Broadband Forum

Component Objects for CWMP




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  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


The above license is used as a license under copyright only. Please reference the Forum IPR Policy for patent licensing terms

Any moral rights which are necessary to exercise under the above license grant are also deemed granted under this license.

Data Types

The Parameters defined in this specification make use of a limited subset of the default SOAP data types [SOAP1.1]. These data types and the named data types used by this specification are described below.

Note: A Parameter that is defined to be one of the named data types is reported as such at the beginning of the Parameter’s description via a reference back to the associated data type definition (e.g. [MACAddress]). However, such parameters still indicate their SOAP data types.

Data Type Base Type Description
boolean - Boolean, where the allowed values are 0 or 1 (or equivalently, true or false).
dateTime - The subset of the ISO 8601 date-time format defined by the SOAP dateTime type [SOAP1.1].
hexBinary -

Hex encoded binary.

A minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form hexBinary(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum length in characters before Hex Binary encoding. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in hexBinary(Max). Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the length MUST be in one of the ranges.

int -

Integer in the range -2147483648 to +2147483647, inclusive.

For some int types, a value range is given using the form int(Min:Max) or int(Min:Max step Step) where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

string - For strings, a minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form string(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum string length in characters. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in string(Max). Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the string length will be in one of the ranges.
unsignedInt -

Unsigned integer in the range 0 to 4294967295, inclusive.

For some unsignedInt types, a value range is given using the form unsignedInt(Min:Max) or unsigned(Min:Max step Step), where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

IPAddress string(:45)

IP address, i.e. IPv4 address (or IPv4 subnet mask) or IPv6 address.

All IPv4 addresses and subnet masks MUST be represented as strings in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation. Here are some examples of valid IPv4 address textual representations:


All IPv6 addresses MUST be represented using any of the 3 standard textual representations defined in [RFC4291] Sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. Both lower-case and upper-case letters can be used, but use of lower-case letters is RECOMMENDED. Here are some examples of valid IPv6 address textual representations:

  • 1080:0:0:800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd
  • 1080::800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd
  • 0:0:0:0:0:0:

IPv6 addresses MUST NOT include zone identifiers. Zone identifiers are discussed in [Section 6/RFC4007].

Unspecified or inapplicable addresses (or IPv4 subnet masks) MUST be represented as empty strings unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition.


[DLNA-NDIG] DLNA Networked Device Interoperability Guidelines, DLNA Networked Device Interoperability Guidelines, Volume 2: Media Format Profiles., DLNA, October 2006.
[DVB-TS.102.824] TS 102 824, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB);Remote Management and Firmware Update System for DVB IP Services, ETSI, July 2008.
[IANA-uri-schemes] IANA Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes Registry, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes, IANA.
[ICSA-Firewall] ICSA Modular Firewall Certification Criteria, Required Services Security Policy - Small/Medium Business (SMB) Category module - version 4.0, ICSA Labs.
[IEEE_EUI64] Guidelines for 64-bit Global Identifier (EUI-64) Registration Authority, Guidelines for 64-bit Global Identifier (EUI-64) Registration Authority, IEEE, March 1997.
[ISO-13818-6:1998] ISO/IEC 13818-6:1998, Information Technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information - Part 6: Extensions for DSM-CC, ISO, 1998.
[OUI] Organizationally Unique Identifiers (OUIs).
[RFC1323] RFC 1323, TCP Extensions for High Performance, IETF, May 1992.
[RFC2581] RFC 2581, TCP Congestion Control, IETF, April 1999.
[RFC2582] RFC 2582, The NewReno Modification to TCP’s Fast Recovery Algorithm, IETF, April 1999.
[RFC2616] RFC 2616, Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1, IETF, 1999.
[RFC2818] RFC 2818, HTTP Over TLS, IETF, May 2000.
[RFC2974] RFC 2974, Session Announcement Protocol, IETF, October 2000.
[RFC3066] RFC 3066, Tags for the Identification of Languages, IETF.
[RFC3926] RFC 3926, FLUTE - File Delivery over Unidirectional Transport, IETF, October 2004.
[RFC3986] RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax, IETF.
[RFC4007] RFC 4007, IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture, IETF.
[RFC4122] RFC 4122, A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace, IETF, 2005.
[RFC4291] RFC 4291, IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture, IETF, 2006.
[RFC4632] RFC 4632, Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR): The Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan, IETF, 2006.
[RFC7159] RFC7159, The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format, IETF, March 2014.
[RFC7230] RFC 7230, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing, IETF, June 2014.
[RFC7252] RFC 7252, The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), IETF, June 2014.
[RFC793] RFC 793, Transmission Control Protocol, IETF, September 1981.
[RFC8141] RFC 8141, Uniform Resource Names (URNs), IETF, April 2017.
[SOAP1.1] Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1, W3C.
[TR-069] TR-069 Amendment 6, CPE WAN Management Protocol, Broadband Forum, April 2018.
[TR-069a2] TR-069 Amendment 2, CPE WAN Management Protocol, Broadband Forum, December 2007.
[TR-106a2] TR-106 Amendment 2, Data Model Template for TR-069-Enabled Devices, Broadband Forum, November 2008.
[TR-106a3] TR-106 Amendment 3, Data Model Template for TR-069-Enabled Devices, Broadband Forum, September 2009.
[TR-157] TR-157 Amendment 10, Component Objects for CWMP, Broadband Forum, November 2015.
[UPnP-DAv1] UPnP Device Architecture, UPnP Device Architecture 1.0, UPnP Forum, April 2008.
[USB1.0] USB 1.0, USB 1.0 Specification, USB-IF, January 1996.
[USB2.0] USB 2.0, USB 2.0 Specification, USB-IF, April 2000.
[USB3.0] USB 3.0, USB 3.0 Specification, USB-IF, November 2008.
[ZigBee2007] ZigBee 2007 Specification, ZigBee 2007 Specification, ZigBee Alliance, October 2007.


Object definition.
Parameter definition.

TR-157:1.2 Data Model

For a given implementation of this data model, the Agent MUST indicate support for the highest version number of any object or parameter that it supports. For example, even if the Agent supports only a single parameter that was introduced in version 1.4, then it will indicate support for version 1.4. The version number associated with each object and parameter is shown in the Version column.

Name Type Write Description Object Default Version
DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus. object R Status of the device’s volatile physical memory. - 1.0
Total unsignedInt R The total physical RAM, in kilobytes, installed on the device. - 1.0
Free unsignedInt R

The free physical RAM, in kilobytes, currently available on the device.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
DeviceInfo.NetworkProperties. object R This object defines the parameters that describe how the device handles network traffic. - 1.0
MaxTCPWindowSize unsignedInt R The maximum number of bytes of outstanding data a sender can send on a particular connection prior to an acknowledgment [RFC793]. Any scaling factor SHOULD be included in this parameter [RFC1323]. - 1.0
TCPImplementation string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the TCP congestion control mechanism(s) implemented. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Tahoe (Represents the base TCP implementation in [RFC793] and elements of [RFC2582])
  • Reno (Represents the base TCP implementation in [RFC793] with the additional algorithms defined in [RFC2581])
  • New Reno (Described as a modification to the Reno algorithms in [RFC2582])
  • Vegas (An emerging TCP congestion control mechanism) Tahoe, Reno, and New Reno are defined in [RFC2582]
- 1.0
DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus. object R Status of the processes on the device. - 1.0
CPUUsage unsignedInt(:100) R

The total amount of the CPU, in percent, rounded up to the nearest whole percent. In the case that multiple CPU are present, this value represents the average of all CPU.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ProcessNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Process table. Since a Process can come and go very quickly, the CPE SHOULD place a locally specified limit on the frequency at which it will notify the ACS of value changes, as described in [Section 3.2.1/TR-069a2]. - 1.0
DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus.Process.{i}. object(0:) R

List of all processes running on the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for PID.

- 1.0
PID unsignedInt R The Process Identifier. - 1.0
Command string(:256) R The name of the command that has caused the process to exist. - 1.0
Size unsignedInt R

The size in kilobytes of the memory occupied by the process.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Priority unsignedInt(:99) R The priority of the process where 0 is highest. - 1.0
CPUTime unsignedInt R

The amount of time in milliseconds that the process has spent taking up CPU time since the process was started.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
State string R

The current state that the process is in.

Enumeration of:

  • Running
  • Sleeping
  • Stopped
  • Idle (OPTIONAL)
  • Uninterruptible (OPTIONAL)
  • Zombie (OPTIONAL)

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus. object R Status of the temperature of the device. - 1.0
TemperatureSensorNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the TemperatureSensor table. - 1.0
DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus.TemperatureSensor.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents information that the device has obtained via sampling an internal temperature sensor.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Indicates whether or not the temperature sensor is enabled. - 1.0
Status string R

The status of this temperature sensor.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (The sensor is not currently sampling the temperature)
  • Enabled (The sensor is currently sampling the temperature)
  • Error (The sensor error currently prevents sampling the temperature)
- 1.0
Reset boolean W

When set to true, resets the temperature sensor.

When read, this parameter returns false, regardless of the actual value.

- 1.0
ResetTime dateTime R The time at which this temperature sensor was reset. Reset can be caused by:
  • Status transition from Disabled to Enabled
  • Reset set to true.
  • An internal reset of the temperature sensor (including a reboot of the device). The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106a2], indicates that this temperature sensor has never been reset, which can only happen if it has never been enabled.
- 1.0
Name string(:256) R Name of this temperature sensor. This text MUST be sufficient to distinguish this temperature sensor from other temperature sensors. - 1.0
Value int(-274:) R

This temperature sensor’s last good reading in degrees celsius. A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
LastUpdate dateTime R

The time at which this temperature sensor’s last good reading was obtained. The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106a2], indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MinValue int(-274:) R This temperature sensor’s lowest value reading in degrees celsius since last reset. A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset. - 1.0
MinTime dateTime R The time at which this temperature sensor’s lowest value was read. The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106a2], indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset. - 1.0
MaxValue int(-274:) R This temperature sensor’s highest value reading in degrees celsius since last reset. A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset. - 1.0
MaxTime dateTime R The time at which this temperature sensor’s highest value was read. The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106a2], indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset. - 1.0
LowAlarmValue int(-274:) W This temperature sensor’s low alarm value in degrees celsius. A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a non configured value. - 1.0
LowAlarmTime dateTime R Initial time at which this temperature sensor’s LowAlarmValue was encountered. This value is only set the first time the alarm is seen and not changed until the next reset. The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106a2], indicates that an alarm has not been encountered since the last reset. - 1.0
HighAlarmValue int(-274:) W This temperature sensor’s high alarm value in degrees celsius. A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a non configured value. - 1.0
HighAlarmTime dateTime R Initial time at which this temperature sensor’s HighAlarmValue was encountered. This value is only set the first time the alarm is seen and not changed until the next reset. The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106a2], indicates that an alarm has not been encountered since the last reset. - 1.0
DeviceInfo.SupportedDataModel.{i}. object(0:) R

This table contains details of the device’s Current Supported Data Model. The table MUST describe the device’s entire Supported Data Model. Therefore, if a device’s Supported Data Model changes at run-time, entries will need to be added or removed as appropriate. Each table entry MUST refer to only a single Root Object or Service Object. The device MAY choose to use more than one table entry for a given Root Object or Service Object. Considering that every device has some form of a data model, this table MUST NOT be empty.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for URL.

- 1.0
URL string(:256) R URL ([RFC3986]) that describes some or all of the device’s Current Supported Data Model. The URL MUST reference an XML file which describes the appropriate part of the Supported Data Model. The referenced XML file MUST be compliant with the DT (Device Type) Schema that is described in [Annex B/TR-106a3], including any additional normative requirements referenced within the Schema. The XML file referenced by this URL MUST NOT change while the CPE is running, and SHOULD NOT change across a CPE reboot. Note that, if the same XML file is to be used for multiple CPE, this strongly suggests that the XML file referenced by this URL should never change. The URL MAY permit the XML file to be accessed at run-time, in which case, the XML file MAY be located within the CPE. Behavior in the event of an invalid URL, failure to access the referenced XML file, or an invalid XML file, is implementation-dependent. - 1.0
URN string(:256) R URN ([RFC3986]) that is the value of the spec attribute in the DM (data model) Instance that defines the Root Object or Service Object referenced by this table entry. For example, if this table entry references a DT Instance that refers to the Device:1.3 Root Object, the value of this parameter would be urn:broadband-forum-org:tr-157-1-0-0, because TR-157 defines Device:1.3. If the DT Instance instead referred to a vendor-specific Root Object, e.g. X_EXAMPLE_Device:1.0 (derived from Device:1.3), the value of this parameter would be something like urn:example-com:device-1-0-0. - 1.0
Features string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. This parameter MUST list exactly the features that are defined using the top-level feature element in the DT Instance referenced by URL. For example, if the DT instance specified the following:

then the value of this parameter might be DNSServer,Router,X_MyDeviceFeature. The order in which the features are listed is not significant.

- 1.0
UserInterface.LocalDisplay. object R This object describes how to remotely manage the initial positioning of a user interface on a device’s local display. - 1.0
Movable boolean W Controls whether the user is allowed to change the GUI window position on the local CPE’s display. - 1.0
Resizable boolean W Controls whether the user is allowed to resize the GUI window on the local CPE’s display. - 1.0
PosX int W

The horizontal position of the User Interface’s top left corner within the local CPE’s display measured from the top left corner, expressed in pixels.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
PosY int W

The vertical position of the User Interface’s top left corner within the local CPE’s display measured from the top left corner, expressed in pixels.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Width unsignedInt W

The width of the user interface within the local CPE’s display, expressed in pixels.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Height unsignedInt W

The height of the user interface within the local CPE’s display, expressed in pixels.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
DisplayWidth unsignedInt R The width of the local CPE’s display, expressed in pixels. - 1.0
DisplayHeight unsignedInt R The height of the local CPE’s display, expressed in pixels. - 1.0
UserInterface.RemoteAccess. object R This object contains parameters relating to remotely accessing the CPE’s user interface. Remote access is defined as any entity not of a local subnet attempting to connect to the CPE. Remote access requires user authentication. To provide remote access authentication the CPE MUST support a “User” table with at least one instance that has “RemoteAccessCapable” set to true. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables/Disables remotely accessing the CPE’s user interface. - 1.0
Port unsignedInt(:65535) W Destination TCP port required for remote access connection. - 1.0
SupportedProtocols string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the protocols that are supported by the CPE for the purpose of remotely accessing the user interface.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 1.0
Protocol string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedProtocols parameter. This is the protocol currently being used for remote access. - 1.0
DLNA. object R This object contains all DLNA related objects and parameters. - 1.0
DLNA.Capabilities. object R DLNA capabilities. - 1.0
HNDDeviceClass string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the supported DLNA Home Network Device Classes [Table 4-1/DLNA-NDIG]. - 1.0
DeviceCapability string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the supported DLNA Device Capabilities [Table 4-2/DLNA-NDIG]. - 1.0
HIDDeviceClass string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the supported DLNA Home Infrastructure Device Classes [Table 4-4/DLNA-NDIG]. - 1.0
ImageClassProfileID string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the DLNA Image Class Profile IDs supported by this device, from Tables 5-2 and 5-3 of [DLNA-NDIG]. - 1.0
AudioClassProfileID string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the DLNA Audio Class Profile IDs supported by this device, from Tables 5-4 through 5-10 of [DLNA-NDIG]. - 1.0
AVClassProfileID string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the DLNA AV Class Profile IDs supported by this device, from Tables 5-11 through 5-15 of [DLNA-NDIG]. - 1.0
MediaCollectionProfileID string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the DLNA Media Collection Profile IDs supported by this device [Table 5-16/DLNA-NDIG]. - 1.0
PrinterClassProfileID string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the DLNA Printer Class Profile IDs supported by this device [Table 5-17/DLNA-NDIG]. - 1.0
Firewall. object R Firewall configuration object. - 1.0
Config string W

How this firewall is configured. Enumeration of:

  • High (The firewall implements the “Traffic Denied Inbound” and “Minimally Permit Common Services Outbound” components of the ICSA residential certification’s Required Services Security Policy [ICSA-Firewall])
  • Low (All Outbound traffic and pinhole-defined Inbound traffic is allowed)
  • Off (All Inbound and Outbound traffic is allowed, and the CPE is only protected by NAT settings) Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106a2] MUST be adhered to.
- 1.0
Version string(:16) R A string identifying the firewall settings version currently used in the CPE, or an empty string if the firewall settings are not associated with a version. - 1.0
LastChange dateTime R The time at which the firewall settings most recently changed. - 1.0
UserNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the User table. - 1.0
User.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to the user characteristics.

At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Username.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables/disables this user object instance. If the User being configured is currently accessing the device then a disable MUST apply to the next user session and the current user session MUST NOT be abruptly terminated. false 1.0
RemoteAccessCapable boolean W Allows this user to remotely access the UserInterface via the mechanism defined in {{object: non-existent .UserInterface.RemoteAccess.}} false 1.0
Username string(:64) W Name of the current user. MUST NOT be an empty string for an enabled entry. <Empty> 1.0
Password string(:64) W

The user’s password.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 1.0
Language string(:16) W String describing the default language for the local configuration interface, specified according to [RFC3066]. If an empty string, {{param: non-existent .UserInterface.CurrentLanguage}} is used. <Empty> 1.0
UPnP. object R This object contains all UPnP related objects and parameters including Device and Discovery related objects and parameters. - 1.0
UPnP.Device. object R This object defines the UPnP devices and UPnP services that are implemented by the CPE. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP support. - 1.0
UPnPMediaServer boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP Media Server. - 1.0
UPnPMediaRenderer boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP Media Renderer. - 1.0
UPnPWLANAccessPoint boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP Wireless Access Point. - 1.0
UPnPQoSDevice boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP QoS Device. - 1.0
UPnPQoSPolicyHolder boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP QoS Policy Holder. - 1.0
UPnPIGD boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP IGD. - 1.0
UPnPDMBasicMgmt boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP-DM Basic Management. - 1.0
UPnPDMConfigurationMgmt boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP-DM Configuration Management. - 1.0
UPnPDMSoftwareMgmt boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP-DM Software Management. - 1.0
UPnP.Device.Capabilities. object R This object defines what UPnP capabilities this device has. - 1.0
UPnPArchitecture unsignedInt R Numeric value indicating the major version of the supported UPnP architecture. If UPnP 1.1 is supported the value is 1. If UPnP 2.0 is supported the value is 2. A value of 0 indicates no UPnP support. - 1.0
UPnPArchitectureMinorVer unsignedInt R Numeric value indicating the minor version of the supported UPnP architecture. If UPnP 1.1 is supported the value is 1. If UPnP 2.0 is supported the value is 0. If UPnPArchitecture is 0 then this parameter SHOULD be ignored. - 1.0
UPnPMediaServer unsignedInt R Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP Media Server. A value of 0 indicates no support. - 1.0
UPnPMediaRenderer unsignedInt R Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP Media Renderer. A value of 0 indicates no support. - 1.0
UPnPWLANAccessPoint unsignedInt R Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP Wireless Access Point. A value of 0 indicates no support. - 1.0
UPnPBasicDevice unsignedInt R Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP Basic Device. A value of 0 indicates no support. - 1.0
UPnPQoSDevice unsignedInt R Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP Qos Device. A value of 0 indicates no support. - 1.0
UPnPQoSPolicyHolder unsignedInt R Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP Qos Policy Holder. A value of 0 indicates no support. - 1.0
UPnPIGD unsignedInt R Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP IGD. A value of 0 indicates no support. - 1.0
UPnPDMBasicMgmt unsignedInt R Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP-DM Basic Management. A value of 0 indicates no support. - 1.0
UPnPDMConfigurationMgmt unsignedInt R Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP-DM Configuration Management. A value of 0 indicates no support. - 1.0
UPnPDMSoftwareMgmt unsignedInt R Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP-DM Software Management. A value of 0 indicates no support. - 1.0
UPnP.Discovery. object R UPnP [UPnP-DAv1] SSDP discovered root devices, embedded devices and embedded services. The CPE MAY, but need not, retain some or all of the information in this object across reboots. - 1.0
RootDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the RootDevice table. - 1.0
DeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Device table. - 1.0
ServiceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Service table. - 1.0
UPnP.Discovery.RootDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

UPnP root device table. This table contains an entry for each UPnP root device that has been discovered via SSDP.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for UUID.

- 1.0
Status string R

The status of the UPnP root device. Enumeration of:

  • LeaseActive (Device is active and UPnP lease has not expired)
  • LeaseExpired (Device is inactive because UPnP lease has expired)
  • ByebyeReceived (Device is inactive because byebye message was received) The ability to list inactive UPnP root devices is OPTIONAL. The length of time an inactive device remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.
- 1.0
UUID string(:36) R

This UPnP root device’s UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) [RFC4122], extracted from any of its USN (Unique Service Name) headers. This is a 36-byte string that uniquely identifies the device, the following is an example:


Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-([0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-){3}[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}
- 1.0
USN string(:256) R

The value of the USN (Unique Service Name) header for this UPnP root device. Three discovery messages are sent for root devices, and this SHOULD be the value of the USN header of the following form:

uuid:device-UUID::urn:domain-name:device:deviceType:v SSDP is an unreliable protocol and it is possible that no discovery message containing the USN header of the above form was ever received. If so, one of the other two forms MAY be used:
uuid:device-UUID (for root device UUID)
- 1.0
LeaseTime unsignedInt R The UPnP root device lease time in seconds, extracted from the CACHE-CONTROL header. - 1.0
Location string(:256) R The value of the LOCATION header for this UPnP root device, which is the URL of the root device’s DDD (Device Description Document). - 1.0
Server string(:256) R

The value of the SERVER header for this UPnP root device, which is a string of the following form:

OS/version UPnP/udaversion product/version where UPnP is a literal string, udaversion is the version of the UPnP Device Architecture.
- 1.0
Host string(:256)[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Indicates the full path names of all Host table entries, whether active or inactive, that correspond to this UPnP root device. As such entries are added to or removed from the Host tables, the value of this parameter MUST be updated accordingly. - 1.0
UPnP.Discovery.Device.{i}. object(0:) R

UPnP embedded device table. This table contains an entry for each UPnP embedded device that has been discovered via SSDP.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for UUID.

- 1.0
Status string R

The status of the UPnP embedded device. Enumeration of:

  • LeaseActive (Device is active and UPnP lease has not expired)
  • LeaseExpired (Device is inactive because UPnP lease has expired)
  • ByebyeReceived (Device is inactive because byebye message was received) The ability to list inactive UPnP embedded devices is OPTIONAL. The length of time an inactive device remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.
- 1.0
UUID string(:36) R

This UPnP embedded device’s UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) [RFC4122], extracted from any of its USN (Unique Service Name) headers. This is a 36-byte string that uniquely identifies the device, the following is an example:


Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-([0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-){3}[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}
- 1.0
USN string(:256) R

The value of the USN (Unique Service Name) header for this UPnP embedded device. Two discovery messages are sent for embedded devices, and this SHOULD be the value of the USN header of the following form:

uuid:device-UUID::urn:domain-name:device:deviceType:v SSDP is an unreliable protocol and it is possible that no discovery message containing the USN header of the above form was ever received. If so, the other form MAY be used:
- 1.0
LeaseTime unsignedInt R The UPnP embedded device lease time in seconds, extracted from the CACHE-CONTROL header. - 1.0
Location string(:256) R The value of the LOCATION header for this UPnP embedded device, which is the URL of the root device’s DDD (Device Description Document). - 1.0
Server string(:256) R

The value of the SERVER header for this UPnP embedded device, which is a string of the following form:

OS/version UPnP/udaversion product/version where UPnP is a literal string, udaversion is the version of the UPnP Device Architecture.
- 1.0
Host string(:256)[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Indicates the full path names of all Host table entries, whether active or inactive, that correspond to this UPnP embedded device. As such entries are added to or removed from the Host tables, the value of this parameter MUST be updated accordingly. - 1.0
UPnP.Discovery.Service.{i}. object(0:) R

UPnP embedded service table. This table contains an entry for each UPnP embedded service that has been discovered via SSDP.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for USN.

- 1.0
Status string R

The status of the UPnP embedded service. Enumeration of:

  • LeaseActive (Service is active and UPnP lease has not expired)
  • LeaseExpired (Service is inactive because UPnP lease has expired)
  • ByebyeReceived (Service is inactive because byebye message was received) The ability to list inactive UPnP embedded services is OPTIONAL. The length of time an inactive service remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.
- 1.0
USN string(:256) R

The value of the USN (Unique Service Name) header for this UPnP embedded service. This is of the following form:

- 1.0
LeaseTime unsignedInt R The UPnP embedded service lease time in seconds, extracted from the CACHE-CONTROL header. - 1.0
Location string(:256) R The value of the LOCATION header for this UPnP embedded service, which is the URL of the root device’s DDD (Device Description Document). - 1.0
Server string(:256) R

The value of the SERVER header for this UPnP embedded service, which is a string of the following form:

OS/version UPnP/udaversion product/version where UPnP is a literal string, udaversion is the version of the UPnP Device Architecture.
- 1.0
Host string(:256)[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Indicates the full path names of all Host table entries, whether active or inactive, that correspond to this UPnP embedded service. As such entries are added to or removed from the Host tables, the value of this parameter MUST be updated accordingly. - 1.0
USBHosts. object R This object models the CPE’s USB Host controllers. See [Appendix I/TR-157] for Theory of Operation. - 1.0
HostNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Host table. - 1.0
USBHosts.Host.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of CPE USB Host controllers.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Name.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the USB Host controller. - 1.0
Name string(:64) R User-readable host controller name. - 1.0
Type string R

Type of USB Host

Enumeration of:

  • OHCI (Open Host Controller Interface)
  • EHCI (Enhanced Host Controller Interface)
  • UHCI (Universal Host Controller Interface)
  • xHCI (Extensible Host Controller Interface)
- 1.0
Reset boolean W

When set to true, reset the Host Controller and apply the reset signaling (see [Chapter]) to all of the Host Controller Hub downstream ports. The value is not saved in the device’s state and setting it to false has no effect.

When read, this parameter returns false, regardless of the actual value.

- 1.0
PowerManagementEnable boolean W When set to true, PowerManagementEnable enables the Host Controller to invoke Power Management policy, i.e. controlled Suspend (see [USB2.0], Chapters 4.3.2,, and 11.9). When set to false PowerManagementEnable immediately disables the Host controller Power Management policy. - 1.0
USBVersion string(:4) R USB specification version with which the controller complies. Example: “1.1” - 1.0
DeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Device table. - 1.0
USBHosts.Host.{i}.Device.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of connected USB devices.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for DeviceNumber, or with a given value for DeviceNumber.

- 1.0
DeviceNumber unsignedInt R Device number on USB bus. - 1.0
USBVersion string(:4) R USB specification version with which the device complies. Example: “1.1” - 1.0
DeviceClass hexBinary(:1) R Class Code as assigned by USB-IF. When 0x00, each device specifies its own class code. When 0xFF, the class code is vendor specified. - 1.0
DeviceSubClass hexBinary(:1) R Subclass code (assigned by USB-IF). - 1.0
DeviceVersion unsignedInt(:65535) R Device release number. - 1.0
DeviceProtocol hexBinary(:1) R Protocol code (assigned by USB-IF). - 1.0
ProductID unsignedInt(:65535) R Product ID (assigned by manufacturer). - 1.0
VendorID unsignedInt(:65535) R Vendor ID (assigned by USB-IF). - 1.0
Manufacturer string(:64) R Device Manufacturer string descriptor. - 1.0
ProductClass string(:64) R Device Product Class string descriptor. - 1.0
SerialNumber string(:64) R Device SerialNumber string descriptor. - 1.0
Port unsignedInt(:255) R Hub port on parent device. 0 when no parent. - 1.0
USBPort string R None of the possible target objects exist in this data model, so the parameter value MUST be an empty string. This is a reference to the USB host device to which this (external) USB device is connected. - 1.0
Rate string R

Speed of the USB device. Enumeration of:

  • Low (1.5 Mbits/sec (187.5 KB/sec) defined in [USB1.0])
  • Full (12 Mbits/sec (1.5 MB/sec) defined in [USB1.0])
  • High (480 Mbits/sec (60 MB/sec) defined in [USB2.0])
  • Super (5.0 Gbits/sec (625 MB/sec) defined in [USB3.0]) Internal signaling between the connected USB device and the USB Host Controller provide the information needed to determine the negotiated rate.
- 1.0
Parent string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Device. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is a reference to the parent USB device (e.g. hub device). This is an empty string for a device connected to the Host controller (root hub). - 1.0
MaxChildren unsignedInt R Number of ports. Only applies for hub device, equal to 0 for other devices. - 1.0
IsSuspended boolean R When true the associated Device is in a suspended (i.e. low-power) state (see [Chapter 11.9/USB2.0]). When false the associated Device is in any of the other states specified by the USB 2.0 Device State Machine (see [Chapter 9.1.1/USB2.0]). - 1.0
IsSelfPowered boolean R When true the associated device is at least partly powered by a local source (see [Chapter 9.4.5/USB2.0]). When false the associated device draws all the current it needs from the USB bus. - 1.0
ConfigurationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Configuration table. - 1.0
USBHosts.Host.{i}.Device.{i}.Configuration.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of device configurations.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ConfigurationNumber, or with a given value for ConfigurationNumber.

- 1.0
ConfigurationNumber unsignedInt R The identifier for each Device Configuration. - 1.0
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 1.0
USBHosts.Host.{i}.Device.{i}.Configuration.{i}.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of device interface descriptors.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for InterfaceNumber, or with a given value for InterfaceNumber.

- 1.0
InterfaceNumber unsignedInt(:255) R Number of this interface (from USB interface descriptor). - 1.0
InterfaceClass hexBinary(:1) R Class Code as assigned by USB-IF. When 0x00, each interface specifies its own class code. When 0xFF, the class code is vendor specified. - 1.0
InterfaceSubClass hexBinary(:1) R Subclass code (assigned by USB-IF). - 1.0
InterfaceProtocol hexBinary(:1) R Protocol code (assigned by USB-IF). - 1.0
NSLookupDiagnostics. object R This object defines access to an IP-layer NS Lookup test for the specified IP interface. When initiated, the NS Lookup test will contact DNSServer and look up HostName NumberOfRepetitions times. There will be a Result instance for each time the device performs a DNS lookup, which is determined by the value of NumberOfRepetitions. Any previous Result instances are removed when a new test is initiated. - 1.0
DiagnosticsState string W

Indicates availability of diagnostic data. Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Error_DNSServerNotResolved (Unable to resolve DNSServer Name, READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY) If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed value is Requested. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting the DiagnosticsState to Requested. When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic. When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above. If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate. When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code “8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE” in the Inform message. After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None. Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None. While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None. While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. This parameter specifies the IP-layer interface over which the test is to be performed (i.e. the source IP address to use when performing the test). If an empty string is specified, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface. - 1.0
HostName string(:256) W Specifies the Host Name that NS Lookup is to look for. The current domain name MUST be used unless the name is a fully qualified name. - 1.0
DNSServer string(:256) W Specifies the DNS Server name or IP address that NS Lookup is to use for the lookup. The name of this server will be resolved using the default DNS server unless an IP address is provided. If an empty string is specified, the device’s default DNS server will be used. - 1.0
Timeout unsignedInt W Timeout in milliseconds that indicates that a request has failed. - 1.0
NumberOfRepetitions unsignedInt W The number of times the device SHOULD repeat the execution of the NSLookup using the same input parameters. If the diagnostics test fails the CPE MAY terminate the test without completing the full number of repetitions. Each repetition will use a Result instance to hold the NSLookup result data. - 1.0
SuccessCount unsignedInt R

Number of successfully executed repetitions.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ResultNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R

The number of entries in the Result table. Total number of Result entries from the most recent invocation of the test.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
NSLookupDiagnostics.Result.{i}. object(0:) R Results from the most recent invocation of the test, one instance per repetition. - 1.0
Status string R

Result Parameter to represent whether the NS Lookup was successful or not. Errors for individual Result instances do not get bubbled up to DiagnosticsState. A failure on a specific attempt does not mean that the overall test failed, but a failure on all attempts means that DiagnosticsState SHOULD be Error_Other.

Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_DNSServerNotAvailable
  • Error_HostNameNotResolved
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
AnswerType string R

Result parameter to represent whether the answer is Authoritative or not.

Enumeration of:

  • None (Indicates that the NS Lookup failed to find the host)
  • Authoritative
  • NonAuthoritative

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
HostNameReturned string(:256) R

Result parameter to represent the fully qualified name for the Host Name in the calling parameter (e.g. HostName.DomainName); if no response was provided, then this parameter is an empty string.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
IPAddresses string(:45)[:10] R

[IPAddress] Comma-separated list (up to 10 items) of IP Addresses. Indicates the IP Address results returned by the NS Lookup; if no response was provided, then this parameter is an empty string.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
DNSServerIP string(:45) R

[IPAddress] Result parameter to represent the actual DNS Server IP address that the NS Lookup used.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ResponseTime unsignedInt R

Response time (for the first response packet) in milliseconds, or 0 if no response was received.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
SelfTestDiagnostics. object R This diagnostics test is vendor-specific and MAY include testing hardware, software, and/or firmware. - 1.0
DiagnosticsState string W

Indicates availability of diagnostic data. Enumeration of:

  • None (READONLY)
  • Requested
  • Complete (READONLY)
  • Error_Internal (READONLY)
  • Error_Other (READONLY) If the ACS sets the value of this parameter to Requested, the CPE MUST initiate the corresponding diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed value is Requested. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting the DiagnosticsState to Requested. When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the diagnostic. When the test is completed, the value of this parameter MUST be either Complete (if the test completed successfully), or one of the Error values listed above. If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the results parameters for this test are indeterminate. When the diagnostic initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code “8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE” in the Inform message. After the diagnostic is complete, the value of all result parameters (all read-only parameters in this object) MUST be retained by the CPE until either this diagnostic is run again, or the CPE reboots. After a reboot, if the CPE has not retained the result parameters from the most recent test, it MUST set the value of this parameter to None. Modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the value of this parameter being set to None. While the test is in progress, modifying any of the writable parameters in this object except for this one MUST result in the test being terminated and the value of this parameter being set to None. While the test is in progress, setting this parameter to Requested (and possibly modifying other writable parameters in this object) MUST result in the test being terminated and then restarted using the current values of the test parameters.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Results string(:1024) R

Results of self-test (vendor specific).

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
SmartCardReaderNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SmartCardReader table. - 1.0
SmartCardReader.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the characteristics of the smart card reader.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this smart card reader. - 1.0
Status string R

Indicates the status of this smart card reader.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled (Indicates the smart card reader is enabled and functioning properly)
  • Error (Indicates the smart card reader is enabled and not functioning properly)
- 1.0
Name string(:256) R Human-readable name associated with this smart card reader. - 1.0
Reset boolean W

When set to true, resets the SmartCard Reader and the associated SmartCard.

When read, this parameter returns false, regardless of the actual value.

- 1.0
ResetTime dateTime R The time at which this SmartCard Reader was reset. Reset can be caused by:
  • Status transition from Disabled to Enabled
  • Reset set to true.
  • An internal reset of the SmartCard Reader (including a reboot of the device). Unknown Time value indicates that this SmartCard Reader has never been reset, which can only happen if it has never been enabled.
- 1.0
DecryptionFailedCounter unsignedInt R

Counter incremented once each time decryption cannot be carried out. This counter relates to the smart card reader, not to the smart card itself, i.e. it is reset when the Reset parameter is used and not when a Smart Card is inserted or removed.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
DecryptionFailedNoKeyCounter unsignedInt R

Counter incremented once each time the key is not available to decrypt it. This is a subset of the more general DecryptionFailedCounter within the same object and thus will always be less than that parameter. This counter relates to the smart card reader, not to the smart card itself, i.e. it is reset when the Reset parameter is used and not when a Smart Card is inserted or removed.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
SmartCardReader.{i}.SmartCard. object R Status of currently associated smart card. - 1.0
Status string R

Status of the Smart Card.

Enumeration of:

  • None (Indicates that no Smart Card is inserted)
  • Running (Indicates a Smart Card is present and working normally)
  • Error (Indicates the Smart Card is present and in an error condition)
- 1.0
Type string R

Smart Card Type. Enumeration of:

  • CA
  • DRM
  • UICC Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106a2] MUST be adhered to.
- 1.0
Application string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates Smart Card Application(s). Application is only relevant when Type has a value of UICC, otherwise it is an empty string. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • SIM
  • USIM
  • ISIM Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106a2] MUST be adhered to.
- 1.0
SerialNumber string(:256) R The Smart Card Serial Number or an empty string if the Smart Card serial Number is not available, e.g. in the case of IPTV due to restrictions of the Service Delivery Platform. - 1.0
ATR string(:1024) R The Smart Card answer to a reset action. Issued by the Smart Card upon reset. - 1.0
PeriodicStatistics. object R This object configures collection of periodic statistics for the device. Periodic statistics are measured over a sample interval (which can be aligned with absolute time) and are made available to the ACS as a comma-separated list of the most recent samples. This object provides a single set of global settings that affect the entire device unless overridden locally. - 1.0
MinSampleInterval unsignedInt R Minimum sample interval in seconds that the CPE is able to support. A value of 0 indicates no specific minimum sample interval. - 1.0
MaxReportSamples unsignedInt R Maximum number of samples of each statistic that the CPE is able to store and report. A value of 0 indicates no specific maximum number of samples. - 1.0
SampleSetNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SampleSet table. - 1.0
PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}. object(0:) W

Periodic statistics sample set table. Each sample set has its own sample interval etc.

At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables collection of periodic statistics for this sample set. When collection of periodic statistics is enabled, any stored samples are discarded, and the first sample interval begins immediately. false 1.0
Status string R

Indicates availability of Sample statistics. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Collection is disabled)
  • Enabled (Collection is enabled)
  • Trigger (Collection is enabled and the ACS SHOULD now fetch the collected data) The Trigger value is only used for triggering the ACS to fetch the collected data and can only be used when FetchSamples is in the range [1:ReportSamples]. The transition from Enabled to Trigger to Enabled MUST be instantaneous and so will result in only a single value change for notification purposes.
Disabled 1.0
Name string(:128) W The name of this sample set, which uniquely distinguishes each sample set. <Empty> 1.0
SampleInterval unsignedInt(1:) W The sample interval in seconds. Each statistic is measured over this sample interval. The CPE MAY reject a request to set SampleInterval to less than {{param: non-existent .PeriodicStatistics.MinSampleInterval}}. Sample intervals MUST begin every SampleInterval seconds, with no delay between samples. If SampleInterval is changed while collection of periodic statistics is enabled, any stored samples are discarded, and the first sample interval begins immediately. For example, if ReportSamples is 24 and SampleInterval is 3600 (an hour), the CPE can store up to a day’s worth of samples for each statistic. 3600 1.0
ReportSamples unsignedInt(1:) W The number of samples that the CPE will store and report for each statistic. The CPE MUST permit ReportSamples to be set to at least {{param: non-existent .PeriodicStatistics.MaxReportSamples}}. If ReportSamples is changed while collection of periodic statistics is enabled, the CPE will truncate or extend its statistics buffers as appropriate, but statistics collection MUST NOT otherwise be affected. For example, if ReportSamples is 24 and SampleInterval is 3600 (an hour), the CPE can store up to a day’s worth of samples for each statistic. 24 1.0
TimeReference dateTime W An absolute time reference in UTC to determine when sample intervals will complete. Each sample interval MUST complete at this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of SampleInterval. TimeReference is used only to set the “phase” of the sample and fetch intervals. The actual value of TimeReference can be arbitrarily far into the past or future. This time reference also determines when the Status Enabled to Trigger to Enabled transitions that are controlled by FetchSamples will occur. If collection of periodic statistics is enabled and FetchSamples is in the range [1:ReportSamples] then each such Status transition MUST occur at this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of FetchSamples * SampleInterval (the fetch interval). If TimeReference is changed while collection of periodic statistics is enabled, any stored samples are discarded, and the first sample interval begins immediately. The Unknown Time value defined in [TR-106a2] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. That is, the CPE MAY locally choose the time reference, and is required only to adhere to the specified sample and fetch intervals. If absolute time is not available to the CPE, its sample and fetch interval behavior MUST be the same as if the TimeReference parameter was set to the Unknown Time value. For example, if SampleInterval is 3600 (an hour) and if TimeReference is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then sample intervals will complete on each UTC hour (00:00, 01:00, 02:00 etc). If, in addition, FetchSamples is 24, then the fetch interval is 86400 (a day) and Status Enabled to Trigger to Enabled transitions will occur every day at UTC midnight. Note that, if TimeReference is set to a time other than the Unknown Time, the first sample interval (which has to begin immediately) will almost certainly be shorter than SampleInterval). This is why TimeReference is defined in terms of when sample intervals complete rather than start. 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z 1.0
FetchSamples unsignedInt W The number of sample intervals to be collected before transitioning Status from Enabled to Trigger to Enabled. If this SampleSet is enabled and FetchSamples is in the range [1:ReportSamples] then Status MUST transition from Enabled to Trigger to Enabled on completion of every FetchSamples sample intervals. Otherwise, the transition MUST NOT occur. For example, if ReportSamples is 25 and FetchSamples is 24, then the CPE will store 25 values for each monitored parameter and the above Status transition will occur as the CPE stores each 24th of 25 sample intervals, which means that the ACS could delay for up to two sample intervals before reading the stored values and would still not miss any samples (see also ForceSample). To disable this trigger mechanism and still collect sampled statistics, FetchSamples can be set to either 0 or a value greater than ReportSamples. 0 1.0
ForceSample boolean W When set to true, forces statistics for the current sample to be calculated and updated in the data model. Setting it to false has no effect. When read, this parameter returns false, regardless of the actual value. If this is the first time that ForceSample has been set to true during the current sample interval, this MUST cause a new value to be added to each of the periodic statistics comma-separated list parameters, and the ReportEndTime and all SampleSeconds parameters MUST be updated accordingly. If this is not the first time that ForceSample has been set to true during the current sample interval, then the new values that were added as described in the previous paragraph, and the ReportEndTime and all SampleSeconds parameters, MUST be updated accordingly. Note that ForceSample just provides a “sneak preview” of the current sample. It does not create a new sample and it does not interfere with the sample interval schedule. At the end of each sample interval, if ForceSample was set to true during the sample interval then the new values that were added as described above, and the ReportEndTime and all SampleSeconds parameters, will be updated accordingly. In other words, the partial sample data that was created when ForceSample was set to true will be updated one last time at the end of the sample interval. false 1.0
ReportStartTime dateTime R The absolute time at which the sample interval for the first stored sample (for each statistic) started. <Empty> 1.0
ReportEndTime dateTime R The absolute time at which the sample interval for the last stored sample (for each statistic) ended. If ForceSample has been used to force statistics for the current sample to be calculated and updated in the data model, then ReportEndTime MUST be updated to reflect the actual time over which stored data was collected. <Empty> 1.0
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected during the sample interval. Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than SampleInterval, for several reasons, including:

TimeReference has been set to a time other than the Unknown Time and the current sample interval started part of the way through a scheduled sample interval.
ForceSample has been used to force statistics for the current sample to be calculated and updated in the data model.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

<Empty> 1.0
ParameterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Parameter table. 0 1.0
PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.Parameter.{i}. object(0:) W

Periodic statistics parameter table for this sample set. This table contains entries for parameters whose values are to be sampled. Note that the comma-separated lists in this object (SampleSeconds, SuspectData and Values) only ever change (a) when first enabled, (b) when ForceSample is set to true (a “sneak preview” of the current sample), or (c) at the end of the sample interval.

At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Reference.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this object instance. false 1.0
Reference string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a parameter. This is the parameter being monitored by the Periodic Statistics mechanism. <Empty> 1.0
SampleMode string W

Controls how this parameter’s value is sampled. Enumeration of:

  • Current (Sampled value is current value)
  • Change (Sampled value is change in value since start of sample interval) Parameters of non-numeric types can only support Current. The value of the SampleMode MUST be ignored for such parameters.
Current 1.0
CalculationMode string W

Controls how this parameter’s statistic is calculated from the sampled value(s). Enumeration of:

  • Latest (Statistic is sampled value at end of sample interval)
  • Minimum (Statistic is minimum sampled value during sample interval)
  • Maximum (Statistic is maximum sampled value during sample interval)
  • Average (Statistic is average (mean) sampled value during sample interval) Parameters of non-numeric types can only support Latest. The value of the CalculationMode MUST be ignored for such parameters. SampleMode MUST be applied before CalculationMode, i.e. the inputs to the calculation will have already accounted for SampleMode.
Latest 1.0
LowThreshold int W The low threshold value that controls the calculation of Failures. A value equal to HighThreshold disables the threshold/failure mechanism. Parameters of non-numeric types cannot support the threshold/failure mechanism. The value of this parameter MUST be ignored for such parameters. 0 1.0
HighThreshold int W The high threshold value that controls the calculation of Failures. A value equal to LowThreshold disables the threshold/failure mechanism. Parameters of non-numeric types cannot support the threshold/failure mechanism. The value of this parameter MUST be ignored for such parameters. 0 1.0
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected for this parameter during the sample interval. Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than {{param: non-existent .PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.SampleInterval}}, for several reasons, including:

Any of the reasons for which {{param: non-existent .PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.SampleSeconds}} values might be less than {{param: non-existent .PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.SampleInterval}}.
The parameter doesn’t exist, or was created or deleted during a sample interval.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

<Empty> 1.0
SuspectData unsignedInt(:1)[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 1). Each entry is 0 if the sampled value is believed to be valid, or 1 if an event that might affect the validity of the sampled value occurred during the sample interval. For example, if the parameter value were to be reset during the sample interval then it would be appropriate to set SuspectData to 1.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

<Empty> 1.0
Values string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each entry indicates the value of the referenced parameter, as determined by SampleMode, during the sample interval. The statistics values in this comma-separated lists MUST be in time order, with the oldest one first and the most recent one last. If the SampleMode parameter is not present, or is inappropriate for the referenced parameter, the statistics values MUST be collected in Current mode.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

<Empty> 1.0
Failures unsignedInt R Counts the number of times (since this object instance was last enabled) that a newly-calculated sample value (accounting for SampleMode) transitioned from the “in range” state to the “out of range” state, or between the “out of range (low)” and “out of range (high)” states. The states are defined as follows:
  • “in range” : current value is greater than LowThreshold and less than HighThreshold.
  • “out of range” : current value is less than or equal to LowThreshold, or greater than or equal to HighThreshold.
  • “out of range (low)” : current value is less than or equal to LowThreshold.
  • “out of range (high)” : current value is greater than or equal to HighThreshold. Note that, if LowThreshold and HighThreshold are both the same, the threshold/failure mechanism is disabled, so the value of this parameter will not increment. This parameter can be incremented at any time during a sample interval, and might be incremented more than once during a single sample interval. For this reason, the CPE SHOULD place a locally specified limit on the frequency at which it will notify the ACS of such changes, as described in [Section 3.2.1/TR-069a2]. Parameters of non-numeric types cannot support the threshold/failure mechanism. The value of this parameter MUST be ignored for such parameters.
0 1.0
DownloadAvailability. object R This object contains multicast announcement and query parameters used for the purpose of downloading files. - 1.0
DownloadAvailability.Announcement. object R This object contains multicast announcement parameters used to download files. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enable/disable CPE ability to receive and use multicast announcements from a server for the purpose of downloading files. - 1.0
Status string R

The status of the announcement service.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition, OPTIONAL)
- 1.0
GroupNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Group table. - 1.0
DownloadAvailability.Announcement.Group.{i}. object(0:) W

Multicast groups to which the CPE SHOULD listen for announcements.

At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for URL.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enable/disable listening to this multicast group. false 1.0
Status string R

The status of this group table entry.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition, e.g. unable to parse received announcements, OPTIONAL)
Disabled 1.0
URL string(:256) W URL [RFC3986] encoding the group address, source and port on which to listen, and other protocol information, e.g. expected announcement format. Depending on the application, the messages identified by this URL MAY directly contain the data to be downloaded, or alternatively MAY contain information informing the CPE how to obtain the data to be downloaded via a separate mechanism, which itself could involve a unicast or a multicast download protocol. Refer to [DVB-TS.102.824] for an example of a URL format that identifies a SAP [RFC2974] stream that indicates how to use either FLUTE [RFC3926] or DSM-CC [ISO-13818-6:1998] to perform the download. <Empty> 1.0
DownloadAvailability.Query. object R This object contains multicast query parameters used to download files. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enable/disable CPE ability to autonomously query a server for the purpose of downloading files. - 1.0
Status string R

The status of the query service.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition, e.g. unable to contact query response server, OPTIONAL)
- 1.0
URL string(:256) W URL [RFC3986] of the query response server. Depending on the application, the protocol described by this URL MAY be a SOAP interface, or MAY be any other RPC mechanism. Refer to [DVB-TS.102.824] for an example of a URL format that identifies a SOAP interface running over HTTP or HTTPS. - 1.0
ManagementServer.AutonomousTransferCompletePolicy. object R This object allows configuration of CPE policy for notification of AUTONOMOUS TRANSFER COMPLETE events, defined in [TR-069a2]. The CPE policy determines the conditions under which the CPE notifies the ACS of the completion of file transfers that were not specifically requested by the ACS. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enable/disable CPE notification of AUTONOMOUS TRANSFER COMPLETE events to the ACS. - 1.0
TransferTypeFilter string W

Indicates the transfer types that MUST be included when the CPE notifies the ACS of AUTONOMOUS TRANSFER COMPLETE events. Transfer types not indicated by this filter MUST NOT be included when the CPE notifies the ACS. Enumeration of:

  • Upload
  • Download
  • Both (Upload and Download) Note that this includes any backup or restore operations that were not specifically requested by the ACS. A backup is regarded as an Upload and a restore is regarded as a Download.
- 1.0
ResultTypeFilter string W

Indicates the transfer results that MUST be included when the CPE notifies the ACS of AUTONOMOUS TRANSFER COMPLETE events. Transfer results omitted from this list MUST NOT be included when the CPE notifies the ACS. Note that this includes any backup or restore operations that were not specifically requested by the ACS. A backup is regarded as an Upload and a restore is regarded as a Download.

Enumeration of:

  • Success (The autonomous file transfer completed successfully; i.e., the FaultCode was zero)
  • Failure (The autonomous file transfer did not complete successfully; i.e., the FaultCode was non-zero)
  • Both (Success and Failure)
- 1.0
FileTypeFilter string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Indicates the file types that MUST be included when the CPE notifies the ACS of AUTONOMOUS TRANSFER COMPLETE events. File types omitted from this list MUST NOT be included when the CPE notifies the ACS.

Each list item matches one of:

  • 1 Firmware Upgrade Image (Download Only)
  • 2 Web Content (Download Only)
  • 3 Vendor Configuration File (Download or Upload)
  • 4 Vendor Log File (Upload Only)
  • X [0-9A-F]{6} .* (For Vendor-Specific File Types, could be for either Download or Upload) Additionally, the following format is defined to allow the unique definition of vendor-specific file types:
  • “X is replaced by a 6 hexadecimal-digit OUI (organizationally unique identifier) as defined in [OUI], with all upper-case letters and any leading zeros included. The OUI used for a given vendor-specific file type MUST be one that is assigned to the organization that defined this file type (which is not necessarily the same as the vendor of the CPE or ACS). Note that an empty string indicates that all file types are excluded from this filter, effectively disabling CPE notification of AUTONOMOUS TRANSFER COMPLETE events to the ACS.
- 1.0

Inform and Notification Requirements

Parameters for which Active Notification MAY be Denied


Profile Definitions


The following abbreviations are used to specify profile requirements:

Abbreviation Description
R Read support is REQUIRED.
W Both Read and Write support is REQUIRED. This MUST NOT be specified for a parameter that is defined as read-only.
P The object is REQUIRED to be present.
C Creation and deletion of instances of the object is REQUIRED.
A Creation of instances of the object is REQUIRED, but deletion is not REQUIRED.
D Deletion of instances of the object is REQUIRED, but creation is not REQUIRED.

MemoryStatus:1 Profile

This table defines the MemoryStatus:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus. P
Total R
Free R

SimpleFirewall:1 Profile

This table defines the SimpleFirewall:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
Firewall. P
Config W
Version R
LastChange R

User:1 Profile

This table defines the User:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
UserNumberOfEntries R
User.{i}. C
Enable W
Username W
Password W

UPnPDev:1 Profile

This table defines the UPnPDev:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
UPnP.Device. P
Enable W
UPnPMediaServer W
UPnPMediaRenderer W
UPnPWLANAccessPoint W
UPnPQoSDevice W
UPnPQoSPolicyHolder W
UPnP.Device.Capabilities. P
UPnPArchitecture R
UPnPMediaServer R
UPnPMediaRenderer R
UPnPWLANAccessPoint R
UPnPBasicDevice R
UPnPQoSDevice R
UPnPQoSPolicyHolder R

UPnPDiscBasic:1 Profile

This table defines the UPnPDiscBasic:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
UPnP.Discovery. P
RootDeviceNumberOfEntries R
UPnP.Discovery.RootDevice.{i}. P
Status R
LeaseTime R
Location R
Server R

UPnPDiscAdv:1 Profile

The UPnPDiscAdv:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model is defined as the union of the UPnPDiscBasic:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
UPnP.Discovery. P
DeviceNumberOfEntries R
ServiceNumberOfEntries R
UPnP.Discovery.Device.{i}. P
Status R
LeaseTime R
Location R
Server R
UPnP.Discovery.Service.{i}. P
Status R
LeaseTime R
Location R
Server R

USBHostsBasic:1 Profile

This table defines the USBHostsBasic:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
USBHosts. P
HostNumberOfEntries R
USBHosts.Host.{i}. P
Enable W
Name R
Type R
USBVersion R
DeviceNumberOfEntries R
USBHosts.Host.{i}.Device.{i}. P
DeviceNumber R
USBVersion R
DeviceClass R
DeviceSubClass R
DeviceVersion R
DeviceProtocol R
ProductID R
VendorID R
Manufacturer R
ProductClass R
SerialNumber R
Port R
Rate R
Parent R
MaxChildren R

USBHostsAdv:1 Profile

The USBHostsAdv:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model is defined as the union of the USBHostsBasic:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
USBHosts.Host.{i}. P
Reset W
PowerManagementEnable W
USBHosts.Host.{i}.Device.{i}. P
IsSuspended R
IsSelfPowered R
ConfigurationNumberOfEntries R
USBHosts.Host.{i}.Device.{i}.Configuration.{i}. P
ConfigurationNumber R
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
USBHosts.Host.{i}.Device.{i}.Configuration.{i}.Interface.{i}. P
InterfaceNumber R
InterfaceClass R
InterfaceSubClass R
InterfaceProtocol R

NSLookupDiag:1 Profile

This table defines the NSLookupDiag:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
NSLookupDiagnostics. P
DiagnosticsState W
Interface W
HostName W
DNSServer W
Timeout W
NumberOfRepetitions W
SuccessCount R
ResultNumberOfEntries R
NSLookupDiagnostics.Result.{i}. P
Status R
AnswerType R
HostNameReturned R
IPAddresses R
ResponseTime R

SelfTestDiag:1 Profile

This table defines the SelfTestDiag:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
SelfTestDiagnostics. P
DiagnosticsState W
Results R

ProcessStatus:1 Profile

This table defines the ProcessStatus:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus. P
CPUUsage R
ProcessNumberOfEntries R
DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus.Process.{i}. P
Command R
Size R
Priority R
State R

PeriodicStatsBase:1 Profile

This table defines the PeriodicStatsBase:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
PeriodicStatistics. P
MinSampleInterval R
MaxReportSamples R
SampleSetNumberOfEntries R
PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}. C
Name W
SampleInterval W
ReportSamples W
ReportStartTime R
ReportEndTime R
SampleSeconds R
ParameterNumberOfEntries R
PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.Parameter.{i}. C
Reference W
SampleSeconds R
SuspectData R
Values R

PeriodicStatsAdv:1 Profile

The PeriodicStatsAdv:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model is defined as the union of the PeriodicStatsBase:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
TimeReference W
FetchSamples W
ForceSample W
PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.Parameter.{i}. C
Enable W
SampleMode W
CalculationMode W
LowThreshold W
HighThreshold W
Failures R

TempStatus:1 Profile

This table defines the TempStatus:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus. P
TemperatureSensorNumberOfEntries R
DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus.TemperatureSensor.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
ResetTime R
Name R
Value R
LastUpdate R
MinValue R
MinTime R
MaxValue R
MaxTime R

TempStatusAdv:1 Profile

The TempStatusAdv:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model is defined as the union of the TempStatus:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus.TemperatureSensor.{i}. P
Reset W
LowAlarmValue W
LowAlarmTime R
HighAlarmValue W
HighAlarmTime R

DownloadAnnounce:1 Profile

This table defines the DownloadAnnounce:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
DownloadAvailability. P
DownloadAvailability.Announcement. P
Enable W
Status R
GroupNumberOfEntries R
DownloadAvailability.Announcement.Group.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R

DownloadQuery:1 Profile

This table defines the DownloadQuery:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
DownloadAvailability. P
DownloadAvailability.Query. P
Enable W
Status R

SupportedDataModel:1 Profile

This table defines the SupportedDataModel:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
DeviceInfo. P
SupportedDataModelNumberOfEntries R
DeviceInfo.SupportedDataModel.{i}. P
Features R

AutonXferComplPolicy:1 Profile

This table defines the AutonXferComplPolicy:1 profile for the TR-157:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is TR-157:1.0.

Name Requirement
ManagementServer.AutonomousTransferCompletePolicy. P
Enable W
TransferTypeFilter W
FileTypeFilter W

Generated by Broadband Forum bbfreport v2.2.0 (2024-07-23 version) on 2024-07-23 at 11:06:16 UTC. –filter model=None –output –transform automodel –format markdown tr-157-1-2-0.xml

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