Broadband Forum

TR-069 Device:2 Root Data Model definition [CWMP] (changes)




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Data Types

The Parameters defined in this specification make use of a limited subset of the default SOAP data types [SOAP1.1]. These data types and the named data types used by this specification are described below.

Note: A Parameter that is defined to be one of the named data types is reported as such at the beginning of the Parameter’s description via a reference back to the associated data type definition (e.g. [MACAddress]). However, such parameters still indicate their SOAP data types.

Data Type Base Type Description
base64 -

Base64 encoded binary (no line-length limitation).

A minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form base64(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum length in characters before Base64 encoding. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in base64(Max). Multiple comma-separate ranges can be specified, in which case the length MUST be in one of the ranges.

boolean - Boolean, where the allowed values are 0 or 1 (or equivalently, true or false).
dateTime - The subset of the ISO 8601 date-time format defined by the SOAP dateTime type [SOAP1.1].
decimal - Decimal TBD.
hexBinary -

Hex encoded binary.

A minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form hexBinary(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum length in characters before Hex Binary encoding. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in hexBinary(Max). Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the length MUST be in one of the ranges.

int -

Integer in the range -2147483648 to +2147483647, inclusive.

For some int types, a value range is given using the form int(Min:Max) or int(Min:Max step Step) where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

string - For strings, a minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form string(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum string length in characters. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in string(Max). Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the string length will be in one of the ranges.
unsignedInt -

Unsigned integer in the range 0 to 4294967295, inclusive.

For some unsignedInt types, a value range is given using the form unsignedInt(Min:Max) or unsigned(Min:Max step Step), where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

unsignedLong -

Unsigned long integer in the range 0 to 18446744073709551615, inclusive.

For some unsignedLong types, a value range is given using the form unsignedLong(Min:Max) or unsignedLong(Min:Max step Step), where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

Alias string(:64)

A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
AmplitudeData hexBinary(0,2:4116)

This data type represents a sequence of spectral amplitudes. Each spectral amplitude value corresponds to a bin. The format of the bin measurement is as follows.

Sequence of:

  • 4 bytes: ChCenterFreq

    • The center frequency of the upstream channel.
  • 4 bytes: FreqSpan

    • The width in Hz of the band across which the spectral amplitudes characterizing the channel are measured.
  • 4 bytes: NumberOfBins

    • The number of data points or bins that compose the spectral data. The leftmost bin corresponds to the lower band edge, the rightmost bin corresponds to the upper band edge, and the middle bin center is aligned with the center frequency of the analysis span.
  • 4 bytes:

    • BinSpacing The frequency separation between adjacent bin centers. It is derived from the frequency span and the number of bins or data points. The bin spacing is computed as:

      • BinSpacing = FrequencySpan/(NumberOfBins -1)
    • The larger the number of bins the finer the resolution.
  • 4 bytes: ResolutionBW

    • The resolution bandwidth or equivalent noise bandwidth of each bin. If spectral windowing is used (based on vendor implementation), the bin spacing and resolution bandwidth would not generally be the same.
  • n bytes: Amplitude (2 bytes * NumberOfBins)

    • A sequence of two byte elements. Each element represents the spectral amplitudes in relation to the expected received signal power of a bin, in units of 0.01dB. That is, a test CMTS input signal with square-root raised-cosine spectrum, bandwidth equal to the expected received signal bandwidth, and power equal to the expected received signal power, which is present for the entire spectrum sampling period, will exhibit a spectrum measurement of 0 dB average power in each bin of the signal passband. Each bin element amplitude value format is 2’s complement which provides a range of -327.68 dB to 327.67 dB amplitude value for the bin measurement.
CmRegState string

This data type defines the CM connectivity state as reported by the CM.

Enumeration of:

  • Other (indicates any state not described below)
  • NotReady (indicates that the CM has not started the registration process yet)
  • NotSynchronized (indicates that the CM has not initiated or completed the synchronization of the downstream physical layer)
  • PhySynchronized (indicates that the CM has completed the synchronization of the downstream physical layer)
  • UsParametersAcquired (indicates that the CM has completed the upstream parameters acquisition or have completed the downstream and upstream service groups resolution, whether the CM is registering in a pre-3.0 or a 3.0 CMTS)
  • RangingComplete (indicates that the CM has completed initial ranging and received a Ranging Status of success from the CMTS in the RNG-RSP message)
  • DHCPv4Complete (indicates that the CM has received a DHCPv4 ACK message from the CMTS)
  • ToDEstablished (indicates that the CM has successfully acquired time of day. If the ToD is acquired after the CM is operational, this value should not be reported)
  • SecurityEstablished (indicates that the CM has successfully completed the BPI initialization process)
  • ConfigFileDownloadComplete (indicates that the CM has completed the config file download process)
  • RegistrationComplete (indicates that the CM has successfully completed the Registration process with the CMTS)
  • Operational (indicates that the CM has completed all necessary initialization steps and is operational)
  • AccessDenied (indicates that the CM has received a registration aborted notification from the CMTS)
  • EAEInProgress (indicates that the CM has sent an Auth Info message for EAE)
  • DHCPv4InProgress (indicates that the CM has sent a DHCPv4 DISCOVER to gain IP connectivity)
  • DHCPv6InProgress (indicates that the CM has sent an DHCPv6 Solicit message)
  • DHCPv6Complete (indicates that the CM has received a DHCPv6 Reply message from the CMTS)
  • RegistrationInProgress (indicates that the CM has sent a Registration Request (REG-REQ or REG-REQ-MP))
  • BPIInit (indicates that the CM has started the BPI initialization process as indicated in the CM config file. If the CM already performed EAE, this state is skipped by the CM)
  • ForwardingDisabled (indicates that the registration process was completed, but the network access option in the received configuration file prohibits forwarding)
  • DsTopologyResolutionInProgress (indicates that the CM is attempting to determine its MD-DS-SG)
  • RangingInProgress (indicates that the CM has initiated the ranging process)
  • RFMuteAll (indicates that the CM is instructed to mute all channels in the CM-CTRL-REQ message from CMTS)

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Cable Modem - CMTS Interaction.

Dbm1000 int
DiagnosticsState string

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead.

DocsEqualizerData hexBinary(0,36:260)

This data type represents the equalizer data as measured at the receiver interface. The format of the equalizer follows the structure of the Transmit Equalization Adjust RNG-RSP TLV of DOCSIS RFI v2.0.

The equalizer coefficients are considered signed 16-bit integers in the range from -32768 (0x8000) to 32767 (0x7FFF).

DOCSIS specifications require up to a maximum of 64 equalizer taps (n + m); therefore, this object size can be up to 260 bytes (4 + 4x64). The minimum object size (other than zero) for a t-spaced tap with a minimum of 8 symbols will be 36 (4 + 4x8).

See [Figure 8-23/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

DocsisUpstreamType string

Indicates the DOCSIS Upstream Channel Type. Enumeration of:

  • Unknown (Information not available)
  • TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)
  • ATDMA (Advanced Time Division Multiple Access)
  • SCDMA (Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access)
  • TDMAAndATDMA (Simultaneous support of TDMA and A-TDMA modes)
IPAddress string(:45)

IP address, i.e. IPv4 address (or IPv4 subnet mask) or IPv6 address.

All IPv4 addresses and subnet masks MUST be represented as strings in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation. Here are some examples of valid IPv4 address textual representations:


All IPv6 addresses MUST be represented using any of the 3 standard textual representations defined in [RFC4291] Sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. Both lower-case and upper-case letters can be used, but use of lower-case letters is RECOMMENDED. Here are some examples of valid IPv6 address textual representations:

  • 1080:0:0:800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd
  • 1080::800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd
  • 0:0:0:0:0:0:

IPv6 addresses MUST NOT include zone identifiers. Zone identifiers are discussed in [Section 6/RFC4007].

Unspecified or inapplicable addresses (or IPv4 subnet masks) MUST be represented as empty strings unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition.

IPPrefix string(:49)

IPv4 or IPv6 routing prefix in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation [RFC4632]. This is specified as an IP address followed by an appended “/n” suffix, where n (the prefix size) is an integer in the range 0-32 (for IPv4) or 0-128 (for IPv6) that indicates the number of (leftmost) ‘1’ bits of the routing prefix.

  • IPv4 example:
  • IPv6 example: 2001:edff:fe6a:f76::/64

This notation can also represent individual addresses by specifying all bits.

  • IPv4 example:
  • IPv6 example: 2001:edff:fe6a:f76::1/128

If the IP address part is unspecified or inapplicable, it MUST be an empty string unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition. In this case the IP prefix will be of the form “/n”.

If the entire IP prefix is unspecified or inapplicable, it MUST be an empty string unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition.

IPv6Address IPAddress(:45)

IPv6 address.

Can be any IPv6 address that is permitted by the IPAddress data type.

MACAddress string(:17)

All MAC addresses are represented as strings of 12 hexadecimal digits (digits 0-9, letters A-F or a-f) displayed as six pairs of digits separated by colons. Unspecified or inapplicable MAC addresses MUST be represented as empty strings unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition. Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • [*([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:){5}(0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])*
RangingState string

This data type defines the CM ranging state as reported by the CMTS. The enumerated values associated with the RangingState are:

Enumeration of:

  • Other (indicates any state not described below)
  • Aborted (indicates that the CMTS has sent a ranging abort)
  • RetriesExceeded (indicates that the CM ranging retry limit has exceeded)
  • Success (indicates that the CMTS has sent a ranging success in the ranging response)
  • Continue (indicates that the CMTS has sent a ranging continue in the ranging response)
  • TimeoutT4 (indicates that the T4 timer expired on the CM)

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Cable Modem - CMTS Interaction.

SpectrumAnalysisWindowFunction string

This object controls the windowing function which will be used when performing the discrete Fourier transform for the analysis. Note that all window functions may not be supported by all devices. If an attempt is made to set the object to an unsupported window function, an error of inconsistentValue will be returned. Enumeration of:

  • Other
  • Hann
  • BlackmanHarris
  • Rectangular
  • Hamming
  • FlatTop
  • Gaussian
  • Chebyshev
StatsCounter32 unsignedInt

A 32-bit statistics parameter, e.g. a byte counter.

This data type SHOULD NOT be used for statistics parameters whose values might become greater than the maximum value that can be represented as an unsignedInt (i.e. 0xffffffff, referred to below as maxval). StatsCounter64 SHOULD be used for such parameters.

The value maxval indicates that no data is available for this parameter. In the unlikely event that the actual value of the statistic is maxval, the CPE SHOULD return maxval - 1.

The actual value of the statistic might be greater than maxval. Such values SHOULD wrap around through zero.

The term packet is to be interpreted as the transmission unit appropriate to the protocol layer in question, e.g. an IP packet or an Ethernet frame.

StatsCounter64 unsignedLong

A 64-bit statistics parameter, e.g. a byte counter.

This data type SHOULD be used for all statistics parameters whose values might become greater than the maximum value that can be represented as an unsignedInt.

The maximum value that can be represented as an unsignedLong (i.e. 0xffffffffffffffff) indicates that no data is available for this parameter.

The term packet is to be interpreted as the transmission unit appropriate to the protocol layer in question, e.g. an IP packet or an Ethernet frame.

TLV8 hexBinary(0,2:255)

This data type represents a single TLV encoding. This first octet represents the Type of the TLV. The second octet represents an unsigned 8-bit Length of the subsequent Value part of the TLV. The remaining octets represent the value. The Value could be an atomic value or a sequence of one or more sub-TLVs.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Common Radio Frequency Interface Encodings Annex.

TenthdB int This data type represents power levels that are normally expressed in dB. Units are in tenths of a dB; for example, 5.1 dB will be represented as 51.
TenthdBmV int This data type represents power levels that are normally expressed in dBmV. Units are in tenths of a dBmV; for example, 5.1 dBmV will be represented as 51.


[3GPP-TS.23.501] 3GPP TS 23.501, System architecture for the 5G System (5GS); Stage 2, 3GPP SA WG2.
[3GPP-TS.24.301] 3GPP TS 24.301, Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for Evolved Packet System (EPS); Stage 3, 3GPP CT WG1.
[3GPP-TS.24.501] 3GPP TS 24.501, Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for 5G System (5GS); Stage 3, 3GPP CT WG1.
[802.11-2016] IEEE Std 802.11-2016, Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications, IEEE, December 2016.
[802.11-2020] IEEE Std 802.11-2020, Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications, IEEE, December 2020.
[802.11ac-2013] IEEE Std 802.11ac-2013, Enhancements for Very High Throughput for Operation in Bands below 6 GHz, IEEE, December 2013.
[802.11ax] IEEE Std 802.11ax, Enhancements for High Efficiency WLAN, IEEE, May 2021.
[802.11b-1999] IEEE Std 802.11b-1999, Higher Speed Physical Layer Extension in the 2.4 GHz band, IEEE, 1999.
[802.11g-2003] IEEE Std 802.11g-2003, Further Higher Data Rate Extension in the 2.4 GHz Band, IEEE, 2003.
[802.11k] IEEE Std 802.11k, Radio Resource Measurement of Wireless LANs, IEEE, May 2008.
[802.11n-2009] IEEE Std 802.11n-2009, Amendment 5: Enhancements for Higher Throughput, IEEE, 2009.
[802.1ad-2005] IEEE Std 802.1ad-2005, Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks Amendment 4: Provider Bridges, IEEE, May 2005.
[802.1D-2004] IEEE Std 802.1D-2004, Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges, IEEE, 2004.
[802.1Q-2005] IEEE Std 802.1Q-2005, Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks, IEEE, 2006.
[802.1Q-2011] IEEE Std 802.1Q-2011, MAC Bridges and Virtual Bridge Local Area Networks, IEEE, 2011.
[AMB] Agile MultiBand Specification, Wi-Fi Agile MultiBand Specification, December 2018.
[CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1] CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1, Cable Modem Operations Support System Interface Specification, CableLabs, October 2020.
[CM-SP-MULPIv3.0] CM-SP-MULPIv3.0, DOCSIS 3.0 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification, CableLabs, December 2017.
[CM-SP-OSSIv3.0] CM-SP-OSSIv3.0, DOCSIS 3.0 Operations Support System Interface Specification, CableLabs, December 2017.
[CM-SP-RFIv2.0] CM-SP-RFIv2.0, Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio Frequency Interface Specification, CableLabs, April 2009.
[EasyConnect] Wi-Fi Easy Connect Specification, Wi-Fi Easy Connect Specification, Wi-Fi Alliance, December 2020.
[EasyMesh] EasyMesh Specification, Wi-Fi EasyMesh Specification, Wi-Fi Alliance, December 2021.
[G.988] G.988, ONU management and control interface (OMCI) specification, ITU-T, 2010.
[G.996.2] G.996.2, Single-ended line testing for digital subscriber lines (DSL), ITU-T.
[G.9960] G.9960, Unified high-speed wire-line based home networking transceivers - System architecture and physical layer specification, ITU-T.
[G.9961] G.9961, Unified high-speed wire-line based home networking transceivers - Data link layer specification, ITU-T.
[G.9964] G.9964, Unified high-speed wire-line based home networking transceivers - Power spectral density specification, ITU-T.
[G.997.1] G.997.1, Physical layer management for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers, ITU-T.
[G.998.1] G.998.1, ATM-based Multi-Pair Bonding, ITU-T, 2005.
[G.998.2] G.998.2, Ethernet-based Multi-Pair Bonding, ITU-T, 2005.
[G.998.3] G.998.3, Multi-Pair Bonding Using Time-Division Inverse Multiplexing, ITU-T, 2005.
[IANA-uri-schemes] IANA Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes Registry, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes, IANA.
[ICSA-Baseline] ICSA Baseline Modular Firewall Certification Criteria, Baseline module - version 4.1, ICSA Labs, 2008.
[IEEE1905.1a] IEEE 1905.1a, IEEE Std 1905.1a, Convergent Digital Home Network for Heterogeneous Technologies Amendment 1: Support of new MAC/PHYs and enhancements, IEEE, December 2014., IEEE, December 2014.
[IEEE_EUI64] Guidelines for 64-bit Global Identifier (EUI-64) Registration Authority, Guidelines for 64-bit Global Identifier (EUI-64) Registration Authority, IEEE, March 1997.
[IPDR-FTP] IPDR File Transfer Protocol, IPDR/File Transfer Protocol, TM Forum.
[ISO3166-1] ISO 3166-1, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 1: Country codes, ISO, 2006.
[LIBPCAP] Libpcap, Libpcap File Format, Wireshark, 2015.
[LMAPIFM] RFC 8193, Information Model for Large-Scale Measurement Platforms (LMAPs), IETF, August 2017.
[MQTT31] MQTT v3.1, MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) V3.1 Protocol Specification, 2010.
[MQTT311] MQTT Version 3.1.1, MQTT v3.1.1, OASIS Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) TC, October 2014.
[MQTT50] MQTT Version 5.0, MQTT Version 5.0, Candidate OASIS Standard 02., OASIS Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) TC, February 2019.
[OUI] Organizationally Unique Identifiers (OUIs).
[RFC1661] RFC 1661, The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), IETF, 1994.
[RFC2104] RFC 2104, HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication, IETF, 1997.
[RFC2131] RFC 2131, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, IETF.
[RFC2132] RFC 2132, DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions, IETF.
[RFC2819] RFC 2819, Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base, IETF, 2000.
[RFC2863] RFC 2863, The Interfaces Group MIB, IETF, 2000.
[RFC3174] RFC 3174, US Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1), IETF, September, 2001.
[RFC3315] RFC 3315, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6), IETF, 2003.
[RFC3339] RFC 3339, Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps, IETF, July, 2002.
[RFC3633] RFC 3633, IPv6 Prefix Options for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) version 6, IETF, 2003.
[RFC3986] RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax, IETF.
[RFC4007] RFC 4007, IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture, IETF.
[RFC4122] RFC 4122, A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace, IETF, 2005.
[RFC4193] RFC 4193, Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses, IETF, 2005.
[RFC4291] RFC 4291, IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture, IETF, 2006.
[RFC4293] RFC 4293, Management Information Base for the Internet Protocol (IP), IETF, 2006.
[RFC4546] RFC 4546, Radio Frequency (RF) Interface Management Information Base for Data over Cable Service Interface Specifications (DOCSIS) 2.0 Compliant RF Interfaces, IETF, June 2006.
[RFC4632] RFC 4632, Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR): The Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan, IETF, 2006.
[RFC4861] RFC 4861, Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6), IETF, 2007.
[RFC4862] RFC 4862, IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration, IETF, 2007.
[RFC4868] RFC 4868, Using HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, and HMAC-SHA-512 with IPsec, IETF, 2007.
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[RFC5625] RFC 5625, DNS Proxy Implementation Guidelines, IETF, 2009.
[RFC6234] RFC 6234, US Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA and SHA-based HMAC and HKDF), IETF, May, 2011.
[RFC6455] RFC 6455, The WebSocket Protocol, IETF, December 2011.
[RFC6762] RFC 6762, Multicast DNS, IETF, February 2013.
[RFC6838] RFC 6838, Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures, IETF, January 2013.
[RFC7159] RFC7159, The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format, IETF, March 2014.
[RFC7230] RFC 7230, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing, IETF, June 2014.
[RFC7252] RFC 7252, The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), IETF, June 2014.
[RFC7468] RFC 7468, Textual Encoding of PKIX, PKCS, and CMS Structures, IETF, April 2015.
[RFC7594] RFC 7594, A Framework for Large-Scale Measurement of Broadband Performance (LMAP), IETF, September 2015.
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[TR-181i2] TR-181 Issue 2 Amendment 15, Device Data Model, Broadband Forum, January 2022.
[TR-232] TR-232, Bulk Data Collection, Broadband Forum, May 2012.
[TR-262] TR-262, Femto Component Objects, Broadband Forum, November 2011.
[TR-369] TR-369 Issue 1 Amendment 2, User Services Platform, Broadband Forum, January 2022.
[TR-471] TR-471, Maximum IP-Layer Capacity Metric, Related Metrics, and Measurements, Broadband Forum, December 2023.
[WMM] Wi-Fi Multimedia Technical Specification, Wi-Fi Multimedia Technical Specification, Wi-Fi Alliance, May 2012.
[ZigBee2007] ZigBee 2007 Specification, ZigBee 2007 Specification, ZigBee Alliance, October 2007.


Object definition.
Parameter definition.

Device:2.15 Data Model

For a given implementation of this data model, the Agent MUST indicate support for the highest version number of any object or parameter that it supports. For example, even if the Agent supports only a single parameter that was introduced in version 1.4, then it will indicate support for version 1.4. The version number associated with each object and parameter is shown in the Version column.

Changes in 2.15:

Name Type Write Description Object Default Version
Device. object R The top-level object for a Device.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo. object R This object contains general device information. - 2.0
SoftwareVersion string(:64) R A string identifying the software version currently installed in the CPE (i.e. version of the overall CPE firmware).To allow version comparisons, this element SHOULD be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 3.0.21 where the components mean: Major.Minor.Build.For CPEs that support multiple firmware images, the value for this parameter MUST be the software version of the active firmware image. - 2.0
DeviceImageNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R {{numentries: not associated with a table}}

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute dmr_customNumEntriesParameter = true
- 2.11
Device.ManagementServer. object R This object contains parameters relating to the CPE’s association with an ACS. - 2.0
Device.ManagementServer.ManageableDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

Each entry in this table corresponds to a distinct LAN Device that supports Device-Gateway Association according to [Annex F/TR-069] as indicated by the presence of the DHCP option specified in that Annex.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of ManufacturerOUI, SerialNumber and ProductClass.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added {ManufacturerOUI,SerialNumber,ProductClass} uniqueKey ManufacturerOUI parameterRef
  • Added {ManufacturerOUI,SerialNumber,ProductClass} uniqueKey SerialNumber parameterRef
  • Added {ManufacturerOUI,SerialNumber,ProductClass} uniqueKey ProductClass parameterRef
- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference. An initial unique value MUST be assigned when the CPE creates an instance of this object.This parameter was DEPRECATED

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11.because ManageableDevice is a transient object.This parameter is OBSOLETED in 2.14.object
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.

This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed attribute status = obsoleteddeleted
- 2.0
Device.ManagementServer.EmbeddedDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

Each entry in this table represents a distinct Proxied Device that utilizes the Embedded Object Mechanism [Annex J.3/TR-069] for proxying devices.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both ControllerID and ProxiedDeviceID.

- 2.3
Reference string R The value MUST be the path name of a table row. If the referenced object is deleted, this EmbeddedDevice instance MUST also be removed. Represents the instance of a multi-instanced object that is directly controlled by, and has come into existence because of, this Proxied Device that utilizes the Embedded Object Mechanism [Annex J.3/TR-069]. - 2.3
DiscoveryProtocolReference string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an object discovered using one or more protocols listed in DiscoveryProtocol, or an empty string.For objects discovered by the UPnP discovery protocol, the DiscoveryProtocolReference would contain items that are references to instances of the following:* UPnP.Discovery.RootDevice* UPnP.Discovery.Device* *UPnP.Discovery.Service*For objects discovered by the ETSI-M2M discovery protocol, the DiscoveryProtocolReference would contain items that are references to instances of ETSIM2M.SCL.{i}.AreaNwkDeviceInfoInstance.ETSIM2M.SCL.{i}.AreaNwkDeviceInfoInstance. - 2.6
Device.ManagementServer.VirtualDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

Each entry in this table represents a distinct Proxied Device that utilizes the Virtual CWMP Device Mechanism [Annex J.2/TR-069] for proxying devices.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of ManufacturerOUI, ProductClass and SerialNumber.

- 2.3
DiscoveryProtocolReference string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an object discovered using one or more protocols listed in DiscoveryProtocol, or an empty string.For objects discovered by the UPnP discovery protocol, the DiscoveryProtocolReference would contain items that are references to instances of the following:* UPnP.Discovery.RootDevice* UPnP.Discovery.Device* *UPnP.Discovery.Service*For objects discovered by the ETSI-M2M discovery protocol, the DiscoveryProtocolReference would contain items that are references to instances of ETSIM2M.SCL.{i}.AreaNwkDeviceInfoInstance.ETSIM2M.SCL.{i}.AreaNwkDeviceInfoInstance. - 2.6
Device.ManagementServer.StandbyPolicy. object R Parameters related to CPE behavior when waking up from standby. If this object is supported then the CPE MUST support the requirements of [Annex L/TR-069].NOTE: “CR”, as used in the names and descriptions of the parameters defined in this object, refers to the Connection Request concept defined in TR-069. - 2.7
ScheduledAwarenessRequested boolean W If this parameter is true, the CPE MUST NOT go into a standby state that prevents it from honoring Scheduled Contacts. This means that, whenever the ACS has requested a Scheduled Contact:*if SelfTimerCapable is true and the CPE chooses to go into Standby before the Scheduled Contact has been honored, it MUST use a Timer-Aware Standby;*if SelfTimerCapable is false, the CPE MUST NOT go into Standby before the Scheduled Contact has been honored. - 2.7
Device.DeviceInfo.VendorConfigFile.{i}. object(0:) R

Every instance of this object is a Vendor Configuration File, and contains parameters associated with the Vendor Configuration File.This table of Vendor Configuration Files is for information only and does not allow the Controller to operate on these files in any way.Whenever the CPE successfully downloads a configuration file as a result of the Download RPC with the FileType argument of 3 Vendor Configuration File, the CPE MUST update this table.[

Whenever the CPE successfully downloads a configuration file as a result of the Download RPC with the FileType argument of ‘‘3 Vendor Configuration File’’, the CPE MUST update this table.]

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

Name of the vendor configuration file.If the CPE is able to obtain the name of the configuration file from the file itself, then the value of this parameter MUST be set to that name.Otherwise, if the CPE can extract the file name from the URL used to download the configuration file, then the value of this parameter MUST be set to that name.Otherwise, the value of this parameter MUST be set to the value of the TargetFileName argument of the Download RPC used to download this configuration file.[

Otherwise, the value of this parameter MUST be set to the value of the TargetFileName argument of the Download RPC used to download this configuration file.]

- 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus. object R Status of the device’s volatile physical memory.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.0
Total unsignedInt R The total physical volatile RAM, in KiB, installed on the device.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed KiB units attribute value = kilobytesKiB
- 2.0
Free unsignedInt R The free physical volatile RAM, in KiB, currently available on the device.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed KiB units attribute value = kilobytesKiB
- 2.0
TotalPersistent unsignedInt R The sum total physical Non-Volatile Memory (NVM), in KiB, installed on the device. This memory persists across reboots and can be used by the system, applications, or users. - 2.15
FreePersistent unsignedInt R The sum total free physical Non-Volatile Memory (NVM), in KiB, currently available on the device. This memory persists across reboots and is available for use by the system, applications, or users. - 2.15
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus. object R Status of the processes on the device. - 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus.Process.{i}. object(0:) R

List of all processes running on the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for PID.

- 2.0
Size unsignedInt R The size in KiB of the memory occupied by the process.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed KiB units attribute value = kilobytesKiB
- 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus. object R Status of the temperature of the device. - 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus.TemperatureSensor.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents information that the device has obtained via sampling an internal temperature sensor.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.0
ResetTime dateTime R The time at which this temperature sensor was reset.Reset can be caused by:* Status transition from Disabled to Enabled* |param|**{{template: non-existent }}**Reset| set to |true|.* An internal reset of the temperature sensor (including a reboot of the device).The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106], indicates that this temperature sensor has never been reset, which can only happen if it has never been enabled. - 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo.FirmwareImage.{i}. object(0:) R

Top-level object for mapping firmware images.This is a static table – the number of object instances in this table is defined by the firmware that is currently running.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.12
Name string(:64) R Firmware/software image name. Descriptive text of the image or filename.The value of Name is an empty string if Status is anything other than **{{enum: non-existent {{inserted: unexpected argument Status after: Active}}, **{{enum: parameter Name doesn’t define any values}}Available}}, InstallationFailed, or ActivationFailed. - 2.12
Device.DeviceInfo.ProxierInfo. object R Represents the associated CPE Proxier for a Proxied Device that utilizes the Virtual CWMP Device Mechanism [Annex J.2/TR-069]. - 2.3
Device.DSL. object R This object models DSL lines, DSL channels, DSL bonding, and DSL diagnostics. The specific interface objects defined here are Line, Channel, and BondingGroup. Each Line models a layer 1 DSL Line interface, and each Channel models a layer 1 DSL Channel interface where multiple channels can run over a DSL line. In the case where bonding is configured, it is expected that BondingGroup is stacked above the Channel instances within its group. - 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}. object(0:) R

DSL Line table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).This table models physical DSL lines.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
StandardsSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which DSL standards and recommendations are supported by the Line instance. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • G.992.1_Annex_A
  • G.992.1_Annex_B
  • G.992.1_Annex_C
  • T1.413
  • T1.413i2
  • ETSI_101_388
  • G.992.2
  • G.992.3_Annex_A
  • G.992.3_Annex_B
  • G.992.3_Annex_C
  • G.992.3_Annex_I
  • G.992.3_Annex_J
  • G.992.3_Annex_L
  • G.992.3_Annex_M
  • G.992.4
  • G.992.5_Annex_A
  • G.992.5_Annex_B
  • G.992.5_Annex_C
  • G.992.5_Annex_I
  • G.992.5_Annex_J
  • G.992.5_Annex_M
  • G.993.1
  • G.993.1_Annex_A
  • G.993.2_Annex_A
  • G.993.2_Annex_B
  • G.993.2_Annex_C Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called “xDSL Transmission system capabilities”. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].This parameter was DEPRECATED
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.8.because its entries are out-of-date; |param|StandardsSupportedXTSE| points to a current list. Therefore its value MAY be an empty string if (and only if) |param|StandardsSupportedXTSE| is supported.This parameter is OBSOLETED in 2.14.supported
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.

This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed attribute status = obsoleteddeleted
- 2.0
StandardUsed string R
The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the StandardsSupported parameter.

Indicates the standard that the Line instance is using for the connection.Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called “xDSL Transmission system”. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].This parameter was DEPRECATED

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.8.because its entries are out-of-date; |param|StandardUsedXTSE| points to a current list. Therefore its value MAY be an empty string if (and only if) |param|StandardUsedXTSUsed| is supported.This parameter is OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.

This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed attribute status = obsoleteddeleted
- 2.0
AllowedProfiles string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which VDSL2 profiles are allowed on the line. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 8a
  • 8b
  • 8c
  • 8d
  • 12a
  • 12b
  • 17a
  • 17b (

This enumeration was DELETED in 2.12 because the value is not defined in G997.1.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added This enumeration was DELETED in 2.12 because the value is not defined in G997.1. description


  • 30a
  • 35b Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called PROFILES. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be an empty string.
- 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}. object(0:) R

DSL bonding group table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Each instance is a bonding group, and is expected to be stacked above a DSL.Channel instance or a FAST.Line instance for each bonded channel in the group.Many of the parameters within this object, including LowerLayers, are read-only because bonding is not expected to be configured by a Controller.The DSL bonding data model is closely aligned with [TR-159]. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name, or with a given value for GroupID.

- 2.0
BondSchemesSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported DSL bonding schemes. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • ATM (

[G.998.1] ATM-based bonding

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute dmr_noUnionObject = true


  • Ethernet ([G.998.2] Ethernet-based bonding)
  • TDIM (

[G.998.3] TDIM-based bonding

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute dmr_noUnionObject = true

) Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupBondSchemesSupported.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.BondedChannel.{i}. object(0:) R

DSL bonded channel table. Each table entry represents a bonded channel within the bonding group, and is associated with exactly one DSL.Channel instance or one FAST.Line instance. There MUST be an instance of BondedChannel for each DSL channel or FAST line that is bonded.When a DSL.Channel or FAST.Line is no longer bonded, then the CPE MUST delete the corresponding BondedChannel instance. However, when a bonded DSL.Channel or FAST.Line becomes disabled, the channel remains bonded and so the corresponding BondedChannel instance MUST NOT be deleted.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Channel.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.BondedChannel.{i}.Ethernet. object R Per-channel [G.998.2] Ethernet-based bonding parameters.This object MUST be present if, and only if, |param|##.BondScheme| is |enum|Ethernet|##.BondScheme|. - 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Ethernet. object(0:1) R

Ethernet-based bonding parameters [G.998.2].This object MUST be present if, and only if, |param|#.BondScheme| is |enum|Ethernet|#.BondScheme|.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, BondScheme is Ethernet.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute discriminatorParameter = BondScheme
- 2.0
Device.DSL.Diagnostics. object R The DSL Diagnostics object. - 2.0
Device.DSL.Diagnostics.SELTP. object R This object contains DSL Single-Ended Line Test - Processed (SELT-P) diagnostics parameters.This object is for the CPE, aka the Transmission Unit - Remote end (TU-R).Reference: ITU-T Recommendation [G.996.2]. - 2.13
LoopTermination string R

Loop termination indicator. Enumeration of:

  • Open
  • Short
  • Powered on DSLAM/DPU (This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.14 because. it’s been removed from the ITU-T Recommendation)
  • Powered on CPE
  • Unknown This parameter is defined as LOOP-TERM in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.1.1.1/G.996.2].
- 2.13
Device.Optical. object R

This object models a generic optical interfaceinterface. technologies. It defines an Interface object that models a layer 1 optical interface that is capable of transporting Ethernet packets. The For historical reasons, the data model definition is based on parts of [G.988]. However, it is not intended to model anything specific to IEEE PON or ITU-T PON technologies.[

Note that this object is not intended to model the optical transceiver either.]

- 2.4
Device.Optical.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

Optical interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models physical optical interfaces.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.4
LowerOpticalThreshold int R

Optical level that is used to declare the downstream low received optical power alarm.[Dbm1000] The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.Valid values are -127.5 dBm (coded as -127500) to 0 dBm (coded as 0) in 0.5 dB increments. The value -127500 indicates the device’s internal policy.This parameter is based on Lower optical threshold from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not intended for the device to raise an optical power alarm.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.4
UpperOpticalThreshold int R

Optical level that is used to declare the downstream high received optical power alarm.[Dbm1000] The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.Valid values are -127.5 dBm (coded as -127500) to 0 dBm (coded as 0) in 0.5 dB increments. The value -127500 indicates the device’s internal policy.This parameter is based on Upper optical threshold from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not intended for the device to raise an optical power alarm.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.4
LowerTransmitPowerThreshold int R

Minimum mean optical launch power that is used to declare the low transmit optical power alarm.[Dbm1000] The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.Valid values are -63.5 dBm (coded as -63500) to +63.5 dBm (coded as 63500) in 0.5 dB increments. The value -63500 indicates the device’s internal policy.This parameter is based on Lower transmit power threshold from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not intended for the device to raise an optical power alarm.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.4
UpperTransmitPowerThreshold int R

Maximum mean optical launch power that is used to declare the high transmit optical power alarm.[Dbm1000] The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.Valid values are -63.5 dBm (coded as -63500) to +63.5 dBm (coded as 63500) in 0.5 dB increments. The value -63500 indicates the device’s internal policy.This parameter is based on Upper transmit power threshold from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not intended for the device to raise an optical power alarm.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.4
Device.DOCSIS. object R DOCSIS object. This object models the DOCSIS 3.x cable interface objects. - 2.15
CapabilitiesReq hexBinary(0,2:255) R

[docsIf3CmCapabilitiesReq/] [TLV8] This attribute contains the TLV encoding for TLV-5 sent in a REG-REQ. The first byte of this encoding is expected to be 0x05.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Modem Capabilities Encoding in the Common Radio Frequency Interface Encodings Annex.

- 2.15
CapabilitiesRsp hexBinary(0,2:255) R

[docsIf3CmCapabilitiesRsp/] [TLV8] This attribute contains the TLV encoding for TLV-5 received in a REG-RSP. The first byte of this encoding is expected to be 0x05.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Modem Capabilities Encoding in the Common Radio Frequency Interface Encodings Annex.

- 2.15
DownstreamNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Downstream table. - 2.15
UpstreamNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Upstream table. - 2.15
DownstreamChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DownstreamChannel table. - 2.15
UpstreamChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the UpstreamChannel table. - 2.15
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Downstream.{i}. object(0:) R

DOCSIS Downstream interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models the PHY DOCSIS Downstream interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE. - 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state. - 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Downstream is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.0
MaxBitRate int(-1:) W

The maximum upstream and downstream PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of -1 indicates automatic selection of the maximum bit rate.

- 2.0
CurrentBitRate unsignedInt R

The current upstream and downstream PHY bit rate on this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of 0 indicates that the current bit rate is unknown.

- 2.0
DownstreamChannelList string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DOCSIS.DownstreamChannel. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Downstream Channels associated with this Downstream interface. - 2.0
Device.DOCSIS.Downstream.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. - 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters. - 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface. - 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface. - 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. - 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. - 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. - 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. - 2.0
Device.DOCSIS.Upstream.{i}. object(0:) R

DOCSIS Upstream interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models the PHY DOCSIS Upstream interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE. - 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state. - 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Upstream is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.0
MaxBitRate int(-1:) W

The maximum upstream and downstream PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of -1 indicates automatic selection of the maximum bit rate.

- 2.0
CurrentBitRate unsignedInt R

The current upstream and downstream PHY bit rate on this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of 0 indicates that the current bit rate is unknown.

- 2.0
UpstreamChannelList string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DOCSIS.UpstreamChannel. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Upstream Channels associated with this Upstream interface. - 2.0
Device.DOCSIS.Upstream.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. - 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters. - 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface. - 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface. - 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. - 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. - 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. - 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. - 2.0
Device.DOCSIS.DownstreamChannel.{i}. object(0:) R

[docsIfDownstreamChannelTable/] This table describes the attributes of downstream channels (frequency bands).

See [Tables 6-16, and 6-17/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] [docsIfDownstreamChannelTable/] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.0
ID unsignedInt(0:255) R [docsIfDownChannelId/] The Cable Modem Termination System identification of the downstream channel within this particular MAC interface. if the interface is down, the object returns the most current value. If the downstream channel ID is unknown, this object returns a value of 0. - 2.0
Frequency int(0:1000000000) R

[docsIfDownChannelFrequency/] The center of the downstream frequency associated with this channel. This object will return the current tuner frequency.

See [Section 6.3.3/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
Width int(0:16000000) R

[docsIfDownChannelWidth/] The bandwidth of this downstream channel. Most implementations are expected to support a channel width of 6 MHz (North America) and/or 8 MHz (Europe).

See [Table 6-17/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
Modulation string R

[docsIfDownChannelModulation/] The modulation type associated with this downstream channel. If the interface is down, this object either returns the configured value (from the CMTS), the most current value (from the CM), or the value of Unknown. See the reference for specifics on the modulation profiles implied by QAM64 and QAM256.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • Other
  • QAM64
  • QAM256

See [Table 6-17./CM-SP-RFIv2.0]

- 2.0
Interleave string R

[docsIfDownChannelInterleave/] The Forward Error Correction (FEC) interleaving used for this downstream channel.

The value Taps12increment17 is supported by EuroDOCSIS cable systems only, and the others by DOCSIS cable systems.

If the interface is down, this object either returns the configured value (from the CMTS), the most current value (from the CM), or the value of Unknown. The value of Other is returned if the interleave is known but not defined in the above list. See the reference for the FEC configuration described by the setting of this object.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • Other
  • Taps8Increment16 (Protection 5.9/4.1 usec, latency .22/.15 msec)
  • Taps16Increment8 (Protection 12/8.2 usec, latency .48/.33 msec)
  • Taps32Increment4 (Protection 24/16 usec, latency .98/.68 msec)
  • Taps64Increment2 (Protection 47/33 usec, latency 2/1.4 msec)
  • Taps128Increment1 (Protection 95/66 usec, latency 4/2.8 msec)
  • Taps12increment17 (Protection 18/14 usec, latency 0.43/0.32 msec)

See [Table 6-15/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
Power int R

[docsIfDownChannelPower/] [TenthdBmV] The received power level. If the interface is down, this object either returns the configured value (from the CMTS), the most current value (from the CM) or the value of 0. See the reference for recommended and required power levels.

See [Tables 6-16, 6-17/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
Annex string R

[docsIfDownChannelAnnex/] The value of this object indicates the conformance of the implementation to important regional cable standards.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • Other
  • AnnexA (Annex A from ITU-T J.83 is used (equivalent to EN 300 429))
  • AnnexB (Annex B from ITU-T J.83 is used)
  • AnnexC (Annex C from ITU-T J.83 is used)

See [Sections 6.3.1, and H.3.1/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
Device.DOCSIS.DownstreamChannel.{i}.SignalQuality. object R [docsIfSignalQualityTable/] Describes the PHY signal quality of downstream channels. - 2.0
SignalNoise int R

[docsIfSigQSignalNoise/] [TenthdB] Signal/Noise ratio as perceived for this channel. Describes the Signal/Noise of the downstream channel.

See [Tables 4-1 and 4-2/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
Microreflections int(0:255) R

[docsIfSigQMicroreflections/] Microreflections, including in-channel response as perceived on this interface, measured in dBc below the signal level. This object is not assumed to return an absolutely accurate value, but it gives a rough indication of microreflections received on this interface. It is up to the implementer to provide information as accurately as possible.

See [Tables 4-1 and 4-2/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
EqualizationData hexBinary(0,36:260) R

[docsIfSigQEqualizationData/] [DocsEqualizerData] Returns the equalization data for the downstream channel.

  • An equalization value indicating an equalization average for the upstream channel. Those values have vendor-dependent interpretations.
  • Return a zero-length OCTET STRING to indicate that the value is unknown or if there is no equalization data available or defined.

See [Figure 6-23/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
ExtUnerroreds unsignedLong R

[docsIfSigQExtUnerroreds/] [StatsCounter64] Codewords received on this channel without error. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system.

See [Sections 6.2.4, and 6.3.6/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
ExtCorrecteds unsignedLong R

[docsIfSigQExtCorrecteds/] [StatsCounter64] Codewords received on this channel with correctable errors. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system.

See [Sections 6.2.4, and 6.3.6/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
ExtUncorrectables unsignedLong R

[docsIfSigQExtUncorrectables/] [StatsCounter64] Codewords received on this channel with uncorrectable errors. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system.

See [Sections 6.2.4, 6.3.6/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
Device.DOCSIS.DownstreamChannel.{i}.SignalQualityExt. object R [docsIf3SignalQualityExtTable/] Describes the received modulation error ratio of each downstream channel. - 2.0
RxMER int R

[docsIf3SignalQualityExtRxMER/] [TenthdB] RxMER provides an in-channel received Modulation Error Ratio (MER). RxMER is defined as an estimate, provided by the demodulator, of the ratio: (average constellation energy with equally likely symbols) / (average squared magnitude of error vector)

RxMER is measured just prior to FEC (trellis/Reed-Solomon) decoding. RxMER includes the effects of the HFC channel as well as implementation effects of the modulator and demodulator. Error vector estimation may vary among demodulator implementations. In the case of S-CDMA mode, RxMER is measured on the de-spread signal.

- 2.0
RxMerSamples unsignedInt R [docsIf3SignalQualityExtRxMerSamples/] RxMerSamples is a statistically significant number of symbols processed to arrive at the RxMER value. - 2.0
FbeNormalizationCoefficient int R [docsIf3SignalQualityExtFbeNormalizationCoefficient/] The Downstream Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) is implemented as a Feedforward Equalizer (FFE) and a Feedback Equalizer (FBE). In order to evaluate the composite DFE response it is necessary to normalize the FBE coefficients to 1 and then evaluate the FFT(hffe)/FFT(1,hfbe), where the hfbe coefficients have been normalized to 1 using FbeNormalizationCoefficient. The complex data representing the hffe and hfbe coefficients is contained in the EqualizationData MIB. It is possible to implement the DFE such that the response is evaluated as FFT(hffe)/FFT(1,-hfbe). In this case the FbeNormalizationCoefficient will be reported as a negative number and the response will be evaluated as FFT(hffe)/FFT(1,hfbe). - 2.0
Device.DOCSIS.UpstreamChannel.{i}. object(0:) W

[docsIfUpstreamChannelTable/] This table describes the attributes of attached upstream channels.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] [docsIfUpstreamChannelTable/] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
ID int(0:255) R [docsIfUpChannelId/] The CMTS identification of the upstream channel. - 2.0
Frequency int(0:1000000000) R

[docsIfUpChannelFrequency/] The center of the frequency band associated with this upstream interface. This object returns 0 if the frequency is undefined or unknown. Minimum permitted upstream frequency is 5,000,000 Hz for current technology.

See [Table 4-2/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
Width int(0:64000000) R

[docsIfUpChannelWidth/] The bandwidth of this upstream interface. This object returns 0 if the interface width is undefined or unknown. Minimum permitted interface width is currently 200,000 Hz.

See [Table 6-5/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
SlotSize unsignedInt R

[docsIfUpChannelSlotSize/] Applicable to TDMA and ATDMA channel types only. The number of 6.25 microsecond ticks in each upstream mini-slot. Returns zero if the value is undefined or unknown or in case of an SCDMA channel.

See [Section].

- 2.0
TxTimingOffset unsignedInt R

[docsIfUpChannelTxTimingOffset/] A measure of the current round trip time obtained from the ranging offset (initial ranging offset + ranging offset adjustments). Used for timing of CM upstream transmissions to ensure synchronized arrivals at the CMTS. Units are one 64th fraction of 6.25 microseconds.

See [Section 6.2.19/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
RangingBackoffStart int(0:16) R

[docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffStart/] The initial random backoff window to use when retrying Ranging Requests. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.

See [Sections 8.3.4, and 9.4/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
RangingBackoffEnd int(0:16) R

[docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffEnd/] The final random backoff window to use when retrying Ranging Requests. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.

See [Section 8.3.4, and 9.4/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
TxBackoffStart int(0:16) R

[docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffStart/] The initial random backoff window to use when retrying transmissions. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.

See [Section 8.3.4, and 9.4/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
TxBackoffEnd int(0:16) R

[docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffEnd/] The final random backoff window to use when retrying transmissions. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.

See [Section 8.3.4, and 9.4/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
Device.DOCSIS.UpstreamChannel.{i}.Status. object R [docsIf3CmStatusUsTable/] This object provides Upstream channel information previously available in the SNMP table docsIfCmStatusTable. - 2.0
TxPower int R [docsIf3CmStatusUsTxPower/] [TenthdBmV] This attribute represents the operational CM transmit power for this SC-QAM upstream channel. In order for this attribute to provide consistent information under all circumstances, a 3.1 CM will report the average total power for the SC-QAM channel the same as was done for DOCSIS 3.0, regardless of whether it is operating with a 3.1 or a 3.0 CMTS. The value that is reported was referred to as Pr in the DOCSIS 3.0 PHY Spec. - 2.0
T3Timeouts unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsT3Timeouts/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times counter T3 expired in the CM for this upstream channel. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.0
T4Timeouts unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsT4Timeouts/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times counter T4 expired in the CM for this upstream channel. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.0
RangingAborteds unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsRangingAborteds/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the ranging process was aborted by the CMTS. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.0
ModulationType string R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsModulationType/] [DocsisUpstreamType] This attribute indicates modulation type status currently used by the CM for this upstream channel. Since this object specifically identifies PHY Layer mode, the shared upstream channel type “tdmaAndAtdma” is not permitted.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.0
EqData hexBinary(0,36:260) R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsEqData/] [DocsEqualizerData] This attribute indicates the pre-equalization data for the specified upstream Channel on this CM after convolution with data indicated in the RNG-RSP. This data is valid when docsIfUpChannelPreEqEnable RFC 4546 is set to true.

See [RFC2863] and [RFC4546].

- 2.0
T3Exceededs unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsT3Exceededs/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times for excessive T3 timeouts. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.0
IsMuted boolean R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsIsMuted/] This attribute denotes whether the upstream channel is muted.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Media Access Control specification.

- 2.0
RangingStatus string R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsRangingStatus/] [RangingState] This attribute denotes the ranging state of the CM.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Media Access Control specification.

- 2.0
Device.DOCSIS.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

DOCSIS Layer 2 (MAC) interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models the MAC level DOCSIS interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE. - 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state. - 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. - 2.0
MACAddress string R The MAC Address of the interface. - 2.0
CMTSAddress string(:17) R

[docsIfCmCmtsAddress/] [MACAddress] Identifies the CMTS that is believed to control this MAC domain. This will be the source address from SYNC, MAP, and other MAC-layer messages. If the CMTS is unknown, returns 00-00-00-00-00-00.

See [Section 8.2.2/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.0
Capabilities string[] R

[docsIfCmCapabilities/] Comma-separated list of strings. Identifies the capabilities of the MAC implementation at this interface. Note that packet transmission is always supported. Therefore, there is no specific bit required to explicitly indicate this capability. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • ATMCells
  • Concatenation
- 2.0
FirmwareVersion string(:64) R A string identifying the version of the modem firmware currently installed for this interface. This is applicable only when the modem firmware is separable from the overall CPE software. - 2.0
DOCSISVersion string R

[docsIfDocsisBaseCapability/] Indication of the DOCSIS capability of the device.

See [Annex G/CM-SP-RFIv2.0]. Enumeration of:

  • DOCSIS10
  • DOCSIS11
  • DOCSIS20
  • DOCSIS30
  • DOCSIS31
- 2.0
MdCfgIpProvMode string R

[docsIf3CmMdCfgIpProvMode/] MdCfgIpProvMode specifies how the IP provisioning mode is configured. The CM relies upon the CMTS to facilitate the successful IP address acquisition independently of the MDD.

Enumeration of:

  • IPv4Only (The Cable Modem will initiate the acquisition of a single IPv4 address for the Cable Modem management stack)
  • IPv6Only (The Cable Modem will initiate the acquisition of a single IPv6 address for the Cable Modem management stack)
  • HonorMDD (The Cable Modem will initiate the acquisition of an IPv6 or IPv4 address as directed by the MDD message for provisioning and operation)

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], IP Initialization Parameters TLV Section.

- 2.0
Device.DOCSIS.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. - 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters. - 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface. - 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface. - 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. - 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. - 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. - 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. - 2.0
Device.DOCSIS.Interface.{i}.ConnectivityStatus. object R

[docsIf3CmStatusTable/] This object defines attributes of the CM connectivity status. This object provides CM connectivity status information of the CM previously available in the SNMP table docsIfCmStatusTable.

See [RFC4546].

- 2.0
Value string R

[docsIf3CmStatusValue/] [CmRegState] This attribute denotes the current CM connectivity state. For the case of IP acquisition related states, this attribute reflects states for the current CM provisioning mode, not the Other DHCP process associated with dual stack operation.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Establishing IP Connectivity.

- 2.0
StatusCode string(0,5:7) R

[docsIf3CmStatusCode/] This attribute denotes the status code for CM as defined in the OSSI Specification. The status code consists of a single character indicating error groups, followed by a two-or three-digit number indicating the status condition, followed by a decimal. An example of a returned value could be “T101.0”. The zero-length hex string indicates no status code yet registered.

See [CM-SP-OSSIv3.0], Format and Content for Event, Syslog, and SNMP Notification Annex.

- 2.0
Resets unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusResets/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM reset or initialized this interface. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.0
LostSyncs unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusLostSyncs/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM lost synchronization with the downstream channel. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.0
InvalidMaps unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusInvalidMaps/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM received invalid MAP messages. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.0
InvalidUcds unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusInvalidUcds/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM received invalid UCD messages. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.0
InvalidRangingRsps unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusInvalidRangingRsps/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM received invalid ranging response messages. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.0
InvalidRegRsps unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusInvalidRegRsps/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM received invalid registration response messages. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.0
T1Timeouts unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusT1Timeouts/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times counter T1 expired in the CM. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.0
T2Timeouts unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusT2Timeouts/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times counter T2 expired in the CM. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Device.DOCSIS.SpectrumAnalysis. object R - 2.0
Enable boolean W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdEnable/] This attribute is used to enable or disable the spectrum analyzer feature. Setting this attribute to true triggers the CM to initiate measurements for the spectrum analyzer feature based on the other configuration attributes for the feature. By default, the feature is disabled unless explicitly enabled.

Note that the feature may be disabled by the system under certain circumstances if the spectrum analyzer would affect critical services. In such a case, the attribute will return false when read, and will reject sets to true with an error. Once the feature is enabled, any change to this object’s configuration might not be effective until the feature is re-enabled again.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.0
InactivityTimeout int(0:86400) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdInactivityTimeout/] This attribute controls the length of time after the last spectrum analysis measurement before the feature is automatically disabled. If set to a value of 0, the feature will remain enabled until it is explicitly disabled.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 300.

- 2.0
FirstSegmentCenterFrequency unsignedInt W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdFirstSegmentCenterFrequency/] This attribute controls the center frequency of the first segment for the spectrum analysis measurement. The frequency bins for this segment lie symmetrically to the left and right of this center frequency.

If the number of bins in a segment is odd, the segment center frequency lies directly on the center bin.

If the number of bins in a segment is even, the segment center frequency lies halfway between two bins.

Changing the value of this attribute may result in changes to the Result table. Note that if this parameter is set to an invalid value, the device may return an error, or may adjust the value of the parameter to the closest valid value.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 93000000.

- 2.0
LastSegmentCenterFrequency unsignedInt W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdLastSegmentCenterFrequency/] This attribute controls the center frequency of the last segment of the spectrum analysis measurement.

The frequency bins for this segment lie symmetrically to the left and right of this center frequency. If the number of bins in a segment is odd, the segment center frequency lies directly on the center bin. If the number of bins in a segment is even, the segment center frequency lies halfway between two bins.

The value of the LastSegmentCenterFrequency should be equal to the FirstSegmentCenterFrequency plus and integer number of segment spans as determined by the SegmentFrequencySpan.

Changing the value of this attribute may result in changes to the Result table.

Note that if this parameter is set to an invalid value, the device may return an error, or may adjust the value of the parameter to the closest valid value.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 993000000.

- 2.0
SegmentFrequencySpan unsignedInt(1000000:900000000) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdSegmentFrequencySpan/] This attribute controls the frequency span of each segment (instance) of the Result.{i} table.

If set to a value of 0, then a default span will be chosen based on the hardware capabilities of the device. Segments are contiguous from the FirstSegmentCenterFrequency to the LastSegmentCenterFrequency and the center frequency for each successive segment is incremented by the SegmentFrequencySpan. The number of segments is (LastSegmentCenterFrequency - FirstSegmentCenterFrequency)/SegmentFrequencySpan + 1. A segment is equivalent to an instance in the Result table. The chosen SegmentFrequencySpan affects the number of entries in Result table. A more granular SegmentFrequencySpan may adversely affect the amount of time needed to query the table entries in addition to possibly increasing the acquisition time.

Changing the value of this attribute may result in changes to Result table.

Note that if this parameter is set to an invalid value, the device may return an error, or may adjust the value of the parameter to the closest valid value.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 7500000.

- 2.0
NumBinsPerSegment unsignedInt(2:2048) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdNumBinsPerSegment/] This parameter controls the number of bins collected by the measurement performed for each segment (instance) in the Result table.

Note that if this parameter is set to an invalid value, the device may return an error, or may adjust the value of the parameter to the closest valid value.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 256.

- 2.0
EquivalentNoiseBandwidth unsignedInt(50:500) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdEquivalentNoiseBandwidth/] This parameter allows the user to request an equivalent noise bandwidth for the resolution bandwidth filter used in the spectrum analysis. This corresponds to the spectral width of the window function used when performing a discrete Fourier transform for the analysis.

The window function which corresponds to a value written to this parameter may be obtained by reading the value of WindowFunction.

If an unsupported value is requested, the device may return an error, or choose the closest valid value to the one which is requested. If the closest value is chosen, then a subsequent read of this parameter will return the actual value which is in use.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 150.

- 2.0
WindowFunction string W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdWindowFunction/] [SpectrumAnalysisWindowFunction] This parameter controls or indicates the windowing function which will be used when performing the discrete Fourier transform for the analysis. The WindowFunction and the Equivalent Noise Bandwidth are related. If a particular WindowFunction is selected, then the EquivalentNoiseBandwidth for the function which is in use, will be reported by the EquivalentNoiseBandwidth parameter. Alternatively if an EquivalentNoiseBandwidth value is chosen then if a WindowFunction function representing that EquivalentNoiseBandwidth is defined in the CM, that value will be reported in WindowFunction, or a value of Other will be reported. Use of “modern” windowing functions not yet defined will likely be reported as Other.

Enumeration of:

  • Other
  • Hann
  • BlackmanHarris
  • Rectangular
  • Hamming
  • FlatTop
  • Gaussian
  • Chebyshev

Note that all window functions may not be supported by all devices. If an attempt is made to set the object to an unsupported window function, or if writing of the WindowFunction is not supported, an error will be returned.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

- 2.0
NumberOfAverages unsignedInt(1:1000) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdNumberOfAverages/] This parameter controls the number of averages that will be performed on spectral bins. The average will be computed using the ‘leaky integrator’ method, where: reported bin value = alpha*accumulated bin values + (1-alpha)*current bin value.

Alpha is one minus the reciprocal of the number of averages. For example, if N=25, then alpha = 0.96. A value of 1 indicates no averaging. Re-writing the number of averages will restart the averaging process. If there are no accumulated values, the accumulators are made equal to the first measured bin amplitudes.

If an attempt is made to set the parameter to an unsupported number of averages, an error will be returned.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 1.

- 2.0
ResultNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Result table. - 2.0
Device.DOCSIS.SpectrumAnalysis.Result.{i}. object(0:) R

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisMeasTable/] This table provides a list of spectral analysis measurements as performed across a range of center frequencies. The table is capable of representing a full scan of the spectrum.

Each Result instance represents the spectral analysis around a single center frequency point in the spectrum.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Frequency.

- 2.0
Frequency int(-2147483648:2147483647) R [docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisMeasFrequency/] The center frequency of the spectral analysis span which is represented by this instance. - 2.0
AmplitudeData hexBinary(0,2:4116) R

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisMeasAmplitudeData/] [AmplitudeData] This parameter provides a list of the spectral amplitudes as measured at the center frequency specified by the Frequency.

The frequency bins are ordered from lowest to highest frequencies covering the frequency span. Information about the center frequency, frequency span, number of bins and resolution bandwidth are included to provide context to the measurement point.

- 2.0
TotalSegmentPower int R [docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisMeasTotalSegmentPower/] [TenthdB] This parameter provides the total RF power present in the segment with the center frequency equal to the Frequency and the span equal to the SegmentFrequencySpan. The value represents the sum of the spectrum power in all of the associated bins. The value is computed by summing power (not dB) values and converting the final sum to TenthdB. - 2.0
Device.Ethernet. object R Ethernet object. This object models several Ethernet interface objects, each representing a different stack layer, including: Interface, Link, and VLANTermination. Interface is media-specific and models a port, the PHY layer, and the Channel Access Method (CAM) part of the MAC layer. Link is media-independent and models the Logical Link Control (LLC) layer. An “outer” VLANTermination, when present, is expected to be stacked on top of Link objects to receive and send frames with a configured VLANID. - 2.0
Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

Ethernet interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models physical Ethernet ports, but in terms of the interface stack it alsoonly models the PHY and MACConnection levelAccess Method of the Ethernet interface.interface MAC. A {{object: argument unnecessary when referring to current object}} is also required to model a full Ethernet device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R


The MACunique Addressmanufacturer-assigned Ethernet hardware address of the interface.interface, also referred to as burned-in MAC address.Note: This is not necessarily the same as the Ethernet header source or destination MAC address,address used for higher-level protocols, which is associated with the IP interface and is modeled via the Ethernet.Link.{i}.MACAddress parameter. Its main purpose is the identification of a specific Ethernet interface; the information can also can be used to perform Wake on LAN.

- 2.0
Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R Throughput statistics for this interface.The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]. - 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R The total number of packetsEthernet frames transmitted out of the interface. - 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R The total number of packetsEthernet frames received on the interface. - 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R The total number of outbound packetsEthernet frames that could not be transmitted because of errors. - 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R The total number of inbound packetsEthernet frames that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R The total number of packetsEthernet frames requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R The total number of receivedEthernet frames packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R The total number of outbound packetsEthernet frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. - 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R The total number of inbound packetsEthernet frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. - 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R The total number of packetsEthernet frames that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R The total number of received packets,Ethernet frames, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R The total number of packetsEthernet frames that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R The total number of received packets,Ethernet frames, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R The total number of packetsEthernet frames received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. - 2.0
Device.Ethernet.Link.{i}. object(0:) W

Ethernet link layer table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Table entries model the Logical Link Control (LLC) layer. It is expected that an Ethernet Link interface can be stacked above any lower-layer interface object capable of carrying Ethernet frames.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) W [MACAddress] The MAC address used for packets sent via this interface. Provides the source MAC address for outgoing traffic and the destination MAC address for incoming traffic.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed attribute access = readOnlyreadWrite
- 2.0
Device.Ethernet.Link.{i}.Stats. object R Throughput statistics for this CPE MUST reset the interface’slink’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interfacelink becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’slink’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interfacelink is disabled) or when the interfacelink becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’slink’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interfacelink status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]. - 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface,link, including framing characters. - 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R The total number of bytes received on the interface,link, including framing characters. - 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R The total number of packetsEthernet frames transmitted out of the - 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R The total number of packetsEthernet frames received on the - 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R The total number of outbound packetsEthernet frames that could not be transmitted because of errors. - 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R The total number of inbound packetsEthernet frames that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R The total number of packetsEthernet frames requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R The total number of received packets,Ethernet frames, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R The total number of outbound packetsEthernet frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. - 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R The total number of inbound packetsEthernet frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. - 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R The total number of packetsEthernet frames that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R The total number of received packets,Ethernet frames, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R The total number of packetsEthernet frames that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R The total number of received packets,Ethernet frames, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R The total number of packetsEthernet frames received via the interfacelink which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. - 2.0
Device.Ethernet.RMONStats.{i}. object(0:) W

Ethernet statistics based on the [RFC2819] RMON-MIB etherStatsTable, with some extensions inspired by [Section 9.3.32/G.988].Each instance is associated with an interface capable of transporting Ethernet-encapsulated packets, and contains a set of unidirectional Ethernet statistics.The statistics are sampled either on ingress or on egress. This is determined as follows:* If the instance is associated with an egress queue (or queues) via the Queue parameter or by setting AllQueues to true then data is sampled on egress. In this case Bytes In this case |param|Bytes| etc measure the data that has been sent on the interface, possibly filtered by Queue or VLANID.* Otherwise data is sampled on ingress. In this case Bytes In this case |param|Bytes| etc measure the data that has been received on the interface, possibly filtered by VLANID.When sampling on egress, the term received means received by the queuing sub-system.Multiple instances can be associated with a single interface: individual instances can be configured to collect data associated with the entire interface, or with a particular VLAN and/or queue.The CPE MUST reset each instances’s Stats parameters whenever the instance is disabled and re-enabled. Whether this reset occurs when the instance becomes operationally disabled (Status = Disabled) or administratively enabled (Enable = true) is a local matter to the CPE. This is similar to the behavior of interface statistics, e.g. as specified for Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}.Stats. Furthermore, this instance’s Stats parameters MUST be reset whenever the referenced interface’s Stats parameters are reset, or when the referenced queue or VLAN is disabled and re-enabled.For enabled table entries, if Interface references an interface that is not capable of transporting Ethernet-encapsulated packets, or if Queue references a queue that is not instantiated on Interface, or if Queue is not a valid reference and AllQueues is false, the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.Note: The RMONStats table includes unique key parameters that are strong references. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated RMONStats row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending RMONStats row.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of Interface, VLANID and Queue.

- 2.4
Device.Ghn. object R object that contains an Interface table for supported CPE. The ITU-T specifications [G.9960] and [G.9961] define Physical and MAC Layers for communication between two or more nodes in the home network over multiple wired media such as power line, phone line and coaxial cable. - 2.4
Device.Ghn.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Each table entry models the PHY [G.9960] and MAC [G.9961] layers of a interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.4
ConnectionType string R
This parameter was DEPRECATED This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.8.because it has been replaced by |param|ConnectionTypeMediumType|.This parameter is OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.

This parameter was DELETED in 2.15. :::] Enumeration of:

  • Powerline
  • Phone
  • Coax

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed attribute status = obsoleteddeleted
- 2.4
Device.WiFi. object R The WiFi object is based on the WiFi AllianceIEEE 802.11 specifications ([802.11-2020]). It defines interface objects (Radio and SSID), and application objects (AccessPoint and EndPoint).

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.0
Device.WiFi.MultiAP. object R
This object describes a Wi-Fi network containing 1 or more Access Point devices.This object is related to a Wi-Fi network that contains multiple Access Points (Multi-AP) and utilizes software logic to optimize that Wi-Fi network (typically via steering STAs, also known as Associated Devices, to the best Access Point). This object exposes the view of the Wi-Fi netwtork from the perspective of the Multi-AP Controller. The Wi-Fi Alliance EasyMesh solution is one example of managing a Multi-AP network.
This object and all sub-objects have been moved to new objects.

This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it has moved to WiFi.DataElements.Network MultiAP objects.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
APDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the APDevice table.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the **{{object: non-existent #.APDevice.{i}**}}. is being deprecated.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.SteeringSummaryStats. object R
The summary of statistics related to Multi-AP Steering for the Wi-Fi network.The counters contained in SteeringSummaryStats are all reset on reboot.

This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it has moved to DataElements.Network.MultiAPSteeringSummaryStats.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice.{i}. object(0:) R
Each instance of this object represents an individual Access Point device in the Wi-Fi network.

This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because ManufacturerOUI and LastContactTime have moved to DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.MultiAPDevice, Backhaul parameters have moved to DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.MultiAPDevice.Backhaul and MACAddress is duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.ID. All the rest are deprecated as noted.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
MACAddress string(:17) R
A unique identifier for this particular device within the Wi-Fi network.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it has been replaced by DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.ID.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
Manufacturer string R
The manufacturer of the Access Point device (human readable string).

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information will be part of Data Elements R2.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
ProductClass string(:64) R
Identifier of the class of product for which the serial number applies. That is, for a given manufacturer, this parameter is used to identify the product or class of product over which the SerialNumber parameter is unique.This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information will be part of Data Elements R2.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
SerialNumber string(:64) R
Identifier of the particular Access Point device that is unique for the indicated class of product and manufacturer.This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information will be part of Data Elements R2.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
SoftwareVersion string(:64) R
A string identifying the software version currently installed in the Access Point device (i.e. version of the overall firmware).To allow version comparisons, this element SHOULD be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 3.0.21 where the components mean: Major.Minor.Build.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information will be part of Data Elements R2.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
BackhaulMACAddress string(:17) R


The MAC Address of the Device on the network that is providing a Backhaul Link for this Access Point Device.The an empty string value is reserved for the APDevice instance that represents the Multi-AP Controller.

- 2.13
BackhaulLinkUtilization unsignedInt(:255) R Current utilization (expressed in %) of the medium (as identified by the value of the BackhaulLinkType parameter) being used to backhaul this Access Point device to the Multi-AP Controller. A value of 0 is used for the APDevice instance that represents the Access Point on the Multi-AP Controller.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed :255 range attribute maxInclusive = 100255
- 2.13
BackhaulSignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength of the backhaul link of the Access Point (AP) to the Multi-AP Controller, measured in dBm. RCPI threshold is encoded per [802.11-2020]Table 9-154 of |bibref|802.11-20169-176. The value of this parameter is indeterminate if the value of the BackhaulLinkType parameter is anything other than Wi-Fi. - 2.13
DFSEnable boolean W
Enables or disables Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS).

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information will be part of Data Elements R2.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.14
RadioNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the Radio table.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the **{{object: non-existent #.Radio.{i}**}}. is being deprecated

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice.{i}.Radio.{i}. object(0:) R
This object represents all of the individual Radios contained within the identified Access Point device known to the controller.

This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because MACAddress is duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ID and OperatingFrequencyBand is replaced with DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}.Class. Channel is duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}.Channel. TransmitPower is duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}.TxPower. The remaining parameters deprecated as noted.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
MACAddress string(:17) R
A unique identifier for this particular Radio within the identified Access Point.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ID.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
OperatingFrequencyBand string R

Indicates the frequency band at which the radio is operating. Enumeration of:

  • 2.4GHz
  • 5GHz

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is replaced with DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}.Class.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
OperatingStandards string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standard this Radio instance is configured for. Each list item is an enumeration of:

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information cannot be obtained by EasyMesh.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
Channel unsignedInt(1:255) W
The current radio channel used by the connection.To request automatic channel selection, set Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.AutoChannelEnable to true.Whenever Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.AutoChannelEnable is true, the value of the Channel parameter MUST be the channel selected by the automatic channel selection procedure.For channels in “wide mode” (where a channel bandwidth strictly greater than 20 MHz is used), this parameter is used for Primary Channel only. The secondary or extension channel information is available through ExtensionChannel.Note: Valid Channel values depend on the OperatingFrequencyBand value specified and the regulatory domain.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is replaced with DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}.Channel.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
ExtensionChannel string R

The secondary extension channel position, applicable when operating in wide channel mode (i.e. when CurrentOperatingChannelBandwidth is 40MHzIf not operating in wide channel mode (i.e. when CurrentOperatingChannelBandwidth is something other than 40MHz, then the value of ExtensionChannel is None. Enumeration of:

  • None
  • AboveControlChannel
  • BelowControlChannel

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information is not available via EasyMesh.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
PossibleChannels string[](:1024) R
Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. List items represent possible radio channels for the wireless standard (a, b, g, n, ac, ax) and the regulatory domain.Ranges in the form “n-m” are permitted.For example, for 802.11b and North America, would be “1-11”.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not available via EasyMesh.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.14
CurrentOperatingChannelBandwidth string R

The channel bandwidth currently in use. Enumeration of:

  • 20MHz
  • 40MHz
  • 80MHz
  • 160MHz

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not available via EasyMesh.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
MCS int(0:15,16:31) R
The Modulation Coding Scheme index (applicable to 802.11n and 802.11ac specifications only). Values from 0 to 15 MUST be supported ([802.11n-2009]). Values from 0 to 9 MUST be supported for [802.11ac-2013].

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information is not available in EasyMesh.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
TransmitPower int(-1:100) R
Indicates the current transmit power level as a percentage of full power.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}.TxPower.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
TransmitPowerLimit int(-90:36) W
Indicates the maximum Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) per 20 MHz bandwidth representing the nominal transmit power limit for this radio. The field is coded in units of dBm relative to 1 mW. [Clause 17.2.15/EasyMesh]

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not available in EasyMesh.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.14
APNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the AP table.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the **{{object: non-existent #.AP.{i}.**}}. is being deprecated.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice.{i}.Radio.{i}.AP.{i}. object(0:) R
A single logical Access Point operating on this radio.

This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it has moved to DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.MultiAPSteering. except *SSID*and BSSID which are duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}..

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BSSID.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the AssociatedDevice table.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the **{{object: non-existent #.AssociatedDevice.{i}.**}}. is being deprecated.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice.{i}.Radio.{i}.AP.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. object(0:) R
Object describing a single Associated Device (STA).

This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it has moved AssociationTime, Noise into DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.MultiAPSTA. and the remaining parameters are duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}. except OperatingStandard. which was deprecated as noted.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
OperatingStandard string R

The operating standard that this associated device is connected with. Enumeration of:

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information cannot be obtained by EasyMesh.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
Active boolean R
Whether or not this associated device is currently present on the Wi-Fi Access Point device.The ability to list inactive nodes is OPTIONAL. If the Access Point devices includes inactive nodes in this table, Active MUST be set to false for each inactive node. The length of time an inactive node remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information cannot be obtained by EasyMesh.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength of the uplink from the Associated Device (STA) to the Access Point (AP) measured in dBm. RCPI threshold is encoded per [802.11-2020]Table 9-154 of |bibref|802.11-20169-176. - 2.13
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power measured on the uplink from the Associated Device (STA) to the Access Point (AP).Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section]. - 2.13
SteeringHistoryNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the SteeringHistory table.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the MultiAP.APDevice.{i}.Radio.{i}.AP.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.SteeringHistory.{i}.. is being deprecated.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice.{i}.Radio.{i}.AP.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.Stats. object R
Object describing the Statistics for a single Associated Device (STA).

This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}..

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice.{i}.Radio.{i}.AP.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.SteeringSummaryStats. object R
The summary of statistics related to Multi-AP Steering for an individual STA on the Wi-Fi network.The counters contained in SteeringSummaryStats are all reset on reboot.

This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it has moved to DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.MultiAPSTA.SteeringSummaryStats..

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice.{i}.Radio.{i}.AP.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.SteeringHistory.{i}. object(0:) R
The history of Multi-AP Steering for an individual STA on the Wi-Fi network.The contents of this multi-instance object are reset on reboot.

This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it has moved to DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.MultiAPSTA.SteeringHistory.{i}..

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of Time, APOrigin and APDestination.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements. object R This object represents the Wi-Fi Alliance Data Elements as defined in [DataElements]. with extended capabilities in additional objects whose names begin with MultiAP.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network. object R This object describes a Wi-Fi network containing 1 or more Access Point (AP) devices.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.13
ID string R A unique identifier for this particular Wi-Fi network.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed attribute access = readWritereadOnly
- 2.13
TimeStamp string R The time this group was collected. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.13
ControllerID string R A unique identifier for a Multi-AP controller.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed attribute access = readWritereadOnly
- 2.13
MSCSDisallowedStaList string(:17)[] R [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. List of STAs for which Mirrored Stream Classification Service (MSCS) operation is disallowed. - 2.15
SCSDisallowedStaList string(:17)[] R [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. List of STAs for which Stream Classification Service (SCS) operation is disallowed. - 2.15
SSIDNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SSID table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.SSID.{i}. object(0:) R

This object specifies SSIDs for fronthaul use across all agents in this Wi-Fi Multi-AP network, or on this single-AP. Also specifies the Band for each SSID.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for SSID.

- 2.15
SSID string(:64) R The SSID for fronthaul use across this Wi-Fi Multi-AP network. - 2.15
Band string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. The band(s) (GHz) for which this SSID applies. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • All (Applies to all bands)
  • 2.4 (2.4 GHz band)
  • 5 (The entire 5 GHz band)
  • 6 (The entire 6 GHz band)
  • 5_UNII_1 (5 GHz UNII-1 band, 5.15 to 5.25 GHz)
  • 5_UNII_2 (5 GHz UNII-2 band, 5.25 to 5.725 GHz)
  • 5_UNII_3 (5 GHz UNII-3 band, 5.725 to 5.85 GHz)
  • 5_UNII_4 (5 GHz UNII-4 band, 5.85 to 5.925 GHz)
  • 6_UNII_5 (6 GHz UNII-5 band, 5.925 to 6.425 GHz)
  • 6_UNII_6 (6 GHz UNII-6 band, 6.425 to 6.525 GHz)
  • 6_UNII_7 (5 GHz UNII-7 band, 6.525 to 6.875 GHz)
  • 6_UNII_8 (5 GHz UNII-8 band, 6.875 to 7.125 GHz)
- 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.MultiAPSteeringSummaryStats. object R

The summary of statistics related to Multi-AP Steering for the Wi-Fi network.

The counters contained in MultiAPSteeringSummaryStats are all reset on reboot.

- 2.15
NoCandidateAPFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times Associated Devices should have been steered but weren’t because a better candidate AP couldn’t be found. - 2.15
BlacklistAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a Blacklist steer was attempted. - 2.15
BlacklistSuccesses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted Blacklist steer succeeded. - 2.15
BlacklistFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted Blacklist steer failed. - 2.15
BTMAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) steer was attempted. - 2.15
BTMSuccesses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) steer succeeded. - 2.15
BTMFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) steer failed. - 2.15
BTMQueryResponses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of asynchronous BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) Queries for which a BTM Request was issued. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}. object(0:) R

Each instance of this object represents an individual Access Point device in the Wi-Fi network.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ID.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.13
ID string(:17) R


A unique identifier for this particular device within the Wi-Fi network as defined in [Section 3.1/DataElements].

- 2.13
MultiAPCapabilities base64(1) R The Multi-AP capabilities supported by this device as defined by the APCapability TLV in [Section 17.2.6/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
ReportUnsuccessfulAssociations boolean W Indicates whether the Multi-AP Agent or the single AP reports unsuccessful association attempts of client Stations (STAs) to the Multi-AP Controller. - 2.15
MaxReportingRate unsignedInt R Maximum rate for reporting unsuccessful association attempts in attempts per minute. - 2.15
APMetricsReportingInterval unsignedInt(:255) W

AP Metrics Reporting Interval.

  • 0: Do not report AP Metrics periodically;
  • 1 – 255: AP Metrics reporting interval in seconds.
- 2.15
Manufacturer string R Identifier of the manufacturer of the device. - 2.15
SerialNumber string R

Identifier of the particular Access Point device that is unique for the indicated model and manufacturer.

This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

- 2.15
ManufacturerModel string R Identifier of the manufacturer model to help the user more easily identify a particular piece of equipment. - 2.15
SoftwareVersion string R Identifier of the software version currently installed in the Access Point device (i.e. version of the overall firmware). - 2.15
ExecutionEnv string R Identifier of the execution environment (operating system) in the device. This parameter can be an entry in the table Device.SoftwareModules.ExecEnv.{i}.. - 2.15
DSCPMap hexBinary(:64) R A hexadecimal string of 64 Priority Code Point (PCP) values (one octet per value) corresponding to the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) markings 0x00 to 0x3F, ordered by increasing DSCP value. Each octet is in the range 0x00 – 0x07. This is used to select a PCP value if a Service Prioritization Rule specifies Rule Output: 0x08 - 2.15
MaxPrioritizationRules unsignedInt(:255) R The maximum total number of service prioritization rules supported by the Agent. - 2.15
PrioritizationSupport boolean R Indicates support for Service Prioritization. - 2.15
MaxVIDs unsignedInt R Max Total Number of unique VLAN IDs (VIDs) the Multi-AP Agent supports. - 2.15
APMetricsWiFi6 boolean R

Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status Inclusion Policy.

  • true: Include Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status TLV in AP Metrics Response.
  • false: Do not include Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status TLV [3] in AP Metrics Response.
- 2.15
CountryCode string(2) R Two-character country code in which the Multi-AP Agent is operating according to [ISO3166-1]. The characters are encoded as UTF-8. - 2.15
LocalSteeringDisallowedSTAList string(:17)[] W [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. The STAs for which local steering is disallowed. - 2.15
BTMSteeringDisallowedSTAList string(:17)[] W [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. The STAs for which BSS Transition Management (BTM) steering is disallowed. - 2.15
DFSEnable boolean R Indicates if Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) is enabled or disabled. - 2.15
ReportIndependentScans boolean W

Channel Scan Reporting Policy, Report Independent Channel Scans

  • true: report Independent Channel Scans,
  • false: do not report Independent Channel Scans unless explicitly requested in a Channel Scan Request.
- 2.15
AssociatedSTAinAPMetricsWiFi6 boolean W

For EasyMesh [EasyMesh], this is the Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status Inclusion Policy.

  • true: Include Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status TLV in AP Metrics Response;
  • false: Do not include Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status TLV in AP Metrics Response.
- 2.15
MaxUnsuccessfulAssociationReportingRate unsignedInt W For EasyMesh [EasyMesh], this is the maximum rate for reporting unsuccessful association attempts (in attempts per minutes). - 2.15
STASteeringState boolean R

Indicates if EasyMesh [EasyMesh] controller-initiated station steering is disallowed or allowed on this device.

  • true: EasyMesh controller-initiated station steering disallowed;
  • false: EasyMesh controller-initiated station steering allowed.
- 2.15
CoordinatedCACAllowed boolean W

Allow or disallow the use of EasyMesh [EasyMesh] Coordinated Channel Availability Check (CAC) on this device.

  • true: allowed;
  • false: disallowed.
- 2.15
TrafficSeparationAllowed boolean R This parameter indicates if EasyMesh traffic separation [Section 19.1/EasyMesh] is allowed or disallowed. - 2.15
ServicePrioritizationAllowed boolean R This parameter indicates if EasyMesh service prioritization [Section 20/EasyMesh] is allowed or disallowed. - 2.15
Default8021QNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Default8021Q table. - 2.13
SSIDtoVIDMappingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SSIDtoVIDMapping table. - 2.13
CACStatusNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CACStatus table. - 2.13
IEEE1905SecurityNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IEEE1905Security table. - 2.13
SPRuleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SPRule table. - 2.13
AnticipatedChannelsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AnticipatedChannels table. - 2.13
AnticipatedChannelUsageNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AnticipatedChannelUsage table. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Default8021Q.{i}. object(0:) W

The default 802.1Q settings for EasyMesh service prioritization [EasyMesh].

At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for PrimaryVID.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W Enables or disables default 802.1Q settings. false 2.15
PrimaryVID unsignedInt(:4095) W The primary 802.1Q C-TAG (VLAN ID). - 2.15
DefaultPCP unsignedInt(:7) W The default Priority Code Point (PCP). - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.SSIDtoVIDMapping.{i}. object(0:) R

The Service Set Identifier (SSID) to VLAN ID mapping for EasyMesh traffic separation [EasyMesh].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for SSID.

- 2.15
SSID string(:64) R The SSID. - 2.15
VID unsignedInt(:4095) R The VLAN ID (VID). - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.CACStatus.{i}. object(0:) R

Latest Channel Availability Check (CAC) Status Report from the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for TimeStamp.

- 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this group was collected. - 2.15
CACAvailableChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CACAvailableChannel table. - 2.15
CACNonOccupancyChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CACNonOccupancyChannel table. - 2.15
CACActiveChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CACActiveChannel table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.CACStatus.{i}.CACAvailableChannel.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes available channels identified by Channel Availability Check (CAC).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OpClass.

- 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) R Operating class of an available channel, from [Table E-4/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R Single channel number of an available channel in the given operating class. - 2.15
Minutes unsignedInt(:65535) R Minutes since CAC was completed identifying available channel. Equals zero for non-DFS channels. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.CACStatus.{i}.CACNonOccupancyChannel.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes channels identified by Channel Availability Check (CAC) that may not be occupied.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OpClass.

- 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) R Operating class of a channel that is in the non-occupancy list, from [Table E-4/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R Single channel number in the operating class on which the radar was detected. - 2.15
Seconds unsignedInt(:65535) R Seconds remaining in the non-occupancy duration for the channel specified by the operating class and channel pair. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.CACStatus.{i}.CACActiveChannel.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes channels with ongoing Channel Availability Check (CAC).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OpClass.

- 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) R Operating class of a channel that has ongoing CAC, from [Table E-4/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R Single channel number in the operating class that has an ongoing CAC. - 2.15
Countdown unsignedInt R Seconds remaining to complete the CAC. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.SPRule.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes a list of service prioritization (SP) rules [EasyMesh].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ID.

- 2.15
ID unsignedInt R Service prioritization rule Identifier. - 2.15
Precedence unsignedInt(:254) R Rule Precedence – higher number means higher priority. - 2.15
Output unsignedInt(:9) R Rule Output. The value of, or method used to select, the 802.1Q C-TAG Priority Code Point (PCP) output value. - 2.15
AlwaysMatch boolean R Indicates if the rule always matches. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.IEEE1905Security.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the IEEE 1905 security capabilities.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OnboardingProtocol.

- 2.15
OnboardingProtocol unsignedInt R

Onboarding protocols supported;

  • 0: 1905 Device.
- 2.15
IntegrityAlgorithm unsignedInt R

Message integrity algorithms supported.

  • 0: HMAC-SHA256.
- 2.15
EncryptionAlgorithm unsignedInt R

Message encryption algorithms supported.

  • 0: AES-SIV.
- 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.AnticipatedChannels.{i}. object(0:) R

This object contains a table of Wi-Fi 6 [802.11ax] operating classes, and channels within those operating classes, which have anticipated channel preference.

Operating Class contains an enumerated value from [Table E-4/802.11-2020]}.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OpClass.

- 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) R

The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020].

Note that the operating class identifies the band and channel width. This changed from readOnly to readWrite in version 2.15.

- 2.15
ChannelList unsignedInt(:255)[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 255). The channel numbers in this Operating Class. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.AnticipatedChannelUsage.{i}. object(0:) R

This object reports Wi-Fi 6 [802.11ax] anticipated medium usage on channels (and subsets of those channels) on which the device is operating.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OpClass.

- 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) R The operating class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R The channel number in the given operating class of the channel on which the anticipated channel usage is reported. - 2.15
ReferenceBSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] Reference BSSID. Start Time values in this object are referenced to the Time Sync Function (TSF) timer value indicated in the Timestamp field in Beacon frames transmitted by this BSSID on the channel. - 2.15
EntryNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Entry table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.AnticipatedChannelUsage.{i}.Entry.{i}. object(0:) R

This object reports an entry for anticipated channel usage [802.11ax].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BurstStartTime.

- 2.15
BurstStartTime hexBinary(4) R

Least significant 4 octets of the TSF timer of the Reference BSSID, at the start of the anticipated first burst of channel usage.

Note: a burst is a continuous or quasi-continuous period of channel usage. For IEEE 802.11 transmissions, a burst might comprise only one PPDU, or multiple closely spaced PPDUs.

- 2.15
BurstLength unsignedInt R Duration of each burst of channel usage in microseconds. - 2.15
Repetitions unsignedInt R

Number of repetitions of the burst of channel usage;

  • 0 = single burst,
  • 2^32-1 = indefinite/unknown.
- 2.15
BurstInterval unsignedInt R Interval between two successive bursts of channel usage in microseconds; set to zero if Repetitions is zero. - 2.15
RUBitmask hexBinary(2:10) R Bitmask of 26-tone Resource Units (RUs) defined in [Section], where the (i-1)th bit position is set to one if the nominal bandwidth of the channel usage corresponding to this entry fully or partially overlaps with the RUi, and is otherwise set to zero. - 2.15
TransmitterIdentifier string(:17) R

[MACAddress] One of:

  • MAC address: if the entry corresponds to channel usage by a single client STA associated to an AP of the Agent;
  • BSSID: if the entry corresponds to channel usage by multiple or unspecified client STAs associated to an AP of the Agent;
  • BSS Color: (first 42-bits are zero) if the channel usage is caused by a source external to the BSSs operated by the Agent and the BSSID can’t be decoded (since frame sent at high MCS) but the BSS Color in the PHY headers could still be identified;
  • Zero: if the channel usage is caused by a source external to the BSSs operated by the Agent.
- 2.15
PowerLevel int R Indicates maximum transmit power during each channel usage burst in dBm; equal to 255 when unknown or when the entry corresponds to multiple transmitters with different transmit powers - 2.15
ChannelUsageReason string R

The reason for this anticipated channel usage. Enumeration of:

  • TWT_schedule
  • TSPEC (TSPEC or other traffic stream with predictable characteristics)
  • Scheduler_policy (Scheduler policy (if uplink, using Wi-Fi 6 trigger-based scheduling))
  • IEEE_802.11 (IEEE 802.11 transmitter external to the BSSs operated by the reporting Agent)
  • Non_IEEE_802.11 (Non-IEEE 802.11, or unknown source)
  • BSS_non_usage (BSS non-usage (in this special case, a burst is defined as a continuous period in which the Agent ensures no transmissions by any of its BSSs on the channel))
- 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.MultiAPDevice. object R This object represents an individual Access Point device. - 2.15
ManufacturerOUI string(6) R

Organizationally unique identifier of the Access Point device manufacturer. Represented as a six hexadecimal-digit value using all upper-case letters and including any leading zeros. Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}

The value MUST be a valid OUI as defined in [OUI].

This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

- 2.15
LastContactTime dateTime R The last time that the Access Point device was contacted via the Multi-AP control protocol. - 2.15
AssocIEEE1905DeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. AssocIEEE1905DeviceRef is a reference to the IEEE 1905.1 Network Topology Device. Since IEEE 1905.1 is a common protocol used by Multi-AP Controllers for communications, this parameter allows the MultiAP portion of the data model to reference the associated IEEE 1905.1 portion of the data model. - 2.15
EasyMeshControllerOperationMode string R

This parameter represents the status of Wi-Fi CERTIFIED EasyMeshTM controller functionality. Enumeration of:

  • NotSupported (Wi-Fi EasyMesh controller is not supported)
  • SupportedNotEnabled (Wi-Fi EasyMesh controller is supported but not enabled)
  • Running (Wi-Fi EasyMesh controller is running)
- 2.15
EasyMeshAgentOperationMode string R

This parameter represents the status of Wi-Fi CERTIFIED EasyMeshTM agent functionality. Enumeration of:

  • NotSupported (Wi-Fi EasyMesh agent is not supported)
  • SupportedNotEnabled (Wi-Fi EasyMesh agent is supported but not enabled)
  • Running (Wi-Fi EasyMesh agent is running)
- 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.MultiAPDevice.Backhaul. object R

This object represents an individual Access Point device’s Backhaul and unique aspects in the Wi-Fi network.

The endpoints of the backhaul interface are represented by the (Device’s ID and interface MAC Address). This object represents the upward view of the backhaul interface. The two endpoints of the backhaul interface are - (BackhaulDeviceID, BackhaulMACAddress) of the uplinked Backhaul Device - MACAddress of this Access Point Device

BackhaulDeviceID / BackhaulMACAddress <– LinkType — < MACAddress

an empty string is reserved for the Backhaul instance that represents the Multi-AP Controller.

- 2.15
LinkType string R

The medium being used to backhaul this Access Point Device to the Backhaul Access Point Device. The None value is reserved for the Backhaul instance that represents the Multi-AP Controller. Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Wi-Fi
  • MoCA
  • Ethernet
  • HPNA
  • HomePlug
  • UPA
- 2.15
BackhaulMACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC Address at the far end of the backhaul link of the interface on the network that is providing a backhaul for this Access Point Device. This along with BackhaulDeviceID, helps to identfy the backhaul interface endpoint.

An empty string is reserved for the Backhaul instance that represents the Multi-AP Controller.

- 2.15
BackhaulDeviceID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The Device’s ID of the Device on the network that is providing a Backhaul Link for this Access Point Device. - 2.15
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC Address at the near end of the backhaul link of this Access Point Device’s backhaul interface that is connecting via LinkType to BackhaulMACAddress of the Backhaul Device identified by BackhaulDeviceID. - 2.15
CurrentOperatingClassProfileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CurrentOperatingClassProfile table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.MultiAPDevice.Backhaul.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}. object(0:) R

Describes one of the current Operating Classes in use by this Radio. One Opeating Class is indicated for each current Operating Channel Bandwidth.

The Channel indicated for the 20 MHz Operating Class is equal to the current primary channel.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Class.

- 2.15
Class unsignedInt(:255) R The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] that this radio is currently operating on. - 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R This Channel number in the Operating Class that this Radio is currently operating on. - 2.15
TxPower int(-127:127) R

Nominal Transmit Power EIRP that this radio is currently using for the current Channel in the Opeating Class.

Represented as 2’s complement signed integer in units of decibels relative to 1 mW (dBm).

- 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this group was collected. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.MultiAPDevice.Backhaul.Stats. object R This object represents the statistics of the backhaul interface view from the current Device’s ID - 2.15
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted across the backhaul medium (as identified by the value of the LinkType parameter), including framing characters. - 2.15
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received across the backhaul medium (as identified by the value of the LinkType parameter), including framing characters. - 2.15
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted across the backhaul medium (as identified by the value of the LinkType parameter), including framing characters. - 2.15
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received across the backhaul medium (as identified by the value of the LinkType parameter), including framing characters. - 2.15
ErrorsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. - 2.15
ErrorsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.15
LinkUtilization unsignedInt(:100) R Current utilization (expressed in %) of the medium (as identified by the value of the LinkType parameter) being used to backhaul this Access Point device to the Multi-AP Controller. A value of 0 is used for the Stats instance that represents the Access Point on the Multi-AP Controller. - 2.15
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength of the backhaul link of the Access Point (AP) to the Multi-AP Controller, measured in dBm. RCPI threshold is encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]. The value of this parameter is indeterminate if the value of the LinkType parameter is anything other than Wi-Fi. - 2.15
LastDataDownlinkRate unsignedInt R The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission of data from the access point to the associated device. - 2.15
LastDataUplinkRate unsignedInt R The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission of data from the associated device to the access point. - 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this group was collected. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents all of the individual Radios contained within the identified Access Point device known to the controller.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ID.

- 2.13
ID base64(6) R A unique identifier for this particular Radio within the identified Access Point as defined in [Section 3.1/DataElements]. - 2.13
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power measured for the primary operating channel.Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section]. - 2.13
Utilization unsignedInt(0:255) R (Total Channel Utililzation) The percentage of time (linearly scaled with 255 representing 100%) that the Access Point device sensed the medium was busy, as indicated by either the physical or virtual carier sense (CS) mechanism. This is essentially the amount of time spent transmiting (both successful and failed transmissions), receiving (both local and non-local transmissions), and processing noise.noise [Section].When more than one channel is in use for the BSS operating on the radio, the Utilization value is calculated only for the primary channel. - 2.13
TrafficSeparationCombinedFronthaul boolean R Indicates traffic separation on combined fronthaul and Profile-1 backhaul support [EasyMesh]. - 2.15
TrafficSeparationCombinedBackhaul boolean R Indicates traffic separation on combined Profile-1 backhaul and Profile-2 backhaul support [EasyMesh]. - 2.15
SteeringPolicy unsignedInt(:2) W

Steering Policy:

  • 0: Agent Initiated Steering Disallowed;
  • 1: Agent Initiated Receive Channel Power Indicator (RCPI)-based Steering Mandated;
  • 2: Agent Initiated RCPI-based Steering Allowed.
- 2.15
ChannelUtilizationThreshold unsignedInt(:255) W Channel Utilization Threshold (defined per Basic Service Set (BSS) Load element [Section].). - 2.15
RCPISteeringThreshold unsignedInt(:220) W RCPI Steering Threshold (encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]). - 2.15
STAReportingRCPIThreshold unsignedInt(:220) W

Station (STA) Metrics Reporting RCPI Threshold.

  • 0: Do not report STA Metrics based on RCPI threshold.
  • 1 – 220: RCPI threshold (encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]).
- 2.15
STAReportingRCPIHysteresisMarginOverride unsignedInt W

STA Metrics Reporting RCPI Hysteresis Margin Override.

  • 0: Use Agent’s implementation-specific default RCPI Hysteresis margin;
  • >0: RCPI hysteresis margin value. This field is coded as an unsigned integer in units of decibels (dB).
- 2.15
ChannelUtilizationReportingThreshold unsignedInt W

AP Metrics Channel Utilization Reporting Threshold.

  • 0: Do not report AP Metrics based on Channel utilization threshold;
  • >0: AP Metrics Channel Utilization Reporting Threshold (similar to channel utilization measurement in [Section]).
- 2.15
AssociatedSTATrafficStatsInclusionPolicy boolean W

Associated STA Traffic Stats Inclusion Policy.

  • true: Include Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV in AP Metrics Response.
  • false: Do not include Associated STA Traffic Stats Type-Length-Value (TLV) in AP Metrics Response;
- 2.15
AssociatedSTALinkMetricsInclusionPolicy boolean W

Associated STA Link Metrics Inclusion Policy.

  • true: Include Associated STA Link Metrics TLV in AP Metrics Response.
  • false: Do not include Associated STA Link Metrics TLV in AP Metrics Response;
- 2.15
ChipsetVendor string R A string identifying the Wi-Fi chip vendor of this radio in the device. - 2.15
APMetricsWiFi6 boolean R

Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status Inclusion Policy.

  • true: include Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status TLV in AP Metrics Response.
  • false: do not include Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status TLV [3] in AP Metrics Response.
- 2.15
DisAllowedOpClassChannelsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DisAllowedOpClassChannels table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanResult.{i}. object(0:) R The list of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio organized per Operating Class and Channel tuple. - 2.14
TimeStamp string R The timestamp of the last scan. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.14
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}. object(0:) R

The Operating Class of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OperatingClass.

- 2.14
OperatingClass unsignedInt(:255) R The Operating Class per [802.11-2020]Table E-4 in |bibref|802.11-2016 of the OpClass and Channel tuple scanned by the Radio. For 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, only 20MHz Operating Classes are valid.Note that the Operating Class identifies the band and channel width. - 2.14
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}.ChannelScan.{i}. object(0:) R

The Channel associated with an Operating Class of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Channel.

- 2.14
TimeStamp string R The timestamp of the last scan of the channel. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.14
Utilization unsignedInt(:255) R The current Channel Utilization measured by the Radio on the scanned 20MHz channel, as defined by [Section]. - 2.14
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power measured for the primary operating channel.Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section]. - 2.14
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}.ChannelScan.{i}.NeighborBSS.{i}. object(0:) R

The neighboring BSS discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BSSID.

- 2.14
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength (RSSI) of the Beacon or Probe Response frames of the neighboring BSS as received by the radio measured in dBm. (RSSI is encoded per [802.11-2020]Table 9-154 of |bibref|802.11-20169-176). Reserved: 221 - 255.NOTE: The underlying WFA specification is in the process of being reviewed for possible clarification. Please refer to that specification for more details. - 2.14
ChannelUtilization unsignedInt(:255) R The channel utilization reported by the neighboring BSS per the BSS Load element if present in Beacon or Probe Response frames, as defined by [802.11-2020]Section in |bibref|802.11-20169.4.2.27. - 2.14
StationCount unsignedInt R The number of Associated Devices (STA) reported by this neighboring BSS per the BSS Load element if present in Beacon or Probe Response frames as defined by [Section]. - 2.14
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BackhaulSta. object R Contains the MACAddressMedium Access Control (MAC) address of the STA on this radio providing Wi-Fi backhaul to this device. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanCapability. object R This object describes the channel scan capabilities of a radio. - 2.15
OnBootOnly boolean R “On boot only” flag, Indicates whether the specified radio is capable only of “On boot” scans. - 2.15
Impact unsignedInt(:3) R

Scan Impact of using this radio to perform a scan.

  • 1: No impact,
  • 2: Reduced number of spatial streams,
  • 3: Time slicing impairment,
  • 4: Radio unavailable for >= 2 seconds.
- 2.15
MinimumInterval unsignedInt R Minimum Scan Interval, the minimum interval in seconds between the start of two consecutive channel scans on this radio. - 2.15
OpClassChannelsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the OpClassChannels table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanCapability.OpClassChannels.{i}. object(1:) R

Table of the operating classes (selected from [Table E-4/802.11-2020]) and channel numbers in each operating class that the radio is capable of scanning.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OpClass.

- 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) R

The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] For 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, only 20MHz Operating Classes are valid.

Note that the operating class identifies the band and channel width.

- 2.15
ChannelList unsignedInt(:255)[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 255). The channel numbers in this Operating Class for which the capability is being described. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CACCapability. object R This object describes the Channel Availability Check (CAC) capabilities of a radio. - 2.15
CACMethodNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CACMethod table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CACCapability.CACMethod.{i}. object(0:4) R

List of Channel Availability Check (CAC) method information for each type of CAC that the radio can perform. Each type is defined by a method and time to complete. For each type, the classes and channels allowed are enumerated.

This table MUST contain at least 0 and at most 4 entries.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Method.

- 2.15
Method unsignedInt R

CAC method supported;

  • 0: Continuous CAC,
  • 1: Continuous with dedicated radio,
  • 2: Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) dimension reduced,
  • 3: Time sliced CAC.
- 2.15
NumberOfSeconds unsignedInt R Number of seconds required to complete this method of CAC. - 2.15
OpClassChannelsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the OpClassChannels table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CACCapability.CACMethod.{i}.OpClassChannels.{i}. object(1:) R

Table of the operating classes (selected from [Table E-4/802.11-2020]) and channel numbers in each operating class supported for this method of CAC.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OpClass.

- 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) R

The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] For 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, only 20MHz Operating Classes are valid.

Note that the operating class identifies the band and channel width.

- 2.15
ChannelList unsignedInt(:255)[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 255). The channel numbers in this Operating Class for which the capability is being described. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities. object R This object represents the capabilities of the radio which may be different from the current operational configuration.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.13
HTCapabilities base64(1) R Describes the HT capabilities of the radio as defined by the HTCapabilities TLV [Section 17.2.8/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
VHTCapabilities base64(2:6) R Describes the VHT capabilities of the radio as defined by the VHTCapabilities TLV [Section 17.2.9/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
HECapabilities base64(4:14) R
Describes the HE capabilities of the radio as defined by the HECapabilities TLV [Section 17.2.10/EasyMesh].

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by **{{object: non-existent #.WiFi6APRole** and {{object: non-existent #.WiFi6bSTARole}}}}.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
AKMFrontHaulNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AKMFrontHaul table. - 2.15
AKMBackhaulNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AKMBackhaul table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.WiFi6APRole. object R Describes the Wi-Fi 6 capabilities for the AP role. - 2.15
HE160 boolean R Indicates support for High Efficiency (HE) 160 MHz. - 2.15
HE8080 boolean R Indicates support for HE 80+80 MHz. - 2.15
MCSNSS base64(4:12) R Supported High Efficiency-Modulation and Coding Scheme (HE-MCS) and Number of Spatial Streams (NSS) Set field as defined in [Figure 9-788d/802.11ax] Supported HE-MCS And NSS Set field format. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 160MHz is present if 160MHz is supported. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 80+80MHz is present if 80+80MHz is supported. - 2.15
SUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Single-User (SU) Beamformer. - 2.15
SUBeamformee boolean R Indicates support for SU Beamformee. - 2.15
MUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Multi-User (MU) Beamformer. - 2.15
Beamformee80orLess boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee Space-Time Stream (STS) ≤ 80 MHz. - 2.15
BeamformeeAbove80 boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee STS > 80 MHz. - 2.15
ULMUMIMO boolean R Indicates support for Uplink (UL) Multi-User Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MU-MIMO). - 2.15
ULOFDMA boolean R Indicates support for UL Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDMA). - 2.15
MaxDLMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per DL MU-MIMO Transmitter (TX) in an AP role. - 2.15
MaxULMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL MU-MIMO Receiver (RX) in an AP role. - 2.15
MaxDLOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per Downlink (DL) OFDMA TX in an AP role. - 2.15
MaxULOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL OFDMA RX in an AP role. - 2.15
RTS boolean R Indicates support for Request To Send (RTS). - 2.15
MURTS boolean R Indicates support for MU RTS. - 2.15
MultiBSSID boolean R Indicates support for Multi-Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID). - 2.15
MUEDCA boolean R Indicates support for MU Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). - 2.15
TWTRequestor boolean R Indicates support for Target Wake Time (TWT) Requestor. - 2.15
TWTResponder boolean R Indicates support for TWT Responder. - 2.15
SpatialReuse boolean R Indicates support for EasyMesh configuration and reporting of BSS Color and Spatial Reuse. - 2.15
AnticipatedChannelUsage boolean R Indicates support for Anticipated Channel Usage (ACU) reporting. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.WiFi6bSTARole. object R Describes the Wi-Fi 6 capabilities for the backhaul Station (bSTA) role. - 2.15
HE160 boolean R Indicates support for High Efficiency (HE) 160 MHz. - 2.15
HE8080 boolean R Indicates support for HE 80+80 MHz. - 2.15
MCSNSS base64(4:12) R Supported High Efficiency-Modulation and Coding Scheme (HE-MCS) and Number of Spatial Streams (NSS) Set field as defined in [Figure 9-788d/802.11ax] Supported HE-MCS And NSS Set field format. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 160MHz is present if 160MHz is supported. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 80+80MHz is present if 80+80MHz is supported. - 2.15
SUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Single-User (SU) Beamformer. - 2.15
SUBeamformee boolean R Indicates support for SU Beamformee. - 2.15
MUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Multi-User (MU) Beamformer. - 2.15
Beamformee80orLess boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee Space-Time Stream (STS) ≤ 80 MHz. - 2.15
BeamformeeAbove80 boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee STS > 80 MHz. - 2.15
ULMUMIMO boolean R Indicates support for Uplink (UL) Multi-User Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MU-MIMO). - 2.15
ULOFDMA boolean R Indicates support for UL Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDMA). - 2.15
MaxDLMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per DL MU-MIMO Transmitter (TX) in an AP role. - 2.15
MaxULMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL MU-MIMO Receiver (RX) in an AP role. - 2.15
MaxDLOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per Downlink (DL) OFDMA TX in an AP role. - 2.15
MaxULOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL OFDMA RX in an AP role. - 2.15
RTS boolean R Indicates support for Request To Send (RTS). - 2.15
MURTS boolean R Indicates support for MU RTS. - 2.15
MultiBSSID boolean R Indicates support for Multi-Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID). - 2.15
MUEDCA boolean R Indicates support for MU Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). - 2.15
TWTRequestor boolean R Indicates support for Target Wake Time (TWT) Requestor. - 2.15
TWTResponder boolean R Indicates support for TWT Responder. - 2.15
SpatialReuse boolean R Indicates support for EasyMesh configuration and reporting of BSS Color and Spatial Reuse. - 2.15
AnticipatedChannelUsage boolean R Indicates support for Anticipated Channel Usage (ACU) reporting. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.AKMFrontHaul.{i}. object(0:) R

Authentication and Key Management (AKM) Suite (security mode) capabilities for the fronthaul BSS.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OUI.

- 2.15
OUI base64 R Any Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) value specified in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020]). - 2.15
Type unsignedInt(:255) R Any suite type value specified in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.AKMBackhaul.{i}. object(0:) R

Authentication and Key Management (AKM) Suite (security mode) capabilities for the backhaul BSS.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OUI.

- 2.15
OUI base64 R Any Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) value specified in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020]). - 2.15
Type unsignedInt(:255) R Any suite type value specified in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.CapableOperatingClassProfile.{i}. object(0:) R

Describes one of the possible Operating Classes supported by this Radio.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Class.

- 2.13
Class unsignedInt(:255) R The Operating Class per [802.11-2020]Table E-4 in |bibref|802.11-2016 that this radio is capable of operating on. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}. object(0:) R

Describes one of the current Operating Classes in use by this Radio. One OpeatingOperating Class is indicated for each current Operating Channel Bandwidth.The Channel indicated for the 20 MHz Operating Class is equal to the current primary channel.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Class.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.13
Class unsignedInt(:255) R The Operating Class per [802.11-2020]Table E-4 in |bibref|802.11-2016 that this radio is currently operating on. - 2.13
TransmitPowerLimit int(-128:127) R {{div: unexpected argument Class after: [classes()], [‘This is the upper limit on nominal transmit Equivalent Isotropically’, nl(), ‘Radiated Power (EIRP) that this radio is allowed to use for the’, nl(), ‘current {param’]}}. In units of decibels relative to 1 mW dBm.}} - 2.15
TimeStamp string R The time this group was collected. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.DisAllowedOpClassChannels.{i}. object(0:) W

The operating classes, and list of channels for each operating class, which are not allowed to be used on this radio.

At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for OpClass.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W Enables or disables disallowed operating classes and channels. false 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) W

The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] For 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, only 20MHz Operating Classes are valid.

Note that the operating class identifies the band and channel width.

- 2.15
ChannelList unsignedInt(:255)[] W Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 255). The channel numbers in this Operating Class for which the capability is being described. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.SpatialReuse. object R

The spatial reuse configuration of this radio. Applies only to Wi-Fi 6 [802.11ax] and possibly later generations of radios.

Acronyms: Spatial Reuse Group (SRG), Overlapping Basic Service Set (OBSS), Preamble Detection (PD).

- 2.15
PartialBSSColor unsignedInt R The value of the Partial Basic Service Set (BSS) Color subfield of the HEOperations.BSSColorInformation field being transmitted by BSSs operating on this radio. (EasyMesh TLV Field: Partial BSS Color) - 2.15
BSSColor unsignedInt R The value of the BSS Color subfield of the HEOperations.BSSColorInformation field being transmitted by BSSs operating on this radio. (EasyMesh TLV Field: BSS Color) - 2.15
HESIGASpatialReuseValue15Allowed boolean R

Indicates if the Agent is allowed to set HESIGA.SpatialReuse field to value 15 (PSR_AND_NON_SRG_OBSS_PD_PROHIBITED) in HE PPDU transmissions of this radio. (EasyMesh TLV Field: HESIGA_Spatial_reuse_value15_allowed)

  • true: allowed;
  • false: disallowed.
- 2.15
SRGInformationValid boolean R

This field indicates whether the SRG Information fields (SRG OBSS PD Min Offset, SRG OBSS PD Max Offset, SRG BSS Color Bitmap and SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap) in this command are valid. (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG Information Valid)

  • true: SRG Information fields valid;
  • false: SRG Information fields not valid.
- 2.15
NonSRGOffsetValid boolean R

This field indicates whether the Non-SRG OBSSPD Max Offset field in this command is valid. (EasyMesh TLV Field: Non-SRG Offset Valid)

  • true: Non-SRG Max Offset field valid;
  • false: Non-SRG Max Offset field not valid.
- 2.15
PSRDisallowed boolean R

Indicates if the Agent is disallowed to use Parameterized Spatial Reuse (PSR)-based Spatial Reuse for transmissions by the specified radio. (EasyMesh TLV Field: PSR Disallowed)

  • true: PSR disallowed;
  • false: PSR allowed.
- 2.15
NonSRGOBSSPDMaxOffset unsignedInt R

The value of dot11NonSRGAPOBSSPDMaxOffset (i.e the Non-SRG OBSSPD Max Offset value being used to control the transmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: Non-SRG OBSSPD Max Offset)

This field is valid only if NonSRGOffsetValid is true.

- 2.15
SRGOBSSPDMinOffset unsignedInt R

The value of dot11SRGAPOBSSPDMinOffset (i.e. the SRG OBSSPD Min Offset value being used to control the transmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG OBSSPD Min Offset)

This field is valid only if SRGInformationValid is true.

- 2.15
SRGOBSSPDMaxOffset unsignedInt R

The value of dot11SRGAPOBSSPDMaxOffset (i.e. the SRG OBSSPD Max Offset value being used to control the transmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG OBSSPD Max Offset)

This field is valid only if SRGInformationValid is true.

- 2.15
SRGBSSColorBitmap hexBinary(8) R

The value of dot11SRGAPBSSColorBitmap (i.e. the SRG BSS Color Bitmap being used to control the tranmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG BSS Color Bitmap)

This field is valid only if SRGInformationValid is true.

- 2.15
SRGPartialBSSIDBitmap hexBinary(8) R

The value of dot11SRGAPBSSIDBitmap (i.e. the SRG Partial BSSID Color Bitmap being used to control the transmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap)

This field is valid only if SRGInformationValid is true.

Note: See rules in section of [17] regarding the members of an SRG.

- 2.15
NeighborBSSColorInUseBitmap hexBinary(8) R Bitmap of BSS colors of Overlapping BSSs (OBSSs) that the High-Efficiency (HE) AP has identified by itself or via the autonomous BSS Color collision reports received from associated non-AP HE STAs. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}. object(0:) R

A single logical BSS operating on this radio.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BSSID.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.13
TimeStamp string R The time this group was collected. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.13
ByteCounterUnits unsignedInt(1:2) R

Byte Counter Units.

  • 1: kibibytes (KiB)
  • 2: mebibytes (MiB).
- 2.15
Profile1bSTAsDisallowed boolean R

Profile-1 Backhaul STA association disallowed.

  • true: Backhaul STA association disallowed;
  • false: Backhaul STA association allowed.
- 2.15
Profile2bSTAsDisallowed boolean R

Profile-2 Backhaul STA association disallowed.

  • true: Profile 2 bSTA disallowed;
  • false: Profile 2 bSTA allowed.
- 2.15
AssociationAllowanceStatus unsignedInt(0:1) R

The status of allowance of new client device associations on this BSS.

  • 0: No more associations allowed,
  • 1: Associations allowed.
- 2.15
EstServiceParametersBE base64(0:3) R Estimated Service Parameters information field for AC=BE, defined per [802.11-2020]Figure 9-588 in |bibref|802.11-20169-637 and referenced in [Section 17.2.22/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
EstServiceParametersBK base64(0:3) R Estimated Service Parameters information field for AC=BK, defined per [802.11-2020]Figure 9-588 in |bibref|802.11-20169-637 and referenced in [Section 17.2.22/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
EstServiceParametersVI base64(0:3) R Estimated Service Parameters information field for AC=VI, defined per [802.11-2020]Figure 9-588 in |bibref|802.11-20169-637 and referenced in [Section 17.2.22/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
EstServiceParametersVO base64(0:3) R Estimated Service Parameters information field for AC=VO, defined per [802.11-2020]Figure 9-588 in |bibref|802.11-20169-637 and referenced in [Section 17.2.22/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
BackhaulUse boolean R

Indicates that this BSS is in use as a backhaul BSS;

  • true: backhaul BSS in use,
  • false: backhaul BSS not in use.

In [EasyMesh] 0 is in use and 1 is not in use.

- 2.15
FronthaulUse boolean R

Indicates that this BSS is in use as a fronthaul BSS;

  • true: fronthaul BSS in use,
  • false: fronthaul BSS not in use.

In [EasyMesh] 0 is in use and 1 is not in use.

- 2.15
R1disallowed boolean R

Multi-AP Profile-1 [3] (R1) disallowed status.

  • true: disallowed,
  • false: allowed.

In [EasyMesh] 0 is allowed and 1 is disallowed.

- 2.15
R2disallowed boolean R

Multi-AP Profile-2 [3] (R2) disallowed status.

  • true: disallowed,
  • false: allowed.

In [EasyMesh] 0 is allowed and 1 is disallowed.

- 2.15
MultiBSSID boolean R

Multiple BSSID Set;

  • true: configured,
  • false: not-configured.

In [EasyMesh], 1 is configured and 0 is not-configured.

- 2.15
TransmittedBSSID boolean R

Transmitted BSSID;

  • true: transmitted,
  • false: non-transmitted.

In [EasyMesh], 1 is transmitted and 0 is non-transmitted.

- 2.15
FronthaulAKMsAllowed string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate Authentication and Key Management (AKM) suites/security modes allowed at this BSS for fronthaul. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • psk (“psk” indicates one or more of the PSK and FT-PSK AKMs defined in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020] typically at least “00-0F-AC:2” for interoperability)
  • dpp (“dpp” indicates one or more of the DPP and FT-DPP AKMs defined in [Section 8.4/EasyConnect], typically at least “50-6F-9A:2” for interoperability)
  • sae (“sae” indicates one or more of the SAE and FT-SAE AKMs defined in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020] typically at least “00-0F-AC:8” for interoperability)
  • psk+sae
  • dpp+sae
  • dpp+psk+sae
  • SuiteSelector (AKM suite selector, each AKM suite selector (OUI and type) is encoded as a 4-octet hex-encoded value without internal delimiters, e.g. 506F9A02 [Table 9-151/802.11-2020])
- 2.15
BackhaulAKMsAllowed string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate Authentication and Key Management (AKM) suites/security modes allowed at this BSS for backhaul. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • psk (“psk” indicates one or more of the PSK and FT-PSK AKMs defined in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020] typically at least “00-0F-AC:2” for interoperability)
  • dpp (“dpp” indicates one or more of the DPP and FT-DPP AKMs defined in [Section 8.4/EasyConnect], typically at least “50-6F-9A:2” for interoperability)
  • sae (“sae” indicates one or more of the SAE and FT-SAE AKMs defined in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020] typically at least “00-0F-AC:8” for interoperability)
  • psk+sae
  • dpp+sae
  • dpp+psk+sae
  • SuiteSelector (AKM suite selector, each AKM suite selector (OUI and type) is encoded as a 4-octet hex-encoded value without internal delimiters, e.g. 506F9A02 [Table 9-151/802.11-2020])
- 2.15
QMDescriptorNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the QMDescriptor table. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.QMDescriptor.{i}. object(0:) R

This object contains a table of DescriptorElement.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ClientMAC.

- 2.15
ClientMAC string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC address of STA for which this descriptor applies. - 2.15
DescriptorElement hexBinary R

The descriptor element. One of:

- 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.MultiAPSteering. object R A single logical Access Point operating on this radio. - 2.15
BlacklistAttempts unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Number of times a Blacklist steer was attempted for this Access Point.

Blacklist steering is the process of forcing a connected STA to move to another Access Point by temporarily blocking its access to the current Access Point.

- 2.15
BTMAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) steer was attempted for this Access Point. - 2.15
BTMQueryResponses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of asynchronous BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) Queries for which a BTM Request was issued by this Access Point. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}. object(0:) R

Object describing a single Associated Device (STA).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.13
TimeStamp string R The time this group was collected. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.13
HECapabilities base64(4:14) R
Describes the HE capabilities of the Associated Device (STA).

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by **{{object: non-existent #.WiFi6Capabilities**}}.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.13
ClientCapabilities base64 R The frame body of the most recently received (Re)Association Request frame from this client (STA), as defined in Table 9-34 and Table 9-36 of [802.11-2020] in the order of the underlying referenced standard. - 2.15
EstMACDataRateDownlink unsignedInt R Estimate of the MAC layer throughput in Mbps achievable in the downlink direction if 100% of channel airtime and BSS operating bandwidth were available, as defined in [Section 10.3.1/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
EstMACDataRateUplink unsignedInt R Estimate of the MAC layer throughput in Mbps achievable in the uplink direction if 100% of channel airtime and BSS operating bandwidth were available, as defined in [Section 10.3.1/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength of the uplink from the associated STA to the access point - measured in dBm. RCPI threshold (encoded per [802.11-2020]Table 9-154 of |bibref|802.11-20169-176,}, and described in [Section /EasyMesh]10.3.1 of |bibref|MAPv1.0). Reserved: 221 - 255.NOTE: The underlying WFA specification is in the process of being reviewed for possible clarification. Please refer to that specification for more details. - 2.13
MeasurementReport base64[] R Comma-separated list of Base64s. Measurement Report element(s) received from the Associated Device (STA) that constitute the latest Beacon report as defined in [802.11-2020]Figure 9-199 of |bibref|802.11-20169-230. - 2.13
CellularDataPreference string W

This is the Cellular Data Preference for a Agile Multiband (AMB) capable STA This specifies the use of the cellular data connection. [AMB] Enumeration of:

  • Excluded
  • Should not use
  • Should use
- 2.15
ReAssociationDelay unsignedInt(:65535) W Re-association Delay [AMB]. The time, in seconds, after a BTM steer from AP1 to AP2 during which the station cannot go back and re-associate with AP1. - 2.15
TIDQueueSizesNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the TIDQueueSizes table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.MultiAPSTA. object R

The summary of statistics and operations for an individual STA on the Wi-Fi network.

The counters contained in MultiAPSTA are all reset on reboot.

- 2.15
AssociationTime dateTime R Date and time in UTC when the device was associated. - 2.15
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R

An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power measured on the uplink from the Associated Device (STA) to the Access Point (AP).

Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section].

- 2.15
SteeringHistoryNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SteeringHistory table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.MultiAPSTA.SteeringSummaryStats. object R

The summary of statistics related to Multi-AP Steering for this STA on the Wi-Fi network.

The counters contained in SteeringSummaryStats are all reset on reboot.

- 2.0
NoCandidateAPFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times this Associated Device should have been steered but wasn’t because a better candidate AP couldn’t be found. - 2.0
BlacklistAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a Blacklist steer was attempted on this Associated Device. - 2.0
BlacklistSuccesses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted Blacklist steer succeeded for this Associated Device. - 2.0
BlacklistFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted Blacklist steer failed for this Associated Device. - 2.0
BTMAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) steer was attempted on this Associated Device. - 2.0
BTMSuccesses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) steer succeeded for this Associated Device. - 2.0
BTMFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) steer failed for this Associated Device. - 2.0
BTMQueryResponses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of asynchronous BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) Queries for which a BTM Request was issued to this Associated Device. - 2.0
LastSteerTime unsignedInt R The number of seconds since this Associated Device was last attempted to be steered. - 2.0
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.MultiAPSTA.SteeringHistory.{i}. object(0:) R

The history of Multi-AP Steering for this STA on the Wi-Fi network.

The contents of this multi-instance object are reset on reboot.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of Time, APOrigin and APDestination.

- 2.0
Time dateTime R The date/time when steering was initiated for the Associated Device. - 2.0
APOrigin string R The BSSID of the Access Point that initiated the steering. - 2.0
TriggerEvent string R

The type of event that caused the steering to be initiaited. Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • Wi-Fi Channel Utilization
  • Wi-Fi Link Quality
  • Backhaul Link Utilization

NOTE: This might be Unknown for BTM Query Response steers.

- 2.0
SteeringApproach string R

The type of steering that was attempted. Enumeration of:

  • Blacklist
  • BTM Request
  • Async BTM Query
- 2.0
APDestination string R

The BSSID of the destination Access Point of a successful steer.

A failed steering attempt will leave this parameter an empty string.

- 2.0
SteeringDuration unsignedInt R

The amount of time in seconds required for the steer to complete successfully.

A failed steering attempt will leave this parameter 0.

- 2.0
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.WiFi6Capabilities. object R Describes the Wi-Fi 6 capabilities of the Associated Device (STA). - 2.15
HE160 boolean R Indicates support for High Efficiency (HE) 160 MHz. - 2.15
HE8080 boolean R Indicates support for HE 80+80 MHz. - 2.15
MCSNSS base64(4:12) R Supported High Efficiency-Modulation and Coding Scheme (HE-MCS) and Number of Spatial Streams (NSS) Set field as defined in [Figure 9-788d/802.11ax] Supported HE-MCS And NSS Set field format. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 160MHz is present if 160MHz is supported. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 80+80MHz is present if 80+80MHz is supported. - 2.15
SUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Single-User (SU) Beamformer. - 2.15
SUBeamformee boolean R Indicates support for SU Beamformee. - 2.15
MUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Multi-User (MU) Beamformer. - 2.15
Beamformee80orLess boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee Space-Time Stream (STS) ≤ 80 MHz. - 2.15
BeamformeeAbove80 boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee STS > 80 MHz. - 2.15
ULMUMIMO boolean R Indicates support for Uplink (UL) Multi-User Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MU-MIMO). - 2.15
ULOFDMA boolean R Indicates support for UL Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDMA). - 2.15
MaxDLMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per DL MU-MIMO Transmitter (TX) in an AP role. - 2.15
MaxULMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL MU-MIMO Receiver (RX) in an AP role. - 2.15
MaxDLOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per Downlink (DL) OFDMA TX in an AP role. - 2.15
MaxULOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL OFDMA RX in an AP role. - 2.15
RTS boolean R Indicates support for Request To Send (RTS). - 2.15
MURTS boolean R Indicates support for MU RTS. - 2.15
MultiBSSID boolean R Indicates support for Multi-Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID). - 2.15
MUEDCA boolean R Indicates support for MU Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). - 2.15
TWTRequestor boolean R Indicates support for Target Wake Time (TWT) Requestor. - 2.15
TWTResponder boolean R Indicates support for TWT Responder. - 2.15
SpatialReuse boolean R Indicates support for EasyMesh configuration and reporting of BSS Color and Spatial Reuse. - 2.15
AnticipatedChannelUsage boolean R Indicates support for Anticipated Channel Usage (ACU) reporting. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.TIDQueueSizes.{i}. object(0:) R

Object describing Traffic Identifiers (TIDs), and Queue Size for each TID, for this Associated Device (STA).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for TID.

- 2.15
TID unsignedInt(:255) R The TID of the corresponding Queue Size field. - 2.15
Size unsignedInt(:255) R Queue Size for this TID. Its format is defined in Table 9-10-QoS Control field [802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.MultiAPRadio. object R This object represents an individual Access Point Radio in the Wi-Fi network. - 2.15
RadarDetections unsignedInt[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of unsigned integers. List items represent channels in the non-occupancy list due to radars detected by Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) Channel Availability Check (CAC). - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.UnassociatedSTA.{i}. object(0:) R

Each instance represents a Non-AP STA that has been discovered by the Radio but is not associated to any of the BSS operating on the Radio.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.13
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength (RCPI) of the uplink from the Non-AP STA - measured in dBm. (RCPI threshold is encoded per [802.11-2020]Table 9-154 of |bibref|802.11-20169-176, and described in 103.2[Section/EasyMesh] of |bibref|MAPv1.010.3.2). Reserved: 221 - 255.NOTE: The underlying WFA specification is in the process of being reviewed for possible clarification. Please refer to that specification for more details. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.AssociationEvent. object R This object contains the events generated when a STA associates to a BSS. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.AssociationEvent.AssociationEventData.{i}. object(0:) R The events generated when an Associated Device (STA) associates to a BSS.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.13
BSSID string(:17) R


The MAC Address of the logical BSS ( BSSID)(BSSID) which is reporting the Association Event.

- 2.13
StatusCode unsignedInt R The status code sent to the Associated Device (STA) in the Association Response frame as defined by [802.11-2020]Table 9-46 in |bibref|802.11-20169-50. - 2.13
TimeStamp string R The time this event washappened. collected.Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.AssociationEvent.AssociationEventData.{i}.WiFi6Capabilities. object R Describes the Wi-Fi 6 capabilities of the Associated Device (STA). - 2.15
HE160 boolean R Indicates support for High Efficiency (HE) 160 MHz. - 2.15
HE8080 boolean R Indicates support for HE 80+80 MHz. - 2.15
MCSNSS base64(4:12) R Supported High Efficiency-Modulation and Coding Scheme (HE-MCS) and Number of Spatial Streams (NSS) Set field as defined in [Figure 9-788d/802.11ax] Supported HE-MCS And NSS Set field format. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 160MHz is present if 160MHz is supported. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 80+80MHz is present if 80+80MHz is supported. - 2.15
SUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Single-User (SU) Beamformer. - 2.15
SUBeamformee boolean R Indicates support for SU Beamformee. - 2.15
MUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Multi-User (MU) Beamformer. - 2.15
Beamformee80orLess boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee Space-Time Stream (STS) ≤ 80 MHz. - 2.15
BeamformeeAbove80 boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee STS > 80 MHz. - 2.15
ULMUMIMO boolean R Indicates support for Uplink (UL) Multi-User Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MU-MIMO). - 2.15
ULOFDMA boolean R Indicates support for UL Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDMA). - 2.15
MaxDLMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per DL MU-MIMO Transmitter (TX) in an AP role. - 2.15
MaxULMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL MU-MIMO Receiver (RX) in an AP role. - 2.15
MaxDLOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per Downlink (DL) OFDMA TX in an AP role. - 2.15
MaxULOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL OFDMA RX in an AP role. - 2.15
RTS boolean R Indicates support for Request To Send (RTS). - 2.15
MURTS boolean R Indicates support for MU RTS. - 2.15
MultiBSSID boolean R Indicates support for Multi-Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID). - 2.15
MUEDCA boolean R Indicates support for MU Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). - 2.15
TWTRequestor boolean R Indicates support for Target Wake Time (TWT) Requestor. - 2.15
TWTResponder boolean R Indicates support for TWT Responder. - 2.15
SpatialReuse boolean R Indicates support for EasyMesh configuration and reporting of BSS Color and Spatial Reuse. - 2.15
AnticipatedChannelUsage boolean R Indicates support for Anticipated Channel Usage (ACU) reporting. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.DisassociationEvent. object R This object contains the events generated when an Associated Device (STA) disassociates from a BSS. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.DisassociationEvent.DisassociationEventData.{i}. object(0:) R The events generated when an Associated Device (STA) disassociates from a BSS. - 2.13
MACAddress string(:17) R


The MAC addressAddress of the Associated Device (STA).

- 2.13
ReasonCode unsignedInt R The Reason Code received by the AP from the Associated Device (STA) in the most recent Disassociation or Deauthentication frame or sent by the AP to the Associated Device (STA) in the most recent Disassociation or DeauthenticaitonDeauthentication frame as defined in [802.11-2020]Table 9-45 in |bibref|802.11-20169-49. - 2.13
TimeStamp string R The time this event washappened. collected.Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.FailedConnectionEvent. object R This object contains the events generated when a Station (STA) fails to connect to a Basic Service Set (BSS). - 2.15
FailedConnectionEventDataNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the FailedConnectionEventData table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.FailedConnectionEvent.FailedConnectionEventData.{i}. object(0:) R This object describes the data provided with a failed connection event - 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] STA MAC Address identifying the client that has attempted to connect. - 2.0
StatusCode unsignedInt R Status Code set to a non-zero value that indicates the reason for association or authentication failure as defined in [Table 9-50/802.11-2020], or Status Code set to zero and ReasonCode provided. - 2.0
ReasonCode unsignedInt R Reason Code indicating the reason the STA was disassociated or deauthenticated as defined in [Table 9-49/802.11-2020]. - 2.0
TimeStamp string R The time this event happened. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.0
Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}. object(0:) R

This object models an 802.11 wireless radio on a device (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).If the device can establish more than one connection simultaneously (e.g. a dual radio device), a separate Radio instance MUST be used for each physical radio of the device. See [Appendix III.1/TR-181i2] for additional information.Note: A dual-band single-radio device (e.g. an 802.11a/b/g radio) can be configured to operate at 2.4 or 5 GHz frequency bands, but only a single frequency band is used to transmit/receive at a given time. Therefore, a single Radio instance is used even for a dual-band radio.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).For example:* For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.* For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.* For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.

An interface might have some SSIDs pointing towards the Internet and other SSIDs pointing towards End Devices. This parameter was DEPRECATED because it gives a wrong indication for multiple SSIDs. Use theis indicated by the associated SSID.{i}.Upstream parameters. This interface’s Upstream parameter set to true if any of the associated SSID.{i}.Upstream parameters are true, and is set to false otherwise.This parameter iswas DEPRECATED in 2.12 (and then OBSOLETED in 2.14.|2.14) because it couldn’t describe all multi-SSID use cases. It has now been restored, and its multi-SSID behavior has been clarified.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Removed attribute status = obsoleted
- 2.0
CenterFrequencySegement0 unsignedInt W
When operating in 80+80MHz, this parameter determines the Center Frequency Segment 0 for the first 80 MHz channel. See [Section] and Table 9-252.This parameter is DEPRECATED in
**{{deprecated: missing reason argument}}2.14{{replaced: unexpected argument [] after: , []}}**due to a typo. Use |param|CenterFrequencySegement0CenterFrequencySegment0| instead.instead
- 2.13
CenterFrequencySegement1 unsignedInt W
When operating in 80+80MHz, this parameter determines the Center Frequency Segment 1 for the second 80 MHz channel. See [Section] and Table 9-252.This parameter is DEPRECATED in
**{{deprecated: missing reason argument}}2.14{{replaced: unexpected argument [] after: , []}}**due to a typo. Use |param|CenterFrequencySegement1CenterFrequencySegment1| instead.instead
- 2.13
DTIMPeriod unsignedInt W This specifies the number of beacon intervals that elapse between transmission of Beacon frames containing a TIM element whose DTIM Count field is 0. This parameter is based on dot11DTIMPeriod from [802.11-2020]. - 2.8
EnableRRM boolean W Enables or disables 802.11k [802.11k] Radio Resource Management (RRM). - 2.14
ManagementPacketRate unsignedInt W The rate of Wi-Fi management frames (expressed in kbps). - 2.15
Device.WiFi.CCAMeasurementDiagnostic. object R This object is to provide diagnostic information on a Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) measurement scan on this radio on the given channel using a specific DwellTime. - 2.15
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead. Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
- 2.15
Channel unsignedInt W The number of the Wi-Fi channel the clear channel assessment (CCA) measurement is run on. - 2.15
DwellTime unsignedInt W The duration of the CCA measurement in milliseconds. - 2.15
CCAReport hexBinary(12) R

The clear channel assessment (CCA) report in the format specified in [Section].

When read, the value of this parameter MUST correspond to Channel. How this is achieved is a local matter to the CPE.

- 2.15
Device.WiFi.RemoteMeasurementDiagnostic. object R This object is to provide diagnostic information on a Remote Measurement of a Wi-Fi BSS. - 2.15
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead. Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
- 2.15
TargetBSS string(:17) W [MACAddress] The BSSID of the remote BSS. - 2.15
Timeout unsignedInt W The duration after which the request is timed out in seconds. - 2.15
OperatingClass unsignedInt(:255) W The Operating Class in [Table E-4/802.11-2020] for which the measurement is requested. - 2.15
Channel unsignedInt W The number of the channel for which the measurement is requested. - 2.15
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R The received signal strength (RSSI) as received by the radio measured in dBm. RSSI is encoded as per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]. Reserved: 221 - 255. - 2.15
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power as received by the radio. Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section]. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDiagnostic. object R This object defines access to other WiFi SSIDs that this device is able to receive. - 2.7
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Completed (

This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete. description


If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead. Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Completed (

This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete. description


- 2.7
Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDiagnostic.Result.{i}. object(0:) R

Neighboring SSID table. This table models the other WiFi SSIDs that this device is able to receive.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BSSID.

- 2.7
DTIMPeriod unsignedInt R The number of beacon intervals that elapse between transmission of Beacon frames containing a TIM element whose DTIM count field is 0. This value is transmitted in the DTIM Period field of beacon frames. [802.11-2020] - 2.7
Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}. object(0:) W

WiFi SSID table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]), where table entries model the MAC layer. A WiFi SSID entry is typically stacked on top of a Radio object.WiFi SSID is also a multiplexing layer, i.e. more than one SSID can be stacked above a single Radio.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for BSSID.

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).For example:* For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.* For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.* For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.This parameter supersedes the deprecated

See Radio.{i}.Upstream parameter. If both exist, the parameter |param|#.Radio.{i}.Upstream| is ignored.|for details of how the two Upstream parameters interact.

- 2.12
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}. object(0:) W

This object models an 802.11 connection from the perspective of a wireless access point. Each AccessPoint entry is associated with a particular SSID interface instance via the SSIDReference parameter.For enabled table entries, if SSIDReference is not a valid reference then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.Note: The AccessPoint table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated AccessPoint row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending AccessPoint row.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for SSIDReference.

- 2.0
RetryLimit unsignedInt(0:7) W

The maximum number of retransmission for a packet. This corresponds to IEEE 802.11 parameter dot11ShortRetryLimit.This parameter was DEPRECATED

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11.because it is really a |object|AccessPoint#.Radio| attribute. attribute. Use |param|RetryLimit#.Radio.{i}.RetryLimit|.This parameter is OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.

This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed attribute status = obsoleteddeleted
- 2.0
WMMCapability boolean R Indicates whether this access point supports WiFi Multimedia (WMM) Access Categories (AC).(AC) [WMM]. - 2.0
MaxAssociatedDevices unsignedInt W

The maximum number of devices that can simultaneously be connected to the access point.A value of 0 means that there is no specific limit.This parameter has been DEPRECATED

This parameter was DEPRECATED in favor of |param|MaxAssociatedDevicesMaxAllowedAssociations|.This parameter is OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14-2.15.
0 2.4
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AC.{i}. object(4:4) R

This object contains parameters related to WiFi QoS for different 802.11e access categories (priorities). Access categories are: BE, BK, VI, and VO. These parameters can help control and monitor 802.11e Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). The size of this table is fixed, with four entries which are identified by the AccessCategory parameter as follows:* BE (Best Effort)* BK (Background)* VI (Video)* VO (Voice)

This table MUST contain exactly 4 entries.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for AccessCategory.

- 2.8
AIFSN unsignedInt(2:15) W
Arbitration Inter Frame Spacing (Number). This is the number of time slots in the arbitration interframe space.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.8
ECWMin unsignedInt(0:15) W
Exponent of Contention Window (Minimum). This encodes the values of CWMin as an exponent: CWMin = 2ECWMin - 1. For example, if ECWMin is 8, then CWMin is 28 - 1, or 255, (expressed in microseconds).

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.8
ECWMax unsignedInt(0:15) W
Exponent of Contention Window (Maximum). This encodes the values of CWMax as an exponent: CWMax = 2ECWMax - 1. For example, if ECWMax is 8, then CWMax is 28 - 1, or 255, (expressed in microseconds).

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.8
TxOpMax unsignedInt(0:255) W
Maximum transmit opportunity, in multiples of 32 microseconds. A TXOP time interval of 0 means it is limited to a single MAC protocol data unit (MPDU).

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.8
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}. object(0:) W

This object models an 802.11 connection from the perspective of a wireless end point. Each EndPoint entry is associated with a particular SSID interface instance via the SSIDReference parameter, and an associated active Profile instance via the ProfileReference parameter. The active profile is responsible for specifying the actual SSID and security settings used by the end point.For enabled table entries, if SSIDReference or ProfileReference is not a valid reference then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.Note: The EndPoint table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated EndPoint row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending EndPoint row.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for SSIDReference.

- 2.0
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}.AC.{i}. object(4:4) R

This object contains parameters related to WiFi QoS for different 802.11e access categories (priorities). Access categories are: BE, BK, VI, and VO. These parameters can help control and monitor 802.11e Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). The size of this table is fixed, with four entries which are identified by the AccessCategory parameter as follows:* BE (Best Effort)* BK (Background)* VI (Video)* VO (Voice)

This table MUST contain exactly 4 entries.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for AccessCategory.

- 2.8
AIFSN unsignedInt(2:15) W
Arbitration Inter Frame Spacing (Number). This is the number of time slots in the arbitration interframe space.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.8
ECWMin unsignedInt(0:15) W
Exponent of Contention Window (Minimum). This encodes the values of CWMin as an exponent: CWMin = 2ECWMin - 1. For example, if ECWMin is 8, then CWMin is 28 - 1, or 255, (expressed in microseconds).

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.8
ECWMax unsignedInt(0:15) W
Exponent of Contention Window (Maximum). This encodes the values of CWMax as an exponent: CWMax = 2ECWMax - 1. For example, if ECWMax is 8, then CWMax is 28 - 1, or 255, (expressed in microseconds).

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.8
TxOpMax unsignedInt(0:255) W
Maximum transmit opportunity, in multiples of 32 microseconds. A TXOP time interval of 0 means it is limited to a single MAC protocol data unit (MPDU).

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.8
Device.ZigBee. object R Top level object for ZigBee capabilities based on the [ZigBee2007] specification. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}. object(0:) R ZigBee Device Object (ZDO) provides management capabilities of the ZigBee Application Support (APS) and Network (NWK) layers of a ZigBee Device as defined in [Section 2.5/ZigBee2007].At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both IEEEAddress and NetworkAddress.It is possible that instances of this object have the same key value when the value of IEEEAddress parameter is “FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF” and the ZigBee Coordinators on two or more separate area networks assign the same value for the NetworkAddress. This is because the ZigBee specification describes only intra-area network topologies [Section 1.1.4 Network Topology/ZigBee2007]. As such if two or more ZDO instances have the same key value the implemenation is undefined - 2.7
BindingTableNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R {{numentries: not associated with a table}}

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute dmr_customNumEntriesParameter = true
- 2.7
Device.Bridging. object R Layer 2 bridging configuration. Specifies bridges between different layer 2 interfaces. Bridges can be defined to include layer 2 filter criteria to selectively bridge traffic between interfaces.This object can be used to configure both 802.1D [802.1D-2004] and 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] bridges.Not all 802.1D and 802.1Q features are modeled, and some additional features not present in either 802.1D or 802.1Q are modeled.802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] bridges incorporate 802.1Q [802.1Q-2005] customer and 802.1ad [802.1ad-2005] provider bridges. - 2.0
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}. object(0:) W

Bridge table.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.Port.{i}. object(0:) W

Bridge Port table, which MUST contain an entry for each bridge port (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).There are two types of bridge ports: management (upward facing) and non-management (downward facing). This is determined by configuring the Boolean ManagementPort parameter. The CPE will automatically configure each management bridge port to appear in the interface stack above all non-management bridge ports that share the same Bridge instance.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.Port.{i}.PriorityCodePoint. object R PriorityCodePoint provides the management control for the processing of the Priority Code Point (PCP) field for the 802.1Q header as defined in [Section 6.9.3 Priority Code Point Encoding/802.1Q-2011].The object is applicable to deployments of Bridging.ProviderBridge where the Bridge instance is referenced by Bridging.ProviderBridge.{i}.SVLANcomponent or Bridging.ProviderBridge.{i}.CVLANcomponents parameters. - 2.7
PCPEncoding string(31)[4:4]() W

Comma-separated list (4 items) (length ) of strings (length 31).

This parameter provides the management control for the processing of the encoding of the Priority Code Point (PCP) field for the 802.1Q header as defined in [Section 6.9.3 Priority Code Point Encoding/802.1Q-2011] and [Table 6-3/802.1Q-2011].The list is an ordered list that contains entries for the following 4 PCP Values: “8P0D”,“7P1D”, “6P2D” “5P3D”. Each list entry matches the following pattern:

Each list item matches one of:

  • [(0-7],){15}[0-7]* (PCP for each priority and drop_eligible field (7, 7DE, 6, 6DE, …, 1, 1DE, 0, 0DE)) The value of this parameter MUST use square brackets to protect comma separators within nested lists. For example, this corresponds to Table 6-3 (mentioned above): [7,7,6,6,5,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,1,1,0,0],[7,7,6,6,5,4,5,4,3,3,2,2,1,1,0,0],[7,7,6,6,5,4,5,4,3,2,3,2,1,1,0,0],[7,7,6,6,5,4,5,4,3,2,3,2,1,0,1,0]
- 2.7
PCPDecoding string(15)[4:4]() W

Comma-separated list (4 items) (length ) of strings (length 15).

This parameter provides the management control for the processing of the decoding of the Priority Code Point (PCP) field for the 802.1Q header as defined in [Section 6.9.3 Priority Code Point Encoding/802.1Q-2011] and [Table 6-4/802.1Q-2011].The list is an ordered list that contains entries for the following 4 PCP Values: “8P0D”,“7P1D”, “6P2D” “5P3D”. Each list entry matches the following pattern:

Each list item matches one of:

  • [([0-7],[0-1],){7}0-7],[0-1]* (Priority (0-7) and drop_eligible field (0-1) for each PCP value (7, 6, …, 1, 0)) The value of this parameter MUST use square brackets to protect comma separators within nested lists. For example, this corresponds to Table 6-4 (mentioned above): [7,0,6,0,5,0,4,0,3,0,2,0,1,0,0,0],[7,0,6,0,4,0,4,1,3,0,2,0,1,0,0,0],[7,0,6,0,4,0,4,1,2,0,2,1,1,0,0,0],[7,0,6,0,4,0,4,1,2,0,2,1,0,0,0,1]
- 2.7
Device.Bridging.Filter.{i}. object(0:) W

Filter table containing classification filter entries, each of which expresses a set of classification criterion to classify ingress frames as member of a Bridge instance or a Bridge.{i}.VLAN instance.Bridge VLAN classification only applies for 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] Bridges.For enabled table entries, if Bridge or Interface is an empty string then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.Several of this object’s parameters specify DHCP option values. Some cases are version neutral (the parameter can apply to both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6), but in other cases the representation of the option is different for DHCPv4 and DHCPv6, so it is necessary to define separate DHCPv4-specific and DHCPv6-specific parameters. Therefore, an instance of this object that uses DHCP option values as filter criteria will be associated with either DHCPv4 or DHCPv6, as indicated by the DHCPType parameter.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
SourceMACAddressFilterExclude boolean W If false, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits only those packets whose source MAC Address matches one of the SourceMACAddressFilterList entries. If the If the SourceMACAddressFilterList is empty, no packets are admitted.If true, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits all packets except those packets whose source MAC Address matches one of the SourceMACAddressFilterList entries. If the SourceMACAddressFilterList is empty, packets are admitted regardless of MAC address.Note that neither 802.1D [802.1D-2004] nor 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] support classification based on source MAC address. true 2.0
SourceMACFromVendorClassIDFilter string(:255) W Classification criterion.A string used to identify one or more devices via DHCP for which MAC address filtering would subsequently apply. A device is considered matching if its DHCPv4 Vendor Class Identifier (Option 60 as defined in [RFC2132]) in the most recent DHCP lease acquisition or renewal matches the specified value according to the match criterion in SourceMACFromVendorClassIDMode. Case sensitive.This is a normal string, e.g. “abc” is represented as “abc” and not “616263” hex. However, if the value includes non-printing characters then such characters have to be represented using XML escapes, e.g. #x0a for line-feed.Note that neither 802.1D [802.1D-2004] nor 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] support classification based on source MAC address.Note: This parameter is DHCPv4-specific. It only applies when DHCPType is DHCPv4. 2.0
Device.PPP. object R Point-to-Point Protocol [RFC1661]. This object contains the Interface table. - 2.0
Device.PPP.Interface.{i}. object(0:) W

PPP interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.PPPoE. object(0:1) R

PPPoE object that functionally groups PPPoE related parameters.PPPoE is only applicable when the lower layer provides Ethernet frames, e.g. ATM with EoA, PTM, or anything else that supports an Ethernet MAC.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute dmr_noDiscriminatorParameter = true
- 2.0
Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.PPPoA. object(0:1) R

PPPoA object that functionally groups PPPoA related parameters.This object is OBSOLETED

This object was DEPRECATED in 2.12.because it contains no standard parameters and its existence causes confusion.confusion
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.12.

This object was DELETED in 2.15.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed attribute status = obsoleteddeleted
- 2.2
Device.IP. object R IP object that contains the Interface, ActivePort, and Diagnostics objects. - 2.0
Device.IP.Interface.{i}. object(0:) W

IP interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models the layer 3 IP interface.Each IP interface can be attached to the IPv4 and/or IPv6 stack. The interface’s IP addresses and prefixes are listed in the IPv4Address, IPv6Address and IPv6Prefix tables.Note that support for manipulating Loopback interfaces is OPTIONAL, so the implementation MAY choose not to create (or allow the Controller to create) Interface instances of type Loopback.When the Controller administratively disables the interface, i.e. sets Enable to false, the interface’s automatically-assigned IP addresses and prefixes MAY be retained. When the Controller administratively enables the interface, i.e. sets Enable to true, these IP addresses and prefixes MUST be refreshed. It’s up to the implementation to decide exactly what this means: it SHOULD take all reasonable steps to refresh everything but if it is unable, for example, to refresh a prefix that still has a significant lifetime, it might well choose to retain rather than discard it.Any Tunneled IP interface instances instantiated by the CPE MUST NOT have any statistics, writable parameters, IP addresses or IPv6 prefixes. Any read-only parameters, e.g. Status, MUST return the same information as for the corresponding Tunnel interface. The reason for these rules is that Tunneled IP interfaces exist only in order to be the targets of references (within the data model) and do not model any concepts over and above those already modeled by the Tunnel IP interfaces.Note that Tunnel and Tunneled IP interfaces are part of a legacy mechanism that is only used for IPv6rd, DSLite and IPsec tunnels and MUST NOT be used in any other context. For all other tunneling mechanisms Normal IP interfaces are stacked above technology-specific Tunnel Interfaces, e.g. above GRE.Tunnel.{i}.Interface or MAP.Domain.{i}.Interface objects.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Device.IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Address.{i}. object(0:) W

This table contains the IP interface’s IPv6 unicast addresses. There MUST be an entry for each such address, including anycast addresses.

There are several ways in which entries can be added to and deleted from this table, including:

  • Automatically via SLAAC [RFC4862], which covers generation Thereof link-local addresses (for all types of device) and global addresses (for non-router devices).
  • Automatically via DHCPv6 [RFC3315], which covers generation of any type of address (subject to the configured DHCP server policy).
  • Manually via a GUI or some other local management interface.
  • Manually via factory default configuration.
  • By the Controller.

This table MUST NOT include entries for the Subnet-Router anycast address [Section 2.6.1/RFC4291]. Such entries would be an entry for each such address, including anycast addresses.There are several ways in which entries can be addedidentical to others but with a zero interface identifier, and deletedwould add no value.

A loopback interface will always have address ::1 [Section 2.5.3/RFC4291] and MAY also have link-local address fe80::1.

This object is based on ipAddressTable from this table, including:|li||Automatically via SLAAC |bibref|RFC4862|, which covers generation of link-local addresses (for all types of device) and global addresses (for non-router devices).|li||Automatically via DHCPv6 |bibref|RFC3315|, which covers generation of any type of address (subject to the configured DHCP server policy).|li||Manually via a GUI or some other local management interface.|li||Manually via factory default configuration.|li|*|By the Controller.This table MUST NOT include entries for the Subnet-Router anycast address |bibref|RFC4291|Section 2.6.1[RFC4293]. Such entries would be identical to others but with a zero interface identifier, and would add no value.A loopback interface will always have address ::1 |bibref|RFC4291|Section 2.5.3| and MAY also have link-local address fe80::1.This object is based on ipAddressTable from |bibref|RFC4293|.|

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for IPAddress.

- 2.2
Device.IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix.{i}. object(0:) W

This table contains the interface’s IPv6 prefixes. There MUST be an entry for each such prefix, not only for prefixes learned from router advertisements.

There are several ways in which entries can be added to and deleted from this table, including:

  • Automatically via [RFC4861] Router Advertisements. See also There MUST be an entry for each such prefix, not only for prefixes learned from router advertisements.There are several ways in which entries can be added to and deleted from this table, including:|li|*|Automatically via |bibref|RFC4861| Router Advertisements. See also RouterAdvertisement.* Automatically via DHCPv6 [RFC3315] prefix delegation [RFC3633]. See also DHCPv6.Client.* Automatically via internal CPE logic, e.g. creation of child prefixes derived from a parent prefix.* Manually via a GUI or some other local management interface.* Manually via factory default configuration.* By the Controller.The CPE MAY choose not to create IPv6Prefix entries for WellKnown prefixes or for the ULA /48 prefix [RFC4193]. If an IPv6Prefix entry exists for the ULA /48 prefix, it MUST be on a downstream interface (i.e. an interface for which the physical layer interface object has Upstream = false).This object is based on ipAddressPrefixTable from [RFC4293].

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Prefix.

- 2.2
Device.IP.Diagnostics. object R The IP Diagnostics object. - 2.0
Device.IP.Diagnostics.DownloadDiagnostics. object R This object defines the diagnostics configuration for a HTTP and FTP DownloadDiagnostics Test.Files received in the DownloadDiagnostics do not require file storage on the CPE device. - 2.0
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Completed (

This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete. description


  • Error_CannotResolveHostName (READONLY)
  • Error_NoRouteToHost (READONLY)
  • Error_InitConnectionFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_NoResponse (READONLY)
  • Error_TransferFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_PasswordRequestFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_LoginFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_NoTransferMode (READONLY)
  • Error_IncorrectSize (READONLY)
  • Error_Timeout (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead. Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Completed (

This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete. description


  • Error_CannotResolveHostName (READONLY)
  • Error_NoRouteToHost (READONLY)
  • Error_InitConnectionFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_NoResponse (READONLY)
  • Error_TransferFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_PasswordRequestFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_LoginFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_NoTransferMode (READONLY)
  • Error_IncorrectSize (READONLY)
  • Error_Timeout (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added Canceled enumeration
- 2.0
TotalBytesReceived unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesReceivedStats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.0
TotalBytesSent unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesSentStats.BytesSent on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.9
TotalBytesReceivedUnderFullLoading unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received in between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesReceivedStats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and at the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime and subtracting. - 2.9
TotalBytesSentUnderFullLoading unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesSentStats.BytesSent on the Interface object at the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and at the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime and subtracting. - 2.9
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDiagnostics. object R This object defines the diagnostics configuration for a HTTP or FTP UploadDiagnostics test.Files sent by the UploadDiagnostics do not require file storage on the CPE device, and MAY be an arbitrary stream of bytes. - 2.0
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Completed (

This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete. description


  • Error_CannotResolveHostName (READONLY)
  • Error_NoRouteToHost (READONLY)
  • Error_InitConnectionFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_NoResponse (READONLY)
  • Error_PasswordRequestFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_LoginFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_NoTransferMode (READONLY)
  • Error_NoCWD (READONLY)
  • Error_NoTransferComplete (READONLY)
  • Error_Timeout (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead. Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Completed (

This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete. description


  • Error_CannotResolveHostName (READONLY)
  • Error_NoRouteToHost (READONLY)
  • Error_InitConnectionFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_NoResponse (READONLY)
  • Error_PasswordRequestFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_LoginFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_NoTransferMode (READONLY)
  • Error_NoCWD (READONLY)
  • Error_NoTransferComplete (READONLY)
  • Error_Timeout (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added Canceled enumeration
- 2.0
TotalBytesReceived unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesReceivedStats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.9
TotalBytesSent unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesSentStats.BytesSent on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.0
TotalBytesReceivedUnderFullLoading unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime across all connections in the test. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesReceivedStats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and at the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.9
TotalBytesSentUnderFullLoading unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime across all connections in the test. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesSentStats.BytesSent on the Interface object at the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and at the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.9
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDiagnostics.PerConnectionResult.{i}. object(0:) R Results for individual connections. This table is only populated when EnablePerConnectionResults is true. A new object is created for each connection specified in NumberOfConnections. Instance numbers MUST start at 1 and sequentially increment as new instances are created. All instances are removed when DiagnosticsState is set to Requested or None. - 2.9
TotalBytesReceived unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesReceivedStats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.9
TotalBytesSent unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesSentStats.BytesSent on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.9
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDiagnostics.IncrementalResult.{i}. object(0:) R Results for time segmented tests (tests where TimeBasedTestDuration > 0 and TimeBasedTestMeasurementInterval > 0). This data is totaled across all connections in the test. A new object is created every TimeBasedTestMeasurementInterval after that interval has completed. Instance numbers MUST start at 1 and sequentially increment as new instances are created. All instances are removed when DiagnosticsState is set to Requested or None. - 2.9
TotalBytesReceived unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received on the Interface between StartTime and EndTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesReceivedStats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at StartTime and at EndTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.9
TotalBytesSent unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent on the Interface between StartTime and EndTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesSentStats.BytesSent on the Interface object at StartTime and at EndTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.9
Device.IP.Diagnostics.DownloadDiagnostics.PerConnectionResult.{i}. object(0:) R Results for individual connections. This table is only populated when EnablePerConnectionResults is true. A new object is created for each connection specified in NumberOfConnections. Instance numbers MUST start at 1 and sequentially increment as new instances are created. All instances are removed when DiagnosticsState is set to Requested or None. - 2.9
TotalBytesReceived unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesReceivedStats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. - 2.9
TotalBytesSent unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesSentStats.BytesSent on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. - 2.9
Device.IP.Diagnostics.DownloadDiagnostics.IncrementalResult.{i}. object(0:) R Results for time segmented tests (tests where TimeBasedTestDuration > 0 and TimeBasedTestMeasurementInterval > 0). This data is totaled across all connections in the test. A new object is created every TimeBasedTestMeasurementInterval after that interval has completed. Instance numbers MUST start at 1 and sequentially increment as new instances are created. All instances are removed when DiagnosticsState is set to Requested or None. - 2.9
TotalBytesReceived unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received on the Interface between StartTime and EndTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesReceivedStats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at StartTime and at EndTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.9
TotalBytesSent unsignedInt R The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent on the Interface between StartTime and EndTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.bytesSentStats.BytesSent on the Interface object at StartTime and at EndTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.9
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UDPEchoDiagnostics. object R This object defines the diagnostics configuration for a UDP Echo test [Appendix A.1/TR-143] defined in [RFC862] or a UDP Echo Plus test defined in [Appendix A.1/TR-143]. - 2.9
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Completed (

This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete. description


  • Error_CannotResolveHostName (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead. Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Completed (

This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete. description


  • Error_CannotResolveHostName (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added Canceled enumeration
- 2.9
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPLayerCapacityMetrics. object R This object defines the diagnostics configuration for a IP Layer Capacity test. IP Layer Capacity measurement is specified in [TR-471].Files received in the IP Layer Capacity test do not require file storage on the CPE device.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.14
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Error_CannotResolveHostName (READONLY)
  • Error_NoRouteToHost (READONLY)
  • Error_InitConnectionFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_NoResponse (READONLY)
  • Error_PasswordRequestFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_LoginFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_RejectedByRemote (READONLY)
  • Error_IncorrectSize (READONLY)
  • Error_Timeout (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead. Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Error_CannotResolveHostName (READONLY)
  • Error_NoRouteToHost (READONLY)
  • Error_InitConnectionFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_NoResponse (READONLY)
  • Error_PasswordRequestFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_LoginFailed (READONLY)
  • Error_RejectedByRemote (READONLY)
  • Error_IncorrectSize (READONLY)
  • Error_Timeout (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added Canceled enumeration
- 2.14
IPLayerCapSupportedSoftwareVersion string(:64) R Indicates the installed version of the test software. The software version string will be implementation-dependent, and SHOULD identify both the implementation and the version (e.g., UDPST-7.2.1). - 2.15
IPLayerCapSupportedControlProtocolVersion string(:64) R Indicates the control protocol version supported by the test software. Refer to [TR-471] for more information. - 2.15
IPLayerCapSupportedMetrics string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings.

Indicates the test metrics from [Section 5.2/TR-471] that are supported by the device.[

Note that [TR-471] mandates support for and use of IPLR and Sampled RTT.] Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • IPLR (IP packet Loss Ratio)
  • Sampled_RTT (Sampled Round Trip Time)
  • IPDV (IP packet Delay Variation, OPTIONAL)
  • IPRR (IP packet Reordering Ratio, OPTIONAL)
  • RIPR (Replicated IP packet Ratio, OPTIONAL)

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added string RIPR enumeration
- 2.14
Interface string(:256) W Note that |bibref|TR-471| mandates support for and use of IPLR and Sampled RTT.The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. The IP-layer interface over which the test is to be performed. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1If an empty string is specified, the device MUST use the interface as directed by its routing policy (Forwarding table entries) to determine the appropriate interface. - 2.14
JumboFramesPermitted boolean W If true, jumbo frames are allowed.allowed Defaultabove 1 Gbps. The default value SHOULD be |false|true. - 2.14
UDPPayloadMin unsignedInt(35:8972) W Minimum reference size of UDP payload in octets. No default. The implementation will algorithmically determine a value if none is configured. The value SHOULD be set to a value that avoids fragmentation (i.e., using path MTU discovery).

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed 35:8972 range attribute maxInclusive = 90008972
- 2.14
UDPPayloadMax unsignedInt(35:8972) W Maximum reference size of UDP payload in octets. No default. The implementation will algorithmically determine a value if none is configured. The value SHOULD be set to the largest value that avoids fragmentation (i.e., using path MTU discovery). If JumboFramesPermitted is false, the maximum value MUST be 1472 octets. If JumboFramesPermitted is true, this value can be as large as 90008972 octets. UDPPayloadMax MUST be greater than or equal to UDPPayloadMin.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed 35:8972 range attribute maxInclusive = 90008972
- 2.14
UDPPayloadContent string W

UDP Payload Content Type, If there is payload compression in the path and tests intend to characterize a possible advantage due to compression, then payload content SHOULD be supplied by a pseudo-random sequence generator, by using part of a compressed file, or by other means. Payload may also contain the test protocol PDUs. The default value SHOULD be zeroes. Enumeration of:

  • zeroes (All zero (0) payload content)
  • ones (All one (1) payload content)
  • alternates0and1 (Alternating zero (0) and one (1) payload content)
  • random (Random payload content)
- 2.15
PortMin unsignedInt(49152:65535) W Starting value for range of Dynamic Ports supported for test traffic and status feedback messages. PortMin MUST be less than or equal to PortMax, if specified. If PortMin and PortMax are not specified, the full range of Ports in the Dynamic Ports range (49152-65535) that have been specifically set aside by IANA MAY be used. - 2.14
PortMax unsignedInt(49152:65535) W Indicates the upper bound of the supported Dynamic Port range, where PortMin indicates the starting port number. PortMax MUST be greater than or equal to PortMin., if specified. If PortMin and PortMax are not specified, the full range of Ports in the Dynamic Ports range (49152-65535) that have been specifically set aside by IANA MAY be used. - 2.14
IPDVEnable boolean W Enables one-way IPDV (IP packetPacket Delay Variation) metric.metric Defaultfor load rate adjustment algorithm. When true (enabled), one-way delay variation is used, otherwise round-trip delay variation is used. The default value SHOULD be false. - 2.14
IPRREnable boolean W Enables IPRR (IP packet Reordering Ratio) metric. DefaultThe default value SHOULD be false. - 2.14
RIPREnable boolean W Enables RIPRR (Replicated IP Packet Ratio) metric. The default value SHOULD be false. - 2.15
StartSendingRate unsignedInt(500:10000000) W The Sending Rate for a Fixed test or the initial Sending Rate value for a Search test. Value specified in kbps. The default value SHOULD be 500 kbps. - 2.14
NumberFirstModeTestSubIntervals unsignedInt(0:100) W When the value >= 1, bimodal test mode is requested and the value represents the number of sub-intervals to be included in the first capacity test mode. The remaining sub-intervals of NumberTestSubIntervals are for the second capacity test mode. Value = 0 indicates that bimodal testing is disabled. The value MUST NOT be greater than NumberTestSubIntervals. The default value SHOULD be 0. - 2.15
StatusFeedbackInterval unsignedInt(5:250) W Period of status feedback message (receiver of offered load returns messages to the sender with results of measured metrics). Value specified in milliseconds. The default value SHOULD be 50 milliseconds. - 2.14
TimeoutNoTraffic unsignedInt(5:30) W
Timeout value. Value specified in seconds. The default value SHOULD be 5 seconds. This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by TimeoutNoTestTraffic due to new precision requirement. Refer to [TR-471] for details.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
- 2.14
TimeoutNoTestTraffic unsignedInt(500:1000) W Timeout value. If no test traffic packets are received for TimeoutNoTestTraffic milliseconds, test will timeout. Value specified in milliseconds. The default value SHOULD be 1000 milliseconds. - 2.15
TimeoutNoStatusMessage unsignedInt(500:1000) W Timeout value. If no status message packets are received for TimeoutNoStatusMessage milliseconds, test will timeout. Value specified in milliseconds. The default value SHOULD be 1000 milliseconds. - 2.15
Tmax unsignedInt(50:3000) W Maximum waiting time for packets to arrive. Value specified in milliseconds. The default value SHOULD be 1000 milliseconds. - 2.14
TmaxRTT unsignedInt(50:3000) W Maximum Round Trip Time waiting time for packets to arrive. Value specified in milliseconds. The default value SHOULD be 3000 milliseconds. - 2.14
TimestampResolution unsignedInt(1:1000) W Indicates the requested precision of timestamp values. The test implementation will determine the actual precision to use based on the implemented resolution capabilities of the protocols used and this requested value. If the implemented resolution capabilities of the {{param: non-existent #.IPLayerCapSupportedMetrics}} protocols being used are able to provide the requested resolution, this resolution SHOULD be provided. Value specified in microseconds. The default value SHOULD be 1 microseconds. - 2.14
SeqErrThresh unsignedInt(0:100) W This parameter is only meaningful if TestType is Search. Threshold for Loss or Reordering or Replication impairments measured (events where received packet sequence number did not increase by one). The default value SHOULD be 10. - 2.15
ReordDupIgnoreEnable boolean W This parameter is only meaningful if TestType is Search. When true (enabled) only Loss counts toward received packet sequence number errors, and reordering and Duplication impairments are ignored. When false (disabled), Loss, Reordering and Duplication are all counted as sequence number errors. The default value SHOULD be false (disabled). - 2.15
LowerThresh unsignedInt(5:250) W This parameter is only meaningful if TestType is Search. The lower threshold on the range of Round Trip Time (RTT) variation. Value specified in milliseconds. The default value SHOULD be 30 milliseconds. - 2.14
UpperThresh unsignedInt(5:250) W This parameter is only meaningful if TestType is Search. The upper threshold on the range of Round Trip Time (RTT) variation. Value specified in milliseconds. The default value SHOULD be 90 milliseconds. - 2.14
HighSpeedDelta unsignedInt(2:) W This parameter is only meaningful if TestType is Search. The number of rows to move in a single adjustment when initially increasing offered load (to ramp up quickly). The default value SHOULD be 10. - 2.14
SlowAdjThresh unsignedInt(2:) W This parameter is only meaningful if TestType is Search. Threshold on the measured number of consecutive status reports indicating loss and/or delay variation above UpperThresh (SlowAdjCount). The default value SHOULD be 2.3. - 2.14
HSpeedThresh unsignedInt(1:) W This parameter is only meaningful if TestType is Search. Threshold for transition between low and high sending rate step sizes (such as 1Mbps and 100 Mbps). If JumboFramesPermitted is true this may result in use of jumbo frames. The default value SHOULD be 1 Gbps. - 2.14
ModalResultNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ModalResult table. - 2.14
MaxIPLayerCapacity decimal R The maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric from among all IncrementalResult.{i}.IPLayerCapacity values measured between BOMTime and EOMTime across all connections for this test. This is calculated according to [TR-471] Equation 1. Result is expressed in Mbps with 32 digits beyond the decimal. 10^6 bits/second = 1 Mbps.Mbps. - 2.14
MaxETHCapacityNoFCS decimal R Results of measurements using the Maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric, according to [TR-471] Equation 1, and calculations to estimate the capacity at Layer 2 with Preamble and Inter-frame gap, but no ETH Frame Check Sequence. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 10^6 bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
MaxETHCapacityWithFCS decimal R Results of measurements using the Maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric, according to [TR-471] Equation 1, and calculations to estimate the capacity at Layer 2 with ETH Frame Check Sequence. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 10^6bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
MaxETHCapacityWithFCSVLAN decimal R Results of measurements using the Maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric, according to [TR-471] Equation 1, and calculations to estimate the capacity at Layer 2 with ETH Frame Check Sequence and VLAN tag. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 10^6bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
ReplicatedRatioAtMax decimal R Ratio of replicated packets to total packets during the sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
InterfaceEthMbpsAtMax decimal R The number of bits observed on the Interface during an IP-Layer Capacity test for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at IncrementalResult.{i}.TimeOfSubInterval corresponding to the MaxIPLayerCapacity, divided by the duration of TestSubInterval. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 10^6 bits/second = 1 Mbps. This is primarily a diagnostic measurement. Measurement direction follows the Role. - 2.15
IPLayerCapacitySummary decimal R The IP-Layer Capacity metric from among all IncrementalResult.{i}.IPLayerCapacity values measured between BOMTime and EOMTime across all connections for this test. This is calculated according to [TR-471] Equation 1. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 10^6 bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
LossRatioSummary decimal R Ratio of lost packets to total packets during the complete TestInterval. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
RTTRangeSummary decimal R The range of measured Round Trip Time (RTT) during the complete TestInterval. This value is expressed in seconds, as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
PDVRangeSummary decimal R The range of Packet Delay Variation (PDV) during the complete TestInterval. This value is expressed in seconds, as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
MinOnewayDelaySummary decimal R The minimum one-way delay during the complete TestInterval. This value is expressed in seconds, as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
MinRTTSummary decimal R The minimum RTT during the complete TestInterval. This value is expressed in seconds, as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
ReorderedRatioSummary decimal R Ratio of reordered packets to total packets during the complete TestInterval. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
ReplicatedRatioSummary decimal R Ratio of replicated packets to total packets during the complete TestInterval. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
InterfaceEthMbpsSummary decimal R The number of bits observed on the Interface during an IP-Layer Capacity test for the entire time interval of duration TestInterval, divided by the duration of TestInterval. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 10^6 bits/second = 1 Mbps. This is primarily a diagnostic measurement. Measurement direction follows the Role. - 2.15
TimestampResolutionUsed unsignedInt R Indicates the timestamp resolution of reported results. This is a function of the measurement protocol, and it is usually determined once the protocol chosen. Value specified in microseconds. - 2.14
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPLayerCapacityMetrics.ModalResult.{i}. object(1:) R

Modal test results. Only returned when bimodal test mode is enabled (NumberFirstModeTestSubIntervals >=1). If returned, it MUST contain 1 or more entries, with instance number 1 corresponding to the second mode and instance number 2 corresponding to the third mode.

Results for the Maximum in each mode/instance are calculated based on IncrementalResult.{i}. data within the boundary of its corresponding mode.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry.

- 2.15
MaxIPLayerCapacity decimal R The maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric from among all IncrementalResult.{i}.IPLayerCapacity values within corresponding mode across all connections for this test. This is calculated according to [TR-471] Equation 1. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 10^6bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
TimeOfMax dateTime R Time in UTC of end of the sub-interval when MaxIPLayerCapacity was measured. If the value of MaxIPLayerCapacity occurred in multiple sub-intervals, this MUST be the earliest of these sub-intervals. Value MUST be specified to TimestampResolution precision. For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z - 2.15
MaxETHCapacityNoFCS decimal R Results of measurements using the Maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric, according to [TR-471] Equation 1, and calculations to estimate the capacity at Layer 2 with Preamble and Inter-frame gap, but no ETH Frame Check Sequence. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 10^6bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
MaxETHCapacityWithFCS decimal R Results of measurements using the Maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric, according to [TR-471] Equation 1, and calculations to estimate the capacity at Layer 2 with ETH Frame Check Sequence. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 10^6bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
MaxETHCapacityWithFCSVLAN decimal R Results of measurements using the Maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric, according to [TR-471] Equation 1, and calculations to estimate the capacity at Layer 2 with ETH Frame Check Sequence and VLAN tag. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 10^6bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
LossRatioAtMax decimal R Ratio of lost packets to total packets during sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
RTTRangeAtMax decimal R The range of Round Trip Time (RTT) during sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed in seconds. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
PDVRangeAtMax decimal R The range of Packet Delay Variation (PDV) during sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed in seconds. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
MinOnewayDelayAtMax decimal R The minimum one-way delay during the sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. The minimum one-way delay is calculated at the conclusion of the test and SHALL be calculated using the conditional distribution of all packets with a finite one-way delay value (undefined delays are excluded). This value is expressed in seconds. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
ReorderedRatioAtMax decimal R Ratio of reordered packets to total packets during the sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
ReplicatedRatioAtMax decimal R Ratio of replicated packets to total packets during the sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
InterfaceEthMbpsAtMax decimal R The number of bits observed on the Interface during an IP-Layer Capacity test for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at IncrementalResult.{i}.TimeOfSubInterval corresponding to the MaxIPLayerCapacity, divided by the duration of TestSubInterval. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 10^6 bits/second = 1 Mbps. This is primarily a diagnostic measurement. Measurement direction follows the Role. - 2.15
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPLayerCapacityMetrics.IncrementalResult.{i}. object(0:) R Results for time segmented tests (tests where NumberTestSubIntervals > 1). This data is calculated across all connections in the test. A new object is created every TestSubInterval after that interval has completed. Instance numbers MUST start at 1 and sequentially increment as new instances are created. All instances are removed when new test is started or results are otherwise cleared.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.14
IPLayerCapacity decimal R Results of measurements using the maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric calculation for a single interval from [TR-471] Equation 1, for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at TimeOfSubInterval across all connections for this test. Result is expressed in Mbps with 32 digits beyond the decimal. 10^6 bits/second = 1 Mbps.Mbps. - 2.14
ReplicatedRatio decimal R Ratio of replicated packets to total packets, for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at TimeOfSubInterval across all connections for this test. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
InterfaceEthMbps decimal R The number of bits observed on the Interface during an IP-Layer Capacity test for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at TimeOfSubInterval, divided by the duration of TestSubInterval. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 10^6 bits/second = 1 Mbps. This is primarily a diagnostic measurement. Measurement direction follows the Role. - 2.15
Device.IP.Diagnostics.ServerSelectionDiagnostics. object R This object provides access to a diagnostics test that performs either an ICMP Ping or UDP Echo ping against multiple hosts determining which one has the smallest average response time. There MUST be a ping response to the transmitted ping, or timeout, before the next ping is sent out. - 2.9
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Completed (

This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete. description


  • Error_CannotResolveHostName (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead. Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Completed (

This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.13 because it’s a typo for Complete. description


  • Error_CannotResolveHostName (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added Canceled enumeration
- 2.9
Device.MAP. object R The Mapping of Address and Port (MAP) object [RFC7597] [RFC7599] [RFC7598]. This object applies only to gateway devices that support IPv4 on the LAN side, include a NAT, and typically have only IPv6 connectivity on the WAN side.See the MAP Theory of Operation [Appendix XV/TR-181i2] for a description of the working of this MAP data model. - 2.8
Device.MAP.Domain.{i}. object(0:) W

MAP domain settings [RFC7597] [RFC7599]. Each instance models a MAP domain.MAP supports two transport modes, both of which use NAPT44 (modified to use a restricted port range):* MAP-E (TransportMode = Encapsulation) uses an IPv4-in-IPv6 tunnel.* MAP-T (TransportMode = Translation) uses stateless NAT64.Note: There is an n:1 relationship between a MAP domain and the associated WANInterface, i.e. in theory multiple MAP domains can be associated with a single WAN IP interface (each domain would have its own End-user IPv6 prefix and MAP IPv6 address).Note: The Domain table includes unique key parameters that are strong references. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated Domain row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending Domain row.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with the same values for both WANInterface and IPv6Prefix.

- 2.8
PSIDOffset unsignedInt(0:15) W

Port-set ID (PSID) offset in bits. The number of Port-sets is 2^PSIDOffset.Corresponds to the [RFC7598] S46_PORTPARAMS (Port Parameters) option’s offset field.This parameter was DEPRECATED

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.12.because details changed between drafting this data model and the RFC being published. This parameter has been moved to the proper location within the |object|*Domain*Rule.{i}.| object.This parameter is OBSOLETED in 2.14.object
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14-2.15.
6 2.8
PSIDLength unsignedInt(0:16) W

The length in bits of the Port-set id (PSID) configured in the PSID parameter.Corresponds to the [RFC7598] S46_PORTPARAMS (Port Parameters) option’s PSID-len field.This parameter was DEPRECATED

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.12.because details changed between drafting this data model and the RFC being published. This parameter has been moved to the proper location within the |object|*Domain*Rule.{i}.| object.This parameter is OBSOLETED in 2.14.object
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14-2.15.
0 2.8
PSID unsignedInt(0:65535) W

Port-set ID (PSID) to use in preference to the value extracted from the Embedded Address (EA) bits.Only the high order PSIDLength bits of the PSID value are used, so the parameter is ignored when PSIDLength is zero.Corresponds to the [RFC7598] S46_PORTPARAMS (Port Parameters) option’s PSID field.This parameter was DEPRECATED

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.12.because details changed between drafting this data model and the RFC being published. This parameter has been moved to the proper location within the |object|*Domain*Rule.{i}.| object.This parameter is OBSOLETED in 2.14.object
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14-2.15.
0 2.8
IncludeSystemPorts boolean W
Whether to include low-numbered (system) ports in the Port-sets. Normally ports in the range [0:2^(16-{{param: non-existent PSIDOffset{{inserted: unexpected argument obsoleted after: []}}}})-1] are excluded, e.g. for the default {{param: non-existent PSIDOffset{{inserted: unexpected argument obsoleted after: []}}}} value of 4, ports [0:4095]6, ports [0:1023] are not included in the Port-sets.This parameter is related to [RFC7597]’s N, which is defined as the number of ports (e.g., 1024) excluded from the lower end of the range. The parameter is relevant only when {{param: non-existent PSIDOffset{{inserted: unexpected argument obsoleted after: []}}}} is 0; false corresponds to N=1024 and true corresponds to N=0.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because details changed between drafting this data model and the RFC being published. This parameter has been moved to the proper location within the Rule.{i}. object.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
false 2.8
Device.MAP.Domain.{i}.Rule.{i}. object(0:) W

The MAP domain’s Mapping Rules [RFC7597]. The rule with the longest match between its IPv6Prefix and the end-user IPv6Prefix is the Basic Mapping Rule (BMR). Any of the rules (including the BMR) can be a Forwarding Mapping Rule.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for IPv6Prefix, or with a given value for IPv4Prefix.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.8
IncludeSystemPorts boolean W

Whether to include low-numbered (system) ports in the Port-sets. Normally ports in the range [0:2^(16-PSIDOffset)-1] are excluded, e.g. for the default PSIDOffset value of 6, ports [0:1023] are not included in the Port-sets.

This parameter is related to [RFC7597]’s N, which is defined as the number of ports (e.g., 1024) excluded from the lower end of the range. The parameter is relevant only when PSIDOffset is 0; false corresponds to N=1024 and true corresponds to N=0.

false 2.15
Device.CaptivePortal. object R This object contains parameters relating to the captive portal configuration on the CPE.The captive portal configuration defines the CPE’s upstream HTTP (port 80) traffic redirect behavior.When the captive portal is disabled, upstream HTTP (port 80) traffic MUST be permitted to all destinations.When the captive portal is enabled, upstream HTTP (port 80) traffic MUST be permitted only to destinations listed in the AllowedList; traffic to all other destinations MUST be redirected to the URL. - 2.0
AllowedList string[:10000]() W Comma-separated list (up to 10000 items) (length ) of strings. List items represent Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) orIP addresses to which HTTP (port 80) traffic MUST always be permitted, regardless of whether the captive portal is enabled.Each entry in the list MUST be either an FQDN, IP address, or an IP prefix specified using Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation [RFC4632].An IP prefix is specified as an IP address followed (with no intervening white space) by “/n”, where n (the prefix size) is an integer in the range 0-32 (for IPv4) or 0-128 (for IPv6) that indicates the number of (leftmost) ‘1’ bits of the prefix.IPv4 example:* specifies a single IPv4 address, and specifies a class C subnet with subnet mask* represents the 1024 IPv4 addresses from to example:* fec0::220:edff:fe6a:f76 specifies a single IPv6 address.* 2001:edff:fe6a:f76::/64 represents the IPv6 addresses from 2001:edff:fe6a:f76:0:0:0:0 to 2001:edff:fe6a:f76:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added :10000 list attribute maxItems = 10000
  • Removed size attribute maxLength = 10000
- 2.0
Device.Routing. object R Routing object that contains the Router table and RIP protocol object.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.0
Device.Routing.Babel. object R This object provides parameters for configuration, troubleshooting, and monitoring of the Babel routing protocol [RFC8966]. This data model is based on the Babel information model defined in [RFC9046]. - 2.15
Enable boolean W Enables or disables Babel on the device. - 2.15
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the device to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.15
ImplementationVersion string(:32) R The name and version of this implementation of the Babel protocol. This is not the same as the version of the Babel protocol that has been implemented. The method of naming and identifying implementation versions will be specific to the implementation. - 2.15
SelfRouterID hexBinary R The router-id used by this instance of the Babel protocol to identify itself. [RFC8966] describes this as an arbitrary string of 8 octets. - 2.15
SelfSeqno unsignedInt(:65535) R The current sequence number included in route updates for routes originated by this node. - 2.15
SupportedMetricCompAlgorithms string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported cost computation algorithms. Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.15
SupportedSecurityMechanisms string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported security mechanisms. Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.15
SupportedMACAlgorithms string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported MAC computation algorithms. Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.15
SupportedDTLSCertTypes string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported DTLS certificate types. Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.15
StatsEnable boolean W Enables or disables collection of statistics on all InterfaceSetting. instances. Statistics are provided in InterfaceSetting.{i}.Stats.. When enabled, existing statistics values are not cleared and will be incremented as new packets are counted. - 2.15
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the InterfaceSetting table. - 2.15
RouteNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Route table. - 2.15
MACKeySetNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the MACKeySet table. - 2.15
DTLSCertSetNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DTLSCertSet table. - 2.15
StatsReset boolean W When set to true, all Babel statistics counters are reset to zero. Statistics are provided in {{object: non-existent #.InterfaceSetting.{i}.Stats.}}. - 2.15
Device.Routing.Babel.Constants. object R This object represents the constants used by the Babel protocol. - 2.0
UDPPort unsignedInt(1:65535) W The UDP port number used by the Babel implementation to send and receive Babel packets. The UDP port number assigned by IANA is 6696. - 2.0
MulticastGroup string(:45) W [IPv6Address] The multicast group for sending and listening to multicast announcements on IPv6. The multicast group assigned by IANA is ff02::1:6. - 2.0
Device.Routing.Babel.InterfaceSetting.{i}. object(0:) W

This object provides parameters related to the interfaces the Babel protocol is operating over and can act as a routing protocol for.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables Babel on this interface. - 2.0
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid. The Error value MAY be used by the device to indicate a locally defined error condition.
Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
InterfaceReference string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Device.IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The Device.IP.Interface. object instance this Babel implementation is running over. The referenced interface object MUST have Device.IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Enable set to true. - 2.0
InterfaceMetricAlgorithm string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedMetricCompAlgorithms parameter. Indicates the metric computation algorithm used on this interface, from among the supported metric computation algorithms listed in SupportedMetricCompAlgorithms. - 2.0
SplitHorizonEnabled boolean W Enables or disables the use of split horizon optimization when calculating metrics on this interface. Split horizon optimization is described in [Section 3.7.4/RFC8966]. - 2.0
McastHelloSeqno unsignedInt(:65535) R The current sequence number in use for multicast Hellos sent on this interface. - 2.0
McastHelloInterval unsignedInt(:65535) R The current interval (time in centiseconds) used for multicast Hellos sent on this interface. - 2.0
UpdateInterval unsignedInt(:65535) R The current interval (time in centiseconds) used for all updates (multicast or unicast) sent on this interface. - 2.0
MACEnabled boolean W Enables or disables the MAC security mechanism. - 2.0
InterfaceMACKeySets string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the MACKeySet. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. MACKeySet. instances that apply to this InterfaceSetting instance. When an InterfaceSetting is created, all MACKeySet. instances with MACKeySet.{i}.DefaultApply of true will be included in this list. - 2.0
MACVerify boolean W A Boolean flag indicating whether MACs in incoming Babel packets are required to be present and are verified. If this parameter is true, incoming packets are required to have a valid MAC. - 2.0
DTLSEnabled boolean W Enables or disables the DTLS security mechanism. - 2.0
InterfaceDTLSCertSets string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DTLSCertSet. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. DTLSCertSet. instances that apply to this InterfaceSetting instance. When an InterfaceSetting is created, all DTLSCertSet. instances with DTLSCertSet.{i}.DefaultApply of true will be included in this list. - 2.0
CachedInfoEnabled boolean W A Boolean flag indicating whether the cached_info extension is included in ClientHello and ServerHello packets (see [Appendix A/RFC8968]. The extension is included if true. - 2.0
DTLSCertPrefer string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedDTLSCertTypes parameter. Supported certificate types (from SupportedDTLSCertTypes), listed in order of preference. This list is used to populate the server_certificate_type extension in a ClientHello (see [Appendix A/RFC8968]). Values that are present with a non-empty DTLSCertSet.{i}.DTLSCert.{i}.CertPrivateKey in at least one instance of DTLSCertSet.{i}.DTLSCert. included in a DTLSCertSet. instance referenced by InterfaceDTLSCertSets will be used to populate the client_certificate_type extension in a Client Hello. - 2.0
PacketLogEnable boolean W Enables or disables the logging of Babel packets into the PacketLog on this interface. - 2.0
PacketLog string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Device.DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to a DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile instance that contains a timestamped log of packets received and sent on Constants.UDPPort on this interface. The [LIBPCAP] file format with .pcap file extension SHOULD be supported for packet log files. Logging is enabled/disabled by PacketLogEnable. - 2.0
NeighborNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Neighbor table. - 2.0
Device.Routing.Babel.InterfaceSetting.{i}.Stats. object R This object provides statistics parameters for this interface. - 2.0
SentMcastHello unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] A count of the number of multicast Hello packets sent on this interface. - 2.0
SentMcastUpdate unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] A count of the number of multicast update packets sent on this interface. - 2.0
SentUcastHello unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] A count of the number of unicast Hello packets sent on this interface. - 2.0
SentUcastUpdate unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] A count of the number of unicast update packets sent on this interface. - 2.0
SentIHU unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] A count of the number of IHU (“I Heard You”) packets sent on this interface. - 2.0
ReceivedPackets unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] A count of the number of Babel packets received on this interface. - 2.0
Device.Routing.Babel.InterfaceSetting.{i}.Neighbor.{i}. object(0:) R

This object provides parameters related to neighbor devices that Babel packets are received from and sent to.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for NeighborAddress.

- 2.0
NeighborAddress string(:45) R [IPAddress] IP address the neighbor sends packets from. - 2.0
HelloMCastHistory hexBinary R The multicast Hello history of whether or not the multicast Hello packets prior to ExpectedMCastHelloSeqno were received. This is a binary sequence where the most recently received Hello is expressed as a “1” placed in the left-most bit, with prior bits shifted right (and “0” bits placed between prior Hello bits and the most recent Hello bit for any not-received Hellos). This value is displayed using hex digits. See [Section A.1/RFC8966]. - 2.0
HelloUCastHistory hexBinary R The unicast Hello history of whether or not the unicast Hello packets prior to ExpectedUCastHelloSeqno were received. This is a binary sequence where the most recently received Hello is expressed as a “1” placed in the left-most bit, with prior bits shifted right (and “0” bits placed between prior Hello bitss and the most recent Hello bit for any not-received Hellos). This value is displayed using hex digits. See [Section A.1/RFC8966]. - 2.0
TXCost unsignedInt(:65535) R Transmission cost value from the last IHU (“I Heard You”) packet received from this neighbor, or maximum value (as defined in [Section 3.4.2/RFC8966]) to indicate the IHU hold timer for this neighbor has expired. - 2.0
ExpectedMCastHelloSeqno int(-1:65535) R Expected multicast Hello sequence number of next Hello to be received from this neighbor. If multicast Hello packets are not expected, or processing of multicast packets is not enabled, this MUST be -1. Note [RFC9046] specifies a 16-bit unsigned integer with NULL value to represent no processed or expected multicast Hello packets. - 2.0
ExpectedUCastHelloSeqno int(-1:65535) R Expected unicast Hello sequence number of next Hello to be received from this neighbor. If unicast Hello packets are not expected, or processing of unicast packets is not enabled, this MUST be -1. - 2.0
UnicastHelloSeqno int(-1:65535) R The current sequence number in use for unicast Hellos sent to this neighbor. If unicast Hello packets are not being sent, this MUST be -1. - 2.0
UnicastHelloInterval unsignedInt(:65535) R The current interval in centiseconds used for unicast Hellos sent to this neighbor. - 2.0
RXCost unsignedInt(:65535) R Reception cost calculated for this neighbor. This value is usually derived from the Hello history, which may be combined with other data, such as statistics maintained by the link layer. The RXCost is sent to a neighbor in each IHU (“I Heard You”) packet. See [Section 3.4.3/RFC8966]. - 2.0
Cost unsignedInt(:65535) R Link cost is computed from the values maintained by a Babel implementation in its neighbor table as defined in [Section3.2.4/RFC8966]: the statistics kept about the reception of Hellos and the transmission cost computed from received IHU packets. See [Section 3.4.3/RFC8966]. - 2.0
Device.Routing.Babel.Route.{i}. object(0:) R

This object provides parameters for routes recieved from neighbors and internal routes.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both RoutePrefix and SourceRouterID.

- 2.0
RoutePrefix string(:49) R [IPPrefix] IP prefix for which this route is advertised. - 2.0
SourceRouterID hexBinary R Router-id of the router that originated this route. - 2.0
Neighbor string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the InterfaceSetting.{i}.Neighbor. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Reference to the InterfaceSetting.{i}.Neighbor entry for the neighbor that advertised this route. - 2.0
ReceivedMetric int(-1:65535) R The metric with which this route was advertised by the neighbor, or maximum value (as defined in [RFC8966]) to indicate the route was recently retracted and is temporarily unreachable (see [Section 3.5.5/RFC8966]). This metric will be -1 if the route was not received from a neighbor but was generated through other means. At least one of ReceivedMetric and CalculatedMetric MUST have a value other than -1. Having both be other than -1 is expected for a route that is received and subsequently advertised. - 2.0
CalculatedMetric int(-1:65535) R A calculated metric for this route. How the metric is calculated is implementation-specific. Maximum value (as defined in [RFC8966]) indicates the route was recently retracted and is temporarily unreachable ([Section 3.5.5/RFC8966]). At least one of ReceivedMetric and CalculatedMetric MUST have a value other than -1. Having both be other than -1 is expected for a route that is received and subsequently advertised. - 2.0
RouteSeqno unsignedInt(:65535) R The sequence number with which this route was advertised. - 2.0
NextHop string(:45) R [IPAddress] The next-hop address of this route. This will be empty if this route has no next-hop address. - 2.0
RouteFeasible boolean R A Boolean flag indicating whether this route is feasible, as defined in [Section 3.5.1/RFC8966]. - 2.0
RouteSelected boolean R A Boolean flag indicating whether this route is selected (i.e., whether it is currently being used for forwarding and is being advertised). - 2.0
Device.Routing.Babel.MACKeySet.{i}. object(0:) W

This object provides parameters related to use of the HMAC security mechanism [RFC8967] to sign and verify Babel packets.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
DefaultApply boolean W A Boolean flag indicating whether this MACKeySet instance is to be applied to all new InterfaceSetting. instances. If true, this MACKeySet instance applies to all new InterfaceSetting. instances at the time they are created and a reference to this MACKeySet is included in the InterfaceSetting.{i}.InterfaceMACKeySets parameter. If false, this MACKeySet is not applied to new InterfaceSetting. instances when they are created. - 2.0
MACKeyNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the MACKey table. - 2.0
Device.Routing.Babel.MACKeySet.{i}.MACKey.{i}. object(0:) W

This object provides the MAC keys used to calculate MACs for verification and sending by the MACKeySet instance.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
KeyUseSend boolean W Indicates whether this KeyValue is used to compute a MAC and include that MAC in the sent Babel packet. A MAC for sent packets is computed using this key if the value is true. If the value is false, this key is not used to compute a MAC to include in sent Babel packets. - 2.15
KeyUseVerify boolean W Indicates whether the KeyValue is used to verify incoming Babel packets. Incoming packets are verified using this key if true. If false no MAC is computed from KeyValue for comparing with the MAC in an incoming Babel packet. - 2.15
KeyValue hexBinary WO

The value of the MAC key. This value is immutable, once written. This value is of a length suitable for the associated MACKeyAlgorithm. If the algorithm is based on the HMAC construction [RFC2104], the length MUST be between 0 and an upper limit that is at least the size of the output length (where “HMAC-SHA256” output length is 32 octets as described in [RFC4868]). Longer lengths MAY be supported but are not necessary if the management system has the ability to generate a suitably random value (e.g., by randomly generating a value or by using a key derivation technique as recommended in [Security Considerations/RFC8967]). If the algorithm is “BLAKE2s-128”, the length MUST be between 0 and 32 bytes inclusive, as specified in [RFC7693].

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.15
MACKeyAlgorithm string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedMACAlgorithms parameter. The name of the MAC algorithm used with this key. The value MUST be the same as one of the enumerations listed in the SupportedMACAlgorithms parameter. - 2.15
MACTestState string W

This parameter allows the MAC key and MAC algorithm to be tested to see if they produce an expected outcome. The command calculates a MAC for InputString using the KeyValue and the algorithm indicated by MACKeyAlgorithm and compares that to the value of InputMAC. If the values match, the output Match is true.

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
- 2.15
InputString hexBinary W Setting MACTestState to Requested calculates a MAC of InputString using the KeyValue and the algorithm indicated by MACKeyAlgorithm. - 2.15
InputMAC hexBinary W Whenever a MAC is calculated from InputString that MAC is then compared to InputMAC. - 2.15
Match boolean R Match is true if the calculated MAC and InputMAC are the same. - 2.15
Device.Routing.Babel.DTLSCertSet.{i}. object(0:) W

This object provides parameters related to use of the DTLS security mechanism [RFC8968] to encrypt Babel packets.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
DefaultApply boolean W A Boolean flag indicating whether this DTLSCertSet instance is to be applied to all new InterfaceSetting. instances. If true, this DTLSCertSet instance applies to all new InterfaceSetting. instances at the time they are created and a reference to this DTLSCertSet is included in the InterfaceSetting.{i}.InterfaceDTLSCertSets parameter. If false, this DTLSCertSet is not applied to new InterfaceSetting. instances when they are created. - 2.0
DTLSCertNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DTLSCert table. - 2.0
Device.Routing.Babel.DTLSCertSet.{i}.DTLSCert.{i}. object(0:) W

This object provides the certificates used for verification and signing by the DTLSCertSet instance with DTLS.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
CertValue string(:256) WO The DTLS certificate in PEM format [RFC7468]. This value is immutable, once written. - 2.0
CertType string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedDTLSCertTypes parameter. The certificate type of CertValue (from among the supported types in SupportedDTLSCertTypes). This value is immutable, once written. - 2.0
CertPrivateKey hexBinary WO

The private key of the certificate. CertPrivateKey is only given a value if the certificate belongs to this device. If CertPrivateKey is non-empty, this certificate can be supplied during DTLS handshaking. This value is immutable, once written.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
Device.Hosts. object R This object provides information about each of the hosts on the LAN, including those whose IP address was allocated by the CPE using DHCP as well as hosts with statically allocated IP addresses. It can also include non-IP hosts. - 2.0
Device.Hosts.Host.{i}. object(0:) R

Host table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for PhysAddress.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed PhysAddress parameterRef attribute ref = AliasPhysAddress
- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for PhysAddress.This parameter was DEPRECATED

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11.because Host is a transient object.This parameter is OBSOLETED in 2.14.object
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.

This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed attribute status = obsoleteddeleted
- 2.0
AddressSource string R

Indicates whether the IP address of the host was allocated by the CPE using DHCP, was assigned to the host statically, or was assigned using automatic IP address allocation. Enumeration of:

  • DHCP
  • Static
  • AutoIP
  • None This parameter was DEPRECATED
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11.because only |enum|**{{enum: only valid as argument}}**None| and |enum|**{{enum: only valid as argument}}**DHCP| made sense (the CPE doesn’t know whether the address is |enum|**{{enum: only valid as argument}}**Static| or |enum|**{{enum: only valid as argument}}**AutoIP|). The |enum|**{{enum: only valid as argument}}**DHCP| case is now handled via the |param|AddressSourceDHCPClient| reference.This parameter is OBSOLETED in 2.14.reference
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.

This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed attribute status = obsoleteddeleted
- 2.0
LeaseTimeRemaining int(-1:) R

DHCP lease time remaining in seconds. A value of -1 indicates an infinite lease. The value MUST be 0 (zero) if the AddressSource is not DHCP.This parameter was DEPRECATED

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11.because DHCP lease/lifetime information can be accessed via the |param|LeaseTimeRemainingDHCPClient| reference.This parameter is OBSOLETED in 2.14.reference
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.

This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed attribute status = obsoleteddeleted
- 2.0
VendorClassID string(:255) R

Vendor Class Identifier DHCP option (Option 60) of the host.This is a normal string, e.g. “abc” is represented as “abc” and not say “616263” hex. However, if the value includes non-printing characters then such characters have to be represented using XML escapes, e.g. #x0a for line-feed.It MAY be defined when AddressSource is DHCP. An empty string indicates this option is not used.Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.This parameter was DEPRECATED

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11.because host-supplied DHCP options can be accessed via the |param|VendorClassIDDHCPClient| reference.This parameter is OBSOLETED in 2.14.| reference
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed attribute status = obsoleteddeleted
- 2.0
ClientID hexBinary(:65535) R

A hexbinary string, Client Identifier DHCP option (Option 61) for the specific IP connection of the client. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.It MAY be defined when AddressSource is DHCP. An empty string indicates this option is not used.Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.This parameter was DEPRECATED

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11.because host-supplied DHCP options can be accessed via the |param|ClientIDDHCPClient| reference.This parameter is OBSOLETED in 2.14.reference
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.

This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed attribute status = obsoleteddeleted
- 2.0
UserClassID hexBinary(:65535) R

A hexbinary string, User Class Identifier DHCP option (Option 77) of the host.It MAY be defined when {{param: non-existent AddressSource{{inserted: unexpected argument deleted after: []}}}} is {{enum: reference to deleted enumeration Device.Hosts.Host.{i}.AddressSource.DHCP}}. An empty string indicates this option is not used.Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.This parameter is DEPRECATED

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11.because host-supplied DHCP options can be accessed via the |param|UserClassIDDHCPClient| reference.reference
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.15.
- 2.0
Device.Hosts.AccessControl.{i}. object(0:) W

Every instance of this object provides access control for a LAN device.Access is allowed if no instance of AccessControl is defined for a device.[

If access is not allowed, then the LAN device cannot access the broadband network.]

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for PhysAddress.

- 2.14
Device.Hosts.AccessControl.{i}.Schedule.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this object provides a schedule where access is enabled.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.14
Day string[] W

Comma-separated list ofComma-separated list of strings, the. days for which access is enabled.enabled Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
- 2.14
Device.DNS. object R Properties for Domain Name Service (DNS). - 2.0
Device.DNS.Client. object R Client properties for Domain Name Service (DNS). The DNS client resolves FQDN on behalf of device internal (client) applications. - 2.0
Device.DNS.Client.Server.{i}. object(0:) W

This table contains the DNS Server IP address to be used by the DHCPDNS Client (it does not model a DNS Server). Entries are either automatically created as result of DHCP (v4 or v6), IPCP, or RA received DNS server information, or are statically configured by the Controller.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for DNSServer.

- 2.0
Type string R

Method used to assign the DNSServer address. Enumeration of:

  • DHCP (This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.14 because it’s been replaced. by **{{enum: only valid as argument}}**DHCPv4)
  • DHCPv4
  • DHCPv6
  • RouterAdvertisement
  • IPCP
  • Static Table entries that are automatically created as result of DHCP, IPCP, or RA received DNS server information will have Type set to DHCPv4, DHCPv6, IPCP, or RouterAdvertisement, as the case may be. Manually created table entires will have their Type set to Static.
Static 2.0
Device.DNS.Relay. object R DNS Relay object. The DNS proxy (or relay) function allows the forwarding of local network DNS queries to local or external DNS server(s) [RFC5625]. - 2.0
ForwardNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Forwarding table.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute dmr_customNumEntriesParameter = true
- 2.0
Device.DNS.Relay.Forwarding.{i}. object(0:) W

DNS Server forwarding policy to be used by the DNS Relay. Entries are either automatically created as result of DHCP (v4 or v6), IPCP, or RA received DNS server information, or are statically configured by the Controller.Note: Management of re-directing queries to the device embedded DNS server is not defined in this version of the specification.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for DNSServer.

- 2.0
Type string R

Method used to assign the DNSServer address. Enumeration of:

  • DHCP (This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.14 because it’s been replaced. by **{{enum: only valid as argument}}**DHCPv4)
  • DHCPv4
  • DHCPv6
  • RouterAdvertisement
  • IPCP
  • Static Table entries that are automatically created as result of DHCP, IPCP, or RA received DNS server information will have Type set to DHCPv4, DHCPv6, IPCP, or RouterAdvertisement, as the case may be. Manually created table entires will have their Type set to Static.
Static 2.0
Device.DNS.Diagnostics. object R The DNS Diagnostics object containing the NSLookupDiagnostics test. - 2.0
Device.DNS.Diagnostics.NSLookupDiagnostics. object R This object defines access to an IP-layer NS Lookup test for the specified IP interface.When initiated, the NS Lookup test will contact DNSServer and look up HostName NumberOfRepetitions times.There will be a Result instance for each time the device performs a DNS lookup, which is determined by the value of NumberOfRepetitions.Any previous Result instances are removed when a new test is initiated. - 2.0
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Error_DNSServerNotResolved (Unable to resolve DNSServer Name, READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead. Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Error_DNSServerNotResolved (Unable to resolve DNSServer Name, READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added Canceled enumeration
- 2.0
Device.DHCPv4. object R The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) IPv4 object [RFC2131]. This entire object applies to IPv4 only. It contains the Client, Server, and Relay objects. - 2.0
Device.DHCPv4.Server. object R DHCP server configuration. - 2.0
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}. object(0:) W

DHCP conditional serving pool table.Each instance of this object defines a DHCP conditional serving pool. Client requests are associated with pools based on criteria such as source interface, supplied DHCP options, and MAC address.Overlapping pool ranges MUST be supported.For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference, or MinAddress, MaxAddress, or SubnetMask is not a valid value, then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Order.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added {Order} uniqueKey
- 2.0
Device.Users. object R Users object that contains the User, table.Group, and Role tables.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.0
GroupNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Group table. - 2.0
RoleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Role table. - 2.0
SupportedShellNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SupportedShell table. - 2.0
Device.Users.User.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to the user characteristics.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Username, or with a given value for UserID.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.0
UserID unsignedInt W Unique Identifier of the user. Depending on the implementation this can be the unique identifier assigned by the underlying system. - 2.15
GroupParticipation string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Group. table. The Groups of which this User is a member. 2.0
RoleParticipation string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Role. table. The Roles which are assigned to this User. 2.0
StaticUser boolean R A static user is a fixed user that is always available in the system. When set to true, the user cannot be removed. false 2.0
Shell string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the SupportedShell. table. An empty string means Shell access disabled. 2.0
Device.Users.CheckCredentialsDiagnostics. object R This object is to provide diagnostic information to check whether Username and Password are valid for allowing access to the user interface on the device. If not valid, then an indication of why they are not valid is output. - 2.15
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Credentials_Good (READONLY, OPTIONAL)
  • Credentials_Bad_Username_Not_Supported (READONLY, OPTIONAL)
  • Credentials_Bad_Password_Incorrect (READONLY, OPTIONAL)
  • Credentials_Missing (READONLY, OPTIONAL)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead. Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Credentials_Good (READONLY, OPTIONAL)
  • Credentials_Bad_Username_Not_Supported (READONLY, OPTIONAL)
  • Credentials_Bad_Password_Incorrect (READONLY, OPTIONAL)
  • Credentials_Missing (READONLY, OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
Username string W The user name for logging in to the user interface on the device. - 2.15
Password string W The password for logging in to the user interface on the device. - 2.15
Device.Users.Group.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to the characteristics of a user group.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Groupname, or with a given value for GroupID.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Groupname, or with a given value for GroupID.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W

Enables/disables this group object instance.

If any User which belongs to a Group which becomes disabled is currently accessing the device then the effect on that User should be as if the Group were removed from that User’s GroupParticipation list.

false 2.15
GroupID unsignedInt W Unique Identifier of the group. Depending on the implementation this can be the unique identifier assigned by the underlying system. - 2.15
Groupname string(:64) W Name of the Group. MUST NOT be an empty string for an enabled entry. 2.15
RoleParticipation string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Role. table. These Roles are assigned to any User which is member of this Group, for so long as they remain a member of the Group. 2.15
StaticGroup boolean R A static group is a fixed group that is always available in the system. When set to true, the group cannot be removed. false 2.15
Device.Users.SupportedShell.{i}. object(0:) W

This table provides a list of user accessible shells which can be used as a reference in Users.User.{i}.Shell

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W Enables/disables this SupportedShell object instance. false 2.15
Name string(:64) R Name of the Shell - 2.15
Device.Users.Role.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to the role characteristics.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for RoleName, or with a given value for RoleID.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for RoleName, or with a given value for RoleID.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W Enables/disables this role object instance. false 2.15
RoleID unsignedInt W Unique Identifier of the role. Depending on the implementation this can be the unique identifier assigned by the underlying system. - 2.15
RoleName string(:64) W Name of the current Role. MUST NOT be an empty string for an enabled entry. 2.15
StaticRole boolean R A static role is a fixed role that is always available in the system. When set to true, the role cannot be removed. false 2.15
Device.SmartCardReaders. object R SmartCardReaders object that contains the SmartCardReader table. - 2.0
Device.SmartCardReaders.SmartCardReader.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the characteristics of the smart card reader.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.0
ResetTime dateTime R The time at which this SmartCard Reader was reset.Reset can be caused by:* Status transition from Disabled to Enabled* |param|**{{template: non-existent }}**Reset| set to |true|.* An internal reset of the SmartCard Reader (including a reboot of the device).Unknown Time value indicates that this SmartCard Reader has never been reset, which can only happen if it has never been enabled. - 2.0
DecryptionFailedCounter unsignedInt R Counter incremented once each time decryption cannot be carried out.This counter relates to the smart card reader, not to the smart card itself, i.e. it is reset when the |param|**{{template: non-existent }}**Reset| parameter is used and not when a Smart Card is inserted or removed. - 2.0
DecryptionFailedNoKeyCounter unsignedInt R Counter incremented once each time the key is not available to decrypt it. This is a subset of the more general DecryptionFailedCounter within the same object and thus will always be less than that parameter.This counter relates to the smart card reader, not to the smart card itself, i.e. it is reset when the |param|**{{template: non-existent }}**Reset| parameter is used and not when a Smart Card is inserted or removed. - 2.0
Device.SelfTestDiagnostics. object R This diagnostics test is vendor-specific and MAY include testing hardware, software, and/or firmware. - 2.0
DiagnosticsState string W

[DiagnosticsState] Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed values are Requested and Canceled. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set, and any errors or inconsistencies in the test parameters MUST be detected, either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting this parameter to Requested.

When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic test.

When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), but not if it is canceled for any reason, the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE in the Inform message.

After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None.

Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Canceled MUST result in the test being canceled and the value of this parameter being set to None. If the CPE does not support the Canceled value, it MUST return a SPV error with “Invalid Parameter value” (9007) to the ACS instead. Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY)

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added Canceled enumeration
- 2.0
Device.Firewall. object R Firewall configuration object. The Config parameter enables and disables the Firewall, and can select either a predefined configuration (High or Low) or an explicitly-defined Advanced configuration.For an Advanced configuration, AdvancedLevel controls the currently active Firewall Level, and the Firewall Levels are defined in the Level, Chain and Chain.{i}.Rule tables.The Firewall rules modeled by this object operate only on the forwarding path. This means that they affect only routed traffic, and do not affect traffic that is destined for or generated by the CPE. Note that any NAT processing on the ingress packet occurs before Firewall rules are applied so, for example, the Firewall rules will see the translated destination IP address and port in a downstream packet that has passed through the NAT.See [Appendix VIII/TR-181i2] for an example Advanced configuration. - 2.0
Config string W

How this firewall is configured. Enumeration of:

  • High (The firewall implements the “Traffic Denied Inbound” and “Minimally Permit Common Services Outbound” components of the ICSA residential certification’s Required Services Security Policy [ICSA-Residential]. If DoS and vulnerability protections are implemented [ICSA-Baseline], these are enabled)
  • Low (All Outbound traffic and pinhole-defined Inbound traffic is allowed. If DoS and vulnerability protections are implemented [ICSA-Baseline], these are enabled)
  • Off (All Inbound and Outbound traffic is allowed, and the CPE is only protected by NAT settings (if supported and enabled). If DoS and vulnerability protections are implemented [ICSA-Baseline], these are disabled. This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.14.because it is the same as setting *Config*Enable to false)
  • Advanced (Advanced firewall configuration applies, as specified by AdvancedLevel, OPTIONAL) Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106] MUST be adhered to.
- 2.0
Device.PeriodicStatistics. object R This object configures collection of periodic statistics for the device.Periodic statistics are measured over a sample interval (which can be aligned with absolute time) and are made available to the Controller as a comma-separated list of the most recent <n> samples.This object provides a single set of global settings that affect the entire device unless overridden locally. - 2.0
Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}. object(0:) W

Periodic statistics sample set table. Each sample set has its own sample interval etc.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
FetchSamples unsignedInt W The number of sample intervals to be collected before transitioning Status from Enabled to Trigger to Enabled.If this SampleSet is enabled and FetchSamples is in the range [1:ReportSamples] then Status MUST transition from Enabled to Trigger to Enabled on completion of every FetchSamples sample intervals. Otherwise, the transition MUST NOT occur.For example, if ReportSamples is 25 and FetchSamples is 24, then the CPE will store 25 values for each monitored parameter and the above Status transition will occur as the CPE stores each 24th of 25 sample intervals, which means that the Controller could delay for up to two sample intervals before reading the stored values and would still not miss any samples (see also |param|ForceSample|Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.ForceSample).To disable this trigger mechanism and still collect sampled statistics, FetchSamples can be set to either 0 or a value greater than ReportSamples. 0 2.0
ReportEndTime dateTime R The absolute time at which the sample interval for the last stored sample (for each statistic) ended.If |param|ForceSample|Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.ForceSample has been used to force statistics for the current sample to be calculated and updated in the data model, then ReportEndTime MUST be updated to reflect the actual time over which stored data was collected. 2.0
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected during the sample interval.Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than SampleInterval, for several reasons, including:* TimeReference has been set to a time other than the Unknown Time and the current sample interval started part of the way through a scheduled sample interval.* |param|ForceSample|Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.ForceSample has been used to force statistics for the current sample to be calculated and updated in the data model. 2.0
Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.Parameter.{i}. object(0:) W

Periodic statistics parameter table for this sample set. This table contains entries for parameters whose values are to be sampled.Note that the comma-separated lists in this object (SampleSeconds, SuspectData and Values) only ever change (a) when first enabled, (b) when ForceSampleDevice.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.ForceSample is set to true (a “sneak preview” of the current sample), or (c) at the end of the sample interval.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Reference.

- 2.0
Values string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each entry indicates the value of the referenced parameter, as determined by SampleMode, during the sample interval.The statistics values in this comma-separated listslist MUST be in time order, with the oldest one first and the most recent one last.If the SampleMode parameter is not present, or is inappropriate for the referenced parameter, the statistics values MUST be collected in Current mode. 2.0
Device.FAP. object R This object is the container for all Femto related component objects, to prevent pollution of the so-called global namespace of the BBF with FAP specific objects. - 2.4
Device.FAP.GPS. object R This object contains the parameters relating to the GPS scan. - 2.4
LastSuccessfulScanTime dateTime R

Specifies the date and time, when the GPS scan last completed successfully.This value is retained across reboot and is only reset after another scan completes successfully or |param|GPSReset| is set to |true|.

This value is retained across reboots and is only reset after another scan completes successfully or GPSReset is set to true.The values for LockedLatitude, LockedLongitude and NumberOfSatellites correspond to this time. If a scan has never succeeded before, the value will be the Unknown Time value, as defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106].

- 2.4
LockedLatitude int(-90000000:90000000) R

This parameter specifies the latitude of the device’s position in degrees, multiplied by 1 million. The positive value signifies the direction, north of the equator. The negative value signifies the direction, south of the equator.Range is from: 90d00.00’ South (-90,000,000) to 90d00.00’ North (90,000,000).Example: A latitude of 13d19.43’ N would be represented as 13,323,833, derived as (131,000,000)+((19.431,000,000)/60). Latitude of 50d00.00’ S would be represented as value -50,000,000.This value is retained across reboots and is only reset after another scan completes successfully or |param|GPSReset| is set to |true|.

This value is retained across reboots and is only reset after another scan completes successfully or GPSReset is set to true.If a scan has never succeeded before, the value 0 is reported.

- 2.4
LockedLongitude int(-180000000:180000000) R

This parameter specifies the longitude of the device’s position in degrees, multiplied by 1 million. The positive value signifies the direction, east of the prime meridian. The negative value signifies the direction, west of the prime meridian.Range is from: 180d00.00’ West (-180,000,000) to 180d00.00’ East (180,000,000).Example: A longitude of 13d19.43’ E would be represented as 13,323,833, derived as (131,000,000)+((19.431,000,000)/60). A longitude of 50d00.00’ W would be represented as value -50,000,000.This value is retained across reboots and is only reset after another scan completes successfully or |param|GPSReset| is set to |true|.

This value is retained across reboots and is only reset after another scan completes successfully or GPSReset is set to true.If a scan has never succeeded before, the value 0 is reported.

- 2.4
NumberOfSatellites unsignedInt R

The number of satellites that were locked during the test execution. The greater the number of satellites the better the precision of the results.This value is retained across reboots and is only reset after another scan completes successfully or |param|GPSReset| is set to |true|.

This value is retained across reboots and is only reset after another scan completes successfully or GPSReset is set to true.If a scan has never succeeded before, the value 0 is reported.

- 2.4
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform. object R This object defines the data model for the following Femtozone APIs.* Femto Awareness* SMS* MMS* Terminal LocationFemto Awareness, SMS, MMS, and Terminal Location APIs are defined in the Release 1 API Specifications of the Service SIG in the Femto Forum (non public document).[Appendix I/TR-262] provides the “Theory of Operation” for the usage of this object. - 2.4
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Capabilities. object R This object contains parameters related to the capabilities of the Femtozone Application Platform and the Femtozone APIs. - 2.4
AuthenticationMethodsSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings.

Specifies the supported methods that 3rd Party Applications can use to authenticate with the Femto Application Platform at initialization. Comma separated list of strings. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Basic
  • Digest
  • DigitalSignature
- 2.4
Device.BulkData. object R This object provides bulk data collection capabilities and global collection settings that affect the entire device.Bulk Data utilizes various solutions (e.g., IPDR, HTTP) to collect data from devices and transfer the data to a collection server.The IPDR solution is based on a service specification described in [TR-232].The HTTP solution is based on transfer mechanisms described in [Annex N/TR-069].The Bulk Data Collection Profiles are measured over a reporting interval (which can be aligned with absolute time) and are made available to the collection server. - 2.5
Protocols string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Represents the IPDR and transport protocols that this device is capable of supporting. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Streaming (IPDR Streaming Protocol [IPDR-SP])
  • File (IPDR File Transfer Protocol [IPDR-FTP])
  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol [RFC2616])
  • MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport [MQTT31], [MQTT311], and [MQTT50])

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added string MQTT enumeration
- 2.5
EncodingTypes string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Represents the Encoding Types for the protocols that this device is capable of supporting. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • XML (Used with the IPDR Streaming and File Protocols. [IPDR-XML])
  • XDR (Used with the IPDR Streaming and File Protocols. [IPDR-XDR])
  • CSV (Comma Separated Values. Used with the HTTP Protocol. [RFC4180])
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation. Used with the HTTP Protocol. [RFC7159])
- 2.5
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}. object(0:) W

A set of Bulk Data Collection profiles.Each profile represents a bulk data report, including its own timing configuration, communications configuration, and set of parameters. This allows the Controller to configure multiple reports to be generated at different times for different sets of data.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

Changes in 2.15:

- 2.5
ReportingInterval unsignedInt(1:) W The reporting interval in seconds. Each report is generated based on this interval and TimeReference.The CPE MAY reject a request to set ReportingInterval to less than MinReportingInterval.Reporting intervals MUST begin every ReportingInterval seconds.If ReportingInterval is changed while collection is enabled, the first reporting interval begins immediately.For example, if ReportingInterval is 86400 (a day) and if TimeReference is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then the CPE will generate (and transmit, if the |param|Protocol| parameter is set to |enum|Streaming|#.Protocols|)transmit) its report at midnight every 24 hours. 86400 2.5
ControlFileFormat string(:128) W If this collection profile is configured for the IPDR File Transfer Protocol [IPDR-FTP] (the Protocol parameter has a value of File) then the control file names will be of the following format:* <ControlFilePrefix><ControlFilePolicy>.<ControlFileSuffix>Where the following rules apply:* ControlFilePrefix MUST NOT contain an underscore ’’ or any other character not suitable for a file name.* ControlFilePolicy MUST contain one or more ‘N’ characters, where the number of ‘N’ characters denotes the number of digits in the sequence number, including leading zeros as necessary to match the number of ‘N’ characters.* ControlFileSuffix is a file extension.For example, BulkData_NNNN.log where “BulkData” would be the prefix, “NNNN” would be the policy, and “log” would be the suffix. Files adhering to this file format would look like: BulkData_0000.log, BulkData_0001.log, etc. - 2.5
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.Parameter.{i}. object(0:) W Bulk data parameter table.Each entry in this table represents a parameter (or set of parameters if a partial path is provided) to be collected and reported. - 2.5
Reference string(:256) W Represents the parameter(s) that are part of this Bulk Data collection profile. The value MUST be a path name of a parameter or an object.When the ParameterWildCardSupported parameter has a value of true, patterns for instance identifiers are permitted with wildcards (an “*” character) in place of instance identifiers; any attempt to set the value otherwise MUST be rejected by the CPE.In the case where a partial parameter pathan Object Path is specified, the sub-objects of the resolved pattern and contained parameters will be part of the bulk data collected and reported. If the path name refers to an object then it MUST end with a ‘.’.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Removed string pathRef
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.CSVEncoding. object R This object defines the properties to be used when the Profile object’s EncodingType parameter value is CSV. - 2.10
RowSeparator string W Row separator to use when encoding CSV data.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed * * default attribute value = *
  • ⇒ * *
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.MQTT. object R This object defines the properties to be used when transporting bulk data using the MQTT protocol. This object is used when the Protocol parameter has a value of MQTT. - 2.15
Reference string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the MQTT.Client. table. A reference to the MQTT Client used by this Bulk Data Collection Profile when communicating via the MQTT Protocol. 2.15
PublishTopic string(:65535) W The topic name the Agent MUST use when sending the Bulk Data report. - 2.15
PublishQoS unsignedInt(0:2) W

The Agent MUST use this QoS value when sending the Bulk Data report.

If the referenced MQTT Client uses MQTT 5.0 and the MQTT server only indicates support for a QoS value in the CONNACK Maximum QoS property lower than this QoS value, the Agent MUST use the highest QoS value that is supported by the server.

- 2.15
PublishRetain boolean W If set to true the Agent MUST set the RETAIN flag in MQTT PUBLISH messages carrying the Bulk Data report to 1, unless the MQTT server sent Retain Available = 0 (MQTT 5.0) in its CONNACK (in which case, the Agent MUST set the RETAIN flag to 0). false 2.15
Device.IEEE1905. object R This object represents the management functions for the 1905 capabilities as defined in [IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL. object R This object represents the management functions for the 1905 Abstraction Layer as defined in [Section 4.4 Abstraction Layer/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology. object R This object represents the 1905 Network Topology capabilities of this device. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents an instance of discovered 1905 Devices in the network (received Topology discovery message as defined in [Clause 6.3.1/IEEE1905.1a]).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for IEEE1905Id.

- 2.9
AssocWiFiNetworkDeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice. or WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device. tables. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.AssocWiFiNetworkDeviceRef is a reference to thea MultiAP.Device or Wi-Fi Network “APDevice”.Data Elements Device. Since IEEE 1905.1 is the protocol used by the Wi-Fi Alliance’s EasyMesh specification for communications, this parameter allows the IEEE 1905.1 portion of the data model to reference the associated EasyMesh portion of the data model. - 2.13
Device.MQTT. object R MQTT Base object describing all MQTT related parameters and objects. - 2.10
Device.MQTT.Capabilities. object R Indicates the MQTT capabilities of the device. - 2.10
ProtocolVersionsSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the supported protocol versions. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 3.1 (Protocol according to [MQTT31])
  • 3.1.1 (Protocol according to [MQTT311])
  • 5.0 (Protocol according to [MQTT50], added in 2.13)
- 2.10
TransportProtocolSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the supported transport protocols. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • TCP/IP (

Unencrypted MQTT connection

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added Unencrypted MQTT connection description


  • TLS (

TLS encrypted MQTT connection

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added TLS encrypted MQTT connection description


  • WebSocket (

Unencrypted MQTT connection over a WebSocket transport

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added Unencrypted MQTT connection over a WebSocket transport description


  • WebSocketTLS (TLS encrypted MQTT connection over a WebSocket transport, added in 2.15)

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added string WebSocketTLS enumeration
- 2.10
Device.MQTT.Client.{i}. object(0:) W

MQTT client table. Contains a list of configured MQTT clients.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Enable boolean W Allows to enable or disable the MQTT client.If a MQTT client gets enabled then the MQTT client has first to establish a MQTT broker session and then subscribe for all enabled topics in the Subscription. table.If the ProtocolVersion is set to 3.1 or 3.1.1 and CleanSession is set to false a subscription MUST only be sent for topics which haven’t been subscribed before (see [Section]).If the ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0 and CleanStart is set to false a subscription MUST only be sent for topics which haven’t been subscribed before (see [Section]).If a connected MQTT client gets disabled (Status is either Connecting or Connected) then the MQTT client has to send a MQTT DISCONNECT packet to disconnect from the MQTT broker ((see [Section 3.14/MQTT311],|bibref|MQTT31|section 3.14|) or [Section 3.14/MQTT50]), before setting the Status to Disabled. - 2.10
EnableEncryption boolean W
When true, encryption MUST be used for this MQTT Client instance.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it duplicates the functionality already handled by the TransportProtocol parameter.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute status = deprecated
true 2.14
CleanSession boolean W The value of the MQTT clean session flag in the MQTT CONNECT packet (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311] and [Section]). If this flag is set to true (default), the MQTT broker will delete all subscription information after a Disconnect.A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the parameter ForceReconnect has to be set as well.This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 3.1 or 3.1.1. true 2.10
WillEnable boolean W Enables or disables the will handling (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]).If the connection gets enabled and this parameter is set to true and either the parameter WillTopic or WillValue are an empty string, the CPE MUST set the Status to Error_Misconfigured.A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the parameter ForceReconnect has to be set as well.. - 2.10
WillQoS unsignedInt(0:2) W

The MQTT QoS level assigned with the will message (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]). This parameter is only used if WillEnable is set to true.A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet.

If will handling is enabled (Parameter WillEnable is set to true) and the change needs to be applied immediately, the parameter ForceReconnect has to be set as well.

- 2.10
WillRetain boolean W

Indicate to the MQTT broker to retain the Will over a Disconnect (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]). This parameter is only used if WillEnable is set to true.A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet.

If will handling is enabled (Parameter WillEnable is set to true) and the change needs to be applied immediately, the parameter ForceReconnect has to be set as well.

- 2.10
KeepAliveTime unsignedInt(:65535) W Keep Alive Time in seconds defines the maximum wait time after which a packet has to be sent to the MQTT broker (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]). If no regular packet can be sent a MQTT PINGREQ packet is sent.A value of zero (0) means no keep alive packets are sent and the MQTT client is not disconnected by the server.A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the parameter ForceReconnect has to be set as well. 60 2.10
ClientID string(0:65535) W The MQTT client identifier used in the MQTT CONNECT packet (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]).If ProtocolVersion is set to 3.1 or 3.1.1, this parameter MUST NOT be an empty string.If ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0, an empty string is allowed.A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the parameter ForceReconnect has to be set as well. - 2.10
WillTopic string(:65535) W

The Topic sent in the Will Message (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]). This parameter is only used if WillEnable is set to true.A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet.

If will handling is enabled (Parameter WillEnable is set to true) and the change needs to be applied immediately, the parameter ForceReconnect has to be set as well.

- 2.10
WillValue string(:65535) W

The value sent in the Will Message (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]). This parameter is only used if WillEnable is set to true.A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet.

If will handling is enabled (Parameter WillEnable is set to true) and the change needs to be applied immediately, the parameter ForceReconnect has to be set as well.

- 2.10
Username string(:256) W {{div: unexpected argument [removed(section 3.1| recommends that the user name has 12 characters or fewer, but this is not required.|nl|), ’If this parameter is ‘, empty(), ’ no authentication parameters are sent’, nl(), ‘in the MQTT CONNECT packet.’] after: [classes()], [‘Username used to authenticate the MQTT client when making a’, nl(), ‘connection to the MQTT broker. The value is sent in the MQTT CONNECT’, nl(), ’packet (see ’, bibref([replaced(MQTT31, MQTT311)], section 3.1), ’, ’, bibref([replaced(MQTT31, MQTT311)], [‘section’, nl(), ‘’]), ’ or ’, bibref(MQTT50, section, ‘).’, replaced(|nl|For MQTT 3.1 |bibref|MQTT31, []), div([classes()])]}} - 2.10
Password string(:256) W

Password used to authenticate the MQTT client when making a connection to the MQTT broker. The value is sent in the MQTT CONNECT packet (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section] or [Section]).This password is only sent in the MQTT CONNECT packet if Username is not an empty string.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.10
MessageRetryTime unsignedInt(1:) W Message retry time in seconds defines the wait time before a MQTT message that expects a response (QoS value of message is > 0, or PUBLISH, PUBREL, SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE message) is resent, because the response is not received (see [Section 4.2/MQTT311]).This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 3.1. 5 2.10
Device.MQTT.Client.{i}.Subscription.{i}. object(0:) W

List of MQTT subscriptions handled by the MQTT client.The MQTT client MUST subscribe with the MQTT broker for all subscription instances, whose parameter Enable is set to true, when it establishes a new connection to the MQTT broker. Disabled subscription instances with Enable set to false will be ignored during connection establishment.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Topic.

- 2.10
Status string R

Indicates the status of this subscription. Enumeration of:

  • Unsubscribed
  • Subscribed
  • Subscribing (OPTIONAL)
  • Unsubscribing (OPTIONAL)
  • Error The Subscribed value indicates that the topic was successfully subscribed with the MQTT broker, the MQTT client received the SUBACK message for this topic from the server.The Subscribing value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate that the a SUBSCRIBE message for this topic was sent, and the CPE is waiting for a SUBACK message.The Unsubscribed value indicates that the topic is not registered with the MQTT broker.The Unsubscribing value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate that the an UNSUBSCRIBE message for this topic was sent, and the CPE is waiting for an UNSUBACK message.If the Enable is set to false the status MUST be either Unsubscribed or if the unsubscription failed Error.
- 2.10
Topic string(:65535) W Name of the subscribed topic. Topic names may contain wildcards according to the rules specified in [Section Appendix A/MQTT311], [Section 4.7/MQTT311] or [Section 4.7/MQTT50]. - 2.10
QoS unsignedInt(0:2) W The MQTT QoS level assigned with the subscription (see [Section 4.1/MQTT311], [Section 4.3/MQTT311]) or [Section 4.3/MQTT50]. - 2.10
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}. object(0:) W

MQTT broker table. Contains a list of configured MQTT brokers.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}.Bridge.{i}. object(0:) W

Configures MQTT bridges, which are used to communicate with other MQTT brokers.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Status string R

Indicates the status of this MQTT Bridge. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Connecting
  • Connected
  • Enabled (

This enumeration was DELETED in 2.11 because it’s covered by Connecting and Connected.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added This enumeration was DELETED in 2.11 because it’s covered by Connecting and Connected. description


  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error_BrokerUnreachable
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Disabled value indicates that the MQTT bridge is not in service; parameter Enable is set to false.The Connecting value indicates that the MQTT bridge is currently established.The Connected value indicates that the MQTT bridge is currently active.The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid (e.g. No active Server entry, the MQTT broker can not use the defined bridge port, because it is blocked)The Error_BrokerUnreachable value indicates that the MQTT bridge connection to the remote MQTT broker could not be established.The Error value MAY be used to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 2.10
CleanSession boolean W The value of the MQTT clean session flag in the MQTT CONNECT packet (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311] and [Section]) to establish a MQTT bridge connection. If this flag is set to true (default), the remote MQTT broker will delete all subscription information after a Disconnect.A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the parameter ForceReconnect has to be set as well.This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 3.1 or 3.1.1. true 2.10
KeepAliveTime unsignedInt(:65535) W Keep Alive Time in seconds defines the maximum wait time after which a packet has to be sent to the remote MQTT broker (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]). If no regular packet can be sent a MQTT PINGREQ packet is sent.A value of zero (0) means no keep alive packets are sent and the bridge is not disconnected by the server.A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the parameter ForceReconnect has to be set as well. 60 2.10
ClientID string(0:65535) W The MQTT client identifier used in the CONNECT packet (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]).If ProtocolVersion is set to 3.1 or 3.1.1, this parameter MUST NOT be an empty string.If ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0, an empty string is allowed.A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the parameter ForceReconnect has to be set as well. - 2.10
Username string(:256) W {{div: unexpected argument [removed(section 3.1| recommends that the user name has 12 characters or fewer, but this is not required.|nl|), ’If this parameter is ‘, empty(), ’ no authentication parameters are sent’, nl(), ‘in the MQTT CONNECT packet.’] after: [classes()], [‘User name used to authenticate the MQTT broker when making a’, nl(), ‘connection over the MQTT bridge. The value is sent in the MQTT’, nl(), ’CONNECT packet (see ’, bibref([replaced(MQTT31, MQTT311)], section 3.1), ‘,’, nl(), bibref([replaced(MQTT31, MQTT311)], section, ’ or ’, bibref(MQTT50, [‘section’, nl(), ‘’]), ‘).’, replaced(|nl|For MQTT 3.1 |bibref|MQTT31, []), div([classes()])]}} - 2.10
Password string(:256) W

Password used to authenticate the MQTT broker when making a connection over the MQTT bridge. The value is sent in the MQTT CONNECT packet (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section] or [Section]).This password is only sent in the MQTT CONNECT packet if Username is not an empty string.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.10
MessageRetryTime unsignedInt(1:) W Message retry time in seconds defines the wait time before a MQTT message that expects a response (QoS value of message is > 0, or PUBLISH, PUBREL, SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE message) is resent, because the response is not received (see [Section 4.2/MQTT311].This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 3.1. 5 2.10
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}.Bridge.{i}.Subscription.{i}. object(0:) W

List of MQTT subscriptions handled over the bridge.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with the same values for both Topic and Direction.

- 2.10
Topic string(:65535) W Name of the subscribed topic. Topic names may contain wildcards according to the rules specified in [Section Appendix A/MQTT311], [Section 4.7/MQTT311] or [Section 4.7/MQTT50]. - 2.10
QoS unsignedInt(0:2) W The MQTT QoS level assigned with the subscription (see [Section 4.1/MQTT311], [Section 4.3/MQTT311]) or [Section 4.3/MQTT50]. - 2.10
LocalPrefix string(:256) W

The local prefix is used for remapping received topics to the local topics of the MQTT broker and to select the topics to be sent over bridge to the remote MQTT broker.* In incoming direction (Direction is either in or both):* For remote topics received over the bridge the MQTT broker adds the LocalPrefix in front of the received topic, before processing it.|li| | *

    • ** Example: * Topic is “/bus/+”, LocalPrefix is “/local”, Direction is “in” * MQTT broker receives message with topic “/bus/tr181” over bridge => MQTT broker uses topic “/local/bus/tr181” for internal processing* In outgoing direction (Direction is either out or both):* For selection of the topics to be sent over the bridge the MQTT broker uses the combination of LocalPrefix and Topic to match the topics to be sent over bridge, and removes the LocalPrefix from the selected topic before sending it over the bridge.|li| | *
    • ** Example: * Topic is “/bus/+”, LocalPrefix is “/local”, Direction is “out” * MQTT broker receives message with topic “/local/bus/tr181” from a MQTT client => MQTT broker sends topic “/bus/tr181” to remote MQTT broker| MQTT broker
- 2.10
RemotePrefix string(:256) W

The remote prefix is used for remapping topics to the remote MQTT broker topic lists.* In incoming direction (Direction is either in or both):* For remote topics received over the bridge the MQTT broker removes the remote prefix topic from the received topic (before handling the LocalPrefix), before processing it.|li| | *

    • ** Example: * Topic is “/bus/+”, LocalPrefix is “/local”, RemotePrefix is “/remote”, Direction is “in” * MQTT broker receives message with topic “/remote/bus/tr181” over bridge => MQTT broker uses topic “/local/bus/tr181” for internal processing* During activation of the bridge, the MQTT broker prepends the Topic with RemotePrefix topic and subscribes to the remote MQTT broker with it, in order to receive all applicable remote topics.|li| | *
    • ** Example: * Topic is “/bus/+”, RemotePrefix is “/remote”, Direction is “in” * MQTT broker sends a subscription to the remote MQTT broker with the topic “/remote/bus/+”.* In outgoing direction (Direction is either out or both):* For all topics to be sent over the bridge (Direction is either out or both), the RemotePrefix will be prepended to the topic after the LocalPrefix has been processed and before sending the message over the bridge.|li| | *
    • ** Example: * Topic is “/bus/+”, LocalPrefix is “/local”, RemotePrefix is “/remote” Direction is “out” * MQTT broker receives message with topic “/local/bus/tr181” from a MQTT client => MQTT broker sends topic “/remote/bus/tr181” to remote MQTT broker| remote MQTT broker
- 2.10
Device.LMAP. object R This object represents the objects necessary to manage and control the functionality for Large-Scale Measurement of Broadband Performance[RFC7594] as defined in by [LMAPIFM]. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}. object(0:) W

This object represents the measurement agent that performs measurement tasks and reporting functions defined in [RFC7594].

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Identifier.

- 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.TaskCapability.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents a capabilities, in the context of a task, that are supported by the measurement agent. Types of capabilities include: Report tasks, Configuration Tasks and Instruction Tasks.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name.

- 2.12
TaskCapabilityRegistryNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R {{numentries: not associated with a table}}

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute dmr_customNumEntriesParameter = true
- 2.12
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}. object(0:) R This Report object instance represents a report that is generated by a reporting task where the reporting task is defined as a MeasurementAgent.{i}.Task.{i} and executed as a scheduled action (MeasurementAgent.{i}.Schedule.{i}.Action.{i}).The Report replicates the MeasurementAgent.{i} object instance’s data at the time of the action exection.When a BulkData.Profile.{i} object instance is used to communicate a Report instance, the CPE adds a BulkData.Profile.{i}.Parameter.{i} object instance referring to this Report object instance. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}.Result.{i}. object(0:) R

The Result object provides the meta-data of the result report of a single executed action that produced the result.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of ScheduleName, ActionName and StartTime.

- 2.12
CycleNumber string R

The cycle number derived from the EventTime.The cycle number is the time, in UTC, closest to the EventTime that is a multiple of the cycle interval of the event that triggered the execution of the schedule.The value is valid if the event that triggered the execution of the schedule has a defined cycle interval. An an empty string value representrepresents an invalid CycleNumber. Possible patterns:

- 2.12
ResultConflictNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R {{numentries: not associated with a table}}

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute dmr_customNumEntriesParameter = true
- 2.12
ResultReportTableNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ReportTable table.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute dmr_customNumEntriesParameter = true
- 2.12
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}.Result.{i}.ReportTable.{i}. object(0:) R This ReportTable object instances represents a row of results. - 2.12
ResultReportRowNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R {{numentries: not associated with a table}}

Changes in 2.15:

  • Added attribute dmr_customNumEntriesParameter = true
- 2.12
Device.PDU. object R The logical connection between the 5G-RG and data network is the Protocol Data Unit (PDU). The Device.PDU subtree describes each PDU sessions properties together with the QoS rules specific to that PDU session. - 2.14
Device.PDU.Session.{i}. object(0:) R

Contains all the properties of a PDU session instance, ranging from maximum bitrate through to assigned network slice. This object contains the Session table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for SessionID.

- 2.14
PDUIPv6InterfaceIdentifier string R The interface identifier for the IPv6 link local address allocated to the PDU session by the SMF. This parameter is only valid if SessionType has a value of IPv6 or IPv4v6. See [Clause].

Changes in 2.15:

  • Removed string * * cdata
- 2.14
Device.PDU.Session.{i}.QoSFlow.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of all QoS Flow Indicators (QFI) and their properties supported by the access network for this particular PDU.For example:* A QoS Flow with a QFI of 1 used for general traffic has the following parameters.* FiveQI=8* A QoS Flow with a QFI of 32 used for voice traffic with a guaranteed bitrate of 150k has the following parameters.* FiveQI=1* GFBRUplink=150* GFBRDownlink=150

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for QFI.

- 2.14
EPSBearer unsignedInt R EPS Bearer Identity. See [Clause 9.3.2/3GPP-TS.24.301].

Changes in 2.15:

  • Removed unsignedInt * * cdata
- 2.14
Device.SoftwareModules. object R Top level object for dynamically managed software applications. - 2.1
Device.SoftwareModules.ExecEnv.{i}. object(0:) R

The Execution Environments that are available on the device, along with their properties and configurable settings.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.1
AllocatedDiskSpace int(-1:) R The amount of disk space measured in KiB allocated to this ExecEnv. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecEnv instances where this parameter is not applicable.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed KiB units attribute value = kilobytesKiB
- 2.1
AvailableDiskSpace int(-1:) R The amount of disk space measured in KiB currently available to this ExecEnv. This value changes as the ExecutionUnit instances associated with this ExecEnv consumes disk space. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecEnv instances where this parameter is not applicable.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed KiB units attribute value = kilobytesKiB
- 2.1
AllocatedMemory int(-1:) R The amount of physical RAM measured in KiB allocated to this ExecEnv. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecEnv instances where this parameter is not applicable.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed KiB units attribute value = kilobytesKiB
- 2.1
AvailableMemory int(-1:) R The amount of physical RAM measured in KiB currently available to this ExecEnv. This value changes as the ExecutionUnit instances associated with this ExecEnv are started/stopped and consume the physical RAM. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecEnv instances where this parameter is not applicable.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed KiB units attribute value = kilobytesKiB
- 2.1
Device.SoftwareModules.ExecutionUnit.{i}. object(0:) R

This table serves as the Execution Unit inventory and contains both status information about each Execution Unit as well as configurable parameters for each Execution Unit.Each DeploymentUnit that is installed can have zero or more Execution Units.Once a Deployment Unit is installed it populates this table with its contained Execution Units.When the Deployment Unit (that caused this ExecutionUnit to come into existence) is updated, this instance MAY be removed and new instances MAY come into existence. While the Deployment Unit (that caused this ExecutionUnit to come into existence) is being updated, all ExecutionUnit instances associated with the Deployment Unit will be stopped until the update is complete at which time they will be restored to the state that they were in before the update started.When the Deployment Unit (that caused this ExecutionUnit to come into existence) is uninstalled, this instance is removed.Each ExecutionUnit MAY also contain a set of vendor specific parameters displaying status and maintaining configuration that reside under the Extensions object.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for EUID, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.1
DiskSpaceInUse int(-1:) R The amount of disk space measured in KiB currently being used by this ExecutionUnit. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecutionUnit instances where this parameter is not applicable.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed KiB units attribute value = kilobytesKiB
- 2.1
MemoryInUse int(-1:) R The amount of physical RAM measured in KiB currently being used by this ExecutionUnit. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecutionUnit instances where this parameter is not applicable.

Changes in 2.15:

  • Changed KiB units attribute value = kilobytesKiB
- 2.1
Device.PacketCaptureDiagnostics. object R The PacketCaptureDiagnostics object. This diagnostic is used to record packet capture data on a valid (layer 2 or above) interface in libpcap or pcapng format. - 2.13
Password string(:256) W

Password to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file location. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required. When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.13
Device.USPAgent. object R This object contains general information about the USP Agent itself. For information related to the Device that hosts the Agent, please reference the DeviceInfo object. - 2.15
EndpointID string R The unique USP identifier for this USP Agent. - 2.15
SoftwareVersion string(:64) R

The current USP Agent software version; not the version of the overall device firmware, which is located in DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion.

To allow version comparisons, this element SHOULD be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 3.0.21 where the components mean: Major.Minor.Build.

- 2.15
UpTime unsignedInt R Time in seconds since the USP Agent was last restarted (either via a reset of the software or reboot of the underlying device). - 2.15
SupportedProtocols string[1] R

Comma-separated list (at least 1 items) of strings. USP Message Transfer Protocols supported by this USP Agent. The USP Agent MUST support at least one Protocol. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • CoAP (See [RFC7252]. This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the CoAP MTP was deprecated in USP 1.2)
  • WebSocket (See [RFC6455])
  • STOMP (See [STOMP1.2])
  • MQTT (See [MQTT311] and [MQTT50])
- 2.15
SupportedFingerprintAlgorithms string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings, each entry is an algorithm for calculating firgerprints that is supported by the Agent. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • SHA-1 (As specified in [RFC3174])
  • SHA-224 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-256 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-384 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-512 (As specified in [RFC6234])
- 2.15
AdvertisedDeviceSubtypes string[] W Comma-separated list of strings, each entry is a subtype component of the service type that is advertised for the device using mDNS as defined in [RFC6762]. - 2.15
MaxSubscriptionChangeAdoptionTime unsignedInt(5:) W

The acceptable amount of time in seconds between the alteration of the Agent’s Subscriptions (e.g. updated subscription, new subscription, removed subscription, etc.) and the notifications related to those subscriptions being delivered.

For example, if this parameter is set to 30 seconds, then once a Subscription has been updated, the Agent has 30 seconds before it needs to start delivering notifications based on the updated version of the Subscription (instead of the old version of the Subscription).

- 2.15
MTPNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the MTP table. - 2.15
ControllerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Controller table. - 2.15
CertificateNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Certificate table. - 2.15
AddCertificate string(:65535) W

Provides a mechanism to allow an ACS to add a new certificate to {{object: non-existent #.Certificate.{i}}}. This does not automatically produce a trust relationship with the host identified by the Certificate. To produce a trust relationship, an entry is required to exist in {{param: non-existent #.Controller.{i}.Credential}} or {{param: non-existent #.ControllerTrust.Credential.{i}.Credential}} that references the new {{object: non-existent #.Certificate.{i}}} entry. The Agent will use the Serial Number and Issuer fields from the content provided in this parameter to populate the {{param: non-existent #.Certificate.{i}.SerialNumber}} and {{param: non-existent #.Certificate.{i}.Issuer}} parameters. If {{object: non-existent #.Certificate}} already has an instance with the same {{param: non-existent #.Certificate.{i}.SerialNumber}} and {{param: non-existent #.Certificate.{i}.Issuer}} parameters, this command will fail. To replace an instance with the same {{param: non-existent #.Certificate.{i}.SerialNumber}} and {{param: non-existent #.Certificate.{i}.Issuer}}, the existing instance must first be deleted.

The value of this parameter is the X.509 certificate in Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail (PEM) [RFC7468] format.

- 2.15
Device.USPAgent.MTP.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this table represents a MTP used by the local Agent.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enable/Disable this MTP instance.

If this MTP instance is to be disabled and currently used for communication with the requesting controller, the agent has to send the request response first, before disabling it.

false 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the MTP instance. Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down (Value when this MTP instance cannot establish communication)
  • Error (Value when this MTP instance is misconfigured, OPTIONAL)
- 2.0
Protocol string W

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedProtocols parameter. The Message Transport Protocol (MTP) to be used for communications by a USP Endpoint.

This parameter discriminates between the CoAP, STOMP, WebSocket, MQTT union objects.

WebSocket 2.0
EnableMDNS boolean W

This parameter, when true, enables the advertisement of DNS-SD services defined for this MTP instance using mDNS as defined in [RFC6762].

This parameter cannot be set to true if there are multiple MTP instances with the same value of the Protocol parameter.

When true, the hostname advertised in the SRV record MUST be a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

The interfaces that advertise these DNS-SD services are restriced to the set of interfaces associated with this MTP instance and the interfaces defined by the DNS.SD.AdvertisedInterfaces parameter.

true 2.0
Device.USPAgent.MTP.{i}.CoAP. object(0:1) R
If the USP Endpoint uses the CoAP Message Transport Protocol (MTP), then this object contains CoAP specific configuration parameters.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the CoAP MTP was deprecated in USP 1.2.
This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is CoAP.
This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.
- 2.0
Interfaces string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of the IP.Interface object instance that this server will use as its host address to receive USP messages. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

An empty string will bind this server to all interfaces for this device.

- 2.0
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W The port number used by the CoAP Server to receive USP messages. 5683 2.0
Path string W The path that is used by the CoAP Server in order to receive USP messages. - 2.0
IsEncrypted boolean R
This parameter represents whether or not communications that utilize this CoAP object instance are encrypted.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.14 because the EnableEncryption parameter will dictate whether all connections to this CoAP server instance are or are not encrypted.
- 2.0
EnableEncryption boolean W When true, encryption MUST be used for this MTP instance. true 2.0
Device.USPAgent.MTP.{i}.STOMP. object(0:1) R

If the USP Endpoint uses the STOMP Message Transport Protocol (MTP), then this object contains STOMP Client specific configuration parameters related to how the Agent communicates with the STOMP Server.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is STOMP.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.0
Reference string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the STOMP.Connection. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the STOMP Connection used by this Agent when communicating via the STOMP MTP. 2.0
Destination string W The STOMP destination where the Agent will be listening to incoming USP messages. 2.0
DestinationFromServer string R

The STOMP destination contained in the subscribe-dest header of the CONNECTED STOMP Frame.

If the Agent doesn’t receive a subscribe-dest header in the CONNECTED STOMP Frame, then the value of this Parameter MUST be set to an empty string.

If this parameter’s value is not empty then this is the STOMP destination address for this Agent, but if the value is empty the Destination Parameter contains the STOMP destination address for this Agent.

Device.USPAgent.MTP.{i}.WebSocket. object(0:1) R

If the USP Endpoint uses the WebSocket Message Transport Protocol (MTP) as a WebSocket server, then this object contains WebSocket specific configuration parameters.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is WebSocket.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.0
Interfaces string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of the IP.Interface object instance that this server will use as its host address to receive USP messages. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

An empty string will bind this server to all interfaces for this device.

- 2.0
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W The port number used by the WebSocket Server to receive USP messages. 5683 2.0
Path string W The service path that is provided by the WebSocket Server in order to exchange USP messages. The value MUST be used as defined in [Section 3.3/RFC3986]. - 2.0
EnableEncryption boolean W When true, encryption MUST be used for all connections to this MTP instance. true 2.15
KeepAliveInterval unsignedInt(1:) W The duration in seconds between when WebSocket ping control frames are transmitted by the Agent’s WebSocket server to the Controller’s WebSocket client. - 2.15
Device.USPAgent.MTP.{i}.MQTT. object(0:1) R

If the USP Endpoint uses the MQTT Message Transport Protocol (MTP), then this object contains MQTT Client specific configuration parameters related to how the Agent communicates with the MQTT broker.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is MQTT.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.15
Reference string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the MQTT.Client. table. A reference to the MQTT Client used by this Agent when communicating via the MQTT MTP. 2.15
ResponseTopicConfigured string(:65535) W The Agent’s configured “reply to” topic. When MQTT 5.0 is being used, this value is put in the PUBLISH Response Topic property for all PUBLISH packets with a USP Record, if no Response Information (value recorded in ResponseTopicDiscovered) is included in the CONNACK. When MQTT 3.1.1 is being used, this value is put at the end of the PUBLISH Topic Name property (as specified in [Section “MQTT Binding”/TR-369]. If the value of ResponseTopicConfigured is not a subset (wildcarded or precise match) of any of the Reference MQTT.Client.{i}.Subscription.{i}.Topic values the Agent MUST subscribe to this Topic. The value MUST NOT contain any wild card characters (“+”, “#”). - 2.15
ResponseTopicDiscovered string(:65535) R Duplicate of Reference MQTT.Client.{i}.ResponseInformation. This is the value of the CONNACK Response Information property supplied by a MQTT 5.0 server and is used by a MQTT 5.0 client as the basis for the PUBLISH Response Topic property for all PUBLISH packets that expect a response. If a value is received from the MQTT 5.0 server, it will be used instead of any value configured in ResponseTopicConfigured. - 2.15
PublishQoS unsignedInt(0:2) W

The Agent MUST use this QoS value when sending a USP Record on this MTP.

If the referenced MQTT Client uses MQTT 5.0 and the MQTT server only indicates support for a QoS value in the CONNACK Maximum QoS property lower than this QoS value, the Agent MUST use the highest QoS value that is supported by the server.

- 2.15
Device.USPAgent.Controller.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this table represents a USP Controller that has access to this USP Agent.

On the deletion of an entry from this table, the Agent MUST send the ObjectDeletion notification to all subscribed recipients, even if the recipient is the deleted Controller itself. This notification is the last notification sent to this Controller.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for EndpointID.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for EndpointID.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
EndpointID string W The unique USP identifier for this USP Controller. 2.0
ControllerCode string(:128) W

Information about the configuration state of an Agent as it pertains to the Controller instance. This is not information related to an operator’s installation or usage of the protocol, that information is maintained in ProvisioningCode.

This parameter could be used in scenarios where the Controller needs to perform some kind of initialization or periodic configuration monitoring. For example, a Controller might perform some initial configuration of an Agent on first contact (perhaps to configure the Subscriptions). The Controller could inspect this parameter to determine the current state of the Agent’s configuration, allowing the Controller to streamline the configuration process.

ProvisioningCode string(:64) W Identifying information which MAY be used by the Controller instance to determine Controller instance specific customization and provisioning parameters. 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enable/Disable this Controller instance.

If the Controller instance is to be disabled, the Agent MUST send the ValueChange notification to all subscribed recipients, even if the recipient is the disabled Controller itself. This notification is the last notification sent to this Controller until it is enabled again. The USP Endpoint MUST terminate the MTP connection. When false, messages (notifications) are not sent to the remote endpoint represented by this Controller instance, and any MTP session establishment are refused.

false 2.0
AssignedRole string[] W Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ControllerTrust.Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Comma-separated list of strings, each entry is a Role that has been assigned to this Controller instance by means other than the ControllerTrust.Credential.{i}.Role parameter. - 2.0
InheritedRole string[] R Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ControllerTrust.Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Comma-separated list of strings, each entry is a Role that has been assigned to this Controller instance from the ControllerTrust.Credential.{i}.Role parameter associated with the CA credential (ControllerTrust.Credential.{i}.Credential) used to validate the Controller certificate. - 2.0
Credential string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Certificate. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.

Comma-separated list of strings, the set of certificates from Certificate.{i} that a Controller can present for use in authenticating the identity of this Controller instance.

- 2.0
PeriodicNotifInterval unsignedInt(1:) W If a Periodic Event Notification Subscription instance is associated with this USP Controller, then this is the duration in seconds of the interval for which the USP Agent MUST attempt to issue a Periodic Notification to the USP Controller. - 2.0
PeriodicNotifTime dateTime W

If a Periodic Event Notification Subscription instance is associated with this USP Controller, then this is an absolute time reference in UTC to determine when the USP Agent will issue a Periodic Notification. Each Periodic Notification MUST occur at this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of the PeriodicNotifInterval.

PeriodicNotifTime is used only to set the phase of the Periodic Event Notifications. The actual value of PeriodicNotifTime can be arbitrarily far into the past or future.

For example, if PeriodicNotifInterval is 86400 (a day) and if PeriodicNotifTime is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then Periodic Notifications will be sent every day at UTC midnight. These MUST begin on the very next midnight, even if PeriodicNotifTime refers to a day in the future.

The Unknown Time value defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. That is, the USP Agent MAY locally choose the time reference, and needs only to adhere to the specified PeriodicNotifInterval.

If absolute time is not available to the USP Agent, its Periodic Notification behavior MUST be the same as if the PeriodicNotifTime parameter was set to the Unknown Time value.

- 2.0
USPNotifRetryMinimumWaitInterval unsignedInt(1:65535) W

This parameter is related to the retry mechanism for Notifications.

Configures the first retry wait interval, in seconds, as specified in [Section “Responses to Notifications and Notification Retry”/TR-369].

A value of 5 corresponds to the default behavior.

The USP Agent MUST use a random value between USPNotifRetryMinimumWaitInterval and (USPNotifRetryMinimumWaitInterval * USPNotifRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) as the first retry wait interval. Other values in the retry pattern MUST be calculated using this value as a starting point.

5 2.0
USPNotifRetryIntervalMultiplier unsignedInt(1000:65535) W

This parameter is related to the retry mechanism for Notifications.

Configures the retry interval multiplier as specified in [Section “Responses to Notifications and Notification Retry”/TR-369].

This value is expressed in units of 0.001. Hence the values of the multiplier range between 1.000 and 65.535.

A value of 2000 corresponds to the default behavior.

The USP Agent MUST use a random value between USPNotifRetryMinimumWaitInterval and (USPNotifRetryMinimumWaitInterval * USPNotifRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) as the first retry wait interval. Other values in the retry pattern MUST be calculated using this value as a starting point.

2000 2.0
MTPNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the MTP table. - 2.0
SendOnBoardRequest boolean W When set to true, requests the Agent to send a USP OnBoardRequest notification to this Controller. - 2.0
Device.USPAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this table represents a MTP used by this Controller.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Protocol.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Protocol.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enable/Disable this MTP instance.

If this MTP instance is to be disabled and currently used for communication with the requesting controller, the agent has to send the request response first, before disabling it.

false 2.0
Protocol string W

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedProtocols parameter. The Message Transport Protocol (MTP) to be used for communications by a USP Endpoint.

This parameter discriminates between the CoAP, STOMP, WebSocket, MQTT union objects.

WebSocket 2.0
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

The order (relative priority) to use when determining which MTP to use for communicating to the Controller.

A value of 1 indicates the highest precedence. For each configured MTP, the instance with the lowest value is attempted first.

When more than one MTP instance has the same value, then each instance with the same value SHOULD be attempted at the same time.

The value of Order on creation of a MTP table entry MUST be one greater than the largest current value (initially assigned the lowest precedence).

- 2.15
Device.USPAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.CoAP. object(0:1) R
If the USP Endpoint uses the CoAP Message Transport Protocol (MTP), then this object contains CoAP specific configuration parameters.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the CoAP MTP was deprecated in USP 1.2.
This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is CoAP.
This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.
- 2.0
Host string(:256) W The hostname or IP Address of the Controller’s CoAP server. - 2.0
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W The port number used by the Controller’s CoAP Server to receive USP messages. - 2.0
Path string W The path that is used by the Controller’s CoAP Server in order to receive USP messages. - 2.0
EnableEncryption boolean W When true, encryption MUST be used as specified in [Section “MTP Message Encryption”/TR-369]. true 2.0
Device.USPAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.STOMP. object(0:1) R

If the USP Endpoint uses the STOMP Message Transport Protocol (MTP), then this object contains STOMP Client specific configuration parameters related to how this Controller communicates with the STOMP Server.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is STOMP.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.0
Reference string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the STOMP.Connection. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the STOMP Connection used by this Controller when communicating via the STOMP MTP. 2.0
Destination string W The STOMP destination where the Controller will be listening to incoming USP messages. 2.0
Device.USPAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.WebSocket. object(0:1) R

If the USP Endpoint uses the WebSocket Message Transport Protocol (MTP) as a WebSocket client, then this object contains WebSocket specific configuration parameters.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is WebSocket.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.0
Host string(:256) W The hostname or IP Address of the Controller’s WebSocket server. - 2.0
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W The port number used by the Controller’s WebSocket server to receive USP messages. - 2.0
Path string W The service path that is provided by the Controller’s WebSocket server in order to exchange USP messages. The value MUST be used as defined in [Section 3.3/RFC3986]. - 2.0
IsEncrypted boolean R
This parameter represents whether or not communications that utilize this WebSocket object instance are encrypted.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.14 because the EnableEncryption parameter will dictate whether this WebSocket is or is not encrypted.
- 2.0
EnableEncryption boolean W When true, encryption MUST be used for this MTP instance. true 2.15
KeepAliveInterval unsignedInt(1:) W The duration in seconds between when WebSocket ping control frames are transmitted by the Agent’s WebSocket client to the Controller’s WebSocket server. - 2.0
CurrentRetryCount unsignedInt R The current retry count of the session. When zero (0), the session is not in a retry state. - 2.0
SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval unsignedInt(1:65535) W

Configures the first retry wait interval, in seconds, as specified in [Section “WebSocket Session Retry”/TR-369].

The USP Agent MUST use a random value between SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval and (SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval * SessionRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) as the first retry wait interval. Other values in the retry pattern MUST be calculated using this value as a starting point.

5 2.0
SessionRetryIntervalMultiplier unsignedInt(1000:65535) W

Configures the retry interval multiplier as specified in [Section “WebSocket Session Retry”/TR-369].

This value is expressed in units of 0.001. Hence the values of the multiplier range between 1.000 and 65.535.

The USP Agent MUST use a random value between SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval and (SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval * SessionRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) as the first retry wait interval. Other values in the retry pattern MUST be calculated using this value as a starting point.

2000 2.0
Device.USPAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.MQTT. object(0:1) R

If the USP Endpoint uses the MQTT Message Transport Protocol (MTP), then this object contains MQTT Client specific configuration parameters related to how this Controller communicates with the MQTT broker.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is MQTT.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.15
Reference string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the MQTT.Client. table. A reference to the MQTT Client used by this Controller when communicating via the MQTT MTP. 2.15
Topic string(:65535) W The topic name the USP Controller has subscribed to, to be used for Notify messages send by the USP Agent. - 2.15
PublishRetainResponse boolean W If set to true the Agent MUST set the RETAIN flag in MQTT PUBLISH messages carrying a USP Response Message to 1, unless the MQTT server sent Retain Available = 0 (MQTT 5.0) in its CONNACK (in which case, the Agent MUST set the RETAIN flag to 0). false 2.15
PublishRetainNotify boolean W If set to true the Agent MUST set the RETAIN flag in MQTT PUBLISH messages carrying a USP Notify Message to 1, unless the MQTT server sent Retain Available = 0 (MQTT 5.0) in its CONNACK (in which case, the Agent MUST set the RETAIN flag to 0). false 2.15
Device.USPAgent.Certificate.{i}. object(0:) R

Each instance of this table represents information related to a X.509 certificate (see [RFC5280]) of a Controller or Certificate Authority. Instances are referenced from Controller.{i}.Credential and ControllerTrust.Credential.{i}.Credential.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both SerialNumber and Issuer, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both SerialNumber and Issuer, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enable/Disable this Certificate instance. - 2.0
SerialNumber string(:64) R The Serial Number field in an X.509 certificate, see [RFC5280]. - 2.0
Issuer string(:256) R The Issuer field in an X.509 certificate, see [RFC5280]; i.e. the Distinguished Name (DN) of the entity who has signed the certificate. - 2.0
Device.USPAgent.ControllerTrust. object R This object contains information that an Agent applies when establishing a trust relationship with a Controller. - 2.0
UntrustedRole string[:1] W

Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Comma-separated list (up to 1 items) of strings, each entry is a Role that is associated with Controllers whose identity cannot be authenticated. The value of the UntrustedRole parameter is appended to the Controller.{i}.AssignedRole parameter.

In some instances, this policy is set by the Agent and cannot be modified by Controllers. If the Agent does not allow modification of this parameter, the Agent MUST respond with an error to the request to set this parameter.

- 2.0
BannedRole string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The Role that is associated with Controllers indicate banned access.

When assigned to a Controller or associated with an entry in the Credential table, this MUST be the only value of the BannedRole parameter of the Controller.{i}.AssignedRole parameter.

The Agent SHOULD refuse to accept USP messages from, or send USP messages to, any Controller that has this Role.

- 2.0
TOFUAllowed boolean W When true, Agent has active policy that allows for self-signed certificates and certificates from unknown Certificate Authorities (CAs) to be trusted on first use (TOFU). - 2.0
TOFUInactivityTimer unsignedInt W

Inactivity timer in seconds.

This timer is started when trust on first use (TOFU) policy is used to accept a Controller certificate. If no USP Message is received before this timer elapses, the Agent MUST tear down the MTP connection and underlying (D)TLS session.

A value of 0 means that the TOFU inactivity timer is effectively disabled.

- 2.0
RoleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Role table. - 2.0
CredentialNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Credential table. - 2.0
ChallengeNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Challenge table. - 2.0
Device.USPAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this table represents a Role that can be assigned to or inherited by a Controller via the Controller Trust mechanism. The Role contains a set of permissions that determine how the Controller can interact with the data model.

If multiple permission entries associated with this table contain a Target that evaluates to the same instantiated Object/Parameter for multiple Roles, then the permissions to be used are a union of the identified permissions.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enable/Disable this Role instance. false 2.0
Name string W The Role assigned to this Role instance. - 2.0
PermissionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Permission table. - 2.0
Device.USPAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this table represents the permissions that are extended to a set of Targets for a specified Role.

If there are multiple entries in this table for a specific Role where the Targets overlap, the permissions for the entry with the highest value takes priority over all others.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Order.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Order.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enable/Disable this Permission instance. false 2.0
Order unsignedInt W

The order (relative priority) to use when determining the permissions for overlapping Targets that are contained within the same Role.

The larger value of this parameter takes priority over a permission with a smaller value (i.e., 0 has the lowest priority).

0 2.0
Targets string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings, each entry is a target to which the value of the permissions parameters are assigned.

When an entry is a value of a Partial Path, the permissions are associated to that Object and any child Object/Parameter.

When the value of an entry is an Object instance then the permissions are associated to all Parameters of the Object instance.

When an entry is a value of a Search Path as defined in [TR-369] that resolves to zero or more Parameter Paths, then all Parameter Paths that result from the evaluation of the Search Path are subject to the permissions assigned by this Permission instance.

Param string(4) W

The permissions of a Role for the specified Targets.

A string of 4 characters where each character represents a permission (“r” for Read, “w” for Write, “x” for Execute“, and “n” for Notify).

The string is always in the same order (rwxn) and the lack of a permission is signified by a “-” character (e.g., r–n).

The following describes the meaning of the permissions for Parameter type of Targets:

  1. Read: Grants the capability to read the value of the Parameter via Get and read the meta-information of the Parameter via GetSupportedDM.
  2. Write: Grants the capability to update the value of the Parameter via Add or Set.
  3. Execute: Grants no capabilities; Parameters can not be executed.
  4. Notify: Grants the capability to use this Parameter in the ReferenceList of a ValueChange Subscription.

Obj string(4) W

The permissions of a Role for the specified Targets.

A string of 4 characters where each character represents a permission (“r” for Read, “w” for Write, “x” for Execute“, and “n” for Notify).

The string is always in the same order (rwxn) and the lack of a permission is signified by a “-” character (e.g., r–n).

The following describes the meaning of the permissions for Object type of Targets:

  1. Read: Grants the capability to read the meta-information of the Object via GetSupportedDM.
  2. Write: Grants no capabilities for Static Objects. Grants the capability to create a new instance of a Multi-Instanced Object via Add (e.g. Device.LocalAgent.Controller.).
  3. Execute: Grants no capabilities; Objects are not executable and Commands are controlled by the CommandEventPermissions.
  4. Notify: Grants the capability to use this Object in the ReferenceList of an ObjectCreation (for multi-instance objects only) Subscription.

InstantiatedObj string(4) W

The permissions of a Role for the specified Targets.

A string of 4 characters where each character represents a permission (“r” for Read, “w” for Write, “x” for Execute“, and “n” for Notify).

The string is always in the same order (rwxn) and the lack of a permission is signified by a “-” character (e.g., r–n).

The following describes the meaning of the permissions for Instantiated Object type of Targets:

  1. Read: Grants the capability to read the instance numbers and unique keys of the Instantiated Object via GetInstances and read the value of Parameters related to the Instantiated Object via a Get containing a search expression or wildcard in place of the instance identifier.
  2. Write: Grants the capability to remove an existing instance of an Instantiated Object via Delete (e.g. Device.LocalAgent.Controller.1.).
  3. Execute: Grants no capabilities; Object Instances are not executable and Commands are controlled by the CommandEventPermissions.
  4. Notify: Grants the capability to use this Instantiated Object in the ReferenceList of an ObjectDeletion Subscription.

CommandEvent string(4) W

The permissions of a Role for the specified Targets.

A string of 4 characters where each character represents a permission (“r” for Read, “w” for Write, “x” for Execute“, and “n” for Notify).

The string is always in the same order (rwxn) and the lack of a permission is signified by a “-” character (e.g., r–n).

The following describes the meaning of the permissions for Command and Event type of Targets:

  1. Read: Grants the capability to read the meta-information of the Command (including input and output arguments) and Event (including arguments) via GetSupportedDM.
  2. Write: Grants no capabilities; Commands are executed instead of written to and Events are read only.
  3. Execute: Grants the capability to execute the Command via Operate, but grants no capabilities to an Event.
  4. Notify: Grants the capability to use this Event or Command in the ReferenceList of an Event or OperationComplete Subscription.

Device.USPAgent.ControllerTrust.Credential.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this table represents a trusted credential. The credential can be that of a certificate authority (CA) for a Controller whose EndpointID is unknown.

When a credential is supplied to the Agent by a Controller during authentication, the credentials in this table are used to determine if any of the supplied certificates (including those in the chain of trust) are considered “trusted”.

If the Controller authenticated via an entry in this table is not previously known to the Agent, the associated Role entry is automatically applied to the Controller.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Credential.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Credential.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enable/Disable this Credential instance. false 2.0
Role string[] W

Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

Comma-separated list of strings, the (set of) Role(s) applied to a Controller authenticated through this Credential instance.

The roles are added to the Controller’s current list of Roles by replacing the value of the Controller.{i}.InheritedRole parameter.

If the Controller is already known to the Agent, with an associated Role, this parameter has no impact.

- 2.0
Credential string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Certificate. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the Certificate.{i} instance for use in the authentication of certificates provided by a Controller and authorization of Controllers, and for authentication of certificates used for MTP encryption. - 2.0
AllowedUses string W

Identifies what usages the Certificate Authority (CA) authenticated by the associated credential is trusted to authorize. Enumeration of:

  • MTP-only (The CA can only authorize MTP (domain) connectivity, and cannot authenticate Controllers)
  • MTP-and-USP (The CA can authorize MTP (domain) connectivity and authenticate Controllers)
  • MTP-and-broker (The CA can authorize MTP (domain) connectivity and the presenter of this certificate is trusted to have authenticated the identity of Endpoints whose Records it transmits such that the from_id can be trusted without additional authentication. See [“Authentication and Authorization”/TR-369] for additional description of the Trusted Broker function)
- 2.0
Device.USPAgent.ControllerTrust.Challenge.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this table represents information that is used to challenge a Controller in order to assign a Role to the Controller or to determine the authenticity of a Certificate.

The Controller requests a type of challenge from an Agent using the RequestChallenge command.

The Agent returns the value of the Instruction for that type of challenge to the Controller which the Controller then provides a third-party.

The third-party responds to the Instruction which the Controller then sends to the Agent using the ChallengeResponse command.

The Agent verifies the response to the Challenges and executes an implementation specific Agent logic in order to establish trust with the Controller.

This could include (but is not limited to):

*Assignment of roles to the Controller is done by appending the non-duplicate roles of the Role parameter to the value of the Controller.{i}.AssignedRole parameter.

*Use the Controller’s certificate to which the challenge response was received in order to authenticate the identity of the Controller.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Description string W The description of this Challenge instance. - 2.0
Role string[] W

Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

Comma-separated list of strings, the (set of) role(s) appended (non-duplicate values only) to the value of the Controller.{i}.AssignedRole parameter.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enable/Disable this Challenge instance. false 2.0
Type string W

The type of challenge that will be verified from the challenge response provided by the third-party through the Controller. Enumeration of:

  • Passphrase (The challenge uses a passphrase the third-party is expected to match)
- 2.0
Value base64 W

The value of the challenge that is specific to the type of challenge.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
ValueType string W

The media type with a format as defined by [RFC6838] of the content of the Value parameter. Enumeration of:

  • text/plain
  • image/jpeg
- 2.0
Instruction base64 W The instruction that is provided to the external party by the Controller requesting the challenge. - 2.0
InstructionType string W

The media type with a format as defined by [RFC6838] of the content of the Instruction parameter. Enumeration of:

  • text/plain
  • image/jpeg
  • text/html
- 2.0
Retries unsignedInt W The number of consecutive failed USP ChallengeResponse() attempts against this Challenge instance (as determined by the USP RequestChallenge().ChallengeRef associated with USP ChallengeResponse().ChallengeID parameters) that are allowed before a LockoutPeriod is started for this Challenge instance. Counts of failed attempts for a Challenge instance are reset after a successful USP ChallengeResponse() for the Challenge instance or after a started LockoutPeriod expires. - 2.0
LockoutPeriod int(0:) W

Once the Retries value has been reached by failed USP ChallengeResponse() attempts against this Challenge instance (as determined by the USP RequestChallenge().ChallengeRef associated with USP ChallengeResponse().ChallengeID parameters), the value of this parameter represents the amount of time (in seconds) that the Agent will prevent any USP ChallengeResponse() or USP RequestChallenge() against this Challenge instance from succeeding. Any attempt to issue a USP RequestChallenge() or USP ChallengeResponse() command where the associated USP RequestChallenge().ChallengeRef points to this Challenge instance during the lockout period will result in an Error response with 7002 as the error code. When a started lockout period has expired, the count of failed attempts for this Challenge instance will be reset. If the Agent chooses to delete USP ChallengeResponse().ChallengeID values for a locked out Challenge, the Agent can send the 7004 error code for values it does not recognize.

A value of zero means that a lockout period doesn’t apply and the USP RequestChallenge() command can be attempted without the need to wait between failed challenges.

30 2.0
Device.STOMP. object R The STOMP represents the STOMP capabilities of the device as described in [TR-369]. - 2.15
ConnectionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Connection table. - 2.15
Device.STOMP.Connection.{i}. object(0:) W

The Connection represents a STOMP connection between the Agent and a STOMP server.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of Host, Username and VirtualHost.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of Host, Username and VirtualHost.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this Connection.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of this Connection (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Unknown
  • Connecting
  • ServerNotPresent
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error_AuthenticationFailure
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Disabled or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Enabled if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive PDUs; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

- 2.0
LastChangeDate dateTime R The date and time at which this Connection entered into its current operational state. - 2.0
Host string(:256) W The hostname or IP Address of the STOMP Server. - 2.0
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W The port number of the STOMP Server. 61613 2.0
Username string(:256) W The username part of the credentials to be used when authenticating this Connection during connection establishment with the STOMP Server. - 2.0
Password string(:256) W

The password part of the credentials to be used when authenticating this Connection during connection establishment with the STOMP Server.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
VirtualHost string(:256) W

The Virtual Host to use when establishing the connection.

Some STOMP Server implementations utilize virtual hosts to place a context around credentials, permissions, and internal resources.

EnableHeartbeats boolean W

Enable or disable the STOMP Heart-beating mechanism as described in STOMP (for this Connection).

When the STOMP Heart-beat mechanism is enabled, OutgoingHeartbeat and IncomingHeartbeat determine how the heart-beat header within the CONNECT frame is formatted.

When the STOMP Heart-beat mechanism is disabled, OutgoingHeartbeat and IncomingHeartbeat are ignored and the CONNECT frame MUST NOT contain a heart-beat header element.

Any changes to this parameter will not take effect until the next connection.

false 2.0
OutgoingHeartbeat unsignedInt W

Represents the Outgoing heart-beat timing (in milliseconds) of the STOMP Heart-beating mechanism as described in STOMP (for this Connection).

The Outgoing heart-beat represents what the sender of the frame can do. A value of 0 means that it cannot send heart-beats.

Any changes to this parameter will not take effect until the next connection.

0 2.0
IncomingHeartbeat unsignedInt W

Represents the Incoming heart-beat timing (in milliseconds) of the STOMP Heart-beating mechanism as described in STOMP (for this Connection).

The Incoming heart-beat represents what the sender of the frame would like to get. A value of 0 means that it does not want to receive heart-beats.

Any changes to this parameter will not take effect until the next connection.

0 2.0
ServerRetryInitialInterval unsignedInt(1:65535) W

The maximum first reconnection wait interval, in seconds, as specified in [TR-369].

The Device MUST use a random value between 0 and ServerRetryInitialInterval as the first reconnection wait interval.

60 2.0
ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier unsignedInt(1000:65535) W

The reconnection interval multiplier as specified in [TR-369]. This value is expressed in units of 0.001. Hence the values of the multiplier range between 1.000 and 65.535.

For the nth reconnection wait interval, the Device MUST use a random value, in seconds, between 0 and ServerRetryInitialInterval * (ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) ** (n - 1).

The server retry mechanism reaches its upper limit at 10 reconnection attempts. Meaning, that if the number of reconnection attempts exceeds 10, then the Device MUST use a random value, in seconds, between 0 and ServerRetryInitialInterval * (ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) ** (10 - 1).

2000 2.0
ServerRetryMaxInterval unsignedInt(1:) W

The maximum reconnection wait interval, in seconds.

If the nth reconnection wait interval calculated from ServerRetryInitialInterval and ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier exceeds the value of this parameter, then the Agent MUST use the value of this parameter as the next reconnection wait interval.

30720 2.0
IsEncrypted boolean R
This parameter represents whether or not communications that utilize this Connection object instance are encrypted.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.14 because the EnableEncryption parameter will dictate whether all connections for this STOMP instance are or are not encrypted.
- 2.0
EnableEncryption boolean W When true, encryption MUST be used for this STOMP Connection Connection. true 2.15

Inform and Notification Requirements

Forced Inform Parameters


Forced Active Notification Parameters


Default Active Notification Parameters


Parameters for which Active Notification MAY be Denied


Generated by Broadband Forum bbfreport v2.1.0 (2024-01-18 version) on 2024-01-18 at 11:47:02 UTC. –include ../../install/cwmp –output <stdout> –transform diff –format markdown tr-181-2-14-1-cwmp.xml tr-181-2-15-1-cwmp.xml

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