Broadband Forum

TR-069 VoiceService:1.1 Service Object definition




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  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


The above license is used as a license under copyright only. Please reference the Forum IPR Policy for patent licensing terms

Any moral rights which are necessary to exercise under the above license grant are also deemed granted under this license.

Data Types

The Parameters defined in this specification make use of a limited subset of the default SOAP data types [SOAP1.1]. These data types and the named data types used by this specification are described below.

Note: A Parameter that is defined to be one of the named data types is reported as such at the beginning of the Parameter’s description via a reference back to the associated data type definition (e.g. [MACAddress]). However, such parameters still indicate their SOAP data types.

Data Type Base Type Description
boolean - Boolean, where the allowed values are 0 or 1 (or equivalently, true or false).
dateTime - The subset of the ISO 8601 date-time format defined by the SOAP dateTime type [SOAP1.1].
int -

Integer in the range -2147483648 to +2147483647, inclusive.

For some int types, a value range is given using the form int(Min:Max) or int(Min:Max step Step) where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

string - For strings, a minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form string(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum string length in characters. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in string(Max). Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the string length will be in one of the ranges.
unsignedInt -

Unsigned integer in the range 0 to 4294967295, inclusive.

For some unsignedInt types, a value range is given using the form unsignedInt(Min:Max) or unsigned(Min:Max step Step), where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

Alias string(:64)

A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.
IPAddress string(:45)

IP address, i.e. IPv4 address (or IPv4 subnet mask) or IPv6 address.

All IPv4 addresses and subnet masks MUST be represented as strings in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation. Here are some examples of valid IPv4 address textual representations:


All IPv6 addresses MUST be represented using any of the 3 standard textual representations defined in [RFC4291] Sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. Both lower-case and upper-case letters can be used, but use of lower-case letters is RECOMMENDED. Here are some examples of valid IPv6 address textual representations:

  • 1080:0:0:800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd
  • 1080::800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd
  • 0:0:0:0:0:0:

IPv6 addresses MUST NOT include zone identifiers. Zone identifiers are discussed in [Section 6/RFC4007].

Unspecified or inapplicable addresses (or IPv4 subnet masks) MUST be represented as empty strings unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition.


[802.1D-2004] IEEE Std 802.1D-2004, Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges, IEEE, 2004.
[802.1Q-2005] IEEE Std 802.1Q-2005, Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks, IEEE, 2006.
[IANA-uri-schemes] IANA Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes Registry, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes, IANA.
[IEEE_EUI64] Guidelines for 64-bit Global Identifier (EUI-64) Registration Authority, Guidelines for 64-bit Global Identifier (EUI-64) Registration Authority, IEEE, March 1997.
[ISO3166] RFC 2833, Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries and Their Subdivisions, ISO.
[ITU-H.235.1] ITU-T H.235.1, H.323 security framework: Baseline security profile, ITU-T.
[RFC2198] RFC 2198, RTP Payload for Redundant Audio Data, IETF.
[RFC2833] RFC 2833, RTP Payload for DTMF Digits, Telephony Tones and Telephony Signals, IETF.
[RFC3261] RFC 3261, SIP: Session Initiation Protocol, IETF, June 2002.
[RFC3435] RFC 3435, Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) Version 1.0, IETF.
[RFC3550] RFC 3550, RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications, IETF, July 2003.
[RFC3986] RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax, IETF.
[RFC4007] RFC 4007, IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture, IETF.
[RFC4122] RFC 4122, A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace, IETF, 2005.
[RFC4291] RFC 4291, IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture, IETF, 2006.
[RFC4632] RFC 4632, Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR): The Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan, IETF, 2006.
[RFC7159] RFC7159, The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format, IETF, March 2014.
[RFC7230] RFC 7230, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing, IETF, June 2014.
[RFC7252] RFC 7252, The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), IETF, June 2014.
[RFC8141] RFC 8141, Uniform Resource Names (URNs), IETF, April 2017.
[SOAP1.1] Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1, W3C.
[TR-069] TR-069 Amendment 6, CPE WAN Management Protocol, Broadband Forum, April 2018.
[TR-104] TR-104, Provisioning Parameters for VoIP CPE, BBF.
[TR-106] TR-106 Amendment 8, Data Model Template for CWMP Endpoints and USP Agents, Broadband Forum, May 2018.
[ZigBee2007] ZigBee 2007 Specification, ZigBee 2007 Specification, ZigBee Alliance, October 2007.


Object definition.
Parameter definition.

VoiceService:1.1 Data Model

For a given implementation of this data model, the Agent MUST indicate support for the highest version number of any object or parameter that it supports. For example, even if the Agent supports only a single parameter that was introduced in version 1.4, then it will indicate support for version 1.4. The version number associated with each object and parameter is shown in the Version column.

Name Type Write Description Object Default Version
VoiceServiceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of entries in VoiceService table. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}. object(0:) R

The top-level object for VoIP CPE.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
VoiceProfileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of instances of VoiceProfile. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.Capabilities. object R The overall capabilities of the VoIP CPE. - 1.0
MaxProfileCount unsignedInt R

Maximum total number of distinct voice profiles supported.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MaxLineCount unsignedInt R

Maximum total number of lines supported across all profiles. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MaxSessionsPerLine unsignedInt R

Maximum number of voice sessions supported for any given line across all profiles. A value greater than one indicates support for CPE provided conference calling. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MaxSessionCount unsignedInt R

Maximum total number of voice sessions supported across all lines and profiles. (This might differ from MaxLineCount if each line can support more than one session for CPE provided conference calling. This value MAY be less than the product of MaxLineCount and MaxSessionsPerLine.)

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
SignalingProtocols string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a supported signaling protocol. Each list item matches one of:

  • SIP
  • MGCP
  • H\.248
  • H\.323
  • SIP/\d+\.\d+
  • MGCP/\d+\.\d+
  • MGCP-NCS/\d+\.\d+
  • H\.248/\d+\.\d+
  • H\.323/\d+\.\d+
  • X_.+ Each entry MAY be appended with a version indicator in the form “/X.Y”. For example: “SIP/2.0” The list MAY include vendor-specific protocols, which MUST be in the format defined in [TR-106]. For example: “X_EXAMPLE-COM_MyProt”

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Regions string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a geographic region supported by the CPE. Each item is the list MUST be an alpha-2 (two-character alphabetic) country code as specified by [ISO3166]. If an empty string indicates that the CPE does not support region-based customization via VoiceProfile.{i}..

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RTCP boolean R

Support for RTCP. If true indicates support for VoiceProfile.{i}.RTP.RTCP.. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
SRTP boolean R

Support for SRTP. If true indicates support for VoiceProfile.{i}.RTP.SRTP.. If true also indicates that SRTPKeyingMethods and SRTPEncryptionKeySizes are present. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
SRTPKeyingMethods string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a keying protocol supported by this endpoint for SRTP. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Null
  • Static
  • SDP
  • IKE This list MAY include vendor-specific keying methods, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106]. This parameter is applicable only if SRTP is true.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
SRTPEncryptionKeySizes unsignedInt[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of unsigned integers. Each item is a supported SRTP encryption key size. This parameter is applicable only if SRTP is true.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RTPRedundancy boolean R

Support for RTP payload redundancy as defined in [RFC2198]. If true indicates support for VoiceProfile.{i}.RTP.Redundancy.. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
DSCPCoupled boolean R

If true indicates that the CPE is constrained such that transmitted call control packets use the same DSCP marking as transmitted RTP packets. If true, the CPE MUST NOT support VoiceProfile.{i}.MGCP.DSCPMark, VoiceProfile.{i}.H323.DSCPMark, or VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.DSCPMark for call control. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
EthernetTaggingCoupled boolean R

If true indicates that the CPE is constrained such that transmitted call control packets use the same Ethernet tagging (VLAN ID Ethernet Priority) as transmitted RTP packets. If true, the CPE MUST NOT support the VoiceProfile.{i}.MGCP.VLANIDMark, VoiceProfile.{i}.H323.VLANIDMark, VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.VLANIDMark VoiceProfile.{i}.MGCP.EthernetPriorityMark, VoiceProfile.{i}.H323.EthernetPriorityMark, or VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.EthernetPriorityMark for call control. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
PSTNSoftSwitchOver boolean R

If true indicates the CPE is capable of supporting the PSO_Activate Facility Action, which allows a call to be switched to a PSTN FXO (Foreign eXchange Office) line. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FaxT38 boolean R

Support for T.38 fax. If true indicates support for VoiceProfile.{i}.FaxT38.. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FaxPassThrough boolean R

Support for fax pass-through. If true indicates support for VoiceProfile.{i}.FaxPassThrough. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ModemPassThrough boolean R

Support for modem pass-through. If true indicates support for the VoiceProfile.{i}.ModemPassThrough. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ToneGeneration boolean R

Support for tone generation. If true indicates support for VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.. If true also indicates that ToneDescriptionsEditable, PatternBasedToneGeneration, and FileBasedToneGeneration are present. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ToneDescriptionsEditable boolean R

If true indicates that VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Description. and VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Pattern. are editable (if entries can be added, removed, or modified). This parameter is applicable only if ToneGeneration is true.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
PatternBasedToneGeneration boolean R

Support for tone generation by pattern specification. If true indicates support for VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.. If ToneGeneration is true, at least one of PatternBasedToneGeneration and FileBasedToneGeneration MUST also be true. This parameter is applicable only if ToneGeneration is true.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FileBasedToneGeneration boolean R

Support for tone generation by file playback. If true indicates support for VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.. If true also indicates that ToneFileFormats is present. If ToneGeneration is true, at least one of PatternBasedToneGeneration and FileBasedToneGeneration MUST also be true. This parameter is applicable only if ToneGeneration is true.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ToneFileFormats string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a supported tone file format. The specified file formats are raw codec data files, using one of the codecs listed below. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • G.711MuLaw
  • G.711ALaw
  • MP3
  • WAV
  • AMR The list MAY include vendor-specific -specific extensions, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106]. Example: “G.711MuLaw, MP3, X_EXAMPLE-COM_MyFileFormat” If the CPE does not support tone files, this parameter MUST be an empty string. This parameter is applicable only if FileBasedToneGeneration is true.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RingGeneration boolean R

Support for ring generation. If true indicates support for control of ring generation via VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.. If true also indicates that RingDescriptionsEditable, PatternBasedRingGeneration, and FileBasedRingGeneration are present. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RingDescriptionsEditable boolean R

If true indicates that VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.Description. and VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.Pattern. are editable (if entries can be added, removed, or modified). This parameter is applicable only if RingGeneration is true.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
PatternBasedRingGeneration boolean R

Support for ring generation by pattern specification. If true indicates support for VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.Pattern.. If true also indicates that RingPatternEditable is present. This parameter is applicable only if RingGeneration is true.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RingPatternEditable boolean R

If true indicates that VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.Pattern. is editable (if entries can be added, removed, or modified). This parameter is applicable only if PatternBasedRingGeneration is true.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FileBasedRingGeneration boolean R

Support for ring generation by file playback. If true indicates support for specification of ringer files in VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.Description.. If true also indicates that RingFileFormats is present. This parameter is applicable only if RingGeneration is true.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RingFileFormats string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a supported ring file format. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • MIDI
  • SMAF (MMF)
  • MP3
  • WAV
  • AMR The list MAY include vendor-specific-specific extensions, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106]. Example: “MIDI, AMR, X_EXAMPLE-COM_MyFileFormat” If the CPE does not support ring files, this parameter MUST be an empty string. This parameter is applicable only if FileBasedRingGeneration is true.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
DigitMap boolean R

Support for a configurable digit map string. If true indicates full support for VoiceProfile.{i}.DigitMap.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
NumberingPlan boolean R

Support for a configurable numbering plan. If true indicates support for a configurable numbering plan via VoiceProfile.{i}.NumberingPlan.. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ButtonMap boolean R

Support for a configurable button map. If true indicates support for a configurable button map via VoiceProfile.{i}.ButtonMap. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
VoicePortTests boolean R

Support for remotely accessible voice-port tests. If true indicates support for PhyInterface.{i}.Tests.. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.Capabilities.SIP. object R SIP-specific capabilities. Applicable only if the value of Capabilities.SignalingProtocols includes SIP. - 1.0
Role string R

The role of this VoIP CPE. Enumeration of:

  • UserAgent
  • BackToBackUserAgents
  • OutboundProxy A single VoiceService instance MUST have only one role. If a device includes the capabilities for more than one role, each role MUST be represented as separate VoiceService instances.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Extensions string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a supported SIP extension method. SIP extension methods MUST be in the form of the method name in upper case. The list MAY include vendor-specific extensions, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106]. Examples:


Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Transports string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a supported SIP transport protocol. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • UDP
  • TCP
  • TLS
  • SCTP The list MAY include vendor-specific transports, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
URISchemes string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a supported URI scheme beyond the URI schemes required by the SIP specification. Each URI scheme is given by the URI prefix, without the colon separator. Example: “tel, fax”

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
EventSubscription boolean R

Support for SIP event subscription. If true value indicates support for VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.EventSubscribe. and VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.SIP.EventSubscribe.{i}..

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ResponseMap boolean R

Support for SIP response map. If true indicates support for VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.ResponseMap.. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
TLSAuthenticationProtocols string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a supported authentication protocol for TLS transport. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Null
  • MD5
  • SHA-1 The list MAY include vendor-specific protocols, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106]. Support for this parameter is applicable only if the value of Transports includes TLS.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
TLSAuthenticationKeySizes unsignedInt[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of unsigned integers. Each item represents a supported TLS authentication key size. Support for this parameter is applicable only if the value of Transports includes TLS and TLSAuthenticationProtocols is present and non-empty and includes at least one value other than Null.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
TLSEncryptionProtocols string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a supported authentication protocol for TLS transport. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Null
  • RC4
  • RC2
  • DES
  • 3DES The list MAY include vendor-specific protocols, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106]. Support for this parameter is applicable only if the value of Transports includes “TLS.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
TLSEncryptionKeySizes unsignedInt[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of unsigned integers. Each item is a supported TLS encryption key size. Support for this parameter is applicable only if the value of Transports includes TLS and TLSEncryptionProtocols is present and non-empty and includes at least one value other than Null.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
TLSKeyExchangeProtocols string[](:256) R

{{div: unexpected argument TLSEncryptionProtocols after: [classes()], [list(), ’ Each item is a supported authentication protocol for TLS transport. ’, enum(), nl(), ’The list MAY include vendor-specific protocols, which MUST use the format defined in ’, bibref(TR-106), ‘.’, nl(), ’Support for this parameter is applicable only if ’, param(Transports), ’ includes the value ‘, enum(TLS, Transports), ’ and {param’]}} is present and non-empty and includes at least one value other than Null.}}

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.Capabilities.MGCP. object R MGCP-specific capabilities. Applicable only if the value of Capabilities.SignalingProtocols includes the value MGCP or MGCP-NCS. - 1.0
Extensions string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a supported optional MGCP package. MGCP packages are listed using the uppercase package abbreviation. The list MAY include vendor-specific extensions, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106]. Examples:


Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.Capabilities.H323. object R H.323-specific capabilities. Applicable only if the value of Capabilities.SignalingProtocols includes H\.323. - 1.0
FastStart boolean R

Support for H323 fast start. If true indicates support for fast start.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
H235AuthenticationMethods string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a supported authentication method. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • dhExch (Diffie-Hellman)
  • pwdSymEnc (password with symmetric encryption)
  • pwdHash (password with hashing)
  • certSign (certificate with signature)
  • ipsec (IPSEC based connection)
  • tls (TLS) The list MAY include vendor-specific protocols, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.Capabilities.Codecs.{i}. object(0:) R

Table to describe the set of supported codecs. The table MUST include a distinct entry for each supported combination of these Codec and BitRate. Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for EntryID, or with the same values for both Codec and BitRate, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
EntryID unsignedInt(1:) R

Unique identifier for each entry in this table.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Codec string(:64) R

Identifier of the type of codec. Enumeration of:

  • G.711MuLaw
  • G.711ALaw
  • G.726
  • G.729
  • G.729a
  • G.729e
  • G.728
  • G.723.1
  • G.722
  • G.722.1
  • G.722.2
  • GSM-FR
  • GSM-HR
  • iLBC The parameter MAY instead be a vendor-specific codec, which MUST be in the format defined in [TR-106]. For example: “X_EXAMPLE-COM_MyCodec”

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
BitRate unsignedInt R

Bit rate, specified in bits per second. The value MUST be among the values appropriate for the specified codec.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
PacketizationPeriod string(:64)[] R

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 64). Each item is a supported packetization period, in milliseconds, or a continuous range of packetization periods. Ranges are indicated as a hyphen-separated pair of unsigned integers. Examples:

“20” indicates a single discrete value.
“10, 20, 30” indicates a set of discrete values.
“5-40” indicates a continuous inclusive range.
“5-10, 20, 30” indicates a continuous range in addition to a set of discrete values. A range MUST only be indicated if all values within the range are supported.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
SilenceSuppression boolean R

If true indicates support for silence suppression for this codec.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}. object(0:) W

Object associated with a collection of voice lines with common characteristics. Support for adding and removing profiles is conditional on whether more than one profile is supported as indicated by Capabilities.MaxProfileCount. By default, a single VoiceProfile object SHOULD be present in a VoiceService, initially in the disabled state.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name.

- 1.0
Enable string W

Enables or disables all lines in this profile, or places them into a quiescent state. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Quiescent (OPTIONAL)
  • Enabled If the value is Quiescent, in-progress sessions remain intact, but no new sessions are allowed. If the value is set to Quiescent in a CPE that does not support Quiescent, the CPE MUST treat it as if the value is Disabled.
Disabled 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Reset boolean W When written as true, forces the all lines in this profile to be reset, causing it to re-initialize and perform all start-up actions such as registration. Always false when read. - 1.0
NumberOfLines unsignedInt R Number of instances of VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}. within this VoiceProfile. Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint. 0 1.0
Name string(:64) W Human-readable string to identify the profile instance. <Empty> 1.0
SignalingProtocol string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.SignalingProtocols parameter. The protocol to be used for this profile. <Empty> 1.0
MaxSessions unsignedInt W Limit on the number of simultaneous voice sessions across all lines in this VoiceProfile. Must be less than or equal to Capabilities.MaxSessionCount. (This MAY be greater than NumberOfLines if each line can support more than one session, for example for CPE provided conference calling.) 0 1.0
DTMFMethod string(:64) W

Method by which DTMF digits MUST be passed. Enumeration of:

  • InBand
  • RFC2833
  • SIPInfo (Applicable only if the value of SignalingProtocol is SIP) If DTMFMethodG711 is non-empty, then this parameter applies only when the current codec is not G.711. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.
InBand 1.0
DTMFMethodG711 string(:64) W

Method by which DTMF digits MUST be passed if the the current codec is G.711. Enumeration of:

  • InBand
  • RFC2833
  • SIPInfo (Applicable only if the value of SignalingProtocol is SIP)
  • <Empty> (an empty string) If an empty string indicates that the value of DTMFMethod is to apply whether or not the the the current codec is G.711. This parameter is applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.
<Empty> 1.0
Region string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.Regions parameter, or else be an empty string. The geographic region associated with this profile. This MAY be used by the CPE to customize localization settings. If an empty string indicates that the region is unspecified and the CPE SHOULD use default localization settings. This parameter is applicable only if Capabilities.Regions is non-empty. - 1.0
DigitMap string(:256) W Digit map controlling the transmission of dialed digit information. The string defines the criteria to be met as digits are collected before an outgoing request (e.g., a SIP INVITE) can be initiated. The syntax of this parameter is exactly the syntax used by MGCP as defined in [Section 2.1.5/RFC3435]. This parameter is applicable only if the device supports a dialing mechanism for which a dialing plan is needed (for example, a device with an explicit Dial button may not need to be aware of the dialing plan) and if the device does not already support a dialing plan mechanism for this profile (e.g., in-band via MGCP). This object is supported only if Capabilities.DigitMap is true. Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint. <Empty> 1.0
DigitMapEnable boolean W Enables use of DigitMap. When true, VoiceProfile.{i}.NumberingPlan., if present, MUST be ignored. This parameter is required if and only if both DigitMap and VoiceProfile.{i}.NumberingPlan are present. Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint. true 1.0
STUNEnable boolean W Enable or disable use of STUN to allow operation through NAT. Note: enabling STUN is to be interpreted as enabling the use of STUN for discovery, not use as a keep-alive mechanism. false 1.0
STUNServer string(:256) W Domain name or IP address of the STUN server. <Empty> 1.0
NonVoiceBandwidthReservedUpstream unsignedInt W For bandwidth-based admission control, indicates the amount of upstream bandwidth, in bits per second, that must be left available for non-voice traffic when determining whether a session can proceed. This parameter is appropriate only in implementations in which the actual bandwidth can be known, such as a VoIP device embedded in a DSL B-NT. 0 1.0
NonVoiceBandwidthReservedDownstream unsignedInt W For bandwidth-based admission control, indicates the amount of downstream bandwidth, in bits per second, that must be left available for non-voice traffic when determining whether a session can proceed. This parameter is appropriate only in implementations in which the actual bandwidth can be known, such as a VoIP device embedded in a DSL B-NT. 0 1.0
PSTNFailOver boolean W Specifies whether or not the CPE SHOULD fail over to PSTN service, if available, on loss of connectivity to the VoIP service. This parameter is appropriate only in implementations in which PSTN fail-over is possible. false 1.0
FaxPassThrough string W

Specifies the behavior of the CPE for pass-through of fax data. Enumeration of:

  • Disable (Prevents the CPE from switching to a fax pass-through mode)
  • Auto (Allows the CPE to automatically detect fax data to determine whether or not to switch to a fax pass-through mode)
  • Force (Forces the CPE to switch to a fax pass-through mode regardless of whether fax signaling is detected) If this parameter is supported, the value of Capabilities.FaxPassThrough MUST be true. This parameter is appropriate only for a VoIP endpoint.
Auto 1.0
ModemPassThrough string W

Specifies the behavior of the CPE for pass-through of modem data. Enumeration of:

  • Disable (Prevents the CPE from switching to a modem pass-through mode)
  • Auto (Allows the CPE to automatically detect modem data to determine whether or not to switch to a modem pass-through mode)
  • Force (Forces the CPE to switch to a modem pass-through mode regardless of whether modem signaling is detected) If this parameter is supported, the value of Capabilities.ModemPassThrough MUST be true. This parameter is appropriate only for a VoIP endpoint.
Auto 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.ServiceProviderInfo. object R Information regarding the organization providing service for this voice profile instance. - 1.0
Name string(:256) W Human-readable string identifying the service provider. <Empty> 1.0
URL string(:256) W URL of the service provider for this profile instance. <Empty> 1.0
ContactPhoneNumber string(:32) W Phone number to contact the service provider for this profile instance. <Empty> 1.0
EmailAddress string(:256) W Email address to contact the service provider for this profile instance. <Empty> 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP. object R Voice profile parameters that are specific to SIP user agents. Creation of this object occurs on specification of SIP. - 1.0
ProxyServer string(:256) W Host name or IP address of the SIP proxy server. All SIP signaling traffic MUST be sent to the host indicated by this parameter and the port indicated by ProxyServerPort unless OutboundProxy is non-empty or a different route was discovered during normal operations SIP routing operation. Regardless of which host the traffic gets sent to (ProxyServer or OutboundProxy), the value of this parameter MUST be used to derive the URI placed into the SIP Route header field of all requests originated by this end-point unless a different proxy host was discovered dynamically during normal SIP routing operations. <Empty> 1.0
ProxyServerPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W Destination port to be used in connecting to the SIP server. 5060 1.0
ProxyServerTransport string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.SIP.Transports parameter. Transport protocol to be used in connecting to the SIP server. UDP 1.0
RegistrarServer string(:256) W Host name or IP address of the SIP registrar server. If this parameter is an empty string, the CPE MUST obtain all of the registrar server configuration information, including host name or IP address, port, and transport protocol, from the values in ProxyServer, ProxyServerPort, and ProxyServerTransport and MUST ignore the values in RegistrarServer, RegistrarServerPort and RegistrarServerTransport. <Empty> 1.0
RegistrarServerPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W Destination port to be used in connecting to the SIP registrar server. If RegistrarServer is empty the CPE MUST obtain all of the registrar server configuration information, including host name or IP address, port, and transport protocol, from the values in ProxyServer, ProxyServerPort, and ProxyServerTransport and MUST ignore the values in RegistrarServer, RegistrarServerPort and RegistrarServerTransport. 5060 1.0
RegistrarServerTransport string W

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.SIP.Transports parameter. Transport protocol to be used in connecting to the registrar server. Each list item is an enumeration of:

UDP 1.0
UserAgentDomain string(:256) W CPE domain string. If an empty string, the CPE SHOULD use its IP address as the domain. <Empty> 1.0
UserAgentPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W Port used for incoming call control signaling. 0 1.0
UserAgentTransport string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.SIP.Transports parameter. Transport protocol to be used for incoming call control signaling. UDP 1.0
OutboundProxy string(:256) W Host name or IP address of the outbound proxy. If the value is not an empty string, the SIP endpoint MUST send all SIP traffic (requests and responses) to the host indicated by this parameter and the port indicated by OutboundProxyPort. This MUST be done regardless of the routes discovered using normal SIP operations, including use of Route headers initialized from Service-Route and Record-Route headers previously received. The OutboundProxy value is NOT used to generate the URI placed into the Route header of any requests. <Empty> 1.0
OutboundProxyPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W Destination port to be used in connecting to the outbound proxy. This parameter MUST be ignored unless the value of OutboundProxy is non-empty. 5060 1.0
Organization string(:256) W Text string to be used in the Organization header. <Empty> 1.0
RegistrationPeriod unsignedInt(1:) W Period over which the user agent must periodically register, in seconds. - 1.0
TimerT1 unsignedInt(1:) W Value of SIP timer T1, in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC3261]. - 1.0
TimerT2 unsignedInt(1:) W Value of SIP timer T2, in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC3261]. - 1.0
TimerT4 unsignedInt(1:) W Value of SIP timer T4, in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC3261]. - 1.0
TimerA unsignedInt(1:) W Value of SIP timer A, in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC3261]. - 1.0
TimerB unsignedInt(1:) W Value of SIP timer B, in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC3261]. - 1.0
TimerC unsignedInt(1:) W Value of SIP timer C, in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC3261]. - 1.0
TimerD unsignedInt(1:) W Value of SIP timer D, in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC3261]. - 1.0
TimerE unsignedInt(1:) W Value of SIP timer E, in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC3261]. - 1.0
TimerF unsignedInt(1:) W Value of SIP timer F, in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC3261]. - 1.0
TimerG unsignedInt(1:) W Value of SIP timer G, in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC3261]. - 1.0
TimerH unsignedInt(1:) W Value of SIP timer H, in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC3261]. - 1.0
TimerI unsignedInt(1:) W Value of SIP timer I, in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC3261]. - 1.0
TimerJ unsignedInt(1:) W Value of SIP timer J, in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC3261]. - 1.0
TimerK unsignedInt(1:) W Value of SIP timer K, in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC3261]. - 1.0
InviteExpires unsignedInt(1:) W Invite request Expires header value, in seconds. - 1.0
ReInviteExpires unsignedInt(1:) W Re-invite request Expires header value, in seconds. - 1.0
RegisterExpires unsignedInt(1:) W Register request Expires header value, in seconds. - 1.0
RegistersMinExpires unsignedInt(1:) W Register request Min-Expires header value, in seconds. - 1.0
RegisterRetryInterval unsignedInt(1:) W Register retry interval, in seconds. - 1.0
InboundAuth string W

Type of inbound authentication, if any, required.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Digest
None 1.0
InboundAuthUsername string(:256) W If inbound authentication is required, the username credentials. <Empty> 1.0
InboundAuthPassword string(:256) W

If inbound authentication is required, the password credentials.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

<Empty> 1.0
UseCodecPriorityInSDPResponse boolean W When true, in the SDP included in an OK response to an Invite, the first listed codec MUST be the highest priority codec among those offered in the Invite, based on the priorities specified in VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Codec.List.{i}.. The list of codecs in the SDP MAY also include other lower priority codecs. When false, there is no specific requirement for choosing the codecs listed in the SDP included in an OK response. false 1.0
DSCPMark unsignedInt(0:63) W Diffserv code point to be used for outgoing SIP signaling packets. 0 1.0
VLANIDMark int(-1:) W VLAN ID (as defined in [802.1Q-2005]) to be used for outgoing SIP signaling packets for this profile. A value of -1 indicates the default value is to be used. If either VLANIDMark or EthernetPriorityMark are greater than zero, then the outgoing frames MUST be tagged. Otherwise, the outgoing frames MAY be tagged or untagged. -1 1.0
EthernetPriorityMark int(-1:) W Ethernet priority code (as defined in [802.1Q-2005]) to be used for outgoing SIP signaling packets for this profile. A value of -1 indicates the default value is to be used. If either VLANIDMark or EthernetPriorityMark are greater than zero, then the outgoing frames MUST be tagged. Otherwise, the outgoing frames MAY be tagged or untagged. -1 1.0
SIPEventSubscribeNumberOfElements unsignedInt R Indicates the number of EventSubscribe objects. 0 1.0
SIPResponseMapNumberOfElements unsignedInt(0:999) R Indicates the number of SIPResponseMap objects. 0 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.EventSubscribe.{i}. object(0:) W

Table to specify the SIP events to which the CPE MUST subscribe. If supported, the value of Capabilities.SIP.EventSubscription MUST be true and VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.SIPEventSubscribeNumberOfElements MUST be present.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of Event, Notifier, NotifierPort and NotifierTransport, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Event string(:32) W SIP event name to appear in the EVENT header of the SIP SUBSCRIBE request. <Empty> 1.0
Notifier string(:256) W Host name or IP address of the event notify server. <Empty> 1.0
NotifierPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W Destination port to be used in connecting to the event notifier. 0 1.0
NotifierTransport string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.SIP.Transports parameter. Transport protocol to be used in connecting to the event notifier. UDP 1.0
ExpireTime unsignedInt W Subscription refresh timer, in seconds. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.ResponseMap.{i}. object(0:) W

Each entry in this table specifies the tone and message to be provided to the user for a particular SIP Response received (normally 4xx and 5xx). If supported, the value of Capabilities.SIP.ResponseMap MUST be true and VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.SIPResponseMapNumberOfElements MUST be present. Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for SIPResponseNumber, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
SIPResponseNumber unsignedInt(100:999) W The SIP Response code number. 100 1.0
TextMessage string(:64) W The message to be provided on the screen or display of the VoIP device when the SIP response is received. If this parameter is not an empty string, display of this text preempts the value of VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Description.{i}.ToneText associated with Tone. If this parameter is an empty string, the value of VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Description.{i}.ToneText associated with Tone, if any, is displayed instead. This parameter is applicable only for VoIP devices capable of text display. <Empty> 1.0
Tone unsignedInt W The tone to be played to the user when the SIP response is received. The value corresponds to EntryID of an entry in VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Description.. A value of zero, or any value that is not valid, results in no tone played. If the value of Capabilities.ToneGeneration is false, no tone is played regardless of the value of this parameter. 0 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.MGCP. object R Voice profile parameters that are specific to MGCP call signaling. Creation of this object occurs on specification of MGCP. - 1.0
CallAgent1 string(:256) W Host name or IP address of the main MGCP call agent. <Empty> 1.0
CallAgentPort1 unsignedInt(0:65535) W Destination port to be used in connecting with the main MGCP call agent. 0 1.0
CallAgent2 string(:256) W Host name or IP address of the backup MGCP call agent. <Empty> 1.0
CallAgentPort2 unsignedInt(0:65535) W Destination port to be used in connecting with the backup MGCP call agent. 0 1.0
RetranIntervalTimer unsignedInt(0:65535) W Message retransfer interval, in seconds. 1 1.0
MaxRetranCount unsignedInt(0:65535) W Max number of message retransfers. 10 1.0
RegisterMode string W

Register mode.

Enumeration of:

  • Wildcard
  • Individual
Wildcard 1.0
LocalPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W Port listening for incoming call control signaling. 0 1.0
Domain string(:256) W CPE domain string. If an empty string, the CPE SHOULD use its IP address. <Empty> 1.0
User string(:64) W User string used in accessing the call agent. <Empty> 1.0
DSCPMark unsignedInt(0:63) W Diffserv code point to be used for outgoing MGCP signaling packets. - 1.0
VLANIDMark int(-1:) W VLAN ID (as defined in [802.1Q-2005]) to be used for outgoing MGCP signaling packets for this profile. A value of -1 indicates the default value is to be used. If either VLANIDMark or EthernetPriorityMark are greater than zero, then the outgoing frames MUST be tagged. Otherwise, the outgoing frames MAY be tagged or untagged. -1 1.0
EthernetPriorityMark int(-1:) W Ethernet priority code (as defined in [802.1D-2004]) to be used for outgoing MGCP signaling packets for this profile. A value of -1 indicates the default value is to be used. If either VLANIDMark or EthernetPriorityMark are greater than zero, then the outgoing frames MUST be tagged. Otherwise, the outgoing frames MAY be tagged or untagged. -1 1.0
AllowPiggybackEvents boolean W Indicates whether or not piggyback events are allowed to the MGCP call agent. - 1.0
SendRSIPImmediately boolean W Indicates whether or not to send RSIP immediately on restart. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.H323. object R Voice profile parameters that are specific to H.323 call signaling. Creation of this object occurs on specification of H\.323 as the Signaling Protocol. - 1.0
Gatekeeper string W Host name or IP address of H.323 Gatekeeper. <Empty> 1.0
GatekeeperPort unsignedInt W Destination port to be used in connecting to the H.323 Gatekeeper. 1719 1.0
GatekeeperID string W Gatekeeper ID. <Empty> 1.0
TimeToLive unsignedInt W Defines the TimeToLive specification in the registration with the Gatekeeper in seconds. 86400 1.0
H235Authentication boolean W Enables or disables usage of H.235 security baseline security profile as defined in [ITU-H.235.1] baseline security profile. false 1.0
AuthPassword string W

Password to be used when H.235 is enabled.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

<Empty> 1.0
SendersID string W In ITU-T based H.235 authentication, the sendersID is the ID of the gateway as received from the Gatekeeper. As long as the endpointID is not received from the Gatekeeper, the sendersID will be applied as configured here. The generalID is the GatekeeperID. <Empty> 1.0
DSCPMark unsignedInt(0:63) W Diffserv code point to be used for outgoing H.323 signaling packets. 0 1.0
VLANIDMark int(-1:) W VLAN ID (as defined in [802.1Q-2005]) to be used for outgoing H.323 signaling packets for this profile. A value of -1 indicates the default value is to be used. If either VLANIDMark or EthernetPriorityMark is greater than zero, then the outgoing frames MUST be tagged. Otherwise, the outgoing frames MAY be tagged or untagged. -1 1.0
EthernetPriorityMark int(-1:) W Ethernet priority code (as defined in [802.1D-2004]) to be used for outgoing H.323 signaling packets for this profile. A value of -1 indicates the default value is to be used. If either VLANIDMark or EthernetPriorityMark is greater than zero, then the outgoing frames MUST be tagged. Otherwise, the outgoing frames MAY be tagged or untagged. -1 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.RTP. object R Voice profile parameters related to the voice stream sent via RTP. Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint. - 1.0
LocalPortMin unsignedInt(0:65535) W Base of port range to be used for incoming RTP streams for this profile. 0 1.0
LocalPortMax unsignedInt(0:65535) W Top of port range to be used for incoming RTP streams for this profile. 0 1.0
DSCPMark unsignedInt(0:63) W Diffserv code point to be used for outgoing RTP packets for this profile. It is RECOMMENDED that by default the DSCP for RTP traffic be set to the value to indicate EF traffic. - 1.0
VLANIDMark int(-1:) W VLAN ID (as defined in [802.1Q-2005]) to be used for outgoing RTP packets for this profile. A value of -1 indicates the default value is to be used. If either VLANIDMark or EthernetPriorityMark is greater than zero, then the outgoing frames MUST be tagged. Otherwise, the outgoing frames MAY be tagged or untagged. -1 1.0
EthernetPriorityMark int(-1:) W Ethernet priority code (as defined in [802.1D-2004]) to be used for outgoing RTP packets for this profile. A value of -1 indicates the default value is to be used. If either VLANIDMark or EthernetPriorityMark is greater than zero, then the outgoing frames MUST be tagged. Otherwise, the outgoing frames MAY be tagged or untagged. -1 1.0
TelephoneEventPayloadType unsignedInt(0:128) W Payload type to be used for RTP telephone events. This parameter indicates the payload type to be used for DTMF events if transmission of DTMF information is in use according to [RFC2833]. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.RTP.RTCP. object R Voice profile parameters related to RTCP. If supported, the value of Capabilities.RTCP MUST be true. Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enable or disable RTCP. - 1.0
TxRepeatInterval unsignedInt(1:) W Transmission repeat interval, in milliseconds. - 1.0
LocalCName string(:64) W Local Cname (canonical name). - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.RTP.SRTP. object R Voice profile parameters for secure voice transmission via SRTP. If supported, the value of Capabilities.SRTP MUST be true. Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enable or disable the use of SRTP. If RTCP is enabled, a true value of this parameter also implies the use of SRTCP. - 1.0
KeyingMethods string[](:256) W Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.SRTPKeyingMethods parameter. Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is a keying method that may be used. By default this parameter MUST have the value of Capabilities.SRTPKeyingMethods- - 1.0
EncryptionKeySizes string[](:256) W Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.SRTPEncryptionKeySizes parameter. Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item is an encryption key size that may be used. By default this parameter MUST have the value of Capabilities.SRTPEncryptionKeySizes. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.RTP.Redundancy. object R Voice profile parameters for RTP payload redundancy as defined by [RFC2198]. If supported, the value of Capabilities.RTPRedundancy MUST be true. Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enable or disable the use of RTP payload redundancy as defined by [RFC2198]. false 1.0
PayloadType unsignedInt(0:127) W The Payload Type of RTP packet as defined in [RFC2198]. Values SHOULD be within the range of dynamic Payload Types (96-127). 0 1.0
BlockPayloadType unsignedInt(0:127) R Block Payload Type of redundancy packet. 0 1.0
FaxAndModemRedundancy int(-1:5) W Specifies the redundancy number for fax and modem pass-through data transmissions. A non-negative value indicates that [RFC2198] is to be used for fax and modem pass-through data. The value indicates the number of redundant copies to be transmitted (the total number transmitted is one plus this value). A value of -1 indicates [RFC2198] is not to be used for fax and modem pass-through data. If ModemRedundancy is present, then FaxAndModemRedundancy applies only to fax transmissions, but not to modem transmissions. -1 1.0
ModemRedundancy int(-1:5) W Specifies the redundancy number for modem pass-through data transmissions. A non-negative value indicates that [RFC2198] is to be used for modem pass-through data. The value indicates the number of redundant copies to be transmitted (the total number transmitted is one plus this value). A value of -1 indicates [RFC2198] is not to be used for modem pass-through data. -1 1.0
DTMFRedundancy int(-1:5) W Specifies the redundancy number for DTMF transmissions. A non-negative value indicates that [RFC2198] is to be used for DTMF. The value indicates the number of redundant copies to be transmitted (the total number transmitted is one plus this value). A value of -1 indicates [RFC2198] is not to be used for DTMF. -1 1.0
VoiceRedundancy int(-1:5) W Specifies the redundancy number for general voice transmissions. A non-negative value indicates that [RFC2198] is to be used for voice. The value indicates the number of redundant copies to be transmitted (the total number transmitted is one plus this value). A value of -1 indicates [RFC2198] is not to be used for voice. -1 1.0
MaxSessionsUsingRedundancy unsignedInt W The maximum number of sessions using [RFC2198] payload redundancy simultaneously in this VoiceProfile. A value of zero indicates no explicit limit on the number of sessions using redundancy. 0 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.NumberingPlan. object R This object contains information related the numbering plan. This object is applicable only if the device supports a dialing mechanism for which a number plan is needed (for example, a device with an explicit Dial button may not need to be aware of the dialing plan) and if the device does not already support a numbering plan mechanism for this profile (e.g., in-band via MGCP). If supported, the value of Capabilities.NumberingPlan MUST be true. Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint. - 1.0
MinimumNumberOfDigits unsignedInt(1:40) W This is the minimum number of digits that must be collected before an outgoing request (e.g., a SIP INVITE) can be initiated. If “End of Dialing” (refer to the definition of the InterDigitTimer) occurs before the minimum number of digits has been reached then the number will be considered incomplete and no request will be initiated. In practice, searching VoiceProfile.{i}.NumberingPlan.PrefixInfo.{i}. should only commence once the minimum number of digits (as specified by this parameter) has been received. - 1.0
MaximumNumberOfDigits unsignedInt(1:40) W This is the maximum number of digits that may be collected before an outgoing request (e.g., a SIP INVITE) must be initiated. Any additional dialed digits will be ignored. This parameter is only used in the case that no match in VoiceProfile.{i}.NumberingPlan.PrefixInfo.{i}. has been found. - 1.0
InterDigitTimerStd unsignedInt(1:50000) W This timer is the maximum allowable time (expressed in milliseconds) between the dialing of digits. This timer is restarted every time a digit is dialed. Expiration of this timer indicates “End of Dialing”. - 1.0
InterDigitTimerOpen unsignedInt(1:50000) W This timer is the maximum allowable time (expressed in milliseconds) between the dialing of digits once the minimum number of digits defined on a prefix based has been reached. This timer is only applicable to “open numbering”, where the exact number of digits for a prefix is not known. - 1.0
InvalidNumberTone unsignedInt W The tone that should be provided to the user when the number dialed is determined to be invalid. The value corresponds to an instance of an EntryID in VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Description.. A value of zero, or any value that does not match a valid EntryID, results in no tone played. If Capabilities.ToneGeneration is equal to false, no tone is played regardless of the value of this parameter. - 1.0
PrefixInfoMaxEntries unsignedInt R This is the maximum number of instances of VoiceProfile.{i}.NumberingPlan.PrefixInfo.{i}. that can be supported. - 1.0
PrefixInfoNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Indicates the number of instances of VoiceProfile.{i}.NumberingPlan.PrefixInfo.{i}.. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.NumberingPlan.PrefixInfo.{i}. object(0:) W

Each entry in this table contains information related to an individual prefix in the numbering plan. It is anticipated that once the minimum number of digits has been received, the VoIP device will search this prefix list every time a new digit is received. If no new entry is found, then the object that was previously found will be used instead. If supported, VoiceProfile.{i}.NumberingPlan.PrefixInfoMaxEntries and VoiceProfile.{i}.NumberingPlan.PrefixInfoNumberOfEntries MUST be present. The defaults given for this object apply only to explicit creation of an instance of this object and not to automatic creation of instances of this object due to creation of a parent object.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
PrefixRange string(:42) W

This is a string representation of a range of prefixes. Each prefix consists of a “From” part consisting of 1 to n digits (string representation) followed by an optional “To” part consisting of exactly one digit prefixed by a “-” symbol. It should be noted that only the characters “0-9”, “*”: and “#” can be used to represent the “From” and “To” parts of the prefix range. A further constraint is that the “To” digit MUST always be numerically greater than the last digit of the “From” part. Examples:

<Empty> 1.0
PrefixMinNumberOfDigits unsignedInt(1:40) W This is the minimum number of allowable digits for the prefix range. Once the minimum number of digits has been reached, VoiceProfile.{i}.NumberingPlan.InterDigitTimerOpen will be used instead of VoiceProfile.{i}.NumberingPlan.InterDigitTimerStd. If the minimum number of digits has been reached and the inter-digit timer expires, an outgoing request should be initiated. 1 1.0
PrefixMaxNumberOfDigits unsignedInt(1:40) W This is the maximum number of allowable digits for the prefix range. Once the number of digits received reaches this value an outgoing request should be initiated. 1 1.0
NumberOfDigitsToRemove unsignedInt(0:40) W If this parameter has a non-zero value, the specified number of digits will be removed from the internal digit buffer (which contains the dialed digits) from the position specified by PosOfDigitsToRemove. Subsequently a search of PrefixInfo for a matching prefix using the modified number should be performed. Note that this parameter does not have any impact on the number sent in the outgoing request - but is instead only used for searching within the Numbering Plan. This parameter has no effect if it is set to 0. This parameter is provided to handle Carrier override and other codes that may prefix standard numbers and to ensure that the correct “End of Dialing” can be specified without significant data duplication. 0 1.0
PosOfDigitsToRemove unsignedInt(0:40) W This parameter is used in conjunction with NumberOfDigitsToRemove. It specifies the position within the internal digit buffer from which the digits are to be removed. 0 1.0
DialTone unsignedInt W The tone to be played by the VoIP device when the user has dialed exactly the same digits as defined in the prefix. The VoIP device will cease playing the tone once an additional digit has been dialed. The value corresponds to an instance of and EntryID in VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Description.. A value of zero, or any value that does not match a valid EntryID, results in no tone played. If Capabilities.ToneGeneration is equal to false, no tone is played regardless of the value of this parameter. 0 1.0
FacilityAction string(:64) W This is a string representing a Facility Action implemented by the VoIP device. [Appendix A/TR-104] lists a set of defined values for this string. The parameter MAY instead indicate a vendor-specific FacilityAction, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106]. An empty or unrecognized string (i.e., a Facility Action not supported by the CPE) should be treated as a normal outgoing request. <Empty> 1.0
FacilityActionArgument string(:256) W Optional argument associated with FacilityAction. The interpretation of the argument is dependent on a specific value of FacilityAction. Where used, the value is specified in [Appendix A/TR-104] in the definition of the corresponding FacilityAction value. <Empty> 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone. object R This object defines the contents of the tones and announcements generated locally by the VoIP device. If this object is supported, Capabilities.ToneGeneration MUST be true. Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint. - 1.0
EventNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Indicates the number of entries in VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Event.{i}.. - 1.0
DescriptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Indicates the number of entries in VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Description.{i}.. - 1.0
PatternNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Indicates the number of entries in VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Pattern.{i}.. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Event.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of events for which a tone is defined. The table is pre-populated with the list of events for which the CPE supports definition of tones. If this table is supported, VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.EventNumberOfEntries MUST be present.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Function, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Function string(:64) R

The event for which the tone is to apply. Enumeration of:

  • Busy
  • Confirmation
  • Dial
  • MessageWaiting
  • OffHookWarning
  • RingBack
  • ReOrder
  • Stutterdial
  • CallWaiting1
  • CallWaiting2
  • CallWaiting3
  • CallWaiting4
  • AlertingSignal
  • SpecialDial
  • SpecialInfo
  • Release
  • Congestion
  • UserDefined1
  • UserDefined2
  • UserDefined3
  • UserDefined4 The parameter MAY instead indicate a vendor-specific event name, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106].
- 1.0
ToneID unsignedInt W The EntryID of the entry in VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Description.{i}. for the tone to be associated with the given event. A value of zero indicates no tone is to be played for this event. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Description.{i}. object(0:) W

Each entry in this table defines the contents of an individual tone. If ability to add, delete, and modify entries in this table is supported, Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable MUST be true. If this table is supported, VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.DescriptionNumberOfEntries MUST be present. The defaults given for this object apply only to explicit creation of an instance of this object and not to automatic creation of instances of this object due to creation of a parent object.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for EntryID.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
EntryID unsignedInt(1:) R Unique identifier of this tone. Assigned by the CPE upon creation of the entry. - 1.0
ToneEnable boolean W Enables or disables the tone entry. If a disabled tone entry is referenced, the result is that no tone is played. false 1.0
ToneName string(:64) W Name of the tone. This parameter is required to be editable only Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. <Empty> 1.0
TonePattern unsignedInt W EntryID of the entry in VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Pattern. that begins the tone pattern for this tone. If the tone is specified by a tone file instead of a tone pattern, this parameter MUST be set to zero. This parameter is applicable only if Capabilities.PatternBasedToneGeneration is equal to true. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
ToneFile string(:256) W This is the file name of a tone file that has been downloaded to the CPE. The download may have occurred via the TR-069 Download mechanism or by some other means. If the tone is specified by a tone pattern instead of a tone file, this parameter MUST be an empty string. This parameter is applicable only if Capabilities.FileBasedToneGeneration is equal to true. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. <Empty> 1.0
ToneRepetitions unsignedInt(0:255) W The default number of times the data in ToneFile should be repeated. If the value 0 (zero) is specified then ToneFile should be played indefinitely. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
ToneText string(:64) W The text to be displayed by on the screen of the VoIP device when the tone is played and no specific error message has been provided. This parameter is applicable only for VoIP devices capable text display. <Empty> 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.Pattern.{i}. object(0:) W

Each entry in the table defines a single phase in an overall tone pattern. Each phase identifies the entry that corresponds to the next phase. Each entry in the table refers to the entry that corresponds to the next phase of the pattern. The table MAY be set up such that entries form loops, or MAY end after a finite sequence. If this object is supported, Capabilities.PatternBasedToneGeneration MUST be equal to true, and VoiceProfile.{i}.Tone.PatternNumberOfEntries MUST be present. If ability to add, delete, and modify entries in this table is supported, Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable MUST be equal to true. The defaults given for this object apply only to explicit creation of an instance of this object and not to automatic creation of instances of this object due to creation of a parent object.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for EntryID, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for EntryID and Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
EntryID unsignedInt(1:) W

Identifier of a tone-pattern entry. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. Note: when Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is true, this parameter is editable so that the NextEntryID values for each table entry can be pre-assigned for a series of associated table entries rather than requiring the ACS to set the value according to an ID assigned dynamically upon creation of each entry.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 1.0
ToneOn boolean W Whether or not a tone is on during this phase of the pattern. If the value is false, the frequency and power parameters in this entry MUST be ignored. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. false 1.0
Frequency1 unsignedInt(0:4095) W First tone frequency in hertz. A value of zero indicates this tone component is not used. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
Power1 int W First tone power level in units of 0.1 dBm0. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
Frequency2 unsignedInt(0:4095) W Second tone frequency in hertz. A value of zero indicates this tone component is not used. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
Power2 int W Second tone power level in units of 0.1 dBm0. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
Frequency3 unsignedInt(0:4095) W Third tone frequency in hertz. A value of zero indicates this tone component is not used. This parameter is required to be editable only if the parameter is supported for reading and Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
Power3 int W Third tone power level in units of 0.1 dBm0. This parameter is required to be editable only if the parameter is supported for reading and Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
Frequency4 unsignedInt(0:4095) W Fourth tone frequency in herts. A value of zero indicates this tone component is not used. This parameter is required to be editable only if the parameter is supported for reading and Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
Power4 int W Fourth tone power level in units of 0.1 dBm0. This parameter is required to be editable only if the parameter is supported for reading and Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
ModulationFrequency unsignedInt(0:4095) W Modulation frequency in hertz. A value of zero indicates this tone component is not used. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
ModulationPower int W Modulation power level in units of 0.1 dBm0. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
Duration unsignedInt W The duration of this phase of the tone pattern, in milliseconds. A value of zero indicates an unlimited duration. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
NextEntryID unsignedInt W The EntryID for the next phase of the tone pattern, after the specified Duration of this phase has completed. A value of zero indicates that the tone pattern is to terminate after the current phase is completed. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.ToneDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.ButtonMap. object R This object is provided to permit the purpose of the CPE buttons and function keys to be defined via the ACS. Support of this object is appropriate only for a device that has programmable buttons in its user interface. If this object is supported, Capabilities.ButtonMap MUST be equal to true. Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint. - 1.0
NumberOfButtons unsignedInt R Indicates the number of Button objects. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.ButtonMap.Button.{i}. object(0:) R

Each entry in this table specifies the purpose of each programmable CPE button / function key and whether the user has permission to reprogram the button.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ButtonName, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ButtonName string(:16) R Name of the Button. - 1.0
FacilityAction string(:64) W This is an optional parameter that should only be specified for buttons related to a particular Facility Action (e.g., invocation of “Call Return”) implemented by the VoIP device. [Appendix A/TR-104] lists a set of defined values for this string. The parameter MAY instead indicate a vendor-specific FacilityAction, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106]. An empty or unrecognized string (i.e. a Facility Action not supported by the CPE) should be treated as no Facility Action to be taken. Note that If this parameter is specified (non-empty) then QuickDialNumber SHOULD be an empty string. - 1.0
FacilityActionArgument string(:256) W Optional argument associated with the specified FacilityAction. The interpretation of the argument is dependent on the specific FacilityAction. Where used, the value is specified in [Appendix A/TR-104] in the definition of the corresponding FacilityAction value. <Empty> 1.0
QuickDialNumber string(:40) W This is a string representing a quick dial destination number. Only the characters ‘0-9’, ‘*’ and ‘#’ can be used. Note that If this parameter is specified (non-empty) then FacilityAction should be an empty string. - 1.0
ButtonMessage string(:64) W This string represents the message to be displayed on the screen when the button or function key is pressed. - 1.0
UserAccess boolean W This parameter indicates whether the user has permission to program the button or function key. If this parameter is set to true then FacilityAction, QuickDialNumber and ButtonMessage MUST all be an empty string. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.FaxT38. object R T.38 Fax information for devices that support T.38 relay. If this object is supported, Capabilities.FaxT38 MUST be equal to true. Applicable only to a VoIP endpoint. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enable or disable the use of T.38. - 1.0
BitRate unsignedInt(2400,4800,7200,9600,12000,14400,33600) W Maximum data rate for fax. - 1.0
HighSpeedPacketRate unsignedInt(10,20,30,40) W The rate at which high speed data will be sent across the network, in milliseconds. - 1.0
HighSpeedRedundancy unsignedInt(0:3) W Specifies the packet-level redundancy for high-speed data transmissions (i.e., T.4 image data). - 1.0
LowSpeedRedundancy unsignedInt(0:5) W Specifies the packet-level redundancy for low-speed data transmissions (i.e., T.30 handshaking information). - 1.0
TCFMethod string W

The method with which data is handled over the network.

Enumeration of:

  • Local
  • Network
- 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}. object(0:) W

Object associated with a distinct voice line. Support for adding and removing lines is conditional on whether the CPE supports more than one line in total as indicated by Capabilities.MaxLineCount. By default, on creation of a given VoiceProfile.{i}., a single Line object MUST be present, initially with value Disabled. Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for DirectoryNumber.

- 1.0
Enable string W

Enables or disables this line, or places it into a quiescent state. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Quiescent (OPTIONAL)
  • Enabled In the Quiescent state, in-progress sessions remain intact, but no new sessions are allowed. If this parameter is set to Quiescent in a CPE that does not support the Quiescent state, it MUST treat it the same as the Disabled state (and indicate Disabled in Status).
Disabled 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
DirectoryNumber string(:32) W Directory number associated with this line. May be used to identify the line to the user. In case of H.323 signaling, this MUST be an E.164 number. <Empty> 1.0
Status string R

Indicates the status of this line.

Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Initializing
  • Registering
  • Unregistering
  • Error
  • Testing
  • Quiescent
  • Disabled
Disabled 1.0
CallState string R

Indicates the call state for this line.

Enumeration of:

  • Idle
  • Calling
  • Ringing
  • Connecting
  • InCall
  • Hold
  • Disconnecting

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

Idle 1.0
PhyReferenceList string[](:32) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 32) of strings. Each item corresponds to the value of a particular instance of PhyInterface.{i}.InterfaceID. - 1.0
RingMuteStatus boolean R Whether or not ringing has been locally muted. Applicable only if the line is associated with a single telephony device for which ringing can be muted. - 1.0
RingVolumeStatus unsignedInt(0:100) R Percent value of current ringer volume level. Applicable only if the line is associated with a single telephony device for which the ringer volume can be controlled. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.SIP. object R Voice line parameters that are specific to SIP call signaling. - 1.0
AuthUserName string(:128) W Username used to authenticate the connection to the server. <Empty> 1.0
AuthPassword string(:128) W

Password used to authenticate the connection to the server.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

<Empty> 1.0
URI string(:389) W URI by which the user agent will identify itself for this line. If empty, the actual URI used in the SIP signaling SHOULD be automatically formed by the CPE as: “sip:UserName@Domain” Where UserName is username given for this line in AuthUserName, and Domain is the domain given for this profile in VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.UserAgentDomain. If VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.UserAgentDomain is an empty string, then the IP address of the CPE SHOULD be used for the domain. If URI is non-empty, but is a SIP or SIPS URI that contains no “@” character, then the actual URI used in the SIP signaling SHOULD be automatically formed by the CPE by appending this parameter with an “@” character followed by the value of VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.UserAgentDomain. If VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.UserAgentDomain is an empty string, then the IP address of the CPE SHOULD be used for the domain. - 1.0
SIPEventSubscribeNumberOfElements unsignedInt R Indicates the number of EventSubscribe objects. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.SIP.EventSubscribe.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of SIP Events automatically populated by the CPE with each of the SIP event subscriptions in VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.EventSubscribe.{i}.. This table allows specification of the authentication credentials needed for each event subscription. If this table is supported, Capabilities.SIP.EventSubscription MUST be equal to true and VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.SIP.SIPEventSubscribeNumberOfElements MUST be present.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Event string(:32) R SIP event name corresponding to the value given in VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP.EventSubscribe.{i}.. - 1.0
AuthUserName string(:128) W Username used to authenticate the connection to the event notify server. <Empty> 1.0
AuthPassword string(:128) W

Password used to authenticate the connection to the event notify server.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

<Empty> 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.MGCP. object R Voice line parameters that are specific to MGCP call signaling. - 1.0
LineName string(:32) W Used to identify the line when using MGCP signaling. If empty, the CPE SHOULD use the default names “aaln/1”, etc. <Empty> 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.H323. object R Voice line parameters that are specific to H.323 call signaling. - 1.0
H323ID string(:32) W The H.323 ID assigned to the line. <Empty> 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer. object R This object defines the ring sequences generated by the VoIP device. If this object is supported, Capabilities.RingGeneration MUST be equal to true. - 1.0
EventNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of entries in VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.Event.{i}.. - 1.0
DescriptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of entries in VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.Description.{i}.. - 1.0
PatternNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of entries in VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.Pattern.{i}.. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.Event.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of events for which a ring pattern is defined. The table is pre-populated with the complete list of events for which the CPE supports definition of ring patterns. If this table is supported, VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.EventNumberOfEntries MUST be present.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Function, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Function string(:64) R

The event for which the ring pattern is to apply. Enumeration of:

  • Default
  • RingSplash The parameter MAY instead indicate a vendor-specific event name, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106].
- 1.0
RingID unsignedInt W The value of an instance of VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.Description.{i}.EntryID for the ring to be associated with the given event. A value of zero indicates ringing is to be disabled for this event. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.Description.{i}. object(0:) W

Each entry in this table defines the contents of an individual ring specification. If ability to add, delete, and modify entries in this table is supported, Capabilities.RingDescriptionsEditable MUST be equal to true. If this table is supported, the parameter DescriptionNumberOfEntries in the parent object MUST be present. The defaults given for this object apply only to explicit creation of an instance of this object and not to automatic creation of instances of this object due to creation of a parent object.

At most one entry in this table (regardless of whether or not it is enabled) can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries. At most one enabled entry in this table can exist with a given value for EntryID.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
EntryID unsignedInt(1:) R Unique identifier of this ring description. Assigned by the CPE upon creation of the entry. - 1.0
RingEnable boolean W Enables or disables the ring description entry. If a disabled ring description entry is referenced, the result is that no ring is played. false 1.0
RingName string(:64) W Name of the ring description. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.RingDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. <Empty> 1.0
RingPattern unsignedInt W The instance of VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.Pattern.{i}.EntryID that begins the ring pattern for this ring description. If the ring is specified by a ring file instead of a ring pattern, this parameter MUST be set to zero. This parameter is applicable only if Capabilities.PatternBasedRingGeneration is equal to true. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.RingDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
RingFile string(:256) W This is the file name of a ring file that has been downloaded to the CPE. The download may have occurred via the TR-069 Download mechanism or by some other means. If the ring is specified by a ring pattern instead of a ring file, this parameter MUST be empty. This parameter is applicable only if Capabilities.FileBasedRingGeneration is equal to true. This parameter is required to be editable only Capabilities.RingDescriptionsEditable is equal to true. <Empty> 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.Pattern.{i}. object(0:) W

Each entry in the table defines a single phase in an overall ring pattern. Each phase identifies the entry that corresponds to the next phase. Each entry in the table refers to the entry that corresponds to the next phase of the pattern. The table MAY be set up such that entries form loops, or MAY end after a finite sequence. If this object is supported, Capabilities.PatternBasedRingGeneration MUST be equal to true and VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Ringer.PatternNumberOfEntries MUST be present. If ability to add, delete, and modify entries in this table is supported, Capabilities.RingPatternEditable MUST be equal to true. The defaults given for this object apply only to explicit creation of an instance of this object and not to automatic creation of instances of this object due to creation of a parent object.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for EntryID, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST choose initial values for EntryID and Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
EntryID unsignedInt(1:) W

Identifier of a ring-pattern entry. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.RingPatternEditable is equal to true. Note: when Capabilities.RingPatternEditable is true, this parameter is editable so that the NextEntryID values for each table entry can be pre-assigned for a series of associated table entries rather than requiring the ACS to set the value according to an ID assigned dynamically upon creation of each entry.

The Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 1.0
RingerOn boolean W If true, indicates the ringer is to be on for the specified period. false indicates the ringer is to be off for the specified period. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.RingPatternEditable is equal to true. false 1.0
Duration unsignedInt W The duration of this phase of the ring pattern, in milliseconds. A value of zero indicates an unlimited duration. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.RingPatternEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
NextEntryID unsignedInt W The value of EntryID for the next phase of the ring pattern, after the value specified by Duration of this phase has completed. A value of zero indicates that the ring pattern is to terminate after the current phase is completed. This parameter is required to be editable only if Capabilities.RingPatternEditable is equal to true. 0 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.CallingFeatures. object R Voice line parameters related to optional endpoint based calling features. - 1.0
CallerIDEnable boolean W Enable or disable the transmission of caller ID information on outgoing calls. - 1.0
CallerIDNameEnable boolean W Enable or disable the transmission of caller ID name information on outgoing calls. - 1.0
CallerIDName string(:256) W String used to identify the caller. - 1.0
CallWaitingEnable boolean W Enable or disable call waiting in the endpoint. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint managed call waiting. - 1.0
CallWaitingStatus string R

Status of endpoint managed call waiting, if supported. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Idle
  • SecondaryRinging
  • SecondaryConnecting
  • SecondaryConnected This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint managed call waiting.
- 1.0
MaxSessions unsignedInt W Indicates the maximum number of simultaneous sessions that may be conferenced together by the endpoint. This value SHOULD be less than the value of Capabilities.MaxSessionsPerLine. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint managed conference calling. - 1.0
ConferenceCallingStatus string R

Status of endpoint managed conference calling, if supported. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Idle
  • SecondaryCalling
  • SecondaryConnecting
  • SecondaryConnected
  • InConferenceCall This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint managed conference calling.
- 1.0
ConferenceCallingSessionCount unsignedInt(0,1,1:) R Number of active sessions on this line. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint managed conference calling. - 1.0
CallForwardUnconditionalEnable boolean W Enable or disable call forwarding by the endpoint. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint based call forwarding. - 1.0
CallForwardUnconditionalNumber string(:32) W Directory number to which all incoming calls to this line should be forwarded if CallForwardUnconditionalEnable is true. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint based call forwarding - 1.0
CallForwardOnBusyEnable boolean W Enable or disable call forwarding-on-busy by the endpoint. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint based call forwarding. - 1.0
CallForwardOnBusyNumber string(:32) W Directory number to which all incoming calls to this line should be forwarded if CallForwardOnBusyEnable is true and the line is busy. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint based call forwarding - 1.0
CallForwardOnNoAnswerEnable boolean W Enable or disable call forwarding-on-no-answer by the endpoint. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint based call forwarding. - 1.0
CallForwardOnNoAnswerNumber string(:32) W Directory number to which all incoming calls to this line should be forwarded if CallForwardOnNoAnswerEnable is true and there is no local answer. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint based call forwarding - 1.0
CallForwardOnNoAnswerRingCount unsignedInt W Number of rings before considering there to be no answer for call forwarding-on-no-answer. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint based call forwarding - 1.0
CallTransferEnable boolean W Enable or disable call transfer by the endpoint. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint based call transfer. - 1.0
MWIEnable boolean W Enable or disable Message Waiting Indication by the endpoint. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support MWI. - 1.0
MessageWaiting boolean R Indicates whether or not a message is currently waiting on this line as known by the CPE. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support MWI. - 1.0
AnonymousCallBlockEnable boolean W Enable or disable Anonymous Call Block capability in the endpoint. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint based Anonymous Call Block capability. - 1.0
AnonymousCalEnable boolean W Enable or disable Anonymous Call capability in the endpoint. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint based Anonymous Call capability. - 1.0
DoNotDisturbEnable boolean W Enable or disable Do Not Disturb capability in the endpoint. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint based Do Not Disturb capability. - 1.0
CallReturnEnable boolean W Enable or disable Call Return capability in the endpoint. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint based Call Return capability. - 1.0
RepeatDialEnable boolean W Enable or disable Repeat Dial capability in the endpoint. This parameter should not be present if the CPE does not support endpoint based Repeat Dial capability. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.VoiceProcessing. object R Voice line parameters related to voice processing capabilities. - 1.0
TransmitGain int W Gain in 01. dB to apply to the transmitted voice signal prior to encoding. This gain is a modifier of the default transmit-gain, which is unspecified. - 1.0
ReceiveGain int W Gain in 0.1 dB to apply to the received voice signal after decoding. This gain is a modifier of the default receive-gain, which is unspecified. - 1.0
EchoCancellationEnable boolean W Enable or disable echo cancellation for this line. - 1.0
EchoCancellationInUse boolean R Indication of whether or not echo cancellation is currently in use for this line. - 1.0
EchoCancellationTail unsignedInt R Tail length in milliseconds of the echo canceller associated with this line (whether or not it is currently in use). - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Codec. object R This object indicates the state of the transmit and receive codec for this voice line instance. - 1.0
TransmitCodec string(:64) R

The codec currently in use for the outgoing voice stream.

Enumeration of:

  • G.711MuLaw
  • G.711ALaw
  • G.726
  • G.729
  • G.729a
  • G.729e
  • G.728
  • G.723.1
  • G.722
  • G.722.1
  • G.722.2
  • GSM-FR
  • GSM-HR
  • iLBC
- 1.0
ReceiveCodec string(:64) R

The codec currently in use for the incoming voice stream.

Enumeration of:

  • G.711MuLaw
  • G.711ALaw
  • G.726
  • G.729
  • G.729a
  • G.729e
  • G.728
  • G.723.1
  • G.722
  • G.722.1
  • G.722.2
  • GSM-FR
  • GSM-HR
  • iLBC
- 1.0
TransmitBitRate unsignedInt R Codec bit rate in bits per second for the codec currently in use for the outgoing voice stream. - 1.0
ReceiveBitRate unsignedInt R Codec bit rate in bits per second for the codec currently in use for the incoming voice stream. - 1.0
TransmitSilenceSuppression boolean R Whether or not silence suppression is in use for the outgoing voice stream. - 1.0
ReceiveSilenceSuppression boolean R Whether or not silence suppression is in use for the incoming voice stream. - 1.0
TransmitPacketizationPeriod unsignedInt R Current outgoing packetization period in milliseconds. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Codec.List.{i}. object(0:) R

Table to describe the set of codecs enabled for use with this line. Each entry in this table refers to a distinct combination of codec and bit rate. When an instance of VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}. is created, this object MUST be populated with the set of supported codecs matching Capabilities.Codecs.. The ACS MAY restrict and/or prioritize the codec support for this profile using this object. Applicable only for a VoIP endpoint.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for EntryID, or with the same values for both Codec and BitRate, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
EntryID unsignedInt(1:) R Unique identifier for each entry in this table. The value MUST match that of the corresponding entry in Capabilities.Codecs. table. - 1.0
Codec string(:64) R Identifier of the codec type. The value MUST match that of the corresponding entry in Capabilities.Codecs.. - 1.0
BitRate unsignedInt R Bit rate, in bits per second. The value MUST match that of the corresponding entry in Capabilities.Codecs. - 1.0
PacketizationPeriod string(:64)[] W Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 64). Each item is a supported packetization period, in milliseconds, or continuous ranges of packetization periods as defined in Capabilities.Codecs.{i}.PacketizationPeriod. The set of packetization periods may be restricted by modifying the value of this parameter to a more restricted set of values than is listed in Capabilities.Codecs.{i}.PacketizationPeriod. The CPE MUST ignore any values or portions of ranges outside of those specified in Capabilities.Codecs.{i}.PacketizationPeriod. - 1.0
SilenceSuppression boolean W Indicates support for silence suppression for this codec. If silence suppression is supported, it can be disabled for this codec/bit-rate by setting this parameter to false. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enable or disable the use of this combination of codec parameters. true 1.0
Priority unsignedInt(1:) W Indicates the priority for this combination of codec parameters, where 1 is the highest priority. Where the priority differs between entries in this table, the CPE SHOULD use the highest priority (lowest numbered) entry among those supported by the remote endpoint and consistent with the available bandwidth. Where the priorities are equal among multiple entries, the CPE MAY apply a local criterion for choosing among them. 1 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Session.{i}. object(0:) R Information on each active session associated with this voice line instance. - 1.0
SessionStartTime dateTime R

The time that the session started, in UTC.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
SessionDuration unsignedInt R

Duration time of the current session, in seconds.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FarEndIPAddress string(:45) R

[IPAddress] The IP address of far end VoIP device.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FarEndUDPPort unsignedInt(0:65535) R

The UDP port used for current RTP session in the far end device.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
LocalUDPPort unsignedInt(0:65535) R

The local UDP port used for current RTP session.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Stats. object R Statistics for this voice line instance. - 1.0
ResetStatistics boolean W When set to one, resets the statistics for this voice line. Always False when read. - 1.0
PacketsSent unsignedInt R

Total number of RTP packets sent for this line.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R

Total number of RTP packets received for this line.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
BytesSent unsignedInt R

Total number of RTP payload bytes sent for this line.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
BytesReceived unsignedInt R

Total number of RTP payload bytes received for this line.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
PacketsLost unsignedInt R

Total number of RTP packets that have been lost for this line.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Overruns unsignedInt R

Total number of times the receive jitter buffer has overrun for this line.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Underruns unsignedInt R

Total number of times the receive jitter buffer has underrun for this line.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
IncomingCallsReceived unsignedInt R

Total incoming calls received.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
IncomingCallsAnswered unsignedInt R

Total incoming calls answered by the local user.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
IncomingCallsConnected unsignedInt R

Total incoming calls that successfully completed call setup signaling.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
IncomingCallsFailed unsignedInt R

Total incoming calls that failed to successfully complete call setup signaling.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
OutgoingCallsAttempted unsignedInt R

Total outgoing calls attempted.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
OutgoingCallsAnswered unsignedInt R

Total outgoing calls answered by the called party.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
OutgoingCallsConnected unsignedInt R

Total outgoing calls that successfully completed call setup signaling.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
OutgoingCallsFailed unsignedInt R

Total outgoing calls that failed to successfully complete call setup signaling.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
CallsDropped unsignedInt R

Total calls that were successfully connected (incoming or outgoing), but dropped unexpectedly while in progress without explicit user termination.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
TotalCallTime unsignedInt R

Cumulative call duration in seconds.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ServerDownTime unsignedInt R

The number of seconds the CPE is unable to maintain a connection to the server. SHOULD not include time in which overall network connectivity is unavailable. Applies only to SIP.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ReceivePacketLossRate unsignedInt(0:100) R

Current receive packet loss rate in percent, calculated as defined in [Section6.4/RFC3550]

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FarEndPacketLossRate unsignedInt(0:100) R

Current far end receive packet lost rate in percent, calculated as defined in [Section6.4/RFC3550].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ReceiveInterarrivalJitter unsignedInt R

Current receive interarrival jitter in microseconds. Calculated from J(i) as defined in [Section6.4/RFC3550], with units converted to microseconds.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
FarEndInterarrivalJitter unsignedInt R

Current Interarrival jitter in microseconds as reported from the far-end device via RTCP. Calculated from J(i) as defined in [Section64./RFC3550], with units converted to microseconds.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
RoundTripDelay unsignedInt R

Current round trip delay in microseconds calculated as defined in [Section6.4/RFC3550].

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
AverageReceiveInterarrivalJitter unsignedInt R

Average receive interarrival jitter in microseconds since the beginning of the current call. Calculated as the average of D(i,j) as defined in [Section6.4/RFC3550], with units converted to microseconds.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
AverageFarEndInterarrivalJitter unsignedInt R

Average far-end interarrival jitter in microseconds since the beginning of the current call. Calculated as the average of the interarrival jitter values reported by the far-end, with units converted to microseconds.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
AverageRoundTripDelay unsignedInt R

Average round trip delay in microseconds since the beginning of the current call. Average of the RoundTripDelay statistic accumulated each time the delay is calculated.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.PhyInterface.{i}. object(0:) R

Each instance is associated with a distinct physical FXS (Foreign eXchange Station) port. Instances of this object are statically created by the CPE. Applicable only for a VoIP Endpoint.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for InterfaceID, or with a given value for PhyPort, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile handle used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label this instance for future reference.

If the CPE supports the Alias-based Addressing feature as defined in [Section 3.6.1/TR-069] and described in [Appendix II/TR-069], the following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • Its value MUST NOT be empty.
  • Its value MUST start with a letter.
  • If its value is not assigned by the ACS, it MUST start with a “cpe-” prefix.
  • The CPE MUST NOT change the parameter value.

Active Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
PhyPort string(:2) R The physical port number on the device. - 1.0
InterfaceID unsignedInt(1:) R The unique identifier of the physical port. This value MAY be used in VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.PhyReferenceList to indicate which physical ports are associated with a line. - 1.0
Description string(:32) R A description of the physical port. - 1.0
VoiceService.{i}.PhyInterface.{i}.Tests. object R Voice port tests. If this object is supported, Capabilities.VoicePortTests MUST be equal to true. - 1.0
TestState string W

Indicates the current test state. Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Requested
  • Complete
  • Error_TestNotSupported Value MAY be set to Requested to initiate a diagnostic test. When writing, the only allowed value is Requested. To ensure the use of the proper test parameters (the writable parameters in this object), the test parameters MUST be set either prior to or at the same time as (in the same SetParameterValues) setting the value Requested. When requested, the CPE SHOULD wait until after completion of the communication session with the ACS before starting the test. When the test initiated by the ACS is completed (successfully or not), the CPE MUST establish a new connection to the ACS to allow the ACS to view the results, indicating the Event code “8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE” in the Inform message.
- 1.0
TestSelector string(:64) W

Indicates which test to perform. Enumeration of:

  • PhoneConnectivityTest The phone connectivity test indicates that the CPE should determine if one or more phones associated with this physical port are properly connected. This test is appropriate only for CPE that connect to phones of any type. The parameter MAY instead indicate a vendor-specific test, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106]. For example: “X_EXAMPLE-COM_MyTest”
- 1.0
PhoneConnectivity boolean R Indicates whether or not at least one phone associated with this physical port is properly connected. This parameter is applicable only if PhoneConnectivityTest is supported. - 1.0

Inform and Notification Requirements

Parameters for which Active Notification MAY be Denied


Profile Definitions


The following abbreviations are used to specify profile requirements:

Abbreviation Description
R Read support is REQUIRED.
W Both Read and Write support is REQUIRED. This MUST NOT be specified for a parameter that is defined as read-only.
P The object is REQUIRED to be present.
C Creation and deletion of instances of the object is REQUIRED.
A Creation of instances of the object is REQUIRED, but deletion is not REQUIRED.
D Deletion of instances of the object is REQUIRED, but creation is not REQUIRED.

Endpoint:1 Profile

This table defines the Endpoint:1 profile for the VoiceService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is VoiceService:1.0.

Name Requirement
VoiceService.{i}. P
VoiceProfileNumberOfEntries R
VoiceService.{i}.Capabilities. P
MaxProfileCount R
MaxLineCount R
MaxSessionsPerLine R
MaxSessionCount R
SignalingProtocols R
Regions R
RTPRedundancy R
DSCPCoupled R
EthernetTaggingCoupled R
PSTNSoftSwitchOver R
FaxT38 R
FaxPassThrough R
ModemPassThrough R
ToneGeneration R
RingGeneration R
NumberingPlan R
ButtonMap R
VoicePortTests R
VoiceService.{i}.Capabilities.Codecs.{i}. P
EntryID R
Codec R
BitRate R
PacketizationPeriod R
SilenceSuppression R
Enable W
Reset W
NumberOfLines R
Name W
SignalingProtocol W
MaxSessions W
DTMFMethod W
DTMFMethodG711 W
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.RTP. P
LocalPortMin W
LocalPortMax W
TelephoneEventPayloadType W
Enable W
Status R
CallState R
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Codec. P
TransmitCodec R
ReceiveCodec R
TransmitBitRate R
ReceiveBitRate R
TransmitSilenceSuppression R
ReceiveSilenceSuppression R
TransmitPacketizationPeriod R
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Codec.List.{i}. P
EntryID R
Codec R
BitRate R
PacketizationPeriod W
SilenceSuppression W
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Session.{i}. P
SessionStartTime R
SessionDuration R
FarEndIPAddress R
FarEndUDPPort R
LocalUDPPort R
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.Stats. P
ResetStatistics W
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsLost R
Overruns R
Underruns R
IncomingCallsReceived R
IncomingCallsAnswered R
IncomingCallsConnected R
IncomingCallsFailed R
OutgoingCallsAttempted R
OutgoingCallsAnswered R
OutgoingCallsConnected R
OutgoingCallsFailed R
CallsDropped R
TotalCallTime R

SIPEndpoint:1 Profile

The SIPEndpoint:1 profile for the VoiceService:1 data model is defined as the union of the Endpoint:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is VoiceService:1.0.

Name Requirement
VoiceService.{i}.Capabilities.SIP. P
Role R
Extensions R
Transports R
URISchemes R
EventSubscription R
ResponseMap R
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.SIP. P
ProxyServer W
ProxyServerPort W
ProxyServerTransport W
RegistrarServer W
RegistrarServerPort W
RegistrarServerTransport W
UserAgentDomain W
UserAgentPort W
UserAgentTransport W
OutboundProxy W
OutboundProxyPort W
Organization W
RegistrationPeriod W
RegisterExpires W
UseCodecPriorityInSDPResponse W
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.SIP. P
AuthUserName W
AuthPassword W

MGCPEndpoint:1 Profile

The MGCPEndpoint:1 profile for the VoiceService:1 data model is defined as the union of the Endpoint:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is VoiceService:1.0.

Name Requirement
VoiceService.{i}.Capabilities.MGCP. P
Extensions R
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.MGCP. P
CallAgent1 W
CallAgentPort1 W
CallAgent2 W
CallAgentPort2 W
RetranIntervalTimer W
MaxRetranCount W
RegisterMode W
LocalPort W
Domain W
User W
AllowPiggybackEvents W
SendRSIPImmediately W
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.MGCP. P
LineName W

H323Endpoint:1 Profile

The H323Endpoint:1 profile for the VoiceService:1 data model is defined as the union of the Endpoint:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is VoiceService:1.0.

Name Requirement
VoiceService.{i}.Capabilities.H323. P
FastStart R
H235AuthenticationMethods R
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.H323. P
Gatekeeper W
GatekeeperPort W
GatekeeperID W
TimeToLive W
H235Authentication W
AuthPassword W
SendersID W
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}.H323. P
H323ID W

TAEndpoint:1 Profile

The TAEndpoint:1 profile for the VoiceService:1 data model is defined as the union of the Endpoint:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is VoiceService:1.0.

Name Requirement
VoiceService.{i}.VoiceProfile.{i}.Line.{i}. P
PhyReferenceList W
VoiceService.{i}.PhyInterface.{i}. P
PhyPort R
InterfaceID R

Generated by Broadband Forum bbfreport v2.2.0 (2024-07-23 version) on 2024-09-04 at 10:40:13 UTC. –output –format markdown tr-104-1-1-0.xml

Table of Contents