency .98/.68 msec)
  • Taps64Increment2 (Protection 47/33 usec, latency 2/1.4 msec)
  • Taps128Increment1 (Protection 95/66 usec, latency 4/2.8 msec)
  • Taps12increment17 (Protection 18/14 usec, latency 0.43/0.32 msec)

See [Table 6-15/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Power int R

[docsIfDownChannelPower/] [TenthdBmV] The received power level. If the interface is down, this object either returns the configured value (from the CMTS), the most current value (from the CM) or the value of 0. See the reference for recommended and required power levels.

See [Tables 6-16, 6-17/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Annex string R

[docsIfDownChannelAnnex/] The value of this object indicates the conformance of the implementation to important regional cable standards.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • Other
  • AnnexA (Annex A from ITU-T J.83 is used (equivalent to EN 300 429))
  • AnnexB (Annex B from ITU-T J.83 is used)
  • AnnexC (Annex C from ITU-T J.83 is used)

See [Sections 6.3.1, and H.3.1/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.DownstreamChannel.{i}.SignalQuality. object R [docsIfSignalQualityTable/] Describes the PHY signal quality of downstream channels. - 2.15
SignalNoise int R

[docsIfSigQSignalNoise/] [TenthdB] Signal/Noise ratio as perceived for this channel. Describes the Signal/Noise of the downstream channel, measured in TenthdB.

See [Tables 4-1 and 4-2/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Microreflections int(0:255) R

[docsIfSigQMicroreflections/] Microreflections, including in-channel response as perceived on this interface, measured in -dBc (i.e., dBc below the signal level). This object is not assumed to return an absolutely accurate value, but it gives a rough indication of microreflections received on this interface. It is up to the implementer to provide information as accurately as possible.

See [Tables 4-1 and 4-2/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
EqualizationData hexBinary(0,36:260) R

[docsIfSigQEqualizationData/] [DocsEqualizerData] Returns the equalization data for the downstream channel.

  • An equalization value indicating an equalization average for the upstream channel. Those values have vendor-dependent interpretations.
  • Return a zero-length OCTET STRING to indicate that the value is unknown or if there is no equalization data available or defined.

See [Figure 6-23/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
ExtUnerroreds unsignedLong R

[docsIfSigQExtUnerroreds/] [StatsCounter64] Codewords received on this channel without error. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system.

See [Sections 6.2.4, and 6.3.6/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
ExtCorrecteds unsignedLong R

[docsIfSigQExtCorrecteds/] [StatsCounter64] Codewords received on this channel with correctable errors. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system.

See [Sections 6.2.4, and 6.3.6/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
ExtUncorrectables unsignedLong R

[docsIfSigQExtUncorrectables/] [StatsCounter64] Codewords received on this channel with uncorrectable errors. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system.

See [Sections 6.2.4, 6.3.6/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.DownstreamChannel.{i}.SignalQualityExt. object R [docsIf3SignalQualityExtTable/] Describes the received modulation error ratio of each downstream channel. - 2.15
RxMER int R

[docsIf3SignalQualityExtRxMER/] [TenthdB] RxMER provides an in-channel received Modulation Error Ratio (MER), measured in TenthdB. RxMER is defined as an estimate, provided by the demodulator, of the ratio: (average constellation energy with equally likely symbols) / (average squared magnitude of error vector)

RxMER is measured just prior to FEC (trellis/Reed-Solomon) decoding. RxMER includes the effects of the HFC channel as well as implementation effects of the modulator and demodulator. Error vector estimation may vary among demodulator implementations. In the case of S-CDMA mode, RxMER is measured on the de-spread signal.

- 2.15
RxMerSamples unsignedInt R [docsIf3SignalQualityExtRxMerSamples/] RxMerSamples is a statistically significant number of symbols processed to arrive at the RxMER value. - 2.15
FbeNormalizationCoefficient int R [docsIf3SignalQualityExtFbeNormalizationCoefficient/] The Downstream Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) is implemented as a Feedforward Equalizer (FFE) and a Feedback Equalizer (FBE). In order to evaluate the composite DFE response it is necessary to normalize the FBE coefficients to 1 and then evaluate the FFT(hffe)/FFT(1,hfbe), where the hfbe coefficients have been normalized to 1 using FbeNormalizationCoefficient. The complex data representing the hffe and hfbe coefficients is contained in the EqualizationData MIB. It is possible to implement the DFE such that the response is evaluated as FFT(hffe)/FFT(1,-hfbe). In this case the FbeNormalizationCoefficient will be reported as a negative number and the response will be evaluated as FFT(hffe)/FFT(1,hfbe). - 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.UpstreamChannel.{i}. object(0:) W

[docsIfUpstreamChannelTable/] This table describes the attributes of attached upstream channels.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
ID int(0:255) R [docsIfUpChannelId/] The CMTS identification of the upstream channel. - 2.15
Frequency int(0:1000000000) R

[docsIfUpChannelFrequency/] The center of the frequency band associated with this upstream interface. This object returns 0 if the frequency is undefined or unknown. Minimum permitted upstream frequency is 5,000,000 Hz for current technology.

See [Table 4-2/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Width int(0:64000000) R

[docsIfUpChannelWidth/] The bandwidth in Hz of this upstream interface. This object returns 0 if the interface width is undefined or unknown. Minimum permitted interface width is currently 200,000 Hz.

See [Table 6-5/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
SlotSize unsignedInt R

[docsIfUpChannelSlotSize/] Applicable to TDMA and ATDMA channel types only. The number of 6.25 microsecond ticks in each upstream mini-slot. Returns zero if the value is undefined or unknown or in case of an SCDMA channel.

See [Section].

- 2.15
TxTimingOffset unsignedInt R

[docsIfUpChannelTxTimingOffset/] A measure of the current round trip time obtained from the ranging offset (initial ranging offset + ranging offset adjustments). Used for timing of CM upstream transmissions to ensure synchronized arrivals at the CMTS. Units are one 64th fraction of 6.25 microseconds.

See [Section 6.2.19/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
RangingBackoffStart int(0:16) R

[docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffStart/] The initial random backoff window to use when retrying Ranging Requests. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.

See [Sections 8.3.4, and 9.4/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
RangingBackoffEnd int(0:16) R

[docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffEnd/] The final random backoff window to use when retrying Ranging Requests. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.

See [Section 8.3.4, and 9.4/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
TxBackoffStart int(0:16) R

[docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffStart/] The initial random backoff window to use when retrying transmissions. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.

See [Section 8.3.4, and 9.4/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
TxBackoffEnd int(0:16) R

[docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffEnd/] The final random backoff window to use when retrying transmissions. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.

See [Section 8.3.4, and 9.4/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.UpstreamChannel.{i}.Status. object R [docsIf3CmStatusUsTable/] This object provides Upstream channel information previously available in the SNMP table docsIfCmStatusTable. - 2.15
TxPower int R [docsIf3CmStatusUsTxPower/] [TenthdBmV] This attribute represents the operational CM transmit power for this SC-QAM upstream channel, in TenthdBmV. In order for this attribute to provide consistent information under all circumstances, a 3.1 CM will report the average total power for the SC-QAM channel the same as was done for DOCSIS 3.0, regardless of whether it is operating with a 3.1 or a 3.0 CMTS. The value that is reported was referred to as Pr in the DOCSIS 3.0 PHY Spec. - 2.15
T3Timeouts unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsT3Timeouts/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times counter T3 expired in the CM for this upstream channel. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
T4Timeouts unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsT4Timeouts/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times counter T4 expired in the CM for this upstream channel. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
RangingAborteds unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsRangingAborteds/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the ranging process was aborted by the CMTS. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
ModulationType string R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsModulationType/] [DocsisUpstreamType] This attribute indicates modulation type status currently used by the CM for this upstream channel. Since this object specifically identifies PHY Layer mode, the shared upstream channel type “tdmaAndAtdma” is not permitted.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
EqData hexBinary(0,36:260) R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsEqData/] [DocsEqualizerData] This attribute indicates the pre-equalization data for the specified upstream Channel on this CM after convolution with data indicated in the RNG-RSP. This data is valid when docsIfUpChannelPreEqEnable RFC 4546 is set to true.

See [RFC2863] and [RFC4546].

- 2.15
T3Exceededs unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsT3Exceededs/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times for excessive T3 timeouts. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
IsMuted boolean R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsIsMuted/] This attribute denotes whether the upstream channel is muted.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Media Access Control specification.

- 2.15
RangingStatus string R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsRangingStatus/] [RangingState] This attribute denotes the ranging state of the CM.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Media Access Control specification.

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

DOCSIS Layer 2 (MAC) interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models the MAC level DOCSIS interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.15
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.15
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE. - 2.15
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. - 2.15
MACAddress string R The MAC Address of the interface. - 2.15
CMTSAddress string(:17) R

[docsIfCmCmtsAddress/] [MACAddress] Identifies the CMTS that is believed to control this MAC domain. This will be the source address from SYNC, MAP, and other MAC-layer messages. If the CMTS is unknown, returns 00-00-00-00-00-00.

See [Section 8.2.2/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Capabilities string[] R

[docsIfCmCapabilities/] Comma-separated list of strings. Identifies the capabilities of the MAC implementation at this interface. Note that packet transmission is always supported. Therefore, there is no specific bit required to explicitly indicate this capability.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • ATMCells
  • Concatenation
- 2.15
FirmwareVersion string(:64) R A string identifying the version of the modem firmware currently installed for this interface. This is applicable only when the modem firmware is separable from the overall CPE software. - 2.15
DOCSISVersion string R

[docsIfDocsisBaseCapability/] Indication of the DOCSIS capability of the device.

See [Annex G/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

Enumeration of:

  • DOCSIS10
  • DOCSIS11
  • DOCSIS20
  • DOCSIS30
  • DOCSIS31
- 2.15
MdCfgIpProvMode string R

[docsIf3CmMdCfgIpProvMode/] MdCfgIpProvMode specifies how the IP provisioning mode is configured. The CM relies upon the CMTS to facilitate the successful IP address acquisition independently of the MDD.

Enumeration of:

  • IPv4Only (The Cable Modem will initiate the acquisition of a single IPv4 address for the Cable Modem management stack)
  • IPv6Only (The Cable Modem will initiate the acquisition of a single IPv6 address for the Cable Modem management stack)
  • HonorMDD (The Cable Modem will initiate the acquisition of an IPv6 or IPv4 address as directed by the MDD message for provisioning and operation)

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], IP Initialization Parameters TLV Section.

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.15
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Interface.{i}.ConnectivityStatus. object R

[docsIf3CmStatusTable/] This object defines attributes of the CM connectivity status. This object provides CM connectivity status information of the CM previously available in the SNMP table docsIfCmStatusTable.

See [RFC4546].

- 2.15
Value string R

[docsIf3CmStatusValue/] [CmRegState] This attribute denotes the current CM connectivity state. For the case of IP acquisition related states, this attribute reflects states for the current CM provisioning mode, not the Other DHCP process associated with dual stack operation.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Establishing IP Connectivity.

- 2.15
StatusCode string(0,5:7) R

[docsIf3CmStatusCode/] This attribute denotes the status code for CM as defined in the OSSI Specification. The status code consists of a single character indicating error groups, followed by a two-or three-digit number indicating the status condition, followed by a decimal. An example of a returned value could be “T101.0”. The zero-length hex string indicates no status code yet registered.

See [CM-SP-OSSIv3.0], Format and Content for Event, Syslog, and SNMP Notification Annex.

- 2.15
Resets unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusResets/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM reset or initialized this interface. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
LostSyncs unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusLostSyncs/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM lost synchronization with the downstream channel. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
InvalidMaps unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusInvalidMaps/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM received invalid MAP messages. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
InvalidUcds unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusInvalidUcds/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM received invalid UCD messages. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
InvalidRangingRsps unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusInvalidRangingRsps/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM received invalid ranging response messages. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
InvalidRegRsps unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusInvalidRegRsps/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM received invalid registration response messages. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
T1Timeouts unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusT1Timeouts/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times counter T1 expired in the CM. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
T2Timeouts unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusT2Timeouts/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times counter T2 expired in the CM. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.SpectrumAnalysis. object R - 2.15
Enable boolean W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdEnable/] This attribute is used to enable or disable the spectrum analyzer feature. Setting this attribute to true triggers the CM to initiate measurements for the spectrum analyzer feature based on the other configuration attributes for the feature. By default, the feature is disabled unless explicitly enabled.

Note that the feature may be disabled by the system under certain circumstances if the spectrum analyzer would affect critical services. In such a case, the attribute will return false when read, and will reject sets to true with an error. Once the feature is enabled, any change to this object’s configuration might not be effective until the feature is re-enabled again.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.15
InactivityTimeout int(0:86400) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdInactivityTimeout/] This attribute controls the length of time (in seconds) after the last spectrum analysis measurement before the feature is automatically disabled. If set to a value of 0, the feature will remain enabled until it is explicitly disabled.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 300.

- 2.15
FirstSegmentCenterFrequency unsignedInt W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdFirstSegmentCenterFrequency/] This attribute controls the center frequency (in Hz) of the first segment for the spectrum analysis measurement. The frequency bins for this segment lie symmetrically to the left and right of this center frequency.

If the number of bins in a segment is odd, the segment center frequency lies directly on the center bin.

If the number of bins in a segment is even, the segment center frequency lies halfway between two bins.

Changing the value of this attribute may result in changes to the Result table. Note that if this parameter is set to an invalid value, the device may return an error, or may adjust the value of the parameter to the closest valid value.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 93000000.

- 2.15
LastSegmentCenterFrequency unsignedInt W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdLastSegmentCenterFrequency/] This attribute controls the center frequency (in Hz) of the last segment of the spectrum analysis measurement.

The frequency bins for this segment lie symmetrically to the left and right of this center frequency. If the number of bins in a segment is odd, the segment center frequency lies directly on the center bin. If the number of bins in a segment is even, the segment center frequency lies halfway between two bins.

The value of the LastSegmentCenterFrequency should be equal to the FirstSegmentCenterFrequency plus and integer number of segment spans as determined by the SegmentFrequencySpan.

Changing the value of this attribute may result in changes to the Result table.

Note that if this parameter is set to an invalid value, the device may return an error, or may adjust the value of the parameter to the closest valid value.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 993000000.

- 2.15
SegmentFrequencySpan unsignedInt(1000000:900000000) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdSegmentFrequencySpan/] This attribute controls the frequency span (in Hz) of each segment (instance) of the Result.{i} table.

If set to a value of 0, then a default span will be chosen based on the hardware capabilities of the device. Segments are contiguous from the FirstSegmentCenterFrequency to the LastSegmentCenterFrequency and the center frequency for each successive segment is incremented by the SegmentFrequencySpan. The number of segments is (LastSegmentCenterFrequency - FirstSegmentCenterFrequency)/SegmentFrequencySpan + 1. A segment is equivalent to an instance in the Result table. The chosen SegmentFrequencySpan affects the number of entries in Result table. A more granular SegmentFrequencySpan may adversely affect the amount of time needed to query the table entries in addition to possibly increasing the acquisition time.

Changing the value of this attribute may result in changes to Result table.

Note that if this parameter is set to an invalid value, the device may return an error, or may adjust the value of the parameter to the closest valid value.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 7500000.

- 2.15
NumBinsPerSegment unsignedInt(2:2048) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdNumBinsPerSegment/] This parameter controls the number of bins collected by the measurement performed for each segment (instance) in the Result table.

Note that if this parameter is set to an invalid value, the device may return an error, or may adjust the value of the parameter to the closest valid value.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 256.

- 2.15
EquivalentNoiseBandwidth unsignedInt(50:500) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdEquivalentNoiseBandwidth/] This parameter allows the user to request an equivalent noise bandwidth (measured in hundredthsbin) for the resolution bandwidth filter used in the spectrum analysis. This corresponds to the spectral width of the window function used when performing a discrete Fourier transform for the analysis.

The window function which corresponds to a value written to this parameter may be obtained by reading the value of WindowFunction.

If an unsupported value is requested, the device may return an error, or choose the closest valid value to the one which is requested. If the closest value is chosen, then a subsequent read of this parameter will return the actual value which is in use.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 150.

- 2.15
WindowFunction string W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdWindowFunction/] [SpectrumAnalysisWindowFunction] This parameter controls or indicates the windowing function which will be used when performing the discrete Fourier transform for the analysis. The WindowFunction and the Equivalent Noise Bandwidth are related. If a particular WindowFunction is selected, then the EquivalentNoiseBandwidth for the function which is in use, will be reported by the EquivalentNoiseBandwidth parameter. Alternatively if an EquivalentNoiseBandwidth value is chosen then if a WindowFunction function representing that EquivalentNoiseBandwidth is defined in the CM, that value will be reported in WindowFunction, or a value of Other will be reported. Use of “modern” windowing functions not yet defined will likely be reported as Other.

Enumeration of:

  • Other
  • Hann
  • BlackmanHarris
  • Rectangular
  • Hamming
  • FlatTop
  • Gaussian
  • Chebyshev

Note that all window functions may not be supported by all devices. If an attempt is made to set the object to an unsupported window function, or if writing of the WindowFunction is not supported, an error will be returned.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

- 2.15
NumberOfAverages unsignedInt(1:1000) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdNumberOfAverages/] This parameter controls the number of averages that will be performed on spectral bins. The average will be computed using the ‘leaky integrator’ method, where: reported bin value = alpha*accumulated bin values + (1-alpha)*current bin value.

Alpha is one minus the reciprocal of the number of averages. For example, if N=25, then alpha = 0.96. A value of 1 indicates no averaging. Re-writing the number of averages will restart the averaging process. If there are no accumulated values, the accumulators are made equal to the first measured bin amplitudes.

If an attempt is made to set the parameter to an unsupported number of averages, an error will be returned.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 1.

- 2.15
ResultNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Result table. - 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.SpectrumAnalysis.Result.{i}. object(0:) R

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisMeasTable/] This table provides a list of spectral analysis measurements as performed across a range of center frequencies. The table is capable of representing a full scan of the spectrum.

Each Result instance represents the spectral analysis around a single center frequency point in the spectrum.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Frequency.

- 2.15
Frequency int(-2147483648:2147483647) R [docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisMeasFrequency/] The center frequency (in Hz) of the spectral analysis span which is represented by this instance. - 2.15
AmplitudeData hexBinary(0,2:4116) R

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisMeasAmplitudeData/] [AmplitudeData] This parameter provides a list of the spectral amplitudes as measured at the center frequency specified by the Frequency.

The frequency bins are ordered from lowest to highest frequencies covering the frequency span. Information about the center frequency, frequency span, number of bins and resolution bandwidth are included to provide context to the measurement point.

- 2.15
TotalSegmentPower int R [docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisMeasTotalSegmentPower/] [TenthdB] This parameter provides the total RF power present in the segment with the center frequency equal to the Frequency and the span equal to the SegmentFrequencySpan. The value represents the sum of the spectrum power in all of the associated bins. The value is computed by summing power (not dB) values and converting the final sum to TenthdB. - 2.15
Device.PTM. object R Packet Transfer Mode ([Annex H/G.993.1]). This object contains the Link interface. - 2.0
LinkNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Link table. - 2.0
Device.PTM.Link.{i}. object(0:) W

PTM link-layer table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Models a layer 2 variable-sized packet interface. A PTM Link entry is typically stacked on top of either a FAST.Line, DSL.Channel, or a DSL.BondingGroup object.

When a PTM Link interface is used, a lower-layer DSL.Channel interface MUST be configured with PTM encapsulation (see DSL.Channel.{i}.LinkEncapsulationUsed).

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the link.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the link (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

Down 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the link as assigned by the CPE.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the link entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. <Empty> 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC Address of the interface.

Note: This is not necessarily the same as the Ethernet header source or destination MAC address, which is associated with the IP interface and is modeled via the Ethernet.Link.{i}.MACAddress parameter.

- 2.0
Device.PTM.Link.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.Ethernet. object R Ethernet object. This object models several Ethernet interface objects, each representing a different stack layer, including: Interface, Link, and VLANTermination. Interface is media-specific and models a port, the PHY layer, and the Channel Access Method (CAM) part of the MAC layer. Link is media-independent and models the Logical Link Control (LLC) layer. An “outer” VLANTermination, when present, is expected to be stacked on top of Link objects to receive and send frames with a configured VLANID. - 2.0
WoLSupported boolean R Indicates that WoL (Wake on LAN) over Ethernet is supported. - 2.13
FlowControlSupported boolean R Indicates that Flow Control over Ethernet is supported, as per [802.3-2015]. - 2.14
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.0
LinkNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Link table. - 2.0
VLANTerminationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the VLANTermination table. - 2.0
LAGNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the LAG table. - 2.12
RMONStatsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the RMONStats table. - 2.4
Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

Ethernet interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models physical Ethernet ports, but in terms of the interface stack it only models the PHY and Connection Access Method of the Ethernet interface MAC. A Link is also required to model a full Ethernet device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.0
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE. - 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Interface is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.0
MaxBitRate int(-1:) W

The maximum upstream and downstream PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of -1 indicates automatic selection of the maximum bit rate.

- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The unique manufacturer-assigned Ethernet hardware address of the interface, also referred to as burned-in MAC address.

Note: This is not necessarily the same as the MAC address used for higher-level protocols, which is modeled via the Link.{i}.MACAddress parameter. Its main purpose is the identification of a specific Ethernet interface; the information can also can be used to perform Wake on LAN.

- 2.0
SupportedLinkModes unsignedInt[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Reports the supported link modes. MUST be reported in a compliant way as defined in [IANAifMauTypeListBits/IANAMauMIB]. For example, IANAifMauTypeListBits defines the following link mode types:

  • 16 (100BASE-TX full duplex mode)
  • 26 (1000BASE-SX full duplex mode)
  • 30 (1000BASE-T full duplex mode)
  • 54 (10GBASE-T)
  • 103 (2.5GBASE-T)
  • 104 (5GBASE-T)
- 2.16
CurrentBitRate unsignedInt R

The current upstream and downstream PHY bit rate on this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of 0 indicates that the current bit rate is unknown.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
DuplexMode string W

The duplex mode requested for this connection.

Enumeration of:

  • Half
  • Full
  • Auto
- 2.0
CurrentDuplexMode string R

The duplex mode currently in use by this connection.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • Half
  • Full
- 2.18
EEECapability boolean R Indicates whether this physical ethernet port supports Energy Efficient Ethernet as specified in [Section 78/802.3-2012_section6]. - 2.8
EEEEnable boolean W Whether Energy Efficient Ethernet [Section 78/802.3-2012_section6] support is currently enabled. When enabled, this ethernet port will be capable of entering or exiting Low Power Idle (LPI) mode. - 2.8
EEEStatus string R

Indicates the active state of Energy Efficient Ethernet [Section 78/802.3-2012_section6].

The Disabled value indicates that EEEEnable is disabled.

The Active value indicates that EEEEnable is enabled and that EEE support has been negotiated with the link partner. In this state EEE will be used.

The Inactive value indicates that EEEEnable is disabled, or that EEE support has not been negotiated with the link partner, either because the link parter is not EEE capable, or its support for EEE is disabled.

The Unsupported value indicates that this physical interface does not support EEE. In which case EEECapability will be false.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Unsupported
- 2.17
MDIX string W

Configure the Medium Dependent Interface crossover functionality on the interface.

Enumeration of:

  • Auto
  • On
  • Off

The factory default value MUST be Auto.

- 2.18
CurrentMDIX string R

The current Medium Dependent Interface crossover setting in use on the interface.

Enumeration of:

  • Unsupported
  • Unknown
  • On
  • Off
- 2.18
Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
Reset boolean W Set this to true to reset all this object’s statistics counters to zero. - 2.18
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Collisions unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of collisions on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.18
Device.Ethernet.Link.{i}. object(0:) W

Ethernet link layer table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Table entries model the Logical Link Control (LLC) layer. It is expected that an Ethernet Link interface can be stacked above any lower-layer interface object capable of carrying Ethernet frames.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

Down 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. <Empty> 2.0
MTU unsignedInt W Maximum Transmission Unit for this interface (expressed in bytes). - 2.18
MACAddress string(:17) W [MACAddress] The MAC address used for packets sent via this interface. Provides the source MAC address for outgoing traffic and the destination MAC address for incoming traffic. - 2.0
PriorityTagging boolean W

Enables or disables priority tagging on this Ethernet Link.

When true, egress frames leaving this interface will be priority tagged with the frame’s associated priority value, which will either be derived directly from the ingress frame or else set via QoS.Classification.{i}.EthernetPriorityMark or QoS.Classification.{i}.InnerEthernetPriorityMark.

When false, egress frames leaving this interface will be untagged.

The parameter does not affect reception of ingress frames.

false 2.0
FlowControl boolean W Configures Flow Control on given Ethernet port. When set to true, it activates the exchange of pause-resume flow control frames. false 2.14
NoARP boolean W Disables or enables sending of ARP messages on the Ethernet link. If true, the kernel will not send ARP requests and won’t send ARP replies. false 2.18
Device.Ethernet.Link.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
Reset boolean W Set this to true to reset all this object’s statistics counters to zero. - 2.18
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PausePacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet pause frames sent on the link.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.18
PausePacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet pause frames received on the link.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.18
Device.Ethernet.VLANTermination.{i}. object(0:) W

VLAN Termination table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). A VLAN Termination entry is typically stacked on top of a Link object to receive and send frames with the configured VLANID.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

Down 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. <Empty> 2.0
VLANID unsignedInt(1:4094) W The VLAN ID for this VLANTermination entry (as defined in [802.1Q-2011]). Only ingress frames with this VLAN ID will be passed to higher protocol layers; frames sent from higher protocol layers will be tagged with this VLAN ID. - 2.0
VLANPriority int(-1:7) W

The VLAN Priority for this VLANTermination entry, also known as 802.1p Priority, is a 3-bit field used to indicate the priority of network traffic within a VLAN.

A value of -1 indicates that the VLAN priority should not be changed for this VLANTermination.

- 2.18
TPID unsignedInt W

The Tag Protocol Identifier (TPID) assigned to this VLANTermination. The TPID is an EtherType value used to identify the frame as a tagged frame.

Standard [Table 9.1/802.1Q-2011] TPID values are:

*S-TAG 0x88A8 = 34984

*C-TAG 0x8100 = 33024

Non-Standard TPID values are:

*S-TAG 0x9100 = 37120

33024 2.7
Device.Ethernet.VLANTermination.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
Reset boolean W Set this to true to reset all this object’s statistics counters to zero. - 2.18
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.Ethernet.LAG.{i}. object(0:) W

Ethernet Link Aggregation Group (LAG) table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Table entries model the Link Aggregation Sub-Layer as defined in [802.3-2015] and [802.1AX-2014]. It is expected that a LAG interface can only be stacked above Interface interfaces. The CPE can reject creation of additional LAG instances if this would exceed its capabilities.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.12
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

Down 2.12
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

LowerLayers must reference to Device.Ethernet.Interface instances where Link Aggregation Group is configured by the CPE.

For example, “Device.Ethernet.Interface.1, Device.Ethernet.Interface.2”

<Empty> 2.12
MACAddress string(:17) W [MACAddress] MAC address of the Link Aggregation Interface. - 2.12
Device.Ethernet.LAG.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.12
Reset boolean W Set this to true to reset all this object’s statistics counters to zero. - 2.18
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.12
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.12
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
Device.Ethernet.RMONStats.{i}. object(0:) W

Ethernet statistics based on the [RFC2819] RMON-MIB etherStatsTable, with some extensions inspired by [Section 9.3.32/G.988].

Each instance is associated with an interface capable of transporting Ethernet-encapsulated packets, and contains a set of unidirectional Ethernet statistics.

The statistics are sampled either on ingress or on egress. This is determined as follows:

  • If the instance is associated with an egress queue (or queues) via the Queue parameter or by setting AllQueues to true then data is sampled on egress. In this case Bytes etc measure the data that has been sent on the interface, possibly filtered by Queue or VLANID.
  • Otherwise data is sampled on ingress. In this case Bytes etc measure the data that has been received on the interface, possibly filtered by VLANID.

When sampling on egress, the term received means received by the queuing sub-system.

Multiple instances can be associated with a single interface: individual instances can be configured to collect data associated with the entire interface, or with a particular VLAN and/or queue.

The CPE MUST reset each instances’s Stats parameters whenever the instance is disabled and re-enabled. Whether this reset occurs when the instance becomes operationally disabled (Status = Disabled) or administratively enabled (Enable = true) is a local matter to the CPE. This is similar to the behavior of interface statistics, e.g. as specified for Interface.{i}.Stats. Furthermore, this instance’s Stats parameters MUST be reset whenever the referenced interface’s Stats parameters are reset, or when the referenced queue or VLAN is disabled and re-enabled.

For enabled table entries, if Interface references an interface that is not capable of transporting Ethernet-encapsulated packets, or if Queue references a queue that is not instantiated on Interface, or if Queue is not a valid reference and AllQueues is false, the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The RMONStats table includes unique key parameters that are strong references. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated RMONStats row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending RMONStats row.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of Interface, VLANID and Queue.

- 2.4
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this instance. false 2.4
Status string R

The status of this instance. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.4
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.4
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the RMONStats entry as assigned by the CPE. - 2.4
Interface string W

The interface associated with this instance. The value MUST be the Path Name of an interface that is capable of transporting Ethernet-encapsulated packets.

The term “capable of transporting Ethernet-encapsulated packets” means “has an Ethernet header” and therefore refers to any interface that is at or below an Ethernet.Link instance in the interface stack.

<Empty> 2.4
VLANID unsignedInt(0:4094) W

Filter criterion.

The VLAN ID for which statistics are to be collected.

A zero value indicates that all packets, whether or not they have a VLAN header, will be considered.

A non-zero value indicates that only packets that have the the specified VLAN ID will be considered.

0 2.4
Queue string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the QoS.Queue. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Filter criterion.

The egress queue with which this instance is associated.

Only packets that are sent to the referenced queue will be considered.

<Empty> 2.4
AllQueues boolean W Indicates whether this instance applies to all queues. If true, the value of Queue is ignored since all egress queues are indicated. false 2.4
DropEvents unsignedInt R

The total number of events in which packets were dropped due to lack of resources. Note that this number is not necessarily the number of packets dropped; it is just the number of times this condition has been detected.

This parameter is based on etherStatsDropEvents from [RFC2819].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Bytes unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes (including those in bad packets) received (excluding framing bits but including FCS bytes).

This parameter is based on etherStatsOctets from [RFC2819].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Packets unsignedLong R

The total number of packets (including bad packets, broadcast packets, and multicast packets) received.

This parameter is based on etherStatsPkts from [RFC2819].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
BroadcastPackets unsignedLong R

The total number of good packets received that were directed to the broadcast address. Note that this does not include multicast packets.

This parameter is based on etherStatsBroadcastPkts from [RFC2819].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
MulticastPackets unsignedLong R

The total number of good packets received that were directed to a multicast address. Note that this number does not include packets directed to the broadcast address.

This parameter is based on etherStatsMulticastPkts from [RFC2819].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
CRCErroredPackets unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received that had a length (excluding framing bits, but including FCS bytes) of between 64 and 1518 bytes, inclusive, but had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of bytes (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of bytes (Alignment Error).

This parameter is based on etherStatsCRCAlignErrors from [RFC2819].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
UndersizePackets unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received that were less than 64 bytes long (excluding framing bits, but including FCS bytes) and were otherwise well formed.

This parameter is based on etherStatsUndersizePkts from [RFC2819].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
OversizePackets unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 bytes (excluding framing bits, but including FCS bytes) and were otherwise well formed.

This parameter is based on etherStatsOversizePkts from [RFC2819].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Packets64Bytes unsignedLong R

The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were 64 bytes in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS bytes).

This parameter is based on etherStatsPkts64Octets from [RFC2819].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Packets65to127Bytes unsignedLong R

The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 65 and 127 bytes in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS bytes).

This parameter is based on etherStatsPkts65to127Octets from [RFC2819].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Packets128to255Bytes unsignedLong R

The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 128 and 255 bytes in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS bytes).

This parameter is based on etherStatsPkts6128to255Octets from [RFC2819].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Packets256to511Bytes unsignedLong R

The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 256 and 511 bytes in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS bytes).

This parameter is based on etherStatsPkts256to511Octets from [RFC2819].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Packets512to1023Bytes unsignedLong R

The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 512 and 1023 bytes in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS bytes).

This parameter is based on etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets from [RFC2819].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Packets1024to1518Bytes unsignedLong R

The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 1024 and 1518 bytes in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS bytes).

This parameter is based on etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets from [RFC2819].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Device.Ethernet.WoL. object R This object provides access to the WoL (Wake on LAN) functionality. - 2.13
SendMagicPacket boolean W When set to true, the CPE must send a magic packet over its active Ethernet interfaces. - 2.13
MACAddress string(:17) W [MACAddress] MAC address target of the magic packet. - 2.13
Password string W The SecureOn password. The parameter value can be empty or, if present, can contain either 4 bytes or 6 bytes. - 2.13
Device.USB. object R Universal Serial Bus ([USB1.0], [USB2.0], [USB3.0]). This object contains the Interface, Port, and USBHosts objects. - 2.0
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.0
PortNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Port table. - 2.0
Device.USB.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

USB interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models master and slave USB physical interfaces that support carrying Ethernet frames, e.g. via the USB Communication Device Class.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.0
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE. - 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Interface is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC Address of the interface.

Note: This is not necessarily the same as the Ethernet header source or destination MAC address, which is associated with the IP interface and is modeled via the Ethernet.Link.{i}.MACAddress parameter.

- 2.0
MaxBitRate unsignedInt R The maximum PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps). - 2.0
Port string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Port. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is the USB port associated with this interface object. - 2.0
Device.USB.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.USB.Port.{i}. object(0:) R

USB Port table. This table models master and slave USB physical ports on the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
- 2.0
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the port. - 2.0
Standard string(:4) R USB specification version supported by the Port. Example: “1.1” - 2.0
Type string R

Type of the USB connection.

Enumeration of:

  • Host
  • Hub
  • Device
- 2.0